THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ( 1 1 r.. f7 1 $ WIFE TOO ILL TO WORK JN BED MOST OF TIME Her Health Restored byLydfa E. Pinkham's Vegetable ' Compound. Indianapolis, Indiana. " My health "Waa so poor and my constitution so run down that I could not work. I was thin, nalo and weak. woighod but 109 pounds and was in bod moat of tho time. I began tak Intr Lvtlla E. Pink- Jham'flVogetablo Compound and Qvo months later I welched 133 pounds. 1 1 do all the house- work and washing for eleven and I can truthfully say LydiaE. rinkham'a Veg etable Compound has been a godsend to tn&Jfor I would have been in my grave todajrbut for It I would tell all wo menAtfuffcring as I was to try your valu able remedy. "Mrs. Wm. Green, 832 S. Addison Street, Indianapolis.Indlana. TTnrA (ahnrrilv a. neighborhood in this country, wherein soma woman has not zouno, neaiia Dy using una guw w ahfmif3 rrtnf and htfrH T fltnedv. If Hfcera is anything about which you would like apodal advice, write to the Lydla'E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Astonishing Power of Iron to Give Strength to Broken Down Nervous People Physician Says Ordinary Nuxated Iron Wnitincreaso Strength of Delicate Fblk 200 Per Cent In Two Weeks' Time In Many Instances. NEW YORK, N. Y. In n recent dls couif&,Dr. E. Sauer, Specialist, of this clty,.Bald: "If you were to make an actual. blood test on all people who aro 111 you, would probably bo greatly as tonished at tho exceedingly largo num ber.who lack Iron and who aro ill for no other reason than the lack of Iron. ThoAmoment iron Is supplied all their multitude of dangerous symptoms dis appear. Without iron tho blood at onco loses '4hc power to change food Into liv ing tissue, and therefore nothing you eat docs you any good; you don't get the etrimgth out of It. Your food mere ly passes through your system like corn through a mill with tho rollers so wldo hparjt. that tho mill can't grind. As a result of this continuous blood and nervo; starvation, people become gen erally weakened, nervous and all run down, and frequently develop all sorts of conditions. One Is too thin ; another is burdened with unhealthy fat; somo aro, so weak they can hardly walk ; Bomo. think they have dyspepsia, kidney or' liver trouble; some can't sleep at night;, others aro sleepy and tired all day; somo fussy and Irritable; some sklnny and bloodless, but all lack physi cal .power and endurance. In such cases, it is worso than foolishness to tiikeC stimulating medicines or narcotic drugs,. which only whip up your fagging vltaipowcrs for tho moment, maybe at the expense of your llfo later on. No matter' what anyone tells you, if you aro jiot strong and well you owe It. to yoursplC to make tho following tost: See toow long you can work or how far Wataoa K.Colemnn.Waih lmton.D.O. liooU free. Hlih ett rcrrnei. l!u remit. "0U6Hli!iHTS"gf.'':.u?a.M,'a,ya APPENDICITIS b . MITIM. ISM. IT., tit S. IUIUU ST., OOC1M W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 44-1916. THOUSANDS HAVE KIDNEY TROUBLE AND DON'T KNOW IT Weils tnd unhealthy- kidneys csuse to much; sickness and suffering' and when throcygh neglect or other causes, kidney trouWeJ permitted to continue, serious rultfr raay be expected. Your other or n mty need attention butfVpur tddneys should hive mention firsCbeeause their work Is most Important,. It.voii feel thtt your kidneys iro the cause jof your sickness or run down con dition! commence tilting Or, Kilmer's flwsthp-ftoot, the great kidney, liver tnd bladfierremcdy. because if It proves to be the remedy you need snd your kidneys begin, to Improve they will help all the other orfano to health. Pr.evalency of Kidney Disease. Most people do not realize the alarm? ins increase and remarkable preyalency of kidney disease. While kidney dis order are among the most common dis ease that prevail, they are almost the last recognized by patients, who usually content themselves with doctoring tht effects, while tho original disease con stantly undermines the system. SPECIAL NOTE You may obtain a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root by enclosing Uo cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ilingbamton, N, Y. This gives you the opportunity to prove the remarkable merit of this medicine. They will also send you a book of valuable information, conta'jing many of the thousands of grateful letters received from men and women who y they found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy needed in kidney, liver and bladder troubles. The value and success of Swamp-Root arc so well known that our readets are advised to send for a sample size bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Dinghamton, N. Y. When writing be sure sad mention this paper. NATURAL FOR THEM TO CRY Adults, as a Rule, Pay Too Much At- tentlon to the Bawling of the Youngsters. Thcro nro too ninny youngsters who know that they cnu get nnythlng If they cry long enough for it. Then there nro children who cry over anything, wheth er crying Is Justified or not. It Is qulto natural for children to magnify every disappointment and o make a huge outcry over everything that displeases. Parents should remember this nnd dis count n large perccntugo of this bawl ing. Most adults are too cnslly nn noyed by a child's crying. They think he ought to control himself, nud attack too much Importance to his lack of restraint In this regard. Of course, It Is very probable that there Is u physical cause for tho child's crying, In thnt case, the cause 'should bo found out as quickly as possible. Tho chances are that a normal child, say three yenrs old or over, with plenty of muscular activities and games, who is healthy looking, eats and sleeps well and otherwlso good-natured, docs not cry because of temper. Thero must bo some physical reason. Thero must bo bodily Irritation Bomowhcre. It may bo his teeth. In tunny cases a devel oping tooth will press upon somo nervo or nervo center, creating a general dis turbance throughout tho body. Then thero may bo other causes, which can be discovered on closo examination. Exchange. The Evening's Embellishments. "Why don't you Join our literary club 7" "I don't ploy cards, or danco the modern dances." you can walk without becoming tired. Next tnko two five-grain tablets of or dinary nuxated Iron threo times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see. for yourself how much you havo gained. I have seen dozens of nervous, run-down peoplo who were nlllng all the tlmo double and oven trlplo their strength and endurance and entirely get rid of their symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles In from ten to fourteen days' tlmo simply by taking Iron In tho proper form, and tills, after they had' In some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit You can talk as you pleaso about all tho wonders wrought by new remedies, but when you come down to hard facts thcro is nothing 'like good old iron to put color In your checks and good, sound, healthy flesh on your bones. It Is also a great nervo and stomach strengthener and the best blood builder in tho world. Tho only trouble was that the old" forms of Inorganic iron, like tincture of Iron, Iron acetate, etc., often ruined people's teeth, upset their stomachs and were not assimilated, and for these reasons they frequently did more harm than good. But with tho discovery of the newer forms of organic iron all this has been overcome. Nuxated Iron, for example, Is pleasant to take, does not Injure tho teeth and Is almost immediately beneficial. NOTE The manufacturers of Nuxated Iron have such unbounded confidence In Its potency that they authorize the an nouncement that they will forfeit $100.00 to any Charitable Institution if they can not take any man or woman under sixty who lacks iron and increase their strength 200 per cent or over In four weeks' time, provided they have no serious organic trouble. Also they will refund your money in any case in which Nuxated Iron does not at least double your strength in ten days' time. It is dispensed by most drug gists. If your druggist or general store Is without a supply, ask them to get it for you. Adv. No Place for Jokes. "I see tho word 'obey' Is to be left out of the marriage ritual." "Yes, tho church peoplo evidently thought the ritual was no place for a Joke." Houston Post. Time Wasted. Many a man wastes his time tell ing other peoplo not to waste theirs. Exchange. A Trial Will Convince Anyone. Thousands of people have testified that the mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, is toon realized and that it ttanda the highest for its remarkable results in the most distressing cases. Symptoms of Kidney Trouble. Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but if you suffer from annoy. ing bladder troubles, frequently passing water night and day, smarting or irrita tion in passing, brick-dust or sediment, headache, backache, lame hack, dizzi ness, poor digestion, sleeplessness, nerv ousness, heart disturbance due to bad kidney trouble, skin eruptions from bad blood, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago, bloating, irritability, worn-out feelinsr. lack of ambition, may be loss of flesh or sallow complexion, kidney trouble in its worst form may be stealing upon you. 8wamp-Root It Pleasant to Take. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles at all drug stores. CAULIFLOWER IN FAVOR Vegetable Is Closely Related to the Cabbage Tribe. Very Rich Soil Required, and It Must Do Qlvcn Most Particular Treat mentMarket Demands Snowy White Heads. Cauliflower Is closely related to tho cnbbago tribe, but much more refined In its habits and more dlfllcult to cul tivate. It requires a very rich soil nud tho most particular treatment, nnd no farmer or gardener would bo Justified in attempting its cultivation on n largo scale, or to depend upon It as u market crop without first having thoroughly studied Its peculiarities and .require ments. r Tho market desires snowy whlto heads, so thnt protection is universally practiced to accomplish this purpose. Threo methods nro used: (1) tho breaking of half a dozen or more leaveB over tho top of tho cauliflower head. The stems of the leaves nro not severed entirely, so thnt tho leaves remain green. (2) Breaking or bend ing over the leaves as Just cxpfalnt-d, nnd pinning with toothpicks or small pins. This is u very satisfactory method for ull sections. (S) Bringing tho leaves together over tho hend nnd tying. This Is nn excellent plan, but re quires more tlmo than securing with tho toothpicks. The protection should begin when tho heads nro about un inch nnd a half in diameter. Cauliflower is considered n delicncy on most tables, nnd it pays to exercise special enro in tho marketing. Al though, barrels nro often used, crates or baskets nro better. A package which will not hold more than a doz en or nt most two dozen heads cer tainly has un advantage over tho bar rels. If tho heads are of good size, snowy white, wrapped In fancy paper, nnd marketed in new, clean packages they cannot fall to attract attention, nnd command good prices. AUTUMN DEMAND FOR CELERY Tendency to Rush Product to Market Before It Is Well Blanched Loss in Trimming. Tho bracing fall weather will stimu late .tho demand for celery. At this season when It is selling readily at good prices, thcro Is a tendency to rush celery to market before it Is well blanched. This is a mistake, because It necessitates severe trimming at tho market end, nnd tho product goes to tho cheaper trade. To catch tho best grade, celery must bo fully blanched, clean nnd well trimmed. "Handling" celery should bo finished promptly nnd tho rows ridged ns fast as possible. If tho soli is allowed to get Into tho hearts of tho plants it will cause rot. Celery intended for storngo should not bo ridged. In somo quarters thero Is a prejudice against blanching celery with boards. It is claimed that blanching with earth makes It crlsper and gives It a better flavor. Just tho same, much of tho product grown in various parts of tho country is blanched with boards, and it sells for top prices, too. POTATO GATHERER IS HANDY Mechanism Is Placed on Forward End of Frame of Device Conveyor Carries Potatoes. Wisconsin is coming to tho front us a potato state, and as a standardized variety potato stato that uses pedi greed seed it leads them nil. Naturally, potato Interests nro receiving tho at tention of Inventors moro or less in that state. Hero wo uro showing a drawing of n recent patent of a po- Potato Gatherer. tato gatherer by a Loulsburg (Wis.) man, Tho gathering mechanism is placed In tho forward ond of tho framo that is pivoted on a wheeled axle, a conveyor for carrvlne tho potatoes back to tho rear from tho gathering mechanism being also carried. Tho framo carries fingers of unequal length, nlaccd successively lnnt? nnd short, and directed forward over tho conveyor. A second conveyor is mounted on tho framo abovo tho first one, tho upper ono currying trnnsverso rako bnrs. Farming Business. Manure applied in garden Fresh Fertilizer Induces Rank Growth of Stem an, j Leaf Yield Is Greatly Reduced. Barnyurd manure is good for tho garden if applied at tho right time, but thcro nro times when its nppli cation is harmful. Fresh manure, when applied immediately beforo planting, cannot bo thoroughly incor porated with tho soil. As a result tho land Is hard to work und tho ground Is I0080 Instead of compact. Fresh manure also Induces a rank growth of stem and leaf, and, as n result of these factors, tho yield of most vegetables is greatly reuueed VALUABLE AS GREEN FODDER Opinion of Growers of Sudan Grass ) That It Will Largely Take Place of Millet and Sorghum. Most of the earlier accounts of Su dan grass failed to make clear thnt this new crop Is nothing moro or lest than n fine-stemmed, nonsacchnrlna sorghum. It has most of tho charac teristics of tho ordinary sorghum, nnd Its requirements as regnrds soil and climate nro similar except thnt the Su dan grass differs from sorghums by maturing earlier and having such flna stems thnt it is readily cured luto liny. Experiments nindo nt the Kentucky statu bfatlon in 1015 produced n crop of eight tons per aero of dry hay in Sudan Grass In Texas. two cuttings. This exceptionally high yield was inado posslblo by unusually fertile soil nnd good culture. The plots wcro drilled about tho inlddlo of May, using 20 to 25 pounds of seed to tho acre, seeded with an ordinary grain drill. Tho first crop was cut when tho Su dan grass was fully ljeadcd, and the second crop in tlmo to avoid tho first frost. Where Sudan grass has been grown for two or threo years It is tho opin ion of the growers that it will largely take the place of millet and sorghum for fodder purposes, and also bo valu able as a green fodder to cut for sup plementing pasture. SELECTION OF CHOICE SEED Crops Don't "Run Out," Say Experts at Ames Fanning and Grading Are of Importance. The old Idea Unit farm crops "run out" may safely bo looked upon as u humbug, say tho farm crops men at tho Iowa experiment station at Ames; that Is, If reasonablo care is given to tho selection of good seed nnd propet methods of soli culture each year. Under carcloss management, of course, crops will deteriorate tho same as an imals or men. If, duo to careless handling, farm crops do run down or "run out," the best thing to do is to run them out. Dispose of the poor stuff and mako u fresh start with 'good seed from the farm of a thrifty neighbor. Then keep tho seed good. With tests of hundreds of varie ties of different classes of crops at tht experiment station at Ontario, Can ada, Ames nnd other places, where reasonablo attention was given to fan ning and grading seed cacli year, cases of "run out" aro practically unknown, This has nlso been tho case on all well managed farms, also. With proper management nnd nor mal conditions tho seed grown on the farm should always bo tho best seed for that farm. LITMUS PAPER FOR TESTING Easy Matter for Farmer to Ascertain If Soils Are Acid How Opera tion Is Performed. navo you tested your soil for ncld Ity? Just a few cents' worth of bluo litmus paper will ennblo ench farmct to dctcrmino whether his soil needs limo now. Ono of tho cnslcst moth ods of testing is pointed out by M. A Bachtell of tho Agricultural college extension service, Ohio Stato univer sity, is to go into a field when the soli Is moist, insert n knlfo blado into tho under layer of soil and placo a strip of tho litmus paper in tho open ing mndo by tho blade. Then press tho soil firmly together on tho paper nnd let stand for 20 minutes. Then remove tho paper and notlco Its np pcarnncc. If delicate streaks of red nro found on tho paper, lime should bo applied to correct tho acidity. Or dinarily from two to four tons ol ground llmcstono will neutralize tho acids In soli. FEEDING HOGS IN THE FIELD Rape, Alfalfa and Clover Furnish Ideal Combination Keep Tank ago In 8elf-Fecder. A cornfield with rapo either in the field or along ono sldo nnd alfalfa or clover patch on tho other side Is tho most ideal combination imaglnnblo for feeding hogs in tho field. In thd ab sence of completo supplement of this kind put in n self-feeder and keep tankago or meat meal In it, The pigs will cut what they need nnd cun use to (advantage, and no more. G00D FOR HUNGRY CHILDREN Children lovo Skinner's Macaroni and 'Spaghetti becauso of Its delicious taste It Is good for thorn and you can glvo them all they want It Is n great builder of bono nnd muscle, and docs not mnko them nervous nnd Irri table Ilka meat Tho most economical nnd nutritious food known. Made from tho finest Durum wheat Wrlto Skin ner Mfg. Co., Omaha, Ncbr., for beau tiful cook book. It Is sent frco to mothers. Adv. Aeroplanes for Explorers. Aeroplanes nro to be included In the equipment of nn exploring expedition thnt is setting out from Buenos Aires to study n little-known region which Includes Mar Chlqultn, n lnko having nn area of somo 1,000 square miles, lo cated about 1150 miles northwest of Buenos Aires. It Is tho belief of tho explorer that with aeroplanes It will bo posslblo to sccuro panoramic pho tographs which will prove Invuluablo in showing tho topography nud ge ography of tho country. Popular Me chanics Mngazlnc. It's better to break up n quarrel than to patch It up. W. L. DOUGLAS i THE SHOE THAT $3.0 $3.50 $4.00 $4,50 & $5.00 aiTOE&'Sn Save Money by Wearing W. L. Douglas shoe. For sale by over OOOOiihoe dealer. The Beet Known Shoes in the World. L. Douglas name and the retail price 2s stamped on the bot tom of all shoes at the factory. Tho value is euaranteed and the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoe. The mail prices ate the same everywhere. They coat no more in San Francuco dun they do ta New York. They are always worth the price paid foe them. Tph quality of W. L. Doug! product k guaranteed by more than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fathion Centres of America. Thev are made In a well-eautpped factory at Brockton, Mom by the hlghesc paid, stalled shoemakers, under the direction and supervision of experienced men, all working with an honest determination to make the best shoes for the can buy. Ash your shoe dealer for W. T Douglas shoes. If he can not supply 7011 vrltH ttin kind yon irant. tnko no other make, Wrlt for Interesting: booklet exnlalalncr harr to Set shoes of tho highest standard of quality for the price, y return mall, postage free. LOOK FOR W. L. Douks Ja! w. . w. New Fish Bait Declared Good. Tho United States bureau of fish eries reports that on tho last cruise of tho Fish Hawk in Ohcsapcako bay samples of gray fish meat, put up in brine, wcro distributed among crab fishermen nnd dealers, to test its valuo and tho possibility of Introducing It ns a substituto for somo of tho baits now on tho marget. Fishermen who havo tried tho grayflsh say that it is n very good bait. HOW TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Itching and Irritation of tho Scalp witn cuticur. Trial Free. On rotirlng lightly touch spots of dan druff, Itching and burning with Cuticura Ointment Noxt morning shampoo thoroughly with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Theso super-creamy emolllonts do much to keep tho scalp clean and healthy and to promoto hair growth. Freo samplo oach by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Fancy Canine. "Your wife seems fond of dogs." "I don't think she really is. Sho won't havo a dog around unless ho looks moro llko a chrysanthemum than ho docs llko a dog." Much of tho expcrlcnco that a man acquires comes too Into to benefit biro. W Ask for COODRICH STRAIGHT-LINE RUBBER OVERSHOES not just "rubbers Snug as a glove in fit, light on your feet, and stylishly neat in appearance, with "double tho wear in every pair" over what other rubbers will givo you there you havo tho reasons why 38,000 stores recommend 1 'STRAIGHT-LINES' ' as tho best you can buy-and why 20,000,000 pairs ot them have been sold on their quality alone. The Only Boots and Shoes in the World that are made like and wear like Goodrich Auto Tires XZD LINE WITH THE New auto nails in I he Uriflnal BKDWn rtubb.r Boots and Heavy Sbo.s The B. F. Goodrich Compaay, Akros, OUe Maktri, aUo, of TEXTAN the Goodrich Solo that outwear Itathir on hathtr thoet TAKE GOOD GARE of the Stomach IT WILL PAY YOU When weakness develops REMEMBER HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Strengthens Invigorates The genuine has Private Stamp over the neck of Bottle. Insist on having it HOLDS ITS SHAPE" price that money ff jf Boys Shoe Treudr $3.00 $2.60 & $2.00 RMtlnttitWcrM I- Ilougla. Hhoi) Oo.j Brockton, sjatS' Cardul Wins Suit After a trial In tho United States District Court of Chicago, beforo Judge Carpenter and n federal Jury, tho Jury found tho American Medical Associa tion guilty of libeling Cardul, tho wom an's tonic, which they had denounced ns n "nostrum." This Is n vindication of tho medicine and n proof that It has merit, which was recognized by a Jury nftcr n trlnl of threo months, onu of tho longest civil cases on record. Many doctors nnd chemists testified on both sides nnd tho cvldcuco totaled nearly four million words. Class vs. Class. "Well, thcro Is ono thing to bo proud of; wo havo no class prejudices Ih this country." "H'ml I guess you wcro never around when threo or four sopho mores got hold of a frcshmnn." Important to Mothers Examlno carefully every bottle ot CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of 1 In Use for Over SO Tears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Saskatchewan, Canada, offers nn In viting market for American clothing; groceries and machinery. A dog's tall is a great wag. A fit for vry foot UfDDFCC" RED LINE 'ROUND THE TOP tire tread rubber tough as ovcry pair. ONE SOLID PIECE construction, same as Goodrich Tires. Won't leak or split like others. Give 9 (and 3) times usual wear as ,000,000 pairs havo proved. Try a pair I