"Eyestrain Disturbances of Human Machine" (From tho Review of Reviews.) "High authority assorts that probably one-fourth of all the educated people in America suffer from various kinds of disturbances more or less tlue to eyestrain." Strange though it may seem, eyestrain is capable of disturbing our whole organism, because of the reflex relation between eyes and the vital parts of the human machine. Constant exhaustion and strain of these vital centers will frequent ly cause disturbances of tho most extensive character. This follows because the strain of civilization rests heavier up on the eyes than upon any other organ. School life is re sponsible for deformities of the eye, and approximately, one-third of all tho children in the upper grades of the ele mentary schools have eyes that rather seriously need cor rection." C. S. CLINTON, REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST. THE SIGN WITH THE TUG MXO. 35GH9SH LOU J. JCNOLL WEDS JIISS JfAItlE VON GOETZ. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald -State Bunk. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Mrtf. C. It.. Moroy will entertain yio Indian Card club tom'orrow afternoon. Harvey VanDoran left Sunday oven Ing for Rawlins tb spend a week or longer. Judge G. B. French who visited In Kansas City last week, camo homo yes terday. Wantod To trado a Chalmers six for a houso In town. Phono 01. ' Mrs. M. C. Hayes and daughter have roturncd from a short visit with friends In Lincoln. , John Reed, of St. Louis, camo a few days ago to, visit Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Edwards for a weok. Mrs. T. V. Rusklrk and, sons wh'o had been visiting in Knox county , re turned home Friday. Dr. and Mrs, Hooper, of Lowellen, who were guosts a): tho Wurtelo homo loft Saturday morning. For Sale A gc:l second hand mo torcycle. Price $50. Inqulro at 203 wost Second. 69-4 Mrs. Elizabeth Danzo left Saturday uftornoonjifor. Hershoy to visit for sev eral weeks with relatives. Mrs. Mary Guthorloss will leavo this, week for Portland,, Ore,, to spond several weeks with hor daughtor. 'Walitodj-A compotont girl for gen eral housework, Mrs. W V, Hcagland, Phono Black G41. ,MIss Pansy Davis, who recently camo horo from Topoka to vlsjt her brother,. has nccoptcd n position In tho off Jco of J. II. Edmlnsteln, Flva rQcjri houso for ront at 321 qiiosinut. Inqulro of Thgs. Slnmnts, 303 South Chsifttlnt. , 73-tf. Jilss Elol .Tnicfibs. formorly of thU city wli'o JyVn teaching In May wotl for sovlitl yearo visited In 'town tho lut,tor part of last. week. Ono of tho October" Columbia hits "When Undo Sammy Loads' tho Band" and "Ireland; Must Bo Heaven" by Mc Carthy, Johnson and Fisher. niXOty the Jowolor. FAST HORSES SECUItEI) i'OJt THE FAIR RACES. By adding $500 to the purses, the managers of tho Lincoln county fair has secured the Gould, string of horses lor the rair 'tins week, and by secur ing thpso trotters and pacers four ad' ditional events have been added to the race program. Tho additional races aro a 2:24 trot and a 2:15 pace on Thursday, a 2:30 trot Friday and a 2:15 paco 'or txdl on Saturday. These ndded races make a classy 'prp gram, aa good events as will bo wit nessed at any fair In the west half of the state, and they should draw big crowds. Tho total purses hung up aggregate over $lji00, and to play even the man agement must necessarily have a largo attendance. Tho complete speed program Is as follows: Thursday jHalf mile dash, ono mile trot, 2:24 trot, 2:15 pace, half mllo cow girl raeojJialfj mile cowboy race, flvo olghttfMnllodosh. Friday 2:30 trot, half mllo saddlo raco, lialf mllo bundlo raco, mllo pac ing raco, quartor mllo pony race, mule wngon race, two mllo relay race. Saturday 2:15 paco or trot, potato raco on horses, freo for all trot or paco (raco horses barred), novelty nuto rnco, flvo mllo motorcycle nice,., 'ton mllo nuto raco. " ' Melhodlst Aid Elects Officers. Tho Methodist aid society, hold their annual moeitlng last Thursday aftor noon at tho homo of Mrs. Fred Rector. Aftor tho business meeting an oicctton or officers wns hold rosuHtlng In reelecting-tho old officers as follows; Mrs. M. K. Scott president, Mrs. E. S. Davis vice-president, Mrs. B. B. Boat man soQrjnry, Mrs. M. J. Forbes treas urer. Aftbr ;'anot)ior ' m-rst profitable year tho aid wishes to tlmrtk all Uiobo who so ably assisted lu making tho past year auch n, succoss. -::o:: Atltornoy W. V., IBjaglund left yester day morning for Sidney on legal bus iness. Mrs. Klullo, of Michigan, arrived in town Saturday ovojilng to visit her, undo nud aunt Mr. ond Mrs. Frank Hlbner whom sho has not "soon for' thlrty-flvo years. Lost on road between North Platto and Gothenburg on of about Sopt. 13th, an imitation lonlthor suit caso contnlning lady's nnd Child's clollilng and small sum of mnoy. Finder plonso roturn same to Simon Bros, tlnshop North Platte. '"V- . l 1 1 " , 1 1 ' ; -J . : t ., i!f (One Naturally. Feels Chagrined to sea Ilia fi(M0llbnrB mnlrimr imiiintim...jB y ( which aio just as badly neQUud on his own . ( promises., Tho thi'ugMo do is to follow sjnit. benefitted. ' Keep pace with the improvement, j, ofthodnypnd see us for ' DUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL v 1 Coates Lumber & CoafCo. North Platto, Nebr. I'OItAIEJt RESIDENT COMMITS SUICIDE IN LOS ANGELES An elaborate wedding occurr9d Sat urday aftornoon at two o'clock at "ihp Episcopal church wlibn Miss Marie Von Goctz, of this city, became (ho bride of Lou) J. Knoll, of Ralston, Neb. Tho coremony was porformed by Dean J, J. Bowkor In tho presence cf a large number of Invited guests. Largo boquets of yellow chrysanthe mums wfere used in decorating the nl'.ar andnlso arranged In Jardonlers at the altar stops whoro tho bridal party stood. Albin Sandal 1 nnd Chas. P. Clinton acted as ushers and tho wed ding march was rondorod.by Mrs. Earl Stamp. Tho groom and his attend ant, II. E. Harvey, of Omaha, met at tho chancol tho bride, who was es corted by hor fathea and her three maids, Misses Charlotte Koop, of West Point, Marlon Pettis, of Lincoln, and Mary Rathke, of Glenwood, Iowa. The brldo w-oro a beautiful gown of white mescaline combined with georgd:te cropo, and carried an arm iboquet of Union of tho valley, rosos and orchids. Her veil was hold in place with small whito flowers. Each cf the maids wore gowns of yellow silk with trim mings of yellow g'eorgotto oropo, and dnlnty wreaths of -yellow pleated ma llne. They hold largo shower boquets of yellow and white flowers. Masters Dallas Garrard of this city and Lyle Knoll of Crete, were flower and ring bearers. ' After lino ceremony ono hundred heat. 115 east Eighth street Phone guests were entertained at a receptlgn ' Red 188. A dipping from a Los Angeles paper of recent date received at (this offlco tolls of thq suicide of C. C. Palmer, a former roaldent of Lincoln County. Palmer while a resident hero lived for a time on what is known as the Locust grove farm south of town, and nlso lived on tho place known as the Thoolocke farm. Ho left here a dozen or moro years ago and located In Los Angoles and at the time of his death wai a realty oporator. Palmer ended his life at tho homo of his daughter, and " boforo sondlng a bullet through his. own brain, fired a his wife who was sitting In a chair op posite, tho ball inflicting a scalp wound. Mrs. Palmer stated that sho was unable to account for her hus band's action o'.her than that he was Insanely Jealous of her, and that a de tective hnd been employed to "shadow" her, but tho detective stated that at no time had he found anything to Justi fy Palmer's suspicions of his wife. Later It was learned ithat on tho day following his death a charge of em bezzlement was to have beon prefer red against Palmer, and knowing of tho charge, concluded to cvnde It by taking his life. Tho amount embez zled was" less than $300. :;oi;. Miss Viola Allen letf a few dayB ago for Chicago to take a course in music. For Rent Modern rooms, Including Mrs. Homer Handily of Poole, Nebr,-, came Sunday ovenlng to visit hor mother Mrs. Ida Tarklngton ibr sever al weeks. Mn nndMrs. ' Kccfe; otiSloux City, la., visited their son James Keofo this weok and left yesterday morning for California to spend tho winter. F at the home of the bride's parents which had been artistically decorated In yellow and white. 'Assisting In ser ving wero Misses Catherine Hall, Hazel Barebr, Obra SouBer, and , Maude Owens. Mr .and Mrs. Knoll left the same evening for eastern 'points on a wedding trjp. f Mrs. Knoll wass born In tills ., city. She is tho youngest daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Victor VonGoetz s and for several years was employed, as prin cipal in the West Point schools. . She is a'talertted young lady and JuMly popular. Tho groom was .formerly superintendent of tho West . Point schools, but recently accepted the pch sltlon of cashier of a bank at Rals ton. . . , Out of town guests were Mrs. W. C, Patterson of Minneapolis, Mrs. O. R. Hnndley and Mrs. Clydo Drew, of Oma ha, Mrs. Charles B. WInegar, of Leba non, Kansas, Mr. and Mrs, A, L. Knoll Mrs. W. C. Rltner was called to Wisconsin the latter part of last week by the serious illness of her sister. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Brown, wh'o were at Rochester, Minn., for several weeks returned homo yesterday morn ing. Mrs. Katie O'Brien of Omaha, Is the guest of Mrs. Magnolia Duke this week whljo enroute home from a short stay In Sidney. Miss Hannah Kellher, of Omaha, who has .been visiting for ton days with MrSf E. F. Seeberger and ether friends Will leavo Thursday. Miss Hannah JohnEKon( county sup erintendent of Boono dounty, was the guest of -Rev. and Mrs. Robert White last week and left yesterday morning. Keith Neville, democratic candidate for governor, spenlt Saturday and Sun day-in town and left yesterday for the and George Knoll, of Crete, and Mr. and we? part of the statc- This afternoon no win speait at uayard and later at Bridgeport. Mr. Neville says prosnedls for I'democr atio sucoe8sgrowfbrlghteT- Mrs. M. S. McDuffy of Madison. ::o:: I. For Sale or Trade. ' ..Two four room houses onwest 10th, stroot. Will consider a good automo bllo as paitt payment and will also con sider a good heavy team of draft horses In exchange on either property. En- qulro of J. C, Askwlg. 73tf : :o: : Golf Scores. Saturday aftornon Plumor and Froed dofeatcd Warren and Wholan on the golf links four up, and later lldbk on Healqy and Warren defeating thom.Jgnl two games thrco up and (our up. Plum or and Freed say they aro very much disappointed In the showing mado by Wholan in tho first match, and aro at a loss to know how ho has overt csorcd under sovonty. ::o:: - I Perry Sltton came ulp from Omaha yosioruay morning to spend a fow days. : :o: Jacks nnd Jennets for Sale. I have a carload of Misslouri Jacks and Jennets for sale at Bowen Liv ery barn. Those Interested are Invited to call. They will bo kept here until sold. They range In ago from six weeics to six years. T. H. NICHOLS, 71-2 Salisbury. Mo GUARANTEED AUTOMOBILE ROBE Here It is the advertised lino of new MOTOR- Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Johnston, of Mai vorn, In., nro visiting at tho homo of," WEAVE Auto Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carman. Jtobes. Popular .. . 1 price, popular Mrs. Harry Mhoro pleasantly ontor- designs and pop- inincu uio Uithoran Girls club Fr dav4""u Kuurunuw. ovonlng wlfh gnmos and, music. Will Adnlr returned Saturday from Koarnoy whoro ho visited friends and attended the-county fair last week. Hendquartors-for Window glass. STONE DRUG COMPANY. Robert Tuckw.i of Wot Springs, enmo a few dnya ago to visit his sons Lumbar and John Tucker for a Avook or lonKor. flutli Mllfcnborgcr of CorE. wh TVbEArEvrwtnTtin 1R: una uonu rwriiiuiis men in Aiueuot ""! WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE, Tho most unusual value ever offered In an auto robe. Quality, Tex ture and Durability all guaranteedand at the sensationally low price of $G.75. Weave OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH if S :.-,Thft First National Bank. 1 I l th a Member Federal Reserve Bank Systom. CAPITAL AAU aURPL&it fi'''9" I On hundred ,and Fifty Thopsnnd Dollars. it :t 5,: J,t :.s :,t it ij . STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE '"HAVE llKKJi THE FACTORS IN THE ttUOWi-fl OF THIS BANK, AND TIIK 8.UIE I AilEFOLvATTKNT10N IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LAHGE BALANCES. 1: l l INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. ... .1 w..........,...........,,,,v.v.,.w.v....:;;Mw...Uj.. rrA . . iirJ:PMjl, . ( . 8 Hi Show Her You Mean Business .Take it from us, young man, few girls of the right sort have the heart to turn down a man who is thoughtful enough to give her in the beginning her heart's desire a home of her own. It's the one thing that every woman wants for there her dreams of past years become realities. Build a Home Now f and' start life in the right way full of happiness and con tentment. We have , several books of the latest designed houses and bungalows. Come in and select the. one you like best and let us figure the cost for you complete, foun dation and all. We have everything in building materia'! you'll need. Come in any day and we'll show you a plan sne ii line. W. W. BIRGE CO. PHONE 9, V 3 Mutual Building & Loan Assn. OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ASSETS $840,000.00 To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers; Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adver tising the fact that they have reduced the monthly payments-, of borrowers to SI. 10 per month on each $100.00 borrowed,'" making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build ing & Loan Association of North Platte. They fail to state that of the $1.10 paid to the non-resident company, there is', only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment, the balance seventy-five 'cents being taken for interest. Of the' .$1.10.monthly-payment4o.this-associationJ.Qn.each. $100.00. borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited as a principal payment. This difference in the amount credited the borrower will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each $100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they wotrld if they were doing the business with this Association. Mutual Building & Loan Association OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. I " 1 III l H BPII I5!P yl Ail Eye Catcher ' Tonight and every 'other night you can. call attention from far and near to your business with an electric sign. Up and down the street as far as you can see; it will flash your rressage. 11 MAZDA . LAMFS: Tho 5 and 10 watt EDISON MAZDA Sign Lamps give from 40 to 65 per cent more light than the old style carbon lamps and cost only one-half as much to operate. ' Our sign expert will gladly tell you more about this new economy, and explain hpw you can get the best results from electric signr for your business. Nerlh Platte Light & Power Co.