Wxk Jlorth THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH- PLATTE, NEB., NOVEMBER 17, 1916. No. 88 CUT AND COUNTY NEWS. Miss Irono Schott is assisting as stenographer in tho offico of W. E. Shuinan. For Rent Small apartment furnish ed, 108 West 2nd strcot. 88-1" Louis Deors, of Donvor, fdrmorly of this city is visiting in town with local frlonds. For Salo Soft coal heater. Mrs. Will Hawley. 80-2 Julilus Plzor is oxpocted to return Sunday from a visit in Chicago and other eastern points. For Rent second house west of tho post office. Inqulro at Mrs. Carlson's next door west. 88-1 Mrs. Roy Knox, of Wallaco, came a few days ago to visit with Mr; and Mrs. John Knox for a woek or two. For Rent Four room house. Phono Black 140. 88-2 Miss Blanche Mioore, of North Platte and Claude Shlndlo of Bridgeport, were married yosterday by County Judge French. Don't forget tho date oi sale of lot3 ,aiid iructs In tire Cortj additions timl Kub-divislons November 20th .- next Hondny. N Ed Gilmnn, living south of Brady, is the first to report losses of cattle by tho corn stalk disea.se. He lost threo head last week, T. J. Kcofo went to Kearney this morning to referee a' game of foot ball between the teams of the Kearney Nor mal and the- Grand Island college. For Rent Very desirable, newly fur nished rooms. Call Sunday at 320 south Dewey street. Gus Rosentrater has sold his ranch of 1120 acres located south of Brady to Charles Schramek, of Gothenburg. Possession will bo given next March. Mrs. D. L. Anderson, of Wollfleot, who had boW pairing treatment n,t tho North Platto Gonoral Hospital for some t,lmo, raturnod homo yosterday. flljra. Bernard Beer, of Detriot, Mich., has boeh a guost at tho T. C. Pnttor Bon homo for several days past whllo onroute homo from a visit in Denver. W. C. Rlaior will leave in a few days for Excolsior Springs to take medical treatment for rheumatism. Ho will be accompanied there by his brothor John Ritnor. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Mohoman, of Kansas City, who visited with Mrs. Louise Peters this weok left Wednes day afternoon. They reldod horo for sovoral months last year. Tho cold snap was broken Wednes day and the following dny paving work was resumed. Ten days of work able woathor Is needed to complete the work on tho south side of tho track. Marriage uconsos ware granted yos tcrday to Fred Lundgron of Hershoy and Lillian Danielson of Snrthorlnnd ; also to Bort S. Shaw of Overton and Bosslo Emtriott of Sutherland . A new lot of most exclusive models in furs have Just arrived. Red fox, northern lynx, genuine bcaVor, martin, Alaska and Hudson seal and Amor ican mink. You mus seo them at The Leader Mercantile Co. Tho Keith thoatre Is specializing those days bn comedy programs for Mondays'and Thursdays. Even If you havo forgotten how to laugh come on either of those days of the week and yoiui will soon bo laughing like tho rest, l';.'s hard .to keep a grouch and watch Triangle comedy. ;:o:: $23.00 Howard. Tho abo'vo reward will bo given for the arrest and conviction of the party or parties who sot out tho "prairlo fire that burned east of town Sunday af- tornoon. 85-4 WM. SIMANTS. 1 v iuui C pox. F r.od c -T- i o rvi m 131 Completing Auditorium. Workmen are now ongagod in finish ing up the auditorllura of the junior high school and -fn a short Cimo il will be in readiness for such occasions as may demand1 It. For tho lloor 450 chairs of the operri pattern, have been order ed, and in o balconies comfJortablo benches having a seating capacity of 400 have been provided. No (Ice. For sale A No. 1 'Jersey Cow Just fresh. Weight nine hundred or bcMor. Known to bo a dandy. Write or phono 88F2, B. J. Gulnan. 88-1 t t-i a ( i ryx rr- f i vs i u 1.1 a M POX. F n o e - c -T- I Fox Feature "Sins of lien" with Stuart Holmes Dorothy Bernard at the Crystal Tonight. and Men's high top lace boots $5.00 value, our price . $400 Boys' extra high top lace boots $4.50 value, our price !bJ,,9U Youths' extra high top lace boots $3,50 value, our price tbZ 7 D Little Gents' high top lace boots $2.75 value, our price JZ'Zt) Harrys Shoe Shop FIRST DOOR SOUTH KEITH THEATRE WE DO REPAIRING Tlio Hollom-ll Company. In stutlng thnt tho Hollowoll con cert Monday ovonlng would bo hold nt tho Keith theatre Tho Trlbuno was mlinformd. Tho concert will bo giv en at the Elks' homo and will bo a feature of tho recoptlon ito Govornor oloot nnd Mrs. Novlllo. The admission therfcre will be only to thoso with reception tickets. Tho company will furnish music for tho dance whloh will follow tho concert. : :o: : Passenger Men on Tension List. P. W. O'Brien, in point of service, tho oldest passongor conductor be tween Omaha and Choyonne, haB boon placed on tho pension list. Conductor Si Wilcox, who follows Mr. O'BrJon In sonlority, will go on tho list this fall. It would be Interesting to know just how many milos thoso conductors havo run trains during their long term tof service. The rocord of both hnvo boon excellent, and tho company will lose two faithful employes. LOCAL AND PERSONAL lHg Wheal Yield. Frank Bockus, living up Box Elder canyon threshed 3,005 bushels of whoat from a fifty acre field, an aver- ago of a littlo ovor sixty bushols to tho aero. Tho field of a neighbor nvoragod fifty-nino bteshols. Thoso are the larg est yields reported this season. Fig uring tho Wheat nt $1.50 por bushel, Mr. BockU3 received for the one year's crop a gross jum probably twico as largo por aero as ho valuos tho land. : :o: : Good, If True. It is reported nt Camp Llano Grande, Texas, that the Nebraska regiments will bo sent homo the early part of Deccmbor though no official order has been promulgated. From tho tono of letters written homo by tho soldier boys, tho greater part of them havo had abolat all the canty oxporienco thoy desire. Doing the same old thing' in tho same old way becomes irksome, :o-::- Lntiicran Announcements. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school service. 11 o'clock morning worship. Sermon sub ject, "Danger of Forsaking God." 4 p. m. Young People's Missionary. G:45 Luther League. y. 30 Evening worship aarmr.n sub ject, "If God -woro Just Only." Tho chest to receive tho monthly offering for tho building fund will be set out at both services. May every ono bring some offering. : :o: : Earl Hamilton Is spending this week in Omaha on business. Lost Pair noso glasses, tortoise shell rims with black ribbon, in Dixon caso. Pleaso notify Dixon's Jowclry store. 88-1 Rov. W. L. Botkln, ot Brady, spout Wednesday in this city. Ladles' drosses as cheap as you can make thum. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Tho murrlngo of Will Waltomnth, of this city, and Miss Margaret Waro of Blair, will occur nt die latter place Novombdr'28th. Will Klolik has sold" his property in tho south'part of town to H. W. GrbM for $1700 jutd has lot tho contract to Mr. CroW&or tho orectlon of a ?2500 homo in tho 800 block on west Third strcot. 1008 west Fourth strcot, Homcopntlc Hospital; Monday's pr6gram nt tho Keith will bo a "Trlariglo" nnd will proeent Douglns' Fairbanks and Boaslo Lovo in "Rogglo Mixes In", nnd tho comedy "Willie's Wobbly Ways" with Willie Collier. Franco-American Toilet ArMolos nro tho boat. For sale at Coat'os Beauty Parlors, Phono Blnck 655. 85-4 Christian Scionco sorvlco Sunday 11 a, nr. Sunday school 12 m. Wednes day evonlng meeting ovory weok nt. 8 o'olook. A cordial Invitation is ox tended to all. Building nnd Loan building. ' Arrived Just this morning dlroct from New York mnkors, about 50 now flux trimmed plush, silk volours, wool ve lourB and broadcloths; all now styles not shown 'boforo. On exhibit at Tho Loader Morcantllo Co. WnntcditGIrl for gonoral house work. Mrs. A. A. Schntz. 8Ctf , Tho Mothfodlst ladles will hold their Christmas "bazaar at Derryborry & LForbes stcTo Saturday, Dec. 10th. LTiioro win bo many articles on salo Itlinftflnv nllHnhln fnr nliFlolmntt rritla siuch as fancy towels,' bags, nprons, otc. For Salo N; NEV4, Sec. 30, Twp. 15, Rango 27, known as tho Butiorilold placpiorth oMaxwoll. ltents for cash?1 Also best residence proposition In Kearney. Address tho Pines Plan tation, Hatfield, Ark. S7-2 The high school students hold an on thuslas'tlc rally on Dewey strcot last evening, and later a numbor of them gathered at tho depot to welcome tho Alliance team which arrived oh train No. 4. Tho gamo this afternoon will be called at 3:30. Chas. F. Tenrplo, who is handling tho salo of tho Cody lots and tracts vest of town which begins noxt Mon day, says It is really surprising tho hnumbeivpf Inquiries ho has had irr re gard to tho property. He anticipates quick sales. Don't take a chance of losing monoy by shipping Furs and Hides; wo buy for highest cash price. SltC ECHELBERY, 600 LocuBt Wednesday was Union Pacific pay day and tho slzo of tho checks ot tho train and onglno men rclloctcd tho Oc tober business. Ono froight conduc tor cashed In a check Cor $250, and there woro a numbor of othors who drew nearly as largo checks. -::o: Nurse Brown lloiiiooiiniliif HosDitnl. SELF-SUPPOltTINft. Why? People know the effect of i lie remedies to cure. A baby girl was born this morning to Mr. and Mrs". John Churchill. W. T. Banks wont to Brutly last ov onlng Ho visit his tlnughter. J. C. Moore, ot Ogden, Utah, Is visit, lug Mr. uud Mrs. Fred Hanlon aiul family. N. E. Buckley loft lust ovonlng for Lincoln and othor oastorn points to apond a weokt Mrs. A. J. Frazlor returned home last ovonlng from Konmoy whore she ) visited for sovornl days. Romeniboptho Lutheran ohlokon and wnfflo supper nt Masonic hall Wednes day ovonlng, Nbvoinbor 22. Spoolal prices on ladles' drossos and n now lot Just arrived. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Mrs. Kemper, of Sutherland, return ed homo last ovonlng nftor visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Scott, Tho World-Horald of yostorday pub lished tho marriage llconso of J. C. Colo nnd Mabel Stacy; both of North Platto. Mrs. Harry Troup nnd baby, of Kear noy, formerly residents horo, who had boon visiting Mrs. L. W. Troup for a week, loPt last ovonlng. ' II. G. Knowlos will hold evangelistic services at tho Platto Valley school lilouso each ovonlng next weok, bogln nlng Mondny ovonlng. Mrs. Ron Grnhnin and baby, of Don vor, camp n fow days agio to visit Mrs. Martha Graham and family fof two weeks. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Ollico over tho McDonald State Bank. v "Mrs. W. J. Tlloy will entertain tho Ht-A-Vlrp club Tuesday afternoon. Evorythlng in kid gloves nt E. T. Tramp & Sons'. Ray Lnngrord transacted buslnoss In Bridgeport yostordoy. A package, shower for Mrs. Frank Distol will bo hold tnls ovonlng nt tho homo of Miss Mary Distol. Mrs. Martha Graham returned n fow days ago from Wyoming hfiro alio visited for somo tlmo wlthfiroia'tlves. Mrs. Boochor A. Parkor, of 'Rawllns, oanio this weok to visit lior pnronta Mr. and Mrs. Thoodoro Lowo, Sr. A nifty lino of drossos Just "arrived at E. T. Tramp & Sons'. Tho Ellto club mot Wodnosttay nf tornaoir with Mrs. John McDonald. Progresslvo card gamos woro played and prizes awarded to Mrs. Artliur McMullon and Mrs. W. L. Basklns. Tho club will bo entertained In two weoks by tho' latter. Stxtcon cents nnd bettor for hldoa; $5.50 per ton Cor scrnp Iron; cent a pound for rags packed In ancles. Big price- for furs. L. LIPSII1TZ, 88tf Front and LooUst. ;:a::t FOR YOUIt AUTO SERVICE Call 125 for taxi day or night. Also five or seven passenger car for funeral ewvico. MOGENafflN-LOUDBN AUTO CO. Chandler & Elcur Agency, Corner 8th and Locnrt Sta, Safety! Service! Strength! Safety and Strength arq tho prime factors which have built up the First National Bank. Service is a part of our everyday business in which we especially pride ourselves, and which, we believe, if our growth may be taken to mean anything, is appreciated. SAFETY! SERVIGi:! STRENGTH! These arc the three elements which should enter into consideration in the selection of a place to do YOUR banking. You will find all three herp. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, North Platte, Nebraska. iligs, Rings, Rings. 1 We find that we Have too many Rings in stock and must reduce our Ring stock. , Now would be the time to pick out a Ring for a Christman Gift for some one. We. are giving a liberal discount on our Rings until we get our stock reduced. . . LadieslKings. Boy's Rings. Girl's Rings. And dtfn't. forget the Baby's Ringl Let us showx you. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. THE SIGN WITH THE DIG KING. vfcj I Don'tDoubtYour Shoes ISWV I Get the Rigfit Kind 'jfP''' ' 'km Reoal Shobs give the biggest, Ifc'" ' - Shm! ' ,oc" sat'sact'oni Pr'cc r mWr ? ' M ' 'If price, of any shoes in America: " ' - - 'ziM The Stylei are correct. tSF'- '( '',e Lats Bre t0 wear: tho thocs TP ."v ' 'jHfabSbA fit rlKht that means mora wear. Wfr ;.', mri ''is 'I0 Leathers arc sound: special tan- Is';'' ;'''' iK ' ' 'im naxe, not dry and brittle, but soft Ji" ' sH :''! and tough. They give comfort oa iJM the foof. I' V , ' M ' '"'ifiw TIle Workmanship Is honest throu'gli & '''.HsjmI.'' ' Wl Bn(l through! seams don't r'P.-coun- I'.iSt, f I terJ "lon'tj Ireak down: hoe lib : ' " I wit" '"ther and the cost of making 'go- IP'WiM' 'M nK up' " lloc"'' 'o to nut off buylnK- tsL. "' Come l" n1 ,e new Rc!Kill, "r. ' Harcourt Clothing Company.