The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 13, 1916, Image 3

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Rooms for light housekeeping, 503
West Fourth stroot. 78-tf
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Klein havo
boon spending this, week with their
son-in-law Delbort ' Teol in Hayes
Wanted A dining room girl at the
Palace Cafe. 77tf
0. P. Tracy who had boon spondlng
a week In Omaha while enrouto homo
from Rochester Minn., returned Wed
nesday morning.
If you break your glasses, save tho
pieces, wo can make a new lens frcm
tho samplo pieces. Harry. Dixon, Jewe
ler and Optometrist.
R D. Blrgo Ray Robinson, Loren
Sturgos and J. C. Don loft this morn
ing for tho lako country whero thoy
will shoot duck for a couple of days.
liuclianan & Patterson havo a
bunch of 300 hogs on their Vallo
Vista farm southwest of town, part of
which aro bolng fed for tho market.
For Sale Cheap Lot 5 and ten feet
of tho west side of lot C In block 140
In North Platto. Writo mo your offer.
Leo Marovlsh, Gandy, Neb. 75-8
The Truth About
, far greater
jr. '
The Nebraska Prosperity League
President, L. F. CROFOOT Treasurer, W. J. GOAD Secretary, J. B. IIAYNES
Send for our literature. OMAHA, NEBRASKA
T. C. Paterson and J. E. Evans ex
pect o go to Omaha noxt week to at
tend a political meeting at which can
didate for president Hughes will
For Sale One hard coal burner, al
so Bteel range. Mrs. O, W. Brandt,
McCabe Hotel. 77-2
Leonard Dick went to Lincoln Wed
nesday to attend a meeting of tho
board of directors of tho state lumber
men's association, of which ho Is a
I havo buyers for thrco'smnll farms.
What hare you for snlo!
71tf 0. H. TH0ELECKE.
George Dlonor, of Jack Morrow
Hats, finished hauling his wheat to
markeft yesterday. Ho had ovor 2,000
bushels. His wheat this year was not
as good as last.
Farm and Ranch loans at lowest
rates and best terms. Honey on linnd
to closo loans promptly.
Julius Plzer returned Wednesday
from a wcok's visit In Omaha, Lincoln
Hastings, Grand Island and other
Nebraska towns. In each Itown visited
ho found business very active.
is being committed in prohibition Kansas with
frequency than in Nebraska.
Official Prison Record:
KANSAS- Sentenced for Murder
NEBRASKA-Sentenced for Murder
Eighty-five Kansas murderers convicted and sentenced in
the short space of two years ending June 30,, 1916, as
against twenty-nine in Nebraska in the same period!
The appalling murder record of Kansas carries a lesson of,
terrible import to the citizens of Nebraska. Under prohibi
tion there has grown up in Kansas the inevitable "Alley
Joint" evil. In these "joints" liquors of the vilest sort are
dispensed to men and boys by dissolute characters,, both
male and female, spreading crime and debauchery to every
part of the state.
- (Excerpts from article in "The Topeka Daily-State Journal''
of August 29, 1916.)
"Of the 166 criminal cases docketed for the September
term of court, 106 are for violations of the prohibitory law.
As a rule, about one-tenth of the cases brought chare
ing violations of the prohibitory taw are tried. They cost tlie
county about $50 each,"
"One noticeable thing about the criminal docket' for the
September term is that forty-six of the JOINT cases are
against women."
If you are opposed to the Alley Joint evil and
the increase of crime, vote No on the prohibi-
tion amendment.
The squares shown below will appear at
ballot. An X marked in square 301 is &
Shall the above and foregoing amendment
)to the Constitution be adopted?;
Yostorday was Columbus Day, a
legal stato holiday. Tho banks woro
closed as were also tho county of-
flcos and the gcnoral dollvory at tho
postofflco was open but ono hour.
Tho carriors mado one coniplcto do
llvcry. Lost between Sutherland and North
Platto now 33x4 Firestone casing and
tubo on rim. Finder notify Mrs. Sena
Kolly and rccolve reward. 76-tf
County Consul A. B. Hoagland nc
comapnled H. C. Osterman, seoretary
ot tho' Lincoln Highway Association,
to Grand Island Wednesday, tho laUter
driving a Stutz car. They drovo from
hero to Gothenburg ovor tho north
road In order that Mr. Osterman
might sco tho now iroad between Norjlh
Platto and Maxwell.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug
Keith Novlllo will return homo to
morrow to spond Sunday with his
family. Mr. Nevlllo has concluded his
campaign in .tho counties north of tho
Plnltto rlvor, having visited practically
ovory town and vlllago hi that section
of tho stato. From now until election
ho will devote his tlmo to .tho south
half of tho atnjte, part of which ho has
already canvassed.
in 2 years 85
in 2 years 29 .
the TOP of the
Cleared HU Nostril.
Tho following first nld measure fo
children who put bonus, buttons, grnv-
cl nnd other objects up Into their nos
trils is given by Dr. David 12. Spabr tu
Farm nnd Fireside.
"A lndy residing In tho country cull
cd nio up Into at night nnd told me In
nn anxuus, agonizing volco thnt n'ao
wanted me to couio nt once as her
baby hnd n grain of corn In Its nose,"
tho doctor writes. "I told her It would
not bo necessary for nio to como If she
would do as 1 hid her. She said the
corn was in tho left nostril. I told her
ust to lay tho child down on the bed
on Its back, compress tho right nostril
with tho finger; then, as the bnby
cried, place her mouth over the baby's
mouth nnd blow hard. In another mo
ment a happy, Joyful volco camo ring
ing over tho lino: 'Doctor, wo got the
corn. It's nil right nnd you don't need
to como!'
"Thus I lost my five dollar fee, hut
made n happy mother.
"This Is not n very elegant or per
haps sanitary plan, but I ussuro you
It Is speedy and effectual."
Measuring Electricity.
Tho terms volt, ampere, ohm, watt
nnd farad, met with In works on elec
tricity, mean very llttlo to most people.
The volt is tho unit of electrical pres
sure, tho ampcro tho unit of current
strength, the ohm tho unit of resist
ance, tho wntt tho unit of electric pow
er, nnd the least of nil known, farad,
tho unit of olectrlenl capacity.
Current strength is determined by di
viding tho pressure by tho strength;
thus tho number of amperes of current
strength is equal to tho number of volts
divided by tho number of ohms. The
wntt indicates the amount of electric
energy being used when an nmpero of
current Is flowing under a ptessuro of
ono volt However, tho. term kilowatt.
or 1,000 wntts, Is more generally used.
Tho unit of electrical capacity, tho
farad, will contain one nmpero of cur
rent nt one volt prcssuro for ono second
of time. The fnrnd Is divided Into n
million equal parts, each pnrt termed
the microfarad, and this Js tho term
most used In stating electrical capacity.
Japan's Curious Museum.
Probably the very oldest museum in
the world is thnt nt Nnrn, tho ancient
capital of Japan. It was founded in the
year 750 A. D and all tho nrticlcs
therein nro of nn earlier date, for, al
though Nam has gono through all tho
vicissitudes of tho empire, not ono new
artlclo has been added to tho collec
tion. Tho museum Is in safo nnd care
ful custody, nnd Its doors nro opened
only once every year. On thnt day a
committee goes over tho collection, tab
ulatcs It nnd compares tho list with
those mado previously. Tho 3,000 ar
ticles In tho collection nro of lacquer
ware, decorative furniture, enamel
ware, cambrlc-llko fabrics nnd of other
kinds nnd nro among tho very finest
of their species thnt tho world has pro
duccd. Sonio como from China and
some from ICorca, but most of thom
appear to havo been brought from lands
further afield.
Tho Wild Camel of Spain.
Who would Imagine that thoro aws
wild camels in Spain, nnd in a part of
Spain which Is flooded durjng n great
part of tho year? Yet tho thing is
vouched for by tho nuthors of "Unox-
plorcd Spain." Tho explanation is that
"the animals were introduced to Spain
in 1820 by tho Marquis of Villafraucn,
with tho object of employing them in
transport and agriculture, as they aro
commonly used on tho opposlto shorw
of Africa. But local difficulties e
sued, chiefly nrlshig from tho intent
xeur auu reiiugnnucu oi uurocs lowtuu
camels, which resulted In numerous
accidents, and eventually tho bactrlaM
wcro set frco In tho marlsma, whsss-
in they havo slnco lived at largo an4
bred under wholly wild conditions."
Words aro used for various purposes
to cvado issues, to put pcoplo to
Bleep, to break up homes, to present
literature and to conceal ideas. Noth
lng exceeds Uko words.
Words aro used in speeches, debates
and stories. Massed in serried groups
In newspapers nnd text books thoy pro-
vent pcoplo from learning anything.
Last words aro most effective and aro
employed exclusively by women and
prominent citizens who aro dying.
Words aro nothing in themselves, but
only in their relationship to other
words. It is tho system of putting
them together that counts. Most words
aro like unorganized militia. In war
tho mortality among thom is fearful.
They never win battles. "When words
aro found In regular army style, how
over, disciplined and experienced, thoy
aro llkoly to bo invincible. Judge
Whore Women Don't Like to Shop.
Tho stranger in Korea finds that ho
has' struck topsy turvydom when ho
learns that women do not llko shop
ping, that tho prominent merchants
keep their wares concealed In closets
Instead of displaying thom In show
cases and thnt tho 'customer who docs
not fancy tho first plcco of goods
brought from concealment Is likely to
be told that tho merchant In qulto sura
he baa nothing better. Elsewhere tho
street sign plays an Important part In
attracting trade. Tho largo merchant
bouses In Korea aro entirely without
street signs.
Parsimony and Economy.
Tapa," said a child, "what Is the dif
ference between parsimony and econo
"I will explain tho difference by an
example," tho father replied. "If I cut
down my own expenses that is econo
my, bnt If I cut down your mother's
then it is parsimony."
Two Wonderful Clocks.
Ono of tho most wonderful clocks in
tho world Is owned by n Frenchman,
Louis Dcscuttcr. It is mounted on n
Louis Seize jtand and has four faces.
Besides marking tho hours, it shows
tho tides nt six different parts of tho
world, tho menu tlmo jind tho solar
tlmo, tho ago of tho moon, tho move
ments of tho planets nnd nil eclipses.
It is nlso a pcrpctunt cnlendnr. It was
mndo by Jnnvlcr of Paris In 17S9 nud
took cloven yenrs to manufacture.
San Diego, Cnl., has n wonderful
clock with twenty dlnls, which tell tho
tlmo simultaneously In nil parts of tho
world, nlso tho days of tho week ami
tho date nnd month. It stnnds twenty
ono feet high, nnd four of Its dlnls nro
each four feet In diameter. It is In
closed In plato glass, so that every ac
tion enn ho seen, nnd tho wholo la Mil
mlnatcd overy night It Is Jowolcd
with tourmaline, topaz, ngato and Jado
and required fifteen months to build
Tho motive power is & 200 pound
weight. Tho cost of tho clock was $3,-
000. People's Homo Journal.
Styles In Indian Names.
Mthough among tho Indians then
nro not so many Decrslnyers ns then
wcro In tho dayB of James Fcnlmoro
Cooper, yet many of tho names still
possess strong individuality. This is
shown by examining tho names that
wcro prominent in n recent salo of In
dian lands In tho Standing Rock reser
vation, in the Dakotas.
Hero, for Instance, was found Bar-
noy Two Hears, an nmlnblo neighbor
to Miss Katlo Good Crow. Melda
Crowghost and Mary Yellow Fat havo
adjoining trncts, and thero aro also
Mrs. Crazy wnlklng nud Jnck Ellc
Ghost in tho samo section.
It is not to bo wondered nt that
Mary Lean Dog looks enviously from
her door when Agatha Big Shiold goes
by with her aristocratic name, nor
could any ono blamo Jennlo Dog Mau
and Mnry Shavo Head if they fell all
over themselves to assume on short no
tlco tho heroic uumo homo by Morris
Thundershleld, heir apparent to Long
Step Thundorshlold. Now York Times.
Lines on the Palms of Hands.
It cannot bo Bald that tho lines on
tho palms of our hands nro of nuy
great service to us. Indeed, it Is doubt
ful If they aro of any valuo in them'
selves, outsldo ot tho posslhlo aid they
may bo in holplng us to detonnlno tho
chnrncter of tho surfaco of things
which wo grasp or touch. It is possl
bio that thoy old in somo slight degree
in tills way. Thoro is llttlo doubt
however, thnt they nro a result of tho
work tho hands aro constantly called
upon to do rather than contrived for
any particular service. Tho habitual
tendency of tho fingers in grasping and
holding things throws tho skin of tho
palms Into creases which turougu rro
qucnt repetition mako tho lines of tho
palms pcrmauont in several instances
Tho neculiarity of theso lines or
creases in various individuals as to do
talis and length und variations is the
chief basis of tho so called sclcnco of
tnlinlstry. Exchange.
A Test of Philosophy.
Slow better is u calm man, not easily
upset On ono occasion, as his motor
car hnd como to a sudden stop, ho
crawled underneath It to sco what was
tho matter.
Somehow or other somo petrol ig
nltcd. A fierce burst of flamo nnd
smoko enmo forth, enveloping Slowbot
tcr. In the midst of tho excitement ho
wnlked to ono Bido'wlth his usual slow
and rcgulur Btep. His face wns black
his eyebrows niid eyelashes were
singed, nnd what was loft of his hair
nnd beard was a sight to. behold.
Somo one brought n mirror, and ho
hnd a look at himself. As usual, how
over, ho took matters philosophically.
"Well," ho said slowly and dcllber
ntely, "I wns needing n shavo and my
hair cut anyway." Exchange.
Our First Free School.
Tho first freo school established lu
tho United Stntcs was lu the provlnco
of Massachusetts Bay In tho year 10-11
by order of tho general colonial court,
In 1047 tho samo authority declared
that frco schools should bo established
within overy town having fifty house
holders under penalty of u flno of $25
This flno was doubled by ,a declaration
mado In 1071 and agalv doubled in
North Platto People Should Not
If your kidnoys aro inflamed,
Don't stand around and do nothing
Liko a flro it will soon bo boyond
You will got tho alarm In time
Backache, or dlzzlnoss or dlsordors
of tho urlno.
Heod tho warning.
Glvo your kidnoys a rest by living
moro carofully.
Uso Doan's KIdnoy Pills to help
Btamn out tho causo.
Profit by a North Platto's woman's
Mrs. C. G. Andorson, 203 wost 7th
St., North Platto, says: "For somo
tlmo t had boon having symptoms of
kldnoy trouhlo. Whon I got up In tho
morning, I noticed pufflnoss undor my
oyos. Tills grow worso and beforo
long my foot and ankles Woro so swol
len that I couldn't wear my shoos
My hands woro also so swollon that
I could hardly closo my fingers,
felt drowsy, woak and tirod out.
was nervous at times, too, and both
ercd by black spots beforo my eyes.
I UBcd four boxes ot Doan's Kldnoy
Pills, procured fron RoxnU' Drug
storo, and thoy roliovod mo. Finally,
tho swelling wont down and I folt
bettor all over."
Prlco 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kldnoy remedy get
Doan's Kldnoy Pillst-the same that
Mrs. Andorson had. Foeter-Mllburn
Co., Prop,, Buffalo, N. Y.
Tho only discovery In years for
Stomach, LUcr, Constipation, DImN
iiess nnd Headache.
At Stono's Drug? Store.
Notice of rctitlon
Estate No. 1445 of Horman A. Erb,
deceased, in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebrnska.
Tho Stato of Nebrnska. To all per
sons interested In said Estaito tako no
tion that a petition has boon filed for
tho appointment of Emost Tramp ns
Administrate of said Estato which has
hooon sot for hearing herein on Odtobor
0, 1910, nt 9 o'clock n. m.
Dated Sept. 8, 191C.
2ColC County Judge.
Notice of Decree of Heirship.
Estato of Sarah E. Campbell, deceas
ed, In tho county court ot Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Tho heirs, creditors and all persons
interested in Bald estato, will tako no
tico that on tho lGth day of Soptemher
191C, LIda E. Lucas an heir of said
decedent, and claiming tltlo by mesne
convoyahco from all tho othor holrs
of said docodont, filed hor potltton
heroin alleging that tho Bald Sarah
E. Campbell died lnto&lato on or
about May 28th. 1910, a rosldont of
Lincoln county, Nobraska, and at tho
tlmo of her death sho was tho owner
or, in fee simple tho south half,
tho northeast quartor nnd lots 1 and 2,
or section 2, in township 1G north,
rnngo 27 wost Gth P. M., In said Lin
coln 'county, Nebraska, and that no
application has been mado in tho said
stato for tho appointment ot an ad
ministrator. That sho loft surviving
hor hor husband Wosloy F. Campbell,
ago 05, residing at Garfield, Nob.;
Mlnnlo G. Slvor, a daughter ago 43,
roaming at Garfield, Nob.; John F.
Campboll a son ago 41, residing at
Smith -Center, Kan.; LIda E. Lucas a
daughtor aged 39, residing at Shol-
ton, Nob.; stiBan E. Cainpboll a
daughtor ngod 32, rosldlng at Orange,
unlit; Rosa M. Spafford n daughtor
aged 30, rosldlng at Omaha, Nob.
That all tho debts of said decedent
havo boon paid and praying that reg
ular administration ho waived and a
decrco ho ontored barring creditors
ana fixing tho fluto of her death and
tho dogreo of kinship of hor holrs and
tho right of doscent to said real es
tato. Said petition will bo heard Octobor
27th, 1910, at 9 o'clock a, m., at the
offlco of tho County Judgo in said
03-20 County Judge.
To Horman Eln&ltoin, Matilda Ein
stein, Leopold EInstoln, Max Einstein.
Helen Einstein, Danlol Theodoro EIn
stoln, and Grotchon Clara Einstein,
and tho unknown owners and unknown
claimants to tho North one-half ot ithe
North one-halt of Soctlon Twenty-six,
Township Sixteen, North of Range
Twenty-nine, Wost and being tho holrs,
devlBoos, legatees and personal repre
sentatives of Louis Josoph Einstein,
Horman EInstoln, Matilda Einstein,
Loypold Einstein, Max Etnseln, Holon
Elnsoin, Danlol Theodoro Einstein,
and Gretchen Clara EInstoln, Defen
dants. You will tako notico that on itho 13th
day of Soptembor, 191G, Wosloy T. Wil
cox and John J, Halligan, plaintiffs
heroin filed their amendment potltion
in tho district count ot Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska against snid defendants,
tho object and prayer of which is for
a partition ot tho North half, of tho
North half of section twenty-six, town-
Bhlp Blxtoon, North of Rango twenty
nlno, west of the Gth P. M. In Lincoln
County, Nobraska equally betfweon the
plaintiffs and tho defendants; ono-halt
to the plaintiffs nnd the other half to
tho defendants; and If said land can
not ho equitably divided that tho same
bo sold and out of tho proceeds, the
cost of these proceedings ho paid, that
tho plaintiffs bo paid one-hnlf of the
money which thoy havo paid out for
taxes on said land with interest, and
that tho balanco of tho monoy be
divided, ono-half to tho plaintiffs and
one-hun'(to tho dofondants.
You am required to answor said
amended potltion on or beforo the 80th
day of Wtobor, 1910.
DatoctfSopt. 14th, 191G.
Wosloy T. Wilcox and John J. Halli
gan, Plaintiffs. Bl7-ol3
Tho undorslgned, residents of North
Platto, Nobraska, hereby associate
thomselvos togethor as a corporation
under tho laws of the state ot Nebras
ka and to that end certify:
I. The namo ot the corporation
shall ho Waltomath Lumbof & Coal
II. Tho principal placo of business
shall bo North Platto, Nebraska.
III. Tho general naturo of tho bus
iness is to carry dn a (wholesale and
retail lumber and coal business and to
do all things, to transactall business in
cidental to the management, operation
and development of such buslnoss. To
own, buy, sell, lease or mortgago real
estate. To construct or repair build
ings, bridges, sidewalks qr othor
structural works. To operate a store
ot paints, oil, glass and othor mer
chandise Incidental thoreto. To store,
buy or sell hay and grain, to do any
and all othor acts and things and to
oxerclBO any and all powers which,
a corporation or natural person could
do and exorcise and which now or
heroaftor maybo authorized by law.
IV. Tho capital stock of thla cor
poration shall ibo Twenty-five Thous
and Dollars, fully paid at tho tlmo ot
V. Tho tlmo ot commencement ot
business shall ho September 1st, 1916
and ot its termination September let,
VI. Tho highest amount of indebt
edness at any time shall not exceed
two-thirds ot its capital stock.
VIL Tho officers of this corpora
tion shall bo president, vice-president,
socrotury-troasuror, a gonoral mana
ger and a board of three directors se
lected by tho stockholders at their
annual mooting to be hold tho first
Monday in January of each year at
their principal office.