The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 13, 1916, Image 1

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    (Frtb u iu
a m m nm am ams
No. 78
Sugnr Iloct Hurvcst.
Tho sugar beet harvest in tho sec,
tlon between this city and Suther
land began Thursday of last wcok
and Is being pushed as rapidly as
cars for shipment can bo obtained.
So far, however, only about half
enough cars havo been obtainable
Tho yield this year Is fairly good,
somo fields averaging twolvo or more
tons por acre. Tho contract price this
year Is $5.50-por ton.
In speaking of tho sugar beot as a
fraying crop ono of tho heaviest grow
ers In the Ilershey district said thero
Is more money In a loss than average
yield of beets than thero is In a big
corn or wheat crop.
In what Is kndwn as tho North Platto
territory which includes Holds around
Koystono on tho branch thero arc
about 1200 acres of beets.
Held on White Slavery Chnrgc.
Win. Robinson and Nina Haloy wero
arrested at Horshey Wednesday and
brought to this pity and placed in Jail.
Robinson Is held on a charge of white
slavery preferred by the shorlff at
Meade, Kansas, having enticed tho
girl, who Is but sixteen years of age,
away from hor homo in that place.
Tho couplo arrived in Horshey a week
or so ago, and wero living na man and
wife. Tho Meade sheriff learned they
had located at Horshoy and wired
Sheriff Salisbury to placo them under
arrest. They -will bo held pending the
arrival of .tho Kansas officer.
Toot Hall Tliis Afternoon
Tho Initial game of foot ball for the
1916 season will bo played this after
noon at 3:30 at tho athletic field on
east Fourth. Tho opposing team is
tho husky boys from tho stalto agri
cultural school at Curtis. The visit
ors outweigh tho home team, but it is
believed that this will bo overcome by
hotter Iteam- work by North Platte.
Bets on North Platte posted at
Green's hod not been taken up to ten
o'clock today.
: :o: :
Sues for Divorce.
Fern Norris has filed her petition
in tho district court for a divorce from
Carl J. Norris on the ground of cruel
ty, They 'wero married November
27th, 1912. The plaintiff alleges tholt
oho has suffered extreme cruelty and
abuse from tho defndeant and asks
tho court to annul tho marrlago, to
placo Lorraino, tho tthreo year old
child In her caro and to give her
proper alimony as the treatment she
has received from tho defendant ren
ders hor unablo to earn Her living.
Corner lot west -1th St, $325.
Corner lot cast 3rd St., $550.
Sovernl others. Cheapest in town
, ::o::
Mrs. Anna Church was recently
elected as substitute at tho public
library and is In chargo during the
absence of librarian, Lordtta Murphy.
Tho Woman's club will hold tholr
nnnual banquet Novombor 14th.
C. M. Nowton has gone to Omaha to
spond several days on business.
Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Drown, of Scotts
Bluff, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ooo.
Frator this wcok.
Mrs. J. W. McNeal left this morning
for Council Bluffs to spond a week or
more with friends.
Miss Margaret Fltzpatrlck return
ed a few days ago from Omaha whoro
she visited -with her sister.
James Bochan, living south of Hor
shey, 'will dispose of his personal
property and movo to this city.
J. T. Thoolccke, of Pocatollo, visited
;thls week with his nophow O. H.
Thoolecko while enrouto to Iowa.
A marriage license was granted
Wednesday to Samuel Smith and Miss
Fannie McKlllip, both of Galona, 111.
Harry'Govas of the Nyal drug store,
returned Wednesday from Omaha
where ho spent a wook with his unclo.
Don't fall to sco tho bargains that
arc bolng offered to early buyers of
Women's Suiits, Coats and Dresses at
$21.85 at Tho Leader Mercantile Co's.
Roy Peckham of Kearney, and Mlssj
Pearl Marlott of Koystono, wero mar
ried In this city tho firs of tho woek
by County Judge French.
Dean Burnett, Chancellor Avory
and tho board of regents of Lincoln
spent yesterday Inspecting conditions
nt the stato experimental staition.
A nev lot of White Tub Corduroy
just arrived and on sale at The Lead
er Mercantile Co's. Ask to be shown.
A dozen brick totcrs employed on
paving work struck yesterday noon
for a nine hour day. Tho demand
was refused and the men quit. Others
woro delegated to do that work for tho
afternoon, but today brick are not be
lli laid.
Alvln R. Carpenter, of Maxwell, and
Ruby M. Covey, of Cuntls, wero mar
ried yesterday by County Judge
French, In tho presonco of B. J. and
Bernlce Dempsy. Mr. Carpenter Is a
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Carpen
ter, formerly of this city.
Replete with mystery and attention
holding Merest, "Tho Man Behind tho
Curtain" is fashioned out of materials
that make the photoplay public de
mand pictures like this ono to bo
shown at tho Crystal tonight. Chic,
dainty, dlmplo-cheoke'd Lillian Walk
er plays itho principal role.
John Masor's little six-year-old son
had tho misfortune of having his
right ear lobe nearly kicked off by a
horso Tuesday morning. Tho little
fellow was playing in tho barn and got
too near the horses. Sqvcral s'tltchcs
wore necessary In sewing on the lobe
again.' Horshoy Times.
Illno Diamond Flour t?l.S0 per Sack,
in ()() round Lots for 10 Days
Only Satisfaction (Jnuriuijiecd
Owing to tho fact that wo bought our
Bluo Diamond Flour oarly in tho sea
son, beforo tho rlso In price of wheat,
wo are In a position to soli bolow oth
or standard flours. All Hour prices
must advance. You savo by buying
now from Tho Now Elevator,
Front Street and Sllber Avo.
Dr. Mario Amos has geno to Hor
shoy to visit for a few days.
For Rent Largo strictly modern
furnished room. Call Sunday, 320 So.
Dowoy. 78-1
Tho Christian ladies will discon
tinue giving commorclal dlnnors until
further notice.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Swope and Mrs.
Emily Coatos wil go to Lincoln Sun
day to spend a week.
Full Lino of Sklnnor's Satins, guar
anteed to wear two seasons, In black
and colors, at Tho L'ondor Morcantllo
Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Wurtolo and
daughter loft last ovonlng for New
York to spend three wcoks with rel
atives.' Friends ln town hayo rccolved an
nouncements of tho birth of a daugh
ter to Rev. and Mrs. Thompson, cf
China. Tho latter was formerly Dr.
Bertha Mangon, of this city.
Wo carry a complcto lino of extra
sizo garments for tho b Jo tit ladies,
such as Suit'sl Coats, Dresses, Skirts.
Petticoats, silk and voile Waists a't
same prices as regular sizes.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hollnian loft
Wednesday night for a visit in Iowa.
Mr. Hollnian will remain for a weok
or so and Mrs. Hollnian for five or
six weeks.
Tho beautiful line of Now Silks suit
able for Waists or Dresses which aro
being sold at 89c a yard aro selling
very fast. Supply yourself now at
Tho Leader Mercantile Store.
The announcement by Uho North
Platte bakers that beginning Monday
the price of bakery goods will bo ad
vanced, is not unexpected by those
who havo given thought to tho upward
shoot in prices of tho materials used
by tho bakeries. Tho facit Is, tho bak
ers would havo been Justified In mak
ing an advanco sovoral months ago.
Christian Science sonico Sunday 11
o'clock. Sunday school at 12. Wednes
day oventne meetings at a o ciock. a
cordial Invitation Is extended to ail.
Building and Loan Building, room 25.
Havo you ever noticed tho quality
of Dodgo Brothers advertising' npreaT
Ing weekly In tho Saturday Evonlng
Post4 Colliers and Literary Digest
Quality advertising helps sell Quality
cars such as Dodgo Bros build.
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer.
An Important Change
in Bread Prices
Owing to the WAR prices we are paying for
flour, sugar, shortening, and all other materials
entering into the manufacture of bakery goods,
we are compelled to adjust the prices on bread
and other bakery goods beginning Monday A. M.,
October 16, 1916.
Flour has advanced 100 per cent, Lard 100
per cent, Sugar 70 per cent aft4 all other mater
ials in proportion.
We feel the people of North Platte, knowing
the condition of the flour market, will appreci
ate our position, and the necessity of the
4 rn r '
A. & J. O'HARE.
K 1
O longer necessary to buy two
overcoats one for business and
rouch wear, and the other for
formal and social events.
The Noclidbout Overcoat more than
takes the place of both coats and serves
its purpose better made of heavy over-
' coatings and in a variety of weaves,
colors and fabrics that possess all the
style, character and expression of the
prevailing overcoat models.
By leaving out the linings, which are unnecessary the
Nockaijoiit is stripped of some of Its-costbut not of its
icbrnfbrj or war(hth, style or service, '' " , ".
As an overcoat for cold and stormy days it can not be
beaten and it is equally appropriate at the club, theater,
thejdance or social function. Low jn cpst, excellent in
.service, dependable in quality, it offers more in the way
of style, service, comfort and convenience than any other
garment selling at the same price.
IJar court Clothing Co.
naanaun -...a,...n .-mrrvfmm. rgsjttiUBHflBl b-b-bb-bbbbbb
Tho World's Series.
In tho world's series ball games,
Brooklyn won Tuesday on the homo
grounds by a scoro of four Ao thrco,
scoring onco In tho third and fourth
Innings and two In the flfjth, whllo
Boston scored twice In tho sixth and
once in tho seventh, Boston got soven
hits, Brooklyn ton.
Boston won Wednesday's game by a
six to Itwo scoro, securing ton hits to
flvo by Brooklyn. Brooklyn mado llvo
orrors, Boston ono.
In tho ganio yesterday Boston de
feated Brooklyn four to ono1 winning
the championship of tho baso ball unl
Tho total receipts of tho flvo games
wcrn S38B.000. Each nlaycr on the
Boston team -will recolvo $3,'J)10.2G,
and each player on (tho Brooklyn
team $2,834.82. Each member of the
teams, whothcr playing or not play
ing In tho games, receives his share.
Mny Seo "CoriihuHkers."
In a card to Perry Carson received
today, "Pat" Norris writes; "Tho six
car "Cornhuskor" special will stop in
North Platto about olght o'clock Wed
nesday morning, Octobor l&th. On
board will bo tho team, band and root
ers. I ara qulto suro tho band will
play and I will uso my lnlluenco to
got ho team out. Thought somo of
you would llko to look them ovor. I
ara alternating tit guard and tacklo
and "expect to niako tho trip to Port
land, so If any of you aro at tho train
I will seo you."
300 Coats to chooso your now Fall
Ct at from, It matters not what kind of
a coat you aro looking for, whethor
It Is a plush, volour, mlxturo, plnld
or nlaln, wo havo them from $7,48 up
to $Q9,G0. BLOCK'S,
Tho Loypoldt fc Ponnlngton eleva
tor, U offering $1.41 for wheat today.
In this connection, today's Omaha Boo
quotes a grain commission man of that
city as saying that unless on .embargo
is placed on wheat tho prlco will reach
Mrs. P. J. Norris left today for Lin
coln Ito visit hor son who is attending
tho stato university.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Calhoun and
baby will loavo today for Cozad to
visit Mrs. Calhoun's mothor until Mon
Tho ladles of tho EplBcopal church
will hold a Whlto Elephant party In
the church basomont Thursday ovon
lng, October 19'th.
Class Officers Elected
An olectlon of officers was hold to
tho high school classes u fow days
ago and tho following woro olootod:
Sonlor Class President, Frances
OConnoll; vlco president, Goorglna
McKay; cla'sB advisor,- Sadlo Brown.
Junior Class Prcsldont, Willis Bak
er; 'vlco prosldont John Burke; class
advisor, Paul Oloman. Captain of tho
foot ball team, Willis Bakor.
Try This For Six Months
Every time you receive
some money figure THEN
AND THERE how much o
it you will not actually
need. Then brink it to the
McDonald State Bank and
place it in one of our Cer
tificates of Deposit.
With a little planning you
can have one of these come
due every month.
Thus a ftood share of your
cash is earning 3$ or 4$ in
terest and automatically be
comes available.
M? Donald State Ban Kg
North Platte. H c r.
- Al I
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