The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 29, 1916, Image 4

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    "Eyestrain Disturbances of Human Machine"
(From the Itovlew of Itovlowg.)
"High authority asserts that probably one-fourth of all
the educated people In America suffer from various kinds
of disturbances more or less due to eyestrain." Strange
though It may seem, eyestrain Is capable of disturbing our
whole organism, because of the rellex relation between
eyes and the vital parts of the human machine. Constant
exhaustion and strain of these vital centers will frequent
ly cause disturbances of the most extensive character. This
follows because the strain of civilization rests heavier up
on the eyes than upon any other organ. School life Is re
sponsible for deformities of the eye, and approximately,
one-third of all the children In the upper grades of the ele
mentary schools have eyes that rather seriously need correction."
Gradnalc Dentist
Office over tho McDonald
Stat Dunk.
IJryon Illgglns will lcavo this week
for tho state university.
Attornoy J. S. Hoagland -wont to
York on ImslnoBg Wcdticmlay.
Miss Vaunlta Hayes and mother vis
ited In Grand Island this 'week.
For Ilont House at 804 West Socond
stroot. Inqulro of J, II. Fonda. 74-tf
Mrs. Frank Hatch has returned from
a visit vltli' relatives In Missouri.
J. Peters, druggist of Paxton, trans
acted business horo the first of this
Engineer Whltohoad returned Tues
day evening from a business visit In
Mrs. Flo Hlnman camo from Denver
"Wednesday ovonlng to visit local
Miss Addlo Hackot, of Paxton, s'pont
mo roro part or tins week hero with
Fred Fryo left a few days for an
extended visit In westorn points of
Horcoa TjOlncnr. nf fllhhnn. wna iUn
Kuont of William Adntr tho first of
una wcoic,
Mies Minnie (Word has returned to
Lor homo In Clarks aftor a visit at tho
Sousor . home.
For Ront Aftor January 1st, tho
tloublo storo room of Ottpnstoln'a.
A son was born tho first of this weok
to Mr, ft,nd,,Mrs. It. V. MeMastors, who
Hvo south taf town.
31 0. Knowloa left TuoHday pvonlng
for Hnrvard t'o conduct an evangelistic
mooting for a weok.
MIbs Hazol Preston has accented a
pooltlon in tho nltoratlon dopactmont
or.ttno wucox storo.
Good work li'orso for snlo or trado.
For ecm, colts, grain or hay, call at
tho York Food Storo. 74-2
Mrs. Loui Sponcor was called to Lex
ington tho early part of this weok by
tho death tof a rolatlvo.
Mrs. W. II. McDonald will lcavo
shortly for Srtn Dlogo, to spond sov
cral months with her sister.
W. C. Wllmot of Omaha, gonoral
Btoro koopor or tho Union Pacific spont
Wedendday horo on business.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Doran, of Bur
woll, who visited Mrs. Dan Itoborts
this 'wook havo returned homo.
MrB. John Gorham returned tb Grand
Island this wook aftor a visit with hor
daughter Mrs. W. A. Duchfinck.
Herbert Koofo, who visited his
brother J. T. Kcefe, haa gone to Cali
fornia to remain savcjral months.
Plenty of Good Winter Apples at
Glenburnlo Fruit farm. David Hunter,
Sutherland, Neb. 74-3
Miss IIazoJvYoung, of Hastings, camo
Tuesday evening to mako an ertonded
visit with her slstor Mrs. Carl Simon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. J. Henderson, of
Grand Island aro visiting with their
daughter Mrs. A. H. Turpln this week.
Mrs. C, M. Nowton is among fhoso
who will gto to Omaha lioxt wook to at
tend tho Ak-sar-bon and.-vlslt friends.
Mrs. Max McGrow and Mrs. S. A.
Donaldson entortalncd tho Royal
Neighbors Social club Tuesday after
noon. Jerry Bowon visited his daughter
Miss Mario Bowcn this wook whllo en
routo from Omuha to his homo in
Mrs, Mlka McFaddon and children.
of Paxton, roturncd homo aftor n visit
with hor paronts Mr. and Mrs. John
Horrod. ,
Splendid. C-yr. old chestnut Barrel
maro with foal', for salo. Weight
about 1,000 lbs., very gentle. Win. E.
Will Craiglo returned to his homo
In Chadron, Nob., Wednesday night
auor a visit wuu roiativos and rrlends
In town.
For Farm Loans' see or write Gono
Crook, room 3, Valtomath building,
North Platte. 41tf
Miss Minnio Solman, superintendent
of tho North Platto General hospital
who haB bdon ill for aovoral weeks Is
Manager, Garman has mndo arrange
InntttR tn hkvn 'Hin "Tltrfli nt n Nnf Inn''
shown nt tho Keith tho lattor part of
noxt monin.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ambfoso and two chil
dron loft Tuesday ovonlng for Topoka,
Kan., after a visit of flvo wooks with
rolntlvos horo.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Turpin of Curtis,
wuo wore visiting tnoir son a. il. Tur
pln and wlfo loft Wednesday morning
tor ureoii mvor.
Mlsa Irbno Hubbard who lind hnnn
visiting relatives in San Antonio,
mox., ror several weeks roturnod homo
Wodnosdny ovonlng.
Mrs. Georgo Walters of Canton, Mo.,
who spont tho summor with hor son
Chas. Waltors and family roturncd
uomo Tuesday ovonlng,
Oood hard coal Btovo for salo cheap.
Call nt 021 Easlt Third Stroot or phono
ltod 382. 73-2
MIbs Gertrude Horrod, of Columbus,
wh visited with Miss Lorotta Murphy,
this wook, has gouo to Paxton and
Sidney to visit frlonds.
W. Chrlstio AdnmB visited' his
mother tho first tof this wook nnd loft
Tuoauny evening for Choyonno whore
ho haa charge of itho Darkalow Nowa
Stand in tho Choyonno depot.
One Naturally Feels Chagrined
to see his neighbors making improvements,
which are just as badly needed on his own
"premises. The thing to do is to follow suit.
You'll icel better and your property will be
benefitted. Keep pace with the improvement
of the day and sec us for
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McCullomgh, of
Elsie, are attending tho fair this week.
Co. Supt Gantt began her annual
visits of tho rural county schools this
Miss Helen Baker has accepted a po
sition selling tickets at tho Keith
movlo show.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist
O. W. Brandt, of Choyonno is spend
ing a few days horo on Union PacJlflc
J. J. Kennedy went to Grand Island
and other eastern points Wcdnosday
evening. '
Ray Murray, of Lincoln, spent yos
torday In town visiting relatives nnd
transacting buslnoas.
W. M. Baskln came over from Stnp
loton yostorday to visit frlonds', and
s"o tho horso moos.
Mr. and Mrs. Italph Haydon of Wal
laco are visiting with local frlonds and
nttondlng tho fair.
Tho record kooper for tho Lady Mac
cabeos will bo at tho Newton store
Saturday afternoon.
John Hess, of St. Louis, who visited
Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Edwards this
week, has returned home.
Mrs. Charles Tlgho returned last ev
ening from Chicago whore she spent
ten days visiting hor father.
Mrs. Edward Walker, who has been
sorlously ill with typhoid fovor for sev
eral weeks, Is slightly Improved.
Mrs J. H. McKalo will lcavo this
wook for eastorn points to visit rela
tives for a fortnight or longer.
Mrs. Harry Guthorless will bo hos
tess to tho mombors of tho J. F. F.
club on Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 3d.
Mrs. J. C. Wilson, of Paxton, camo
down yesterday morning to visit her
son Earl Wilson, and family this week.
Mrs. E. N. McNamar, of Paxton,
camo down yesterday morning to visit
Mrs. W. P. Alden and othor frlonds.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beaumont of
New Haven, Conn., and MrB. Georgo
Itoborts of Mawoll,, wero guests tof Mrs.
Charles Stamp for soveral days.
MIbs Elizabeth Jefferson loft Wed
nesday afternoon for Julesburg aftor
visiting horo this week whllo enrouto
homo from tho eastorn part of this
Miss Ruth Carroll, who has been
employed at Cambridge for several
weeks, came a fow days ago to spend
a week with her mother Mrs. G. H.
Julius PIzor loft at noon Wcdnosday
for tho eastorn part of this stato to
spond a wook or longer. Boforo re
turning ho will visit his son Harry
Who is a student nt tho stato university,
Tho proposition to lssuo $50,000
bonds for n storm sower In Kenrnoy
was defeated at a special election held
Tuesday. Loss than GOO votes woro cast
on tho proposition.
Joseph Doncgan who has been engl
noor on tho Steamship California for
sovoral years 1b oxpectod horojshortly
to visit his .parents whom ho has not
seen in oiovon yours
Mrs. Graham Dudor or Chicago,: who
visited with Mrs. Fred Elliott and Mrs.
Jambs' Snydor for a week left Wednes
day morning. Mrs. Dudor was formorly
Miss Nolllo Borkinshaw of this city.
Rags, for a short tlmo $1.00 por 100.
Must bo sacked. Paying a good prlco
for nil kinds of metals , and rubbor.
Bonos $10 por ton, but must bo dry.
Virginia Pearson In ."Tho Vital
Question," will bo tho foaturo nt tho
Cystal tonight. This Btory of love
and husluosa is mado lntonsoly inter
esting by tho lino acting of Miss Pear
son. 10 and 15 cents.
Mm F1 IV nlhtia wlin liml linnn vlnW
lng her daughter Mrs. W. J. Stuart,'
lift today for St. Louis to visit a
daughtor whllo enrouto to Chicago
whoro alio makoa Jior homo. Mrs. Stuart
accompanied hor as far as Omaha.
Major Geo. T. Patterson, Bon of T.
C. Patterson of this city, who has boon
stationed in tho Philltplnes for two
years, will arrlvo at San Francisco
Octobor 12 arid proceed to SnnDlego
to nsBiimo command nt Ft, Rosocrans.
W. J. Hendy has boon spending this
.week In tho northorn nnd westorn
parts of tho stato placing sub-ngcncles
for tho Studebaker cars. SInco taking
tho agoncy for tho Studobakor the
Hondy-Oglor Co. Iibb dlsposod of n
number of fours and sixes.
I luiTO buyers for thrco small farms.
Wmt Imyo you for salo!
Tho lltornturo department of tho
Twontioth Contury club met Tuosday
afternoon with Mrs. T. G. Thompson.
Tho roll call was answored by vaca
tion remlnisconCoa and Uio greater
part of tho afternoon was dovotod to
music and Boclal conversation. Flvo
now mombors woro taken into tho department.
Efflcency export J. Johnson, of Lin
coln, is expected hero Oct. 2d to In
spect conditions at tho Btato farm.
F. S. Bible of Paxton, arrived horo
a few days ago and is putting in a
largo wen at tho experimental farm.
Ralph Allison roturncd from Illinois
Wednesday and is spending this weok
in town while enrouto to Fallon, Nov.
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Dickinson, of
Maxwell aro among the out of town
peoplo who aro horo attending th
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Crossgrove, of
Farnam, came yostorday to spond this
week visiting frlonds and attending
the fair,
Robert Mason, of Aurora, 111., for
uiorly of this city, came a fof days
ago to visit his paronts Mr. anu Mrs,
A. M. Mason.
Mrs. O. H. Handley and baby, of Om
aha who havo boon visiting hor par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Victor VonGoetz,
will loavo Sunday.
Carload of Dodges In today. All Bold
but another carload coming soon. Get
yours ordored today.
J. V . ItOMIGH, Dodgo Dealer.
Mrs. II. A. Lawhead has roturncd
from Kearney where she was called
by tho serious Illness of hor father,
who died a weqk ago.
Sam J. Mussor and Minnio T. Bas
sett, of Elvn, Nebr., wero married at
tho court houao Wedonsday afternoon
by County Judge French.
Mrs. Elgin Klinck and son of Grant,
who visited with Mrs. George Brown
this weok havo gono to Elm Crcok,
Grand Island and Omaha to visit.
Tho domestic sclenco department
of tho Twentieth Contury club will
moot Monday afternoon with Miss
Ireno Stuart, W0 West A street.
R. A. Millor came down from Hcr
shey yesterday morning to visit W. P.
Snyderxand officiate as ono of tho jud
ges of livo stock at tho county fair.
Mrs. Horaco Barraclough, and chil
dren of Loa Angeles, who havo Bpent
soveral weeks with Mr. and Mrs,
Alphonso PIcard will leave Sunday.
Mrs. Horman Stacy, of Ironwood,
Wis., nee Miss Stacla Grace of this
city, came Wednesday evening to visit
her sister Mrs. W. L. Richards for a
Tho latest In Cinderella stories,
"Hoodoo Ann," featuring Mao Marsh,
will bo at tho Koith Monday, and in
addition will bo tho comedy with a
story "By Stork Delivery."
Dean Burnett and 30ven members of
the board of regents of tho stato uni
versity aro expected hero Monday, Oct,
9th, to transact business at tho ex
perimental station.
Mrs. Herbert Votaw, of Denver, for
morly MIbs Christino Erricsson of this
city, who has been visiting her sister
Mrs, John Burko for soveral weeks,
will return homo today.
Among tho out of town visitors yes
terday wero S. W. Sellers, of WklMeot,
James W. Martin of Sutherland, Bert
Light and John Snyder of Wallace and
T. C .Chrlstlanson of Maxwell.
For Salo or Trade.
, .Two four room houses on west 10th
street. Will consider a good automo
bllo as parlt payment and will also con
sider a good heavy team of dr aft horses
in oxchango on either property. En
quire of J. C. ABkwIg. 73tf
Mrs. J. H. Klrkpatrick, of Kearney,
formorly of this city, arrived hero Wed
nesday ovonlng to visit hor brother
Harry Boylo and family and attend
tho county fair.
William James, of Sutherland, was
arrested yesterday for assault and bat
tery upon Mrs. Llllio M. Briggs, of
Stapleton. Tho case will bg tried In
tho county court ltfti fow days.
Closing Out
On account of our small
amount of room, wo are closing
out our entire stock of Grocer
ies and Canned Goods
You will appreciate this sale
by coming in and pricing the
Show Cases and Fixtures all
go in.
Tint .Tars 35 cents per dozen.
Quart Jars 45 conts por dozon
S-Quart Jars 55 conts per Doz
Tlieso nt above prlco whilo
they Inst.
1 The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Show Her You Mean Business
Take it from us, young man, few girls of the right sort
havo tho heart to turn down a man who is thoughtful
enough to give her in the beginning lier heart's desire a
home of her own. It's the one thing that every woman
wants for there her dreams of past years become realities.
Build a Home Now
and start life in the right way full of happiness and con
tentment. We have several books of tho latest designed
houses and bungalows. Come in and select tho one you
like best and let us figure the cost forou complete,? foun
dation and all. We have everything in building material
you'll need. Come in any day and we'll show you a plan
she'll like.
Mutual Building & Loan Assn.
ASSETS $840,000.00
To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers;
Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adver
tising the fact that they have reduced the monthly payments
of borrowers to $1.10 per month on each '$100.00 borrowed,
making the monthly payment the same the Mutual Build
ing & Loan Association of North Platte. They fail to state '
that of the $1.10 paid to the non-resident company, there is
only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment, the
balance seventy-five cents being taken for interest. Of the
$1.10 monthly payment to this association on each $100.00
borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited
as a principal payment.
This difference in the amount credited the borrower
will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be
ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each
$100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they
would if they were doing the business with this Association.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
An Eye Catcher
Tonight and every other night you can
call attention from far and near to your
business with an electric sign. Up and
down the street as far as you can see,
it will flash your message.
Tho 5 and 10 watt EDISON MAZDA Sign Lamps
give from 40 to 65 per cent more light than the old
stylo carbon lamps and cost only one-half as much
to operate.
Our sign expert will gladly tell you more about -this
new economy, and explain how you can get the
best results from electric signr for .your business.
North Platte Light & Power Co.