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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1916)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PI ATTF NRHPARKA CONDENSED HEWS OF INTEREST TO ALL. DATE3 FOR COMING EVENTS. .Sept 26-Oct 7 Ak-Sar-Bon Fall Festi val at Omaha. Oct. 2 'and 3 Stato Equal Sutfrago as sociation convention at Hastings. October 2 to 7 National Swlno Show at Omaha. Oct. 3 to G Stato Federation of Wo men's Clubs convention at Hastings. October 11-12 Stato Meeting Grand Lodge Degreo ot Honor at Lincoln. October 11-22 Coursing Meet at Grand Island. October 17-201. O. O. F. Stato Con vention at Lincoln. Octobor 20 Annual Meotlng Luther Synod of Nebraska at Omaha. Oct 31 Northwestern Nebraska Med ical Socloty meeting, Long Pine. .Nov. 2-5 Nobraska Christian En deavor Union stato convention at Omaha. Nov. 8-9-10 Nebraska Stato Teach ers' association meeting at Omaha. Alt arrangements have been com Dletod for laying the cornerstono of the new $500,000 Masonic Temple In Omaha on October 4. The ceremony will bo conducted by Most Worship ful Grand Master of Masons of Ne braska Andrew H. Vlele. All masons are Invited to participate in the exor cises, which will partake of the na turo of one of tho most important public functions in tho history of Masonry In this state. Work on the building has advanced to n point where it is hoped the next Bosslon ot tho grand lodge of Nebraska may be held in the new Temple. ' Many farmers in northeastern Ne braska are engaged In the raising of fancy cattle. Just a few days ago several calves wero sold at Wake field for $150 each. Mule raising is a profitable) Industry throughout the flection, also, one farm having Bold $15,000 worth in a single year. Tho Nebraska Methodist conferenco in session at Hastings last week, went on record favoring consolidation of tho northwest conference, which will Increase tho number of ministers from 450 to 500. Tho northwest conferonco must first agreo to the proposition be fore It becomes effective. Nobraska will receive $29,645 for agricultural extension work from thq federal government under the Smith Lover act during the coming year. From other funds tho government will pay .$18,000, which, together with $19,645 tho stato is required to pro vide, will make a fund of $67,291 available for fnrm demonstration and home ecenomlcs instruction. Lincoln has Just xecelved a con signment of dyes of tho Doutachland's cargo. The shipment came in tho original container, with the billing marks Indicating shipment on the famous submarine from Bremen, the Herman port On the cover of tho oox is a gray painted circle, within which are the words "Unter Sea Boat Oeutschland." A reduction in electric light rates has been put into effect at Lincoln. rho minimum charge of 50 cents a month to every patron of the city plant has been reduced to 40 and the shargo for current reduced from 5 to J , cents per kilowatt hour. This is 2 :ents cheaper than the private com panies are selling light for hero. Scotts Bluff county scored heavily at tho stato fair in crop prizes. It was awarded first prlzo for tho west ern district of Nebraska. Over fifty first prizes wore awarded tho county and about soventy-flvo second prizes Also a baby from the county tied for first place with one from Lancaster county. Over one hundred candidates will bo initiated at Beatrice on October 12 nt a county class adoption to bo conducted by tho local M. W. A. lodge, The head officers of tho organization will be present and each camp in the county is expected to bring canal dates. Farmers and ranchers in the vicini ty of Hay Springs who put in a large acreage of potatoes aro now reaping the harvest. The prico now being paid is 75 cents per bushel and prac tically all crops are of the very best Tho first caso of infantile paraly flta to appear In Otoe county has been reported in Nebraska City at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robb. Hollidge Whitlow of Wichita, Kan., a student at the Seventh Day Ad ventlst college at College View, near Lincoln, was killed as the result of a fall from a ham on tho collego cam pus, tiv was a secona-year mun in the collego, 22 years old. Tho Fromont Canning company has Just closed ono ot Its most successful campaigns. Tho season ended with 55,000 cases of corn In tho warehouse. This amount ot corn would fill sixty flvo freight cars. The crop was ono of tho best In years. Mrs. Lou Flastoror, wifo of Geo. ' Flasteror, a fanner living near Over ton, while out in tho hog pen feeding the hogs, fainted. When found she was lmdly mutilated by tho hogs and her recovery Is doubtful. Tho Jansen farmers' equity ex change will replaco their elevator which recently collapsed, with a now, modem equipped elevator, having a larger storage capacity. Citizens of Norfolk are planning on a paving boom noxt year, whon about eighe miles of paving will bo laid. Present electric lighv and power rates yield to the Omaha Electric Light & Power company, $33,000 year in excess of what tho Commercial club Investigating committee consid ers a fair rate of rotum on tho com pany's property. This report is tho result of nn Investigation that began in July, 1915. Should tho company agreo to tho committee's report, a rate of between 6 and 7 cents per kil owatt may supplant tho present 8 cent maximum. More than thirty-six states havo al ready Bont In entries for tho National Swino Show which will bo held in Omaha October 2 to 7, during tho Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. With tho Horso bams at South Omnha In perfect con. clttlon, tho best show barns in the world aro at the disposal ot tho hog; men. This in Itself 1b a feature which has been lacking in sectional hog shows, Nebraska and Iowa will bo heavily represented. Judgment nmountlng to approx imately $50,000 against George Dob son, owner of a chain ot banks, has boen rendered In tho district court at David City in favor of oighty-threo farmors of Butler county, who had grain stored at the Ulysses Grain company elevator in 1915. Tho total demands ot the farmors wore $55,000. Tho case lasted over seven weeks and was of state-wldo Interest. Resolutions favoring tho erection ot a new stato capitol building, laws on forcing tho Sunday closing of barber shops, an eight-hour day for workmen employed on any public works, and amendments to tho initiative and ref erendum and compensation law woro adopted by the Nobraska stato feder ation of labor at tho annual conven tion at Fremont Dr. E. J. Stewart Now, all-year coach of the Nobraska football team, Mr. Stewart, has Just flnlBhed a five-year brilliant career as hVad coach of tho Oregon Agricultu ral college squad at Cornwallis, Ore. Ho is successor to Jumbo Steihm. A movement to raise $250,000 for retired ministers was launched in tho Methodist Episcopal Nobraska confer once at Hastings. A special commit teo appointed mado its report and this movement is tho result. Tho incomo of the fund is to be distributed on tho" annuity plan. Arrangements woro mado to raise $100,000 during the en suing year. Mrs. Emma Purdy of Beatrice was killed, her daughter, MIbs May Pur dy; Mrs. Mary Bowen, Miss Volma Carey and a Miss Yocum, all of Beatrice, were seriously Injured when their automolle overturned on a steep hill nar Princeton, north of Lincoln. A defective steering gear caused tho accident Alliance has been put on the circuit of government reporting stations for potatoes. These sections give condi tions, mnrkots and tho like for tho purpose of standardizing and regulat ing potato handling. Frank I. Kautz has established a Jack and mule farm near Albion and purposes to breed tlieso patient ani mals for draft service. Boone county is prominent in all kinds of fine stock growing. Tho York Public Service corpor ation announces it will spend $15,000 In bettering the light service In that city. A special election will be held at Boomer October 7 on tho question of voting bonds to tho amount of $24,000 for tho purpose of erecting a new high school building. Much Interest is being aroused throughout Cuming county ovor tho question. Fifteen candidates havo Just taken tho postofflce civil sorvico examina tion at West Point for tho position ol rural mall carrier ac Boomer. The route vacant at Beemer i considered to be ono ot tho most desirable In tho county. Tho Methodists decided at the Has tings conferenco to orect a $20,000 homo for teachers of Wesloyan col lege on tho collego grounds at Uni versity Place. Hastings is nbout to pass, on school bonds for $200,000, the pro ceeds of which will bo devoted to a Junior High school for $140,000 and $60,000 for a ward building. Infnntilo paralysis caused the death of tho 2-year-old child of Thomas Mil liken at Aurora. A portion of the child's spine was sent to Lincoln for pathological examination. t BJ DDDnHHBBBBDDfi TWO AIRSHIPS FALL HUGE ZEPPELINS SHOT DOWN DURING RAID ON LONDON. BOMBS KILL THIRTY BRITONS Entire Crew of One Dirigible Burned to Death; Other Saved Scores of Aeroplanes Destroyed. London. Of tho twelvo big Zeppo 11ns which invaded tho British Islos last Saturday to deal death and de struction from tho skies two now lay Btark and black masses of steel and aluminum in tho Uttlo villago ot Man gold, Essex county. Ono camo down a flaming torch, whllo tho second, disabled by gun lire, effected a landing, which saved tho lives of tho crow, who wero made prisonore. Tho crow of tho first raid er died in the consuming flames of their own ship. Both Zeppelins shot down wero of a now pattern. The death and burlng of tho first Zeppelin was witnessed by tens ot thousands of London residents, but tho wounding and descent of the sec ond raider was a matter ot doubt un til an official statement was glvou out Few details aro available of this second raider's condition, but it Is reliably reported that tho crew sur rendered to special constables. Many who saw tho. shrapnel burst ing like sky rockets about tho invader, which subsequently caught fire, think there must havo been several direct hits, Many aeroplanes wero aloft and attacked the Zoppollns from all sides. The raiders took a heavy toll ot lives beforo thoir destruction, twonty. eight persons being killed and ninety. nine wounded in tho metropolitan dis trict of London. Two persons wore killed, probably four, and seventcon woro wounded, In tho provinces Tho property damage, whllo widely distributed, Is confined for the most part to small suburban dwellings and shops, although ono railway station was damaged, somo empty cars being destroyed and parts ot the track torn up. Tho roar of dropping bombs was heard In many districts whore tho raiders were invisible. It is not be lieved that more than .two or three invading Zeppelins which dossed tho east coast succeeded in reaching the environs of London, and that two of these paid tho death penalty gives tho greatest satisfaction to the mili tary authorities. Apart from tho loss In material tho casualties of tho last two raids, it is believed, will have a depressing effect on the morale ot tho Zeppelin crews in the future. Submarines Accompany Raiders. Twelvo Grimsby trawlers woro sunk In tho North sea by German sub marines about tho tlmo tho Zeppelins raided England. This leads to tho be lief that U-boats accompanied the air ships, to afford them a certain amount of protection whllo crossing tho wa ter. Many Airmen Fall. ParlB reports that French airmen (during the past week havo accounted for twenty-six German aeroplanes, whllo Berlin records tho bringing down of twenty-four entente allied machines, twenty of them on tho Som mo front. Flvo Gorman machines wero destroyed by tho British Sept 23 and two others driven down dam aged, while flvo British machines nro missing. Guard Movement Delayed. El Paso, Tex. The return of tho National guard regiments to their stato camps from El Paso has been temporarily held up, because of recent developments in Mexico, ac cording to reports in tho local camps. Officers of tho Massachusetts brlgado admit that an order to turn In sur plus equipment has been counter manded. Men of tho First nnd Third Pennsylvania Infantry say also that arrangements for their cntrnlnment on the arrival of tho relieving North Carolina troops have been canceled. 8ayB Allies' Losses 500,000. Berlin. British and French losses In tho battlo of tho Sommo havo reached about 500,000 men, tho Over seas Nowb agency estimates. "Recent .local successes obtained by tho Brit ish on. tho Sommo are heralded by tho English press as great victories," sayB the news agency. Gerard Coming to U. 8. Berlin. (Via London) James W. Gerard, the American ambassador here, tentatively has received pass age on the Scandinavian-American line steamer Frederick VIII. Tommies to Wear Wolfskin Caps. St. Louis. British fur buyers bought nearly tho entire supply of wolfskins which woro placed on sale here as part of a $2,000,000 fur auc tion. Thoy will bo used to make capB for tho British soldiers for wear this winter. Urges Zeppelin Attacks On England. Zurich. Moro frequent Zeppelin at. tacks upon England was urged by tho king ot Wurttomberg, speaking at a dinner at Stuttgart, glvon in honor of General von Plessen, uulio untl duchess of CouiiuuKht Just after tliu laying ol Hie corner tuoiiu fur the nuw Catiiulluu parliament buildings ut Ottawa. Tho duko rclnld the corner stono, his brother, the lata king ot England, having first sot the stone when tho old parliament buildings, recently destroyed by Are, wero In tho courao of erection. ELEPHANT Elephant Butto dam, which will ho formally dedicated October I I by President Wilson, Is tho largest Irrigation dam built under tho direction of the United States reclamation Kervlee, and tho largest mass of masonry in tho world. The dam Is destined to reclaim nearly 5200,000 ncres of fertile land In the vulloy of tho Rio Grando In Now Mexico and Texas nnd B0.000 ncres of land In old Mexico. TOO POWERFUL FOR Indian Head, Md may bo abandoned by the United States navy us a proving ground for shells and armament nu a result of the ricocheting of u shell in a recent test The missile was fired from a ID-Inch gun and pierced the heaviest armor plato used by the navy. After it passed through this obstruction It plowed through n sand bank, and thence through tho house of a gunner who lived several hundred yards away. This photograph shows tho nolo mado by tho shell's entry, and, below, tho gunner's Uttlo daughter sitting astrldo the big projectile. THINGS THAT ARE NEW In a new electric fan tho blades whirl horizontally to avoid causing drafts nnd tho air passes over water and Is cooled. A mechanical device, Inrgely com posed of rubber, has been Invented to loosen n person's sculp to stlmulnta tho growth of hnlr. In Scotland 2.18 per cent of Illum inating gas Is mado In municipal works to 51.-1 per cent In Ireland and 110.0 per cunt In England. FOR CANADA'S NEW PARLIAMENT BUTTE DAM SOON TO BE RESTRICTED TERRITORY Nigeria has been added to the lauds In which valuable deposits of coal havo been discovered In recent yeurs. A now stopper for milk bottles has a spout at ono side for pouring, n vulvo within the device closing against tho admission tof ale when a 'jott!o to which It Is attached Is hold upright, A sergeant In the Uidted States ma rlne corps Is tho Inventor of n port nblo topographical map that enables aviators to mnl.o quick and accurato report of their observations mado In (light. BUILDINGS DEDICATED, CROWN PRINCE RUPRECHT Now photograph of Crown Prlnco Ituprccht of Bavaria, commander of the German forces In tho Somme re gion, where the allies aro conducting a great offensive. Holidays In Danish Islands. The natives of tho Danish islands ,(West Indies) apparently eclobrnto the national holidays of nil countries with complete Impartiality tho Fourth of July in honor of tho country that wouldn't udopt them; tho fourteenth of July because it Is celebrated In Mar tinique, nnd it would never do to let tho French negroes got ahead of them ; tho birthday of tho king of Denmark, hocause the Islands belong to him; tho birthday of the king of England, becuuso tho Islauds onco belonged to hlin; tho birthday of tho Germnn em peror lu honor of tho Hamburg-American line, nnd tho birthdays 'of nil tho royal families, I presumo, as well as many local and Impromptu holidays ot their own. Thoy nlso uro very scrupu lous about observing tho Sabbath, at, least In Its negutlvo aspect