The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 27, 1916, Image 5

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    The Store of a Thousand Gifts
THE other day a pleased customer described ours, as "The
store of a thousand gifts." Almost everything in this
store was intended as a gift,' something to treasure, some
thing to give happiness, something beautiful.
Silver, gold, jewels, glass, china, art wares every
beautiful and valuable material worked up in charming
designs for gift purposes.
The prices arc not high, not nearly so. much as you
would expect to pay for goods of such quality and workman
ship. ,
If it is your task to choose a gift soon, let us help make
your selection.
Itepnbllcart Candida to for
If you foci that my character and
ray cxDcrlonco as assistant County
Treasuror puts mo in a position to
administer tho ofilco ot County Trcas
uror In a manner that will moot with
your aprovnl, your support will bb
greatly appreciated on Novombor 7th,
, Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State 'Bunk.
Don't forget Gloria's Romance at tho
Crystal tonight.
Mrs. John Bratt returned last evon-
Hgifrom Omaha whero oho visited ruin
lives for several weeks,
L For Sale Organ In good condition,
yovy ciioap. inquire at thlB ortlco.
fTho 'First National Bank will closo
t onothtrty tomorrow afternoon Cor
tiio funoral of Mrs. Mary Moonoy.
j Mrs. Frank Bsholman, of Horshoy,
jvliovleltod Mr. and Mrs. Will Eshol
lirtati thl?' week, loft Wednesday oven-ing.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Dru&
Store. .
Martin Crab, of Paxton, wh( was
visiting his sister' Mrs.' John Ouymjin
J&r soorol dayc, returned homo Wod-
Htaua,y; ovoning,
Mrs. A. B. Hoagland ,tolll entortatn
tho Indian card club Wednesday, No
vombor 7th,
Tho domestic scienco department of
tho Twenloth Century club will moot
with Mrs. Frank H. Barber Monday
Tho Eldcon club and their husbands
will bo entertained at- a Hallowe'en
party at the homo of Mrs. E, W. Cross
Monday ovcnlng.
Tho J. F. F. club and their hUBbajids
will bo entertained at a Hallowo'ci
party alt ho homo of Mr. and Mrs. A
W. Shilling Monday evening.
Tho Novlta club will entertain their
husbands at a Hallowe'en party at the
homo ot Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Brooks
Tuosday ovcnlrig.
Tho Royal Neighbor social club will
bo ontortalned at tho homo of Mrs.
J. E. Sebastian Tuesday afternoon
October 31st, assisted by Mesdamcs
Yxrk, Honcklo and FishCr.
Mrs. Arthur Fink was hOBtess to
tho Et-A-Vlrp club Wednosday aftfir
noon. Tho afternoon waa spent In
konslngton and social conversation..
Tho lltcraluro department of the
Twentieth Century club met Tuesday
afternoon with Mrs, B. B. Boatman,
Piano selections woro rendered by
Miss Catherine Boylo and Mrs. P. J
Barron read a book review on "The
Return of tho Native" Twenty-five
mombors woro present.
Tho Indian Card club mot Wodncs
day aftornoon with Mrs. Thomas
Hcaloy. Miss Ida Otcnstein was a
warded tho Bilvor fork and Mrs. M. K.
Novlllo tho second prlzo. Mrs. Hcaloy
was-assisted fn ontortainlng by Mcs
dames James Hart, William Haw'ley
and F. J. Wurtolo. Miss Julia Hayes
of Chicago,' was an out of itown guest
Mrs. J. H, Hogarty entertained 'the
art and muslo department of tho Twon
tloth Century club Tuosday ovoning
Roll call was Answered by giving tho
names of favorite '.composers and art
IeJIb. Mrs. P. J. natron read a paper
on "Tho Egyptian Arts," Mrs. Cr'amor
gavo "Savago and Barbaric Art," and
Miss Floronco McKay rondorod a uum
hor ot piano selections. The next
meeting will bo itold at tho homo of
Mrs. J.' J. Halllgan Novombor 27th
::o:: t-
Llano Grande, Tex., Oct. 23.
Editor Tribune: I have beon informed
that it is rumored up f.horo that Cap
tain Halllgan will not bo baak in time
to servo In the capacity of county at
torney for Llncolifcounty Permit mo
to say for Hho information of the gen
eral public that Captain Halllgan Is
not an enlisted man but a commission
ed officer and can resign at. any timo
o sees fit.
Ono thine is cortain, if tho- election
was pulled off here ho would be erect
ed by an overwhelming majority, as
ho is tho most popular officer in the
regiment. As far as tho membors of
his company nre concerned I bcllovo
every man of them would follow htm
to tho gates of Hades, and would oven
attempt to capture his safanlc majes
ty if ho gave tho command. .
Captain Halllgan possesses a happy
faculty very rare In army circles
namely, a man as well as an officer.
While ho Is never nbusive nor arro
gant, tho men realize tho fact that
when ho gives a command It must be
Yours truly,
Co. E, 6th Neb. Regiment.
lUiono Black
S Q . o ,i,n t,.,J Now 's cortalnly Mo tlmo for tho
5 For Salo 8 room house with two . ,, , . . . ' , , . ...
lots, all in bearing fruit. Oarage aii Tr mr.TFlT u
. ,n. .i. ... I buiu a uig io 10 Boicci irora. at in
' 4 . . . - most liiRtaiicfl! loss thnn nmniifnntjir
400, tor nddross 1203 no.' , . f . .7.
iw huuop . or,B pr,08. rcUB0Il for .tula over
" " i bouKht-iUnd havo accented too many
Arthur Rush has purchased of tho luto arrivals of Suits that should hav
Dr. Dick ostato a corner ldt 00x1,32 on been horo in tho month of August. All
cast Front street. Tho property Is
east of tho Id: recently purchased by
Jarry Portor, and will bo an Ideal lo
cation for a wholesale houso when Mr.
lffjonQtudos to branch out. Tho
salo ova's nittdo through O. H. Thool
e'ekc. A saving horo to overy muu that
"buys n suit dt okXhes or overcoat of
from $2.00 to ?I5.00. Tho clothing lino
la absolutely now andup to dato and
from tho world's best makers, such as
Better Made, Aleo Brand, and tho
world xonowned Hlrsh-Wlokwjro Com
pany's Clothing oxcluslvoly at The
Loader Moroanttlo Oo.'o store.
to bo sold ut 2 por cont off ho overy
dollar. In paylug for your suit pay tho
saleslady 25c loss on every dollar on
tho former pr!covat Tho Leader Mer
Arthur Plumor roturned Wednoj
day Prom a visit In tho oastorn part
of tho stato,
II III. I Mill O " -' 1 " '
Call 125 for- taxi day or night.
Also flvo or Bovon pnssongor car for
funoral service.
Chandler '& Elcar Agoncy,
Corner 8th and Looust Sts
XTJLIPS--(1)ou!)1q and Single)
Colors -Pink, Rod, Whlto Yellow, Mixed Red and Yellow
iyACIN0,IIS--(I)nuljl(j and Singlo) , , " -
' ' ColorS-M'Wkj, Red, AYliito, Dark BlUGi,LifBlue, '
oitodus '
' t' Colprs -Blue, White, Yellow anil Striped.
. 3)A1?FOJILSt-A11!o lMcno, AJax Prlii ()! 8 ' ;lv
Tnklnjr ft Strow Vote.
A ballot box has been placed at tho
Vienna Cafe and a straw vote Is In
progress on the candidates for tho
presidency and foe governor. Those
astlng tthelr votes are largely rail
road men and farmers, wh6 frequent
tho Vienna moro frequently than do
other classes. Mr. Hupfer will make a
count each timo a hundred or so votes
aro cast, and will keep tho box In
placo for a week or more.
Taking a Straw Vote
"Tho closing of tho saloons has had
ono noticeable effect In our . lino ot
business," said Officer Jones yester
day. "Wo aro not called so frequently
to go to homes to qulot disturbances
caused by druken husbands and
fathors. Only onco since tho saloons
closod have I been called on this kind
of a mission, whereas when the town
was wet such calls were frequent,
Cdrtainly that Is ono good result."
::o:: i
' Reorganize Knights of Pythias.
B. B. Anderson, of Omaha, grand
chancellor ot tho knights of Pythias,
spont yesterday In town, coming horo
to assist In tho re-organlzajtlon of
Mazoppa lodgo. Twonty-flvo years ago
tho Knlghta of Pythias was tho strong
est and most influential organization
In tho cfty, and claimed as members
mjiny of our most prominent men. The
degrco 'world of tho ordor wad 'carried
out by such orators as Judge Churdh,
Jtidgo Blxler, W. B. RIsse, Geo. E;
French, W, T. Wilcox and lathora
equally well known, and' with drama'
tic effegt, for tho work Is of such na
turo that It appeals to tho orator.
Mazoppa lodgo had at ono tlmo about
200 membors.but by death, removal
and othor causes, there, aro only about
forty membors In good . standing In
tho city and county. A banquet writhe
mombors Is being' 'arranged? and a this
gathering tho reorganization wiil be
discussed. .
Now Rooming Houso '
I havo just opened up tho rooming
houso at 809 oast Gth street. Tho houso
Is all modern .and howly furnished. -1
havo had oxporlonco In tho rooming
houso business nnd am prepared to
glvo my patrons good service. I will
rent rooms with kltchon privileges.
Friday, Saturday, Monday
For these three days we will offer you a choice of
about fifty Coats, made up in two different styles
from a nice fancy cloaking. Colors and patterns
are varied. This is a chance to buy a nice stylish
coat at a low price.
Wilcox Department Store
Mrs. Woods roturned to, Gothenburg
yesterday afternoon after spending a
week at !tho Cantroll home.
Miss Nina VanDoran went to Ster
ling yesterday afternoon to assist in
an orchestra las:t evening.
Miss Julia Hemtng, of Chappoll who
had been visiting her sister Mrs. J. E.
Sebastian, has returned home.
Mrs. 0. S. CantrelU of Gothenburg,
who visited her son F. E. Cantroll for
a week left yesterday aftornoo'n.
Republican Candldnte
Count Clerk
If upon lnqujry you find that- my
character and experience as Deputy
County Clerk places mo in a position
where I can faithfully and Judicially
perform tho duties of County Clerk In
a way tliav meets with your approval, I
will greatly appreciate your support
Tuesday, Novemeber 7, 1010.
Geo. M. Smith visited frlendB and
transacted business In Sutherland ypn-
Mrs. John Gorham, of Grand Island,
Is oxpectcd horo this -week to visit her
daughtor Mrsll W. A. Buchllnck,
Farm and Randi loans at lowest
rntoB nnd best- terms. Money on Imud
to clnso lonns promptly,
A. E. Erlckson, who was manager of
tho American ' Express off Ico in this
city, will accept a position as loco
motive fireman ,
Firemen Jas. McNeill, Carl Sraggq,
Walter Johnston and L. F. Cnuffman
havo roturned from Omaha whero they
passed tho engineers' examination.
At n meeting of tho directors of the
St. Joo & Grand Island road this week,
E. E. Calvin, president of the Union
Pacific, was made president of. the
Cornier road. - '.' '
Stanloy Moser, stenographer for U.
P. Supt. Brophy Is assisting In the
Western Union offtco and will, remain
hero until the vacancy caused by the
resignation of Everett Bloyd 13 filled.
Traveling Freight Agent Yokam
transacted business hcrov Wednesday.
Passenger Conductor Robert Fur
nas, of the FlrBt District, Is. spending
a two weeks' vacation In Chicago.
100S west Fourth street, Homeopatlc
Mutual Building &Loan Assn.
ASSETS $840,000.00
To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers;
Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adyer-.
tising the fact that they have reduced the monthly payments
of borrowers to $1.10 per month on each $100.00 borrowed
making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build
ing & Loan Association of North Platte. They fail to state
that of the 1.10 paid to the non-resident company, there is
only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment the
balance seventy-five cents being taken for interest. - Of v. the
$1.10 monthly payment to this association on each $100.00
borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited
as a principal payment. ...
This difference in the amount credited the borrower
will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be
ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each
$100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they
would if they were doing the business with this Association.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
French Kid Boots-
Tf present conditions continue this famous
stock will soon begone. ' . ' . . ,
; Beaiftiful'bcibts in
button or" lace: ;
' . ' Especially priced
Liliml ii m HI II .
I - -
; at
( A11 oi7oe nnrl nr-irlflia
First door south Keith Theatre. We do Repairing.
It's A Pretty Good Plan To Shingle'
Before the roof begins to leak;
It'os a pretty good plan to batten
'Before the wind begins to shriek; -
It'a A Pretty Good PJon To Build Some Sheds
, To keep this under covert- '
The plows, cultivators, binders
And one thing and another. '
And you'll find it a pretty good plan
Lumber and Building Material Bills
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
You want to know who the Candidates are.
I m a Candidate for Representative nominated
by. Democrats of this county.
I am willing to serve you, your votetv solicited
Butler Buchanan.