I Eye Glass Frames The fitting of framc3 is as important as the fitting of lenses, for the lenses cannot give ease and comfort if the frames or mountings are improperly adjusted. In many cases glasses do not give relief hecause of frame being too narrow or too wide, loo high or too low; and if your glasses should get bent so that one lens is higher than the other they will give you trouble. Optometrists arc proficient mechanics and are fully equipped and informed in making such measurements as are required in fitting frames. Optometrists arc the only ones required by law to qualify in this branch of eye treatment. C. S. CLINTON, ' REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST. THE SIGN WITH THE BIG KING. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over th McDonald State Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Etliol Wills hna accepted a position at the (Join Candy kltchon. Phono tho TJyal when in a hurry for drugs. 79-tf Mrs. II. A. Duborry was called to Pennsylvania tho latter part of last wook by tho dea'th of a relative.' Miss Bcllo Harper and Ray Wclborn will bo married tomorrow at tho homo of tho brido's parents in Mooreflold. Let Landgraf & Hoga do your paint ing, paper hanging and doooratlng. Phono Black 092 or Black 670. 33tf CUT AND COUNTY NEWS. 3Iony to loan on real estate. Bit ATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. TWELVE HUNDItKD 3IETEBS IN USE IN THE CITV. meet at tho afternoon. From a recent report of Water Com- Tho Eastern Star konslngton will . ""!; 'LtaJ?n Masonic hall Friday, city.Vhorc are 1G00 residences and business housos in North Platte, Mrs. James McEvoy and son Pres- but in a number of instances one ton havo moved to Hcrshoy whore! moter servos, two. For several years tne latter win auenu souooi. Miss Ada Morrill and Mr. and Mrs. Wllber Fottor of Maxwell visited Mrs. Fetter of this city last week. Tho Junior Mothers club will hold a hap-hazard party at tho homo of Mrs. Fred Duncan tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. Thomas Mitchell of Loxlngton, camo Saturday evening to spond a week or moro with local relatives. Mr. and Mrs. N'lcholas Kloln left yesterday morning for Indlahola to visit Dell Toll and family for ton days. For Ilont After January lBt, tho doublo storo room of Ottonstoin's. Frod Marti, Jr., was off duty at tho Marti meat market last wook on ac count of HlnoBS. Alvin Elias aotod as substitute. past the number of meters havo in creased from fifty to sixty each year. Tho consumption of water during the quarter ending September 30th was ono-thlrd greater than ordinary, duo to tho shortage of rainfall, which I tor tho year has boen flvo and one- half inches less than normal. Tho largost singlo water user is tho federal building, which used 400, 000 gallons during aw last quarter. Noxt to the federal building in quan tity used comes tho, laundries and tho court house, tho cost for tho latter during tho last quarter amounting to thirty-six dollars. Tho report shows that sfhec 191!? sixty or moro rosiflonces havo been erected in North Platte each year. -::o:: Mrs. P. T. Buckley, of Kalama, Homo Missionary Program Tho Woman's Home Missionary So ciety of tho M. E. church will meet noxt Friday afternoon at tho homo of Wash., who hdrt boon visiting her son Mrs.. M. E. Scott. Tho following pro- N. E. Buckloy for some time loft Sun- gram will bo given: day morning, Miss Irono O'Donell left yostordny morning for Choyonno whore she has accepted a posltionv.as Union Pacific stenographer. Mr. and Mtb. Glen Ferguson and baby xAio spent several weeks in Cal ifornia with rolatlvcs camo homo yes torday morning. For quick action and sntisfnetosy snlo list your land with Thoclccke. tf Mr, and Mrs. J, W. Mooro of Ord, visited local friends last wook. Miss QladyB Stogall has accopted a position at tho Crystal theatre For Rent Houbo at 804 West Second street Inqulro of J. H. Fonda. 74-tf W. T. Berry, of Grand Island, spont Friday horo on union pacific nuBiness. For Rent 3 Houskooplng rooms, $12.00, 320 East 5th street. 79-2 Mrs. Edmund Dickey will entertain tho Mothers' Club itomorrow after noon. Mrs Hollondor, of Mayflower, who Visited Mr. and Mrs. Edla left Friday ovonlng. Mrs, P. H. Lonorgan will entertain tho mCmborB of tho J. F. F. club this afternoon. Willis Preston and J. M. FrlBto, of Dickons, "Vjslted with Clydo Frls'to last wook. Mrs. A. O. Kockon loot Sunday morning for Omaha to take medical treatments. Thursday's program at tho Crystal will present Myrtlo Stcdman in. "Wild Olivo." Miss Mata Paulson and Miss Juno Burgner aro assisting in tho offlco of KoltU Novlllo. Dan Roberts will go to Omaha noxt week to combine buslnos and plcdsuro for8ovoral ilusa. Artt Plumor returned tho latter part of last wook from Donvor and othor Colorado points. Mr, and Mrs. F. E. Ballard lott Sat luilay morning for Donvor whoro thoy will visit for a wook. "Mrs. Ralph Smith nnd children wont to- Kearney Friday to visit with rela tives lorv a wook or more. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guthorloss visited relatives in Wallaco tho latter part of last week. Mrs, Clytfo Cook nnd Mrs. John III1 debrandt will loavo in n few days for Omaha to spend n. wook. Mr. and Mrs. Charles BaiaklnB havo returned from Scotts Bluff- whoro thoy vbiltod relatives for ton days, JVIr. nnd Mrs. C, M. Calhoun havo returned from Cozad whoro thoy vis ited, fpr a wook with rclatlvos. r. and Mrs. Thomas Watta, of Grand Island, came Saturday morning to Visit Tolatlvcs for sovoral days. Miss Nell Stansbury of tho local teaching staff, spent tho woolc end with tho homo folks In Koarnoy Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Boudobush, of Chappcll, came down last wook to purchaso a jiew Bulck touring car. Will DoIboii of Omaha camo tho lat ter part of last week to visit his, father V. 8. Dolson for a week or longer. Mrs. Roy Minor of Cheyenne, who had boen visiting her mother Mrs. Margaret Post and sister Mrs. Harry Murrln, returned homo yesterday. A Whiift Elenhant nartv will bo John Lincoln who has boen attend- eivnn liv tha Enlsconal ladles in the ing school in Kearney camo up FrI- church basement. Thursday afternoon day morning to auenu tno root uan Oct. 19th to winch tho public la in game. vltod, Mrs. Arthur Howard, Mrs. James mp. nnd Mrs. Harrv Dixon returned anu Mrs. J. u. Liouuen ion saturuay s,nnlav nvonlntr the former from Om for Fremont to attend tho BaptiBt Una. whoro ho transacted business for convention. a wook and the latter from a twb Mr. and Mrs. James Black, of Over- weeks' stay in eastern points. ton, arrived horo Saturday morning ., w CSirrv a comnlotn lino of extra to visit with thoir daughter Mrs. E. M. Bjzo garments for tho stout ladles, uoumns. such as Suits. Coats. Dresses. SKirtB. Attnn T.nrntltn Mnrnliv rntiirnml Sun- Potticoats. silk nnd vollo Waists at inir rrnm T.tnpnin whom aim same prices as regular sizes. . ' : r. . .. rtr rrirta attonawi tno stato llbrariana mooting ww.u. j last week. Messrs. Stursrcs. Don. Robinson and Mrs Carson of-Grand Island, who Birgo roturnod Sunday night from a visited hor paronts Mr. and Mrs, O. uck nunung irip m Aruiur -uuuuty. M. Smith for sovorul days, has turned home. rc- Your oyofl don't amount to much un til they begin to bother. Today that's tho tlmo. Harry Dixon, Jeweler & Op tomctrlst. Thoy found tho fowl plentiful , and succeeded In slaughtering about two hundred. E. L. Jones, who located In Maxwell last year as a stock and real estate auctioneer, transacted business In tnwn irnntnrilnv Hn roturnful n. abort John Evans loft Sunday morning Li; turn frnm Knnonu fllfv whom hfi for Omalm and Llncolil where ho will took a pMt graduate courso at the yiBit &wuuua mm utiuiiu-iuu i. w v . Kansas City School or Auctioneering, UUUVUIILIUIK I I -V. . M t 1 1. ... IU TT , . . . , ,, ... 1'Ptor iiecK, oi ugucn, wnu wuh 11 Hoadqutlrters for Window glass. kharco 0f ithe B. and B. department ff STONE DRUG COMPANY. I tho Unltm Pacinc hero thirty years Mr. nnd Mrs. Stnvn Mp.nnvern. of aco. was among tho U. P. Inspection Thormal, Col; .came a fow days ago to party yesterday, and whllo hero re visit Mr. aribMrs. Charles Basklns nowed acquaintance with former local for sovoral days. menus. An occtiHlonnl examination of vonr A twelvo-barrol .pot for molting thd oyoa by an -optometrist may savo a asphalt flllor on tho street pavement world of futuro trouble Harry Dixon, "as neon snippeu irom umuuu. iuu JWwelor and Optometrist. present furnaco wmcti, uas proven , TI , , , , . . wnouy lnauoquaio, is uui nvo uurroi Miss Dorothy Hubbard who is at- i wm, uniii mnun pninp tonuing tuo Koarnoy Normal camo rttpld progross with this branch of tho oumnmj uuuuifc vu vioit mu iiuiuu i work will bo mado. deorgo Thompson, who camo ddwn tordav lnstftutcd tho plan of parking from Chappoll last wook tovlslt tho automobiles In tho contor of tho street homo folks and ntttonu uho foot will uslnir. tho block on Fifth botweon Lo game, lott Saturday. cust and DOwov for this nurposo. So Mr. and Mrs. Maurlco Phillips who fap..M tT.la .ut'. . U h"s wor.kc'1 3 . i . , . , wn nnn wn nniinvn rnnr. wiinii imiv nwi noon nousoKCOPiug on west : it Fourth havo taken apartments at the uu",l-"I w "uvo Devotional service, Mrs. L. John ston; solo, Mrs. Crane; Our Home In Porto Rico, Mrs. Harlcy McDormott; Seeing Porto Rico, Mrs. York Hln- man; reading, Mrs. Scott; Our School in Tuscon, Ariz., Mrs. W. O. McDer- mott; solo, Mrs. Cram; Why One Girl Came. Mrs. McLano; a Field in Now Mexico, Mrs. Hartman; instrumental music, Thclma Starr. , q An Hl-Fnted Guide Post. Tho fourth auto driver to back into the Kuide post iltl tho Intersection of Fourth and Locust Succeeded In smashing tho globe on tho lamp, and ho was assessed $1.50 to pay for tho damage. Tho first driver who backed into tho post tore a hole in nis gas tank, tho second knocked oft part tho base, the third bent tho lamp nost and then a heavier baso was made. This was completed Saturday and during the evening tho rourtli driver smashed the globes- ; ::o:: Forms Partnership. Dr. E. W. Fetter and Dr. C. Purdon havo entered Into a partnership, and tho latter gentleman will have charge of tho Brady office. Dr. Fetter, who Is now permanently located at Nortli Platlte, will bo in Brady on Mondays and Thursdays of each week. Dr. Fetter expects to leave for New York in a short time to take a post graduate course of six weeks. : :o: : Swedish Service. All the Scandanavlans are cordially Invited to a Swedish Lutheran sermon at 11 o'clock a. m. at tho Advent church on tho north Bide Oct. 22nd Preaching by Rev. Albln Olson, the new Swedish-Lutheran minister for Horshey and North Platte.. JOHN E. STENVALL, Sec.y. : :o : : Somo Barbecue. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Huptor, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fleishman, Piatt White and George ProBser woro among those Who attended tho fall fostlval and barbecue at Gothenburg Friday. Mr, Ilupfor acted as chef for the barbecue, and amonn the provender provided was a roasted steer weighing 900 pounds dressed, 100 pounds of wienies, 100 gal lona of soup, 100 gallons of cotree anu about 10,000 buns. It Is estimated that nearly 7,000 people wore served. '.:o:: FOR EXCHANGE ' C10 ncres grazing and farm Innd, Wnnt city property or Kiunll farm. 71tf O.'II. TIIOELECKE. father P. O. ftuto drivers. homo of tho croom'R Phillips. . oi r Aiwnirn TriH'tK Aillollllllff tho Make your wallB co'zy and homollko City now. You will enjoy tho Btormy days Tho balance of tho lots In tho Cody bettor and ubo H. & M. flat wall finish Additions and Cody's 2nd Addition to- to got best rosults, Nyal Drug Storo, gothor with tho acreage tracts in the oxciusivo agents. 79-tf uuiiaio uiu h auo-uiviBion win oo Ruth Viola Shanor tho infant child &"bo tracU . will be reduced from 25 of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Shanor died "'ea50 nnr 3c0nt as Vo w?sh to close at a local hoapltal Friday at tho ago V,0,, rHU M ' Q Exact date .of sale and plat of tracts will bo run in tho papors shortly. 79-1 O. F. TEMPLE, Agent ::o:: of two years. Interment was made at Maxwoll Saturday aftornoon. Friends m town received word a fow days ago of tho doath of Mrs. A S. Brown of Onwha who waa formerly a rosldont or this city, hor husband for years conducting a clothing otoro. Lawronco Lltz tho eight FOR YOUR AUTO SERVICE Call 125 for taxi day or night. Also flvo or sovon passenger car for months funeral sorvlco. MOG EN SEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO. Chandler & Elcar Agency, Cornor 8th and Locust Sts OUMTOIn REM QLEANEST, surest, most useful of w al fountain pens. The Luckv Curve prevents Ink-smcarcd fingers. Call and ice our assortments. SOLD BY REXALL AND NYAL DRUG STORES. old twin son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Llts died Friday evening after a Bhort Illness. Tho funeral services woro hold from tho rosldonco on west 10th street Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Knto McDado roturncd to I Baltlmoro Saturday morning after a visit with hor nloco Mrs. Harry Mit chell. Mrs. McDado is tho wlfo of Win. McDado who was employed horo as engineer Jthlrty years ago. Mrs. Charles Oarlyslo, of Lander. Wyo., who was called horo recently by tho Borlous lllnosB of her mother Mrs. Post will return homo shortly ( accompanied by Mrs. Post who will remain with hor sovoral weeks. You hoar most pooplo say that a Dodge car will go most anywhoro but did you know Ithat it will do Its miles as cheaply as many lighter cars. j. v. RUMiUH, ucaior. Mr, and Mrs. Albort Haspel leave I today for u two wookB Ylslt with frionds In Omaha oud Columbus, tho jauor town naving lormoriy Doon tholr homo. It has been about four years Blnco Mr. Haspol took a "day off." Another added attraction to tho Chovrolct 490s Is that thoy aro now coming thru with tho name sized Ureal all around, all nou-Bkld. No nood of carrying two sicca of tiros and tubes was born in Buffalo county. NobraBka now. Bosldoa this you got with tho Wont through tho grado schools, and Chovrolot real oloctrlo lights with graduated from tho up-to-date sitorogo battory, three spoeu soioouvoi uusmosB collcgo at Koarnoy, Nobr. transmission, tvijo ireal brakes laud Waa raised on a farm, located In tho wonderful 30 h. p. mbtor. A tow Lincoln county sovon years ago and 490a for immedlato delivery nnd you now reside on a farm two tullos from may got ono if you ordor toady. Horshoy. I respectfully solicit your j, v. uuMiuii, ueaior. voto on wovomuor 7th. Ik A. ntAMD Democratic Cnudldato for COUNTi TREASURKR. LOCAL AND TEItSONAL. Tho Hendy-Ogler Co. received a shipment of six Ford cars yestorday. Charles McDonald loft today for Omaha and Lincoln to spend several days. Mrs. Androw Anderson left last ev ening for Omaha to spend a week with friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. VanDyko returned Saturday from a fow days' visit with friends in Gothonburg. Tho ladles', aid of -tho Christian church, will meet In tho church baBe mont Thursday afternoon. Mrs. G. B. Dent returned Sunday evening frcm Hastings and Omaha whoro she spont two weeks. Miss Julia Hayes, of Rockford. 111.. camo last evening to spend tho winter with her aunt, Mrs. James Hart. E. S. Groff of Falrbury who visited his daughter, Mrs. H. C, Brock for a week, returned homo yesterday aftor noon. Mrs. E. F. Seebergor will leave the latter part of this week for Omaha to visit hor sister, Mrs. J. B. Hayos, for weok. Dr. H. C. Brock loft yesterday morning for Grand Island to attend tho Northwestern District Dental meet ing. Ho will return tomorrow evening. ' :o: ; Public Saio Nov. 8d. 1D1G. 15 head of horses, 29 head of cattle, 5 sows, wagons and machinery. N. P, JBRGENSEN. 15 miles e:uth of Maxwell. 79-3T EVERETT AVARE Mrs. D. E. Morrill left at noon yestorday for Fremont whero sho was called by the illness of hor daughter Miss Alma Morrill, who is attending school there. Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus RasraUssen and family, of Rockvllle, Neb., Bpont last week with tho former's fathor, Peter Rasmussen, and roturncd homo yestorday morning. S. . S. Roynolds who recently Bold his farm south of Maxwell, was in. town Saturday and stated that It Is his intention to go to Koarnoy and ongago in tho dairy business. Tho ladlos' aid society of tho Metho dist Episcopal church will moot next Thursday aftornoon with Mrs. ' D. W. Besack. Those asslsiing will bo Mcs dames Thompson, Hosier, Calhoun and Oman. Dr. II. E. Mitchell left this morn ing for Grand Island whero ho will attend tho sessions of tho .Northwest ern District convention of tho Stato Dontal Association. Ho will return to morrow night. rv Public Snlo of Stock. Chas. A. Wyman, living two miles west of North Platte, will havo a pub lic sale October 18'lh, at which ho will offer twenty-threo head of horses, sixty head of - cattle, forty hogs, and a lot of farm Implements and house hold goods. 75-5 You want to know who the Candidates are. I am a Candidate for Representative nominated by Democrats of this county. I am willing to serve you, your vote is solicited. Sincerely,' Butler Buchanan. Kill The Chill See our window for some thing attractive in a gas room heater. S ; You need it before you start I t the furnace or base burner. North Platte Light & Power Co. i.i i.i i.i it It It l.t i.t J.t if i.t i.t i.t t.t t if i.t j.t if if n if. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -of- NORTH PLATTE, NISBRASItA,. Member Federal Ifeserve Bank System. CA.PITAL AND SURPLUS t One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAVE BEEN TIIE FACTOKS IN THE GltOWjfn OF THIS BANK, AND TIIE SAME OABEFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIYEN TO LABGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t t $ j.t t.t s j.t j.t j.t of Democratic Candidate for Clerk tho District Court. Has lived in Lincoln qpunty for 30 years; on a farm noar Horshoy for 18 years and has boon In businosB in Hershoy for 12 years. Completed tho common school courso, attouded York College In 1892 and 1893 and com- .pletod a courso In the Bryant & Strauon uuslness college. Your support on Nov. 7th will be api predated, : :o. : Notice to Creditors. Estate of -Renatto Folchort, de ceased In Kho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho stato of Nebraska, sb: Creditors of said estate will take notice that tho tlmo limited for presentation and fil ing of claims against paid Estate is May 17, 1917, and for settlement of said ostato Is Oct. 11, 1917: that I will sit at tho county court room In said county, on Nov, 17, 191G, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on May 17, 1917, at 9 o'clock a, m, to receive, oxamlno, hear, allow, or udjust all claims and objections duly filed. olC-uT GEO. B. FRENCH, County Judgo, Mutual Building &Loan Assl, OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ASSETS $840,000.00 To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers; Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adver tising the fact that they have reduced the monthly payments of borrowers to SI. 10 per month on each $100.00 borrowed, making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build ing & Loan Association of North Platte. They fail to state that of the SI. 10 paid to the non-resident company, there is only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment, th6 balance seventy-five cents being taken for interest. Of the $1.10 monthly payment to this association on each $100.00 borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited as a principal payment. This difference in the amount credited the borrower will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each $100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they would if they were doing the business with this Association. Mutual Building & Loan Association OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA.