The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 21, 1916, Image 1

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x a. , . V y-d y i
No. 09
V. .1.1. Or' tf.
"Thoro is enoueh business In slaMi
to koon the wheels of everv pnelnn:
turning for tho noxt six months',"
said a local official of the Union Pa
cific yestorday. This has been n won
dorful year for tho road; thoro has
beon no let up on traffic since January
lrst, and the fall business has been
such as to mako all past big records
look small. The number of engine
and train crows in servlco is larger
than over before, tho train tonnage
is greater, and tho employes aro earn
ing exceptionally big pay.
Tho statement of tho local official
that there Is enough business in sight D- who lltul 1,00,1 visiting his sister
to keep every wheel turning for slxiMrs Theodore Lowo, Jr., for a .couplo
months means that thoro will be no' or weeks, loft at noon yestorday. i
let up to the rush of traffic and this
means continued employment for tho
crews now In service and a continua
tion of big checks for tho road mon.
It also means that tho present forco
In tho round house and shops must
bo maintained in order to keop up tho
motive powor.
Thn wintnr thnrnfinm nrmnlses well visit her brother A. A. Schatz and to hold tho car until tho claim is paid. not. harp and vooal solos, each num
lno wimor merouore promises won .i..,i i, n.. , ... Tho. hmvnvnp. mri nm in rnnn un i. ;t.
for all classes of iiallroad employes
In North Platte.
:o: :-
Mrs. Knusbnu Pusses. Away.
Mrs. Mario Dorothy Kosbau, widow
of Frederick Kosbau, died at the homo
of her daughter Mrs. Will Anderson,
on west Eighth street Sunday morning.
Death was due to dropsy, with which
sho had been affected for some time.
Since tho death of her husband eleven
years ago, Mrs. Koswau- nau mauoiiprouaoic xnai. mo overuuo irauic or-i
her homo witli her daughter, Mrs. I.jdinanco will bo passed. Tho ordinance'
B. Bostwlck, south or Hersney, out
was brought to town six weeks ago
to recelvo medical treatment.
Tho funeral will be held from the
Lutheran church at two o'clock Wed
nnnilnv nftrnnnn. nntl interment a't
tho Wendeborn cemetery southwest of
Mrs. , Kosbau was oorn in urose-
Tmoster; Germany, June 19, 1834, and
tlita rnmitriv with her hus-
band In May, 1888. landing in North'
Plat'to and later taking a homestead
twelve miles southwest of town. There
she resided until her husband passed
children, threo of whom died In Gor
many. Those surviving are William,
Herman, Mrs. Bostwlck and Mrs. An
derson, of this county, Fritz, Henry
and Augiast, in Lincoln, Fred In Minne
apolis, and Christian who Is with the
troops on itho Mexican bolder.
Acquaintances of Mrs. Kosbau have
none but good words to say of hor; a
kind, christian woman, splendid -wife
and mother, and true, to her friends
and faithful to tho teachings of the
Lutheran, chuilch of which she had
been a member practically all hor
In cltht! the Buffnlo 11I1L Sub-dlvls-Ion
or tho Scouts Best Sub-dlvlslon
you have not city tax ns you arc out
sldo of the city limits.
Postal Savings Deposits Grow.
Washington, D. a, Nov. 20. De
posits in tho postal savings banks con
tinue to show Tecord breaking gains.
The increase for October was $4,700,
000 or twice that for October, 1915. On
Octoben 31, Ipostal savings depositors
number 050,000 and had $104,200,000
to their credit.
to: :-
Charles. Strauss .writes Trom Casper,
Wyo., where he recently went to ac
cept a position In tho Wyoming Nation
al" bank: "I like my work vory much,
and I have indeed made -good in this
posltlont hat I am holding, as my
work has been approved by the or
flcers or this bank. Wo aro Indeed do
ing a very largo business here, aid it
keeps us on the go from early morn
ing until lato In tho evening. Give all
my friends my most sincere regards
and good wishes to them all and with
them always."
Houses and rooms and stores.
Service! Strength!
Safety and Strength are the prime factors which
have built up the First National Bank. Service is a
part of our everyday business, in which we especially
pride ourselves, and which, we believe, if our growth
may be taken to mean anything, is appreciated. r
These are the three elements which should enter
into consideration in the selection of a place to do
YOUR banking. You will find all three here.
North Platte, Nebraska.
I Mrs. Georgo Vroman and daughter
loft recently for eastern points to visit
For SaleNo. 1 saddle horso, six struck by a swift running car Friday orations nero tho features of the re
years old, wolght 1000; Phono Bloflk-aml klll0(l) but vory f0rtUnatoly tho coptlon tondored Govomor-olcct No-CG1-
children wore not" Injured. Tho road vlllo and Mrs. Js'ovlllo by the B. P. O.
Fred Kosbau, of Lincoln, was callc rro,n lo glulch' bridge cast through Elks last evening at tho Elks' home,
hero Sunday by tho death of his moth- Blgnoll Is a speedway nntl tho car, oc-. It was, perhaps., tho beat appointed
er, tho htic Mrs. Mar-lo D. Kosbau. jcupled by two Iowa men, was skim- function ever given In North Plntto
I, . I mlng along at a gait much faster than and was apparently -thoroughly v en-
Mrs. George Shlndle, of Choyenno, permitted by law. The two children Joyed bv each of tho one hundred nntl
who came hero last weok, has decided wcro rldlug along the road and tho tn!rt proaonti
tO SPentl thO WllltOr in tlliS City Wltll. Cnp HU'WrvlllI? afrilrlr tlln nnlmnl witli, Tl,n wr.,intlnn nrnnn tr. imwlv.
her mother, Mrs. Rose.
Andrew Wangon, of Petersburg, S. n Vm.nii YunSS
fUm,mrimft Imfth ni K
head f'"1"
moved them to tho homo ranch south
or butnorianu.
Mrs. William Jotters, of Qmaha,'
came the latter Dart of last week to
wimu uuiu uuiiutvu iuu unui iu tiiu
now (Jtunoilc scliool
used in tho cha'pel.
which will bo
At tho present tlmo thre are only
two prisoners In tho county Jail, ono
a stranger who was arrested Saturday
evening for causing a disturbance on
wnnntrwhS w nrfe,.P? i?nndS?0rSe
Wilson who was arrested Sunday. ,
Tho city council will meet in r6g-'
ular session this evenlnir and it Is
becomes eneotivo as soon as passea anu
nniillKhel. ho wo will nrnhahlv bo
governed by it on and after Monday '
of next week.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Georgo Shoup, living northwest )f
'Sutherland, camo down Saturday tO
attonu itno meenng or me ccsuniy iarr,
stockholders and to transact business,
Mi. Shouti. who has tho second lnrcest
apple orchard in tho county, says ho!
found a roady aalo for tills year's crop
and has-disposed Of about all.
M vrpvlI1 waa niftntfi, nVfl
"oward. of Columbus, "because
he gave such a fine impression of lion
osty and candor In his speeches that
nnnitln tinltikVnil tn lilm ITt.l Hi McL
.1IU 1IV.UI.. IO. 11. I V.V4 . . . ....... A L v. . . . I
will nitnc Ut nltnti In. TnUI, XTrttrl 11
and nobody else, and I am sure ho has
tlre.guts' to bo governor in hi. own
Now is tho tlmo to start your Christ-
mas shopping. Our ' stock Is
dent with new goods.
DIXON. The Jeweler. '
A number of our citizens aro plan
ning on attending the North Platte
Lincoln foot ball game at Lincoln next
Saturday. 'TIs well, for from what we
learn or the strength of 'the-Lincoln
team the North Platto boys will need
tho encouragement which comes rrom
a band or rooters. The North Platto
boys hnvo the "pelp;" if thoy do not
allow it to ooze away wo tear not the
Kansas dercatcd Nebraska in a
root ball game at Lincoln last Satur
day by a score of seven to
three. It was the first time in seven
yearn that Kansas defeated Nebraska;
it was tho first defeat Nebraska had
suffored in four years hence tears
In Lincoln. But victory cannot always
bo with Nebraska; arid an occasional
dofeat only tends 'to sweeten subse
quent victories.
At the Crystal tonight will be shoym
"Tho Blindness of Love," with Julilos
Stegor and -Grace Valentine. The
blindness of a father to his son's
faults tho scheming collogo chum
the smash-up of tho bank all go to
mako an Interesting and dramatic
story. Tho pictures will bo shown to
tho accompaniment or music rurnlsh
ed' by an orchestra or merit. This ad
ded reature to our Crystal programs
will leave nothing to bo desired.
For Sale
1C0 aero irrigated farm threo miles
from North Platte. Phono Black 4G0,
or address 1203 North Locus't. 89-2
A horse ownod by Morty Rosocrans,
l01 "B"0ll, ami upon wmcli were
ItmiltltArl tu'rt nf hln Otllflrnn U'na
8UCU force aS to cau80 lts ucath. Tho'
children woro thrown aulto a dis-'
janco out wore uninjured. Tiio nuto-, shortly alter eight o'clock, and it was
sts stopped long enough to ascertain as informal as It was hoarty; not
that tho children wore not hurt nnd;morely a clasping of hands, but that
gnte' llvius at U,gne11' accompanied
by Mn noiocjrana, started in pursuit
of 1,10 car an1 succeed In overtaking i
lt at Cozmli nosecrans demanded pay
for tii0 iWTS0 wiled, but tho Iowa
men refused, whoroupon Mr. Hose-
crans took tho necessary legal fltoj3
" " w ..w
to .yestorday. but tho claim will
doubtedly bo settled.
:o: :
Muldoon Spills His Pussrngers
Albert Muldoon had hl3 first auto
snlH Frlflnv. lint fYirHinntnlv ii nn r. nf
t,10 olght Occupants Wem mjured am
Kut 1,11,0 ?maB0 r08ulted to tho car
Ho waa drlvlng on tho ,10W Llncoin
highway near Gannett, oncountored a
Pieco of road dry on top but slippery
"iraui ui uu, wuuiub
hogan sliding, ho cut off tho powor,
"u juau u mo cur cuino 10 a stop
ft tOppleu ovor, spilling out two ladles
and Ccur children avIio occupied the
rear seats, anu nimsoir nnu wiro wno
wei'o in froniu Had ho not been driv-1
ing slowly and carefully at the tlmo
the result might have been different,
with tho assistance of mon at Gan-
"buht umi uw ru
turn homo was made with Bafety.
w.,.,, r,,-, . ,, '
work Sr7 iiti, f Nnvfu?
work. Mrs. Keith Neville. .
Mrs. Jack Boal loft last evening for ,
Ogalalla to visit relatives. -
Mrs. Ernest Warren .and children, of
- '
GCTl T C. ifrllO WArft Vl rI 1 1 Tl f Ml O V flUllf.
.Mrs. P. J. Hillegos, left this morning. I
Another Wo. flurry last evening '
ure anrt increasing to some extent the
resplen-'P'ospects for a small grain crop next
Tho Kearney teoplo hold a good
Toads fair last week which netted about
fourteen hundred dollars. Tills sum
will bo used In bettering the roads
leading into the city.
Members of the BOO nitih worn Pimata 1
of Mrs. Dent and Mrs. Bare at tho ' 01,l Stuteman vs. David W. Stutes
homo or tho former Friday ovening. man- for drunkenness. Tho plnlnttft
Out or town guosts woro Mrs. Will Jcr-1 wns sIvon 11,0 custody or tho rour chil
lers of Oninhn. nml Mrs. V) TT Ci dren.
of Denver.
Down in Cass county tho election ex
(ponses Including tho primary, "was
neaiily ono dollar for each voto cast.
While tho expenso In this coamty has
riot yet been figured, it is probablo
that the cost will equal that of Cass
Just Ho remind you that Christmas,
is vory near and that we arc Letter
propared than ever with tho most ex
tensive display we have ever shown to
meet your requirements.-
Jeweler and Optometrist.
The bulk of No. 2. cash wheat sold
in Omaha yesterday at $1.81, a sjight
advanco ovor Saturday's prico. Ow
ing to a big run at South Omaha yes
torday hog prices broke, selling on a
live to ten cent lowor basi
Tim lmiir
of tho sales woro mado at $9.40 to
Po3tmastor McEvoy suggests that
tho public can save themselvos Incon
venience and tlye postofflco forco ex
tra work by getting their Christmas
packages off as early as possible. This
request is mado this far In ad
vanco that it may later bo compiled
uonrracior biacic is maKing a uravo
struggle to complete tho concrete work
y (w.iifc uuiuiu Himui LIUOU3
In. Ho hns started work north or tho
rrack, and has completed about a
block. With two or threo days or
good weather ho will bo onablcd to
complete tho work.
Tho Triangle program at tho Keith
Thursday will bo tho flvo part drama,
"Tho Sorrows or Lovo" with Wm. Dos-
mond and Besslo Barrlscalo and tho
Koystono comedy, "Tho Lovo Comrft"
with Josoph Bolmont and Ora Carow.
Vyfn.f i? Mrea,VCtiM,nJ,OV0 ,W,U ,fl,Id. a'
v',r, ",u "Vi'"1 "'K -
ror a little monnv.
.,. . .. . .
ueorgo vvuson, a iarmor living six-
c . r f i , ' , , ,uohuu
Sunday evenlnir anil nlnrml In 1m
county Jail. Wilson had been lntoxl-
cated ror sovoral days and was caus-
II1K a UIBllU UiUIUU. lie IB VIllirKUU Willi
boating his wlto and threatening to
burn the houso. Ho will bo given a
hoarlng In tho county court this week.
Mrs. Nora Klllktn, or Kearney, state
organizer for the P. K. O. slstorhood,
spent yesterday In North Platto In
specting tho work of the local chapter.
A luncheon In hor honor was given at
tho homo or Mrs. II. M. Grimes and
following tills was given an exemplifi
cation or tho Impressive and beautiful
ritual of the order. Mrs. Kllllan gavo
many helpSal suggestions and a most
proflt&blo afternoon was spent In in
terrogations and discussion, followed
by a hopeful and Inspiring talk by. Mrs.
Sincere congratulations to the lion-
oretl guests, hnndsomoly gowned worn.
am nnfrnnnditr munln niwl linnnttfiil Ann
elected governor and. she who Is to bo
tho "first lady of tho atato," began
and sincere good wishes that ono
friend extends to another,
Following tho roooptlon, tho guoste
wore entortalned for over an hour by
tho Hnllowoll concert company, oloven
Jn number, which gave a delightful
nrncrflm nf orchestral selections, cor-
uui itituaiuf, tiuiiutuuo uiiiuuuou i.uu
tho mombera kindly responding to tho
j ovldoace8 of appreciation.
At tlin irnnnliifilnn nf 'tlin fioncort.
dancing was introduced, tho music bo-
jhg furnished by the Hallowoll com-
.... ..,i .,.l.......l ...,tn
SwoA. w en a n ceW p are sup-
wUh Mrs. James Hart as cateross,
SQJved ,n 0 dInlng roonii Tho
purplo and white color scheme was
curried out' in tho rilnlncr room nntl
taoio uocorations, unit smaii nrooms
and tin homes and wagon wlUi Mr.
Neville s attached woro tne
tnliln fnvnrn Fnr thnsn who dirt not
dance oard tables woro "placed on tho
sdioud floor.
The decorations woro in the colors of
the lodge purple and white woro in
prolusion and well placed. Tho stair-
ways ,wero strung with stoamors on
which woro placed purple and whlto
nlnlv-aantlifviniim'J. nnri on tiho third
j floor this schome was carried out with
tho streamers extending from chande-
i Hor to chandoller, with tho bowl of
tho inverted ngnt tormmg a nasKct or
chrysanthemums and greens. The oval
of 'oach wlndow wng convorted ito
uuted. designs of purplo and whlto, with
a handsome design o tho lodge colors
In th6 tear of tho station qt tho ox-
The success of the reception was
J..B. UlcDonald and J. J. Horrlgali.
' Divorces Granted.
In tho district court yesterday di
vorces were granted to the following:
Mary Fairfield from Andrew Fair
field for abandonment Her maiden
name of Mary Keegan was" restored.
Georgo Flshbaugh vs. Ina Flshhaugh,
for cruelty,
aratlon from DorA ,Llkos on tho
grounds o desertion. Thoy were mar
ried1 In iGothenburg February 25th,
Isabollo J. Eggors vs-Marlon J. Eg
gors for adultery. They wero married
in this city March 5th, 1890. Tho
plaintiff was given tho custody of tho
two year old. child.
A number or other decrees will bo
g. anted today.
-: :o: :
We have Inquiries for 1C0 acre
farms. What have you Hint you can
sell nt right flgnret
Marriage licenses woro granted yos
torday to .Turgen Peter Jurgensen, of
Curtis, and Miss Anna E. .Topson ot
, Lincoln, also to Guy W. Edls and
Christine Nelson ot Lincoln.
Tho peoplo of tho Swedish Lutheran
ohurch wll serve an oystor suppor In
tho K. P. hall Saturday evening, No
vember 25th, commencing at 5:30. Tho
public Is cordially invited.
Money Jo loan on real estate.
Tho members of Lonosomehurs'l n linnniirtt QnttiTvlnv nvnnlntr 111
mini. nma nimf nttnnnin
t pr0paretl tho menu which was greatly
1 ntl nVHf ftV fill TrORftnt.
v . . j " j
Wo wish to extend our sincere
thanks to the kind frlonda and neigh
bors Tor their assistance and also for
the beautiful floral offorlngs.
MR. nntl MRS. C. H. BOYLE.
AT rM Cm nrlrr A n crol n nf T. nil fa
lUUVUUl UUruilUl vy. mwusu
ville, Ky., who spent a weok with tho
Urslllno sisters in this city, left las't
formerly Miss Amy Langford, of this
City, ia seriously III with quinsy,
Loxington and Gothonburg played
ft BCOrtoie88 foot ball game on tho
, grounds or tho former Saturday.
Mrs. Georgo Fnator was called to
Oklahoma yesterday morning by tho
I muuo lltlltoo iu uiuiuuh
Tho Altruist blblo class will meet
Wednesday aftornoon with Mrs. J. H
A'lnms, 1309 west Sixth street.
Mrs. W. T Stuart will entertain the
Mothors' club on Wednesday after
noon,. Novembor 2fih.
Mrs. Charles Durbln left lost even
ing for Ogalalla to visit for sovoral
day 3 with frlonds.
Dr. Lathan will go to Lincoln Frl
day o attend tho North Platto Lincoln
foot ball game.
W. J. HoldernesH left last evening
for Omaha and Lincoln to spend sever.
al days.
A box social and entertainment will
be held at thdoliool houso In Dls
triot No. 01, tlu'ed miles cast of Dick
ons, noxt Friday ovoulng. All will
bo welcomed.
Abo Moldn, formerly of Willow
pronclnct, but of ,lato .living In Mon
tana, Is visiting his old neighbors In
tho south 'part of the county.
Olln Farmor, a former rosldent of
Wallace, has stirred up cxcltomont in
that town by eloping with a sweet thing who lived in tho Iowa
town in which Olln worked as a bar
ber. Tho girl's parents ob'Jceted to
tho marriage, ho Olln hooked a laddor
from a paint shop, run It up to tho win
dow of his fair ono's boudoir, sho de
scended to 'tho -waiting auto and a train
Intar (convoyed thorn to Davenpciit
whero tho two woro made ono logal
ly and rovcrontlnUy.
Dick Baker has returned to Staple
ton from Omaha, whoro ho was called
by tho Illness of his mother. Tho lat
ter Is slowly rtocovorlng.
Two wagon loads of hogs iuarkot
od by Isaacson brothers at Brady
brought thorn $252.00,
Tho PlurnllUcs of Cniulldutes
With 'tho official count of all coun
ties but Douglas, and tho unofficial
count of that county, Wilson receives
a plurality of 41,000 ovor Hughes and
a majority ovor nil of 31.077. Hitch
cock has a plurality of 11,851 ovor Ken
nedy, and Neville 5,877 ovor Sutton.
Tho majority for prohibition was 29,
442. Congressman Klnkaid's plural
ity ovorl McDormott was 11,242.
John Canrlghr, of this city, socialist
candldnto for congress received 2,171
votes, and Luclen Stobblns, also of this
city, who was a candidato for congress
by petition rocolved 474 votos out of
58,821 cast.
District Court Starts ("rind
Tho adjourned Novombor tot'm of
district court convened yestorday, and
tho day was devoted to a call of tho
dockot. Tho Jury reported this morn
ing nntl tho first case called will bo
that of Charles Turner, colored,
charged with tho illegal Bale of liquor,
Thoro aro a dozon or moro Jury caso3
on tho docket, but thoy may not all
como up for trial.
Lyons Man Accidentally Shot.
Lyons, Nob., Nov. 18,Edwartl Mc
Kinney who works for Andrew Hipp,
was shot In his loft hand Wednesday
....... a ., u o ,. -ii., 1
nml fni? nlS? ?. M nrinj
ped off against tho wheol, discharging,
tho shot lin'to his- loft hand nnd tho sldo
r hl8 hoad- !
nn. ,'' , ,.,,,
Tho corner stone for tho now fodoral,
nil ... ,..,.1 n i i. . i
Tho sum of $75,000 wbb appropriated.
postofflco and tho land office.
You'll bo surprised
K' to
tiro' winter on tho Pacific Coast rents aro reasonable and
food supplies cost oven less than at home; furnished
bungalows rent for as low bb $16,00 a month, public mar
kets Bupply green vegetables, sea foods, poultry and eggs
a ploaslne change from tho usual winter menu. And you can be out
doors overy day, autompblllng, surf bathing, fishing, mountain climbing
or Just resting can you Imagine a more prolltablo winter vacationT
Union Pacific System
will make your trip to California as ploasant as your sojourn tire
less than three days on tho way, each full ot interest and far too short.
Bogln planning now for this California winter vacation by ae-nd-ing
for literature and Information about fares, routos, etc., to W. S.
Bactnger, General Pasoengor Agent, Omaha, Nebraska, or to
F. E. BULLARD, Agent.
C. M. Newton's 1917
Membership 75 cents which entitles members to ex
change nt 5 cents each. Books may be kept out 10 days.
After 10 days one cent per day. Books not returned
within 20 days will'be considered sold.
We have about one thousand of the Popular, copyright
in our library which gives our members an opportunity to
read books by the best authors for only Five cents each,
Join the Book Club Now.
Tho test suit on tho eight hour law
filed by tho Union Pacific In tho fed
eral couit nt Omaha, which had boon
sot for Novombor 29th, has been ad
vanced and will bo heard Novombor
25th. Ia thlfl case tho party defendants
aro T. S. Allen, federal district attor
ney; Chas. Hoffman, of Omaha, chair
man of tho locnl protective board of
tho O. It. C; Michael Hayes, of North
Platte, chairman of tho local pro
tective board of tho B of L. E.; Chas,
13. Boedor, of North Platto, chairman
or tho local board of B. of L. P. anil
E and Ennls T. Boynton, or Omaha,
chairman of tho local protective board
of the B. or K. T. Those four omployos
hovo beon autmnpned to appear In
court at tho dato sot. Whether thoy
will go on tho stand as witnesses, or
Bimply appear as defendants, is not at
this tlmo known. Tho conVplalnt filed
by tho Union Pacific, copies or which
have boon forwnrdod tho defendants,
Is In tho form ot a printed book or
about 200 pages, about one-sixth of
which Is dovotod to tho complaint,
tiro othor Includes tho rules and regu
lations govornlng employes, and other
Information pertaining to wngos nntl
In tho complaint tho ctatomont Is
mado that tho Union Pnclflc employs
703 onglneors, 917 llromon, 557 con
ductors and 1093 brakomon and flag
men, a total of 3,270. This does not In
clude tho yard mon, which would
bring tho total up to 4,000.
It Is not stated who will assist Dis
trict Attorney Allen In defending tho
cnHo, but It is probablo ho will bo given
nn assistant, at least tho district nt-
toriinVR nt ntlinr tlnlnta ir1mfn aufta
" " v . v . iTl.lri.l nulla
have been fllod have had assistants
delegated thorn.
Tho outcomo of tho Omaha caso, as
well as at othor points, v, 111 bo awaited
with much Interest by tho railroad
mon of North Platto.
! o" ; '
Aflor December 10th next, the mod
ern stenm heated storo and basement,
07 Locust Htrcct. Will docornto to
suit tenant. See
Has Over Hundred Million
Washlnton, Nov. 20. Tho popula
tion of continental United States has
passed tho hundred an threo' million
: ' S
mark. Officials of tho troastiry depart-
i V"" """Sir
nun Biuiuuieub trauiuum milk on isu-
VOnlbr " POPUltftlon Ot the COUH-
t ininnonfin
1 y .
One Hug CostsVlIfni Money
Vinton, la,, Nov. 18. Ono hug coat
' , 2 ie
I iiuiviiiicj iiiiiiut, u .uiuivi Ittilt vl.LT.
rim Min fnr,Mv Zua i,r nn
.,,, nnil ,,,,
The Family
This Winter
how little lt costs to spend an n