The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 28, 1916, Image 1

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NOVEMBER 28, L916.
No. 91
Miss Theo Sahwaigor returned to
day from a short visit with rolutlvos
In Kearney.
W. P. Snyder roturned this morning
from a business trip to the east part
of tho state.
Mrs. Ora Sailor left last evening
for oastorn towns to remain for a
week or longor.
Mrs. Frank Barnell, son and daugh
ter returned lasf evening from a visit
In eastern polnrs.
Dr. Mario 'Ames will .leave this ev
ening for Chicago to visit friends and
transact business.
Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Moroy loavd this
evening for Hastings to spend Thanks
giving with relatives.
J. E. Sebastian left this morning on
a buslncs trip t6 Northport and other
towns on the branch.
Conrad . Ainon,- of Hastings, arrived
hero a few days ago to visit his daugh
tor Mrs J. J. Gettman.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Miss Juno Burgnor, of Grand Island,
came up last, evening to visit with her
sister, Mrs. Fred Louden.
Miss Myrtlo Shane, of Sutherland,
is expected hero tomorrow to attend
the BonhamTRlcheson wedding.
Mrs. James Leonard 'has returned to
Oshkosh after a visit with local
friends. She was formerly a resident
Paul Oostrlck of Ilershcy, and Miss
Mabel McVencill, of this city, were
married Saturday afternoon by County
Judge Grant.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Gill who wore
visiting their daughter Mrs. S. R.I
Derryberry returned to their home in J
Gandy Sunday.
O. H. Thoelccke Is expected to re-!
turn this evening from a business1
-vlelfr In Omitlin nrwl ntlidr nnlnta In I
eastern Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. H. .Winters, of Key
stone, Avero among the out of town
guests at the Flynn-Haggerty wed'-1
ding this morning. I
Mrs. John Monick, of Fremont, will
arrive here tomorrow evening to visit
her mother Mrs. Charles Llerk, Sr.,
for a week or so.
Miss Nell Wright, ono of the Junior
High school teachers will leave for
Lincoln tofoiorrbw owning to visit
relatives until Monday.
The people of the Swedish Emanuel
Congregation wish to thank the people
of North Platte for tho success and
patronage given them at their oyster,
supper at the K. P. hall on last Satur-.;
uay evening.
Tho A. K. Chapter P. E. 0'. ro 111 meot
with Mrs. F. W. Rlnckor Wednesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Attorney Albert Muldoon returned
this morning frbm Omaha whore he
"transacted business for soveral days.
Miss Luclllo Wilcox, who has been
attending tho state university, came
home this morning to spend tho
Thanksgiving holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L McDowoll and
children, formerly of this city, arrived
hero from eastern points last even
ing to visit local friends.
Tho Et-A-Vlrp club tondored a sur
prise kitchen shower to Mrs. James
Konnftdv VBHtnnlnv nftnrnnhn. A nloati.
anc afternoon was spont by all pres-l
Mrs. Fed Barrett, of Green River,
formerly of this city, 'Who had beon
soriously 111 for some time, is greatly
Tho Lutheran aid society will meet
this afternoon at four o'clock in the
parish house. Business of importance
js to be transacted.
Everything now In Jewelry, sllvor
waro and novelties. Will nnnrnninto n
share of your patronage. j
C. M. AUSTIN, Jeweler, I
. Corner Front and Dowey.'
Friends in town have received cards
announcing tho marriage of Miss Clara
ATflTlllp. mill niinrloc .Tpnlntn nh niilrnnf'
wa.w va.H.awu u 1 1 U t It k b Willi. L j 11
on Saturday, Nov. 25th. The groom
was formerly employed In tho local
machine shops.
Governor-elect Neville goes to Kear-
noy today where ho will attend a ban-i
quet and reception tendered him by
tho peoplo of that city. Tho banquet,
will be held at tho Midway hotel, fol-i
lowed by an Informal reception at IhtfJ
opera house, where short addresses'
will bo delivered by Mr. Ndvllle. Judco
Howard of ColumbUs and others'.
We always have tho following: Bran,
snorts, oats, corn; barley, prairie and
alfalfa hay. Remember us when order
C. T. Whelan has Installed a kitchen-
servo lunches during tlie day and'
ette with a chef In charge and will
evening, making a specialty of noon
day lunches. Tables and chairs suf
ficient to seat twelve or more have
been provided. If tho venture proves
a success greater accommodations
will, bo provided.
Tho domestic science department, of
the Twentieth Century club mot yes
terday aftornoon with Mrs. Frank Bu
chanan. Mrs. M. E. Scott acted as
leader, and read an interesting paper.
Talks on labor saving utensils and
kitchen arrangements wero given by
Mcsdamos E. A. Garlichs, Mary Elder
and Miss Josephine O'Hare, The
hostess demonstrated and served
"Minerva Wafers."
Dr. J. S. Tvnlnom will erect a two
story building 44x132 feet on his va
cant lots cast of tho Brodhock build
ing on Fifth street. Plans
for tho building nro about completed,
and the contract will bo let at onco.
It Is hoped to have tho building com
plotcd not later than tho first of
March. Dr. Twlnoni reachod this de
cision to build tho later part of last
week when a reprosontatlvo of the
Golden Rule Co., iwihtoh operatos a
chain of ovor ono hundred stores In
tho country, made an offor to lease the
entire ground floor of the building.
Tho lease was formally signed this
morning, so thero is no question as
to tho orectlon of tho building. The
Golden Rule Co., which has stores at
Hastings and Grand Islnnd, has for
two years made attempts to got Into
North Platto, but heretofore wero un
nblo to secure a building. The Gold
en Rule stores handlo dry goods,
clothing, notions and shoos.
Tho building to bo erected will be
pr&sed brick front, with heating plant
nnd tho specifications will call for tho
host material obtainable. The second
floor will bo devoted principally to
offices, tho Doctor occupying a suite
planned especially for his needs,
Thero will also bo four suites of rooms
for thoBO desiring good living condi
tions in tho business section of the
York Will ho Hero Thursday.
Tho foot ball team of tho York hisrh
school will bo hero for a gamo with
tho locals Thanksgiving Day. Tho com
ing visitors aro touted as a .strong
team, but the North Platte boys In
spired rather nan discouraged by
their dofeat at Lincoln, will glvo
tho Yorkites a battle that promises
to send them homo wearing crape.
If you had' married tho most beau
tiful girl that you had over seen In all
your life, after a romantic courtship
In which you nover even stopped to
ask hor who she was or where -she
camo from, nnd If, aftor you had boen
married only a short tlmo, every bit
of evidence that you could find point
ex! to the fact that sho had betrayed
you and stolon war plans with which
ynu had beon entrusted for a foreign
scy would "you believe her guilty?
This .Is tho situation in "Diplomacy"
In which; Mario Doro stars at tho
Crystal Thursday night.
Forget flio "Jilght linrc boons" nnd
act no)V and Insure with Wooillmrsl's
Insurance Agency.
Albert Schntz roturned this morn
ing from Omaha, andi Lincoln whore
ho visited since Friday.
Miss Mata Paulson, who had been
visiting In tho eastern part of this
state, returned home last evening.
Financial Troubles tit Tho Fill, i
. An n.sosult of tho tormlnntlon of nn
ejeotmtnt suit brought by Julius Hnh
lor ngalnRt P. II. Lonorgnn, tho Pnt
thoatro was closed yostorday. Tho dis
position of tho play houso Is not at
this tlmo known. Mr. Lonergun may
mako arrangements to pay off the
mortgoge of $900 held by Mr. Hahlor
and r-opon. or Mr. Hahlor mny fore
close tho mortgage uud offor tho prop
arty for sa& Tho ftjectmont pro- j
ccedlngs wore brought for non-payment
of rent, and tho $9G0 mortgngo
hold by Mr. HaWor represents rout
and bills of repair contracted by Mr.
Lonergan which the former guaran
teed payment. When Mr. Lonorgnn
took possession of iho room ho ro
modelod the Interior at quite nn ox
ponso. and ho did this with lack of
finances, and In paying for thoso he
I bocamo delinquent In tho rent. lie
ilolrolms fchat tflio I'urnlshlngs ' Rtind
him $2,700, and 'that If allowed to
' contlnuo to oporafo could In six
months liquidate his ontlro indebted
ness. Lonergan seems to bo an all
nrjound hustler, and It Is probablo
that sooner or lator ho Milll bo back
in -tho bu!noss.
: :o: :
3lrs. 3Iiit(licws Fusses Away
Airs. Henrlotta Matthows, aunt of T.
M, 'Collagen, died Friday aftornoon nt
Ihdf'oro of about olehtv vears. Death
"woe' due to ailments incident to nd
vuucpu ago nnu nor ueain was not un
expected. Sho was born In Jefforson
City, Mo., and lived In Missouri until
about four years ago whon hor nophow
brought her to his homo und at hor re
quest bullti her a small houso adjoin
ing his homo 'whore sho lived very hap
pily and contonted. Funoral servlco
was conducted Sunday nftornoon bv
.Mrs. Lanyon. of tho Christian Sclonco
Society, nnd tho remains laid to rest
I t Al.L T' ..11. T11.ll
: iu uiu iNunu I'HHio cenioiery.
.. Tho Thnnksglvlng program at tho
Keith win bp thcJManglo which will
i consist of "No" Good Guy" and "A
Dash of Courage." This is an es
pecial comody. program. In "No Good
Guy" Wllllo Colllor appears as a do
tectlvo who couldn't detect a 'thunder
storm unless ho was struck by light-,
nlng. But aside from tho comody In
this 5 reol story will be a really good
theme with suro enough thrlllB. Har
ry Grlbbon stars In tho tiwlo reol com
ody "A Dash of Courage.1'
Mr. and Mrs. Honry Waltomath and
daughters Alum and Holon loft yostor
day for Blair to attend tho wedding
of their son William to Miss Margarot
Thero will be a fancy work boohh,
a candy booth, a pure, food booth,
a pnrcol post booth and a Larkln booth
at tho Presbyterian fair and supper
Dec. 7th.
Harry Worrell, for a nuumbor of
years a rosldont of Sutherland but
now living In Omnhti, spont Saturday
In town as a witness In n case In tho
district court.
Mrs. C. II. Humphroy, of Falls City,
spont Saturday iwlth Mrs. J..H. Hog
arty on business" pertaining to the
Twentieth Contury olub of whjch Mrs.
Hogarty Is the proaldont.
A diamond will Inst a llfr tlm p nml
Is always a Joy to Its possessor. Our
iiiamonus wore purchased before tho
recent udVlincu. Our iirli'tfei urn ni-
'tractive, ' HARRY DION,'
Jenvoler and Optometrist.
Last week twentv-nno ilnllnt-n wncfli
of clears, tobacco, r.niiilv. phnwltir-
gum nnd plpos wero sont from tho
Huffman cigar stortv by local men to
tho boys of Company E who will spond
inanitsgiving on tiio bonior.
Farm and Ranch loans nt lowest
rates nnd best terms. Money on hand
to close tonus promptly.
Miss Roaahnlln WUnnn. wlin liml
boon employed In tho nltoratlon depart
ment, oi tno uiocic storo ror sowrnl
WOOlCS. loft SntlirilllV nvnntmr fnr
Kearney to visit relatlvoa after mhlch
sho will spond sovoral wooks In Port-
Thanksgiving Services
At tho Episcopal church Thursday
morning two services of tho H8ly
Eu'clTarlHt. tho first nt nine o'clock,
tho second at ton o'clock. All aro In
vited. ::o".:
Union Thanksgiving Service.
Union Thanksgiving services will
be held at the Lutheran church noxt
Thursday forenoon. Roy. Hull, of tho
Baptist church will deliver tho ser
in "
$10,000 Fur Display on
Living Models
Free Display for every woman who has longed for a handsome set of Frs .or a
Fur Coat. Don't miss this' Advance Style Show of
1855 .
Wednesday, November 29.
TN addition to our own large stock of latest designs in Furs we will show on living
models a Special Sale stock of $10,000 made up of the newest models of the fa-
mous Albrecht Furs. The lamest.
beautiful Furs ever seen in this city.
most complete and varied stock of
The special representative of the Bouse of dlbrecht, in Saint Paul,
will assist in this Grand Exhibition and Sale.
Prices are Lower than for Years
This is your Fur buying opportunity. On account of the European war Furs arc
much cheaper this season owing to lack of demand for American skins in the fashion
centers ot Europe. Buy right now and make a big saving. At least come .in and get in
touch with the newest and latest 6tyles in Furs.
Wilcox Department Store.
H lV SrR, Jj a7 HH HUH
Tho local traveling mon will hold
tho third of their sorlos ot social
nt tho Masonic hall Friday evening.
Hugh Merrltt returned last night
from a tAo weeks' visit at Sterling,
Colo. Ho was accompanied lton'io by
his daughter, Mrs. Albort Mnupln.
Mrs. Wnltor O'Connor returned from
Denver Saturday ovonlng very much
Improved In honlth. Sho had boon talc
ing treatment thoro for several 'weeks
Wo dont't deliver In quantities of
loss than 500 lbs., or 5 bu., but It
puya to buy of uu In thoso quantities.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Qusloff, proprietors
of tho Nobraska hotol at Excelsior
Springs. Mo., anivod hero last oVon
lug to nttond tho marriage ot their
nteco Miss Kathleen I'Mynn.
Mlssos Elvn'Day, Dorothy Hubbard
and Esthor Schwulgor, who aro attend
ing tho Kearney Normal, will como
homo tomorrow to spond Thanksgiv
ing. Don't fall to bco our new pleated
Sorgo Drosses, they are certainly ad
mired by everybody for tholr attract
iveness In stylo nnd price both.
This offlco hns rocolvcd n card an
nouncing tho mnrrlngo of Ralph W.
Graham to Gladys Elinor Brooks at
Downors Grovo, 111., last Saturday. Mr.
Grahnni Is tho son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Goo
M. Graham, formerly of this city, and
for a year or two past has been living
in Chicago.
Tho Sunday World-Hornld dovotos a
pago to "A Glimpse of tho Family
of tho Governor-olect," giving sovoral
'pictures of Mrs. Novlllo and tho llko
nossos ot tho three llttlo daughtors.
Tho wrlto-up was furnlslred by Miss
Edna Sullivan, Tho Tribune's local
Fresh From the Garden of Eden
For Your Thanksgiving Dinner
Fresh Fruits 'and Vegetables that will
Tempt the Most Critical Taste.
The weather of late has been fust right for the grow
ing of the finest Lettuce, Radishes, Parsley, Egg Plant,
Pascal Celery and Sweet Mangoes. We wore fortunate in
securing for our Thanksgiving Trade a large supply Qf
these vegetables by placing our order early and receiving
nothing but the best of the stock.
It is the season, too, for tho California Navel Oranges,
they are at their best. Large, Sweet NavelOranges at
30c, 40c and 60c a dozen, Also large sizelprlda Oranges,
very sweet-
Do you know why there is such a wonderful tang to the.
juice of grape fruit, and why this delightful fruit has such ;
tonicy properties? Some one has suggested it is because'
our Grape Fruit comes pedigreed to us direct from the Gar
den of Eden through tho shaddocks known in the east as 4
Eve's Apple. Try our Dr. Payne's Grape Fruit for. break
fast Thanksgiving morning and notice how much bettor
you will feel the rest of the day.
"Seal Brand"
Is Knownas the Best Coffee
Thanksgiving Dinner
NORTH to Alaska
SOUTH to the Rio Grande
EAST to the Atlantic
WEST to the Pacific?
Here's Where Quality Talks,
Lierk-Sandall Co,
Store Closed All Day Thanksgiving.