II' Jit CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Fred Elliott went to Omnha Frldav to spend several days. Mrs. Joseph Murphy 1ms return :d from n vlsl. in Grand Island. Maurice Fowlor, of Grand Island, Is spending a fow dnys In town. Miss BqbsIo Smith litis roturnod from Omaha where she. visited last week. Mrs. D. A. Kiussoll left Friday cvon lng for Brady to visit her Blstor for a days. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Sn-Ith havo re turned from Omaha whoro thoy visited for a wook. Shako your neighbor's hand and for. pet ill, hut remember Woodhurst's In s u ran co Agency. S7-2 v Hort Itathburn, of Casper, Wyo., who visited his slstor Mrs. F. J. Wur teld lejCt Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M, Maso'i loft Sat urday morning. Thf.y will visit In Cali fornia for several months. Miss Bosslo Salisbury and mother, who have been visiting In Aurora for a week, will return today. Headquarters for Window glass. STONE DRUG STORE. Mrs. C. A. Cemar, of Now Mexico, who was visiting Mr, and Mrs. Levi Duko left Friday evening, Chas. Boguo went to Cheyenne the latter part of last week on business connected with the B. of R. T. Supt. Wilson Tout came homo Sun day from Omaha whero ho attended tho state teachers' convention. James Hart has returned from Oma ha -where ho was called last week by the serious illness of his brother. Rev. P. F. McDald returned Saturday from Grand Island whero ho attended tho funeral of tho late Rev. Haley Mrs: Robert Lannin and baby, of Grand Island, who were visiting Mrs George Lannin and family, left Friday, For- quick action and sndsfaclosy snlo list your land with Thoelecke. tf Mrs. Earl Crandoll and baby came frooiIrtncoln Friday to visit her aunt Mrs. A. P. Kelly for a week or longer. Mrs. Hunter, of Cedar Falls, Iowa, who visited with her daughtor Miss Blanche Hunter, went home a few davs ago. ' - Miss Florence Stanvp has taken a position as telephone operator In tho Western Union office to work from midnight until eight a. m. Mrs. Will. Broternltz and children, of Sidney, former residents hero, came I Friday afternoon to visit Mr. and Mrs ' Henry Broternltz for several days. Franco-American Toilet Articles are tire best. For sale at Coates Beauty Parlors, Phono Black 655. 85-4 1 Lewis Kelly, who was Injured two weeks ago In a practice game of foot j ball, was able to bo out the latter part of last week with tho aid o: f crutches. " Rags, for a short time $1,00 per 100. - Must bo sacked. Paying a good price for all Kinds of metals, and rubber. Bones $10'per ton, but must bo-dry .. NORTH PLATTE JUNK HOUSE. Stanley Closer, of Omaha, former . clerk for U. P.- Supt. Brolihy who has boon assistant to Sunt. Andorsom ho-e i for several weeks has accepted a'posl- . tion in Los Angeles and will leave shortly. 1 The bans of marriage of Miss Kath leen Flynn and Thomas Hegarty were announced for the first time in St. Patrick's church Sunday morning. Tho l wedding will take place the latter part of this month. Governor-Elect Neville will ?o tc Lincoln tomorrow to attond a bar-quet to ho clven by the democratic state centtnl committee, and will be ono of . the speakers. Prominent democrats from all parts of the, stato will be present. E. A. Calling, of Gothenburg, was in U, J., VUIllllb, UUIIIVHUM.OI " he has been a commissioner of Dawson conn- ty but will complete hist arm in Jp.nu. ua rrvA,,Hv, nnrphaaft.l two car- loads of steers which ho wil feed on th faim he owns In the east part of thU county. jj i I Forget Your Winter I if 1 Every room in the house I Si SMOkHLESS OIL HEATER Sm. 1 STOffiB Easy to clean easy to fill j I J HsSiW easv 10 carry. Economical iM inSfil as we everywhere L r KSl by reliable dealers.. EnPEM?! 1 Eb For boat results ttae UIV i 'pl Perfection kerosene. Ij Standard Oil Company ) , - , . ml dglmMtaimtmmtmmammmmatmmmmmaua - - - rJ- I ....... V T--'-immM Lochlel Johnston wont to Paxtonl ouiuiuuy io spenu a lew unys All kinds of homr dressed dolls for sale at Episcopal fair Nov. ICth. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug Storo. .County Treasurer Albert Durbln transacted buslnoss in Dickens Satur day. A baby girl was -born Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kelly. All conoorned are doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Hlgley wont to Grand Island Saturday morning to visit for soma time. Alvln Ranch accepted a position. In tho Horrod grocory tho lattor part of last week. Dr. Fottor returned Satwtday from a professional visit In tho castoru part of this state. John Den roturnod to Sidney Satur day morning after spending several days in town. Mrs. II. A. Lawhead loft tho latter part of last wcolc for Kearney to visit for a f9v days. The Catholic ladles 'Will hold an ex change nt Howe & Maloifoy store Sat urday, Nov. 18th. Supt." Allcen Gantt returned Satur day from vlsfllng schools In tho -west ond of the county. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gantt were called to Lincoln Saturday by tho death of the lattor s grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Buckley expect to leave for Lincoln to visit friends for a week or longer. During tho month of October thir teen marriage licenses woro granted by County Judgo French. Your first duty is to jour family, buy Insurance in woouiiursrs insur. ance Agency. S7-2 Mr. and Mrs. Harper, of Maywood, a,rr!Yel h.er,e 'iarArMl their daughtor Mrs. Ray Wolborn Don't forget the dale of sale of lota nnd tracts In t he Cody addition;, nnd Kiib-dlvlslons November 20th -next Jlondny. Miss Mabel McVickcr of Lexington, spent the week end hero on business connected with her millinery parlors Victor Halllgan of tho state univer sity came tho latter part of last week to visit the homo folks for a few days. Mrs. Stafford, of Paxton. came Sat urdav morninc? to Visit her daughter Miss Isabello Stafford for several days. Charles Martini who has been em ployed at Sidney for some time, v's ited with tho homefolks last week. Mrs. Edith Qually, of Elk Mount ain camo tho latter part of last week to visit her mother Mrs. Connctt for several weeks. A nice muff will keep your hands comfortable. The largest assortment over shown in North 4laitte Is at Wil cox Department Storo. Mrs. Chas. C. Hupfor leaves nc.:t week for Atchlnson, Kan., whoro sho will visit a week with her son Charley who is attending Midland college. Mr." and Mrs. Ross Rhodes, of Key stone, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tucker for several days, re turned home yesterday morning. "Mrs. Black is Back," l.he comedy stnge success of May Irwin, will bo presented on the screon at tho crystal Thursday night with May Irwin in tho rolo which sho carried on the stajre. Mrs. Mathlas Ellas was Injured Sun day by a fall 'while at work at hor home. Mrs. Elias was convalescing from a broken ankle, received during tho summer and her injury Is therforo more painful. Wholesale prices on Bluo Diamond flour in lots of 500 pounds or more Corn, onts, barley, bran and shorts at prices that will interest you. LEYPOLDT & PENNINGTON, New Elevator, Front street and Sib- ler avenue. Phono 99. E. L. Ferine, of Scottc Bluff, and L G. Moffott of Fremont came herp a 1 T . . - few days ago and arc Having auoita mills erected at Birdwood and Hershey ot one nciiiireu anu icn nurse puwur. The former is owner and the latter manager of tho plants. Mosdames Porino nnd Moft'ett will rcsldo in this cliy . ul ". pai;"t' OFFtt I, VI, VOTE CAST IN LINCOLN COUNTY NOV. 7th Tho voto of Lincoln county was canvassed Flrldny nnd Saturday by I Clerk Yost, Tom Hcaley and E. S ) Davis. Several InuccuracIoH were ills covered nnd corrcctod. The total voto on tho hoad of the ticket and for stato and county officers was found to bo ns follows: : Total Vote 4005 I'rohlblllory Amendment Yes 2191 No , 11S;J Pure Food Amendment Yes 14 G2 No JtS Presidential Electors Domocrntlo '. 2102 Republican 1301) Socialist 210 Phohibitlon 43 Progress! vo 2S 17. S. Senator Gilbert M. Httchcook, D 1743 John L. Kennedy, R l?4'.t E. E. Olmstead, S .. 221 D. B. Gllbort.P 73 Governor Keith Novlllo, D , 2170 Abraham L. Sirtton, R 1481 B. Z. Mllllknn, S 190 J. D. Gravos, P 5.1 Lieutenant Governor Edgar Howard. D 1859 ,11. P. Shumwa, R 1511 Humuun u unnnuaugii, a, 257 Charles E Smith, P ltG Secretary of Stale Charles W Pool, D till!) Addison Walt, R 1507 E M. Hefner, S., 247 Alert Lamm, P 99 Auditor of Public Accounts Wm. H. Smith, D 177C Georgo W. Marsh, R 1531 D. J. Baldwin, S 28G John E. Roberts, P 120 Stale Treasurer Geo. E. Hall, D 1773 W. H. Reynolds, R ..1C2S W. B Well3, S 273 Chas. Stoll, P G9 Slate Superintendent W. H. Chunmons, D.... 1019 A. O. Thomas, R 1GP8 Mary II. Axtoll, S 339 W. Eugene Knox P.., 89 A Homey General Willis B. Reed, D ,1858 Robert Dovoo, R 15G4 Geo. J. Wright, S 131 Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings O. L. Shumway, D 177G Fred Beokmnnn, R 155.1 Fred G. Chase, S 267 J. B. Jenkins, P .. 100 Railway Commissioner Victor E. Wilson, D 1ES7 Honry T. Clark, R IG34 Geo. P. Bissell, S 10G Regents of University P. L. Hall, D 1S57 H. D. Landls, D 1G27 Geo. N. Seymour, R 1403 Samuel C. Bassett, R 1373 Henry J. Aberly, S 250 Elisha J. Taylor, S 228 L. C. Gilbert. P 119 Annette Nesbltt, P 9G Congressman (ith District Ed B. McDermott, D 1385 Moses P. Klnkald, R ,...2041 John Canrlght, S 211 Luclen Stebbins, petition 01 Stato Senator 2,th District 1). M. Douthett, D-R 3119 Representative GSth District Butlor Buchanan, d r4S Scott Roynolds, R 1.701 Representative 77th District Eugcno Beal, D...Z 1570 W. H. C. Woodhurst, R. T . . .155 County Clerk Royal Ericcson D 1023 A. S. Allen, R 2050 Clerk District Court Everett Ware. D 1757 Geo. E. Prosser, R.., 1891 County Treasurer R. A. Frame, D 1392 S. M. Souder, R 2285 County Superintendent Allceu Guntt, R, . ; 2802 (No Opposition) Sheriff Cy Russell, D 1154 A. J. Salisbury, R 259 County Attorney Geo. N. Gibbs, D 1723 P R. Halllgan, R 19S5 County Surveyor I R. L. Cochran, D , 2707 (No Opposition) County Commissioner District No 1 F W Hcrminghau3on, D 5137 1 L Miltonbergor, It 1543 County Commissioner District No. !J I'. A. Anderson, D '. 1005 S. J. Koch, R ...1837 Chief .Tusllco Androw M. Morrisey 1745 Jacob Fawcett. l) i?3 Associate Judge Supremo Court L. S Hastings 1285 James R Doan 1348 John B. Barnes 1252 John C. Martin 1230 Albert J. Cornish 1382 Samuel II. Sedgwick : . . 1 335 District Judge 131 h District If. M. Grimes 2355 (No Opposition) County Judge Geo. E. Fronch , RIG (No Opposition) :;o;: . Yon have often figured o:i a subur ban homo, whore yon v. Ill have room lo do the things you win I to. Now Is your chance. Buy n lot oi tract In Hie Cody additions or UinYnlo Rill sub- division. :to:i Weather Record Broken Tho record Tor low November tem perature In tho north und wost wns broken Sundny night when twenty be low' zero was recorded at Havre, Mont., and Choyonno, Wyo., twrnty four below at Lander, Wyo., and twelve bolow at Rapid City, S. D. At Denver It was two bolow, four below at Valen tino nnd ono below nt North Platto. Tho weather bureau roportu that nev er before wore such low tomopratureB recordol in Novotnbor, Tho forecast ;oday is for much warmer weather. Mrs. Clarence Tollofson nnd son of Suthorland, camo Friday to visit hor mother Mrs. Goorgo Donohower. ::o: ; ' TOR SALE. For tho next thirty days I am offer ing my property at 414 So. Elm street for $1,275. Terms about half cash othor halt In building nnd loan asso ciation. For particulars write B. A. Fronch, Gravity, Iowa. 84-0 THE biggest problem lliis store ever solved was that of finding clothing of superior style for men of middle age. Young men like dash and gOyin the things they wear, dignity is a Second Consideration, but the man of forty seeks clothing in full keeping with his position in life. , , We offer men of middle age KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES Fine fabrics in blue and brown, grey or tan. Suits in every size from 36 to 44. Special models for stout men, short men and tall men. Styles for tho six-foot man of two hundred pounds and his partner of one hundred and fifty. We offer true economy in our price range of $20, $25, $30 or $35 We offer clothing so superbly tailor ed, so finely cut and lined and finished that its counterpart cannot be surpassed elsewhere at a third more. We offer you a service of certain sat isfaction. We're willing to prove our case, any day you care make a try-on test, with no obligation on your part to purchase until you are convinced of ihe wisdom in doing so.i j. b. Mcdonald, "THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES" NORTH PLATTE, NEB. NORTH PLATTE CONTENDER i'OK STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Knrl Loo. a snort writer in tho Om aha Sunday Boo says: An upsot! in tho eleventh hour of the state high school foot ball campaign has nlaccd North Platto In a position to contend for leadership. By defeat ing" Lexington by a score of 37 to 7 thti western team beebmes ono of tho powerful teams of the stato. Coacli Raskin has Improved his cloven from a weak combination into one of tho dangerous competitors for tho title. Tho 13 to' 12 scoro against tho Cur tis Aggies and a corresponding small victory over Cozad, by a scoro of 13 llo' 0, Indicated that Raskin did not havb a strong team. Late dovelop- uwiiita lmwnvnr linvn flhnwil a turn. inir nnint in tlm nrnsnccts ami there Is a fair possibility that this team will defeat Lincoln whon thoy meet Novom- bor 25. If such occurs Norm rintio will nifimr iw tlm Rt.ntn chamnlons or on a par with Central High for flrct honors. Tho team boasts or two stars of all-stato caliber in Baker at tachlOi and Christ -at half back. I With tho CenhTalf-Llncoln gnmo gone, this North Platte-Lincoln gamo is the only big ono of tho conference for tho rest of tho season: Tho gnmo will bo played at Lincoln. $25.00 'ito'vvnrd, rPlm nlinvn ,rW!irl will bo clvoil for tho arrest and conviction of tho party or pnrtics wno sot out mo pnnno nro that "burned east of town Sunday af tornoon. 85-4 WM. SIMANTS. ::o::- Beo Whltod of Gothenburg was ar rested before County Judgo Moulds; Nov, 0th charged with stealing 75 bufi shols of wheat from Harry Ililos, and Hnlllntr Mm snmo nt Ooziid. TTnnn nru. llmlnary examination ho was requlied by Judgo Moulds to give bond In tho sum of $500.00 for his appearance in District Court, which bond was given by tho dofondant. Loxlngton Cllppor. Miss Rachnol Wlttmor returned Sun. day ovenlng from a visit in Omnho. Telephone Your i Grocery orders to 32 They will given prompt nnd careful attention. Lierik-Saiidall Co. s.. '1 A.. ' I Misses Isabqllo Doran, Theo Ilinson, l3abollo Stafford and Mrs. Adn Turplo returned Saturday from tho teachers' convention in Omnha. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank . J,t ; t.t it t.t t.t B .t t.t .t t.t t.t i? ft t.t t.t it t.t NOJITI1 PLsYTTJ5, JSJSJ3HA. S CA . Member "Federal Reserve Bank System. CAJT'VUv AA'D SUMlUSt Oric Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. i.t it t.t B n STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HATE BEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OF THIS HANK, AND TnE SA3IB OAKBFUL ATTENTION IS G1TEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GITEN TO LARGE BALANCES. J.t t.t i.t t.t n . INTEREST PAID Mutual Building &Loan Ass n. OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ASSETS $840,000.00 To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers; Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adver tising the fact lliat they have reduced the monthly payments of borrowers to SI. 10 per month on each $100:00 borrowed, making the monthly payment the same ns the Mutual Build ing &-Loan Association of North Platte. They fail to state that of the SI. 10 paid to the non-resident company, there is only thirty-five cents credited as u principal payment, the balance seventy-five cents being taken for interest. Of the $1.10 monthly payment to this association on each $100.00 borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited as a principal payment. This difference in the amount credited the borrower will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each $100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they would if they were doing the business with this Association. Mutual Building & Loan Association OFJORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Copyrltlit 1910 Tl lloue o( Ktiivenheimrr Miss Lottlo Lowis, of Ogalalla, camo tho lattor part of last week to visit Miss Carrio Wol 1 for several dnys. -oi- n B t.t it t.t t.t I t.t t.t it ON TIME DEPOSITS.