The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 26, 1916, Image 3

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The mam
We are all Imporfoct and tho two
things that moko It posslblo for Im
perfect people to live together In peace
mnd Joy aro forgiving and forgetting.
Cut on unpceled eggplant In one-fourth-lnch
slices, salt cnch ; put them
together ngnln nnd press
under a heavy weight an
hour or more. Cut them
Into equal lengths n
fourth of an Inch wide,
rejecting the skin, dry
them and roll them In
flour and cornmcal
mixed; season with salt,
pepper, and a dash of
nutmeg. Drop n few at
a time Into hot olive oil
and fry until a dellcato brown. Drain
ju soft paper and serve nt once.
Macaroni Savory. Take a quart of
cooked macaroni, two green peppers,
two onions, chop tho vegetables and
fry 15 minutes In olive oil, tossing
them const- ntly ; ndd one cupful of to
matoes and a half cupful of grated
cheese. -
Masked Sweetbreads. Remove the
pipes and skin from a pound of
blanched sweetbreads. then put
through the meat grinder with two
Bllces of salt pork. Form Into cut
lets and roll them In cheesecloth to
keep their shape. Plnco on Ice to
become Arm. After n'u hour or two
Haute them on one side, only using
butter; then place them in a buttered
baking sheet,' baked side up. Cover
them with tho following mixture:
Scald a small onion in water flvo .jln
utes, drain and sllco It and cook in
a tablespoonful of butter until It Is
slightly brown ; add ono cupful of
stock and cook until tender; press
through n sieve with the stock. Melt
three tnblespoonfiils of butter; add
a third of a cupful of flour, 'half a
tenspoonful of salt, and a little pnprl
kn. Add enougli cream to the onion
nnd stock mixture to make ono and
n third cupfuls; ndd this to tho mix
ture in tho pnn ; when boiling, ndd one
largo egg, cook for a moment, then
ndd a dnsli of cayenne and nutmeg.
Cover tho sweetbreads about a fourth
of an Inch with this. Cool, then cover
with bread crumbs, mixed In melted
butter. Place a wholo mushroom,
cooked in butter, on each cutlet, and
garnish with scrips of truffle or red
nnd green peppers. Bako ten minutes.
Servo with a brown mushroom sauce
around the edge of the plate with a
mound of fried eggplant straws In tho
Chestnut Soup Boll four dozen
large chestnuts for 15 minutes; let
cool nnd peel them. Cook tho chesti
nuts In three tablespoonfuls of melted
butter for a few minutes, not letting
them brown. Add to this three pints
of chicken stock that has been well
seasoned ana let cook slowly until tho
chestnuts aro soft. Put nuts through
a slovo and return to tho stock. Serve
with croutons.
There Is no use arguing with the In
evitable, tho only argumont with the
past wind la to put on our overcoat
An example Is worth a thousand ar
guments. Wm, Gladstone
In Woman's Realm
Suggestion for Dainty and Useful Frock, Appropriate for Any Oc
casion Charmeuse or Panne Velvet the Best Materials
to Be Employed Three Styles That Are Among
the Best of the New Hats.
Cantaloupes are delicious when
.served In any form If they nro chilled.
One of tho pretty ways
to servo them is to cut
them In quarters nnd
garnish with thrco can
d.led or mint cherries in
encli quarter. This meth
od may bo used ns n des
sert or as a beginning to
the meal.
Peach Pie (Pennsylvania Dutch).
Lino a plo plate with rich crust nnd fill
with sliced peaches, either fresh or
canned may bo used; sprinkle with
sugar nnd fill the crust with sour
cream. Cover with tnrt strips nnd
bake. Bako very slowly; this Is sim
ply delicious.
A pretty way to servo peaches Is to
peel them, halve them and nil tho j
centers, wun cnoppcu nuts anu cover
with whipped cream. On ench serv
ing place half a walnut.
Tart apples cooked with onions nnd'
n Uttla salt pork fat; season with sug
nr, rait nnd pepper tf liked. A most
tasty dish to servo with mcnt as n veg
etable. Maple Apples. Pare, halvo and coro
hnlf n dozen cooking apples and put
Into a kettle with two cupfuls of wa
ter and ono cupful of mnplc sirup.
Lot simmer until they nre tender, gon
ITero Is n frock for afternoon wear
Which will give Its owners tho bcIiro
of being well nnd appropriately
dressed for many occasions. It Is
mnde of one of tho soft weaves In silk
or satin which arc christened with new
names occasionally, for tho sako of
variety. Chnrmcusc will suggest about
tho texture and luster that nre of
greatest advantage to tho designer In
gowns of this kind. Pnnno velvet Is n
good suhstltuto for silk or sntln, in
tho winter senson, although moro
gowns are made of satin thnn uf the
other materials.
The skirt is straight-hanging nnd
weighted with n wldo hem. Tho sldo
panels are Rhlrred Into ninny parallel
folds at tho top, which extend to tho
here. They havo been chosen from
among many others that nre destined
to add zest to Ufo for tho younger
women during tho coming winter. Two
of these hats nro broad-brimmed, dig
nified nnd picturesque shapes, and tho
third Is u moderately small Jaunty
Tho hat to tho left is of gray velvet
faced with rose crepo and has n crown
covered by rows of chenille of tho
snmo shndo of gray ns tho velvet. Tho
brim is wide and droops a little. It
Is trimmed with a flat roso mado of
embroidery In dark red roso Bhndcs.
There Is a single embroidered leaf
and n long and slender stem of
chcnlllo that rests on tho brim.
The small hat nt tho light is in pur.
tly turning them with a fork when tho
eii,- begin to look clear. Servo cold
with whipped cream.
Yellow Tomato and Chestnut Salad.
Paro 12 yellow tomatoes after dip
ping in scalding water, cut in halves
nd let stand in French dressing for
half an hour. Blnnch tho chestnuts
nd chill somo celery. Take a fourth
of n cupful of sliced chestnuts and
diced celery, mix with mayonnaise.
Form nests of cress nnd lay the toma
toes In the cress in the shapo of a mal
tose cross; then plnco a spoonful of
the celery nnd chestnut mlxturo in tho
center on ench serving. Pour over the
dressing that has been drained from
the tomatoes nnd servo Iwlth cream
cheeso sandwiches.
Apple Jelly mado from tho red As-
trnchans, using the peeling to glvo it
color, mnkos n most beautiful jelly.
Strawberry Juice added to applo
uicb makes n delicious Jelly both to
see nnd taste.
"Who bides his time and' day by day
Faces defeat full patiently,
And lifts a mirthful roundelay;
However poor his fortunes bo,
He will not fall In any qualm.
Of. poverty the petty dime
It will grow golden in his palm,
Who bides his time.
Join os W.
DIgcstrvo troubles nre not caused
from any one food usunlly, but from
too great an amount and
to6 great a variety.
Salmon Mayonnaise.
Set a can of tho best sal
mon into n saucepan of
balling water and cook
for 15 minutes. Open nnd
turn It out on the platter
without breaking tho
mold. The finest salmon contains noth
ing that need bo removed. Pour over
it a half pint of mnyonnalso dressing,
contnlning a tnblespoonful of horse
radish. Garnish with circles of hard-
boiled egg nnd serve with Saratoga
Boiled Cucumbers Pare and cut
tho cucumbers In halves, lengthwise,
and boll In salted water until tender,
but still Arm, then drain. Mnko
snuco of ono tablespoonful ench of but
ter nnd flour and ono cupful of tho
water In which tho cucumbers were
cooked ; add suit, pepper and the Juice
of half a lemon; when thick nnd
smooth, ndd ono half n pimento, shred
(led, and one tablespoonful of cooked
peas. Lay the cucumber on strips of
tonBt and pour tho snuco over them.
Green Peppers In Tomato Sauce-
Cut up two quarts of fresh tomatoes
idd ono teaspoonful of snlt, and boll
over a quick fire for half nn hour, stir
ring occasionally; then strain. There
should be n plut or more. Put hnlf a
cupful of oil In a casserole, and when
hot ndd two cloves of garlic finely
minced, fry these until brown. Now
add tho strained tomatoes) a table
spoonful of minced parsley nnd three
basil or buy leaves. Boll ten minutes.
, Out ten green peppers in strips, reraov
lug the seeds and stems, add thera to
the tomato snqco and cook half an
hour. Serve hot.
Stuffed Peppers. Cut off tho stem
pnd of four sweet pepptrs and fill with
Hce, chicken, celery, onion Julco, salt
bnd pepper to tost, Moisten with ollvo
(oil and a little tomato. Sprinklo light
ly with cheeso and bako 40 minutes.
If you want knowledge you must toll
for It, If pleasuro you must toll for it.
Toll Is law. Pleasuro comes through
toll and not by self-indulgence and In
dolence. When one gets to love work
his life Is a happy one. Ituskln.
To remove fresh ten nnd coffco
stains. Place tho stained linen over
a large bowl and pour
through It boiling water
from n teakettle held nt
a height to Insure force.
If tho stains nro obliter
ated sonk with peroxldo
after they aro hung on
the line.
Old tea and coffee
stains; soak In cold water
.first, then use boiling wa
ter ns above. To remove
cccoa and chocolate stains uso cold,
then boiling, water.
Pour boiling water on fruit stulns,
arranging tho stained surface over a
Blood status, soak in cold water,
then wash In hot soapsuds, and bleach
In the sun.
Wine stains, cover the stains with
salt: let stand a few minutes then
rinse in cold water.
To remove ink spots from gingham
Wet tho Bpots with milk and cover
them with salt. Let stnnd somo hours
then rinse in several waters.
To remove Ink spots from white
fnbric Put one or two drops of ox
alic acid on tho spots, rinse in several
waters and finally in nmmonin.
To remove grass stains Allow tho
spots to remnln saturated with alco
hol for a llttlo time, then wash in
clear wnter. Another mothod rub with
molasses, then wash in hot sonpsuds,
or a llttlo lard, to loosen tho grass
fiber, Is rubbed well Into tho cloth, and
Is then washed out in hot suds; is
usually effective.
To .remove mildew Uso lemon
Juice and sunshine, or if deep-seated,
soak In a solution of one tablespoon
ful of chloride of lime In four quarts
of cold water until tho mildew disap
pears. Illnsc several times In clear
water. x
' To remove rust stains Lemon Julco
and snlt or salts of lemon are tho most
valunblo removers. Moisten the salts
with wnter nnd moisten tho spot; let
It He in the sun' until the spot disap
pears. A second application may bo
needed. When all other means futl,
snioko stains over a funnel placed over
a bit of burning sulphur, confining tho
fumes ns much as posslblo to the spot
needing treatment, then wash thor
oughly as tho sulphur rots .tho thread.
Usually two or threo treatments of
peroxldo In tho sunshine will take out
stains on table linen.
pockets. The large pockets are fea
tured In tliis model by covering them
with an embroidered pattern which In
troduces fine metallic threads among
those, of heavy silk that make up tho
Tho skirt Is Joined to the bodice at
the normal waistline, and the bodice
opens down tho front. It Is cut in nt
tho neck, extending to tho bust line,
and buttons from there to tho bottom
with smnll satin-covered buttons.,- A
narrow collar of fine orgnndlo or
batiste finishes the neck opening. A
novel decoration for tho bodice ap
pears in tho wide band of embroidered
satin that Is wrapped about It over'tho
bust and above tho waist. It termi
nates In n pointed end at tho left side,
where It fastens.
Tho sleeves are plain to the elbow.
From this point to the wrist they nre
"Chuck-Hole Club" Formed by Farm-
era and Automobllltts In State
of Washington.
"Most of tho farmers nnd nutomo-
blllsts residing near Bothell, Wash.,
havo formed nn organization which Is
called tho 'Chuck-IIolo club.' Each
member of tho club pledges himself
to boost tho good roads movement In
every way and to personally sco thnt
nt least one chuck hole Is filled up
onco a month."
Florida has many miles of shell,
sand-clay and graded dirt roads that
havo hundreds of these snmo chuck
pie velvet and Is shown in other colors.
It has n pert bow perched on tho
brim near its edge, finished with a
long pointed end.
Tho big lint nt the bottom of tho
picture Is of white hatters' plush faced
with velvet In tho color of moleskin.
There is a heavy chenlllo lattlco work
about the side crown, in tho snmo color
as tho facing, nnd threo llttlo ostrich
tips, also In tnupe, aro perched at tho
back ns If to draw attention to tho
lift in the brim. A small painted
npplo of velvet Is set In two velvet
leaves at the right front.
No color takes precedence over
taupe, which Is unotlicr namo for mole,
this season, and moleskin has outdis
tanced other furs, In tho estimation
of milliners, anyway. Wldo scarfs of
it, made up with ermine, and smaller
neckpieces nmdu to match hats on
Trcn p&t,
'Loose piann t
How She Was Relieved from
Pain by Lydia E.Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Taunton, Mass." I had pains In boUt
aides and when my periods enmo I had
rn w a lay at noma
from work and suf
fer a Ions time.
One day a woman
came to our house
and askod my
mother why I was
suffering. Mother
told her that I suf
fered every month
and she said, ' Why
don't you buy a
bottle of Lydia E.
rinkham'a Vcgctablo Compound? ' My
mother bought it and tho noxt month I
waa so woll that I worked all tho month
without staying at homo a day. I am
In good health now and havo told lots of
girls about It.' Miss CLAMCE MOWN,
22 Russoll Streot, Taunton, Mass.
Thousands of girls suffer in silence
every month rather than consult a phy
sician. If girls who nro troubled with
Eainful or irregular periods, backache,
cadacho, dragging-down sensations,
fainting spells or indigestion would take
Lydia E. Plnklmm'a Vegetable Com
pound, a safo and pure remedykmade
Jrom rootn and herbs, much Buffering
might bo avoided. '
Writo to Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine
Co., Lynn, Mass. (confidential) for free
advico which will provo holpf ul.
la no mora ncMr7
thinSmallpox. Army
ezpcilenca budemonttutt
tha almott mlnculoul etfU
ct, nl htrmlewneu, of Antityphoid Vaeelnttloa.
BweelnktcdNOW by youi phyj'cUo, you M4
Tout fuilly. It ll mora vlul thin bouts iBiurtaca.
Alk your phyitcUn. drueffUt, ,cnd for u,Ta
yea bad Typboldf" ttllli of Typhoid Vtcclat,
imuIU from vie, tad dinger f ran Typhoid Cinlert.
Prttfutlai Vtitlnw n Serrnut vnftr U. 8. LtM
Tin Cutter Uktrtttry, Brklty, Cl.. Ohliai, IIL
King Road Drag.
holes hi them. If cnch farmer and nu
tomoblllst would follow tho example
set by that progressive community In
Washington, this state would soon
havo much better roads, says Florida
Thoro is an old saying thnt "a stitch
In tlmo saves nine," and this applies
forcibly to keeping up roads. When a
small nolo appears fill It up. Don't
wait for tho other fellow to do it, be
cause a ruin may come along before
tho fellow does, nnd by wnshlng tho
dust out Icavo a placo for whcols
to drop In and mako tho hole larger.
Hough roads aro expensive for ovory
ono traveling over them. Wagons suf
fer cs well as automobiles. Tho strain
soon racks tho wheels, spring tho axles
and Increase tho draft of tho wagon,
thus making It much harder on tho
Automoblllsts suffer moro than wng-1
ons because they travel at n higher
speed. Springs, axles, wheels and all
parts suffer and tho cur Is soon ready
for tho Junk henp. .
Dr. W. C. Etherldgc, professor ol
agronomy In tho University of Flor
ida College of Agriculture, Is very
much In favor of tho "chuck-holo"
club" idcu, and urges in addition thai
farmers uso tho King drag on tho road
along their property after each rain.
aires Prompt and PeiltlT Relief In Krery
Case. Bold by DrujfBliU. Price 810.
Trial Package, by Hall I0o.
WILLIAMS KFt, CO., Prtt. ClmM, 9.
Prompted Miss Ellen Terry.
Miss Ellen Terry n fow weeks ngu
was giving n Shakcspcnrcan recitation
at an entertainment In aid of n war
fund, nnd n largo part of her audience
woro the girls from n widely known
Chelsea school. " Knowing ovory lino by
heart, they were following tho recital
with breathless attention. Suddenly
Miss Torry faltered nnd, us often hap
pens on tho stage, tho nctress' mind for
ono moment became a blank. Then,
Just as tho puuso threatened to bo
como awkward, tho small, ringing voice
of a twelve-year-old schoolgirl gavo the
necessary words. London Mirror.
tiarrowed and aro long enough ' to
wrlnklo on tho forearm nnd cover tho
wrist. Narrow bands of embroidery
outline tho wrist nnd opening nt tho
upper arm, which extends to tho el
bow. They fasten with snap fasteners
and are quaintly finished with n nar
row niching of orgnndlo along tho
openltig'nnd about the wrist.
Three new lints belonging to types
Uint arc always pleasing uro shown
which It Is used, are among the moat
elegant offerings of tho season.
Being COO feet from tho ground, the
windows of tho Washington monument!
nro fairly safe from prying pede
Missouri Gets 10,000 Quail.
Ten thousand quail thnt havo been
brought from Mexico to Missouri,
whero they will bo used to restock de
pleted covers, will not suffer from tho
chango of cllmnto, because they were
caught In tho Coahulla mountains, and
their former homo wns Just about as
chilly in winter ns their now one.
By Way of Solace.
"Of course," said tho old friend,
"you find that money docs not bring
"Candidly," replied Mr. Dustln Star;
"nnd Just between ourselves, I And no
such thing. When engaged In bargain
ing, I mado that remark from time to
tlmo merely to rcconcllo tho other fel
low to his losses."
Just as True In Road Dragging aa In
Fence Repairing and Other Work
Around the Farm.
(By M. A. It. KELIA', Missouri College
of Agriculture.)
"A stitch In tlmo eaves nine", Is Jusl
as truo In rond dragging as In fenc
fixing nnd other farm work. Don't lol
tho rush .of farm work causo you ta
neglect road dragging until tho ruti
aro so deep and the weeds havo sucb
n start that' tho drag cannot do Its
best work. A llttlo careful work noi
nnd during tho remainder of tho Ben
son will not only keep tho roads In
good shape but keep down tho weeds
in such a way to snvo n great deal ol
work at wood-mowing time.
Used for Dragging Both Sides of Roao
When Farmer Goes to Town and
on Hla Return.
In somo sections farmers are hitch
lng n rond drag to tho auto when tak
lng a trip to town or anywhoro else
on the roads. Tho car pulls the drag
along tho mile or two of road that
tho farmor cares to keop up. On tha
way homo ho picks up tho drag whera
ho left It and drags tho other sldo of
tho road going back, making such
round each tlmo the car Is taken out
This All Helps.
Co-operative packing nlnnUi aro bo-
lng established In somo sections of the
country, but they must bo conducted
on business principles or they will fall
This was demonstrated years ago bj
tflo co-operative creameries.
Ducting Powder.
A good dusting powder for lice,
mites, fleas, etc., Is made as follows
Carbolic add, eight ounces; gaBollne,
ono quart; plaster of parls sufficient
to absorb moisture. Dust over ttnl
Old Sampson, tin Indian, Is dead at
100, in Delta, Cal.
V . O .
jjQr use
fatum Ctml Co,Ltl,
Btttk CmtfEcfe.,