The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 20, 1916, Image 1

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No. 80
For Rent Rooms for housekeeping.
40G cast Third.
Mrs. Jack Boal has Bono to Ogalalla
to romain for several weeks.
Llttlo Eileen Priest was taken to
j City hospital Wednesday to take
medical trcatmont.
An enjoyahlo meeting of tho Eldcen
club was hold Wednesday afternoon
at tho homo of Mrs. George Richards.
Wo will have n largo assortment of
$4.00 hats for Saturday Octobor 21st,
at Block's Millinery Department. S0-1
Mrs. Nelllo Qough was taken vio
lently 111 a week ago and obliged to
dlscontinuo her work at tho Owl Cafo.
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ogler, of Wal
lace spent tho foro part of this week
visiting relatives and friends in this
W. D. Craig, of tho Union Paclflo
car department was Injured Wednes
day and will bo confined to tho house
for Bovoral days.
Tho brick setters employed on the
local paving Woro obliged to discon
tinue work on account of tho weather
conditions and havo gone to Omaha
to remain until Monday.
If idleness Is tho root of evil then
matrimony's good for something for
it sets many a poor weman to work.
See "Husband and Wife" at the Crys
tal Saturday night, and get some new
lights on matrimony.
Tho funeral of tho late Mrs. M. L.
Cdhn, who died this week will bo held
at tho Plain View church at 2 o'clock
Sunday afternoon. t Interment will bo
made in the cemetery adjoining tho
Philip Cohn of Superior, Col., and
Georgo Cohn, of Sheridan, Mrs. Geno
Wilson of Trinidad, were called here
Wednesday to attend tho funeral of
their mother, tho lato Mrs. M. L. Cohn,
who resided near Ft. McPherson.
Charles Strauss, who has been em
ployed in tho McDonald State bank
for Boveral- years resigned yesterday
and will leave Monday for Casper,
Wyo., to accept a position In tho Wy
oming National bank of that city. Mr.
Strauss' departure will bo regretted
by many.
Never before haB there been such an
Interesting varioty of modes from
which to choose becoming hats and
nc-hero can . this 'vanetjbo seen, to
better advantage than In tho mlllnory
department at Block's, - A splendid as
sortment may bo found at very rea
sonable prices. 80-2
Fifteen young men of .this city have
organized a club for tho winter
months and rented a residence on
the corner of. Third and Pine street
which is being fitted up with furni
ture and will be used as club rooms
for the members. Tho now club house
will bo called "Lonesomehurst."
C. A. Wyman held a sale of per
sonal property afe his farm west of
town Wednesday, at which sixty head
of cattle, twenty-three horses, a lot of
hogs and a varied assortment of farm,
machinery was sold. The attendance
was largo and tho proporty sold well.
The receipts were over $4,000.
Mr. and Mrs. Wyman will move to
town and occupy tho Ross proporty
which they recently purchased.
O !
C10 ncrcs grazing and farm land.
Want city proporty or small farm. . .
Mrs. Edmund' DioKoy entertained
tho Mothers' club Wednesday after
noon. The Indian Card club will bo en
tertained Wednesday afternoon by
Mrs. Thomas Healoy.
Mrs. M. K. Novlllo will cntortaln
tho Saturday afternoon bridge club
tomorrow afternoon.
Tho music Jopartmont of tho Twon
tleth Century club will meet with Mrs.
J. H. Hcgarty, 321 West 3d street
Tuesday afternoon.
Tho Uteraturo department of tho
Twentieth Century club will meet
Tuesday aftdrnoon with Mrs. B. 'B.
Boatman. Mrs. P. J. Barron will glvo
a book review.
Mrs Fjed Warren entertained a
number of friends Wednesday after
noon at a luncheon at tho Billiard
homo. Tho guests of honor were
Misses Harriot Warren of Tampa, Fla.,
and Fern Griffin of Denver.
The Novlta club spent a pleasant
afternoon with Mrs. Carl Brodbock
Wednesday at a konsington. Arrange
ments were mado to cntortaln tho hus
bands of tho members at a Hallowe'en
party at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. II.
A. Brooks Monday evening, Oct. 30th.
Mrs. P. H. Lonorgnn entortalned
tho members cf tho J. F. F. Club at
cards Tuesday afternoon. Prizes wero
awarded to Mesd'ames James Dorram
and H. P. Hencklo and the guest
prizes to Mrs, Loin Bailey and Mrs.
Joo Qulnn. Out of town guests were
Mrs.- Smith and daughter Mabel of
Gothenburg. It was decided to hold
a Hallowe'en party at tho homo of
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Shilling Monday
ovenfng, Oct. 30th, at which .the hus
bands of tho ladles will bo guests,
Tho Twentieth Century club will
hold its annual Good Fellowship ban
quet Tuesday ovening, November 14,
at 6:30, in tho basement of the Epis
copal church. Tho ladles of tho guild
will furnish a. tempting dinner, and
besides the good things to eat there
will be an interesting program of mu
sic, toasts and speeches. Tickets for
the banquet will be forty cents a plate
and It Is earnestly desired that aa
many of the members as possible b9
present to become acquainted with
each other and thus increase the good
fellowship and continued success of
tho club. 80-2
Tho women's Suits, Coats and
Dresses on salo at $21.85 are such as
all the stores ask and prlco at $25.00,
$27.50, 430.00 and up to $32.50, They
are on sale here at The Leader Mer
cantile Co. at $21.85. Others at $7.45,
$9.85 and up.
At' the grand encampment of Ne
braska Odd Fellows at Lincoln this
week, J Guy Swope, of this city, was
elected grand senior warden. Mr.
Swopo attended tho grand encamp
ment as a delegate from the local
Sixty names of Lincoln county res
idents were sent to tho clerk of the
dlstirct court offlco tho first of this
week and from these a Jury for the
fall term of court will bo-drawn,
Miss Frances Flynn, of Keystone,
who has frequently visited tho Healey
family In this city will bo married
tomorow at Ogalalla to William
Thalkon. of Ogalalla.
Miss Ircno Schott loft last evening
for Lexington to visit friends for sev
eral weeks.
Shaw Hero Tuesday.
Losllo M. Shaw will speak at tho
Keith thontro, Tuesday, Octobor 24th,
at eight o'clock.
Leslie U. Shaw Is tho formor sec
retary of tho United Stntes treasury
and Is ono of our national characters.
He is able to address us on national
issues, do not fall to hear him.
Tho Tllllkum girls will moot In tho
church basement Monday evonlug.
For Salo Organ In good condition,
very cheap. Inqulro at this offlco.
Rcom and board In prlvnto home,
close In, phono Rod 117. SO) f
Mrs. Will Friend will return today
from Omaha whoro Bho visited rola.-
tves for a weok.
Mrs. James Brady and daughter left
this morning for Omaha to spond a
week with rolatlves.
Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Clark, of Omaha,
will .arrive hero today to visit tlwir
daughter Mrs. Charlos J. McNamara.
Mrs. Edward Hudson and baby, who
spent tho past month with rolatlves In
Lincoln, Is- opoctod to return home, to
day. Tho Eastorn Star will hold a ken
slqgton at the Masonic hall this af
ternoon. All membors aro invited to
For SaleRound Oak heater, medi
um size. Mrs, Hugh Bird. 80tf
Tho Christian ladles wll hold a
Chrstmns Bazaar and servo Turkey
dlnnor December 15th Iiv tho church
House for Rent Six rooms and
cellar at 505 south Chestnut street;
Inquire at 115 wost Fifth street, Mrs.
M. E. Gregg, t SOtf
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney DroW will appear-
at the Crystal tonight In a photo
play mado from Richard Harding Da
vis' story "Playing Dead."
Hcnr Dr. Wilbur Crafts, of Wnsh
Ington, I). C, America's greatest Re
former, at tho Presbyterian church
October 25th, 7:80 p. in. SQ-2
The Blankets that wo aro selling
at $2.98 aro by far tho tbo best offered
by any of tho storo3, This Blanket Is
truly a $3.50 value, on salo at The
Leader Mercantile Co. for $2.98. Wo
are showing others at 45c, 73c, 9Sc,
$1.45, $1.95 and upwards.
Onhundrod lnvltlatlons to tho Sun
set Social havo been mailed out, but
If any, havo -failed to receive ait Invi
tation they will please consider them
selves invited. Any who aro unable
to walk to tho church will ploaso
phono Red 066 and a conveyanco will
call for them. COMMITTEE.
Bruce Brown, tho telophono man,
killed tho badger that escaped from a
show hero about two weeks ago. Mr.
Brown hoard a dlsturbanco In his
chicken houso Friday night, grabbed
his gun and put an end to tho animal
that has killed many chickens since
ho gained his freedom. Brady Vindi
cator. Miss Mlnnlo Lang and Leonard Row
ley, of this city, wero married at tho
homo of relatives of tho brido In
Boolus Nob., Wednesday, by tho Luth
ran clergyman. After a honoymoon
trip through Colorado they will resld3
with tho groom's parents Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Rowley, who live on a farm
near this city, Tho brido camo hero
a few years ago and had been em
ployed at tho Owl and Palace cafeH.
Tho groom Is a well known young
farmer of this vicinity, Friends ex
tend congratulations.
Tramp &. Sons' dry goods sloro on
j Front street was burglarized oarly
i Wednesday morning and roady-to-wdar
garmonta to tho vnluo of $20
woro tnkon.
Entranco was gained by heaving a
brick through tho front entrance door
window, tho brick bolng found in
side. Among tho garmonta taken
woro olght silk skirts, throo ladles'
suits, llvo silk shirt waists, and threo
silk ktmonns. Chenpor garmcnUt
were tnkon from hangers and loft on
tho iloor. All tho garments wero
among the best carried In stock, the
burglar olthor knowing tho valuo oL
goods or olso hnd boon furnished a
description of tho garmonts ho should
Tuesday and Wednesday two
strango women Avoro in tho store and
while they Inspected many gamionts
of different kinds they mado no pur
chases, and tho garments stolon woro
amoug thoso they inspected. It Is now
bcliovcd that thoy woro In league with
tho burglar, and that the object of
their visit- was to "spot" tho goods to
bo taken. Parties who Uvo in rooms
ovorhoad say that thoy hoard a nolso
about flvo o'clock In tho mnrnlng,
probably bolng awakened when tho
brlok wont crashing through the door
Tho officers aro working on tho cam
-2 Sl lmS 01! ES2S SGI SSSTIS KSia OKiil
' m. it .b.- . - .V.
TkT", Sfb UP) Ja Htf & "ItaiTa
Here's the coat that has all the "satisfao
tiorvgiving" qualities of the ordinary over-
coat easy, roomy arid comfortable. The
linings are left out. reducing the cost to
within the reach of men who want a
well-made, stylish garment at much less
cost than they would have to bay for. a
lined coat of inferior make and fabric.
It has the swagger style, theindividual
character and personal expression that one
expects in a much higher priced coat.
It is the correct coat to wear for all occa
sions and in all weather a utility coat for
any purpose and for any time.
Nocfcabotif quality in the lowest or highest priced
models, is reliable and dependable. It offers more in
the way of style, service, comfort and convenience
than any other garment selling at the same price.
Harcourt Clothing Co.
Miss Bollo Harpor and Ray W. Wol
born, of this city, woro quietly mar
ried at tho homo of tho bride's parents
in Moorofleld Wednesday. Tho honey
moon will bo spont In Denver and oth
er Colorado points and cities of Cnl
Ifprnla, nnd they will make their homo
in this city.
"Mrs. Wolborn had been employed as"
sdloslady in tho ' Wilcox Department
Store for a year past and mado many
friends during hor residence hero. She
is'.nn attractive and pleasant young
lady who will mako an Ideal homo.
Tho groom has resided hero for a num
ber of years and is employed
as engineer for tho Union Pa
cific, Ho Is ft moral and industrious
young man who Is highly respocted
by a largo circle of friends. Best
wishes aro oxtonded.
Investigates Labor Contract
Labor Commissioner Frank Coffey
spont yesterday In town investigating
jwcharge that Contractor-Stack .had
violated ah agreement mado 'with -laborers
who camo hero from Omaha to
work brTstreot paving, Tho men claim
that they agreed to como horo and
work nine hours a day for $3.00, nnlt
wero to bo paid tholr faro from Oma-.
ha, but on arrival woro compelled to
work ten hours nnd thp railroad aro
was deducted from tho money earned.
Contractor Stack asserts that ho did
not authorize any such contract or
agreement, but tho labor commission
er holds 'that he is rospohslblo for the
acts of his foreman or agent. Tho
commissioner has taken tho matter
under advisement.
t ;o: :
Coal Advances In Price.
Local coal dealers wero notified
yesterday of a, fifty coht advanco In
tho prlco of Rock Springs and Colo
rado coal. This will probably ehodt
Rock Springs up td $8.00 a ton; Tho
mine companies claim that this ad
vanco has boon made necessary by the
shortage of cars, tho inability to ship
tho coal as fast as mined resulting in
an additional cxpeiibO to tho compan
ies. It Is a good guess that .tho real
causo of tho raiso is that tho coal op
orators of Wyoming and Colorado havo
"got together' at last, after attenpt
lng .to do so for several years.
t ::o::
Foot Rail Tenia to Coznd
Tho high school fcot ball squad loft
this morning for Cozad whoro thoy
will play tho high school team of that
town today. When leaving tho. mem
bers of tho team folt confident tliot
thoy would put up- a much stronger
gamo .today than thoy did against tho
Curtis Aggies last Friday.
A numbor of rootors accompanied
tho team on tho trip, and othors will
probably go down In autos.
' ;:o::
Joint Services.
Tho Methodist and Presbyterian
congregations will hold Joint services
next Sunday at tho Presbytorlau
church. Tho Joint chojrs will sing
and tho orchestra will glvo two selec
tions at tho ovening ocrvlcos.
Tho Methodist Sunday school and
Epworth Leaguo will convene In tho
basement. Tho sorvlcos woro largely
attended last Sunday.
;:o:: .
Hon. A. C. Rankin, tho Iron mould
er orator, will deliver an address nt
itho , court, house at North Platto on
Saturday ovening, at 8 o'clock, Oc-
tooer zist, lUiu. ho is ono or tuo
most noted speakers on Labor prob
lems in the united states, ills moss
ago will bo of apodal lntorest to tho
Mrs. O. D. Shanor, of Maxwell, Is
expected horo this ovening to visit hor
d lighter, Miss Ruoy Shnner, whllo
enrouto to Denver to visit frlonds.
Miss Ila Lytlo, of Maxwoll, Is visit
ing with hor sister Mrs. D, A. Russell,
Rev. Robert Whito Is spending Ahb
day In towns on tho branch rpad.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Duggan, of
Grand Island, visited horo yesterday
whllo enrouto from Staploton,
Miss Lena Basklns has returned
from Scotts Bluff .whero sho visited
frlonds for a week.
Judge II. M. Grimes wont to Sidney
this morning on district court mat
Ralph Starkoy left this morning for
Denver to Temnln for a -week or long.
distinctive Footwear
For Women
We offer an at- '
.tractive selection
of choice values at
$5 and
Come in and slip tn
a pair. We guarantee
a satisfactory fit.
"When you come here to see these new shoe
, styles for fall, we are quite certain that the variety of
new patterns which we will show you will reveal the
very model you want.
Shaped over lasts that are most attractive, from
leather that is especially fashionable, these popular
priced shoes will appeal to every woman who is par
ticlar about her footwear.
Wilcox Department Store
Jamos Hakol, of Arthur county.
has been horo for several days on bus
iness connoctod with . his homestead
rights which nro bolng contested In
tho local land offlco.
Mrs. J. R. Johnston, of Allogeny.
Oro camo a fow days ago to visit hor
mother Mrs. Mary Eldor for two
weoks. Mrs. Johnston was formerly
Miss Anna Clark of this qity."
Frcddlo Doobko .tho olght months old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Doobko
died Tuosday afternoon nftor a short
Illness. Tho funeral was hold Wednes
day afternoon and lntormcnt mado in
tl;o Ellis cemetery.
Mrs. Evorott Bloyd ontortnlned tho
mombors of tho E11J.0 club Wednesday
afternoon. Progressive card games
wero playod and prizes awarded to
Mrs. Asa Snyder, Mrs. John McDon
ald, Mrs. Ella Huxoll and Mrs. Lo
Dloyt. Patrick and Daniel . Sullivan and
James McClury, of Soattlo, arrived
horo Wednesday. Thoy woro onrouto
to Wullaco to attend tho funoral of
th former's brother .the lato Larry
Sullivan nt Wallace.
Mary Lonlso Cohn, of Maxwoll, died
at hor homo Wednesday morning pt
Brlght's dlscaso at tho ngo of sixty
throo. Sho had boon a resident or
that vicinity for forty yoarB and is
survived by a husband and sovonil'
Tho .theatrical soason openod Tuos
day ovening at Tho Kolth with tho
presentation of "Tho Olrt Without a
Chanco," a strong story that was well
portrayed by a capablo company. Tho
lower floor wns wolj filled nnd tho
gallory crowded.
Morp gtngor, pick-up and hill pull
ing than I havo ovor experienced In
any small car. Try ono your&olf and
bollove. Cntl mnko you an Immodlato
delivery of a Chovrolot 400 if you
act quickly. J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer.
P, L. Burmood of Somerset, win
spent Wednesday in town, reported
that lio and his brothers had rcccutly
lost thirteen hoad of young emtio
with black leg. Two ether cnttlo,
growors in that section suffered losses
fro mtho snmo cause.
Form and Ranch loans ai lowest
rales nnd best tcniiK. Money' on bund
to'closo lonhs promptly!
iu mi ill i r i n
"JIli If
You wouldn't think of
letting fathered crops lie out
in the wet, would you? Of
course not.
Business men in the big
cities never let their money
lie out in the wet. ,They
make it produce continually.
You can do the same thing
DEPOSIT System of the
McDonald State Bank. .
It brings you 4 per cent.
It is safer than the money
and is always ready when
you need the cash.
Consult us about it.
M? Donald State Bank
Nowth Platte, Nkbr,