THE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. 10 CANVASS VOTES BOARD WILL MEET LATE IN THE MONTH STATUTES AREJONFUCTING Items of General Interest Gatnnred From Reliable Sources Around the State House. V7itern Newspaper Union News Service, Secrotary of State Pool Is still re ceiving official roturnB from counties and Is preparing to have tho returns tabulated for the information of all concerned and for tho use of the state canvassing board. The law provides that tho canvass ing board, consisting of tho governor, secrotary of state, auditor, treasurer nnd attorney general shall meet tho third Monday after tho olectlon. Tho election Is hold tho first Tuesday In Novomber. It came this yonr Novem ber 7, so under tho law tho official mooting of tho state canvassing board will not tako place until November 27. ThlB will not prevent tho secrotary of tato from having all the returns tabulated long before tho offlclal days set for tho canvass, Two conflicting sections of tho stat ute, nelthor of which appears to havo over been repealed, niako It uncertain what tho state canvassing board Is to do. It Is likely that It has nothing to do except canvass tho vote on tho prohibitory amendment and the liar man food amendment. Ono section relates to tho duties of the stato board at a tlmo when annual general eloctlons woro held. Biennial elections aro now hold undor nn amendment to tho constitution. Ono section of tho statuto suys tho stato canvassing board shall canvass tho voto cast for prosldontlnl electors, judges of tho supreme and district courts, and ro gents of tho university, and also for executive officers chosen In tho odd numbered years, Anothor section of the statuto says tho votes cast for govornor and other oxocutlvo stato officers, railway commissioners, choico for United States senator and for president and vice president shall be canvassed by tho legislature. Both statutes are of tho output of 1807. Presidential electors meet at' Lin coln at noon tho Saturday preceding the second Monday In January and report to tho govornor. Tho electors hold a second mooting tho second Monday in January and proceed to tho election In conformity with 'tho constitution of tho United States and forward thoir vote to Washington. Boosting Langhorst for Job FrlondB of L. P. Langhorst, chair man of tho democratic stato central comralttoo during tho campaign Just closod, are said to bo grooming him for tho position of deputy food com missioner, to succeed Charles 13. Harman. Mr. Langhorst in private Ufa Is a morchant at Elmwood, Cass county, and has distinguished htmsolt Homo- what In paBt years by tho excollont organization ho had had in his homo county. Ho was Bolectod as the most avallablo man by tho domocrats of the state last summor. If Mr. liar nian's amendment had carrlod It Is qulto likely ho would havo been ro appointed, but tho fatluro of tho amendment loaves tho position moro open. During his Incumbency In office Mr. Harman, who la from Holdrcgo, has boon aggresBlvo In tho onforcomont of tho puro food laws of the stato. Tho office of tho Btato printing com mission is llkoly to bo vacated soon by Eugono A. Walrath, who, It la un derstood, Is to be a candidate again for secrotary of tho Bonato. Tom, Palmar, former chief clerk In tho offlce of tho stato veterinarian, has boon mentioned for tho place Hunters Anxious to Obey the Law R, P. Holland, a fodoral same In npector. who Is now un In tho Hand hills Investigating roportB of Illegal Biaugntor or gamo birds In that reg ion, says that ho finds In thin territory that huntors gonerally are nnxioui to oboy tho law, and he has found very fow Instances of shooting out of season or of kills In axcesn of thn legal limit. Holland took a rap at siaio jaw which prescribe certain klndB of blinds and docoys for bird snooting as being superfluous. Commissioner 11, Q. Taylor. Secre tary Thorno Browne and Rate Export u. o, Howell made a trip pvor tho wymoro division of tho Burllncton last wook, checking ud tho car rec ords at as many stations as posslblo It has been suggested to tho car riers that tho distribution of empty merchandlso sot-offs bo controlled by tho chief dispatchers In order to equal izo tho number Instead ot leaving It to tho discrimination of trainmen Tho members of tho communion In dlcato tnat this was not bolng dono as it should be. State Ranks High lrT Average Yield According to tho preliminary report of tho United States department of agriculture, Nebraska ranks fourth in avorago of yields por aero of all crops combined nnd duly wolghod. Tho stato having tho highest avorago yield is 21.8 por cent above its avor age. whllo Nebraska is 13.0 nnr ., abovo and for all states It Is 4.9 por ' cent oeiow mo avorago. In total pro ductlbn, Nebraska ranks second In Winter wheat, third in corn and fourth in oats. Evidently Considers Building Snfe The fnct that J. II. Craddock, a profession architect, one of tho twelve democrats chosen to represent Doug las county In tho legislature, and who was uppolntod by Governor More head and the state board of educa tional lands and buildings to co-op erato with Stato Engineer Johnson In a report on tho conditions of rep resentative hall, has selected a seat In the danger zone, is considered prima facie evldenco that tho hall is safe, or at least that ho deems It safo. It Is noticed, however, that Mr. Craddock solected a seat on tho north sldo of the hall, far from tho sink ing south walls, and close to an exit Into tho chief dork's office. Eleven Douglas representatives will sit in a group. Jerry Howard, tho twelfth Douglaa representative, refusos to associate with tho other "apostles" from Omaha whom ho says wero choson by big business. He will sit by himself in tho front row. Telephone Company Takes Appeal An appeal has beon filed In tho No- braska supremo court by the Lincoln Telephone nnd Tolograph Co. from a ruling of tho Johnson county district court In a domurrcr filed covering tho valuation of tho company's property In that county as returned by the assossor. Tho company offered a valuation of $103,000, which the assessor refusod to accept, nnd listed it at $172,225. Aftor this had boon dono tho tolo graph company wont before tho coun ty board and asked for tho substitu tion of its own figures. Tho board refused to accept tho figures by a voto of two to throo, and tho company has carried its light to district court, whore, falling, it ap pealed. To Work With State University Prank Ringer, secretary of tho Ne braska manufacturers' association, told members of tho Lincoln Rbtary club ot a recent weekly luncheon, that stops aro bolng taken to bring about moro effective co-oporatlon be tween Nebraska industries and the University of Nebraska. Mr. Hingor said that tho lnlluonco of tho univer sity In promoting modorn manufactur ing methods should bo as great as its Influence In Increasing agricultural efficiency. Chancellor Samuel Avory of tho university, Mr. Ringer said, will at tond tho convention of tho stato man ufacturers' association In Omaha, and discussed tho plans undor way to havo retail dealers of tho state at tend, special lecturo sessions at tho university during thoir convention In Lincoln noxt spring. Candidates for the Speakership It is understood around tho Btato houso that Qcorgo Jackson of Nol eon,' spoakor last year, will bo a candldato again. Against him, It Is said, will run J. A. OUIs, ot Ord, a stato senator at tho last sosston, who this yoar was elected to the houso. Mr. Ollls Is president of tho stato board of agriculture, and was ru mored at fair tlmo to bo aspiring to tho posltlou hold by Secrotary , W. R. Mellor, which provides a comfort ablo salary. A third candidate Is C. W. Trumblo, . of Sherman county. Goorgo W. Potts, chlof clerk of tho houso at tho last session, Is under stood to bo a candldato ngaln. Leo Motcalfo, ot Omaha, is said to bo another aspirant to that olllco. or to an assistant clorkBhlp. Grain Firm Files Complaint Tho firm ot Loynold & Wlckstrum, grain and hay shlppors with honrquar tors at Horshoy, Lincoln county, do ing business at Hon different statloni on tho Union Pacific road, including North Platto, haa wearied of filing In formal complaints asking for box cars nnd has filed a formal complaint with the stato railway commission, Tho complaint differs from any yet lllod in that it asks tho stato commission to Issuo an order requiring tho rail road compnny to furnish v sufficient equipment to caro for its business and to ordor tho railroad company to fur nlsh tho complainant at loast twonty cars each day for tho Bhlpment of hay to Wyoming. Tho question bt sending hundreds of ompty cars out of Nobraska on tho Union Pacific linos to Oregon haB boon settled. Tho company has sent out nil tho cars necessary and Informed tho railway commission that It would abldo by tho ordor of tho Nebraska railway commission to Bot tle tho car shortage In thts state. Tho Missouri Pacific railroad has gtvon notice to tho railway commls slon nnd attornoy gonoral that it will fllo a request Tuosday with Prank Gaines, mastor In chancery, to set u (Into for tho taking ot further testl niony In the suit ot tho railroad com' puny to sot nsldu tho two-cent fnro law In Nebraska. Undor an ngreomont ontored into by Chairman Clarke, ot tho railway commission, tho dato for sotting a dato for tho taking of tost! many is put over until ono wook from Tuesday. A dato in December will probably bo sot. Oil Inspection Fees Highest Ever Oil Inspection toes for tho month ot October, colloctod by tho stato puro food department, amount to $12, 008.16, tho largost ot any previous month In tho history of tho depart ment, according to tho report ot Food Commissioner Clarence E. Harman. During Uio month Commissioner Harman, through his Inspectors, con tinued the war he Is waging against patent modlclnoB and ordered oft salo 3.231 packages, chiefly nostrums nnd remedies. This order affected from ninety to 100 firms In tho state U-BOAT RAMS TUG DEUTOCHLAND COLLIDES WITH CRAFT ACTING AS CONVOY WHILE LEAVING U. S. ALL MEMBERS OF CREW DIE Captain Hlnsch of Interned Steamer Only One on Board Small Boat Saved Diver Is damaged and Re turns to New London, Conn. New Loudon, Conn., Nov. 20. Flvo HveH were lost when the German sub marine iieutschlutul, which left port on Friday morning for Bremen rammed nnd sent to tho bottom with Its crew of live the tug T. A. Scott, Jr., one of Its two convoying tugs. After the necldent the Deutsclilnnd returned to this port. The only person on the tug saved was Cnpt. Fred Hlnsch of tho Gorman Interned liner Necknr. The tug, which belonged to tho T. A. Scott Wrecking company went to the bottom. flio list of dead Includes: Capt. John Uurney; William A. Cttton, engi neer; Edwurd Stone, llremun; Clar ence B. Davison, cook; Eugeuo Duzurt, deckhand. The Deutsclilnnd returned to Its dock hore at 5:15 a. m. in eddy caused the accident, ac cording to Capt. Harry Baker of the ug Cnssle, the other convoy of tho submarine. The Cnssle was traveling about half n mile astern of tho Deutsclilnnd, whllo the "Scott und Uio submarine were moving almost abreast. Tho sen was cnlm, Captain Baker said, and conditions wero nor mnl. Tho Scott cnrrlcd the usual lights, but the Deutsclilnnd had only its headlight und two side lights. The tide was running almost full und when ubout seven miles west of Race rock they struck an eddy, which twisted them about nnd out of control. Then they came togcthdr. Ho heard tho crash. Cuptnin Baker said that -when tho collision occurred ho at onco beaded for tho spot On arriving there ho saw Captain Hlnsch In tho water and took him on board the Casslc. Earlier reports had It that Hlnsch had been rescuod by the Dcutschland. Henry G. Hllken of Baltimore, pres ident of the Eustern Forwarding com pany, snM that so far as he knew the only damage the Deutsclilnnd suffered was a twisted stem. It was learned Inter, however, that tho undersea boat has In Its how at least one nolo about twenty Inches square. A portable forgo was taken down to tho pier and tho hole Is being patched. Capt. V. A. Fones, shore superin tendent of the Scott company, tu charge of tho repairs, said the Dcutschland might bo ready to leavo within two or three days. Captulu Kocnlg of tho Deutsclilnnd nppeurcd pule nnd shaken as he stepped ashoro from his vessel on Its return. He refused to talk about tho collision. "The ncclaent happened nil In n minute," according to a member of the Deutschlund's crow, who tulkcd brief ly ubout it. Tho tug, ho said, got In front of the submarine und tho Dcutschland struck It In tho stern, lifting It so far out of the water that tho tug's noso went under. Tho Dcutnchlnnd drew out of Its pocket at the pier of tho Eastern For warding company ut 1:110 o'clock hi the morning, accompnnlcd by tho tugs T. A. Scott, Jr., and tho Alert of the T. A. Scott Wrecking company, sub- agents ot tho Eastern Forwarding company. It carried u cargo valued at $2,000,000, consisting of nickel, rub ber and silver burs. LABOR OPPOSES WILSON PLAN Federation Unanimously Declares Against Any Law Making Rail Strike Illegal. Baltimore. Md., Nov. 20. Tho Amer ican Federation of Labor by a uunnl mous vote on Friday declared against that provision of President Wilson's legislative program "mnklng illegal any railroad strlko or lockout prior to the Investigation of the merits of tho case." A conindtteo report, which wns adopted, recommended that tho con vention "take nn unequivocal posltlou ngntnst compulsory Institutions nnd In favor of maintenance of tho Insti tutions and opportunities for free dom." ROOSEVELT TO VISIT FIJIS Will Also Make Journey to the Sa moan and Hawaiian Islands Wife to Accompany Him. Now York, Nov. 20. Theodore Roosevelt will make it trip to the FIJI Snmonn and Hawaiian Islands In Feb ruary, it was announced. It was said tnui Airs, uoosoveit win accompany him. American Schooner Is Lost Washington, Nov. 20. It wns report ed to the nnvy depurtmeut that the American schooner Fred H. Davenport wns wrecked in u storm off Capo Fran els, Porto Rico, und three members of her crow aro missing. Reduces Size to Aid Britain. London. Nov. 20. To assist tho irnv emmcnt's offorts toward n maximum economy In the use of shlnnlm? thn London Dally News announces that It will cut down the ulzo of Its Issues to six pages. THE END OF REG, PARDON RUT VOU'LL HANP I HAVF iWHO El Paso Time. WILL FIGHT RAIL LAW OFFICIAL SAYS RAILROADS WON'T SHIFT RESPONSIBILITY. Kansas City Man to Aid U. S. In Bat tle Against Carriers on Adam son Law. Chicago, Nov. 18. Every railroad In tho country will fight tho Adnmson eight-hour law and awnlt nn interpre tation of Its meaning, If It Is found constitutional, according to a promi nent Chicago railroad man. Tho offi cial made this statement following the filing of new suits attacking the con stitutionality of tho law and asking In junctions to prevent Its enforcement Tho Chicago & Alton railroad filed a suit In Chicago on Wednesday, whllo tho Pennsylvania railroad began sim ilar action in the federal court nt Phil adelphia and the Now York Central be gan action In New York. Washington, Nov. 17. Suits by rail roads nttneklug the constitutionality of the eight-hour railroad law were begun In many parts of the country nnd the department of Justice laid plans to defend them. i Tho department on Wednesday Is sued this Btutcmcnt: "A large number of suits attacking tho constitutionality of the Adamson law have been Instituted In vnrlous parts of tho United States. The de partment of Justice will take direct charge of theso cases, and Frank ling erman of Kansas City, Mo., has been retained to assist In their prepara tion and trial." Prompt und flnnl decision by 'the Su premo court of constitutionality of tho law Is possible under federal court practice, It was stated by lawyers fu miliar with federal precodure. DARI0 RESTA WINS RACE Smashes All Records for Event and Also for Santa Monica Course Cooper Finishes Second. Santa Monica, Cal., Nov. 18. Smash ing to fragments all previous records for the Vnnderbllt cup race nnd also for tho Santa Monlcn course on Thurs day, Darlo Ilestu, In n Peugeot, won tho eleventh annual event In 3:22:48 3-5. nn average of 80.00 miles an hour. Tho previous time for tho 294-m!le contest wns set on tho same course In 1014 by Ralph DePnlma, who ne gotiated the dlstnnce nt nn average of 75.40 miles an hour. Altkcn nnd his Peugeot went out In tho twentieth Inp with a broken valve. Earl Cooper, In n Stutz. who stuyed nt second or third throughout tho race, llnlshed second. Wllllum Welghtman, a millionaire Chi cago sportsmun, drove his Dusenberg to third money. ORDER TROOPS FROM BORDER Indiana and Wisconsin Regiments Among Those Withdrawn From Service Along Rio Grande. Washington, Nov. 18. Flvo Nation al Guard regiments were ordered homo from tho Mexican border on Thursday They aro the First regiment of South Carolina, Suventh New York, Third In diana, Third Wisconsin and Third Minnesota. In n statement announcing the order tho war department wild It was in continuation of tho policy "announced some tlmo ago gradually to withdraw Natlonnl Guard regiments from the border ns conditions permit, and, In accordance with the recommendations of General Funston, theso regiments have been ordered home." Fire Destroys Railway Station. San Bernardino, Cal., Nov. 20. Fire here destroyed tho big Suntn Fc stn tlon nnd several of tile car shops, caus ing loss estimated nt $225,000. Twelvo passenger conches In courso of con structlon were burned. War to Last Another Year. New York. Nov. -20. The war In Eu ropo will Inst nt least another vonr. according to Frederick Palmer, war correspondent, who arrived hereon tho lloiiniid-Amerlcan liner NIeuw Amstcrdnm. THE BENCH Y TO rF T OFF .SOME PRIFNn.S WISH TO SIT HERE REPLY ON BLACKLIST! GREAT BRITAIN fcFSENTS SUSPI CION AS TO MOTIVE. Denies That Rights of Neutrals Un der International Law Have Been Ruthlessly Canceled. Washington, Nov. 10. Tho British reply to tho lntest, American note pro testing ngalnst the trnde blacklist, made public on Wednesday by the state department, denies that rights of neutral traders under International law have been ruthlessly canceled, de fines the blacklist measures as a muni cipal regulation plainly concerning only the British government nnd Brit ish citizens, contends that ltls de signed to shorten thewar and scorns the suspicion that Britain is using the war as a measure to take away neu trals' trade. The note falls to meet the Ameri can demand that tho names of Ameri can Arms be stricken from tho black list, but attempts to convince the stnte department thnt the British position Is Just and founded on law. It leaves open the door for further ncgotatlon, which Is expected to follow. A part which attracted much offi cial notice dealt with the subject of peace, based on the theory thnt ,ono American contention had been that there exists no military necessity for the blnckllst; that nothing which hap pens in distant neutral countries can influence tho result of the great con flict. In Its argument the note points out thnt German business houses through out tho world have furthered tho cause of Germnny In the war. The note apparently admits Britain has altered the posltlou preylously held with the United States, that domi cile and not nationality is the test of enemy character, and nrgues that in this war nutionnls or belligerents dom iciled far from homo may render grent aid and comfort, admitting that theso aro sought to be reached by tho black list measure. Attention Is called to Instructions to British merchnnts, Issued by Lord Rus sell In 1802 regnrdlng trade with tho Bahamas during the Civil war, advis lng that the "true remedy" was to re fruln from this trade. MEXICANS FREE U. S. SCOUT Benjamin Brahan Declares He Was Threatened With Death for Aid In General Pershing. El Paso, Tex., Nov. 17. After being In tho Juarez Jail since November 7, during which time he expected to bo shot ns n Villa spy, Benjamin Brahun was released on Wednesday at tho military headquarters In Juarez and enmo to the American sldo of tho river. " Brnhnu said he knew of no reason why ho was arrested other than that lie was n scout for General Pershing In Mexico. Ho said: "I was not told officially that I wns to bo shot, but I was given to understand I would bo executed After Andreas Garcia took an Interest in my case I wu:. treuted much -bet ter." Robbers Take $6,700 From Bank. WulsenburK. Colo.. Nov. 18. (Jnln Inn entrance through nn abandoned chimney holo In tho celling, covered over with luth nuu plaster for soma time, robbers broke Into the First Na tional bank here, dynamited the safe and got awny with $0,700, mostly In sll ver. 33 Ships Sunk Without Notice. London, Nov. 18. Thirty-three ves sels have been sunk without wurnlng by submarines from Mny 15 to Novein ber 8, according to an admiralty un uouuecmcut, which adds that as u result ot this 140 lives wero lost. Electrlo Men Get Raise. Pittsburgh. Pn Nov. 18. Tho enl arlcs of between 3,000 und 4.000 olllco men and other salaried employees of tho Westlughouso Electric nnd Manu facturlng company, wero advanced about 12 per cent here. WnTOIB TOWN OF KENALI TAKEN FROM) BULGARIAN TROOPS BY EN TENTE ARMIES. EIGHT OTHER VILLAGES TAKEN Franco-Russ-Serblan Forces Continue Drive Against Foes Petrograd Says Von Mackensen Is Retreating Ber lin Reports Successes for Teutons. London, Nov. 18. Kcnnll, the key to Monnstlr, has fallen. An official Serbian dispatch from Salonlkl on Thursday declares thnt tho town, eight miles to the southwest of the objective of the Frnnco-Russ-Serblan udvnneo on tho western Macedonia front, which was defended by 15 miles of German trenches, has been abandoned. Tho Serbian offlclal communication, snys: "Wo continue to pursue the enemy on the left bank of the Cemn river.. Supported by fresh troops the enemy made n strong stand on the line of Iven-Ynrnshok. which had long since been fortified. After determined fight ing we succeeded In breaking serious ly Into this lino nt several points. The vlllnges of Chegel, Bnldentsl. Nego chnnl nnd Ynrnshok monnstery have- been wrested from tho enemy. "On the right bank of tho Cernti tho enemy has been compelled to aban don his principal lino of organized de fense nnd retire In tho direction of Monnstlr. The Bulgarians have been driven from tho villages of Bukrl, Gorn-Jcgrll, Sredno-Jegrl and Don- Jegrl, as well ns from tho town of Kennll. "Army group of Field Marshal von Mackensen Tho activity north of Campulung increased Along the roads lending southwnrd through Rother- thurm nnd Szurduk passes the Rou manians tennclously defended their own territory. Wo mnde progress and' captured five officers and more than 1,200 soldiers." Petrograd, Nov. 18. The war of fice nnnounces that Field Marshal von Mockenscn's nrray Is In retreat In Do- brudja, burning villages ns it fall back. On tho Transylvnnln front In tho region of Campulung, Roumnnla, fierce fighting is in progress. Sofln, Nov. 18. Tho retreat of the- German-Bulgnrlan forces in tho Cernn bend, under the nssaults of the .Ser bians, Is admitted in tho offlclnl state ment Issued by tho war office. 3 GERMANS KILLED BY VILLA. Bandit Leader Enraged by Display or Ears That He Cut From Car ranza Soldiers. El Paso, Tex., Nov. 18. Theodore- Hoemullcr, n mercllnnt of Pnrrnl, Chl hunhun, together with his wife nnd' baby, wero killed by Villa bandits- when Villa occupied Parral, a report received hero by- n Parral mining com pany states. Hoemuller Is said to bo n German subject. According to the report made to tho mlnlng company by a Chinese nnd Arab refugee from Parral, noemuller's execution was ordered because ho had1 permitted a display of 18 pairs of ears cut from Cnrrnnza soldiers, to gether with an Insulting letter against Villa, In the windows of his store la' Parral. The ears, the refugee said, had been, cut from Carranzn soldiers of tho Par ral garrison, captured by Villa's ban dits three months before.- WISCONSIN OFFICIAL RESIGNS- Attorney General Walter C. Owen,. Elected by Record Vote, Sends Resignation to Gov. Phllipp. Madison, Wis., Nov. 18. Walter C. Owen, nttornoy general, re-elected to that office by tho biggest vote cast for any candidate nt tho election on November 7, on Thursday sent his resignation to Governor Phllipp, to tnke effect In Jnnunry. The reason as given Is that Mr. Owen will Join n large legal firm nt the state capital. Mr. Owen wns being groomed to the suppeme court and wns ulso consid ered n likely cnndldnte for governor nt tho next election. His sudden resolve to give up nn olllco to which he hns Just been elected has caused much speculation In the stute. Mr. Owen was the nvowed leader of the La Fol letto fnctlon In Wisconsin. BISHOP C. E. CHENEY IS DEAD Noted Chicago Leader Succumbs After Fifty-Six Years of Service With One Church. Chicago, Nov. 17. Bishop Charles Edwnrd Cheney of the Chicago synod of tho Reformed Episcopal church, which lie helped establish, and for 50 years rector of Christ church, died on Wednesday in his eighty-first year. Shoots Down Twenty-One Airplanes. Paris, Nov. 20. Lieutenant Guyne mer of the French air corps, shot down his twenty-first airplane In a sky bat tle over tho Somme front, the war of flco announced. Fifty-four ulroin bnts took pluco along the front. Duma Re-Elects President. Petrograd, Nov. 20. Michael Vladl mlrovltch Rodzlnnko tins been re elected president of the dumn. M. Rodzlnnko has presided over the dumn since 1011. being re-elected ench year since that time.