The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 24, 1916, Image 4

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Good Sight Does Not Mean Good Eyos.
Your sight may be good yet your eyes may bo fn the most
urgent need of help.
Ever see the big built, robust man, pause in his swinging
strides along the street, clap a hund to hi3 heart and drop dead?
We have.
He looked to be the healthiest man on the street, yet a tiny
heart rivulet clogged and the machinery stopped, all because of a
little exertion. , . , ,
If the little piece of glass optometrists place before your eye
keeps the strain away, it may in a similar( way postpone the
advance of the more serious, "break-down ' that comes to the
human machine when overloaded or overworked.
Because you see well is no valid reason for you to think you
have good eyes.
Often those who see best are in greatest need of optometry.
The heart trouble that caused the big healthy man to drop
dead may have come because defective eyes were taking more
nerve force than nature intended, thereby weakening fjie stomach
and possibly the heart action.
Your eyes may be normal, or nearly so, probably are, but the
wise course is to know, not guess, and you can only know the truth
by an occasional visit to n reliable optometrist.
Registered Optometrist.
The sign with the Big Ring.
Graduate Dentist
Ofllco over tha McDonald
StaU Bunk.
1008 -west Fourth street, Homeopatlo
Dr. Mario Ames loft Monday noon
for a short visit In Omann.
"Wanted Man and wife for farm
work. T. E. Doolittlo, Phono 782F022.
Arthur Allen, who spent last weok In
Lincoln, returned homo Saturday ov-
For quick action nnil satlsfactosy
sale list jour land with Thoclecko. tf
W, L. Cary, of Omaha transacted
business and visited friends in town
F. C. Hoxie rotunod to Ogalalla yes
terday morning after spending soveral
days hero.
Byes right, good sight, wiso or
othorwiso ahout your oyes? Harry
Dixon, Jeweler and Optometrist.
Mrs. Alex Fonwlck loft Sunday
jaorning for Choyonno to visit her
Arthur Darraclough will leave short
ly for California to viHit relatives for
several woeks.
Dr. Morrill, Dontlst.
Mrs. G. -C. Smith, of Carson City,
came a few days ago to visit her sistor
Mrs. Edward Calvin.
JVtr. .V.S& Mr3. Uuss'-. Bowles will
Ic&vo next weuk for I.os Angeles to
spend several months.
All sizoa glaBH for thoso, storm win
dows at tho Nyal Drug store.
Mr. and Mrs! Mrs. Nick Adamy, of
Stapleton, formerly of this city, visit
ed, in town this wook.
Perhaps never in tho history of fra
ternal orders in Nebraska has the se
lection of two grand officers gone to
ono family, as was tho caso last week
when W. V. Hoagland, of this . cltv,
was elected Grand Mastor of tho Ne
braska Odd Follows and Mi's. Hoag
land elected president of the Robekah
degree. Doth received tho office auto
matically, for last year each held the
second highost offlco in" the rospectivo
To bo tho hoad of an organization
composed of 25,000 representative
mon of Nobraska is an honor; and
equally honorable is the presidency
of tho Robokahs, with a membership
of 10,000 in tho state. Wo congratulate
Mr. and Mrs. Hoagland that their work
in thoso great organizations has been
such as to morlt tho distinction that
they now enjoy.
::os: :
Children's Day Program Tonight.
Tho annual Yeomen Children's pro
gram will bo given at tho T.loy.l oporc
house this evening to whlclv nil' Yeo
men and their friends are Invited.
Mrs. Andy McGovern, oi Maxwdll,
camo a fow daj-B ago to visit her fcthot
Fred Marti 'or a wcok.
F. W. Rlnekcr loft Kiu,lay evening
for Oamnh .o ipend a wook or )ngei'
purchasing holiday goods.
Protect your homo with H. & M.
houso paints. Nyal Drug store. 70tf
Mrs. Georgo Colin, of Shorldan,
camo Sunday morning to attend the
funoral ot tho late Mrs. Mary Cohn at
Maxwoll. ,
For Don - F.'ie room hoin ot R03
West. Seventh St. Modorn except heal.
Inqulro of Thos. Simants, 303 8outh
Chotlnut. 8.1-tf
Mrs. Julius Hahlor has returned
from tho eastern part of tho stato
whoro sho was called by tho death of
hor mother.
Phono tho Nyal when in a hurry for
drugs. 79-tf
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ebright left Sat:
urday ovoning for Paxton to visit their
daughter Mrs, ChriBtonson, formerly
ot this city.
Ralph Sawyer, who has been ,ci.i
ployed at Sldnoj for sovoral months,
camo a few days ago to visit hit, father
Perry Sawyer. '
H. G. Knowles, who ha boon con
ducting evangelistic meetings in
Harvard for a month past, will, rotur'n
homo this week. ""-'
Miss Emma Durkland, for several
yoars a member of tho Keith Ndylljo
household, leavos soon for a visit, at
hor former homo In Sweden.
Tho county commissioners met In
session yostofday and dovotod .ho day
to tho transaction of routino matters.
and consideration of roads.
Mrs. D. R. Fletcher returned Mou
day fromGrand Island who'o sbq
Bpent tho week end aj the ga'st 6
Mr. and Mrs. Mnurlco Fowcr
Make your, walls cozy and homollko
now. You will enjoy tho 'stormy days
hotter and uso II. & M. flat wall finish
to got best results. Nyal Drug Storo,
oxclUslvo agents. 79-tf
Tlio'Lincoln Highway 'painting crow
that is remarking tho highway from
Now York to San Francisco, arrived
in tho city last evening. Thoro nro
soygral mon and two cars in the oritfl;
nnd'they carry with them camf equip-
pago and spend the night wnorecver
darkness overtakes them. -They wl
mark thfaudi to' the west lino of this
county and then, close the worlc f6,r.
tho winter.
While in this city tho latter part of
last wook Labor Commissioner TYafiJc"
M. Coffey Inspected the threo movlnn
plcturo show theatres anJ suggested
a number of changes which will con
form with tho stato laws. These
changes can bo made with little extra
oxponso and deal mostly with tho ar
rangemont and marking ot tho exit
A splondld! selection of trimmed
hats may be had at tho Wilcox De
partment Storo, ranging in price frri
$5.00 to $15.00. Women havo learned
to oxpect of thlB. Btoro not only
certain charm of Btylo and correct-
ness of fashion, but an exclusive In
dividual touch with an added attrac
tion in values that aro exceptionally
Interesting; 8Q.-2
D. M. Carr, reoresentatlng the
buroau of Industrial and natural re
sources conducted by tho Chicago
Ttornld. srient yesterday In town. Tho
object of hfsvialt Is to Interest western
Nebraska,. .In tho permanent exnmi
maintained by the Herald In Chicago
arid which.-is visited ' by thousands
monthly. ' "
Preparodnosg Is tho watchword ot
today, thorforo lot -mo clean your
watch or clock as tho stiff cold
woathor Js noar and that will causo
tho oil to thicken and your tlnio piece
to stop. Satisfaction guaranteed.
80-2 Comor Front and Dowey,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warren anil cull
dre'n and Miss Harriot Warren ft Tarn
pa", Fla., who spent sovoral months at
tho Dullard homo will loavo Thursday
for their homo. Tho latlor ft Ml visit in
Atlanta, Ga., while enrouto. .
This is
i f . . r (h
In Our Corset Dept.
Special Demonstration
By Pf me. ML Priehard.f
Evory week is LaCammlllo Wook hero, for
these beautiful front lace corsets with their many
oxcluslvo foaturos havo completely won tho favor
of North Plutto women.
Beginning Tuosday, however, It is special
. LaCamlllo wcok, for Mmo. Prlchard wishes tho op
portunity ofmooting every woman who is inter
ested in propor corseting to explain scientific cor
Botry also tho many advantages of tho
rjx. Trtdo uuk. v. a va. ottc.4&
Dacktho oxcluslvo LaCamllle feature which ro
ltovos all harmful pressure upon tho splno, and
makes posslblo really stylish corseting without a
traco ot discomfort., Her advico upon your own
corsot needs is gratis.
Thoro is a, LaCamlllo corset for ovory figure
6no for you1 that will mako you look your host
feol your best, too. Prices $1.75 to $25.00. Won
derful values all.
Mmo, Prlchard, who Ib a graduato corsottoro,
will demonstrate tho LaCamlllo corsot at our
7storo Tuosday, Wednesday and Thursday of tilts
Block's Ladies' Outfitting Store.
This is a stOrV1 that never
. Compromises with inferiority.
This iaa store ol-' certain ser-
vice, greater values ' and su-
prcme satisfaction.
This is a store that seeks the
hest, finds the best and
sells the best, at prices any man, M J
n fr-,i . " : .
Tliis is a store built on
the firm foundation of great
cr value giving, a store that
never lowers the quality stand
ard it has set. , ,
CoerritM 1916
rbe Itouie ot KupptnUcImcr
The New Fall Fashions in
Kuppenheimer Clothes
are now ready for your inspection and selection.
New models, are here, showing the genius of original design. New
fabrics awaityou 'in every wanted, wished-for pattern and shade.
Rich, lustrous, long fiber woolens, fino worsteds, serges and cassi
meres. Nqw overcoatings superbly cut and tailored; advance styles for
men who relish a place in the forefront of fashion.
Here in these lothes you will find these fitting qualities' for which this
store is famous. . ,1'lJBre are examples of what can be done to bring perfec
tion within the rcah of any man at
$20.00 to $27.50
j. b. Mcdonald,
Mrs. Ada Lewis left Sunday everilng
for Omaha and Council Bluffs to visit
Mr. and Mrs. W. J.. Tlley will leavo
today for Omaha to visit a school
niata of .tho latter who will sing in
grnnd opera thoro next week.
HTm nif1 IVTwa Wrr Tlnrffl rrt nrn AY
pected to return homo today from
Birmingham. Ia.. whoro tho lattor
had been taking medical treatment.
Offico rooms for rent in Waltemath1
Building, corner Dewey and Sixth
streets. Can arrange' rooms to suit
tenant. Soo Wm. E. Shum'an. ' 81rl
Honry Schuff, of Grand TslanU, for-
Mo'fjy proprietor of the Vienna cafe
InTthls city, visited friends yesterday
whllo onrouto to- towns oh th9 branch.
J-J,1.,S. Robhausen spent,., Sunday in
Kearney visiting hls'-Wothor and sis
ter. His mother has been at Kearney
for a wook or two visiting hor daugh
ter Mrs. Wornett. t.
t. r
5 Miss Mildred Pltzpatrlck who has
Been lh nurses' training in Omaha for
sovoral months camo the lattor part of
last weok to visit hor parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Pipatrjck
Mrs. L. L. Qreeno. wiio has resided
in Kearney for sovoral weeks past,
visited friend a liro this week and left
yestorday afternoon. Mr. Greono is
now employed on tho Keiruoy-fatap-
leton run.
O.J?. Spencor has-returned from a
vlsi't 'with frlcndsin Lexington.
The Catholic ladies will hold a
social at tho homo of' Mrs. C. E. Cook
Thursday afternoon. .
Officer Baker, spent yesterday In
Cozad having gone down to attend
tho foot ball game.
Misses Besslo Chamberlain, Esther
Cohag'en, and-Patricia Scott , attended
the foot ball game in Cozad yesterday.
Miss Thea Schwalger has gone to
Omaha to remain for a week, En
routo sho will visit friends at Platts
mouth. Frank Hart of Allianco, formerly of
this city, visited hero Sunday while
onrouto home from Brady where he
spent several days with his parents.
Claus Anderson is displaying n num
ber of largo "potatoes in tho Platto
valley bank window which wero
grown on his farm six miles west of
Mrs.. J. H. Rowland, formerly of
this city, who is now residing in the
casterh part of the stato, visited
Mrs, Heist of tho Jack Morrow Flats
laBt week.
ThQ high school cadets will shortly
appear In now uniforms, an order hav
ing boon placed a fow days ago with
the Harcourt Clothing Co. Arrayed in
these trim garments, tho two compan
ies will' present an appearance that
cannot fall to attract attention and ad
Tho Nebiaska university foot ball
team defeated tho Oregon Aggies at
Portland last Saturday by a score ot
seventeon to seven. In tho second
quarter with tho score seven to noth
ing, tho lad who was playing half
back for the Aggies, recovered tho ball
on a fumble and making a 100-yard
run mado a touchdown and kicked
goal, making a tie score. Neither team
scored in tho third quarter, but in tho
fourth Nobraska increased tho scoro
to Boventoon. Norris of this city was
substituted for Moser at center,-but
later was replaced by Rhodes.
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Telephone Your
y Grocery orders to 32
They will given prompt and
careful attention.
Lierk-Sandall Co.
Notico of Petition.
. .Estate No. 1441 of Elizabeth Whiting
deceased, in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per
sons interested in Said estate tako
notico that a petition has been filed for
tho Probato of tho Foreign Will of Eliz
aboth Whiting, deceased and tho ap
pointment of Edward S. Whiting as
Administrator of said Estate, which
has been set for hearing herein on
November 17, 191C, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated October 18, 1910.
Q24nl4 County Judgo.
Notico to Creditors
Eata'to No. 1437 of Herman A. Erb,
doceascd In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, s: Croditors
of said estate will tako notico that tho
time limited for presentation and fil
ing of claims against said estato is
May 24, 1917, and for settlomont of
Bald estate is Octobor 20, 1917 j that I
will Bit at tho county court room In
said county, on November 24, 1910, at
9 o'clock a. m., und on May 24, 1917,
at 9 o'clock a, m., to receive, exam
ine hear, allow, or adjust all claims
and objections duly filed.
o24n21 County Judgo.