The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 17, 1916, Image 1

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    (The Jlorth 3 latte
ii rr mmp
No. 79
All sizes glass for those storm win
dows at tho Nyal Drug store.
Mrs JUd Thompson, of Garfield is
visiting this week with local friends.
" (Mrs. Everett Bloyd will ontortaln
the mombers of the Elite club tomor
row. J. W. Plolstlcker, of Dickons, visited
with his brothor Frank Plolstlcker
this week.
Mrs. W. S. Dolson will leave this
wcok for Grand Island to spend sev
eral days.
C. M. Newton has returned from
Omaha whoro ho transacted business
last week.
The cable cash carrier sorvlco at
Tho Leader was completed yesterday
and placed in sorvlce.
George Conloy, fonnorly of the Bar
kalow news stand hero, has accepted
n, position ,in Omaha.
Charles 'swcdell, who lives a few
miles west of town, wont to Denver
yesterday morning.
'Large size hard coal burner, will
sell very reasonable Thomas V Aus
tin. Phono Black 885.
E. F. Soborger will go to Omaha
next week to visit friends and trans
act business for a few days.
Mrs. C. D. Stannard, of Morrill, who
visited tho Fremont Watts family last
week loft Saturday morning.
Wilfred Stuart returned to Lexing
ton Sunday evening after visiting for
a week at tho Tlgho home.
Mrs. Beecher A. Parker of Rawlins,
is expected hero this week to visit her
mother Mrs. Theodore Lowe, Sr.
Mrs. Frank Barnell and children,
who wore visiting in eastern points,
returned homo Saturday evening.
Miss Ella Corbett returned to Wal
lace Friday aftornoon after visiting
for a week with the Hanifln family.
Miss Paulino Rotn, of Omaha, ar
rived here a few days ago and, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brodbeck.
Frank Strolberg, of the Hershey
section, loft yesterday morning for
Denver to transact business ior a
Wanted Man and wife with house
hold furniture, everything else furr
nished Wlteor phono, C. P; Hbward,
790FG31. 70tf
Christie Adams; 'who, recently re
turned from Cheyenne' Wvhere he bad
been employed for several weeks, is
very 111 at his ' home on west Fifth
The Presbyterian aid society will
meet Thursday aftornoon In the
church basement entertained by Mes
dames Fred Porritt, C. M. Newton and
Margaret Hall.
Thomas Griffith of Dickens, who
has been ill for sevoral months from
the effects of burns received in ,a
prairie fire in that vicinity last spring,
was in the city last week and dis
carded the crutches which ho had
been obliged to uso since April.
Charlie Chaplin in some new antics
"Tho Pawnshops" will be shown at
tho Keith Wednesday night. Tho
laughBTnat Charllo manages to got
with the sign in front of the pawn-
lirnkAi-'H -would nlonn take an addlntr
machine to tabulate. With this will!
bo shown tho Metro feature, "Four
Feathers" with Howard Eastbrooke. '
Here are the weaves and fabrics, that represent the
manufacturer's highest art, that are now being shown
in the fashion centers of die world. Here are serges,
worsteds, cassimeres, cheviots, home'spuns and tweeds
that give you a, new idea in rare and refined patterns.
Collegian Clothes
Conceded by our customers to be the most attractive
examples of expert clothesmaing ever displayed.
Such beauty in style and perfection in tailoring has
never been shown before in clothes at our prices.
You will find your favorite pattern, weave and
color made up in a cut and style that will fit you as if
made to your individual order!
Harcourt Clothing Co.
The Eldoen club will meet with Mrs.
Geo. Richards Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. L. C. Rlgcs left last ovonlnjr
for Ghappell to visit relatives for two
Miss Emma Burkland will entertain'
tho Luthornn girls Friday evening at
the- homo of Mrs. Neville.
T. C. Puttorson roturncd this morn
ing from Omaha, whoro ho went to
hear Candidate Hughes speak.
Mrs. A. C. Howard returned this
morning from Fremont, whoro sho at
tended tho Baptist stato convontlon.
Mrs". Clara Van Doran returned Sat-
urday oveninc from a three weeks' i
visit with relatives in Scotts Bluff.
Mrs. Mary Duffy, of Chicago, re
turned homo Friday evening after vis
iting for two weeks Avith her former
schoolmato Mrs. William Englo.
HaVo you seen our all wool sorgo
and poplin suits, silk lined, at $14.50
and $17.50? Thoy aro wonders. JDth
or now models at $20.00 and up.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Richards re
turned Sunday evening from Omaha
where thoy spont two weoks. Tho
foramer transacted business for the
B. of L. E. nnd the latter visited her
Tho rJEt-a-Vlrp club met last week
with Mrs. Edmund Dlckoy. Prizes
wore awarded to Mesdames Toole, Ras
mussen, Vosolpka and Timmerman.
Mrs. Arthur Fink will entertain itho
club Tuesday. October 24th.
Jim O'Neill was' given a sixty-day
jail sentenco yesterday on tho chargo
of drunkenness and., resisting tho of
ficer who arrested him at tho Union
Pacific depot Saturday evening. In
order to subdue him tho officer was
forced to use his club.
Mrs. Nolllo Inman has filed her po
sition in the district court asking for
.a divorce from her husband Earl In
man, who is serving a sentenco in tho
stato prison for stealing an auto
mobile. Sho asks for, tho custody of
18-month old daughter Lucille.
Wo havo sold more Coats, Suits and
Dresses already this season than any
previous season at this time. Wonder
why? Because we have 'the goods at
the right prices. BLOCK'S.
Word received in town yestorday
stated that Will Votaw, who nad been
Injured in tho Elwood wreck, had ded
Sunday of lils injuries.. Ho .was a
former high" school student of this
city, graduating in the class of 19U,
and was a member of tho foot ball
Nine of tho ten men killed in the
Elwood wreck Sunday morning were
known to many North Platto people,
as were also practically all of those
who were Injured. To our citizens,
therefore, tho awfulnoss of tho disas
ter Is the more appalling and heart
Announcements havo been received
in town of the marriago of Mrs. Jus
tin McCarthy formerly Miss Nina Ma
son of this city, ito C. F. Rowen, of
Boulder, Col., on Octobor 4th., THo
ceremony was performed Iff Boulder
where the groom is associated with
hls father in mining.
Russell Palmer, of Lincoln, and L.
Smiley, of Beaver Crossing, stopped
In town Friday while onroute cast
from western poultry shows where
they exhibited threo carloads of fan
cy chickens. Mr. Smiley was judgo at
the Lincoln county poultry show last
year and will officiate again this year.
You That
Conductor Howard spont
in Fremont,
Flrainnn Wm. Thnvrn nml
Williams left Saturday afternoon for,n."u pleaded not guilty.
Omaha to tako examinations for on-
glnoors. ,1
i.D. ji. m ui "w xurK, n. is expected that nt lonst threo wit
went through this city yesterday on nOBgo8 will testify that thoy pur-'has-
,i 5 r n l" "um
viaii. in lUlllunilU,
Jehn HUlnliranrit nml .Tnlm Sltmv1
nhlrnivil Rlin.lnv frnm flmnhn I
tho successfully passed tho oxamlna- j
uon ror ongineors.
C. E. Souser, former road master
hore, who has been employed at Col
umbus for several weeks, cauio Satur
day to visit his family.
John V. Cochran, of Omaha, who bus
been employed in tho Wostorn Union
offlco for two weoks, was transferred
yestorday to tho yard offlco west of tho
U. P. round house.
Englnoors Will Morris and Albert
MIscho rocently purchased tracts of
theAlbert Haspcl ranch west of
to wm, the former fifteen ncros and tho
lattor ten, paying $150 per acre. Mr.
MIscho is now erecting a $2,000 dwell
ing on his tract and Mr. Morris ex
pects to soon erect a residence, or
move thereto tho house In which ho
now resides.
Tho UnI6n Pacific special Inspection
tram composed of live cars spent sov
oral hours horo yesterday inspecting
tno various acparunenis oi tno union lectloiiB during tho stop.
Pacific. Tho party Is composed of1. ::o::
thirty men who aro in chargo of the J FOR SALE
different departments on tho system I Jersey milk cow. Gives large qunn
botweon Omaha and Ogdon, and tlty of rich milk daily. Will oxchnngo
among them wore Genoral Supcrln-' for young brood mnro. Choice baled
tendont Stcngor, Supt. Brophy, four lfnr. ton or enr lots. See J. lUtAVT.
general roadmastors. four sirnerln
tendents, four division ongineors. four
brldgo supervisions, engineer of M. N.
W general store keeper, master me
chanic, isectlon formeu and assist
ants. Tho party started from Ogden
on SopU 25th and traveled along itho
syBtom for fifteen days through Wy
oming, and Colorado. Tho work was
again resumed yesterday and will Con
tinue for Hen days more. After com
pleting tho Inspection hero last even
ing tho special went up tho branch
M. K, Ncvlllo spent Saturday and
Sunday in town and loft yesterday for
Grand Island whero he addressed a
meeting last night. Every day tho
chances of Mr. Novillo's eloctlon as
governor grow brighter, and It is
pretty generally conceded by men who
travol over tho stato that ho will bo
Nebraska's next chief executive.
300 Coats to chooso your new Fall
Coat from, It matters not what kind of
a coat you aro looking for, whether It
is a plush, velour, mixture, plaid or
plain, wo havo them from $7.48 up to
$69.50. BLOCK'S.
Roy .Humphrey and family, for tho
past ten years living at Forks, Neb.,
moved to this city last week whero
they will make their homo In the fu
ture. I am still weaving carpets and rugs,
rag carpets for sale. Rugs $1 up; car
pets 40 to 45c; bo glad to receive or
ders any time. Mrs. Frank Wilson,
Cozad. 79-2
For Salo or Trado at once for cat-
tlo or vacant lot part modorn house,
Call or write 205 south Ash street,
North Platto Neb. 79-2
j Arrested for lloottetrgiiig.
joint suaiicr moro commonly Known
as "Klwah," was arrested Saturday
hy Officer Jones on tho chargo of
bootlegging. Ho was arraigned in
C.t C'!J.UUK Miitonoorgor a court yesterday
IB set for tomorrow. It is said Shnf-
for has boon guilty of selling llqu:r
a Humbor of tlmos, ami at tlio hearing
en liquor or nun.
Joint Services.
. .TllB iolllt SOrViCOS of tllfl MotllOdlnt
n,ul Prosbytorlan congregations Sun-
day was a decided success. Music was
rondeted by tho two choirs and tho or
chestra. About 200 attended tho morn
ing services and nearly twlco aB many
in tho evening. Dr. Isham preached a
most inspiring sermon at tho evening
Welcome the "Cornliuskcrs."
Tho university foot ball team will
pass through North Platte tomorrow
morning enronto ito Portland, Oro.
Tho spoclal train in which thoy will
travel will run as second section of
train No. 13, and will arrive horo
Btmo tlmo botweon 7:30 and 8 o'clock.
Efforts aro being mado to havo tho
high school student body at tho depot
to wolcomo tho "Cornliuskcrs," and
it is probablo that hero will bo n big
drowd of citizens. Two, and perhaps
four, North Platto boys will bo on tho
train. The nlombors of tho team avIU
probably "show" themsolves and tho
University band will play sovoral so
.As wo go to press wo learn that Mrs.
diet Javcox was lnstnntly killed about
G o'clock this (Thursday) evening by
I her car overturning. Tho accident oc
, curred near Hayos Center and as wo
: understand it tho ongino won't dead
; as she was going up hill and the
brake falling to hold, tho car backed
over tho embankmont with tho result
abovo mentioned. Sho was accom
panied by another lady whoso nnmo
wo did not learn, but who escaped
without Injury. Wallace Wlnnor.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hanifln nnd Mr.
and Mrs. Harry GuthorlesB will Ioavo
today for Wallace to attend tho funor-
njs of tho. late Larry Sullivan and olli.
erjtricmis wno wero Kiueu in tno uur
llngton wreck.
A number of pronuptlal showers are
being held In Grand Island for Miss
Julia Sullivan who will bo married
In tho near futuro to Engineer Her
man Schloutor, of this city.
Tho Indies' auxiliary of tho Baptist
church will meet with Mrs. L. W.
Kinsman, 420 south Ash. tfcroet
Thursday afternoon at 3:15.
The firo department was called to
Yearsloy homo Sunday morning whero
the roof had ignited. Tho ilnmes wore
quickly extinguished,
Mrs. Alice Swarthout and children
returned K'o Sutherland today after
visiting tho Hatfield family.
Joseph Ottman, of Choyonno form
erly of this city, visited Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Ell this wcok.
Miss Leo Marovlsh, of Staplpton, Is
visiliing this week with her slstjor
Mrs. A. J. Frazler.
Notice of Gtiardlnn'H Salo of Lnml
Notice Is hereby given that by vlr
tuo of a license Issued to mo, tho un
dersigned Guardian of Amnlla R.
Fronzol, Incompetent, by tho District
Court of Otoe XJounty. Nobraska, up
on October 10, 1910, authorizing mo
to sell tho Interest nnd estate of said
Amalla R. Fronzel in tho lands here
inafter describod for tho purpose of
rc-lnvostmont of tho proceeds of Bald
sale, I', tho said Guardian, will, upon
tho 11th day of Novombor, 1910, n't
ton o'clock a, m., at tho front door of
tho Court Houso in North Platte, in
Lincoln County. Nobraska, offer for
salo at public venduo to tho highest
bidder for cash, ithe undivided one
nintn interest nnu csiaio in xee sim-
plo of said Amalla R. Fronzol In tho
following doscrlbed real estato situ
ated In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to
Tho Northwest Quartor of Section
35; tho Northeast Quarter of Section
35; tho West Half of tho East Halt
and tho East Half of tho West Half of
Sodtlon IS; tho Northeast Quartor of
Section 13; tho South Half of tho
Southeast Quartor of Section 12, all
In Township 16, rango 28.
Said salo will bo mado subject to
tho approval of tho District Court of
Otoo County, Nebraska, and will bo
BubJoct to tho rights of tho present
tenants upon said several tracts of
land reserving all rents and Tight of
possession thereof until March lslt,
1917. Said salo will bo hold open for
ono hour. Salo will bo mado for cash
nayablo junon approval of salo and
delivery of d6ol of myBolf aa Guardian,
nlned in by myself individually, as
1'usbnnd of the said Amalla R. Fron
zel. Nobraska City, Nobraska, Octobor
10th, 1910.
Guardian of Amalla R, Fronzol, Incom
petent, Nebraska City, Nebraska,
o!7n 3 Nobraska City. Nobraska.
Makes a Snoclalty of Farm Sales, Puro
Bred Llvo Stock and Real EsUito.
Terms Reasonable.
E . L . JONES,
Upto-Dato Auctioneer.
Phono Maxwell Stato Bank
at My Expense for Dates.
Tho magnitude of David W. Grif
fith's foot in staging "Tho Birth of a
Nation," is almost appalling nt least
to tho dovoteog of tho older forms of
tltoatrlcnl entertainment. Where now
aro tho little groups of actors tho
pinchbeck sconory and -tho "potty pro
perties of tho co-called "legitimate"
drama? By comparison with tho now
art tho "logitimato" measure' to tho
mountain llko a molehill. Instead
of scenery for his background Grlf
fllth has used Nature. For sflbjoct
ho has covered 150 yonrs of American
Ufo nnd history. Eighteen thousand
pooplo havo dono his bidding and in
tho hair-raising of tho Ku Klux Klan
throo thousand rldors nnd horses
swoop ovor tho dusty roads.
No wonder that this magnificent his
torical spectaclo is tho talk of the
country. It has estallshod an ontlro-
For Stock Raisers
The McDonald State Bank
is ready to loan money on
cattle at lowest rates of in
terest and in such sums as
may be required.
We have specialized upon
cattle loans for years, and
are known to the stock
raiser of Lincoln County for
our liberal accommodations
, in the matter of loans.
Mr. McDonald willbe&lad
to discuss your loan with
you, and it will
see mm.
M9DHAL State Bank
North Platte, Neir,
Out of the prosperity of
people in every walk of life,
producer in the most pronounced way, there ought to be a
wide-spread feeling as there is wide-spread prosperity, to lay
aside something out oi the abundance ot the present that win
be saved ior the luturc.
There is nothing in the way of a permanent investment
that possesses more satisfaction to the investor than the buy
ing of life insurance protection. It not only protects those
dependent upon one, but it protects the buyer himself and it
protects his estate and business against those inroads which
might come through long sickness and incapacitation. Life
insurancli today, is an investment; the larger part of life
insurance that is sold carried with its investment, savings
and a protection that not only looks after those dependent
but that may be a protection to the insured himself in his old
age. Life insurance at one's death, goes direct to the
beneficiary; it cannot be taken for debts; it cannot be separ
ated from the one for whom it was intended. It is a saving
in this way that is unassailable; the man who in his best pro
ducing years starts out with a reasonable amount of life
insurance, can make that a savings bank for himself as well
as carrying the protection that it offers, lie' can pay for Jus
insurance in his producing years and have it laid by for the
future. In no way can one get more satisfaction than by
feeling that he has ample insurance protection. His credit is
enlarged; his freedom of action increased, his worries over
what might happen dissipated, and the man so fortified is
equipped to meet whatever changes may come.
Today, no man thinks of going without fire insurance
protection for his property. How much more ought men to
think of the protection ot life insurance? Property may be
destroyed and the man may rebuild and recover from his
losses, but the man who taces death without life insurance,
has no highway open for recovery. Life insurance is as
much more important to every man as life is more important
than property. Therefore, out of the aboundance of today,
lay aside real savings and protection for tomorrow by invest
ing some of the prosperity of the present in life insurance.
The above is a clipping from the Trade Review of Lin
coln. How true it is, and when buying insurance, why not
keep your money at home, buy of
Fidelity Reserve Company
Iy now nrt in tho realm of tho tho
atro tho art of pantomimic screon
spectacles with an orchestral score
porfectly sychronlzed to tho action. Ifc
hns also created a tremendous sensa
tion becauso of Its vnstor and inoro
forcoful treatment of tho thomo of
Thomas Dixon's "Tho Clansman,"
which both an book and play croatcd
tho greatest furore of tho last decade.
Tho grout doods of tho civil war and
tho horrors of re-construction iyro
mado to llvo again and tho nation ro
bom Is npothoslzcd. Mr. Griffith, pi
oneer among directors, mnnngod this
stupendous achievement without itho
aid of dialogue or ftpooch, for motion
pictures with music and offocta toll
vividly this thrilling talo of fifty yonrs
ago. This wondorplay will appear at
tho Koith thoatro Octobor 27, 28 and
pay you
the present that is reaching
that is reaching the farmer and