The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 26, 1916, Image 5

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    "' IB. '
. . . . :MiM '
Lady Visitors to
. ,,,,..-.ti-.1 i." 1.1. 1 1..,.r, ,1.. A,'
Are conuaiiy ,mvuuu iu iuuit uiuu hwuhuojujio ui
ing their stay 'in the eity at Block's Ladies' Outfitting :
.Store, the only exclusive ladies' outfitting stor.e in North
Platte. Come here and rest, write a letter or use thQ ;,
"' 'Aft
, t.
glipne, and incidentally inspect the approved fall styles
in, ladies' rqady-to-wear garments, furs and furnishing
4 .goods. Though you may not. be ready to purchase your "
fail outfit, our' sales people will be pleased to show yoil
' what's what in the latest fashions and models. In this store
will be found in dresses, suits and coats the creations of the
best designers and makers in the country, and during Fair
Week substantial -reductions in prices will be made.
Awaiting your visit and insuring you courteous treat
nient and an opportunity to inspect a wealth of pretty
.garments and furnishings, such as ypu;may. need at very
modest prices, we are -
. T HTOv- , 4,
Very respectfully,'
: ?.
Ladies' Outfitting Store.
Miss Alibio Foster resigned her posl
ltion in the telephone office last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Reynolds, of Max.
well spent Sunday with relatives here.
Wanted Girl for general Uidso
work. Phone 38, Mrs. J. S. Simms.
J. W. PielBticker, of Dickens, vln
ited his brother F C. Plelstlcker this
C. E. .Souser came up from Grand:
Island ,ihc Intor parSftaflast week to
visit hia family. 'Wr'
Mitt Harriet Dixon 'lll leavo Oct.
1st Ur'r the Northwesrji University
to finish hor course.,'
Wanted Girl for general houses
wcr'k, small family, 100 west 2d. 72-3
W. Jl, Moloney purchased a, Hew,
five passeugor Studebdker car the lat
ter part of '.last weeK.
The"' Franklin Rebus look In our
window and then get' a copy. CLIN
TON the Jeweler.
Upon arrival df the necessary ma
terial at 'Sutherland ryork will begin
on their" m?w' elcc:rlc light plant.
Good hard coal stove Tflr sals cheap.
Call a.t.!&l East. Thtrd-Stttfct o: phone
Rod 82.
Mrs. Dohmes, of Council Bluffs, who
spent several weeks visiting in Idaho
and Wyoming, came yesterday to visit
her daughter Mr3. Frank Winslow.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Bert Boyur was arrested Sunday ev
ening for being intoicaied on the main
Mrs. Margaret Post who was. taking
treatment at the City hospital for sev
oral weeks returned homo Saturday,
Mrs, Carl Lintz who has been vis
ltinc in Durango, Oslo,, for several
weks Is cpected to return this week,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winslow en
streets Ho was fined $5.00 and costs tertained tho McMlchael-Philllps brld
and will servo tho time out In the al party at a dinner Sunday afternoon
county jail.
i Hnvo fifty acres I want plowed this I
fall; Five miles north of. town. Phone
790F2,. or. address J.. T. Lister, North
Platte," jTebr. 72-2
Thomas Jefferson,' of stage fame will
appear at tha Keith Wednesday night
with Adelaide Thurston in the five par.t
screen play "The Shadows of a Great
Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur Artz enter
tained' a number of friends Saturday
evening In honor iof Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Artz of Denvgr. Tho evening was
spent In music and social conversa
tion. ' "
Children's Coats $5.
We haven't forgotten the little folks this
year. Here are assembled coats that will keep
them warm and at the same time will impart a
distinctive appearance to the little one. -
Never has it been our pleasure to offer so
many smart styles in coats for children at such little prices.
Plushes, chinchillas, cui'lette astrakhans, velvets, and novelties in
plain and belted eflects; many with fur collars and trimmings.
Every mother who desires an attractive, inexpensive coat for her
girl or boy should select it now while assortments are still so
$2.00 to $12.00
Wilcox Department Store
One of the features ct tho county
fair this week will bo Tho Midway, a
section of the grounds whero will bo
located the free and paid attractions
and tho concessions. This section is
located botween tho north grove and
tho agricultural hall, anil will be vn
great white way within itself. Alto
gether there will be about thirty freo
and paid attractions and concessions.
Tho free -attractions will bo Freda
Rl:mle, tho champion 'womnn rlflo shot
of tho world', who will glvo her exhibi
tions nt l;ho race track Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday afternoons. On tho
Midway will bo the famous Whang
doodle Comedy Quartette, who will
aiS&ti Tuesday and bo on tho grounds
the balance of tho 'week; and opening
today and continuing nil week will bo
Murray & Ward wt:h their trick houso.
Those latter attractions aro said to
bo 1irst-cla8s.
The paid attractions nre of various
kinds, nil of which havo passed rigid
censorship. Tho over-preBent morry-goM-ound
will bo on the grounds.
Entries Closo Wednesday Jfoon.
Entries for tho bettor babies con
test held in connection with the coun
ty fair will closo at twolvo o'clock
Wednesday. Thoo who intend cntorlng
their babies will please remember.
Mrs. Albert Al)el has returned from
Rochester, Minn., whore sho accom
panied Mr. Abel sovoral weeks ago.
Tho latter is convalescing from an op
eration for appendicitis and will ro
main there for soma 'time longer.
Tho caso of Hondy & Ogler against
Hugh ScoOnover to recover money duo
on an autonvobllowhich was to bo tried
1 ncouuty court yesterday morning,
was continued until October 11th.
You will undoubtedly eventually buy
a Columbia ,Grnfanola. Why not now
and enjoy It each day. Nothing liko
taking pleasure ns you live. piXON,
tho Jowoler.
Tho hay harvest on tho McNool ranch
was completed th6 latt6r part of last
weok. Tho ylold this year has boon
lighter than usual, but Is hotter In
quality. About twenty-two hundred
tons were put up thin yenr.
Perry Buchanan will leavo next week
for Omaha to visit for a week or long
er. Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Kerr relumed
homo Saturday, tho former from Choy
enno and tho lattor from an extended
visit in Montana.
Mrs. Elgin Kllnck and son, of Grant,
arrived herq Sunday evening to vlBlt
with, her cousin Mrs. George Brown
for a week or longer.
A pleasnnt'dancing party was hold
last ovonlng by tho Knights of Colum
bus and their ladles at tho Lloyd-ppo a
house. Muslo was furnished by the
Stamp Orchestra.
Ehol Barrymoro, wHosa vorsat'Jlo
dramatic talents places hor among. tho
foremost of American actresses has
an exceptionally Btrong role in tho
flvo part photo drama "Tho Final
Judgment" on tho Metrb program at
tho Crystal tonight. Tho play was
written by Georgo Scarborough and
affordB Miss Barrymoro n rolo that
callB for tho display of hor Convincing
omotlonal poworB and a part that hor
many admirers will receive with enthusiasm.
For Sale Cheap Columbia Cylinder
Grapho'phono together with 52 roc
ordslt Inquire at 421 east Sixth. 71--2
Miss Esther Frcderlckson returned
6:i Julesburg Saturday ovonlng nftor
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Luther
Mrs. Samuelson and dnughtar Mrs.
Eugene Picard, who spent sovoral
wcoks In Rochester, Minn., camo home
A fow days ago.
Mrs. Mike McFadden and twta chil
dren camo down from Paxton yester
day to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs
John Herrod for a weok.
James Connor, of Supt. of Motlvo
1008 wost Fourth stroqt. Homeopatic power Fuller's office In Omaha, came
Otto .Well, of Lo Angeles, sends
'.he following: A North Platte picnic
will bo held at Sycamore Gitove, Los
ABgsloa, Cul., Octaber 1st. All formon
North Platte residents are cordially
Sunday to visit local frlendB and tako
.cdvantage tof tho hunting.
Thero will bo a called communica
tion of Platto Valley Lodge No. 23, A
F. & A. M., Tuesday evonlng, Sept. 2C,
C. a WILLIAMS, Master.
Marshall Jackson Hnzolrlgp of Unt
vorslty Place, and Miss Rhea Baldwin
of Big Springs were married last week
by County Judge French. Mr. and Mrn
Hazolrigg arc making thoir home in
'his city.
Farm and Ilnnch loans at lowest
rates and best terms. Honey on hand
to close loans promptly.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gavin, of Clin
ton, la., arrived here a few days ago
, o visit Mr. niul Mrs. P. A. Norton
lor Boino time. Tie former In a re
tlrod engineer of the Chicago and
I Northwoetorn rnllrfytd.
' County 0:mhiissloner Springer 'came
1 1 1? from Brwdy yesterday monrtag and
i'e't noon for Philadelphia to visit
for a couple of weeks. That city U
Mr. Springer's old home, and he liuiken
j a visit thore evory year or tWo.
Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Smith nnd Mrs,
Brodhock returned tho lattor part of
last week from a.woek's visit at Ogal
I alia, Arthur and with tho "Piishmnn
! family near LoMovne. Loulo Puahinnn
The above property, consisting of 6 rooms and bath,, closet ior returned with- thorn and wlil.llvo nt
jrcMlcIiucl.Phlllips IVcddlnp.
Harry G. Knowles' performed the
co'rbmony nt his residence Saturday
evening which united Miss Lucy Mc
Mlchncl and Marrln Phllllns in mar
riage. Tho bride wore a tailored &iSt
of midnight blue poplin and ,a largo
white hat. Her maid Miss Cora Soii3er,
also wore a blue tnllored suit and a
rose colored hat. Tho 'groom wns at
tended by Albert Trimble of Overton.
After the coromDny tho bridal party
wero served with a dinner at tho Union
Cafe and later received 'thoir guests at
tho htomo of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Win-
slow. (Mrs. Ph'lllps U tho daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Bon McMlchaol and for
several months has boon employed
In tho office of Pr. G. B. Dent. Hor
amiable manner has Won her a largo'
clrolo oWrlonds. The groom Is the s!;n'
of P, C. Phillips, was a member of Co.;
E, and for several weeks has been em
ployed at the Tramp groqery. They will
make thoir home at 503 West 4th St.
Lady Forreslrrs Entertained.
Tho Lady Forresters, thoir husbands
and u fow Invited guests spent Sunday
nt the Kolloher home In- Maxwoll ub
tho guo3ts of Mesdnmoa McCullough,
Shoup and Kelloher. The key to the
grounds wns decorated In ilowors nnd
presented to Mrs. S .R. Cnrnoy by Miss
Ethel Donogan. Many foaturos of en
tertainment wero provided among ji
them foot races and' hall games. A
chlckon dinner vrn also served at
which covers wore laid for fifty. The
party wero convoyed there In automo
biles and enjoyed n drive through tho
suricundlng country. A voto of thanks
was extended t. tho hostossos .for tho
plonsnnt day thoy had 'given the local
cider and their guests. :
: :o: !
each bedroom, modern throughout including heat. Maple floois
up and dosn stairs. Hard wood finish down stairs.
This proport) located Cor. Vine and C, Street.
C. F. TEMPLE, Owner.
the Smith
homo while attending
Pi ice $1000.
For Kent.
Modern house except furnace, cloo
In oh Wsf Spfond strert
72-2 WILCOX & IIALLIGAN jM)l west I-lflh St
Additional Stock llarn Needed.
SaorHtnrv Fluher was called 'unon
yosteiwy 10 uiurwae iuo uiuuv
Htall for cettlo to bo exhibited at the
rouuty fa(, tlie number of entries ex
cccding the provisions made for stable
row. Among tho latest entrieu' are
twenty or moro fine cattle 4hut wore
on exhMHtlon ai. tub Buffaku county
fair. These entries were mide Satur
day and accommodations were made
for hkmn yesterday. ,
"Mis Scttlavland, of Omaha, came
last evening to take a position ns
nurse In the North Platte General h6s
pltal, A number of young people tendered
a surprUo party to, Mies Helen Tatum
last ovenlng. Several hours ware spent
In games and music.
The automobile has reached a stage of development
removing It from the class of luxuries and making it a
Tho only question remaining to bo auoided Is what
car to buy and that can easily be determined by securing
information on a fow points.
Is the company making the car, financially sound and
will it remain in business? , .
Does it follow in ts construction the, generally adopt-
, ed practices of a majority of the BEST? automobile, build
Is the car standarlzed, .making' .it economical to
operate ainl. maintain? ,
.' ' ' ' I.
Are the very best materials obtainable used in conr
struotlon, thus Insuring service and long life? '
Finally, doo tho price give you dollar "for .dollar the
greatest value on the market for the money .invested?
All those questions are answered in tlie 'aIrmaUv0
by the STUDEBAKBIl. andSvo! Jjuliove yon will bo con
vlnced this is tlio car you "want Jf you will see and take
a ride In it.
Mesidy-dgier AutQ
i i
North Platte, Neb.
Florence MacKay
Teacher oi: Piano
Tuoiio Bik o2l
Vhon you or in Omnha cntno whero all Stoclimen etop. Vou will ntwftyi llnil your
frlraido ami aciiunintunii-mit tho
Omaha'i ne-v abtolutaly nre proof liotcl. Wo welcome the Stock nun. We'll mate
you comfortaljle and our rntas vru moit roa(onabl In the city. Itocma with private toilet
$1.00 (jooJ car witlreto tho Stock Yuriln and l) jotn. Have our comtnlmilon llrm
tulephono for room refrvi Inn. FRED A. CA8TI.E, Prop.