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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1916)
emi-lfcMtt (Tribune. THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., SEPTEMBER 29, ,1916. No. 74 lorth Of GUS F. MEYER DROPS DEAD ON THE STREET Gustavo P. Moyor who Uvea Just outsldo tho southern limits of tho city between tho two roads loading to the brldgo dropped dead at the cornor of Front and Dowey stroots nt 3:30 yes terday nftornoon. Mr.' Moyor np proaohed E. W. Mann, who Is running a JJtney, and asked tt lie was going out to tho fair grounds soon. Receiv ing an afflrmatlvo reply, Mr Moyor stated ho must go to the depot, but would return In a few minutes. He started to turn around, uttored a groan and fell dead. Thoro was not a strug gle, and his face was as 'peaceful look ing as though he was asleep. Ho was picked up and carried Into the Postal telegraph office, and lator conveyed to tho Malonoy "undertaking rooms. Tho suddon death of this old and re spected cltlzon camo as a shock, for though well advanced In years his health had always been oxcollont. Mr. Moyor camo to North Platte moro than thirty-flvo years ago, and for several years conducted a rostaurant on tho alto now occupied by his building leased by R. R. Dickey. Later ho moved to a farm eight or ton miles southwest of town, where ho resided until six or eight years ago when ho erected and occupied his late home. Moyer was a splondld man, hon os,u and upright and ever a good citi zen Ho is survived by Mrs. Moyor alone, and to her tho siucoro sympathy of many friends Is extended. Arrangements for tho funeral had not' been definitely concluded this morning, but tho services will be held Sunday aftornoon and probably at tho Lutheran church. ::of:- Dry arreting Tills Evening. Tho flying squadron of tho Nebraska Dry Federation, which is making a tour of the entire state, will reach North Platto this evening and hold a meeting at eight' o'clock. The squad ron will bo mot at Brady by a number of North Platto men, and escorted to tho city. Meetings will bo held at Brady and Maxwell enrouto -::o::- Muxwcll Cur Snlos. C. M. Trotter, agent for the Max well cars, reports tho following sales this week; C. M. PJobbins and L. L. Green, North Platto; Peterson BroB. and" Ed Preltauer, Brady; Harry Schriver1, Maxwell; C. F. Tollefsen, Sutherland; Mrs. Nightingale, Well fleet. :o::- JCcnncdy This Afternoon. . J. L. Kennedy of Omaha, Republican candidate for United States senator, arrived this morning and will speak at the fair grounds at l':45 this after noon. Ho will have a message to de liver to the people that will be well worth hearing. Ml I 1 1 I ... JO J I I Tho Idolized Mary Pickford Is the beloved Madame Butterfly In a mag nificent and faithful production of one of, tho tenderest character creations ever concoived "Madame Butterfly." In this celebrated role Miss Pickford ttalni her supreme photoplay tri umph. This will appear at the Keith Saturday night. F. W. Cross has started the erec tion of a modern $4,000 houso on his lots on east Third street which ho pur chased a number of year,s ago of the lato Gus Hesse. C. W.-Burklund, of Sutherland, spont tho earjy part of the week In town vis iting friends and tranactlng business. The Keith county fair will bo held October 3d to Gth. HIIIH More Style More Value More Quality You get more for your money in COLLEGIAN Clothes than ever before, with an individuality of style and perfection of tailoring seldom found in garments at the price. The fabrics are unusually well chosen. Especially is 'this true of the Cassimeres, plain Grays, dark and light Serges, Worsteds in browns and grays and Cheviots. ADLER'S Collegian Clothes Nothing-but durable material and expert workman ship are put into COLLEGIAN Clothes, insuring value for which one usually has to pay a pretty good price. A try'on will convince you and it takes only a few minutes. Harcourt Clothing Co. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. D. A. Russell left last even ing for-Brady to visit her sistor for several days. MVs. Grog'ory Schatz left this morn ing for Denvor, whoro she will visit her daughter. For Rent Rooms for light house keeping. 521 oast Third.. 74-2 Mrs. E. N.Innian who has boon vis iting nor paronts at Parson, Kan., will return hemo next weok. . The regular commorclal dinnor will bo sorved nt tho Christian church Mon day. Everything good to oat Hoadquartors for Window gloss. STONE DRUG COMPANY. Mr. and Mrs. SIgol Melton, living near Wallaco, wore visitors In town yesterday and attended tho fair. Mrs. Joseph Weeks, of Grand Island, formerly of this city, camo last ov onlng to visit her sons for a weok. Mrs. L. E. Stewart came from Grand Island last -venlng to visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McDormott this week. Wanted To trade a Chalmers six for a house in town. Phono 91. George Slforwood. of St. r ,u!r. for merly of tho local machine shops, is spending a row davs horo with friends. Charloy Dixon rcfcutaed last ov ening from Chicago, whero ho spont four montliB attending a school of optometry. Frank J. Dunn who has been taking treatments nt the Mayo Bros, hospital in Rochester, Minn., returned homo this morning. For Rent Modern rooms, Including heat. 115 east Eighth street. Phono Red 188. Mrs. Homer Handley, of Poole, who spont several days with her mother Mrs. Ida Tarkington, left last even ing for Lodge Polo. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mavorish, of Sutherland, camo down a fow days, ftiro f n vRf tho fnrmnr'n alnfr ATra A. J. Frazler and attend tho fair. Wanted Girl for general housework. Mrs. Charles Whelan. 73tf A car of pears will arrive the first bf next week, $1.85 Ipor bushel. For further Information nhonn 878 nr nnll at the family grocery, 41G south Wal nut. Word received today from Joe Schatz, who Is ax Elcolslor Springs taking treatment for rheumatism, states that he Is now Improving rap Idly. AK Chapter P. E. O. will open their meetings for tho year with a reassem bling luncheon at tho homo of Mrs."E. S. Davis Wednesday afternoon of noxt week. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Hart and daugh ter are visiting at tho homo of Mrs. Hart's mother, Mrs. Lena Salisbury, while enrouto homo from eastern points. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug Store. Tho Gass outfit has about complet ed the work on tho north river dam northwest of town which had been delayed by high water. A fow days ago the water In that rivet for some unaccountable reason became quBto low. Sutherland Freo Lance. Ernest Calling, of Gothenburg, Is visiting friends hi town today. j Mr. and Mrs. Chas; Damolor, of Suthorlnud, aro uttondlng tho fair this weok. Dr. FootoJ of Omaha, was horo yes terday to assist In surgical work at tho Nurso Brown hospital. All children whoso paronta are Yeo men aro askod to moot nt the Yeoman hall Monday ovonlng at 4 o'clock. The John Kollher lot on oast Third street was purchased this weok by Englnoor William Welsh, who will havo a bungalow erected. Tho Entro Nous club members woro entortalncd Wodnoedny aftornoon by Mrs. Asa Snydor. Tho ilrst prlzo was won by Mr. Guy Cover and tlio guost prlzo by Mrs. Josoph Jossup. Tho directors of itho Country Club will moot this evening to Inspect and decide on the plans of tho now club houso which havo boon submitted by Architect G. P. Prlnz, of Omnha. Wonthor forecast for North Platto and vicinity: Fair tonight and Satur day; warmor tonight. Highest tem perature yesterday 57 a yoar ago Gl. Lcwest Inst night 30, a year ago 41. Tho Indian Card Club met Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. C. R. Moroy. Mrs. F. J. Wurtolo and Mrs. Arthur Hoaglnnd woro awarded ttho prizes and Mrs". N. E. Buckloy was takon into the membership. The high school football schodulo as at present arranged Is:- October 13, Curtis at North Platto; Octobor 20, Co zad at Cozad; October 27, Koarnoy at North Platte; November 10, Loxlng ton at Lexington; Novombor 24, Lin coln at Lincoln; November 30, Thanks giving Duy, York at North Platto. Sixty members of tho Masonic or der attended the school of Instruction hold Wednesday by Grand Custodian Robert Fronch, of KearnOy. Lectures woro given on tho Mastor and En orod Approntico degrees. At six thirty p. m. nn elaborate banquot was" served in tho reception hall by tho Gem Candy Co. Tho tables were 'pret tily decorated. Wanted Girl for genoral house work, small family, 109 west 2d. 72-3 Wo understand that Bruco Brown and family aro to occupy tho Mrs. Parsons property on tho south sldo as soon as Dr. and -Mrs. E. W. Fottor move to North Platto. Mr. Brown is the now owner of tho Maxwoll and Brady Tolophone Company, and for several years has been manager of tho Bell system to (North Plattel Mr. Brown will take completo charge horo October 1. Brady Vindicator. Wanted Girl for general UaUso work. Rhone 38, Mrs. J. S. SImms. An effort Is on foot toward estab lishing daily local freight service in tliis- district, lhe (proposition has been taken up with some of tho U. P. officials who ask a Httlo time to take It up with their superiors, This has been granted and a reasonable time will bo given. If tho sorvlco is not forthcoming In tho manner in which it has been taken up, petitions will bo sent to overy town along tho lino to bo signed by the merchants and ship pers and theso will then bo sont to tho state railway commission. Tho sorvlco has become such that 'action of this nature Is necessary. Horshoy Times. Lot Landgraf & Hoga do your paint lng, paper hanging and decorating. Phono Black 692 or Black 570. 23tf wmsm MARRIED FIFTY. YEARS ' ' (JULEim.YTE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason on Wed nesday of this weok celobrated tholr i fiftieth woddlng anniversary, having I ben unltod In innrrlago near Mt. Ploasant, Iowa, Sontom'bor 27th. 1SC6. , Their homo nt 703 oust Fifth was pret tily decorated with yellow dahlias, and the brldo and groom of fifty years ago each woro a big yellow flower. All their chlldron woro homo, and nil enjoyed a big turkey dinnor, Just such as was sorved nt the wedding foast n half century ngo. During tho aftornoon ninny of tholr frionds called to extend congratula tions, and by some of them oplaodoa nnd experiences of Ufo in tho onrlier days of North Platto wero rocnllcd and recited. Mr. and Mrs. Mason nra nlonoor - flora of woBtorn Nebraska and Lin coln county. Thoy locntod in Fron tier county in tho early sovontlos. and took a homoatond, pnrt of the land ' now forming tho site on which is lo cated tho state agricultural college. After ronialnlng thoro for a yoar or two they came to North Platto. and Mr. Mason nccoptod employment In tho Union Pacific shops, and for ovor utility years was a faithful omnloyo. Ho resigned six or olght years ago and was placed on the omployos pension list. Mr and Mrs. Maaon aro highly es teemed clltlzons nnd that thoy havo uvea to colobrato tho goldon annl- vorsary of thoin happy married Ufa Is a source of pleasure to all frlondst ::o:: Kinkuld yomos Tomorrow. v , Secretary Soudor, of the ropubllcan county contral comniltteo, received vorl yestorday that Congrosman Moses P. KInkald will spend tomor row In North Platto visiting friends find meeting as many of tho votors as possible. As now ni-rangod Congress man KInkald will visit tho fair but will not mnko a speoch. :io:: Races Todny nnd Tomorrow Today 2: 30 trot, half milo snddlo raco, half mtlo bundlo raco. milo pac ing raco, quarter milo pony raco, mulo wagon raco, two milo relay raco. Tomorrow 2:15 paco or trot, pota to raco en horses, freo for all trot or paco (raco lnoraos barrod,) novelty auto raco, flvo milo motorcyclo race, ten milo auto race. ::o:: Freight Rate Increase Unless tho temnorary Injunction suod by the, federal court Is made pormanoiu, ireignt rnies irom umana to North Platto will bo increasod on October 25th. Tho prosont rates on the three classes aro G0.4, 49.7 and 42 contB. Undor tho now rato Uioy will bo 77. G5.4 and G3.9 conts. Tho case will bo heard Monday in tho fed eral court at Sioux Falls. : :o: : Presbyterian Church. A comunlon service will be a part of the morning worship. Sunday school at 10 o'clock; at tho close of Sundny school a brlof sor vlco for tho children, At tho evening sorvlco thoro will bo given tho first of a aorles of talks on tho "Ten Commandmonts," sub ject, "Thou Shalt Havo No Other Gods Before Me." ::o:: Furm nnd Itnncli loans at lowest rates nnd best terms. Money on hnnil to close loans promptly. 43tf BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. Ross Hosford Married Ross L. Hosford, of this city and Miss Laura Pearsall, of Bluo Ilaplds.) Kansas, wero married at tho homo of 1 tho brldo last weok and havo returned here to reside. Tho groom has been employed as a railroad mail clork for several, years and Is woll known among tho local pooplo. Mrs. Hos ford sftent soveral months horo two years ago visiting Mrs. Georgo Peck. Friends aro extending congratulations. FOlMtENT 3 modem rooms, bath, hfcat, gtiH unit light, close Ju. J Hi ATT, UUUIUIAA A! JIUUIUjKX. i HOI Tho grand matron- of tho Eastern Star, Mrs. Josophino Swlgort, will vis It Signet Chapter No. 55, on Octobor BtlT Sheriff Salisbury Tccolved word Wednesday that U. Gv Smith, former ly of this city, had plead guilty to tho charge of whlto slavory at Enid, Okl., and that ho need not go thoro as a witness. Christian Science society Sunday 11 a. m. Sunday school 12 ni. Wodnos day evening meotings 8:00. A cor dial Invitation .is extended to all. Building & Loan building, room 25, ::oi: Dell Pralrlo Items. Mr, and Mrs. Rykor, of Guldo Hock, are visiting thoir son Roy Rykor. No Sunday school was held at tho Boll Pralrlo school houso last Sun day, as qulto a numbor attonded tho Sunday school) convention lieldj at Lickona that day. MrB. T. E. Mooro and chlldron vis ited a fow days In North Platto last week at tho homo of hor parentB Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Howard. Mrs.- Bartells, of Montana, who hold n series of meetings at Echo and Boll Pralrlo school houses, oxpocta to ro turn homo In tho near futuro to dis pose of hor. property thoro with tho view of taking up ho work of tho gospel Bomowhero In tho cast Wo hope she will decido to .Iocato in this part of Nobraska as wo appreciate tho work sho baa done horo and tho way lu which ho brings tho gospol boforo tho pooplo. Sho preaches tho straight Apostolic Holiness doctrino. a. e. m. CONGRESSMAN CANDIDATE FOR Tho roplovin suit of I. J. Show vs. James Carpenter to' obtain possession of a team of horses and wagon came up for trial In tho county court Wed nesday aftornoon. J. D. Anderson, of Horshoy claimed that the nronorty did not belong to oiliior nnd that thoy woro nis possessions. Tho caso was continued until Octobor 4th. Whllo working on a ditch ch'eck this morning J. W. Lilos accidontly slipped and foil striking his right arm on a heavy plank and breaking ono of tho bones botwoon tho olbow and Uio wrist. The accldont is a painful ono and Mr. LUes will bo laid up for some time. Horshoy Times. Tho quarnntlno for lnfantllo paral ysis was lifted from tho Robort Arm strong homo Wodnosday and tho houso thoroughly fumigated. Physicians say that littlo Dorothy who was ill with tho dlsoaso will not roturn to hor nor mal condition fcr six rionths. ::o:: WANTED Good girl for general housework.'1 apply 112 west Fourth street. SOME GOOD ADVICE Strengthened by North Platto J-'XporloncoH. Kldnoy dlsoaso is too dangorous to negloct. At tho IlrBt srgn of bnckucho, hoadacho, dizziness icr urinary disor ders, you should give tho woakoned kidneys prompt attention. Eat Httlo moat, take things enslor and uso a rollablo kldnoy tonic. Thoro's no othor kldnoy modlcino so well recommended ns Doan's Kidney Pills. North Platto v,, ,X m?ny Btat)'t f Nr" Ptto pooplo roly on them, Horo'e ono of pooplo. Mrs. L. B. Tarkington, 200 E. Eighth St., North Platto,, Nobr., says: "I use Doan's Kidney PJlia whenever I have nocd of a kldnoymcdlclno. Thoy always glvo mo flno relief from backache and othor kldnoy disordnra, kooplng my kidneys In good condition, I thoroforo choorfully endorse them as a flrio kld noy modlclnty:" Prlco 50e ; nt all doalors. Don't sim ply nsk for a kidney, remedy got Doan's Kldnoy Pills tho sumo that Mrs. Tarkington had. Fostor-Mllbum Co., Prop., Buffalo, N. Y. FOR SALE The above property consisting of 6 rooms and bathj closet for each bed room, modern throughout including heat. Maple floors up and down stairs. Hard wood finish down stairs. This property located Cor. Vine and G Street. Price $4000. C. F. TEMPLE,, Owner. M. P. KBNKAID RE-ELECTION NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North oi Postoflice. Phone 58 . A. modern. Institution for the vcibntjflc treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Rny and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas,. M. D. J. B. Rcdfield, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D )diss M. Sicilian, Supt, Office phono 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platto, Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEX. .. Practico Limited td Surgery anil Knrtlum Therapy 72S City National Hank 'Hulldlng. Onuthn, Nebraska. .lOllN S. SIMMS, M. I)., Physician and Surgeon Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phono, Office, 83; Residence 30. . t . ...