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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1916)
THE 8EMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. r YOUNG WOMEN MAY AVOID PAIN Need Only Trust to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetables Com pound, says Mrs. Kurtzweg. Buffalo. N.Y. " My daughter, whoso picture is herewith, waa much troubled iwita pains in nor back and sides every month and they would sometimes ba so bad that it would scent like acute in flammation of soma organ. She read your advertisement in the newspapers and tried Lydia 2. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound. She praises it highly as she has been rellevd of all these pains by its uao. All mathera should know of this remedy, and all young girls who suffer should try it." Mrs. Matilda Kurtzweg, 629 High St, Buffalo, N. Y. Young women who are troubled with Eainful or irregular' periods, backache, eadache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion, should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Thousands have been re stored to hoalth by this -root and herb remedy. "If you know of any younjr wo man who Is sick and needs help ful advice, auk her to write to the) Lydia E.Pinkham Mcdlcino Co., Lynn, Mass. Only women will recelvo her lottcr, and It will bo hold in strictest confidence. Treatment of "Sick" Plants. The plan of treating sick plants with sprays of Iron sulphate solution Is be lieved to bo the solution of a serious problem of pineapple growers In the Hawaiian Islands, though the details of application are yet to be perfected. The black surface soli near Honolulu, over an arei of 0,000 to 10,000 acres, contains manganese, up to two or thrco per cent, and pineapple plants In this soil, though growing well for a time, eventually become weak nnd sickly, with drooping yellow leaves. The fruit, which develops and ripens Imperfectly, is made unpalatable by a peculiar acidity and lack of sugar. The Investigation of M. O. Johnson, of the Honolulu experiment station, has recently brought the discovery that the mnnganeso dioxide in the soli renders the iron Insoluble, and that, In soli having a great abi .ance of Iron, the plants have failed from lack of this element. Injections of Iron sulphate promptly restored greenness and vigor. In field experiments, feeding iron to the roots gave no results, but It was found that when the leaves were wet with copperas solution enough Iron was absorbed to supply their needs. The flavor of the treated fruit was equal to that of the product of the best pineapple land. STOP ITCHING INSTANTLY With Cutlcura Soap and Ointment Nothing Better. Trial Freo. B&tho tho affected part with Cutlcura Soap and apply the Ointment For ec zemas, rashes, Irritations, plmples.dan draff and sore bands Cutlcura Soap and Ointment wo supreme.1 Nothing better, cleanor or purer than these super-creamy emollients at any price. Freo sample each by moil with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. r Swat the Chlgger. Touch each chlgger bite with a brush that has been dipped in iodine or apply strong solutions of ammonia or com mon baking soda after Itching has begun. The better plnn, of course, Is to prevent the chlgger from getting a foothold at all. This may be dono in a number of ways. A bath In hot water with strong soap Is very good if taken Immediately after passing through the shrubbery and weeds from which the chlggcrs are picked up, but the best real preventive Is flowers of sulphur rubbed all over the body, par ticularly from the knees down. Tho sulphur may be made to stick better if mixed with a little cold cream and rubbed on. L. Hascman, Men may be ns deceitful as women In somo things, but no man ever pre tended to be having a good time when ho wasn't Worries Bring Aches Life today bring many worries and worrying brings on kidney troubles, so the doctors say. Kidney weakness re veals itself in backache, pains when stooping or lifting, dizzy headaches and urinary disorders. Be cheerful. Stop worrying. And, to strengthen weak kidneys, use Doan's Kidney Pills, the kidney remedy that is used and reeora aacnded the world over. An Iowa Case Mrs. Rachel Carr, 810 E. Sev enth Ave., Oaka looso, Iowa, nays: ''A spell of grippe weakened my kid neys and I began to suffer dread fully from sore ness and lame-, ness across my back. I couldn't rest well and 'hrnPkfart urn Starj' walk. My aigm oiurrea ana mo kiu ney secretions became unnatural. Doan's Kidney Pills helped me as soon as I took them and continued use fixed me up In good shape." ' Got Dhi'i st Any Stars, BOc a Box DOAN'S "p'BSV FOSTER-fcfcULB URN CO, BUFFALO, H.V. 1HH SWINE HARVEST CORN One of the Most Economical Practices on Any Farm. Crop la Consumed Without Waste and Cost of Husking Is Saved Sows Intended for Fattening Mako Remarkable Gains. Hogging down corn, once in dls rcputo and counted shiftless, bus now become respectable and moves in the very best society. Careful experiments ns well as prac tical experience of hard-flsted farmers havo shown that tho hog is the most economical corn harvester known. He nusks tho corn, consumes it without wnsto and returns ns much or more pork per bushel of corn thnn where the grain Is husked nnd carried to him. The cost nnd labor of corn husking ara thereby snved. Furthermore, during the process tho animals have spread tho resulting ma nure over the land in on even man ner, another saving of labor and great benefit to the soil. Particularly where the corn is not of the highest com mercial quality nnd is Intended for Im mediate feeding Is hogging down rec ommended. You can trust the pigs to got all out of the field there Is In it Turn In tho shotcs weighing from 00 Hogging Down Corn. to 150 pounds or a little more and let them clean up tho Held fairly well. Naturally there will be somo shattered grains and scattering cars left and then you can turn in the old brood sows and let them pick up the leav ings. Old sows that are being fat tened for market make remarkable gains turned Into the cornfield. Don't forget that corn alone, while it is the best bog feed, Is not suf ficient Many farmers sow rape or cowpeas or soy beans between the rows in tho summer and by fall they have a good growth of pasture. Itupo is one of the best crops for this pur pose. If conditions are favorable, sow a patch of rape along one side of the cornfield in early fall where it won't bo hindered by the shade of the corn as when sown in tho rows. This will make a good growth and give lots of pasture as well as supplement the corn in case you hog it down. SERIOUS EGG-EATING HABIT Many Writers Recommend Drastlo Measures to Remedy Evil Brought About by Confinement Tho egg-eating habit is one of the serious troubles the poultrymnn has to contend with. Mnny writers recom mend drastic measures in combating the evil the selling or killing of the entire flock, If the habit is general. In general, It may be stated that the cgg-eatlng habit is brought about by confinement, the accidental breaking of eggs in the nest, the feeding of egg shell with portions of the egg-sub stance adhering, and a lack of animal and mineral food in the ration. The two most general causes are confinement and lack of mineral and animal food. Hens having free range seldom contract the bad habit. The reason for this is plain. They are in and about the Wylng house only while laying, and at other times are too busy hunting for food to fall into evil ways. It's the idle hen that contracts the habit FEEDING CATTLE OVER FENCE If There Is Any Doubt About Strength of Inclosure, Corn Had Better Be Fed in Yards. Be sure that when you feed your cat tle corn over the fence that the feeding is done at a place where the fence Is very Btrong. Cattle crowd the fence at such point very hard and if there is nny doubt about the strength tho corn had better bo hauled to the yards and fed there. Better mako a little extra work than to educate a herd of fence breakers OLD TURKEYS FOR BREEDING Fowl Is In Its Prime at Three Years Poar Practice to Dispose of All the Mature Birds. The turkey Is not fully matured un til two years of age, and Is in his prime at three years, and nearly as goed at four years old. It is therefore a mistake to sell off all the older birds and retain the young ones for breeding purposes. ANIMAL FOOD FOR CHICKENS Meat-Fed Fowls Make Quicker and Cheaper Gains Than Others Milk la Good Substitute. An agricultural investigator, nftor scries of tests, has come to the conclusion that meat-fed chicks make quicker and cheaper gains thou" oth- rs, regardless of size, nnd that chicks started on n ration deficient In mil mal food never regain their lost ground. In some of his own experi ments he found that hens without mcnt generally begun laying before ment-fed hens nnd maintained their po sition for weeks and oven months on such rations. Ho concludes that' al though the work dono by most invest! gators has usunlly shown n decided su periority for tho meat-fed laying hens, there is sufficient evidence the other way to warrant further Investigation.' In the fnttcnlng of fowls, nnlmul food has appcurcd to be essential to tho best results, except when milk has been used, but of the various sources there seems to be little preference aside from convenience or economy. Tho substitutes for nnlmnl food In common use are milk, milk albumen, or dried milk, vegetable sources of protein, and bone nsh or phosphate sources. Milk albumen has not gen erally given good results. Milk, sour or otherwise, has given conflicting re sults, vegetable protein when used under favorable conditions, has often given as good results ns when protein from animal sources has been used. Results of feeding bone nsh or somo carrier of phosphorus indicate that some of the advantage that has been claimed for animal protein may pos sibly be due to tho mineral matter con tained In the meat scrap or cut bone SHIPMENT OF DEAD ANIMALS In Some Instances Shippers Have Vlo. lated Regulations of Agricul tural Department It hns come to the attention of the U. S. department of agriculture that in some instances shippers of live stock have violated the regulation of the de partment prohibiting tho shipment of dead animals in the same car with live animals. Tho regulation, which was adopted February 10, 1015, and amended July 1, 1010, is as follows : "No dtmd animal shall be transport ed, offered, or accepted for transpor tation in the same car with live ani mals from the original point of ship ment In nny State or Territory or tho District of Columbia to or through any other State, Territory, or the District of Columbia.'-' The foregoing regulation is binding alike upon individual shippers, rail roads, and other carriers. Violation of tho regulation is punishable by a fine of $100. The original regulation, B. A. I. Order 210, and tho later, amended regulation, B. A. I. Order 2-15, were promptly made public, but it is possible that some individual shippers are not familiar with the regulation. They should hereafter be careful to observe It Failuro by several rull rouds to observe the regulation has already resulted in prosecutions of them and the imposition of penalties. SHOULD RAISE DAIRY CALVES Practice Offers Dairyman Many Ad vantages Improves Quality and Market Value of Herd. The practice of raising his own calves offers the dairyman many and unlimited advantages. It improves the quality and market value of ids herd, means Increased production of both milk and buttcrfat, and reduces, Cows and Calves. to the minimum, the danger of Infect ing bis herd with tho many dlseusos common to this class of live stock, thereby avoiding serious loss which may result from condemnation or death of diseased anltnuls nnd from .decreased production, due to low vital ity caused by disease. It protects his i product ugalnst contamination with disease germs which might otherwise jeopardize the health and life of the consuming public. Indiana Experi ment Station. NATURAL CRAVING FOR MEAT Hens In Conffhement Should Be Given Regular Supply of Animal Food of Some Kind. Hens have u natural craving and lik ing for animal food. In summer, when they can roam the fields and meadows their uppetlte for animal food is amply grutified by the finding and consuming of thousands of worms and bugs. During the winter months, if no animal food Is supplied, the hen, if given the chance, will satisfy her appetite for animal food by eating eggs. Hens in confinement, and at all seasons of tho year when animal life Is not abundant on the range, should be regularly supplied with animal food ol some kind. When pgg-shells aro fed to hens, they should be very finely cruni 'bled. Browning them in the oven wll not deetroy their food value, and whci browned they crumble easily. VALUE OF IMPROVED ROADS Public Highway la More Generally Used Than Any Other Means of Intercommunication. It has been stated, nnd correctly so, that only 10 per cent of tho public roads In tho United States aro im proved; In mnny states, only B per cent have been made good. Therefore, with from 00 to 05 per cent of our highways mero trails across country, Americans aro living in n land of mud or dust, according to tho season. Barely aro poor roads easily travel- nble; improved roads, If improved ac cording to modern methods, aro til ways travclablo in tho most inclement weather, barring n blizzard nnd snoW' drifts. Tho force of this observation may bo tho more readily understood when It is stated that tho public road Is inoro generally used than any other Beautiful Eastern Road. means of Intercommunication. It la free nnd open to nil of the people. It Is of benefit to one class more than another only to the extent one class uses It more than another. Mnny sections of the country are op posing road Improvement, just like tho cattle barons of tho unstaked western plains tho liana estacado not many years ago opposed tho coming of tho homesteader and tho railroad. One definition of a "mossback" Is that he Is a foe to progress. Opponents of good roads aro mossbacks of this char acter. They aro bumping their heads on tho van of progress solely becauso they lack understanding of tho value of good roads to their own commun ities. Too much cannot be said in favor of Improved roads. They ar.o worth all they cost. The argument Is nil one way. Why drive through mud and water with a four-horse team empty over n bad road when a two-horse will haul as much as 12 bales of cotton, for example, moro rapidly nnd surely over n good road? A little thought along theso lines must convince anyone thnt these United States need good roads about as bad as unythlng. New York Com' tnercial. MAKING STATE ROADS SAFER Purchase of Parcels of Land at High way Intersections of Interest to All Travelers. A bill authorizing tho purchaso of parcels of lund nt highway interscc tions, now on the house calendar, 1b of interest to all travelers on the state roads. Any rensonablo plans for lin proving tho corners is likely to have general approval. Itcnl estate in tho country towns, outside tho villages, Is Inexpensive. Tho cost of eliminating right-angle turns should not bo execs slve, nnd tho gain in safety will be appreciable. Many serious accidents havo occurred at theso abrupt turns, particularly where tho dangerous con' dltlons wero not revealed by lights. At such points tho best remedy is in tho relocation of tho highway Hues, and it may be said that immunity from dan per is worth moro than tho price of a few squaro feet of unoccupied farm land. Providence Journal. New Road Machine. Tho surfaces of roads aro planed scarified, rolled and nindo ready for use in a single' trip over them by n machlno that a Pennsylvanlnn has In vented. Death to Wooly Aphis, Tobacco dust Is death to tho wooly aphis. Tobacco good enough for tho pest can bo raised on almost any furm Weeds Are Robbers. Itemomber that weeds aro robbers, g 1111 both of plant food and moisture. I Hst Coabiata IS Fluid Drachm s ALCOHOL-a ran CENT ArikinbtePa'paffilionlbrAs- nUAll sinulaHnglhertodflmincguhv fin tlw Stonuehu and Bowels of iiaiuisiuuiiffn Propiolcs DltfcstioaClKcrful Kc.ts nnd neither Opium,Murphlnc nor Mineral. Here Narcotic. r AtKtRct Remedy lorfcmslThih tton. SoiirSloinnckDiarrhoen, Worms. Fcverintiiics.s and. Loss of Sleep. facsimile Slgnnlurcjtf Tltt CEKTAUK CoMtwft; NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrpf)tr Baarjes for the Wounded. Those people whose curiosity leads them to study tho mnny badges of rank which now decorate tho sleeves of officers and men of thp allied armies havo been puzzled by tho uppcarance of n now badge in tho French army. French soldiers on lenvo in England may be seen wearing narrow stripes on tho arm nbovo tho elbow and ordlnnry peoplo hnyo been unablo to understand why some of tho rank nnd file havo been uhlo to snort even more of theso decorations than ofllccrs of high rank. Tho explanation Is simple. Kvery stripe means wounded once. Tho French government has inaugurated a scheme by which every soldier is entitled to wenr one for every time ho has been wounded. Some men havo already won several such strlncs and tho other dny ono man in London was tho proud wearer of nine. Unearned Increment Measured In Crop. Tho nvcrnce vnluo of farm land throughout tho United States in 1010, nsldo from buildings, was $32.40 an nerr. necordluc to tho census. In 1010, according to tho department of agricul ture, this value had grown to $45.50, an increase of 40 per cent. Since tho total vnluo of farm lands, aside rrom Inilldlncs. wns returned In 1010 ns $28,475,000,000, tho total increment slnco then must bo moro than eleven billions. Ladder Needed. Lndy Wo ulwnyB keep tho hoso ready In case of a Zeppelin raid. Visitor But, surely, my dear, it would never reach them at the height they fly. London Punch. MM Si sen Take Iron, Says Doctor, if You A Want Plenty of "Stay There" ? Strength Like an Athlete! Ordinary Nuxated Iron Will Make Dell- eate, Nervous, Rundown People 200 Per Cent Stronger In Two Weeks' Time, in Many Cases. Now York, N. Y. Most peoplo fool ishly seem to think they are going to get renowed health and strength from some stimulating medicine, secret nos trum or narcotic drug, said Dr. Bauer, a specialist of this city, when,' as a matter of fact, real and true strength can only come from tho food you oat. Dut people often fall to get the strength out of their food because they httven't enough Iron in their blood to enable it to change food Into living matter. From their weakened, uerv ous condition they know something Is wrong, but they enn't tell what, so they generally commence doctoring for 6tomach, liver or kidney troublo or symptoms of some other ailment caused by the luck of Iron in tho blood. This thing may go on for years, while the patient suffers untold agony. If you aro not strong or well, you owe it to yourself to mako the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two Ave-graln tablets of or dinary nuxated iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself how much you havo gained. I have seen dozens of nervous, rutf-down GASTORIA For Infanto and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THtCINTAUR COMPANY, MIW.MIMt Smf. LW A Ik Fall Run of Distemper MAT BB VUOLLT AVOIDED BT U81NQ (SDfiHNC A. small outlay of momjr brims very .. you io It aa per alraotlons. Simple, safa and aura. The f 1 alsa la twloe the quantity and an ounca more than Ibe SOc. else, eat yr.ur hones In best condlton for lata fall and winter, All rus slats, harnesa dealers or manufacturers. SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. DOCTORS OF ANIMALS, GOSHEN, WD. f Every "Woman "Waning FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved In water for oewcbea atopa pelvic catarrh, sikaratloa ttccA iflanfr BSAtle. BeeowBwsded by LysUs E. Plnkham Med. Co. for tta years. A healing wosuler for MsJ catarrh. I Hu eitreewirtuy "olcM&q, aaJ leifflUMul power. I l3unrl Fra. 50e. 5 2meto, ar swM. Mr J Your Liver Is Clogged Up That's Whv You're TiredVat of r Have) Ns Appetite CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER FILLS will put you right in a xew aays. They do their duty, CurcCon-f stlpatlon, . JJ"T'T Bluouaneae, Indigestion and Sick HeadacM SMALL FILL, SMALL UU5K, MRAUj riuuu Genuine must bear Signature , 1 m mw mm 1 h ii W peoplo who were ailing all the while doublo and oven triple their strength and endurance and entirely get rid of nil symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteen days' Umo simply by taking i Iron In tho proper form, and this after they, had in somo cases been doctoring foe months without obtaining uny benefit. But don't take tho old forms of reduced iron, iron acetate or tlncturo of Iron simply to snvo a few centB. You must take iron in a form that can bo easily nbsorbed and ussimlllated llko nuxated iron if you want it to do you nny good, otherwise it mny prove worse than use less. Many nn athlete or prize-fighter has won tho day simply becauso h knew tho secret of great strength and ISSSSSSVX 1 -Nw .JsssM B uaBPHV "1 1 BBBBBBBBBBBF' VU I JP1 I m PILLS I endurance and tilled his blood with ironf beforo he went into tho affray, while . many another has gono down to lnglorl j ous defeat simply for the lack of Iron. NOTE Nuxated Iron recommended above by Dr. Bauer, is one of the newer orgunlc Iron compounds. Unlike the oldef Inorganic Iron products, It Is easily awlm- I1n a A ifnaa ntrt 1 r Itt IA ttijk t A Vl TO VsB them black, nor upset the stomach: en the contrnrv It In n. most notant remedy In nearly all forms of Indigestion, as wall' iur norvuuo, iuiiuuwii vuiiuiuuhd. in nuxatea iron mat mey oner 10 lorieu $100.00 to any charitable Institution If they cannot take any man or woman undar weeks' time, crovldtd they have no seri ous organic trouble. They also otter t refund your money it It doe.i not at leaeft double your strength and endurance nrn srwi a r ir vnnr nnirinii nr vina store is witnout a supply, as mess, to It for you. Adv.