The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 10, 1916, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
Entered at North Platto, Nebraska,
Poatofflco as Second Class Matter.
Albert Able who took medical treat-
To tlio Voters of Lincoln County.
I am a candidate, nominated by tho
Democrats of this county, for Repre
sentative G8th RoDrosentatlvO DIs-
IBA L. BARE, Editor and Pabllsher. trltft, comprising the county of Lin
coln only,
I - t I . 1 A 1. I M Kli... T f 1
Ono Year by Moll In Advance.... $l.Xi of t,,,8 couty 0n tho measuro of pros
One Year by Carrier In AdTonco..$lJ0 perlty enjoyed. Tho progress tho
farmer and business man nave mauo
in tho last flvo years Js without a
tmnillcl. Tho city of North Platto,
and tho towns In our county on the
Improvements made and now undor
construction: tho labor on tho abund-
nnco of work at hand at a remunera
tive waKo: tho prospect of labor along
all linos enjoying an eight hour day
for work, eight hours for recreation,
and olght hours for rest and refresh-
mont at lloch?8tor, Minn., has return- admln,fftratlon and prosijont Wilson
ed homo. A ,J In. fair sham of suDDort and nralse for
Llttlo Dorothy Arnold who had been the prosperity enjoyed?
very 111 with tonsllltls for some tlmo Votos aro necessary in order to bo
has recovered elected ana tnat you may voto lntoiu-
. ... gently, my position on a ivw luuui;
Wantod-A girl for general house- '.' ,10 Unown. t iiaV0
work. Apply ,to Mrs. C. F. Iddlngs, gorvcd tho pooplo ot this county in tho
519 west Fifth street n.i. nnA it I lmvn boon faithful to my
Mr. nouns and dauehtcr. of Cozad. trust It may not bo considered as an
who were KUests of Mrs. W. P. Alden Imposition to ask nt your hands fur-
last week, loft at noon Saturday. thor consideration. I liavo a convlc-
. , , . uon mat an omcor or u ropresenia
W. T. Banks snont several days last L,"" , .: "
weoK Jn Lexington whero ho visited ,, iUnt T if t ai,ni,i i, nm.
his brother asd transacted bulnosa. r,aaft ln r-nmlnir oloctlon. For
mIrk Marcrarot Fltztmtrlck returned tho Information of thoso voters who
Sunday ovonlng from Omaha, whero havo como to this county In tho last
eho visited with her slstor last week, llvo or ton years will say, I enmo to
. ,. . . t.,iw nnmn this county in August, ww, anu navo
Arthur Hoppo, of Julesburg, camo . ',., i, i t u,iiav
I . il. ,i n.nnlr ln UUI U DI11VU Limb LIUIUi U""""
horo the latter part of last week to T ,,. . M, ,i,. r.r n
visit with Harry Lowell for sovoral 1 and j bel,0V(J j havo ft ffllr mon8.
days, urn of abllltv to cot somo of UlOBO
Prof, and Mrs. M. M. Rodonbaugh needs enacted Into law. I am inclined
nro rojolclng over tho arrival of a baby to tho belief 'that It Is not moro laws
boy which was born to mem Kriuoy that wo want so mucu as tno iawB wo
evening. havo enforced.
TT , . ni..ffo tnt- It I am elected 1 shall gland for and
this week to visit Ills rather u. crooks nnd Hvors of Nebraska from
sawyer. i i,nin nllnnniod t.n tho nrlvato nrollt
Miss Floronco Stoffrlggon, of Goth- of any persons or corporations. I be-
onburc. carao Saturday morning to HoVo thoso wntors belong 'to tho whole
visit with Mills Sarah Monlclo for sev- pooplo,
Nebraska IVomnn's Chrlsllnn Temper
an co Union Convention.
Tho forty-second annual Btato con
vention of "tho W. C. T. U. was held
ln. tho First Christian church, Omaha,
Soptombor 19-22. On these days ses
sions were held morning, afternoon
nnd ovonlng. A largo number of ex
cellent addresses wero made, papers
read, followed by somo vory lnterost-
Not Willing to Try.
"So you nro convinced you could not
learn to lovo me," bleated tho dlscon.
solnto swain.
"I don't know whnt I could do If 1
tried," replied Miss Hibrowc, "but I
think you will admit thnt in tlicso days
of woman's emancipation and broad
ened opportunities u member of tho
Ing 'discussions. Delegates', number-! box ought not to bo expected to waato
Ing three hundred and four wero pros- ner umo in tnucs." uicumonu Times-
ent, representing most an. tno unions Dispatch.
ln tho state, besides wnicit tho -mcet-
Iiiks wore well ottondod by local resl
dontsi During our first afternoon
session a bcnutlful bouquet or white
roses wero sent by tho J. Burns Bak
ing Co., also a basket of splendid
white roses by tho uranuios stores
occupied tho center tablo of tlio con- vested now might arouse a gratitude
vontlon room. that might got you au Important offlco
Tusdav ovonlng organ voluntary oy whon that time arrives." Kansas Cltv
Miss urace aiauaugn, uuuresi ui journal.
welcome wore ably delivered ny no-
Closing On
tablo mon of Omaha, Rov. C. E
boy on behalf of the ehurchos, on bo
half of Young Men's Christian Asso
ciation Secretary Mr. Donnlson,
cx-Bcnntor W. R. Patrick on behalf of
Omaha, and Mr. Victor' Parrlsh on be
half of the Commercial Club. Solo
by Miss Gertrude Alkens. Mrs. E. W.
John, president oi ijougias county,
gave a short talk. Solo by Miss Mary
wood ontltlod "Victory. rn nnominf nf nnr omnll
Wednesday tho convention sormoni f rt n
,iiivnri.l hv Mrs. Mario wi eox t""uu",
ontiticd "Life's Banquet Hall." in tho out our entire stocic or tirocer
linorintendent's hour what my ue- les ana Canned UOOtiS
nartmont has dono anu win uo ior
Nebraska dry in 1910. All gavo good
ronorts. Momorial service ieu oy
sitato urcsidont Mrs. Mamlo Claflln.
On Wednesday aftornoon llfty-three You will appreciate tills Sale
XJV?L i,iiSfmSS! ?orainS to and pricing the
OUULLIIVa ' ,.. 1 .ynf.flri
nir,n in mv finintv." Solo bv Mrs. booua
.. . . I m n n ii
w. F. CalfaB. Tho dedication or eign- onow uases anu mxiures an
toon babies to tho white ribbon cause co In.
waB tho most interesting eveni oi iuu
oral days.
I Iiuto buyers for three small farms.
Iflint liavo you for snlo?
71tf 0. II. TH0ELECKE.
I would vote for bettor road laws,
If the nrdsont method of handling our
road work is law, thoro should bo rad
ical changes.
I would voto for moro slmplo and
nvnoilttlmin iniiMwwln nf nornrlnc IllR
One oyo in 5000 meets with acel- Mf ln cnUrts.
dent. Ono in ovory 1000 becomes T wnili,i fnwvr tim mnkinir of our
Uiseasou. immu uiaw, juwoiur ,..,nnt arv Rnlf-Hiinortlnir. man
nnd Optometrist. ufacturlne whon practical, material
Til Fink, of HantlnirB. visited his usod in bridges and stato buildings
nephew Arthur Fink this week whllo Railroads under tho laws of this
onrouto homo from nn oxtondod visit country can take and uso prlvato
property, upon paying for tho proper
ty taken, on tho 'theory that it is for
tho public good. Such laws seem to
jiii-ui m a lULui huh- , nofiontwl as cooil and necessary.
HOmO UmO lOIX tlie laiicr fnvnr lnWH rpnnlrlntr nuhlln
carriers of farm products, merchan
dise, and porsons, to furnish tho nee
cssary equipment to transport to tho
markotfl promptly such farm products,
merchandise, and porsons.
I believe that a law known as tno
warohouso law, inodolcd after the
ln westorn points.
Lewis Lehman, of Famam, who had
been taking treatment at a local hos
pltal for
part of last week.
Mrs, James Hart resumod her du
ties at tho Gem candy kitchen yestor
day morning aftor an ahsenco of sov
oral weeks in tho east.
Miss HUdegardo Clinton, who lina
been visiting Irlonds in Lincoln fori oaHjt guarantco' ,aw, would 8aV0 m-
" Hons of dollars ,to tho farmor. I
iow uuy. would favor laws furthering tho idea
MIbs Anna O'Haro returned last cf co-oporntlon.
ovonlng from Omaha whoro sho spont I wlh favor all laws looking to tho
a week visiting friends and attending giving of ovory boy nnd girl on the
tho Ak-Sar-Bon, farm tho boB't education possible, Thoy
i n. t ,i n,i aro as deserving as tho boy or girl
lAiPlh0?!!!.? ,IB oi the city, town or village. I wmiKI
1Z X; :nnrn Z TJ Btato printing of text books
r.'v."V,a " ' i ravor good road bulidlm;: it s an
uou ior two weoKB, important factor In tho development
MnPwray Stuart, of Soattlo, who of 'this stato. '
lind boen visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. I woiild favor a law providing for
Stuart for a week, loft yesterday af- tho employment of tho rural carrjor
torncon for Brush, Colo. plan for tho collection of votes in
M iVSKiS'S tt ?0W day8 E0 th0 ?SWMSr amenimenr T So
or tho J. b. JJavis uo, Htnt0 constitution and, If oloctcd, will
Mra. William uownowor, or nor- iavor jaws enrorcing tho onmo.
shoyj came Saturday morning to I am in favor of economy in tho ad
Hncnd a weak or moro with hor moth- ministration of our stato covornniont
or, Mrs. Nathaniel Walker, I nellovo in gotting valuo -..received
miu wii,n,.i,. a ii n wrti.iin tor 1 dollar oxpondod.
niniin Mtnnnwi immh Mm inftnr I BaU uso my best Judgmont In
"'..Y-f 3 'r r'vumn. ri, socking to promote tho business Intor
fr oni l rfl for somo tlmo 08 3 0f tllla 8tnt6, A 8(unro (,oaI for
.friends horo for somo tlmo. ft ooncornodt cloan UU8lnosai dcnn
Mr. and Mrs. Walter States und morals, will build up a happy and
baby, of Denver, -who havo been vis- prosperous pooplo.
Itlng-Mr. nnd Mrs. John States for "Tho homo is safo in tho hands of a
two weeks, loft Saturday aftornoon. womau, and tho ballot increases hor
Dr. and Mrs. F. J, Wurjolo leave K'1?, m "n J?" h,0
this week for a three weeks' visit ln nm,iW m Ml?
Mow Vnrlt Pllv Wlillo tlinrrt tlio Dne- 0(lual ot ,nan ' OlOCtlllg tllO OfflCOrs?
tor wil take i I'vZ grnffiS course Thcusands of women in our country
tor win taito a pow brniuiato courao. ovtporg of lftrg0 fmd smaU proporty
Managor Qnrtnan has billed "Tho Interests, aro poworlessi thoy have no
Girl Without a Chanco" for Tuosday volco or voto In dotormlnlng tho laws
ovonlng, October 17th, This Is tho effecting tholr Interests, taxed without
flrut theatrical attraction or tno sea- a- voto as to tho amount of such tax,
eon, s This Is certainly lntolornblo.
If I hnvo made it nlain to you Mr,
MpCaba twtol. visited In Lexington Votor t0 ot tho things! shall
last wcok. Mr. Chonov was former- stamI. for nn l V011 Ulnk I ct" rep
ly clerk at tho Qornland hotol ln Lex
Mrs. Oeo. B. Dent, who attendod
tho mooting of tho Btato federation of
woman's clubs at Hastings, wont from
thoro to Omaha to visit for a fow
resont you, glvo mo your voto.
RosDoctfullv. '
I , rt" , .1, ... I, .
Honrs for iklo.
Wo aro offering for a limited tlmo
at J25.0Q oach a splendid lot of Duroc.
A. J. Goodonow. of tho Qorfloldr ou,. u' uluunJ uru O0,nK 0O0KCU
tnblo. was ln town Saturday and now. rnono wv, Experimental Bub
flrdvo homo a Studobakor four which tlUitlon, North Platto, Nob. 71-8
uo purchased at tho Hondy-Ogior gar- ::o:. ,
80. Slalcwent of'Ownorshln.
men oyos Itch, smart, burn or (Required by Act ot Congress of Aug,
acho,.lt's natu'ro's cry for help, Good ifif.)
Bln8Bes, iproporlyi flttod optometry's .. ira u. iiaro aeposos and says
aid. HARRY DIXON, Jowolor and that ho is tho solo own.or, manager,
Optomotrlst. puunsnor ana editor or tho North
Mr. ahd Mrs. W. W. Rudolph, of ,B,.ml ftt Nor.h plrttft. nai, Hmt L
rv.l. lof mnnlr in Kinbnl . ., ...... v.
wumm, 7" nro no uona, mortgago or other so
iiiuar uuuiu. inn wiuiu, nm bmwwui curity holdorB
Jack Gavors as local salesman for tho Dated Oetob'or 0 iota
Morris Meat Co. ot Omaha, mA Tj nAnn
Wo can surolv fit you out with a Subcribod and sworn to before mo
blanket. Plaids, also tho plain colors, h day of October, 1016.
If. .IIUUUI i Ul.,
A Shrewd Boy.
You nro n flno Uttlo follow."
"And mny bo president s6mo day."
"That's right, sir. And a qunrtcr In
Tint Jnrs 35 cents pornlozon.
(juart Jnrs 45 cents per doon
2-Qunrt Jnrs 55 cents per Doz
These nt above price while
Gertrude Rebhausen,
Teacher of Piano
102 South Locust Phono Block 342
Elizabeth Kaar-Langston
Teacher of Singing
Studio 122 West Front Street.
Florence MacKay
Teacher of Piano
Notice of 1'ctltlon
Estate No. 1445 of Herman A. Erb.
deceased, ln the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nepraska. To all per
sons interested in said Estalto tako no-
tlco that a notltlon has been filed for
tho appointment of Ernest Tramp a3
Administrator of said Estate which has
beoen sot for hearing herein on Odtober
20, 101C, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated Sopt. 8, 101G.
s2GolC County Judgo.
801 west Fifth St.
Phono 131k. 521
fiftp.rnoon. The younuest was iior-
onco Gan'tz,who was sovon wcokb oiu,
and tho next youngest was Master
HharloH E. Cobboy. Jr.. wno was sovon
weeks and one day oia. weanesuay
nvnnlnt? tho church Was crowded by
wlm had been attracted by tho
announcemonit that, Mrs. mm a. micy inst.
Boolo, national vlce-presiuent wouiu
trivo an address on "Hitting the Trail
for Prohibition in AiasKa,' wno inmu
thnn Instilled tho claims tnat nau
boon modo for her and hold tho Inter
nnt. nf her audience for moro than an
hour with a very eloquent and earnest
address. Sho was followed by t a
High, dry federation chairman; ror
Douglas county, another prominent
noakor who snoKo ot tne accompiiBii
monts of tho W, C. T. U. Also short
addresses wero given by W. T. l nomp-
snn. of Lincoln and S. O Jpnes, or
T.inrnin. nrosidont and secretary of the
stato federation. Music by Boosters' Office: Building and Loan Building
nmirtotte. Messrs. uicnnrti lvoraey, u.
Olson. Lvnn Sackett and W. Ct Sla-
baugh. Demonstration by more than nViHilrnn Jn1n Minn Alton
Duval, Omaha. Thursday reports oi j. smjjx uujju.
different commlttoos anu fiocuon oi PHYSICIAN & SURGE OH
OlllCUru mi a. muuiiu viuih
.,iHn tmr Tllnnn f a O Oil TkrOfll'
dent. All the lOlS officers With tlio, ox- PHYSICIANS SURGEONS HOSPITAL
coptlon of vice president, Mrs. Hunting, Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld
who was unamo to noiu tnai oiuco uu office Phone 642 Roa. Phone 676
account or raiunir ncaun. wuro iu-
Telephono Your
Grocery orders to 32
They will given prompt and
careful attention.
Lierk-Sandall lCo.
Office 333 Res. Black 513
6 Reynold Building
Offlco hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
7 p. m;to 8 p. m.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention gives to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
( Office 130
) Residence 115
Hospital Phone Black 633. .
Houso Phone Black 633.
Graduate Veterinarian
Bight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 21S south Locust St.,
one-half block southwest ot the
Court Houb6.
Special Attention to
Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics.
elected. Following tho election or or
flcors waB the ronort or the treas
uror. Mrs. Laura TaKKart, of Omaha;
sho said thero was a $1700.22 surplus
and a gain of 1547 members during the
past year, Total tnomuorsnip uuuu in
thn Rtato. At tho close of tho after
noon session an informal reception-In
4 U nli i rtn n ff a Wft a IIQlii in THO I
ovonlng Rov. A. A. DoLarmo, pastor of NursQ Bncvn Momorial Hocfcltal,
tho First Baptist church led in aevo-
toat was hold, flvo ln each. Mrs. W. J. uumiiurAxiuu iiuariTAJU
Bryan, of Lincoln, prosented tho gold For tlio Treatment of
medal to Mildred Stovoll, of Omaha, medical SURGICAL nnd
for tho liost solo and tho diamond med
nl 4r TJnTini-t Tnrlll nf PAilnr Tllllffa.
' L ' .. . I Tll. 11(1
for tho best reading Collection was l"UUH11Wi
taken aftor which Mrs, Bess Gearhart
Morrison, of Lincoln, gavo sovoral
readings. Friday, grand campaign ral
ly with Omaha Bpoakors and otners,
At throe o'clock, nutornobllo trip over
John S. Twlnom, M. 1).
Physician anil Surgeon
the city, courtosy of Omaha cltlzons, Offlco B. & L. Building, Second Floor
Wo express our heartfelt thanks to
tho cltlzons who havo opened their
hearts and hemes in welcome; and. to I
tho press for tho roports of tho meet
ing; to tho commercial club for Its
Interest and substantial help, and to I
Mrs. II. G. Claggett for thoso splondld
MRS. MURPHY, Dolegato.
Dologato and Press Supt.
Fine Subjoot.
Mndgo-When you took tho long walk
with Dolly how did you find so much
to talk about? Marjorlo Wo happen
ed to pass a girl wo both know.-
"I 800 you advertised for a cook yes
terday. Did you get ono?"
"I don't know yet I can tell hotter
after dinner."
Phone, Office, 83; Residence 38.
Practice Limited to
Surtfory and Radium Therapy
'28 City National Bank Building.
Omalin, Nebraska.
Ofllco phone 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North'PIatto, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
n vory extenslvo lino to select from.
Notary Public,
Albert Muldoon roturnod Saturday
from Lincoln and
transacted business
Ho says tho crowd ln Omaha Thurs
day and Friday waB a record break
Notice of Petition.
r tv2l5?X PUeceascd in tho County Court ot Ltn
for BOVOrttl dayfl. -, rvmntv. JJolbmnka.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, To all per
sons Interested in said Estato take
notlco that a potltlon has boon filed
"Bullots and Brown KycB," a 5 part for tho appointment ot Frank Ebolo
Trlanglo feature with Bessie Barrls- which has been sot for hearing horo
cal and Wm. DMmoad and tho two- In on Novombor 3, 1916, at 8 o'clock
9rt comedy "Th Village Blacksmith a, m,
with. Hank; Maaa 1 Polly Moran Dated Oct. 7, 1816.
-will make u ith Klth program OKO. B. FRENCH,
Thwrnday nlgbt. ol0-31 County Judge.
Food Poisoning,
Tho symptoms of food poison
ing aro usually thoso ot sever
cholera morbus vomiting, diar
rhea, pain In tho abdomen, rest
lessness, prostration, headacho
and sometimes fever, Mild food
poisoning is undoubtedly very
common, and many cases of bil
iousness, Indigestion or summer
complaint nro really of that na
ture In all cases of real ptomalno
4 polsoulng tbo first thing to do
4 Is to empty tho Btomnch. Even
though vomiting has already oc-
f currcd, somo of tho poisonous
material may bo loft, and only
tho artificial production of vom-
ltlng will rcmovo It Aftor that
4 tho symptoms must bo treated
as thoy appear. Tho physlclan'n 4
chief concorn must bo to sustain
4 tho heart until tho aystom has
4 ellmhiatcd the potson and (ho at- 4
tack Is over. 4
Eectrlcal Snnpllcs
Wiring Storage Batteries
Morsch Bldg
Phono 175.
..General Hospital..
One Hall Bfeck Nwlh ot Postoftice.
Ptafie 58
A moderil Institution for the
tUatlflc treatment of medical,
urg(l end eenfinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Rny
and diagnestic laboratorlei.
Gn.I.Dm(,M.D. Y. Uc,M.D.
J.B.lMitRM.D. J,S.Smm,M.D
Licensed Embalmers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 688.
Tho only dlscovcrr In -Tears for
Stomach, Lifer, Constipation, Dlzi!-
noss nna iicauncno.
At Stone's Drug Store.
Notlco of Decree of Heirship.
Estato of Sarah B. Campboll, deceas
ed in tho county court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Tho heirs, creditors and all persons
Interested ln said estate, will take no
tice that on tho 16th day of September
101G, Llda E. Lucas an heir of said
decedont, and claiming titlo by mosue
conveyanco from all the other heirs
of said decedent, filed hor petition
herein alleging that tho said Sarah
B. Campbell dlofd intestate on or
about May -28th, 191G, a resident of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, and at the
tlmo or her death Bhe vaa tho owner
dfv in fee slmplo, tho "south half,
tho northeast quarter and lots 1 and 2,
of section 2, in township 16 north,
rango 27 west Gth P. M., in said Lin
coln county, Nebraska, and that no
application has been made ln tho said
Btato for tho appointment of an ad
ministrator. That sho left surviving
hor her husband Wesley F. Campbell,
ago G5, residing at Garfield, Nob.;
Mlnnlo G. Slver, a daughter ago 43,
residing at Garfiold, Nob.; John F.
Campbell a son age 41, residing at
Smith Centor, Kan.; Llda B. Lucas a
daughter aged 39, residing at Shelr
ton, Nob.; Susan E. Campbell a .
daughter aged 32, residing at Orange,
Calif.; Rosa M. Spafford a daughter
aged .30, residing at Omaha, Neb.
That all tho debts of said decedent
havo been paid and praying that reg
ular administration be waived and a
decree bo entered barring creditors
and fixing tho date of her death and
the degree of kinship ot hor heirs and
tho right of descent to said real os
tate. Said petition will be heard October
27th, 1916, at 9 o'clock a, m., at tho
office of the County Judgo in saUl
03-20 County Judge.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 636 Offlce 45&
Nothing Would Please Husband
or Father More Than a Box
of Our Cigars.
Pleaso liliu becauso thor aro trood
Cigars mado from good tobacco
nindo well by hnnd madct fresh.
Ask tho men who havo been smoklmr
onr cigars for 25 years as to their
Wo carry n full lino of smokers
To Ina Flshbaugh, non-resident de
You aro hereby notified that on tho
16th day ot May, 191G, George Fish
baugh fllod a petition against you ln
tho District Court of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, the obieot and prayer of
which is to obtain a divorce from
you upon tho grounds of extreme
cruelty and adultery. You aro re
quired to answor said petition on or
botjoro Monday the 30th day of Octo
bor, 1916.
By Georgo N. Gibbs, His attorney.
Notice to Creditors.
Estato of John N. Bonner, De
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska.
Tlio Stato ot Nobraska, ss. Crodl
tors ot said estate will tako notice
that tho tlmo limited for presentation
and filing ot claims against said cs
tato Is April 20. 1917. and for eot
tlomont ot eald estate Is September
15. 1917. thnt I will Bit at tho county
court room in Bald county on October
20, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m and on
March 20, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m., to
recelvo, ex amino, hear, allow, or ad'
just all claims and objections truly
filed. GEO. H. FRENCH,
S19-0I7 County Judge.
To Herman Elnsitoln, Matilda Ein
stein, Leopold Einstein, Max Einstein.
Helen Einstein, Daniel Theodore Ein
stein, and Gretchen Clara Einstein,
and the unknown owners and unknown
claimants to the North one-half of ithe
North one-half of Section Twenty-six,.
Township Sixteen, North of Range
Twenty-nine, West and being tho heirs,
deYisees, legatees and personal repre
sentatives ot Louis Joseph Einstein,
Herman Einstein, Matilda Einstein,
Leypold Einstein, Max Elnsein, Helen
Elnseln, Daniel Theodoro Einstein,
and Gretchen Clara Einstein, Defendants.
You will take notice that on (the 13th
day ot September, 1916, Wesley T. Wil
cox and John J. Halllgan, plaintiffs
herein filed their amendment petition
in the district count ot Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska against said defendants,
tho object and prayer of which is for
a partition or tno worm nair or tno
North half of section twenty-six, town
ship sixteen, North of Range twenty
nine, west of tho &th P. M. in Lincoln
County, Nebraska equally betiweon the
plaintiffs and the defendants; one-half
to the plaintiffs and the other half to
tho defendants; and if said land can
not bo equitably divided that the same
bo sold and out of the proceeds, tho
cost of these proceedings bo paid, that
tho plaintiffs bo paid one-half ot the
money which they havo paid out for
taxes on said land with Interest, and
that tho balance of the money be
divided one-half to the plaintiffs and
one-half to the defendants.
You aro required to answer aald
amended petition on or beforo the 30th
day of October, 1910.- .
Dated Sopt. 14th, 1916.
Wesley T. Wilcox and John J. Halll-
. gan, Plaintiffs. sl7-ol3
Tho undersigned, residents of North
Platto, Nebraska, hereby associato
themselves together as a corporation
undor tho laws of the state of Nebras
ka and to that end certify:
I. Tho name of the corporation
shall bo Waltemath Lumber & Coal
II. Tho principal place or business
shall bo North PJatto, Nebraska.
III. The goneral nature of tho bus
iness is to carry on a wholesale and
retail lumber and coal business and to
do all things, to transact all business in
cidental ito the management, operation
and development or such business. To
own, buy, sell, lease or mortgago real
ostato. To construct or repair build
ings, bridges, sidewalks ar other
structural works. To operate a store
of paints, oil, glass and other mer
chandise incidental thereto. To store,
buy or eell hay and grain, to do any
and all other acts and things and to
oxorclso any and all powers which
a corporation or natural person could
do and oxorclse nnd which now or
hereafter maybe authorized hy law.
rv. Tho capital stock of this cor
poration shall be Twenty-flvo Thous
and Dollars, fully paid at tho tlmo ot
V. The tlmo of commencement of
business shall bo September 1st, 1916
and ot Its termination September 1st,
VI. The highest amount of indebt
edness at any tlmo shall not exceed
two-thirds ot Its capital stock.
VII. Tho officers of this corpora
tion shall be president, vice-president,
Bocrotary-treasuror, a general' mana
ger and a board ot three directors se
lected by the stockholders at their
annual meeting to bo hold tho first
Monday ln January of each year at
their principal office.