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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1916)
M kite $M-WiiMi MvMnt THIRTX-KIRST YEAH. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., SEPTEMBER 26, 1916. No. 73 1 5 MUCK LAYING WILL START THIS lVEEk. Twenty or nvcre carloads of paving brick nritved Saturday and yesterday and four toams art dolivorlng and stacking .thorn nl'ong the stroots that have beon concreted. Tho laying of tho brick wijl 'bo ppi formed by twU colored professionals who arrived yes terday, TheVtwb brick layers with twelve men as tenders. can lay about 55,000 brick each day, which is equiv alent to completing a brook A day not counting tho Intersections. Each brick weighs nine and ithreo-quartora pounds, so it will be seen the fellow who lays them handles over 130 tons of brick a day. Tho prosont Intention is to begin laying brick Wednesday afterno'on or Thursdaymoiuing, and it i expected that tho men engaged in excavating and concreting will be able to keep ahead of the brick layors. Tho two brick layors prtonounco the brick as good as any they have seen anywhere that they aro solid, oven and the prosslng and burning aro uni form. -.. ' ::d::L-i Parochial School Opens. Tho Catholic school 'opened yester day morning with an enrollment of ono hundred and twentyJtwo. In the prim er, first and second grados arc thirty nine, in tho third, fourth and fifth, forty-ono, in 'the sixth and seventh twenty-seven, and in the eighth and ninth fifteen. The schotol is in charge of the Ursullne sisters of Creston Hill, Ind., and Sister Liboria, instructor In piano, voice and violin has a class of seventeen. The now building is not quit complete, therefore s'omo Incon venience will be experienced 'this week which will be overcome In a few days. : io: : Asked to Close Stores The county" fair management asks that all business places close from 1:30 to 5:00 o'clock Thursday and Friday afternoons and it Is probable that a ma jority will d!oi so. "With varied at tractions -those aftornoons atrtheialr ground, prartically everybody will be there and tho streets aro likely to present the appearance of a desorted village. Tho merchants, therefore, in closing, will lose but little trade. ' ::o:: Kennedy "Will bo Here Friday. The republican county central co'm- Tnltteo has been advised that John hA Kennedy, republican candidate for United .States senator, will be in North Platte next Friday and will speak at the fair grounds at 1:30 in the after noon. Mr. Kennedy Is a good talker, a logical reasoner and will Interest Ills hearers. : :o: : TOR KENT Houses, rooms, modern and other -wise, hay nnd other lands, safe do. posit boxes nnd storage spnee. BltATT, GOODMAN & HUCKLEY, can oes iri this Fall! Suit v!No guesswork here in buying your Fall .suit no taking chances in thinking you get clothes-value. You will know for an .absolute certainty that your Fall COLLE GIAN Suit is' full of value from trouser cuffs to coat collar. You can see and "feel" it there is .not the slightest doubt quality sticks out all over. ADLER'S Collegian Clothes 'The quality of the fabrics and material guarantees . a wearability that vvill astonish you as die months 'go by. The smart styles or conservative ones,- whichever you like, will give you clothes distinction .that is unique at the price. Now is the time to get your Fall COLLEGIAN .Suit our display is full and your choice unlimited. Harcourt Clothing Co. OUT AM) COUNTY NEWS. Wanted Girl for general housework. Mrs. Chai'los Whslan. 73tf Mies Jessie Bakor' spent the 'wetfk end visiting in Loxington. Ralph Graham returned a few days ago from Ohadron whore' ho spgut last week, Attorney "J. G. Boelor roturnad Sun day from Lincoln whore he spent tho woek ond. The M. M. M. olub will meet Tues day afternoon, October 3d, with Mrs. Guy Swope. Everything to make you comfort ablo for winter at E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Found A bunch of koys. Owner can I have same by calling at this office and imyiut; iui hub uuulu, Mrs. Charles Thornburg returned! the lator part of last week from an ex- i ended visit in eastern citle3. The Tllllkum Girls, were entertained In tho church basement last evening by Mlses Catherln Hall and Lucille McFar land. Eevoiyono is trying to solve the F ranklin Rebus. Bettor got busy and get tho set 0 Sterling Silver spoons. CLINTON tho Jowelor. Ml3s Olga 'Sandall has resumed hor duties as stenographer at the Sebas tian offico after enjoying a two weeks' vacation." . Have you solved tho Franklin Rebus? Tho first correct answer gets the set of Sterling Silver spoon. CLINTON, the Jeweler. Thursday night's program at tho Keith will be the five part drama "Tho Last Act," with Bessio Barriscalo ond Harry Keenan and the two part com edy "His Prldo and Shame" with Fred Mace. A scho'ol of instruction will be held aT the Masonic meeting 'tomorrow ev enlngt. preceded, by a banquet .Which. win do serveu at six-uuriy -o ciook. Grand Master French, of Kearney, will be the principal speaker of tho oven ing. Step In and hear some of tho new Columbia records: "At the End of a Beautiful Day;" "Pretty Baby," by Arthur Collins, "Honest Injun" by Col lins and Harlan; "Honky'Tcnky One S,tep" by Printz'se band; "Oft in tho Stilly Night" by Maggie Teyto. DIX ON, the Jeweler. Edna Goodrich the noted dramatic actress and international beauty, with Thomas Meighan and, James Cruze, make up a part of the cast in the Las- ky feature, "Armstrong's Wife," at the Keith tonight. In this feature Miss Gdodrlch is given ample opportunity to display 3omo of tho beautiful gowns for which sho is n:ted. The production Itself is said to be one of the most beautiful over turned out by the Lasky company. eel the Vai- Mrs. B. B. Boatman left yostorday; nftarnoon for Donvor to visit friond J. J: ftalllgan returned Saturday from d business trfp to Belle Plains. Iowa. A bftby girl wasfborn Sunday to Mv and Mrs. N. IVW0II3 who.Hvo south of town. r t For Sale Medium alio hard cmU humor. 411 oast Elovanth street, phtono. Black 845. Mrs AlfoVd, of Omaha, came Sunday aVenfWg to visit Mrs. Mettln nnd fnh ily for a week tor longer. Mrs. Bugone Holcombe returned Sunday evening from Omaha where sho visited frionds last woek. A big assortment of Ladles Skirts In satins, taffetas nnd fancy mlxturos, also the plain staple colors in all the now nifty styles. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Mr. and Mrs. James Dean, of LexIngJ t'jn, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rush Donn and family Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Dean is an employo of tho U. P. rail road at that place. For quick action nnd satisfactory sale list your land with Thoelcckc. tf I havo buyers for three small farms. What linvo yott for sale? 71tf 0. H. TJIOELECJKE. Howe & Mnlonoy present two very attractively dee'erated windows for fair week, tho "Lincoln County" panel made of grains of corn, wheat and other cer eals showing the handiwork of an artist. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Miss Myrtle Boelor, who submitted to an operation for a growth on tho ri:se bono In tho Swedish Lutheran hospital In Omaha Sa'turday is getting along nicely. The operation was a very delicate one. Fiund On Tryon road Friday a la-1 dies' purse, containing ladies' articles and a small Bum of money. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. Havo you seen 'cur beautiful lino'of Blankets? y E. T. TRAMP & SONS. The Twentieth Contury club of this city 'will bo represented at tho state convention of Woman's clubs at Hast ings next week by Mesdamos J. H. Hegarty, Geo B. Dent, J. J. Halligan and T. C. Patterson. Wanted good girl for genreul. house work, 412 West Fourth Street, Mrs. Brntt. Joe Schatz, who wont t'o Excelsior Springs ten days ago t'& receive treat' raent for rheumatism is not improving as rapidly as was hoped. Part of the time It is necessary to uso a wheel chair to convey him around. FOR JtENT Three modern rooms, heat, light and gas, close In. JIKATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. New S - Wc have just received for dresses and waists. They autumn colors. One view .of fall sewing. 1 ,LOCAL AN3) PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brotornitz loft recently for P:catollo whore they will reside in the future. ,-T. L .Green returned yostorday from Grand Island whero ho visited rela tives for sovoral days. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reynolds re turned last ovcning.from Omaha whore the former submitted to an operation recently. Isaac ,Selby has opened a depart- menKstlore on nort Locust street In tho building formerly Occupied by tho Darby pool hall. Doctors Stevenson Johnston and An- dor'sojftj, of Gothenburg, spent yester- dayat4ho North Platto General Ii'ob pltnl !cn 'business. A goodly assortment of styles and colors in Suits nnd Coats. Do not wait, make your selections now. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Tho traveling salesmen who havo their headquarters In this city havo or ganized a social club and will hold a danco and card party at tho Masonic hall Saturday ovonlng. For Ront Ono or two furnished rooms for rent, 520 east Fifth. 73-2 Mrs. Jane Grimes and two childron, cf Falls-City, roturned to their home Sunday night after a 'pleasant visit of two months with hor siator Mrs. Rush Dean and family and other rela tives. Mrs. Dean accompanied them as far as Omaha on their return. Bath r'obo blankets, all colors and designs, also tho bath robes mado up. Our stylos and prices are right. . E. T. TRAMP & SONS. ' Chris Sawyor who has boon running 'a. light dray and express wagon for years, discarded his horses lost wcok and nnd tho body of his wagon mount ed on tho chassis of a Ford motor truck. This will enable him to travol inoro quickly, and tho prlco. of gas will bo much less than ho paid for feed and care of tho horses. Tho Travel and. Study club met at the homo of MrB. M. E. Crosby last ev ening and wore much interested in papers rend by Mrs. Dent on "Edison," and by Mrs. Crosby on "Social Trans portation In China." Tho study sub ject of tho club this year is tho Chinese empire Wo wrlle the best and cheapest fire, lightning-, tornado, hail clc, Insurance that Is written In tho (25) Tweiily-flvo sound and solid conipunles wo repre sent. Besides our life and accident and other conipunles with millions of nssets behind them. Your choice' 0! miy. BltATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. At a mooting ot tho United Spanish Wari Veterans Saturday ovening, Keith Neville' and membors 'of tho Grand Army o tho Republic woro mado hon orary membors of tho former organi zation. J. E. Evans and Judgo Hoag land responded in behalf ot tho G.' A, R., for tho appreciation. bestowpd, and Mr. Neville feelingly thanked tho camp ficr tho honor that had been conforrod upon him. '!:o:: F. J. DIENEK & CO. Real Estate and Insaraace Homo and sea uh for town lots In different parts of tho city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent, wo hare also good bar- calnn in farms anil ranches Wilcox D I Cor. Front and Doweyflta.. upstairs. port an early shipment of the new fall silks 46-inch widlhs suitable come in fancy stripes in charming combinations ot tho incur these materials will inspire any woman with eagerness to begin 0 to $2.00 yard. epartment Store. Ifnllhjnii Will Conch Vic Halligan, of this city, Btudont at tho University of Nobrnska and captain of tho 1914 foot ball team, has beon se lected as coach for tho university freshman team. Vie is regarded, and properly s'o, as ono of Nebraska grid iron horoos. ' ,' Tho Episcopal gulld,Wlinold an ox chango of foods at Howe &' Mnlonoy'a Saturday, Soptcmber 30th. The Episcopal guild will moot In tho church basement Thursday afternoon for work. THE SCALES Occasionally wo believe "I've been getting along without it this far and when my time comes I'll have made enough monkey to leave my family all right." This Man Forgets that life is an uncertain quantity; that the "scales are lumg in the balance"; and that, every man, according to Life Insurance figures, becomes "a poor risk" at a certain age, and for certain , reasons. ; Is It a Wise or Thrifty Plan to play fast and loose with Old Fathe'r Timeiwhcn a little money spent now will, assure safety and protection for those who are dependent upon-you? . Now Is The Timo to buy Life Insurance and tho younger you are the better You can then gel better protection for less money. Ask any Insurance man to explain the policy he considers best for your age, 'needs and financial circumstances. He will advice fairly because his reputation depends upon it. And When You Have Your Policy don't forget that one of the sixteen Insurance Pay ing Plans ofiered by the "Thrift Savings Club" Department of this bank will take care of paying the annual premium in the most easy and satis-, factory way possible. You simply divide this premium amount into fifty small payments, making a deposit of the proper size regularly each week. Or you can nftke twelve deposits one each month it that will 'suit you better. ASK OUR ADVICE ABOUT THE "THRIFT" PLAN THAT WILL BE BEST FOR YOU. r c o r For Kent 6 room hoiiBO, 310 west, A streot, with water, gas, and electricity, toilet in tho houso. $ 0.210porodh.h dyb In tho houso, $12.00 por month. En quire at C. M. Nowt'on's Book Store. Mrs. Ray Stuart, of Ronton Wash ington is visiting at ho hbmo ot Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Stuart. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug' 8toro. II. L, Von Dollon, of Oakland, Neb., will nrrivo horo this week to tako chargo of tho local tolcphono offico. ARE HUNG IN THE alance find a manwvho does not' in Life Insurance. McDonald State Bank. -1 1 A