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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1916)
Semi-Weekly Tribune IEA L. BABE, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear by Mull In Artrnnco.... $1.25 One Year y Cnrrior In Advnuco..$lJ0 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postofflco as Second ClaBS Mattor. TUESDAY, OCTOIJEIt 21, 1010. Hnlllgnn Sf 111 at tlio Front. Many voters of tho county may not Ijo aware of tlio fact that P. R. Ilnlll gan, the republican candidate for county nttornoy, Is atlll on tho Moxl can bordor as captain of Co. E, Fifth Itoglmont, Nebraska National Guards. Wlion tho call for voluntoors waa mode, Mr. Halllgan .promptly respond ed, and was largoly responsible for tho organization of tho North Platto company. Advices from tho border are that the Nobraska regiments will bo kepi thoro for several weeks yet, thus doprlvlug Mr. Halllgan of nn opportun ity to campaign In his behalf. It seems to ua that no campaign should bo noc csBary for Mr. Halllgan; that voters regardless of political complexion will concludo that any man who Is patriot ic onough to responds to tho call of his country when it Is threatened with war, Is entitled to their support without bdlng solicited. Wo would hold to that vlow oven though Mr. Halllgan wero a democrat. ;:o;; Arrostofl for Hootlcgglng. Charley Tumor, colored porter at tho Robhouson harbor shop, was ci roBted yostcrday on tho chargo of sell ing liquor, tho salo on which tho chargo is made occurring Saturday ovonlng wlion it is alleged he d'apcied of n pint of whiskey to Karl Schick of this city. It has been ru mored at times for sovor'al months Jpast that Tumor has been selling liquor, but not until yesterday could ovldonco sufficient to causo an arrowt bo secured. Ho was arralgnod yestorday after noon, pioad not guilty and tho caso sot-for hearing Thursday, , ::o:: Owing to tho ongngomont of tho Birth, of a Nation at tho Keith this wook, Gloria's Romanco and also tho morchants' frco matlnoo will bo hold at the Crystal this week, Pleaso bear this in mind, Tor Quick Salo -Ono of tho beni lmlldlng nots on west Cth St; 0GxlS2. sidewalk in and sowor and gas In al loy. This lot must bo sold by .Nov. 1st and can bo sccurod at a bargain. In qulro of 6. R. Robinson 322 Wost Sec ond etroot. 81-2 Col. Qoo. T. Pattorson, who had boon stationed in tho Philippines for two years, Wb a guest at tho homo of his father T. C. Pattorson, Saturday and Sunday, whllo onrouto to Now York. Colonel, Pattorson, who Is in coast do fonso sorvico will probably bo as signed to duty at San DIolgo, Cal. Reports received at tho dry fodor aon lioadquartors at Lincoln and Omaha from all ovor tho state Indi cate!, thnt prohibition will carry hy a big majority. Even in counties nor mally wot, the sentiment in favor of. dryJs growing rapidly. Tho oflBuranpo of ntdry victory should not, however, boKol'-'a luko warm spirit. Tho blggor tho mnjprltythb greater tho victory. , ' 1 1 i 0 v i lik IV, 'itEItMINGirAUSEN. Democratic CiYntllditto for County , (JojuitilsBlonor, First District. Yottr Hupport on tho 7th of Novem ber Is solicited on tho rocord ho. has mada during tho paat threo years, which rocord la open and above board and your Investigation of It is courted. During those three years ho has aimed to servo tho taxpayers In a conscien tious way, has transacted tho business of' tho counly in a fair and Impartial innnnor, and has taken as much inter est in county nffalrB and applied tho snmo careful methods as ho would to Ills private business. Ho bolloves that if offlcloncy counts ho is entitled to your 'consideration and your sup port. (Advortlsomont.) RAILROAD NOTES Otto Nelson, U. P. traveling storo keeper, transacted business hero yes terday1. ' Fireman Carl Skaggs loft at noou Friday for Omaha to take tho exam ination for engineer. U. P. Special Agent R. L., North re turned Sunday evening from Hastings where ho spent a week. Vic Anderson, U. P, superintendent lioro loft yestorday afternoon for Grand Island to remain scvoral days. Firemen James McNoll and Walter Johnston went to Omaha last evening to take tho examination for engineers. C. H. Studovant, of Denver, came hero tho latter part of last week to tako chargo of tho Amorlcan Express office. A, E. Erlcksdn, who had been in chargo of tho American Express Co. for a year past, resigned thb latter part of last weok. Ralph Hanson, formerly of tho U. P. freight offlco yesterday accepted "a position In tho Union Pacific storo room as stenographer. Trainmaster Adams, of SIdnoy, spent tho week end hero on business and visiting his son Christie ""Adams who has boon vory ill. J. II. Peck, traveling managing agont for tho American Express Co., who frequently visited horo was trans ferred to tho Omaha offlco tho lattor part of last week. W. S, Wllmot, formerly U. P. di vision storekeeper at jbranha, wh frequently transacted business at tho local storo room, was transferred to Choyonno this week. D. B. Allen, formerly gonoral storo keeper, will bo his successor. John Frcderlcl, of tho B. & B. de partment, camo down frbm Novins tho lattor part of last weok to seek men to assist In tho work thoro. Sov oral extra holpors are needed and 'thoso in chargo find It difficult to got onough men to meet tho demand. P. L. Burmood, a formor fireman and onglnoor of this city, who has boon living on his farm near Somerset for four yoars, returned to town yester day and ro-ontered the sorvico as pns songer flroman. During' his nbsence ho succeeded in holding his rights. A special train having as passen gers mombors of tho Ames family of Now York and Chiof Engineer Huntley passed wost Sunday night, Tho party goes to Sherman hill to mako ,ar 'fangomontfl to movo tho.Amoa monu ment from its present .location 'to, a slto at Sherman station. T. L. Hall, ono of tho state railway commissioners, Bays that In tho pnBS ago of tho Adamson eight-hour law for tralnraon, tho Stato Railway com mission in tho futuro will bo compolled to tako into consideration tho amount of additional monoy It will take for tho railroads to pay this extra money In Nebraska when -considering any application for a ralso In rates or for finy application which may come up covering tho cost of. oporatlon. Jurors for November, Tornu Fallowing are tho Jurors fdVho term of court which convonos Novem ber 20th: W. T. Aldon . . . North Platte,- N.q. 2 T.'L. Bakor Somerset Alox Brown Miller It. Gi, Uurko Brady R. A. Bockus... . Plant Elmer Centos N.orlh Platte No.' a W, 0. Elder, Vroman Harry Fleishman.. North Platto No. 3 John Groon,,..,i t...Galin Charles aorkln.,.-... ..Well William Iloyso.,,. North Platto No. 4 Goorgo LcDJoyt,.', Nichols Henry Layton ...Maxwell L. D. Nowton Modlcino Elmor Owons North Platte No. 4 James Smallwood. .North Platto No. 1 E. K. Soudor, Door Crook Fred SImantB Hall Lostor Tarklngton. .North Platto No. 4 John Tllllon Nichols CharloB Thomas Dickons William Wcakloy. . . , Willow RoyBco Wolllvor...... North Roscdalo J. R. Whlto Sutherland LOCAL AND TEHSONAL Kill The Chill See our window for some thing attractive in a gas room heater. You need it before you start the furnace or base burner. North Plattelight&Power Co, Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Ted Bogue, of tho state university, spent tho week end visiting his parents. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug Storo. Miss Nina VanDorun returned Sun day morning from Chappoll whre sho visited friends. . Miss Mario Martini went to Hershoy Suudny ovonlng to visit her sister, Mrs Fred Rasmussen. Miss leabcllo Walkor, who 'has been visiting in Molroso for Homo time; will return today. Mrs. Charles Barrons, and child, of Molroso, are expected fiorc' this weok to visit hor parents Mr. and Mrs. Con Walker, Mrs, Bowmanf of Wood IUve, spent tho week end visiting ho . driughter Mrs. Elmor Coatcs whllo onrouto to SIdnoy. Houbo for Rent S)lx rtfoms and cellar at COG south Chestnut strefct. Inquire at 115 west Fifth street, Mrs. M. E. Gregg. ' 80tt Found Ynlo Key 'on ring attached to loathor case. Owner can' have same by calling at this offlco and paying for this notice. Jako Pizcr, who conducts ono of the most wldoly patronized .mercantile houses In Grand Island, visited his brothor Julius Pizer in this city" yes terday, Wo are in need of a 'First-class salesman to handlo our agency In North Platto and surrounding terri tory. Grand Union Tea Co., 510 South lGth, Omaha, Nebr. 81-3 For ' Salo Quick Meal ' Gasoline Rango for $10 and a tfteel rango (Rango Eternal with bright steel top) good as now, $40. Inqulro of Mrs. O. W. Brandt, Hotel McCabe. 80-2 From 22 to 25 and more mlic3 to tho gallon of gas, 7000 to 10,000 miles to tho sou of modorato priced tires, mako your Dodgo Brothers car an economical pleasuro car, and verv easy and comfortable with all. Jjt,. J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. Miss Sybil Gantt, who Is attending tho state university, spent tho week ond with tho home folks. E. F. Seebergor loaves today for Omaha to attend tho sessions of tho stato bankers' association. A baby boy was born tho latter part of last Week to Mr. tnd Mrs. A. C. Coberly, of Goring, formerly of this city. Mrs. H. N. Smith loft yesterday morning for Lowellon to visit friends for a week or longor. Mrs. Charles Vernon, who had been visiting in Grand Island, returned tho latter part of last weok. For Rent Rooms for housekeeping. 400 east Third.. ' Mrs. Charlos Burroughs and niece, who visited In : Chappoll last week, came homo a few days ago. . Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rowloy, who were married last' week, at Boolus, are oxpectcd to roturn homo, this evening. Chovrolot cars, repair parts and ser vice at J. V. Romigh garage. Rags, for a short timd $1.00 per 100. Must bo sacked. Paying a good prlco for all kinds of metals and rubber. Bonos $10 per ton, but must bo dry. NORTH PLATTE JUNK HOUSE, Tho enrollment In tho Catholic school during -'the past threo weeks was Increased by ten now pupils, mak ing a total of ono hundred and thirty Room and board in private homo, close in, phono Red 117. 80tf Mrs. Cathorlne V. McDonald, of Sutherland, well known nmong tho lo cal people, died tho lattor part of last week. Tho funeral servces were hold Saturday afternoon and tho remains taken to Cozad for intormont. Little eye ills grow to big one koep thom littlo and they'll trouble you littlo. Harry Dixon, Jeweler and Optometrist. , Ira Simpson, who has been on the Mexican border with Company E for several months, is expected to return homo In a short tlmo. His return is mado necossary by tho physical con dltlon of his mother. f Supplying Your Needs Jl The most important thin& to'a man engaged in any line of businesS'is to be sure that his legitimate needs are adequately" supplied. . v " The McDonald State Bank studies the needs of its customers and provide for them to as great a degree as is consistent with sound, safe banking. If you need money for any legitmate purpose and are entitled to it, you may obtain it from us at the lowest current rates and with the least possible trouble. That is one way in which we serve our customers, among wnom we hope soon to numbet you. McDonald State Bank. It's A Pretty Good Plan To Shingta Before the roof begins to leak; It's a pretty good plan to batten Before tho wind begins to shriek; It's A Pretty Good Plan To Build Seme Shads To keep this under cover Tho plows, cultivators, binders And one thing and another. And you'll find it a pratty, food plan TO LET US FIGURE YOUR " Lumbar and Building .Material Bills Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. Lutheran Brotherhood Will Bnnijticf. Tho annual banquet of the Lutheran Brothorhood will be hold Friday ev ening of thisweck In the Episcopal church basemimtj Covers will bo laid for about oho hundred, and tho speak er of tho evening will be Dr. Yarger, ono of tho best known orators of that denomination In thb west. The ban quet will bo served by tlio ladles of the church. all. Mrs, H. C. Brock entertained tho Travol and Study club .at . hor homo last ovonlng. 'Miss Whlttakor read a paper on "Mrs. Itlppen of Philadel phia," Mrs. Simms ono on tho "Boxer War In China," and Mrs. Goodman 'Characteristics of the ChlneSb Peo ple ' Notice. Tho defendants, Robert S. Hoppor and Mrs. Robert S. Hoppor, his wife, first namo unknown, will tako notice that on the 2nd day of October, 191G, the plaintiff Herein, Frances A. Ben nett, filed hor petition In tho district court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against said aefendants. the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a cortaln mortgage executed by the de fondant, Robert S. Hoppor, as a singlo man, to tho plaintiff herein upon tho following dscrlbed real estato, to-wlt: Tho Southeast quarter of Section 5, Township 15 North, Rango 30 West, In Lincoln County, Nebraska,, to secure tho payment of ono certain promissory noto dated at Frooport, Illinois, on tho 9 th day of Sptembor, 1914, duo two yoars after date, for tho sum of Threo Hundred and no ono hundredths ($300.00) Dollars, drawing Interest at tho rato of sovon per cent per annum payable semi-annually, until due, and ten per cent per nnnum aftor due. That there was due oipoh said noto at tho dato of tho filing of the petition herein the sum of Threo Hundred, olid Fdrty soven and 97-100 ($347.97) Dollars with Interest thereon at the rate' of 10 per cent por annum from said dato. Plaintiff prays for a decreo that tho defendants bo required to pay tho samo or that tho premises abuvo des cribed may bo sold to satisfy the amount found duo and for such other rollof as Is Just and equitable. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday tho 11th day of December, 191G. Dated this 23rd day of Octobor, 191G. FRANCES A. BENNETT, By MULDOON & OBERST, o24nl7 Her Attorneys. Mutual Building &Loan Assn. OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ASSETS $840,000.00 To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers; Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adver-' tising the fact that they have reduced the monthly payments of borrowers to $1.10 per month on each $100.00 borrowed, making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build ing & Loan Association of North Platte. They fail to slate that of the $1.10 paid to the non-resident company, there is only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment, the balance seventy-five cents being taken for interest. Of the $1.10 m6nthly payment, to this association on each $100.00 borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited as a principal payment. This difference in the amount credited the borrower will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each $100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they would if they were doing the business with this Association. Mutual Building & Loan Association OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ' Yimwahttoknow who the Candidates are. I am a Candidate for Representative nominated by Democrats of this county. I am willing to serve you, your vois is solicited Sincerely, ; , , Butler Buchanan. tln RluaitiiiiiiiirfjrtmiuHR-ntirji i-,n...kuniMii.iI. . . . . Lit mi "Why, sir, the Union may be preserved from dismember ment by this proposed railroad." gack of the name "Union Pacific" was the certain knowledge that this railroad must be built to htldthe Union together. And when thclinc was finished, a feeling of security and a wave of rejoicing swept the country from coast to coast. No other public or sepii-public -enterprise ever was so popular. .x. 'T10 h' d,l!n",td the or'8n of thil road but the director of the Union Pacific have never ceased to regard the great iyitem Attaitonal iJiMo-norhavethey ever failed to maintain nadimDrovethepropeityforthebestintereitsofthewholepeople. cy of the Union Pacrfic than were spent in building the original hne. It is properly called "The Standatd Road ol.the West." UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Jtins East and IVett with a Boulevard of Sieel W. S. DASINGEIt General Passenger Agent Omaha, Neb. (110) CACT7TV l?riC5nr i 300 Uni lul 1 J. JUCJ Rooms 300 Roefiis 1 . WVM ... u i r 1. ... frlendrrlncT.atthJWnere HUcltraen toP- fln" ur HOTEL CASTLE WTH AND JONES STS., OMAHA, ,.?S?i1P5w loIutrfr fir. proof hotel. We welcome th. Stockmen. We'll make f, Hfoa?i!?blc n1 ?r rate are moat reasonable In the city. Itoorai with private- toilet COMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE "V i LIS fl