1P xtlorth tmme. THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., NOVEMBER 7, L916. No. 85 BUCKIXG EXHIBITION AT THE I'AIlt GROUNDS SATURDAY Loo Caso will stage a bucking exhi bition at tho fair grounds next Satur day afternoon at two o'clock. Among tho buckors will bo tho mule which nobody succeeded In riding at the county fair. Caso has Bocurcd a ipro fosslonal who ho believes will bo able to ride the outlaw mule, but of cowrso the mule may dlffor from Caso. In ad dition o this mule-riding exhibition Case will bring in n number of out law hdrses to bo ridden, or at least at tempted, by a half dozen or moro rid ers. Caso promises to give attendants tho worth of their money, and wo have never known him to fracturo a piomiso ho makes. Some real live sport is promised. An admlslon fee of twenty-five cents "will bo charged. ::o:: At tho Keith Tonight Dr. Broon in a series of illusions en titled' "Tho 'Flight of Mndra," "Trip to Spookvillo" and the, "Golden But terfly" will appear at tho Keith to night. Eftie, tho Mental Marvel,' will ans wer many difficult questions from among the audience. Bo on hand at 8:45 to see this marveled pair. Bal cony 10 and 15 cents; main floor 10 and 20 cents. ::o:: Nurse lirwn Homeopathic Hospital. SELF-SUPPORTING. Why? People know the effect of tho remedies to cure. ; :o: : Bench I'redlcts Victory. State Chairman Beach, of tho repub lican party, issued the following state ment Sunday: "Nebraska will go republican by ma jorities' ranging ilrom 10,000 to 20,000. Wo Willi elect five and possibly all six congressmen. Many leading demo crats now concede Hitchcock's defeat and thoelecthon to. John L. Kennedy ior uie umiuu suues senate, ino one now seriously disputes tho election of Judge Sutton for-govornor." ' ::o:: Julius Plzer while enrouto firpm east ern points, have gone home. Roy Marovlsh, of Stapleton, visited his sister Mrs. K. A. Oborg- .this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sawyer, of Colum bus, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwiird Rebhausen, left a few days ago. Albert Schatz has returned from Omaha where he spent tho greater part of a week. As Important as Your Overcoat Your Underwear For protection agaiust cold weather and chilly winds your underwear is as important as your overcoat. It is not as im portant in "style" but it is in comfort. The best plan then is to choose here where you can't choose wrong. Lewis Union Suits $1.00 to $5.00 Two Piece Garments 50c to $1.50 The Man Without a Sweater is losing the services of the most practical ' winter garment. But why be without one when a small in vestment brings you a warm, stylish sweater that holds its shape? ALL WOOL SWEATERS $3.00 to $8.S0 Shirts for Every Man Men with a wardrobe full of shirts have bought a few of these new patterns, they're so different. It would be hard to imagine anyone so well supplied that he would not wish a few of these values MANHATTANS OTHERS $1.50 to $5.00 $1.00 to $4.00 HARCOURT CLOTHING CO. Democrats Hold Jtnlly Tho democrats closed tho campaign last night with a meeting at tho Keith theatre which wus prosldod ovor by County Chairman Bceler and address ed by E. B. MoDermott, cundldato for congress, and "Dick" Metcalfe, edi tor of tho Omaha Nobraaknn. Preced ing tho meeting tho U. S. V. V. drum corp "and tho veterans and mombera of the flro department held a parade on Dewey, and tho municipal band ren dered a number of selections In front of tho theatre. Tho lower floor of the houso was packed and there were a number In tho gallery. Tho chairman, as woll as tho two speakers, paid Kolth Neville glowing tributes. Mc Dermott is a ready speaker, has a good round voice and withal is quito an orator. Hla remarks we're con fined to Neville, a brief review of tho work of tho domooratic administra tion and a Bhort illusion to himself. Mr. Motcalfe, through constant campaigning for a month was in poor voice, but ho claimed tho closo at tention of his audience for about an hour, eulogizing Neville, Hitchcock and President Wllcon. Ills speech was received with enthutriastlc n plauso. , -:;o:: ' $25.00 Reward. The abovo reward will be given for the arrest and conviction of tho party or parties Who set out tho 'prairie flro that burned east of town Sunday af ternoon. 85-4 VM. SIMANTS. : :o: : Com Crop Worth Ovor $100,000,000. Tho total value of tho corn crop of Nebraska this year, according to tho rdportof Seoretary Mollor of the Stafe Boaird of Agriculture, is ?114.42,9G9, estimating the .price at 00 cents a bushel. Thero was lopproximntely 250,000 less acres this year than in 1915 and 38,000,000 less bushels, tho ylold this year hoing given as 190,070,449. The yield this year was an avdrage, of 28.2 bU3liois per acre as against 32.G Inst year. : :o: Mrs. Beecher A. Parker, of Raw lins, who spent two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Low"o, Sr., loft Sunday evening. Handsome Dresses for all occasions, street and party dresseq just arrived At Tho Leader Mercantile Co. Miss Minnie Seaman, who has been seriously ill for several weeks, waB able to bo out yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Plzer, of Low olien, who were visiting Mr. and Mrs. North Platte Wins 35 to 7 In tho foot ball gnmo at Lexington yesterday tho North Platte high de feated tho school team of that place by a scoro of thlrty-flvo to sVvon. Tho magnitude of tho Bcoro was soniowhnt of a surprise aa tho Lexington team had beon hornldod as bcofy and well trained playors, but North Platto out played thorn at all points. In tho flrst quartor tho star 'player for Lox lngton fell and so sovoroly injured himself that ho could not rosumo play. The loss of this playor wcakon bod Lexington materially and probably had something to do In North Platte running up so high a scoro. Tho gnmo was poorly patronized by tho Lexington people. ::o:: Injured When Car Turns Over. A man, his wifo nnd two chlldjon, travollng from tho northwest part of tlio state to their homo in Oklahoma, wore tho victims of an auto accident just west of tho Baker school houso last evoning. Tho car swerved Into ho ditch, turned completely over, righting itself on its wheels. The man was badly cut on tho fnco, with tho possibility of losing an eye, and tho woman was injured internally, but It Is not believed sariously. Both tho chlldrtn, one of which is butt a year old, wero uninjured. A physi cian of Sutherland, who wa3 follow ing. In a car, gavo assistance to tho In jured and brought them , to tho Hotel McCabe where they aro now quartered. ::o:: Tho marrdago of Miss Julia Sullivan of Grand Island and Herman Schleuter of this city will tnko placo at' the Cafch ollc church In Grand Island on Tubs day morning, November 21st. Courteous treatment whether you buy or not, you will recolvo from tho help of Tho Leader Mercantile Co. Elmer Hawkins and Clyde McKlnley, of York, came a fow days ago to Visit tho lattor'a sister Mrs. George Gibbs. Mrs. Frank Moore entertained tho Happy Hour club very pleasantly Tuesday afternoon. For Sale A hnrd coal burner. 7CJ5 west Fifth. Phono Red 485. Miss Leona Marovish, of Stapleton, came a few days ago to visit her sister Mrs. A. J. Frazior, Mrsj. R. McWlll lams will leave shortly for Denver to .visit rolatlves for a week. Mrs. Mary Hawkins, of Lincoln, came last evening to visit her sister Mrs, J. R. McWIlliams. The Inside of the Hat tells you its quality and character at a glance, if it bears our label. You know that it measures up to the highest standards of style and quality. Aside from this you like to choose from a broad range of models and col ors, and we have it. Stetsons $4 up Others $2 up LOCAL AND PERSONAL Henry Wostonfold loft a fow days ago for Omaha to Vialt frionds. Mrs. Dan Nowmeyor has returned from a visit with friends-in Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hollmnn returned yoHtorday from a six-weeks' vlslf with : rolatlves In Iowa. Wm. Hnrcourt loft yesterday for Omaha whoro ho will rrniiBnot busi ness for a couplo of days. Latest skirts In all tho nobby paf- terutf, stylos and sizes at the right prices will bo found at Tho Lcador Mercantile Co, Leo tlart came up from, Brady yes- torday (and left on a night train for Omaha, whoro he will transact busi ness for a fow dnyri. Six 6r eight members of tho local 'OQinai lndcrn mrftrjrml nurtla TJVI. day and assisted tho homestead' of that placo In initiating a class of sixty soven. Tho Methodist India will hold their annual bazaar Saturday, December fotli at Dorryborry & Forbes' store. Thorp will bo on sale a largo supply of Christmas articles. A now shipment of coats and suits Just arrived at E. T. Tramp & Sons: RL Rev. Goo. A. Boochpr. of Hast ings, conducted services at tho Episco pal church Sunday. Ho wns accom panied by MrsDeccher, who renewed acquaintance with old tlmo frionds. Tho browers claim that thoir poll of Omaha shws 33,000 wets and 11,000 urya. una is ciaimou as nuicuious by the dryB. The latter aro willing to concede tho wets a majority of 0,000. . Undertaker W. R. Malonoy and Dep uty Sheriff Roy Wilson spent yester day in Sutherland at tho inquest held in the accident In which Axel Lun- gren and son were killed Friday. Mnyv, Olga Petroya supremo in tho art- of dramatic cxecutlan, will bo Been at tho Crystal tonight in "Tho Soul Market," n story of tho stage portraying the sti'uigglo of an actnoss botween tho true love and tho wrong. A beautiful lino of Blankets and Comfortables. Everything to make you cozy for tho coldor weather. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Two men named Haywood and Mci- MainB, wore brought clowji from Ogn- lalla yesterday charged with stealing an, auto, tire from Dr. Crcslor's car. Tho tiro was found In their 'posses sion when arrested. They will bo giv en n hearing today. If you aro still to buy your Fall Suit now is tho tlmo to buy It, whon you can save nearly half ttho price by buy ing It at tho Big Suit Salo at BLOCK'S. Up to ten o'clock tills forenoon, two hoiira after tho polls had opened, ac tivity did not indicate that this Is elec tion day". At tho First ward polling placo only thirty votes had been caBt up to that time, with a corresponding light voto In tho other wards. Moro life will be displayed this aftornoon and ovening. The poTIb cIobo at eight o'clock. Lost Auto side curtain on Novom bor 3, north of N6rth Platto. Finder return to Tribune office and receivo roward. 85tf Tho funeral of the late Almon Mor ton who waB killed In tho railroad yards the latter part of last week was hold from tho rosldenco Saturday af tornoon and attondod by many friends, Intormont was mndo In tho. North Platte cemetery. Almon Morton was born In Summcrtown, Tenn., Decem ber 10, 1892. Died Novombor 2, 101G, at North Platto, Nebr. Ho came to North Plutto In March, 1909. Ho leaves a father, step-mothor and alstor, three step-brother, and ono stop-sister and a host of frionds to mourn for him. Tho latost suit sale at 23 PER CEJS'T OFF ON TUB DOLLAR at Tho Leader Mercantile Co. is proving a wonderful success. Wa suggest nnyono noeding a suit Mat It will pay thorn to sco Tho Leader Mercantile Co. "Tho Old Homestead," tho greatest rural drama over written, in which t!:o into Donmnn Thompson starred for ovor 30 years has been adapted as a ieaturo play by tho Paramount com pany by special arrangement with Frank Thompson, son and heir tof tho author-actor. This great plcturo will be soon at tho Keith tonight. lb the flocd of thrilling romuncos, vulgar comedies and flex dramas It Is a relief to And a good old fashlonpd iplny liko "Tho Old Homestead," Tills bolovod old comedy-drama has hold tho laughter and tears, of tho public under its sway for yeara and yet It Is no leas popular. I RAILltOAl) NOTES Carl Pronhot. of Loxlncton. who cnino l6r(s roontlv has-nccGnttd a tnn. Buion ns Union Pacific flrnninn. Honry Mahan, of Lexington, camo Horo tho Inttor part of last weok to nc- copt n position with tho U., P. com- pnny. ' Oonl Manager Jcffors camo, up from Omaha Saturday night and has slnco boon looking after busincpe at this terminal. . Fred Frye, who loft several wookB ago for rtn oxtonded visit In wostom pointti has accoptwl a position -In the shops at Evanstcn. D. B, Allen, who wns roently ap pointed Union Pacific division store clerk, spont tho latter part of Inst week here on business. Owing to tho r.uh of traffic on the rallrond ovory engine In tho local scr- vloo has boen put' Into use and extra crows aro sent out .ovory day, Tho railroad men havo beon barely allowed theln oight hourd lay ovor before they aro called out again, and tho side tracks on tho lino aro filled wilth cars waiting to bo sent through. It is stated that tho traffic Is far in oxccsb 6f any previous year. Extra men have beon civon rcgulnr runs and a largo numbor of mon havo boon placed on the extra list. Those conditions havo caused tho passonger 'trains to run lato for some tlmo past. ::o:: Mrs. Samuel Howes will entertain a numbor of friends this ovening. Miss Tlllio Kosbau has returned Urorn nn oxtonded visit In cities of Iowa. Mrs. Floyd Jackson, who submitted to nn operation In Donver Teoontly re turned homo this morning very much Improved. Tho numbor of straw votes at tho Rexall drug storo this morning was for Hughos 23G olcctoral and 294,078 pop ular, and. for Wilson 2D5 olcctoral and 287,909 -popular, . - - - Tho lecture given by Liout. Swarfz- kopensky at tho high school auditori um Friday evening was enjoyed ,by a largo audience. A second lucturo wns given Saturday ovonlng at tho Pres byterian church. Tho vordlct of tho Jury In tho case of tho death of Axol Uumdgron and son at Sutherland wns Miat they camo to their death by being strucir by train No, 1 Friday afternoon, Novomber 3. Tho Jury was composed of C. W. Burklnnd, D. C. Wilson, John S. Fox, M. V. Ovorstak, Jamca R. Whito.nnd J. Larger; Coraiier? W. R. Malonoy'. ::o:: Old-Tlmo Courtesy. Old-fashioned courtesy taught that deforencp must at all times bo paid to ago. A hundred years ago llttlo boys" and girls woro told to "mind their mannors" If perhaps tho. "doml nlo'' or the schoolmaster or nnyono of position or authority spoko to them, and tho small lads would bow deeply and tho tiny maids would curtsy most respectfully. Such airs and graces, pretty though they woro, would bo, out of placo in our moro strenuous times. Yot thero Is no reason why our young peoplo's fiiannors should not bo aB good, if of necessity less formal, than thoso of our ancestors. Philadelphia Times. Beetlea of Prey. Many booties aro bugs of jrpy. Pre daccous insects generally havo won dorful nppotltes. Tho so-callotj "green fly," otherwise popularly known as "golden-eyes," Is, as a larva, a tre mendous gobbler of plant lice. It thinks nothing of devouring ,100 of thorn, ono aftor another, at a meal. Thus insects themselves do much to kocp tho numbers of othor Insects down. But not oven with their aid, nor with nil our ingenuity in dovlsing methods of destruction, could we main tain a successful fight against Injuri ous bugs wero it not for tho help given by birds. Ford Sedan Give us your order at once for either of these cars that make winter driving a pleasure, and in the spring and summer just as pleasant. Ford Sedan $645 Ccupelct - $505 Touring - $360 Runabout $345 F. O. B. DETROIT Hendy-Ogier Auto Co., Corner Fourth and Dewey. North Platte, Neb. SOCIETY AND CLUUS. Mrs. Guy Covor will entertain tho Entro Nous olub tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. I C. Hoxlo will entertain a number of ladlots at a kcnslngton at her homo this aftornoon. Mrs. Earl Hamilton will entortalrt tho Indian Card Club tomorow nftor-: noon at hor homo west of town. Mrs. William Esholman entertained tho ladies auxiliary of tlfo Spanish. Wnr Voterana yostorday nftornoon. Tho Stjady club mot at tho homo of Mrs. Geo. T. Fiold last ovonlng and heard a talk on "China" by Miss Annie Krnmph. Tho lltornturo department of Uio Twentieth Contury club will hold guosC day at tho homo of Mrs.' Julius Plzor this nftornoon. Tlio second year Gorman clnis of tho local high school hold a "Dutch" party In tho auditorium Friday ovon lng The affair was thoroughly enjoyed by nil present. Tlio members of A. K. Chnptor P. E. O. Bi8torhood will entertain thoir hus bands at a 7 o'clbck dinner nnd eloc tion party at tho homo of Mr, nndTtfrB. W. T. Wilcox this ovonlng. Fiftoon pirl friomls of Zlta Done gan tendered hor a surprise party Sat urday aftornoon. It being hor twolfth birth anniversary Hho rccolved a num ber of iprotty iglfts. Various gamos Woro played during tho afternoon. Tho first meeting, of tho COO club, nt tho T. O. Pattorson homo Friday evoning with Mrs. Pattoraon and Mrs. Fiold ns hostOBSos, was very cnjoyablu. Soven tables woro In uso. Chrysan themums woro used for decorntlvo purposes, t NurHe Urown ifoHpltal Notes. Tho llttlo daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Joffors wns operated on tho first of tho week. Mrs. O. Moronoy, of Stapleton was oporated 'upon and Is doing nicely. Paul, tho son of Rev. and Mrs. Wood was oporatod upon Friday. Voronica, tho llttlo duughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Cnrl Simon, underwent a mlnon operation Saturday. Tho llttlo son of Mr, and Mrs. L. B. Colo wns operated on laBt week. ::o:: - '. Miss Ada Hatflfild, of Hastings', enmo laBt ovonlng to visit Mrs.' E. N. Oglor. P. W. Sitlon, who still calls North Platto his home, camo up from Omaha this morning to cast his vote. Mls3 Helen MInBhall has beon con fined to hor homo for several days with a threatened attack of pneu monia. Politics ceases today. Tho great val ues In all lines of morchdndlso aro still to bo found at -Tho Loader Mer cantile Co. Vote for S. M. Souder for County Treasurer, he has been well schooled in the duties of the office and is entitled to advancement. and Cpelet I - u