Christmas A" Lasting 1 V T GLASSES l GLASSES THE QiM INVISIBLE BIFOCAL Give the sort of present that mikes tho Joy of Christmas last for years. With tho gifts on tho tree, hang a KRYPTOK Christmas Gift Certificate. KRYPTOK (pronounced Crlp-tock) Glasses havo tho appearance of sin gle vision glosses. There Is no Ill looking lino or seam across them as there Is across old-Btylo bifocals. Yet KRYPTOKS have two separate visions near, and far. KRYPTOKS end tho need of two pairs of glasses, and can bo worn all tho time for alj requirements of near and far vision. Our KRYPTC-K Christmas CortlflicrJ.e Plan Jmakes lit easy to glvo a gift that Is worth while. Come In and let us give you particu lars. CLINTON, Registered Optometrist. THE SIGN WITH ME BIG KING. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over tha McDonald State Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. tf. C. Askwlg was operated up on at tho City Hospital Wednesday for an external cancer. Mrs. A. G. Wesshurg and daughter Essie left Wednesday evening for Oma ha l.o spend several days. Mrs. H. P. Husband returned Wad nesday afternoon from a visit with lieu daughter in Grand Island. 1008 west Fourth street, Homeopatlo Hospitah Mrs. D. R. Mlover left Tuesday afternoon for Boone, Ia to remain for a week or longer with relatives. Tho markets ae tilled, wflth worth less.. merchandise. This' store abso lutely refuses to sell, them. We con sider our patrons' confidence our great est and chief asset. Tho LeaJder Mer cantile Co. REAL SERVICE Banking service, as .be lieved in and practiced by us, includes much more than is usually expected or &iven by a bank. The McDonald State Bank offers special services and conveniences much appriciat ed by its custumers, which it is your privilege to enjoy. We invite you to make a connection with this bank, thus obtaining the active co operation of our officers and our facilities. k :j l i i . 1 1 1 it 'SBom&L State Ba&k fcwil, I PfORVW PLATTE, NSSR, TT 7 . Wmf ayne Toy Transformers jl Tho Wavno Tov Transformer will operate on your alternating current lighting circuit any electrical toys suitable for alternating current operation, sueh as railways, aeroplanes, automobiles, motors, etc. Seven different voltages are obtainable by turning a simple control switch, making possible the operation of very small toys or largcr'oncs at several speeds. x Built by the General Electric Company, the Wayne Trans former is durable and simple to operate. It consumes little current and will last a lifetime. v Attaches to Any Lighting Socket or Receptacle. NORTH PLATTE LIGHT & POWER CO. WILL TAKK FOl'H WEEKS TO HEAIt Jl'JtV OASES The district court started on Jury cn3ot( Tuesday aftornoon anil wltti twenty-six cases on tho docket to bo tried boforo tho Jurors, tho latter can look forward to n month's sorvlco; In fact Judge Grimes stated yostorday that if none of tho cases sot for trial wero settled out of vourt It was prob able that tho Jury cases would not be concluded .boforo Christmas, Tho first case to como boforo the Jury was that of Charley Tumor, col ored, charged with tho lllogal salo of liquor. Carl Shlck testified that Turner sold him a pint of whisky, Tho defense did not dony that Tumor hnd given Shlck tho whisky but Insisted that It was In return for Shlck hav ing pulled Turner's car out of a hole. The Jury found him guJlty as charged. Tho Judge lias not yet pronounced scntonco. Tho noxt case was called Wednes day, that of Art Yates against tho Conway estato for board and keep of tho lato John Conway and his wife. Tho Jury brought In a vordlct for $1800 which was about tho amount tho plain tiff asked. Yesterday tho caso of Karl Qorlo against Ralph Carman was called and Is still In progress this fdronoon. Gorlo sues Carman for $4,500 damages resulting ifrom a collision betweon nn auto driven by Qarman and a bicycle ridden by Gerle, this occurring on July 5th, 1913. Tho most Important caso is tho re trial of Roy Roberts, charged with the murder of Vornon Connet. In tho first trial Roberts was found guilty and tho death sentence pronounced. An appeal to tho supremo court was taken on error and a ire-trial ordered. It Is probable that his caso will bo the last to bo tried, and may not como up until after tho Christmas adjournment. ::o:: Mlrs. W. V. Hoagland lefl. yesterday morning for Aurora and York to visit friends and transact business for the Rebekah lodge. See the wonderful $1.00 bargains In the . millinery department at Block's. Mrs. Guy Dfrake, formorly of this cliy, came from 'the eastern part of tho state Wednesday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kelly. . The best line of Men's Ready to Wear Clothing Is made by the Hlrscli Wlck,wlro Co. When you need a suit bo sure and seo this line, it's tho best that's made. The Leader Morcanltilo Co. have tho agency. A small flro started at tho John Wol lonhaupt residence Wednesday after noon which was quickly extinguished by tho flro department. The fire was caused by some hot ashes which hnd been emptied near tho back door. Tho funeral of the late Mrs. Tinnls Sparks was held Wednesday morning from tha Presbyterian church and at tended by a largo number of friends. Rev. Robort White was In charge of tho services. Pall bearers, wero Messrs. Frank Sullivan, Bort Reynolds, Ed '.vnrld Burko, Dot Bcsack, I. A. Gilbert and A. S. Allen. Iultorment was In the North Platto cemetery. Just think of It, $0.00 places you In possession of a whole block of ground in tho Buffalo Bill Sub-dlvislon. Bal ance made In small monthly pay ments. Many tracts can bo bought for less. "Tho Dark Silence" with Clara Kim ball Young Is ono of tho films recom mended as being especially suited for grown-ups and younger folks, too. Many of the magazines aro taking up this matter of Inter films and In sev eral of tho lato lists "The Dark Si lence" has recelvedi mention. This picture will "bo shown at tho Keith tjbmorrow night. Tho name Clura Kimball Young will arouse your In terest. Esther Lillian Fredorjci and Hugh Davis woro married Tuesday ovenlng by Rev. A. C. Hull. Tho brldo Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frod erlcl and had been employed as sales lady In Hie O'Connor storo for some time. Sho Is a very attractive and nmiablo young lady. Tho groom was formerly 'employed with tlhoi J. S. Davis Auto Co., and several months ago accepted a position as stenog rapher In tho Union Pacific . offices. Ho 13 an enterprising young man and very popular with all his acquaint ances. Charlotte Walker, who will be soon a-, tho Crystal tomorrow night in "Tho Trail of tho Lonesome Pino" was se lected by John Fox, tho .author of tho book, to play tho role of "Juno" when his wonderful story of tho Virginia mountains was dramatized for tho speaking stago. Miss Walker Is a southern girl and Mr. Fox considered her the Ideal horolno for his story. Tho picture was taken In tho wonder ful atmosphere of the Cumberland mountains. Tho music of the evening will bo an especial feature that will add very much to tho enjoyment of, tho picture. I CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Sta'o Attorney Genoral Willis Recti, of Lincoln, spout Wednesday horo on business. Order your turkeys early. Marti Moat Market Rev. C. Cyril, of Loulsvlllo, Ky., spont tho latter part of last week with Rov. P. F. McDald. The county commissioners wctjo In sosaion a day or two this woek trans acting routine buslnoM. F. J. Dunn returned yostorday from Wood RIvor whoro ho visited frlondsi and relatlvos for a few duys. Gilbert Peters has accepted a posi tion ns manager of tho music dopart mont of tho Dixon Jewelry store. Nonlo Turplo returned yostorday morning from Omnha where ho trans acted business for soverul days. For quick action and snJbfactosy sale list your land with Thoeltckc. tf Mrs. John Weinberger left Wednes day evening for Omaha to visit her daughter for a fow days. Mrs. John Kellohor, of Maxwell, came up yostorday morning to attend the meeting of tho Lady Forresters. When In Tho Leador Mercantile Co. storo don't forget to ask tho cleric to show you tho "women's quilted vests. In all tho colorsyou llko and sizes 31 to 44. What's the ubo 'to buy outing llannol for night gowns? You can buy ready made ones for tho prico of tho cloth, and save tho time making. Wo fit tho wholo family at Tho Leader Mercantile Co. Tho Trlnnglo program at tho Keith Monday will bo "Tho Beggar of Cawnporo" with II. B. Wamor. With lihls will bo shown ono of tho Inimit able Koystono comedies "Saved by Wireless." Don't fall to seo our new pleated Sorgo Drosses, they aro certainly ad mired by everybody for their attract iveness In stylo and prlco both. BLOCK'S. Creamery buttor will shoot up to fdr,ty-flvo cents a pound today; stor age eggs arc soiling a'C forty-flvo cents a dozen, and for a case of country eggs a local restaurant man paid fifty cents a dozen yesterday. You will find In my millinery de partment at tho Wilcox Department Storo, a nlco assortment of good qual ity fancy ribbons In dainty shades suitable for Christmas gifts at 25 and 'JEr&ents the yard. Also 'popular shades for hair ribbons. Villa Whlttaker. Leroy Mecomber was grained a di vorce from Graco Mecoombor In tho district court Wednesday. The plaln Uff states that they woro married In Cheyenne, Laramie county, Wyoming, on August 10th, 1907 and that tho de fendant -wilfully deserted him. To this union was born one child "which is in the custody of tho mother and their whereabouts aro unknown. Sho Found Out. Desiring to nscertaln If grnco was said In tho homo of a pupil, a First ward teacher asked ono of lior boys what was said when tho family sat down to, a meal. Tho boy was rather non-plussed, and tho tenchor to bo moro deflnfco asked "what does your father say?" Tho boy brightened and replied, "Dad says go slow on that buttor kids, It costs forty-flvo cents a pound." REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF THE McDonald State Bank. of North Platto, Charter No. C47 In tho Stnto of Nebraska at tho closo of bus- nosB November 17. 1916. RESOURCES Loans and discount $ 37fi,919.4C Overdrafts 1,331.70 Bonds, securities, Judgments claims, etc., 16.G00.00 UanUlnp houso, furnlturo and fixtures 10,194.07 Other Ileal Estate 7,609.23 Duo from nat'J and Htate banks. . .$145,CG0.07 Checks and Items of exchanRe.. 3.2C2.20 Currency 13,995.00 Gold coin C.4C0.OO Silver, nlcklcs and cents 2.17E.1C 171.GG2.43 Total $GS8,0D7.G4 LIABILITIES Canltnl stock nald In $100,000.00 Surplus fund 17,600.00 Undivided profits (not) 17.86C.87 individual depos its subject to check $27-1,259.91 Domand certifi cates of depos it 1,499,92 Time certificates of deposit .... 130,804. G3 T"1 1 , n nntlnnnl and tato banks 33.1C7.81 448,732.20 Depositor's guaranty fund 3.9G9.47 Total $688,067.64 State of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, ss I, W. H. McDonald, cashlor of tho nbovo namod bank do horoby swear that tho above statement Is a correct and truo copy of the roport mado to tho State Hanking Board. W. II, McDONALD, Cashier. Attest: CHAS McDONALD, Director .1. B. McDONALD, Director. Subscribed nnd sworn to boforo me this. 23d day of November. 1910. 13. II. EVANS, Notary Public. My commission oxplres 12-30. 1981. HEALTH HINTS Do not try to stop Baby from crying, but II too prolonged Ho him face down until lie stops. Bathe and feed regularly. Do not allow to grow pug nose. Massage gently tho sides of the nose downwards. Mothers, this is Baby's Drug Store "IT cannot judge drugs, in fact, neither can you. Depend upon us. Every thing here for "IT" from soap to food of absolute purity. Introduce us to "IT," we like the little ones just as much as you do. Stone's Drug Store Wo aro ngonts for "Wearevor" Rubber Goods. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Ruby Gclso was grnntod a dlvorco from John Golso Wednesday In district court on tho grounds of extreme cruol- ty. Dr. Morrill, Dentist Clinton F. Galo, of Syrncuso, N. Y., and Estolla L. Norrlss, of London, Can ada, woro married horo Wednesday af ternoon by County JudgoJFronch. Miss Huth Carroll, formorly of this city, who has boon employed In Cam bridge for sovornl months nnd wns called homo by ho death of hor broth er, will loavo noxt week. - Anothor lot of manufacturers' sam ple Women's Tailored Suits Just ar rlvod and all theso latest stylos with our fl'ock on hand arc bolng sold at ono-hnlf nnd one-third off tho regular prlco at Tho Leador Mercantllo Co. The BUIck car owned by J. C. Don nnd at tho tlmo driven by Martin Fed crhoof, wns totally destroyed by flro Tuosdny, that Is, ovorythlng lnflam nblo was burned. Tho flnmos origin ated through tho back flro of '.ho mo tor whllo on tho road a couplo of mllos wost of town. Mr. Don carried an lnsurnnco of $700 on tho cor. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Major Lilly has placed tho oxoluslvo salo of tho Scouts Host Ranch with O. II. Thoolocko nnd tho lattod informs us that ho expects four dlfferonl partlos to nrrlvo Bhortly to look at tho prop erty. Mr. Thoolecko hopos to make a sulo to somo ono who will dlvldo the land In olghty nor or smaller tracts and sell to farmers who will ongago in bent growing. Dy doing this tho pros pects for Lincoln county securing a sugar factory would bo materially increased. Oats Cora HAY "yE are pleased to announce that we are now ready to buy yo,ur HAY AND GRAIN Obtain our Quotations before you sell. I The Harrington Merc. Co., 120 East Front Street, North Platto Neb. Barley Home Office and Warehouses,' DENVER, COLO. Wheat 'IT'S A 'WISE HEAD THAT BUILDS A SHED" Some one, also wise hits said, "To protect your tools from dew and dust, And the ravages of snow and rust" Plenty of Shed Room On A Farm Is pretty good evidence of economical and' . successful management. Coates Lumkr, 8c Coal Co. . North Platto, Nebr lutual Building &Loan Assn. OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ASSETS $840,600.00 To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers; Non-resident Building & Loan Companies ' arc adver tising the fact that they havo reduced the monthly payments of horrowers to SI. 10 per month on each $100.00 horrowed, making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build 'ing & Lodn Association of North Platte. They fail to state that of the $1.10 paid to the non-resident company, there is only thirty-five-ccnts credited as a principal payment, the halance seventy-five cents heing taken for interest. Of the $1.10 monthly payment to this association on each $100.00 borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited as a principal payment. , This difference in the amount credited the borrower will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each $100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they would if they were doing the business with this Association. Mutual Building & Loan Association OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. HK2E