J THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X v 1 ; i I Here is a better rubber i boot than Father ever I owned it is a REO . a - i iiviftr WITH THE RED LINE 'ROUND THE TOP Father wore black boots. So did you until about 3 years ago when Goodrich after spend ing $l,0O0,OOO-pcrfectcd "HII'RESS" lirown Boots, made the now way, llko a Goodrich Auto lire, out of tough new auto tiro ruuDcr. Jjaa s boots never woro linir so long neither do other makes even today compare with "HIPRESS" because ft rntolESS" boot is one solid wear-resisting piece. All styles Tht ORIGINAL Brown Rabbtr 39,000 dealers Boot and lUavy Shot ROAD BUILDING MILLIONS FOR BETTER ROADS 20,000,000 pairs sold without adver . : a.i i 3 r "STRAIGHT-LINE" Rubbers are I A tit for metry foot The rubber In them ts tough, almost, at rawhide. It wears twice as long as the rubber others use. And"STRAIGHT LINES" At snug, feel light and look neat. They are everything thataman, woman or child could desire that Is why 20,000,000 pairs were sold onmerit alone without advertising. At 38,000 stores. Sum of $85,000,000 of Federal Funds Made Available for Construction of Country Highways. By the passage of the federal nld road bill the government of the United States has put Itself In the way 'to reap great benefits. According to the new law, the sum of $85,000,000 of fed- eral funds Is made available for tbo construction of country roads. Of this amount $75,000,000 Is to be ex pended for the construction of rural post roads under co-operative arrange ments with the highway departments of the various states nnd $10,000,000 Is to bo used in developing roads and trails within or partly within the na tlonnl forests. This law Is proof of the national nwnkcnlng to the fact that our coun try is lamentably deficient In well constructed highways. The main U Ask for COOQRICH STRAIGHT-LINE RUBBER OVERSHOES not just "rubbers" Toe B. F. Goodrich Company, Akron, Ohio Maker. alo, of TEXTAN-tho Goodrich Solo that oatwtart hathtr on Uathtr hot A Complicated Reasoner. ''How, are you going to vote this fall?" "Gonln to vote the prohibition tick et," replied Uncle Bill Bottletop. "But the other parties are strong for killing of the demon rum." "That's Jes the point. The prohibi tion party Is about the only party that Isn't, liable to get pull enough to put our township on the dry list." The man who doesn't know a woman until after be marries her may regret the acquaintance. Cause and Effect. "I see shoes nio going up." "That's why the people ure kicking." Fortynlne factories In the United States make needles and pins, nnd all report nn Increase In business. A pear tree on the farm of J. S. Engle In Shoemnkcrsvllle, Pa., 1C3 years old, Is bearing fruit North Dakota has $4,000,000 worth of land set apart as school endowment. Nebraska Directory THE PAXTON HOTEL Omiht, Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms from $1.00 up single. 75 cents up double. CAFE PRICKS REASONABLE TOWNSEND GUN CO. Sporting Goods, Athletic Supplies, Guns, Ammunition 18I4FARNAM ST. OMAHA. NED. DOCTORS M AC H & MACH DENTISTS 3rd Floor Paiton Black l6th&FarnamSts.,0maha B.i .qulpp.d D.nUl OfileM InOmih. Ktiionabl prlc.s. 8pcLl dliooant to til poplt living entild of Omthft. Hotel Castle 632 So. 16 St., Omaha, Neb. New, Absolutely fireproof Rooms with private bath - $1.50 Rooms with private toilet - - 1 .00 Fred A. Castle, Proprietor RHEUMATISM Successfully treated with Bernm, It la the only positive treatment known which will eradicate the tissue destroying genii from the system. soceoufol treatment guaranteed. Call or write lor fuU particulars. Dr. W. W. Bowser, 314 Bee Bldj., Omaha, Neb. BOWLES Commission Co. SHIPMENTS SECURED BT $100,000.00 CAPftA,ii 'S.OCI1 BBST PRICES AITD FILLS. South Omaha Chloago Kas. City Hotel Loyal, Omaha Take Dodge Street Car From Station. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF TDosiio J fti.oo-ay without bath. , XtatCaLjoop with bath. The Hotel With a Reputation R. E. 8RYAKT Proprietors O. E. CARMET McKenney Dentists k0 ITIICES ALWAYS TIIE SAME KMt22k Gold Crown. . , jiOO lirldKoWcfrk. per Tooth . IJ HestrbllTer rutins . . too Wonder l'late. VM, KM, f 10.00 Cleaning Toeth ... Wo gfeastf'OHAHA, NEB. JOS. BLISS & SON CO. LIVE STOCXC COMMISSION Satisfactory aalea. Prompt returns. It you want jour nUy.1t. sold on Its merits and sold well, we Inrlte you to Bhlp to us. FEKDI5K OKDKHS carefully filled. Get In touch WITn. US for results. South Omaha, N.braska. Ship Turkeys, Poultry Capons, Veal, Babbits, Butter, Eggs, Hides, etc. lo PERRY St CC OMAHA. NEB. We ajr promptly J AH II. Coop and Cases furnished. 20 years In Omaha. Write for t; r, Nebraska Directory OMAHA, NEBR. Wc are at present In the market for 100 carloads of Mixed Iron. Also all other grades of Scrap Metal and Rubber. Write us for quotations at ull times, as It will pay you to eliminate the middleman and deal direct with the big dealer. SHIP US .1 n DIRECT Save all Agents Commission anil Losses Send for tags and our special offer for new customers. WATERLOO CREAMERY CO. OMAHA, NED. MID-WEST ELECTRIC CO. 1207 Harney St. Omaha, Mob. 7,00 Cherry BU Dee Urines, In. ELECTRICAL JOBBERS Blstribntori for General Hlectrlo Oo.t Amertean UlectrioOo.,Telophonesi a A. Wood freserrer Oo. tr A good stock of general snpplle, both cities. TAGG BROS, f&v & MOORHEAD 7 Inc., LIVESTOCK COMMISSION AGENTS UrJcn Stock Yards Oathi, Heb. Moving Picture Machine rower. Simpler. MoUoiranh seeond.hand ma. chines at. bargain prices. Bend for our special payment plan proposition and catalogs. For Movie Merchandise See "Van" WK8TEKN SDl'I'JUY COMPANY, Inc. lathaudUarney SU., Omaha, Nebr. REPAIRS'" FURNAOES BOILERS and STOVES Pleaee order through your nearest dealer. Qulokshlpmentsourhobby. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, OMAHA, NEB. EDISON FARM LIGHT PLAINTS WITH TUT INDBSTUUCTlBLU NIUKLH-BTHM, BATTBI1T WKITH TODAY HOLL1E H. THEW 1511 Howard Stre." OMAHA. NEB. IT PAYS TO SHIP CREAM DIRECT ALFALFA BUTTER CO,, OMAHA Auk us to put your name on our quotation list that you may compare our prices with others. Well-Cared-For Highway. lines of travel In the early tlays wero the shores of grout waters nnd tho rivers and cnnnls. The rnllrond build lng era followed close upon the perl od of the river steamboat and for theso and other reasons the highways of the 'and were neglected. Ono of the most powerful of the agencies now at work for better roads Is tho automobile. The country owes n debt to tho motor-driven car for niak' Ing Insistent demand for adequate highways over which to travel. The expenditure of theso many mil Hons of dollars will benefit the people very greatly by helping to convey farm products to market and thus to somo extent It will make living cheaper and more comfortable, says Chicago News, Moreover, tho country with an nbund nnco of good roads within its bounda ries Is more easily defended when threatened from without. Tho best result of all, however, will bo the quickening of Intercourse nnd lntolll. genco nnd tho unifying of: this great nation, which as yet Is too much given to sprawling physlcnlly and otherwise. KENTUCKY FIRST TO IMPROVE Spent Money for Construction of Hoaas over Half Century Ago Had Highway Engineer. It Is often said' that the use of state money for tho construction of roads Is of quite recent oriel n. Tho Nnw .Tor. sey stnto nld law of 1891 Is sometimes referred to as tho first instnnco of such use of stnto funds in Mils noun. try. As n matter of fact, state money was spent for such purposes more man 70 yenrs ago. Kentucky paid out over $2,000,000 for road tmnrnvn- ments between 1820 nnd 1840, under me direction of n stnto hlehwnv en glnecr, who drew a salary of SS.000 n year, n very lnrge sum for those days. The roads built then wero 24 to 30 feet wide between tho ditches. The surfaces were, constructed of hrr- ken stone, and tho bottoms wero of largo stones wedged together to make what road builders cnlt a telford foun dation. About 18:30 business condi tions In tho country became bad and this work stopped. When it was re- Slimed In 1008 SUCh a lone nnrlnrt linrl elapsed since tho earlier state-aid work that 1008 is usually fixed as tho beginnlag of state roadwork in Ken tucky. Roads In Wisconsin. Tho good roads movement in win consln Is organizing In a way that Beems certain to produce early sub Btantlul results. Autos Pay Beat An automobllo load going through tho vlllago spends more money tliero than a dozen train loads passing tho depot, uoou roads pay. Heavy Pork Not Wanted. Heavy pork Is not wanted In tho market as In years icons by. No Light Matter. Both Germany and Ilussla aro hav ing serious difficulties in getting enough matches "to go around." Germany lacks tho proper kind of wood, which formerly was Imported from Ilussla. Tho czar's country, on tho other hand, Is in wnnt of the necessary chemicals for match-making, which tho Russians used to get from Germany. SWAMP-ROOT STOPS SERIOUS BACKACHE When your back achc, and your blad' der and kidneys ace in to bo disordered, re member it is needless to sutler go to your nearest drug storo and get a bottlo of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. It is n physician's prescription for diseases of the kidneys and bladder. It has stood tho test of years and has a reputation for quickly and effectively giving results in thousands of cases. This prescription was used by Dr. Kil mer in his private practice and was so very effective that it has been placed on sale everywhere. Get a bottle, 60o and 11.00, at your nearest druggist. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for .a samplo bottle. When" writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. A Solemn Warning. "Do you think our republic Is in dan ger?" "Certainly not," replied Senator Sor ghum. "It Is reasonably safo now. All I say Is that I shudder to think of what may befall it If I should hap pen not to bo re-elected." BAD COMPLEXION MADE GOOD When All Elso Falls, by Cutlcura 8oap and Ointment. Trial Free. If you aro troubled with pimples, blackheads, redness, roughnoss, itching and burning, which dlsflguro your com plexion and skin, Cuticura Soap and Ointment will do much to holp you. Tho Soap to cloanso and purify, tho Olntmont to sootho and hoal. Froo samplo each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Boston. Sold ovorywhoro. Adv., A man in trouble will believe a good many things he wouldn't glvo a thought to at any other time. Yet there must bo somo plcasuro In being a model citizen. W. L. DOUGLAS "THE SHOE THAT HOLDS IT 8HAPE" $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 & $5.00 a . ... Yir !.. inr r..i shoon. ForBalobyovorOOOOshoecIoalcrs. Tho Boat Known Shoos in tho World. W. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bot tom of all shoes at the factory. Tho value is guaranteed and the wearer protected sgairut high price for Inferior shoes. The retail prices are the same everywhere. They cot no more in San Francisco than they do In New Yotk. They are always worth the price paid for them. nphe quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America. They are made in x well-eaui'ppcd factory at Brockton, Mass.. by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and supervision ot experienced men, all working with an honest determination to make die best shoes for the price that money can buy. Ask yonr shoo dealer for W. T Douglas shoes. If lie can not supply yon with tlin kind you want, tako no oilier maun, wriu cot shoe, of tl by return mall, poitago freo, inakn. YVrllo for Interesting booklet exnlalntni cot .hoe. of tho highest .tamlartl of quality for tl liorr to o price, LOOK FOR W. L. DouSlas name and the retail price stamped qn the bottom. IVotlilent J W. I Ilnqgla. Shoo Oo, Boys' Shoes SMtlflttoWorM $3.00 $2.50 & $2,00 , rtrocktoBj Mum. HORSE SALE DISTEMPER You know that when you soil or buy through the Balsa youhavonboutonochnncotnnttyto cscopo SAJJ3 STABLB niHTKMPEit. MsroiiN'S" Is your true protection, your only safeguard, for as sum as you treat all your horaos with It, you will soon bo rid of tho disease. It nets as a sure preventive, no matter how thoy aro ''exposed." CO cents nnd tl a bottlo; 15 and $10 doson bottles, at all Rood drURRlsts, horso Roods houses, or delivered by the manufacturers. 8P01IN MEDICAL, CO., Chemists, Geshea, lad., V. 8. A Why Sho Wanted It. "Algy, I want you to buy mo a book." T nm glad you are becoming lit erary, my dear." "Fudge! This nrtlclo says ono way to acquire n good cnrrlago Is to prac tice balancing a book on your head." Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal. Important to Mothers Examlno carefully ovory bottlo ot OASTOltIA, that famous old remedy tor infants auu children, and sco that it Signature of In Ubo for Ovor 30 Tears. Ohiiaron Cry for Fletcher's Castorio Effect of Heredity. "What a crusty iellow .links Is 1" "No wonder; Ills father is a bnker." Tho first steel pens wero sold for about forty cents each. Luck may bo n good servant, but as a muster his pay days aro uncertain. HAIR BALSAM A tollttpniKuirtloa of arif Halpt to nutleU (UadroC Beauty toGryorPdllJr. Me. and Sl.PO M DraggKM. m if busses sway nmm ma ism nwjia L.ow"prica. ttf h jMM rUt.l( mr preierreu vj - I mm TMi wttm Btottka T.CCIRM III,. WrtHlot booittai,tl!BOl.l. I 10-tftlSI.BISSlHnM.$I.M SBMSftkcKstttKnilt. Uie nf lajtctor. but Cuttti't tlnplmt l.d itiu tMt. pmorftr 01 uiiier prooucn if au 10 orer i tri ol pkU1UIh la VACCINSS AMD sasims only. lHim oh Cirrrss's. II naoettloMtu vrdtr flu Kt ANY INDUSTRIOUS MAN may doroto hl tlaio to sood lulTantasio aelUnc low prlood tires. The Gal-Hate lira bnleeH lsa nosey tuaker. SUxS non-skid eaalDgs. sua. otimr siie la proportion. Small capital required. For toll parUe uiars wriio s.r. aisss.iise dnuway.ssn mas tSnr Rates reaaooable. Highest retoreaoea. Bestssrrteea "ROUGH ch MW'wfoSSm&Iti m PS (ess fYfarv saps: Take Nuxated Iron If you want plenty of 'stay there' Strength and c? j i ti ii.it- j i wi ; ; ; A hitherto untold Secret of his Great Victories over Jack Johnson and Frank Moran. ' 1 Ordinary Nuxated Iron will often Increase the strength and endurance of delicate, nervous folks 200 per cent In two weeks' time. SPECIAL, NOTE. Dr. E. Sauer, a well known physician who has studied widely in both this country and Europe, lias been specially employed to make a thorough investigation Into tho real secret ot tho great strength, power and endurance of Jess Wlllard, and tho marvelous value of nuxated iron as a strength bulldor. NEW YORK. Upon being inter viewed at his apartment In tho Colon ial Hotel, Mr. Willard said: "Yes, I havo a chemist with mo to study tho vnluo of different foods and products as to their power to produce great strength and endurance, both of which aro so necess ry in tho prlzo ring. On his rccomm' idatlon I havo often tak en nuxated 'ton and I havo particular ly advocat 1 tho freo uso of Iron by all those who wish to obtain great physical nnd mental power. Without It I am suro that I should nover havo been ablo to whip Jack Johnson so completely nnd easily as I did. and whllo training for my fight with Frank Moran I regularly took nuxated iron, and I am certain that It was a most important factor in my winning tho fight so easily." Continuing, Dr. Sauer said: "Mr. Wlllard's case is only ono of hundreds which I could clto from my own personal cxperlenco which proves, conclusively tho astonishing power of nuxated iron to restoro strength nnd vitality oven In most com plicated chronic conditions." Npt long ago n man camo to mo who was nearly half n century old, and asked mo to glvo him a preliminary examination for Hfo insurance. I was astonished to And him wiUi tho blood pressure of a boy of 20 and as full of vigor, vim and vitality as n young man In fact, n young man ho really was, notwithstanding his age. Tho secret ho said was taking iron nuxated iron had filled him with renowed life. At 30 ho was In bad health; at 10 care worn and nearly all In. Now at 150 n roirnclo of vitality and his face beam Ing with the buoyancy of youth. As I havo snld n hundred times over iron is tho greatest of all strength builders. If people would only throw nwuy pnt ent medicines nnd nauseous concoc tions nnd tnko simple nuxated Iron, I nm convinced that the lives of thous ands of persons might be saved who now die every year from pneumonia, grippe, consumption, kidney, liver nnd heart trouble, etc. The real and true JESS WILLARD AT H.OMB Among mil the prominent figures of tho prfto ring, probably none fs so de voted to family life as Jess Wlllard. Alter each engagement tha champion hurries to his wife anil children and remains at their side until publlo de mand forces him to leave for new encounters. Everything is done to bring up tha "Utile Wlllardi" with strong healthy bodies Mr. Wlllard accounts tor his ewn meets by saying:- " cons;dtr penty tfmn ;n my blood is the stent qf my p-eat strength, power and endurance9 causo which started their diseases was nothing moro or less than a weakened condition brought on by lack of Iron in tho blood. Iron Is absolutely necessary to cn ablo your blood to cliango food in- to living tissue. Without It, no mat cents. You must tako iron In a form that can bo easily absorbed and as ter how much or what you eat, your fainted like nuxated iron If you waat It out doing you any good. You don't get tho strength out of it, nnd as a consequenco you becomo weak, palo and sickly looking, just llko a plant trying to grow in soil deficient In iron, to do you any good, otherwise may provo worso than useless. Many m athlete or prlzo fighter faaa won tho day Blmply because ho knew tho secret of great strength and en duranco and filled his blood with iron If you aro not strong or well, you owo boforo i10 wcnt int0 tho affray, while it to yourself to mnko tho following any another has gono to Inglorious test: Sco how long you can work, or uuiwu aimpiy ior uio me oi iron, how far you can walk without becotn- Snucr, M. D. Ing tired. Noxt tnko two five-grain vnrri T . . a v , i m i. i i . 7, NOTE. Nuxated Iron, recommended tablets of ordinary nuxated Iron three above by Dr. Bauer, is not a pdtent modl- tlmes per day nftor meals for two elno, nor secret remedy, but ono which 1 weeks. Then test your strength again constituent's in?" and sco for yourself how much you "ent physicians evorywhoro. Untiko the, havo gained. I have seen dozens of A&&rffi'fr ftjfc nervous, run-down pcoplo who wero make them black, nor upset tho stomach; nlllnir nil thn whllp dmililn rhplr on th contrary. It Is a most potont rem- uiung nn uio wnue, uouuio meir od ln noarly a forma oi indigestion as strength and endurnnco and entirely won as for nervous, rundown conditions. cot rid of nil Bvmntoms of rfvsmniln ii10 manufacturers have such great eon- M-i rm oi na Byrapioms oi ayspepsia, n,jeqco jn Nuxated Iron that they offer to liver and other troubles ln from ten to forfeit llM.00 to any charltablo Institution fourteen dnvs tlmo sltnnlv hv tnklnt? " iney..canno.t taho Rly or yrorosn iouuw.il ouys umo Hinpiy ny lauing under 60 who locks iron and-ncreaso thMr Iron in tho proper form. And tills nf- strength 200 per cent or over in four tor they had in somo cases been doc KBor& S torlng for montlis without obtaining refund your money if it does not at least any benefit. But don't tako tho old ?e0nubday?OUtm2.trTtgt,s, AZZR Jortns of reduced Iron, Iron acetate or druasists. if your druggist or general tincture of Iron simply to savo a few tt0fSr you.-AdVr BUPp!y a8k tl,em 1 -r--- V.