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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1916)
Eye Glass Frames The fitting of frames is as important as the fitting of lenses, for the lenses cannot give ease and comfort if the frames or mountings arc improperly adjusted. In many cases glasses do not gfvc relief because of frame being too narrow or too wide, too high or too low; and if your glasses should get bent so that one lens is higher than the other they will give you trouble. Optometrists are proficient mechanics and arc fully equipped and informed in making such measurements as are required in fitting frames. Optometrists are the only ones required by law to qualify in this branch of eye treatment. C. S. CLINTON, REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST. THE SIGN WITH THE MG MNG. ACCEPT CHALLENGE ISSUED 111 THE MJNGALOW HUNCH DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Ofilco oyer tho McDonald SUU Dunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. Morrill, Dontist. Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Moroy returned tho early parjt of tho week from n -visit in Hastings. For Itont llouso at 804 Wost Second j street Inqulro of J. H. Fonda. 74-tf C. II. Walters returned yesterday from Omaha whore ho transacted bus iness for several days. Mrs. James Dorram, Mrs. Emma Pulvcr and Mrs. Fred Elliott woro visitors In Kearney yestorday. Ms J. T. Stuart and. daughter 'ireno loft yestorday morning for a visit wilth friends In Storllng, Soft "Water Shampoos, Electric Scalp treatments and Massage. COATES BEAUTY PARLOR, GOG ft Dowoy, phono Red GGG. 7Gt4 Tho domostlo sclenco department of Xho Twentieth Century club will meet Monday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Mary Elder. If you havo dollar oyos, uso dollar glasses but cheap RlaBses tako your monoy and often your eyesight, Harry Dixon, Joweler & Optometrist. C. 0. Hupfor wont to Gothenburg yestorday to officiate W ohof at (the barbecuo to bo given In connection with tho colt Bhow wlhclwls bolng hold today, Lot Landgrat & Hoga do your paint Ins. paper hanging and decorating Phono Black 092 or Black G70. !23tf Mrs, L. E. Stuart and baby, of Grand Island, who had been visiting at tho McDormott homo for two weeks, loft yesterday afternoon. MrB. John Wolnborgor left las.t night for Omaha to visit her daugh ter Mrs. Will Allen who recenltly sub mitted to an operation. Big Winter Underwear salo of all Borts and kinds for men, women and children at Tho Leador Mercantile Co's. Wo havo sold more Coats, Suits and DrcsBCs already this season than any previous soason at this time. Womjer why? Because wo' havo tho goods nt tho right prices. BLOCK'S. Mrs. J. F. Schmalzrled returned last week from Falrflold, Nob., whore sho went as a delegate to tho Royal Neighbors' convention. Tho next con vention will bo hold at Trumbull, Neb. A. II. Bcnnotit, an old-tlmo ranch man living north of Ogalalla, trans acted business in town yestorday and visited his brothor-in-law Frank La'w renco and family. Mrs. Sam Harris and Miss Virglo Harris, of Lexington, mother and sis- tor of Mrs. D. W. Arnold, loft yestor day afternoon after spending a wook hero. W. A. Strauss, who was 111 at tho homo of his parents in Lexington, has returned horo and resumed work with :iio local toldphjono company. Mr. Strauss Buffered from blood poison ing resulting from a spider blto on his right arm. Mark Twain's mastorploco, "The Prince and tho Paupor," with Mar guorlto Clark, will bo presented for your approval at tho Keith tomorrow night. This is ono of Twain's most do- llghtful and thoroughly enjoyable works and whon tho scroon version Is handled by tho Paramount wilth Miss Clark in tho loading rolo, It cannot holp but bo gotfd entertainment The ink on .Tuesday's Tribune was scarcely dry beforo tho challenge to a billiard contest Issued by tho Bun galow bunch was accepted by momber8 of tho Elks. This was to be expected, for no doll Is passed by tho fellows who consldor themselves top-notchers at shooting tho Ivory balls. Tho par ticipants' in the contest, and those who will play each other, linos up this way, the Bungalow bunch bo lng named first: Rush against Tloalcy, Baker against Carson, Sturgos against Plumor, Red mond against Austin, Larson against Hosford and Fristo against Lawson. Stow'arcl Smith will officiate bb rof oreo. Tho games will bogln OcKober ,25th and total billiards count. Tho losors will pay for a game sup per to bo sorved at the Vionna Cafe. Rooters must declare in favor of a certain team, and thoso who lose must assist in paying their share of the expense of Itho suppor, wbllo those who back the winning team will be non paying guests. This contest Is certain to arouse moro enthusiasm than any billiard event that has been hold this year. It is probable thrift from twenty-fivo to thirty rooters will back each team. Kill The Chill See our window" for some thing attractive in a gas room heater. You need it before you start the furnace or base burner. North Platte light & Power Co. This Is Bradley Week October 14 to 21 TATE arc making a special showing of the well known oher Hth issue of the "Saturday Evening Post," and are offering during this event the choicest array of the season's novelties and staples. You will find a most delightful assortment of the very highest grade garments for rnen, women and children as well as plain every-day sweater. The Bradley label on these coats is a guarantee of their excellent value, dependable style and good service. ' - , Visit onr store during Bradley Yfeck while this display is on and see our ' , windows. We have the beautiful Bradley Style booklets ready for distribu tion, showing all of the newest styles in knitted coats for the whole family. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. 8 It st it if :.t :. .t i i t.t U OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -or- NORTH PiArm NEBRASKA.. Mmbtr Federal Reserve Bunk System. OAPXTAZ, A.ND SURPLUSi ' One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. 1'IANOS AT A 1IA1IGAIN. Tho Walker Music Co. will movo in their new location soon In the Keith thoatro block and for a few days will make the greatest reduction salo ot PIANOS ever offered in North Platte Piano buyers take advantage of tho following low prices. $275 pianos go at this salo at $215. $300 pianos go at this salo at $235. $225 pianos go at this salo at $185. $350 pianos go at this sale at $285. $375 pianos go at ilhs salo at $315. $450 player pianos go at this sale at $390. One good used piano at $110. Good organs almost now at $23 to $30. A souvenir for each lady who calls. Terms to suit. Plreson)t location at Clinton's Jewelry Store. WALKER MUSIO HQ. wo;: Lutheran Announcements. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school service. 11 o'clock Morning Worship, The Holy Communion. 4 p. m. Young People's Mlss'y. 0:45 Luther Leaguo Service. 7:30 Evening Worship. Sormon sub ject, "What Think Yo of Christ?" Spoclal, Communion sorvlco. Good mUslc at berth tho regular services. An especially largo attendance Is hoped for on this important occasion. Tho chest will bq sot out again to receive tho monthly offering to tho church building fund. Tho annual Brojihorhood Banquet will bo hold at on tho evening of Nov. 27th at 7 o'clock in tho Episco pal basement. Rev. II. L. 'Ynrgor, D, D of Chicago, will bo Uio speaker. ::o:: Judgo Cornish. Judge Albort J. Cornish, of Lincoln, is ono of tlio candidates for associate Judgo of tho supremo court of Nebras ka. There aro three assoclato judges Uo bo elected at tho Novcmbor olec tion. Judgo Cornish's friends boliovo that ho Is particularly well fitted for tho high bench. Ho has been a district Judgo of Lincoln for twenty-ono years and has an extraordinary record for decisions approved by tho supremo court. Ho is. in tlio prlmo of a mu'turo manhood and In Ills homo county has Uio roputatlon of holng an upright Judgo. ::o:: Notice My office nt itho present tlmo where I conduct leans and investmontts is on tho socond lloor of Tho Loador Mer cantile Co. JULIUS PIZER, Sunset Social. Tho second annual .Sunset Social will bo hold in tho parlors of the Proabyterian church October 2Cth This is a social given in honor of thoso who havo attained tho ago of sovonlty years. Last year tho social was held at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Forbos and slnco (then Major L. Walkor, Mrs. Sarah Buchanan and Alonzo McMlchaol, who woro among tho guests at that tlmo, havo passed awny. Tho Prosbytorlan Ladlos Aid havo this Bocial in charge, and aro planning to havo tho ovont provo a pleasant occasion for thoso who in tend. Heavier Guide Tests Needed. Evldontly tho bases erected for tho guide posts In tlio contor of tho street Intersections will need bo made larger. Thoso guide posts have a cylindrical base about 18 Inches In diameter sur mounted by a five-foot iron post on tho top of which Is an electric light. At tho cornor- of Fourth and Locust tho form was taken off tho baso Tues day and the same day an autolst back ed into it and tore a hole in his gas tank. Wednesday two hours after tho post had been placed on the bass an othor autolst backed against (the post, bonding tho stay rods at tho base, chipping tho cement and Inclining the post at an anglo of forty-live degrees. uYgrees. v,.. ::o: Curt Jleycrs Injured. Curt Meyers of this olty, a brake- man on tho Third district, was seri ously injured at Chappell Wednes day and Is now at tho City Hospital recolving tho necessary attention. Mey ers was on tho look out for a hot box, and was leaning out from a car when struck by a switch target. Ho was badly bruised on itho body though for tunately no bones woro broken. Ho was brought to this city on an in coming 'passenger train and taken to tho hospital, whero ho Is likely to bo confined for several weeks. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAVE BGKN THE FACTORS IN THK GXOrYlfM OF THIS BANK, AND THK BAMS CAREFUL ATTENTION IS QIYKN TO SHALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIYEN TO LAHOK BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Sonles Out on Bond. Warron Soulcs, charged with rapo, and who was placed under $2,500 bonds for his appearanco at tho pre llmlnary hoarlng in tho county court Octobor 23d, has furnished, sureties and glvon his liberty. Tho signers to tho bond woro Frank Glnapp and Wm. Korns. ft FOR XOUlt AUTO SERVICE Call 125 'for taxi day or night. Also five or sovon passenger car for funoral sorvlco. MOGENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO. Chandler & Elcar Agouoy, Cornor 8th and Locust Sts COMEDY PATHOS TEARS LAUGHTER KEITH THEATRE Tuesday, October 1 7. ROBERT SHERMAN Presonts The Dramatic Sensation of the Season THE GIRL WITHOUT A CHANCE A PLAY FOR THE MOTHERS A SOUL-STIRRING EPISODE PRICES SOc, 75c, $1.00. Local Roys In tho Foot llnll Squad When the university foot ball team goes to. Portland, Oro., a number of socond team players will bo taken along, and among (these will bo Mil ledge Dullard, Noel Donegan and Will Norrls, of this city. These boys aro making good im tho gridlxpn and stand a chance of making the first team next year. yIf tho band goes with tho team, Harry Huffman, also of this city, will make the trip as a member of tlntt organization. f.o:: Foot Hall Schedule Following is tho schedule for tho foot ball games to bo played by tho high school team. At homo: October 13th with Curtis; Novoiribor 3d with Kearney; November 17th with Alli ance; November 30th "with York. Away: Octobor 20th atCozad; Octobor 27th at Scotts Bluff; November 10th at Loxlngton; November 24th at Lin coln. ::o:: Rootlcgglug Growing. It Is gonorally conceded that boot legging is growing In volume and tho dlsponsers aro growing bolder. This condition Is now bong closely watch ed and oveidonco gathered. Arrests, It Is said, aro pretty certain ko bo mado in tho near future. In tho -ovont of conviction a protracted Jail sontonco will bo much hotter than a fine. Luncheon to Sonntor Hitchcock. Local democrats havo arrnged to glvo a complimentary luncheon to Sonator Hitchcock at tho Hotel Mc- Cabo at ono o'clock today. Covers will bo laid for sovonty-flvo or olghty. Following tho luncheon Senator Hitch cock will dollvor an address In front of tho hotel. . V . More "Soup" Kettles. Contractor Stack Toturneil Wednes day night from Donvor whero ho wont to secure two moro boilers for molt Ing tho asphalt filler used in paving. With but ono bailor in uso wlntor weaithor threatened to overtake that part of tho paving work. ft m Maxwells nro Popular. Tho TroUtor Agoncy unloaded an- pthor carload of Maxwell cars yester day1, tho fourth carload received in ton days, all of which wero awaited by purchasers. Two moro carloads will arrlvo within tho next two weeks. -::o::- Mr. ond Mrs. James Dcchon will loavo next wcok for Omaha to spend a week ot longer. -::o::- F. j. DIENEU CO. Real Estate and Insurance Come and see us tor town lots In different parts ot the city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent Wo havo also good bar gains In farms and ranchos. Cor. Frost and Dewey Sts- upstair. One Naturally Feels Chagrined to see his neighbors making improvements, which are just as badly needed on his own premises. The thing to do is to follow suit. You'll feel better and your property will be benefitted. Keep pace with the improvement of the day and see us for LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL Coatcs Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. Dr. N. McCabo has returned from Omaha after visiting there for sev eral days. Miss Mae Winters, of Lowollen, for merly of this city, camo a few days ago to visit with her slstor, Mrs. Earl Lambort. It's tlmo now to lay In your winter wants of Undorwear. Low priced to all early buyers at Tho Loador Mor cantllo Co's. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fleishman have returned from Omaha whoro thoy visited for ten days. Tho trip was mado In Mr. Fleishman's Stude baker runaboujt. S. 3L SOUDKK Jtopubllcnu Candlduto for COUNTY TJtEASUKKK. If you feel that my character and my oxporlenco as assistant County Troasuror puts mo In a position ti admlnlstor tho offlco of County Treas urer in a manner that will moot with your aproval, your support will bo greatly appreciated on November 7th, FOUNTOIJteEM LEANEST, surest, most useful bfi all fountain pens. The Lucky Curve prevents ink-smcared fingers, Call and ice our assortments, SOLD BY REXALL AND NYAL DRUG STORES.