The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 29, 1916, Image 5

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Democratic Candidate for
' A practical man of tho pcoplo -who
has made a succoss In business and
to whom tho tricks of tho ambitious
politician are unknown,
j Ho offers a constructive program
(that will benefit tho peoplo of Ne
braska and his candidacy Is In har
mony with tho strong Democratic plat
form adopted by his party at Hastings.
Ho believes that the highest duty
of any public servant is to carofully
see to It that tho will of tho people,
as expressed at the polls upon all
questions, Is carefully carried out.
Tho two Republican newspapers In
North Platto are supporting his candi
dacy and tho vote of nearly five to
one given him at the primary election
f by the peoplo of his homo town, among
f whom he was born and raised, Is proof
i absoluto that he Is a man of character
and standing and a safe ono to bo
entrusted with the business affairs, as
well as tho enforcement of tho laws of
tho state.
Vote for a home-grown man and a
continued, economical and business ad
ministration of state affairs.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Mrs. Harry Guthorless will enter
tain the Catholic girls' club Tuesday
For Sale Hard coal burner, medium
size. Inquire 714 "West Fifth street. 2
Several inches of snow are reported
west-of Cheyenne by train men on tho
west division.
Mis-v Leona Marovish, of Stapleton,
visited her sister Mrs. A. J. Frazlor
tho first of this week.
For quick notion and sntlsfnctoBy
sale list your land with Thoclcckc. tf
Five room house for rent at 321
Chestnut. Inquire of Thos. Slmants,
303 South Chestnut. 73tf
Mrs. Raymond Miller and children
of Horshey are visiting this week with
her sister Mrs. O. W. SIzemore.
1008 west Fourth street, Homeopatlc
Hospital. '
Mrs. Edward Elassor and son who
have been visiting in Omaha for two
weeks will return In a few days.
Wanted, a good man, steady Job.
Thos. E. Doolittlo, phono 782F022. 74-4
An electric elevator is being in
stalled In the Derryberry & Forbes
store to roplaco tho hand power ele
vator formerly used. ;
For Sale Medium size hard coal
burner. 414 cast Eleventh street,
phono Black 845. . , ,J'
Alice Brady, in Miss Petticoats will
bo shown at the Crystal Saturday
night. Tho thoroughly human and
enjoyablo story is worked out with
tumorous touches of pleasant frenhi
ness. Miss Brady is supported by
Johnny Hincs and Arthur Ashley. 10
and 15 cents.
The Coming
In flip coming sale Benson yon will
no doubt need tho advice and sug
gestion of u reliable .organization
whose experience and knowledge coy.
crs many years of sale work In this
Our officers will bo glad to advise
yon on any matters pertaining to your
sale and assume nil notes taken.
Let us help you arrange your date
for next winter.
Platte Valley State Bank
North Platte,
Miss Ernia Johnston loft yestorday
aucrnoon ror Chicago tvhero sho will
Visit for Bevornl weeks.
Miss Irma Johnston loft today for
Chicago to visit hor brother Dr. F. C.
Johnston. Sho will also visit in Codar
Rapids, "Waterloo and Mason City, la.
Tho intorior pf tho Schwalger cigar
storo is being romotlolcd and fresh
ened up with wall and colling decor
ations making it a vory attractive
place of huslnoss.
Misses Allco, and Mildred Fltzpat
rlck will loavo tomorrow evonlng for
Omaha to attend tho AkSarBon and
visit their sister Miss Mildred Fltz
patrlck. Mrs. Justine McCarthy of Amos, In.,
who has been visiting hor Dnronts Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Mnson for sovoral
weeks, will leave in a few days for
Donvor to rosldo.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Apply to Mrs. C. TP, Iddlngs,
519 west Fifth streot.
Tho Union Pacific found Itself short
of coal at this terminal Tuosday night
and in order lo'kcep traffic moving
It was necessary to conflscnto several
cars on track consigned to local
Mrs. Sally Evans, of Oregon, enmo
Wednesday evening to visit Mrs. Anna
Church whllo enrouto homo from east
ern points. Mrs. Evans is tho daughter
of tho lato Attorney OHner Shannon at
ono time a resident of this clty
I wish to thank nil thoso who havo
hold their tuning orders for mo until
I was able to tuno again.
Leave orders at Clinton's or phone
Red 344.
Rev. A. C. Hall and family, of Paw
nee -CitUi arrived hero Wednesday
evening and will resido in tho 300
block on vast Ijoulrth stireet, Rov.
Hull will succeed Rov. Barton as
pastor of Itho BapJlst church and
comes highly recommended.
Among the visitors in town yes
day woro W. H. Smith, state auditor,
and Chas W. Pool, secretary of state,
both of whom are candidates for ro
olctlon. Both aro old newspaper men,
Smith having published a paper at
Seward for twenty years and Pool for
ovor thirty years editor of a paper
at Tecumseh.
Another chapter of the novel
Gloria's Romance is here Keith the
atre tonight This time It is a Peril
ous Lovo, ana is tho first installment
to display tho pretty clothes for which
BIllIo Burko is noted. A complete
synopsis of tho preceding chapters
will bo given thereby enabling you to
follow the story though you havo not
soon the preceding chaptors.
Tho Zeta Zota club met tills week
with Mrs. W. C. McDormott and spont
a pleasant afternoon. An election of
officers was held and Mrs. H. A. By
boo elected president and Mrs. A. M.
Soibort will act as secretary. Mrs. C.
C. Williams assisted tho hostess and
Mrs. E. M. Smith the retiring presi
dent presided at the meotlng. Tho .next
meeting will bo held at tho homo of
Mrs. J. B .Redflold assisted by Mrs.
Harry Bybeo on October 11th.
A Morrill county stockman named
Israel passed through this week In a
now Steams-Knight car enroute homo
from Omaha whoro ho marketed cattle.
Ho said that on tho train enroute to
Omaha wdro twentyeight1 Wtockmon
from different sections in tho west
part of tho state, and a straw vote
doveloped twenty-six In favor of tho
dry amondmont and twenty in favor
of tho re-election of Wilson. Evident
ly Western Nebraska stockmen hold
pretty closely together In their views.
Tho music and art department of
tho Twentieth Century club met at
the homo of Mrs W. H. Cramer Tues--day
evening. Miss Ireno Stuart was
appointed secretary. Tho following
program was 'given: "Music in the
Home," Mrs, T. O. Thompson; "Mu
sical Taste," Miss Kain; "Babylonian
Art and Architecture," Jrene Stuart.
Several instrumental solos wore given
by Miss Esther Hogsett. Tho next
meeting will bo held at the homo ot
Mrs. J. H. Hegarty October 24th. '
610 acres grazing -nnd farm land.
Want" city property or small fnrm. . .
Sale Season.
Whllo tho grounds of tho Lincoln
county fair woro bpon Tuosday and
Wednesday for tho -reception and en
tering of exhibits, nnd qulto a largo
numbor visited tho grounds on thoso
ays, tho Tioal opening ook plnco
yestordny afternoon and nearly 3,000
peoplo vlowed Iho exhibits "and saw
tho racos. As early as two o'clock tho
grand stand was filled to its 1000 seat
ing capacity, half tho bleachers were
filled, 200 or more nutos woro sta
tioned on tho quarter stretch, and
sovoral hundred lined tho fence. More
than half of thoso In nttendnnco wero
out-of-town peoplo? which can be tnk
on as ovldonco that tho farmers aro
lntorostcd In county fairs.
Tho park presonts a county fair
npponrnnco with Its exhibit hall, stock
barn, cattle and hog sheds, tho big
grand stand and tho long stretch of
high bleachers, and tho midway with
Its morry-go-round, shooting gallory,
baby racks, sldo shows and lunch
counters. For the weary, seats are
provided In tho main grovo and In tho
small grove to tho oast, but as tho air
was somewhnt chilly yesterday tho
visitors on tho grounds kopt moving
all tho tlnio.
Tho live stock exhibit Is larger
than ever befor.o, ' and especially of
cattlo. Ono exhibitor Bhows eight tor
ton head of Gnlloways, Frank Strol
'berg has a number of flno Shorthorns,
thoro aro Holstolns from tho state
farm and from tho Albert Cooledgo
ranch, and thoro aro Durhams, and a
number of other breeds; ovory stall
In tho cattlo sheds Is "occupied. There
Is a splendid exhibit of horses and
Jacks, tho horso barn boing filled to
tho limit. Only on hogs is tho exhibit
light, nnd this is duo to the prevalence
of cholera In sovoral sections of tho
county, grcwors not caring to take
tho chances of having their herds in
fected. The poultry and pot stock exhibit is
housed in a largo tent and ovor ono
hundred pens aro on exhibition. This
exhibit was judged Wednesday aftor
noon, premiums awarded and tho tags
indicate prlzo winners.
Tho west sldo of the general exhibit
hall is devoted to tho agricultural dis
play and tho cast sido largely to school
work and flno arts. Tho farm products
considering tho unfavorable season,
show up strong, especially Is this truo
of corn and small grain. Tho dis
play of vegetables Is good, cabbago
showing up weaker than any other
article. Thoro is a flno exhibit of ap
ples, and several plates of good look
ing peaches and pears aro shown. In
tho flno arts department tho display
is very liberal, hundreds of pieces of
needlo work and painting being en
tered. The display tof school work,
both from rural and city schools Is
very Interesting and creditable. Flow
ers and potted plants aro prominent
and add cheerfulness to tho hall. Tak
en as a whole the exhibits In tho various-
departments aro very crcdltablo
and surpass those of previous years.
Tho exhibit by tho state agricultural
college, contained In a largo tent Is
ono of unusual Interest. Hero Is
shown tho relative nutrlclous value
of foods, tho santltatlon of farm sur
roundings, samples of canned and pro
served fruits, woman's club work on
tho farm is Illustrated as is also the
competltlvo corn growing contests by
boys- and competitive work by girls
In fact overy phase of farm work, farm
conditions and farm life is treated.
Ono of tho busiest places on tho
grounds Is tho tent whoro tho bettor
babies contest Is conducted. In this
contest there are nearly a hundred
ontrios, and tho physicians and
nurses in chargo woro rushed all af
ternoon. Tho Lexington flour mill has. a tent
In which baking demonstrations aro
hold, and tho quality of tho flour Is
evidenced by tho excellont appearing
bakery goods.
Tho afternoon rncos nnturally
caught tho crowd. There woro run
ning races, and trotting rnces, and of
course tho bucking broncho and tho
cowboy were present and both per
formed. Tho bronks woro not par
ticularly bad ones, ,but tho riding .of
them was good nmusemont whllo It
Tho race program was a featuro
that met tho hearty commendation of
all, for ovory event was a good one
In tho pacing raco tho swiftest heat
was 2:15, which was a flno showing
on a now track that is somewhat soft.
This raco was a pretty one, tho two
horses keeping well togothor, The
trotting raco was also good, tho
wild horso raco was full of gingor,
and tho other events kept up tho en
thusiasm of tho big crowd.
Tho racos today and tomorrow
promlso to bo equally as good.
F. C. Hoxio camo down from Ogalnl
la this week to visit his family and
attend tho fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yost loft yes
terday for Grand Island by auto to
visit friends.
Georgo Pattorson, who formory liv
ed north of town, camo from Iowa yos
torday to visit frlonds and attend tho
Miss Mao Wilson left last overl
ing for tho eastern part of the state
to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shoup nnd
daughter, of Brady, camo this morn
ing to attend tho fair and spend a fow
day with friends,
Mrs. Georgo Sagor, who visited hor
mother, Mrs. Frank Fredorlcl for sev
eral weeks, loft for South Dakota
Wednesday ovonlng.
Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Wurtelo aro on
Joying a visit from the Iatter's broth
er, D. E. Rathbono, of Alaska, who
camo a few days ago.
: :o: :
Estate and Insurance
Come and see us for town Iota In
different parts ofthe city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rent. Wo have also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Bts.. upstairs.
Florence MacKay
Teacher of Piano
801 west Fifth St. Phono Blk. 521
: h-
k V'S '
t '
Material. '
Crossarm bolts
Cros8arm braces
For tho Treatment of
Phono 110. John S. Twlncni, M. P.
Elizabeth Kaar-Langston
Teacher of Singing
Studio 122 West Front Street.
Gertrude Rebhausen,
Teacher of Piano
102 South Locust Phono Black 342
For Ilont Ono or two furnlHhotl
rooms for ront, 520 east Fifth. 73-2
1 1 ) i
dee Brothers
will be sold in
this city by
107 West Sixth St. Phone 844
Telephone Equipment Costs
Have Doubled in Two Years
Material used in tho manufacture of telephone equipment that
could have been purchased for $50 two years ago cannot be bought
for less than $100 today.
The following figures show the per cent increase during tho last
20 months in the market price of several of tho more important
items used in the manufacture of tolephone equipment:
., 274
Wlro (Iron)
These advanced, prices are caused principally by the European
demand for war materials and to the curtailment of foreign im
ports into, this country.
300 i a AWt7nrjr ?wr cnn i 300
When you art In Omaha coma wliero all Stockmen stop. You will always find your
f rlcndi and acquaintance! at the
Omaha'i new absolutely fire proof hotel. We welcome the Stockmen. We'll make
you comfortable and our rates are most reasonable In tho city, Itoomi with private toilet
$1.00- Good car service to the Stock Yards and Depots. Have your commission Arm
telephone for room reservation. FRED A. CASTLE, Prop.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building nnd Loan Building
Phnno. t Office 130
Phonoi R88ltonca us
; 96
Spocial Atontlon to
Surgery, Gynecology mid Obstetrics.
Nurse Known Memorial Iloolpltal.