VsS Co THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. tfORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBBER 3, 1916. No. 73 X i CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. For Sale Forty-flvo head of spring pigs. Thomas E. Doollttlo, phono 782F022. 7G-2 Messrs Gray and Trumble. of the Omaha Beo staff, aro spending a few days hero. For Sale Largo size lladlant Home hard coal stove in good condition. Mrs. J. II. Fonda. 70tf Tho Episcopal guild will hold a so cial lntho church basemont Thursday nftornoon. Tho Lutheran Drothorhood wore en tertained last evening by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Llerk, Jr. Mrs. W. H. McDonald left last even ing for Los Angeles to visit her sis ter, Miss Carrio Bolton. For Rent Furnished rooms, all modern, with furnace heat. 408 west Second street. Phono 127. Miss Virglo Harris arrived from tho easlorn part of itho state this morning to visit with Mrs. D. W. Arnold. Up Uo tho hour of going to press, work on tho now Union Pacific depot had not been started. Wonder why? Phono mo your magazlno order. - I itako single subscriptions and club or v dors. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, phone Hod 104; 75-2 Mr. and Mrs Fred Warren and Miss Harriet Warren left yesterday after noon tor Denvor to spend a week or longor. . Tho Catholic ladies will hold a so cial at tho home of Mrs E. F. Seeberger Thursday evening to which the public is invited. James Elliott left last evening for Omaha to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben. Loit er he "yill visit for some time in cities of Missouri. Tho woman's auxiliary of the Epis copal board of missions will meet Fri day afternoon at the home of Mrs. P. J. Oilman. , i Miss Janet McDonald loft tho lat ter "part of last week for Poughkeep sie, N. Y Ito resume her studies in Vassar college. Mr. and Mrs. Walter States and baby, of Denver, came down last even ing to visit with Mr. and Mrs. John States for a couple .of iweoks. October 12th the ladles' guild ".will hold a , "White Elephant Sale" in, tho Episcopal church basement in con nection with Itho regulo social. Wanted Tit) got In touch with par ty owning or having for sale stock and grain ranch from 1G0. to G40 acres. State 'terms. A. J. Ferrlt, 415 W. San Rafael St., Colorado Springs, Col. 75-2 Mr. .and Mrs. Ode Sebastian, of San Francisco, came a few days ago to visit tho former's brother J. E. Se bastian and family. Mr. Sobastian visited here two years ago. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McDonald re turned yesterday morning from Kan sas City where the former attended tho convention of the National Bank ers' Association and the la'tter visited friends. C. A. Wyman, who recently pur chased the O. Y. Ross property in the south part of town, has raised tho foundation, excavated a basement, In-. stalled a heating plant, built now iporches and otherwise improved tho property. Mr. and Mrs. Wyman will occupy the promises shortly, having decided to leave the farm and llvo in town. Mrs. Stovo Baldwin will leave this ovonlug for Omaha to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben and spend a weok with friends. , Including street paving, tho total sum paid for improvements in North Platte Uils year will exceed any pro vlous year. There has not been a year when contractors have been so rushed with work. Threo-fcurths of the Morris packing plant at South Omnha burned last ev ening, entailing a loss placed at $750,000. Tho ilro started in both ends of tho sausago cooking room simul taneously from unknown origin. Tho high school students nro mak ing arrangements to begin tho rc-pub-lication of "Tho Roundup," tho month ly school publication. It is possible (that it will bo published in newspaper form instead of magazlno form. Two carloads of stone for tho First National Bank building were received yesterday which completes Uio ship ments. Work which had been some what delayed by , tho uon-nrrival of tho stono, will now bo pushod to an early completion. There will bo a special mooting of tho Easitern Star Thursday ovcnlng, October 5th. Grand Matron Mrs. Swi gort will bo here on official business. Dinner will be served at 6:30 sharp at Masonic templa All members aro requested to be present, by order of Mrs. Troxler, Matron. Tho domestic scienco department of tho Twentieth Conitury club met yes terday afternoon with Miss Irono Stuart. Mrs. E. A. Garllchs read -a paper on making jelly. Mrs. Roy Cottorell choso putting up tomatoes and rhubarb for her suibject, Mrs. W. H. Blalock told of the canning in dustry of Nebraska, and Miss Stuart demonstrated aspic salad. Congressman' Klnkaid spent Satur day in town meriting friends and spent a couplo of hours at the fair grounds as an Interested spectator, and made a short address. Mr. Klnkaid was warmly received by North Platto peo ple, evidence that ho has lost nono of his Dopularity: liwact the longer ho represents this district tho more tho people are convinced that he should continuo to represent them. Wo feel assured that his majority in the com Ing election will be as large as ever. Will Attend President's Reception Mr. and Mrs. John Bratt will leave tomorrow evening for Omaha "whero they will be Kuerfts at the recontion to rProsldent Wilson, view the historical parade Thursday and hear the presi dents address at tho audltorlutn in tho evening' to which thoy have been formally invited. Mr. Bratt has also been invited to bo presertt at tho for mal dinner to be tendered President Wilson at tho Hotel Fontonelle at' bIx o'clock Thursday. This is a compli ment of which Mr. and Mrs. Bratt have reason to feel proud. ::o: : Money to Loan on Real Estate. Either for n term of yenrs or out of our Stnto Building: & Loan Associa tion, returnable monthly snmo ns rent Plenty of money nlwnys on hand. No dolny if title is clear. Sec BRATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. : :o: : Card of Thanks. I dosire to extend 'my sincere thanks to. E W. Mann, tho Masonic fraternity and to friendB for Ithe many acts of kindness and servico rendered mo following the death of my husband, and to those -who contributed the beau tiful floral tributes. MRS. G. F. MEYER. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tho Mothers' Club will bo entertain ed tomorrow nftornoon by Mrs. Geo. A. Austin. m Mrs. J. W. McNool loft this morning for Suthorlartd to visit rolativos (or several days. Secretary W. D. Fisher moved into tho -Mrs. Church house on wost FouiUi streot this week. Miss Edna ScofleUl, of .Kansas City, will arrive hore this woek to visit at tho Monroe homo. 1 Miss Nun I no IddlngB loft a few days ago for Bryn Mawr college aftor; spending her vacation nt home. Mrs. S. A.-Monroe, of Kansas City, will arrive hero toniorow to visit hor son Ward E. Mouroo for somo timo. Loulo Lipshit? will spend Friday and Saturday in Omaha, and during his absonce his placo of business will bo closed. Harry Wells, formerly of Lexington, arrived horo this week to accept a po sition In tho Tramp grocery. Mrs. Wells will arrivo in a tew days. Mrs. Margaret Post, who has boon ill fcr several weeks, submitted to a second operation yesterday morning and is in a very weakened condition. The W. C. T. U. will meet at 3 o'clock this afternoon, October 3, 191Qr with Mrs. Minnie Perkins onNWetit Tenth street. A good program has boon pre pared and lunch will bo served. "All In your eye" is a saying ex pressive of imaginary trouble It is moro probablo that roal. troublo will be all in tho eyes. DIXON, Jeweler and Optomotrist. Cfi;y Engineer McNamara stated this morning that .with favorable weather ho figures that tho streot paving will bo completed by tho mlddlo of No vember. Here's hoping for favorable weather. Mrs Lewis, wifo of Rev Lewis pf Sidney, and mother of Mrs. B. A. Cram, of this city, left this morning for Sid ney whore hor husband was recently transferred from Western. Sho spent a week hero with her daughter. "Taking chances" with old glasses, wrong glasses, tr no glassos, is a risk. One may take chances on tho fit of a shoo and loso his money only. Taking chances with your eyes may loso both monoy and oyoslghlt. DIXON, Jowoler and Optometrist. L. H. Von Dollen, who arrived a day or two ago to become manager of tho telephone exchange, has ronted a houso on cast Fourth and his family will arrivq this week. For a year, past Mr. Von "Dollon had been located at Ashland, and prior to that lived In Omaha. H. L. Pennington, of the now Loy poldt & Pennington eloviv.0r, says fanners in this section aro market ing their iwheat rapidly, tho receipts at the elevator last week running into thousands of bushels. Wheat ship ments from Noi1;h Platto this year promise to bo greater than over bo fore. . :o: : Ntirso Brown Hospital Notes. Tho lllttle son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Knight, of Paxton, underwent a minor operation tho latter part of last weok. Claudo McMlnn, of Sutherland, was operated on and is doing nicely. MIbs Fern Dolph was operated on' Thursday. Mrs. Austin Gregg iwub able to leave tho hospital Saturday. Miss Lillian Stuff, of Chicago, is doing special mo,rk at tho hospital. Goo. Gregg was operated on Sat urday and Is gottlng along well. Miss Finney, who was oporated on, is getting along as well as could bo expected. , .- 71 ,. Dpll lion nor Moving Up. Dell Bonner, who had boon attend ing tho school of music in Lincoln, 1 was rucontly chosen ns director nnd first violinist of tho orchestra with tho Rnmona Co. No. 1 which will spond forty weeks touring tho cities In tho oxtremo oust and south. This com pany is also in chnrgo of the Rnmona eompanlos No. 2 nnd 3 and the "Birth , of a Nation" and the orchostra ac companies tho film to tho different cities. ; Mr, Bonner's territory doos not ox-) tend west of tho Mississippi rlvor. His ' nmjiy frionds horo will ho pleased to 1 learn of his advancement in musical work and tho flattering salary which his now position glvos him. ::o;: Police Protection for Park The park board has appointed tho Blankonburg brothers ns peace pre servers and property protectors of tho North Side park with full authority to net. Thoy have boon givon tho caro and nrotectlon of tho buildltiRS nnd grounds and nro in rfill authority to! bring action ngninst any ono com mitting dopredatlons or causing nui sances. Living adjacent to tho park they havo an opportunity to keep an opon eye on thin part of tho city's Interests and will well do whatever duty they may be called upon to perform. LOCAL AND PERSONAL :o::- September Weather Tho mean tomporaturovlnst month, as reported by Obsorver Shilling of tho local weather bureau, was slxfy three dogreos, Which is practically the normal for tho inoitih. Tho precipita tion for tho month was sovon-tenths of an inch, whllo tho normal for tho month Is ono nnd one-half Inches. Purlng September of last year tho precipitation .was 1,81 inches. There were light frosts on tho ldth, 17th and 22, and heavy frosts on tho 28th nnd 29th, but no killing frosts. ; !Ot X 31nny Golfers, Out Sunday Golf enthusiasts wore out in full force on tho links Sunday, nothwlth standing a stiff wind during tho after noon. Arthur Rush made the low scoro of the afternoon, showing the boys ho could "como back" on a nlno holo link. Charley Wholan gavo Freed, Plumer, Healey and somo of tho othor playors a touch af high lite, leading the first string mon, and undeniably establish ing! his record as a steady and consist ent player. Wanted Girl for gonornl house work, Phono1 283. Mrs. J.;.B,' Twin em. wv 75-2 Miss Lena Bnskins, of tho local telephone office, will lenvo noxt weok for cltlos of Wyoming to visit friends for ton days. County Supt. Gnntt will loHvp today on hor annual visit of sciiQ'uWln tho county, of tWhlch thoro nroAne bun-1 drod and fifty. AvV Mrs. Claudo Wolngand wIlKl&ivo to morrow morning for OinahruoVhttond tho Ak-Snr-Bon and visit wlfaarlonds and rolativos. VyNv A numbor of local young -Xb'iks nt tnudod tho social danco at thjj country home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Qrahnm Saturday ovonlng. , Misses Holon and Irene Cukor, of Sutherland, who visited local frionds nnd attended tho fajr laBt 'ok re turned homo Sunday. For Rent RoomB-wfor Hgnf? houso keeplng. 521 east Third. 1 74-2 Tho annual convention of Hub I. O. O. F. will bo hold at Lincoln on Oc tobor 18th ami lDth. A numbor of local membors will nttond. , v ' Mrs. P. O. Phillips nnd 'daughtor wore called to Greoloy tho lattpr part of last wcok by tho illnoss of the form er's father, who Avas Injured In nn accident. W. J. Holdornoss has been awarded tho contract for .the :ightlng syatom. In tho new Boltdn building which will bo occupied by tho Candy' Kitchen. Headquarters for Window glass. STONE DRUG COMPANY. Simon Bros, nro Installing seven teen liot nlr heating plants in differ ent resldencos in tho city. Part 6t thoso are in now houses, others ard In rosidoncos that havo boon placed' on' highor foundations nnd basements ex cavated. A lettor rocolved from P. H. Hallt gan, in camp at Llnno Grnndo, Texas, states that tho Nebraska troops aro ovory day expecting word to return homo. Tho boys nro all phxlous to stay, howovor, If their services are nepdod. Tho offlco rooms on tho second boor of tho Waltomath building on Dewey and Sixth will bo rcmodoled nnd en larged, work boglnnlng nt on66V At torney Shumnn will occupy tho room formerly used by tho Mooso lodgo whllo tho changes In his present quar ters aro bolng made. "Chlmmlo Faddon Out Wost" nt tho Keith tonight is a feature that is wholosomo, laughable interesting from start to finish, and roploto with touches of beauty and perfect detail for which Lnaky productions nro known and loved. Tho laughtor in tho plcturo Is in nn ascending scale the fun becomos faster and more furious as tho action develops, 10 J H I ) in 1 Tlicatfo Booking Light. Manager Garmnn, of the Keith the atre, says his theatrical bookings for tho coming season aro very light, and and tho chances aro ho will not havo many offorings. Tho same condition prevails in all Nebraska towns, few attractions will bo on tho road. This Is probably duo 'to tho fact that so many of tho bottor class players aro under contract with tho movlo plc turo film companies. , Brick Laying Started. Concluding not to furthor wait on additional men to arrivo from Omaha, Contractor Stack started laying pav ing brick yesterday afternoon with ono brick layer and six tenders. It Is ex pected that the eight Omaha mon will arrivo tonight or tomorrow. hTo first brick to bo laid Is on tho block on Locust between Third and Fourth. '.or. RHHkS EHiBH fiHH r Try On this Genuine . Collegiaih Suit Don't lower the buying standard of your clothes money. Come in see yourself in a genuine COLLEGIAN Suit that gives you that custom' tailored look that goes only with the highest priced clothes. ADLER'S Collegian Clothes The new models are not only fashionable to wear but economical to buy, with a fabric selection that insures personal satisfaction in whatever model you choose. Note the smart, graceful lines, the striking and original designs, giving a triple assurance of high quality, expert tailoring and perfect fit. i5to35 Harcourt Clothing Co. Objected to Bolng Disturbed. A.man giving tho name of Mntson, homo at North Platto, was arrested by Officer Laugton Saturday evening and lodged In Jail. Today he Is to bo , given a hearing and Special Officer, Woltts", of tho U. P. force, will prosccuto him for creating a disturbance. TVTrttortti iifna rial nnn nn tlm nnnl tnnit. I der-of passengor tralri No. 3, whon that l train puneu inco mis cny oaiuruay night. Upon their arrival horo -the en gine took waiter and tho "dead head" passenger objected to having his sleep disturbed whon tho fireman clambered over tho tender. Ho objected strenu ously, ns much so as his bIx feet and about two hundred pounds would por- mlt. The engine crow did tholr bpst to nulot Itho man but It was not until aftor Loughton arrived that this was accomplished. Koarnoy Hub. P Oit KENT Houses, rooms, storage room and safo deposit boxes. BRATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. ::o:: Somothlng entirely now to Tourist Bleeping car and" chair car passengers, has recently been adopted by tho rail, roads. This is a featuro which has como to stay consists of lunchos and hot coffco, served In tho chair cars and Tourist cars, popularly known as "Off The Tray" service. This adds to the satisfaction of trnv-' olers carrying lunches, as thoy may ndd to tholr provisions as desired; hot coffee, milk and choice of sandwiches, doughnuts, boiled eggs and fruiU at popular prices. This is especially appreciated by women travolors, particularly whon they have children with them. It proi vides a wide enough variety of foods, so that sho noed not go Into tho dining car, or cortalnly not for ovory me&l unless sho wishes to. "Off Tho Tray" lunches consist o tho aamo high quality foods as serreij In dining cars and aro servod by wnl formed waiters either shortly befprq or after dining car meal time.- Union Paclfle la the only railroad 1 tho west that has put in this sarvice, but others aro expected to follow tha lead, at It has proven unexpectedly poular among travolors. Our Friendly Policy We the Officers of the McDonald State Bank, be lieve that we can be both fijiends and bankers, to our customers. It is our policy to extend' every possible assistance consistent with sound bank ing methods. Many of our depositors have profitedby our friendly advice and counsel on matters of busi ness as well as tinancial and banking problems. We would like an oppor tunity to serve you. !$?Dfc3 gh State BAmz FOR SALE The above property consisting of 6 rooms and bath, , closet for each bed room, modern throughout including heat; Maple floors up and down stairs. Hard wood finish down stairs. This property located Cor. Vine and C Street. Price $4Q00. C. F. TEMPLE, Owner. 300 Ro&ras SAFETY FIRST .300 Roomc When you are In Omaha como where all Stockmen itop. You will alwaya And your friend i and acquaintance! at tho HOTEL CASTLE I6T11 AND JONES 8TS OMAHA. Omaha's now abiolutely fire proof hotel. We welcomo the Stockmen. We'll make you comfortable and our rates are most reasonahje In the city. Itooms with private toilet $1.00. Good car service to the Stock Yards end Depots, Havo your . commission Arm telephone for room reservation. FRED .A. CABfLK, Prop, COMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE