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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1916)
Semi-Weekly Tribune IRA L. BARE, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Year by Mall In Advance.... $L2fi One Tear by Carrier In Advance. .91.60 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, PostoUlco aa Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, SEPTKHIIIKR 29, 1010. I Whom Shall the Voters UcIIotc. When tlio liquor interests dcclaro that prohibition In Kansas bus proved to bo a falluro thoy say In effect that moro thait 700 Kansas editors havo lied. That ovory political party In that stato has lied. That every inlnlstor and school teacher In Kansas has Ilea. That the president of tlio stato hank ers' association und 100 other bank on) havo lied. That tho presldont of tlio stato modi cal eocloty has lied. That. tho prosldont of tho Commer cial ciuus oi Kansas nas lieu. That 457,000 men and women who voted" down tho resubmission candi date for governor in 1914 lied. That tho governor of that stato has lied. That both houses In its last legis lature and Its entire delegation in Congress has Hod. Whom shall tho voters of Nebraska bollove thoso mon and womon of Kansas who havo lived undor a pro hibition law for 35 yoars, or th0 browers whoso solo Interest In this . question Is ono of monoy and political pawor7 Nobraska Farm Journal. i :o: . Lutheran Announcements. 9:45 Sunday school sorvlco. 11 o'clock Morning Worship, sermon subject, "Dutlos of Church Officers. In stallation of nowly Elected Offlcors." 7 p. m. Luther League 7:30 Evening Worship. Sermon sub ject, "LcssonB on Walking on God." Ploaso not tho change in hour of even ing sorvlco. Thoro will bo spoclal music at each sorvlco. Tho monthly brothorhood meeting on Monday evening at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Llorlc. Thoy will bo assisted by .Mr. and Mrs. II. S. John son. It is desired .that ovory mombor bo thoro. la a test made by David L. Gallup, M. EM Professor of Gas Engineering, Wor cester Polytechnic Institute, a stock Maxwell Touring Car made from 23 to 3317 miles per gallon of gasoline at speeds ranging from 10 to 35 miles per hour. We reproduce a let ter from Professor Gallup concerning this test. Deferred Payments If Desired ' LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Florenco Stamp visited In Max well the first of this weok. Mrs. M. II. Douglas has returned from a visit in Cheyenne and Laramlo. A. E, Huntington camo down from his ranch noar Paxton this week to at tend tho county fair. C. N. Heath and Davo billion, of Wallace aro visiting with local friends during fair weok. Miss Beda Boblstrbm, of Gothenburg, who visited locul frlonds this weok has roturncd homo. Miss Graco Ogiar who has been sor iously ill for sayeral weeks is slightly Unproved. W. II. Corbln and W. G. Pope, of Allinnco, came down Tuesday to jjpond a few days. Harry Govas will loavo next week for an ox'tondod visit in wostorn points. Miss Gertrude Nolson, of Gothen burg, who was the guest of Miss Hazel Smith loft a fow days ago. Georgo Barrett ,of Chicago, camo a fow days ago to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Soudor for a week or longer. Mrs. Charles McGulro who has boon visiting her daughter in Norfolk .for sovoral weeks, will return next week. Guy Granger will leavo by auto next weok for Colorado and other wostorn points to visit for a woek or ten days. Tho caso of Crano & Co. vs W. T, Green for a balanco of $32.50 due on a bill Is set for Oct. 2d in tho couhty court. Wanted A compotont girl for gon oral housework, Mrs. W. V. Hoagland, Phono Black 041. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Yoomon aro enjoying a visit from tno formor'3 fathor who camo from Omaha a fow days ngo. Gono and Clark Soudor of Mooroflold, aro spondlng this weok with their brother Sam Soudor and attending tho county fair. Wm. Adair will loavo this week for Grand Island and Hastings to spend sovoral . days on business connected with his ranch. Mrs. Ira Sago, of Edgcmont, S. D., and Miss Ethel Skinner and Elliott Beaumont of Now Haven woro guests of Miss Floronco Stamp this wok. Scientific Proof of Maxwell Fuel Economy t A I j NOTE that no unusual means were employed to get these results. The car used was taken from stock; the test was made with a full load and with top and windshield up; the regular Maxwell carburetor was used. Any Maxwell car is capable of giving this same economy in gasoline consumption. . Maxwell operating economy matches its economy in first cost, mak ing it The World' Greatest motor Car Value C. M. TROTTER, Agent. North Platte. Fully Equipped This is iVliclnn's Ronnd. C. T. Wholan says, In jregard to tho golf playing of Plumer and Freed, that whllo ho would not for a Rockefeller fortuno question tho cialms of thoso vory distinguished gentlcmon, ho nov crtholoss deems it one of tho strang est experiences of his llfo - that the low fecoros, or reported tow scores, that they make aro without exception mado -when he Is not present on tho llnk. Remarkable things. ..occur In this old world of ours, and but hone aro m'oro remarkablo thnn tho scores mado by Plumor and Freed whon they are playing nlohc on tho links.. ::o:: - '- A I tun n I Foot Unll Team Tho Alumni fdot ball team re-organized this weok and will play tho first gamo with tho first team of tho high school at tho county fair grounds this afternoon. Tho Alumni llno-up is as follows: Ottenstoln centor, Nolnn L. G F. Sandnll L. T., E .Thompson L. E F. Norrls R. O., C. Tlgho R. T., O. Thompson R. E., Russell quarter back. MoWUllnms L. F. B., Wessburg R. F. B., Jonos R. II. B Overman, sub. Foot Unll Squad. ' Tho high school foot ball squad as at present lined up is as follows: L. E. Lathan, Eldor; L., T. Bnkor, (captain) , C, Sludor, Scott; R. G., Hood, Hall; R. T.( Rowl; R. E OTon noil, Love; Q. B., Jones, Murrln) R H. B Christ, Langford; F. -B Ellas, Walters; L. H. B., Morris, McFarland. From this squad a team will be se lected to play tho Alumni toam at tho fair grounds this aftornoon, : :o: : ' Lexington .Mills Close. Tho big Lexington Hour mills, em ploying about twonty-fivo mon, has boon closed for an Indeflnlto period owing to tho car shortage and alleged rofusal of Ui P. rallroud to furnish carB for loading flour. Thoy have a largo numbor of ordors to eastern Btatos for export and can obtain no cars for loading. Their warehouses aro filled with goodB awaiting cars. ; :o: ; Piano at n Bnrgntu. Customer near North Platte, Nobr,, Is unablo to finish paymontson piano contract. Wo will turn piano over to first satisfactory party who will pay balanco either cash or fivo dollars por month. Wrlto Schmollor & Muollor Plan'o Co., Omaha. Nebr. Miss Hazol McGulro will return to Choyonno today after a two week's vis lt at tho Munger and Rlncker homes. DAVID U. GALLUP, M. f$ j . (ottiultlno (tnottttM , . ' ( - Sopt. tiat-,La916. MaxwollMotor'Co.-fflno. . " ' Dotrolt.MiohisanJ'' Gontlomen:- 11 , ,, ., , I'bog'loaToTforoabmltltho'ioncloood, ibluol print 'giving tho rooulto of. an eoonornyiteaty made on "a 1017.Stook Uaxwoll'TouringCor.furnlohoi by. yourBooton.reproaontatlvoo ,ThoTcurvo ioroolf oxplanatory"andnc"ed8 V no'dloouaolon othQr.thfcthojnltttoment' thattho oarburotor,lSwhloh,'twaBjBtook;waoladJuotodvto-.6lvo jtho boat combination iofpoworrAflexibilltyKBpee4v and eoonomy,for,iOUohToonditlonoXof;ourlncTnBwoald 'or'dinarllyJ.boionoountored?r' lnTtabularTfornfttho refeulto( theiourvoXahoetJirnrolaalfollowo: ,i . . SPEED v UlleBjplhouxJ JECOnOMYv .v . fleaJpejrigaU 10, 20 so "'35 '331 7 23.0 ; Bpob'tlruriy; oubSl"0;od No Extras to Buy LOCAL vlND PERSONAL, Attorney Georgo Glbbs has returned from a business visit In Omaha Adam Scnsll of Garfield, camo Wed nosda to spend a fow days with friends In town. Miss Ellon McCnrthy returned Wed nesday from tho Trovlllo farm whoro she spont a week. Josso Fitch, of Dickons Is spending u fow days horo on buslnoss and at tending tho county fair. Davo Lano, of Hayes Centor, Is among tho out of town people who aro attending the county fair. Mr. and Mrs. Jnmes Connors of Om aha, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Josoph Schwalgor this woek havo returned. Mr. and Mrs. Victor VonGootz will loavo next weok for Omaha to visit their daughters for a couplo of Weeks. Mrs. John Dick pleasantly entertain ed tho membors of tho Et-A-Vlrp club Tuosday aftornoon at a konslngton. Frosh, clonn bnttormllk at tho Croamory Phono 02, wo will dollvor.2 Local conl mon woro notlfiod yos torday of an advance in tho price of wostorn soft coal, effectivo October first. Mrs. Kluto, of Fall Oaks, Mich., who wds a guest at tho homo of Frank Hib nor.last weok loft for Idaho Wednes day. Mrs. Byron Oborst who has been visiting relatives In Omaha for several weeks is expected to roturn homo noxt weok. Miss Korte and Henry S. Kalcker, of Curtis, wero married Wednesday aftor noon at court houso by County Judgo French. Laying of paving brick, which waB to havo started Thursday, has been delayed by tho non-arrival of tho fore man. Ho will probably reach bore today or toniorrow. Mrs. Horaco Barraclough, of Los Angeles was tho out of town. Tho next meeting will bo held at tho homo of Mrs. Edmund Dickey on Wednesday, Octobor 11th. m jn. . Boars for Sale. Wo aro offering for a limited time at $25.00 each a splendid lot of'Duroc Jorsoy boars. Ordors aro belng.booked now. Phono 499, Experimental Sub station, North Platte, Nob. ' 71-8 Telephone Your Grocery orders to 32 They will given prompt and careful attention. Lierk-Sandal! Co. J. B. KEDFIELD. niYSICIAJf & SUROEOU Successor to PHYSICIAN -SURGEONS HOSPITAL ' Drs. Redfleld & Itedfleld Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 W. IIOLDERNESS Ecctrlcal Supplies Wring Storage Batteries Morsch Bldg Phono 175. Phonos Office 333 Res. Black 513 1)R. HAROLD A. FENNER Osteopath. 0 Reynold Building Office hours 9 a. m. to G p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Hospital Phone Black 633. Houso Phono Black 633. W. T. TRITCHARD, Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218-south Locust St, one-half block southwest of the Court Housb. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embnlmcrs Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phono Black 688. Bought and hlghast mnrket pricei paid PHONES Residsnce Red 636 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Nothing "Would Please Husband or Fathor Moro Than a Box of Our Cigars. Plchso him becnuso thoy aro (rood uicnrs mauo rrom Kooa tobacco mado well by hand mado fresh. Ask tho men who havo been smoking our clears for 25 years as to their quality. Wo carry n full lino of smokers' articles. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. JTotlcc. The undorsigned, Tcsldents of North Platte, Nebraska, heroby associate themselves together as a corporation unuor tho laws of tho stato of Nebras ka and to that end certify: I. Tho name of tho corporation shall bo Waltemath Lumber & Coal Company. II. Tho principal place of business shall bo North Platte, Nebraska. III. Tho general nature of tho bus iness is to carry on a wholesalo and retail lumbor and coal business and to do all things, to transactall business in cldental to tho management, operation and development of such business. To own, buy, sell, lease or mortgage real estate. To construct or repair build lngs, bridges, aidowalks ar other structural works. To operate a store of paints, oil, glass and other mor chnndl8o Incidental thereto. To store, buy or sell hay ana grain, to do any and all other acts and things and to oxorciso any am all poweru which a corporation or natural persou could do and exorcise and which now or hereafter mayho authorized by law, IV. Tho capital stock of this cor poration shall bo Twenty-five ThoUs and Dollars, fully paid at tho timo of organization. V. Tho timo of commencement of business shall bo September 1st, 1916 and of Us termination Soptomber 1st 1906. VI. Tho highest amount of indebt edness at any timo shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. VII. Tho officers of this corpora tlon shall be presldont, vice-president, socrotary-treasuror, a gonerai tnana iter and a board of three directors se lected by the stockholders at their annual meeting to bo hold tho first Monday In January of each year at their principal office. HENRY WALTEMATH, FRED "WALTEMATH. WILLIAM F. WALTEMATH, Incorporators. 1 iopktt . NO OILS Oil SALTS NEEDED. Tho only dlscovbrr In years for Stomach, Llrer, Constlpntlon, Dizzi ness and Headache. T. tV. D. TABLETS. At Stono's Drug Store. JU3N!G3SOTA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Fonndcd J8S0. It's the household word In Western Nebraska. It's Old Line, the best mon ey can buy. It's what you need, for a savings bank and Insurance that In sures. They ull buy it. "There Is a Rcnson" For further Information Phone, call or address J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent, Tho Old Lino Mnn NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA. Notice of Petition Estnte No. 1-145 of Hormnn A. Erb, docoased, In the County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho state or Nebraska. To all per sons Interested In said EstnJto take no tice that a potitlon has bcon filed for tho appointment of Ernost Tramp as Administrator of said Estate which has bocen sot for hearing herein on Odtobor 20, 191G. at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated Sopt. 8, 1916. GEO, E. FRENCH, 20ol6 County Judge. Jtotlco. To Ina Fishbaugh, non-resident de fendant. You are hereby notified that on tho 16th day of May, 1916, Georgo Fish baugh filed a petition against you in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from you upon tho grounds of extreme cruelty and adultery. You are re quired to answer said petition on ork beflore Monday tho, 30th day of Octo- t bor, 1916. GEORGE FISHBAUGH, By Georgo N. Glbbs, His attornoy. Notice to Creditors. Estate of John N. Bonner, De ceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Sate of Nebraska, ss. Credi tors of said estate will take notice that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said es tate is April 20, 1917, and for set tlement of said estate is Soptember 15, 1917, that I will sit at tho county court room in said county on October 20, 1916, at 9 o clock a. m., and on March 20, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or ad just all claims and objections duly filed. GEO. E. FRENCH, sl9-ol7 County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of Bala Issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree oc foreclosure Ttandered In said court wherein Zara x. Mitchell Is plaintW and John Richard Neary is defendant, and to mo directed, .1 will on the 30th day of September, 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m at tho east front door of the court houso in North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, tho following described property, ' towlt: Tho undivided one-half () interest of Lot eight, (8), Block one hundred and five, (105) in North Platte Ne braska. Dated North Platto, Neb., August 26th, 1916. A, J. SALISBURY,.. a29s29. Sheriff. Notice of Final Report. Estate of Sarah Jane Meyers, de ceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said Estato take no tice that tho Administrator has field a final account and report of his ad ministration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, and praying for his discharge and a decree of descent and distribution, which has been sot for hearing before said count on October 6th, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may appear and contest tho same. Dated September 11, 1916. GEO. E. FRENCH, 81203 County Judge. Notice. To Herman ElnsUoln, Matilda Ein stein, Leopold Einstein, Max Einstein, Helen Einstein, Daniel Theodore- Ein stein, and Grotchen Clara Einstein, nnd tho unknown owners and unknown claimants to tho North one-half of Itho North one-half of Section Twenty-six, Township Sixteen, North of Rango Twenty-nine, West and being the heirs, uovisees, legatees anu personal repre sentatives of Louis Joseph Einstein. Herman Einstein, Matilda Einstein, ioypoim niinsiom, max JSinsein, Helen Etnsoln, Daniel Theodoro Einstein, and Grotchen Clara Einstein, Defen dants. You will take notice that nn 13th day of September, 1916, Wesley T. Wil cox anu jonn j. Haillgan, plaintiffs herein filed their amendment petition In tho district court of Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska against said defendants, the object and prayer of which is for a partition of tho North half of tho North half of section twonty-slx, town ship sixteen, North of Rango twonty nino, west of tho 6th P. M. in Lincoln County, Nebraska equally boUweon tho plaintiffs and tho defendants; one-half' to tho plaintiffs and ttio othor half to ' tho defendants; and If sold land can not bo equitably divided that tho samo bo sold and out of tho proceeds, tho cost of these proceedings bo paid, that tho plaintiffs bo paid one-half of the money which thoy have paid out for taxes on said land with interest, and that tho balanco of tho monoy be divided ono-half to tho plaintiffs and one-halt to tho dofondants. You aro required to answer eald amended potitlon on or before tho 30th day of October, 1916. Dated Sept. 14th, 1916. Wesley T. Wilcox and Join J. Halll gan, Plaintiffs. Bl7-ol3