The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 13, 1916, Image 5

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    l i W'l iiUMIIH m 1IIIWlMHlhiMiiiiiJjiiiii i" fciHWWUBuWWM'
. E. W. Mann ha8 roturncd from a
visit in Dickens on business.
Attorney Bryon Oborst wont to
Ogalalla on business yesterday.
For Rent After January 1st, the
doublo store room of Ottonstein's.
A. M. Mason wont to Curtis yester
day to attend tho funeral of a friend.
Mrs. McCullon, of Rawlins, visttod
with Miss Irono O'Donnoll this week.
Mrs. John Qranit is visiting with
relatives in Iowa having left a week
Headquarters for "Window glass.
Mr. and Mrs. Qeorgo Yeoman and
baby have gone to Omaha to visit
A good hard coal stove for sale.
Price 15, 514 wost Front. Phono
Rett 488. - s8-2
Shoes for tho whole family ait money-saving
prices at Tho Leader Mer
cantile Co's.
Mrs. W. A. Skinner and Mrs. Fannie
Schell returned yesterday from a visit
in Denver.
Mrs. Ada Lewis and Miss Theo
Schwaigcr will visit in Kearney and
Omaha next week.
For quick ncllon nnd' sntlsfactosy
snlo list your land with Thoclcckc. tf
Mrs. Georgo Roberts, of Mawell, vis
ited tho Stamp family and other local
friends this week.
Mrs. , Chester Mecombor will leave
in a week or so for Omaha to remain
for a week or longer.
Just received, a new lot of Silk
Skirts, In plain sa'tins, also plaid taf
fetas. Some class to them. BLOCK'S.
Large size hard coal burner, will
sell very reasonable. Thomas V. Aus
tin, Phono Black 885.
Mrs. Erlowlne, of Ogalalla, who had
"been visiting with Mrs. D. W. Arnold,
left yesterday afternoon.
1008 west Fourth street. Homeopatlc
Dr. Foote, of Omaha, has been as
sisting In surgical work at tho Nurse
Brown hospital this weekv
A. A. Schatz has returned from Om
aha where ho combined business with
pleasure for several days.
Attorney J. G. Beeler went to Ogal
alla yesterday morning to attend tho
funeral of (the lato Orln Reed.
Fred Barraclough left yesterday af
ternoon for Gothenburg to-spend a
a day or two at the clebration.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Mrs. James Guyman and child left
at noon yesterday for Schuyler to vis
it relatives for a week or more.
A -baby girl was born Wednesday
evening to Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Wat
kins, who live a few miles south of
This Jack Frost weather demands
heavy . winter blankets and comforts.
Being sold at Bale prices. .The Lead
er Mercantile Co. s
Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Morrill will
leave this week for Lincoln, Fremont
and Excelsior Springs to spend a week
or longer.
James Clinton who has been visit
ing In Omaha and Lincoln for two
weeks Is expected- to return .home
Miss Anna Seaman, of Kearney,
who was visiting with her cousin, Mrs.
H. A. Lawhcad for some time, left at
noon yesterday.
Tho room in tho Keith theatre
occupied by Poulos Bros, has been
leased by tho Walker Music Company,
who will move as soon as tho quarters
are vacalted by tho 'former.
H Save this Valuable Coupon If
I Good for $6.00 1
Worth of Pure Aluminum Ware 1 1
? when presented in connection with the S I
I J purchase of a Cole's High Oven Range
J V during the dote of our Big Factory Stove j
Sale na printed below remember the date. s
1 111
1 ra5w
The Opportunity of a Lifetime
During the Special Date printed below we will conduct a Big Sale on
Cole s High Oven Ranges
"The Range that Saves the Cost of an Extra Heating Stove
We Invite the Entire Community To Visit Our
actory Stove Sale
crowds intend to visit this Big Sale. In. order that you may
receive the personal attention of the factory expert we remind our
customers and their friends that the Sale starts
promptly at 9 a. m. It continues both morning
and afternoon. Come early Remember the date.
Everybody cordially welcome.
. .tana.
Cole's High Oven Gas-Coal Range N
See the Range with Cole's Hot Blast fuel
saving combustion. See the Range that
heats, cooks and bakes with one fire no
fires to build. See the Range with the
perfect baking high oven -no stoopirlg, no backaches. Come and see
the many other exclusive features that make Cole's High Oven Range
the most satisfactory, the most economical and the greatest time and
labor-saving Range ever placed on the market.
Cole's High Oven Rango
Ash Pan Model
'V j
6 Piece Set trf Pure Aluminum Ware
Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 16 and 17
Howe & Maloney
2: 'rsPss1
No. 7HO
1 1
Miss Ella Corbett, of Wallace, camo
a few flays ago to visit with her
cousins Miss Noll Hanlfln and Mrs.
Harry Gutherless.
Miss Mlnnlo Lang and Leonard
Rowley will bo married at tho home
of relatives In Bolls, Nebr., on Wed
nesday, Oct. 18th.
Mrf. Edward Elsaasdr and "balby
returned last evening from Omaha
where they visited tho former's moth
er for threo weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. D. McNIchol, who had
been' visiting their son In .Chicago
for several weks, returned homo tho
first of this week.
Everybody Is talking about the Im
nionso line of everything In ready
to wear garments we are showing for
women, misses and children and also
much lower priced at Tho Leader
Mercantllo Co's.
In North Platte where railroading
Interest such a number at peoplo,
"The ltallroader," showing at the Crys
tal Saturday night, should find wide
appeal, Tho engineer who does a lit
tle moro than his duty In order to pro
tect lives is not credited, with re
sourcefulness but Is charged with
disobeying orders. Houso Peters
makes a most genial and llkablo on
Mutual Building &Loan Assn.
ASSETS $840,000.00
To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers;
Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adver
tising the fact that they have reduced the monthly payments
of borrowers to $1.10 per month on each 100.00 borrowed,
making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build
ing & Loan Association of North Platte. They fail to state
that of the $1.10 paid to the non-resident company, there is
only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment, the
balance seventy-five cents being taken for interest. Of the
$1.10 monthly payment to this association on each $100.00
borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited
as a principal payment.
This difference in the amount credited the borrower
will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be
ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each
$100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they
would if they were doing the business with this Associatton.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
Tho Club Novito will meet with Mrs.
Carl Brodbeck Wednesday afternoon.
Tho Entre Nous club will entertain
their husbands at a Hallowe'en parfy
at tho home of Mrs. Hay Snyder on
October 30th.
Mrs. Ray Cummlngs will entertain
a dozen or more ladles, this afternoon
ai a kenslnfcjion complimentary 1jo
Mrs. O. W. Brandt.
Mrs Russell "Wyman entertained
tho Entre Nous club Wednesday af
ternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs.
John McDonald and Mrs.-'Rusko.
Tho M. M. M. club and their hus
bands 'will bo entertained Friday ev
ening October 20th, at tho homo of
Mrs. Harry Mitchell, assisted by Mrs.
Wm. Quick.
Members of the Indian Card Club
wero tho guests of Mrs. A. A. Schntz
last Saturday afternoon. Tho .fork
prize was won by Mrs. N. E. Buckley
and tho second prize by Mrs. M. K.
Prior, to her departure for Denver,
whero tho family has gono to resldo,
Mrs. Thos. Long was honor guest at a
party glvon Tuesday evening at tho D.
M. Tatum homo. About thirty friends
and neighbors wero present. Mrs.
Long was presented with a sot of sil
ver dessort spoons.
The Zeta Zeta club Bpont a pleas
ant afternoon with Mrs. J. B.-Redfleld
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Harry By-
bco assisted in entertaining. Tho club
and their husbands will bo entertain
ed at Hallowo'en party at tho homo
of Mrs. W. C. McDermott Wednesday
evening, Oct. 25th.
Mrs. Clara Churchill, on tho oc
casion 'of hor sixty-ninth birth anni
versary, was tho recipient of a sur
priso party at the homo of hor daugh
ter Mrs. D. M. Tatum Tuesday after
noon. Thirty or moro friends wore
present and passed a pleasanlt aftor-
noon. Mrs, Churchill received a num-
or of remembrances.
Forty ladies and gontlemon wero en-
(tertalned last evening dp tho iOwl
Cafe by Mrs. Ida Lemon and Mrs.
Charles Meoks, at a pro-nuptial show
cr for Miss Mlnnlo Lang. Tho oven
ing was spent in music and playing
unlquo games, and many pretty and
usoful gifts wero given tho guest of
Mrs. O. A. Ilultman loft yesterday
morning for Omaha to remain for a
wook or longor.
Dr. Latham loft last evening on a
business itrip to tho western part of
Firemen John Skow and John Hlllo-
brandt will lcavo today for Omaha to
tako examination for engineers.
Thomas Thomas, a machlnlsits' help
er In tho local shops, is suffering with
a bruised hand which was injurod
with a largo hammer a few days ago.
Louis Hare, an employe of tho local
shops, was Injured on tho right foot
this week. Tho injury wub caused
by a largo block of wood striking tho
Miss Marie Bowen has resigned hor
position as saleslady at tho Lierk
Sandall grocery and will accept ono
in tho Westorn Union offco as ston
ographor. Engineer Paulson has sold his farm
northwest of Sutherland to Ed. Bine-
gar, of that town. The farm consists
of 320 acres of hay land and 100 acres
of farm land.
Miss Irene O'Donnoll has resigned
her position as tolophono operator in
tho Western Union offlco and will
leave next week for Wyoming to ac
epet a similar position.
Georgo Conloy, who had been in
chargo of tho news stand In tho do
dot for several months, resigned i
few days ago and left for his former
homo in Donever.
- Have you seen our all wool sorgo
and poplin suits', silk lined, at $14.50
and $17.50. They are wonders . Oth
er now models at
K. C. Install Officers
Tho Knights of Columbus held a
smoker In tho K. P. hall Wedncsdny
evening, preceding which nn instal
lation sof offlcors was held. Sovon-ty-fivo
wero In attendance.
Tho foll6wing offlcors woro In
stalled by district doputy F. J. Doran:
Grnml Knight. C J51 Slogan; Dep.
Grand Knight, J. J. Horlgan; Record
er, O. R. TIgho; Chancellor, C. J.
Pass; Financial Secretary, W. J.
Landgraf; Trensuror, J. J. Schatz;
Advocato, F. C. Plolultlckor; Wardon,
J. R. Carroll; Innor Guard, F. P. Sul
livan; Outer Guard, Robt J. Sullivan;
Chaplain, Rov. P. MoDaid; Trustee
F. T. Redmond; Lecturer, J. H. Heg-arty.
;:o:s l
Some over 800 ynrdB of Ou'tlng Flan-
nol aro being sold at 8c per yard nt
Tho Lealor Morcantllo Co's.
Charles Strauss, who visited tho
homo folks in Loxlngton for several
days, has returned homo.
Committee Changes Plans
Tho commltteo which has had In
Qhargo tho securing of subscriptions
to pay off tho balanco of tho indebted
ness on (tho Prosbytorlan church in
this city has mot with bo much suc
cess thalt tho planB hnvo been chang
ed with roforonco to tho program af
ter tho Prosbytorlan suppor on tho
evening of Friday, tho 13th. It was
'planned to1 finish subscriptions with
a campaign nt this suppor to soouro
itho amount as yot unpledged, but now
tho commltteo will not conduct such
a campaign, After tho suppor thoro
will bo a short program with a num
bor of musical selections and short
talks, and tho mooting 'will bo moro
In tho nature of colobraltlng tho fact
that tho Prcsbytorian church will very
soon bo out of dobt.
Tho Epworth Lcaguo will hold a bo
cial and business mooting at tho homo
of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Brooks, 921 oast
Fourth Btroot this evening.
$20.00 and up.
Joint Services
Tho Methodist and Prosbytorlan
congregations will hold Joint aorvlccs
at tho Prosbytorlan church next Sun
day. At olovon o'clock tho Prosby
torlan mlnlsltor will speak. At 7:30
Dr. Isham, tho district superintendent
of tho Kearney district of tho Metho
dist church will preach. Dr. Isham
is a helpful interesting preacher,-You
can not afford to miss this service
Tho Mdthodlst Sunday school and
Epworth Lcaguo will meet In tho base
mont of tho Presbyterian church .nt tho
usual houra. wm
Tho Prosbytorlan Sunday school will
meet at tho usual place
Music Sundny morning and evening
by tho Joint choirs, and orchestra nt
tho ovonlng service.
Every member of both congrega
Hons should bo present, Shall wo not
mako these sorvlcos really worth
For Farm Loans seo or write Gena
Crook, room 3, Waltoraath building:,
an teas
Our cortlfllcntcs of Deposit are writ
ten acknowledgments tlmt wo Iinve re
ceived certain Hums of money from
Individuals as deposits, .subject .to.
withdrawal on demand and tlio return
of tlio certificates.
Tho "C. D'h" of this hank bear In.
(crest nt tlio rnto of 1 per cent for
six months or a year. They nro no-
gotlablo by endorsement and are good
us collateral for loans. Issued for nny
You should know moro about them.
Platte Valley State Bank
North Platte, Nebraska.
the state.
North Platte, 41tf