Serai-Weekly Tribune IBA L. RAKE, Editor nnd Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Tear by JInll in Advance.... $1.25 One Year by Carrier in Adrnuco, .$1J0 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postolllco as Second Class Matter, i FRIDAY, SEPTEMMIR 22, 1010. Deserting of Consideration. Elsowhoro wo publish a Jotter writ ten by P. R. Hulligan nnd addressed to the Voters of Lincoln county in which ho makes statements that do Borvo carnost consideration by thoso whom ho nddrossos. Mr, Ilalllgan, with a patriotism that notio can fall to admire, respond ed to the call Issued for inon for ser vJco on tho Mexican border. Not only was ho willing to enlist his Borvloos at u tlmo when a war with Mexico seemed unavoidable, but It was largo ly through his efforts that tho North Plalto company was organized and en listed nnd becamo part of the force on the border lino. That ho should drop his law practlco add respond to his country's call to probably partic ipate In a guerilla warfare :hat meant tho Iohb of thousands of men equally ns bravo as hlniBolf, is certainly com mendatory, and wo bollovo will bo so considered by tho votore of tho coun ty. Mr. Ilalllgan may not bo ablo to mako a campaign for tho office of county attornoy, for which he rocolv od tho republican nomination, and if so, wo believe ovory republican in tho county, as woll as democrats will con clude tholt Mr. Ilalllgan Is ontltlod to their support without his pdrsonnl visitation, lio Is well qualified for tho position, having graduated from tho law department of tho stato uni versity, followed with sovoral, years of active prhctlco in tho courts. It is certain that ho would bo fearless in his prScBoculion of the law-breaker and wrong-door. OFFICIAL rKOCKilMNOS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOCAL AND PERSONAL llert Hudson and Philip Halm wlio had boon employed horo in brick wprk for sovoral months went to Loxlngton last evening to accopt positions. Jesus Hormandoz ago 28 and Marino Favlla aandolupo ago 32, of Horshoy, wora marrlod at tho court house by County Judgo Fronch yesterday morn ing. E, W. Pear, of Wnllnco, spont Tucb ilay In town advertising a stock salo -which ho and Mr..Sandorson will hold October 4th at tho Sanderson plaoo nina miles south, or Sutherland. L. D. Spencer, a morchant of Wal laco, spent Wednesday In town truns- business. Ho romrtcd bus! ness in his 'town activo, duo to aomo oxtont to tho big wheat crop grown oy uio larmora. For Salo Puro Bred Duroc-Jorsoy , Hogs, male nnd fomalo. All eligible to registry, inquire or qr address Blankonburg Bros., Phono Red 851, 1305 North Locust street, North Platto, Nobraska. 09-4 Mrs. Edward Tschahold and sous are expected horo In tho near futuro from El Paso, -Tex., to mako tholr homo In tho ainn npartmontfl. Mr. Tschavold lms boon employed at tho Dixon store ror sovorai months. Just smarted up in our now building corner Front and Lecust. Wo buy and soil everything hi tho Junk line. After Octobor 15th, wo will handle Jurni turo. NORTH PLATTE JUNK HOUSE Tho music nud art department of tho Twentieth Century club will bo chtertalnort at tho homo of Mrs. W. II, Cramer Tuosday evening, Sept. 26. All ladles whpnro interested in this work uro requested Ho attend. Postmnstor McEvoy roturnod yes torday from Omah whore ho wont to hnvo an examination. An x-ray detor mined chronlo ulcor of tho atcmach ub his trouble which It Is holloved will yield to trcatmont and thus avoid nn operation. Soptombor 18, 1916. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Pronont Hormlnghausen, Springer, Whlto nnd county clerk. Resignation of R. F .Soulos, ovorsoer of District 17 Is hereby accopted. Claims allowed on goneral fund: A. C. Durtcn, refund of roal estate taxes, 1012, 13, and 14, excessive Valu ation, $80.00. A. P Kelly, printing, $128,00. D. 1). White, services and mllago, $?5.10. Lincoln County Agricultural Society, county fair, $800.00. Romlngton Typewriter Co, supplies, $11.25. Precinct assessor's claims allowed us follows: H. E. Andorson, Buchanan, $72.33. H. B. Attoborry, gprlngdalo, $39.00 R. C. Durko, Brady, $114.00 Orcoloy Bundy, North Platto No. 4, $147.00. J. M. Burnett, Nowoll, $78.00. F. J. Dlonor, North Platto No. 3, $147.00. John Dlscoo, Payne, $58.30, Bort Evarts, Jeffrey, $55.08. J. H. Fitch, Willow, $68.20. Ooo. O. Fowlor, sJollors, $55.20. S. J. Filbert, Modloino, $111.04. August draff, Walkor, $75.88. R. E. Qiosborgor, Somerset, $75,80. E. L. Garrison, Woll, $60.00. ' Fred Griffiths, Dickons, $121.35. John J. Qlnapp, Oaslln, $81.00. Jesse Hlghborgor, Plant, $84.00. C. P, Howard, Rosedale, $120.00. Torkol Jepson, Fox Creok, $84:80. F. M. Kusor, Cox, $79.GQ. . D. W. Kunkol, Kom, $30.00 C. S, Kilmer Tnblo, $07.35 Will Lano, Whlttler, $53.C0. Fred Loudon, North Platto No. 1, $150.00 L. C". Marovlsh, Sunshlno, $81.40. Otto Mcsmer, Lemon, $60.00 J. W. Martin, Siuhorlnnd, $173.50 D. E. Martin, BIrdwood, $05.0P. J. W. Nugont, Maxwoll, $144.00 J. P. Nystrom, Vroman, $70.15. .Clias Oman, Antolopo,$96.00. 'T. L. O'Rourko, Cottonwood, $111.00 G. R. Phillips, Hooker, $58.00. Jonathan Pcaso, Harrison, $49.75. M. L. Smith, Garfield, $72.50. J T. Stcphons, Deor Crook, $60.10. S G. Swanson, Wallace, $163.00. II. W. Strickland, Pcckhnm, $03.90 B. M. Btackhouso, Osgood, $43.85. F D. Tatman, Myrtlo, $59.00 Chas, A. Wyman, Hlnman, $105.00 I. E, Wnro, Nichols, $124.40 Gus Wlonborg, Miller. $51.00 B. A. Wilson, North Platto No. 2, O, II. Covoll Hall, 123.50. B. F. Roso, road work, Dlst. $68.00, James Ross, road work, Dlst. $20,75. J. H. Roso, road work Dlst, $30.00. O. F. Purdy, rend work, Dlst. $10.00. Louis Macoy, road work, Dlst. 31, u.ui, ' C. L. Grant, road work Com, Dlst. 2 $44.00 Whoroupon tho board adjourns until tomorrow. O. W. YOST, County, Clork. soptcmbor, 19, 1910. Board mot pursuant to adjourn mont, Presont Hermlnghauson, Spring or and county clork. L. W. Edls, road work, Com. Dlst. 3, $14.40 NobraBka Tolophono Co. toll chargos, July and Juno, $20.b3. Nobrnska Tolophono Co. ront for Sept. $18.75. ' W. R. Thoislng, road Avork Com JJlst. $14.40. u. ii. Leiningor. auto lilro. $10.95. Board spent balanco of day vlowlng roads in west part of county and stood adjourned to Sopt. 22, 1916. C. W. YOST, County Glork. ;:o:: John TIgho roturnod' today from Lexington whoro uo visited hlsdnugh tor for a week. . . Bdrnoy Guymnn has roturnod from Fremont whoro ho attondod ' a. shoot jnot wook. , Mrs. Frank Gardner has roturnod from Co'zad whero bIio visited rela tives Xer two days. Mrs. Houry WncUer of Wllber. who has been a guest at the- Lundgrnf qoiiiq will loayo Sunday. Dr. C. E. Lano, of Cuba, 111., Who camo bore sovoral months ago has rented tho tho (two front rooms on tho second floor of tho Bolton building and will open a dental offlco thore. No. 349(5. Report of tho condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK At North Platto, In the stato of Nobr Ua, at the close of business On Septem ber 12, 191C. nmsouncKs LotiiiH nnd din countH $510,918.71 Overdrafts nnae- on rod 2C3.61 U. 8. bonds de posited to mo- -,' cure elrdulatlon . tnnr value). . .1100,000,00 u. . 26, 20, 26, 31, lionilH ilo- Doaltod to hct euro U. S. de posits (pur value) 1,000.00 Total u. 8. bonds Hondo other thnn U. 8. bonds pledged to se cure postal sav deposlte 24,000.00' Hocurltlos other than U.H. bonds (not Including HtookB) own ed unnledtrod 10.IC7.03 Total bonds, eo- curltlOB. eto... Stock of Fodor- nl iUHorve Hank (SO per aorlntlon) .... Kaulty In bnnlf- use Furnlturo and j llxturofc " rioal estate own ed other than banklria Iioiiro Net amount due from Federal Reserve Hank. Not amount duo from npprovnd rcxerve agents New York, Chl ciiko, and St Louis ' Not amount duo from approved reserve agents In other reeorvp aitloM Not amount duo rrom bunks nna bankers (oth thnti Included In 10 or 11 Other chocks on ImnkH In tho same city town as report ing bank Fractional cur rency, nickels, and cunts .... Notes of other national bnnkH Federal resorvo - bank notes . . .- Coin and curtlll- catoH iz.aix.iv teat-ton nor liOtCB Redemption fund with u. H. Treasurer and due from U. H. Treasurer .... Total . IjtAllILilTIEH Capital stock' paid in $ioi(ooo.oo Cattle Loans You run nlunyH rely on the rintto Tnller State llnnk to furnish tou with 1 funds vl$n you dcslro to piirclmso. your M'Intor feeders. v Our rates mn terms nre the bwit. you can obtain In this territory nnd wo'vo eliminated nil "red .tape' , from the iuui;uurv I , . Call and talk It over with ono of our ' V , ' officers at your earliest convenience, . ' HL ' C Platte Vy State Bank ' 7 VI North Platto, Nobraska. s 64,407.03 4.CO0.OO '27,799.10 ,3,232.50 n.poo.oo . 3 18,091.40 9,909. Gi 48,691. 30 3,350.02 2,492.15 . v 3 ''y. S- C40.00 4. C775.00 ;il3,495.9G 5,000.00 HurpluH fund 32,584.53 ll.044.5Cv Undivided profltn Less current ex- , ponses ana tax es -mld Circulating notes outstnndlntr .. Not nmount duo to bnnkB nnd bnnkem (other Included In 31 nud 32) : Do in and Denoslta Indlvldunl do- , , , posits subject to cheek 387.048.44 Cortlflcatos of deposit due In Ichh than 30 duvH 14.C93.91 Cortined f878,170.90 $100,000.00 50,000.00 ";21;539.97 x100, 000.00 47,317,97 checks CnHhlors chocks outstnndlntr .. United HtnteH de- nofllts . -,-Ti rostal wavliiBU doposits Tlmo Donoslts Cortlllcntos of deposit 95,02 1,719.57 1,000.00 11,420.59 142,741.00 Total $878,170.90 State of Nobradkn, County of Lincoln ss. I, P. L. Mooncy, Cashier of the nbovo namcd bank, do solemnly swear that tho abovo ntntoment Ih true to tho .host of my knowledge nnd holtof. i1'. u. jauuiNiui, uasnior. Subscribed nnd sworn to beforo mo this 18th day of Soptmber, 1916. N. 13. UUCKL13Y, Notary 1'ubllc. uorrect Aiiesi: k. l'. sEEtinnaRit, HAY C. I.ANaKOltD, JOHN J. HALLIQAN, Directors. Elizabeth Kaar-Langston Teacher of Singing Studio 122 West Front Street. DIt. JOHN S. TWINEM Special Attention to Surgery,' Gynecology and Obstetrics. IfOItTH I'LATTE, NEB. Nurso Bnciwn Memorial Horipltal. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D., rhyslciau and Surgeon , Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phono, Office, 83; Residence 38. W. J. HOLDEltNESS llectrlcal Supplies Wring Storngo Batteries Morseli Bldg Phono1 176. . 1 Tolophono Your Grocery orders to 32 Thoy will given prompt and careful attention. Lierk-Sandall Co. MINNESOTA MUTUAL Id EE INSURANCE CO. Founded 18S0. It's tho household word in Western Nobraska. It's Old Lluo, tho best icon oy can buy. It'a what you noed, for a savings bank and Insuranco that in suros. Thoy nil buy It, "Tlioro is h Konson" For further Information Phono, call or nddross J. B. SEBASTIAN, Stato Agent, The Oli Line Mas NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA, PROGRAMME' Lincoln County Fair -:- -:- September 25th-30th, 1916. NorlSPlatte 3rOM)AV, SEPTEMHEU 2:th , 8 p. m. Opening of Midway. , TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th" D!0 a. m. Rocolvlng of exhibits, stock, otc. 2"Tp, m. Free Attractions. 7:80 p. m. Free Attractions. WEDNESDAY,. SEPTEMBER 2fth 9 a. m. Receiving of exhibits otc. N 12 o'clock. Closing of Entries. 2 p, m. Frao Attractions. 7:30 Fro Attractions. THURSDAY, , SEPTlpIBER 2Sth This is -Logan, Mcl'herson, Keith, Arthur nnd Per kins Counties tiny, she is going to lie n Hummer. 9 a, m. Grand Opening of all exhibits. 10:30 a. m. Free Attractions. 1 p. m. Bettor Babjos Contest. 1:30 p. m. Wild West Program and Races. Wild Horfso Race. Wild Mule Race, mules must be rode with surclnglo only. This Is glvon undar tho manage ment of Caso and- Stebblns, tho wild west boys who know how to rldo thorn. Bucking contest open to the world. Tho Fair Association offers $25 in cash for tho best bucking horse or mulo brought In (only ono entry by slnglo party) and in addition offors. $30 In cash far tho best rldors. Money , to bo divided $1C.00, $10.00, $5.00. Mile Dash. Trotting Race, 3 heats. mile Cow Girl Race. mile Oow Boy Race. 5-8 Milo Dash. 8V p. m. Special meeting Nobraska . Stockholders Farmers Life Insuranco Co. at Court House. Midway open until 11 p m. each ovenlng. , FRIDAY, SEPTJDniER 29th This is Custer, Dawson nnd Frontier Counties Dny. Everybody will bo present from John to Henry nnd from Snlly to Susan. It is nlso CHIL DREN'S DAY, tnjio off your lints to Young Amerlcri. 9 a. m. Opening of exhibits and attractions.' 10:30 a. m. Free Attractions. 10:40 a. m. Boy's Sports and Ball Game 1 p. m. Bettor Babies Contest. l:30p. m. Parado on track of all horses, cattle, etc. ' 1 2:00 p. m. Boys and Girls Race. (Seo special pro gram). 100 yard dash, H. S. Boys' Loving cup. Polo Vault, H. S. Boys' Prilo Loving Cup. Foot Ball Game, two fifteen mlnuto halvgs, 1st team N. P. H. S. vs. 2d team N. P. II. S. Saddle Race, mile. Bundlo Jtace mile. Pacing Raco 1 mile. Yi mile Pony Raco. Mule 'Wagon Raco mile. Two mile Relay Race. 7:30 p. m. Free Attractions on tho Midway. SATURDAY, SEPT. 80th, LINCOLN COUNTY- DAY Saturday is going to bo the big day of tho fair. This Is Autcmobllo Day and you are going to seo-eomo of the most Interesting niid bfcst automobile races ever seen In Western Nebraska. On this day overy-1 body stays over, for she Is going to bo a hummer from start to finish. ' 9 a. m. opening of exhibits and attractions. 10:30 Freo Attractions. , , 1 p. m. Botter Baby Contest , 1:30 Speaking by Hon. M. P. Kinkald. 2 p. m: Shetland Pony Race mile. 'Freo Attrac tions. Potato Raco on Horses; Free for All Trot or. Pace Raco, 1 milo, Lincoln County Horsos only, Freo Attractions; Two Mile Relay Raco; Novelty Auto mobile race, five events (See, special program) ; 5 Mile Motorcycle Raco, 10 Milo Automobile Raco op'on to the world. ADMISSION No charge will bo made in the ovenliigs. Admis sion Free. General Admission will oniy be charged Iho last three days. General Admissions 50 -Children over 10 and Hinder 15 25 Bleachers 10 and .20 Grand Stand 15 and 25 CHARGES. Friday is Children's Day -And tho following Prices will provall. Children under 10 FREE Children over 10 and under 15 10 Ages from 15 to 18 i.,'. .25 Genenal Admission . 50 Come to the Biggest and Best. Fair in Western Nebraska. W. D. FISHER, Secretary. For Additional Program and Particulars write Geo. B. Dent, Physician and 'Surgeon. Special Attention given to urgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and. Loan Building Phones 1 IVBOIUCIIUB U saoiM to J. 15. IIEDFIEL1). PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to PHYSICIAN SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redflcld & Redfleld Office Phone 642 Res. Phono 676 Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red G3C 4 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Nothing "Would Plonso Huslmnd or Father Horo Thnn n Box of Our Cigars. Please him becnuso they nro good Cigars mndo from good tobacco mndo well by hand mndo fresh. Ask the men who liavo been smoking our cigars for 25 years ns. to their nuullty. ' lYo carry n full lino of smokers' urucics. . J. F. SCHMALZRIED. Notice. To Ina Fishbaugh, non-resident do fondant. You aro horoby notified that on tho 10th day of May. 191C, George Fish baugh lllbd a petition against you In tho District Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska, tho object and Iprayor of which n to obtain a dlvorco from you upon tho grounds of oxtromo oruolty and adultery. You are ro quired to answer Bald petition on or bonoro Monday tno sotii day or Octo ber, 1010. GEORGE FISHBAUGH, by George N. Glbbs, Ills attorney. DEIUtYBEMlY & FOBBES, Licensed Embnlmers Undertakers nud Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night .Phone Black 688. Phones' Offlco 333 , Res. Black 613 I)E. HAROLD A. FENNER Osteopath. G Roynpld Building Office houts 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 7 p. m. ;to 8 p. m. Hospital Phono Black 633. House Phono Black 633. TV. T. FRITCIIARD, Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218-south Locust St, one-half block southwest of the" Court House. NO OILS OR SALTS NEEDED. Tho onlv dlscovorv tn vonrs for Stomach, Liver, Constipation, Dizzl- ness mid iienunciie. T. y. 11. TABLETS. At Stone's Drug Storo. Notice. To Herman EInsitoIn, Matilda EIn stein, Leopold Einstein, Max Einstein, Hoiou aiustoln, Daniel Theodore Eln stoln, and Grotchon Clara Einstoln, and tho unknown owners and unknown claimants to tho North one-half of lthe North ono-half of Section Twonty-six, Township Sixteen, North of Rango Twonty-nine, West and being tho heirs, devlsoos, legatees, and personal repro sonitatlvos of Louis Josopk Einstein, Horman Einstoln, Matilda Einstein, Lqypold Einstoln, Max Elnsoln, Holon uinsoin, junnioi iiieoaoro juinsiein, and Gretchen Clara Einstoln, Defen dants. I You will tako notlco that on itho 13th day of Soptombor, 191C, Wosley T. Wil cox ana John J. Halllga. plaintiffs horoin filed their amendment petition in tho district court of Lincoln coun ty, Nobraska against said dofondants, tho object and prayer of which is for a partition of tho North half of tho North half of section twonty-six, town ship slxteon, North or Range twonty nine, west of tho Cth P. M. in Lincoln County, Nebraska equally botlwcon tho plaintiffs and tho defendants; one-half to tho plaintiffs and Uio other half to tho dofondants; nnd if said land can not bo equitably divided that tbo same bo sold and out of the proceeds, tho cost of thoso proceedings bo paid, that tho plaintiffs bo paid one-bnlf of tho monoy which they have paid out for taxes on said land wtUi Interest, and that tho balanco of tho money bo divided ono-half to the plaintiffs and one-half to tho defendants. You nro required to answer said amended petition on or beforo tho 30th day of Octobor, 1916. Dated Sept. 14th. 1916. "Wesloy T.Wilcox and John J. Halli gun, Plaintiffs. sl7-o!3 Notico to Creditors. Es.tato of John N. Bonner, De ceased. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss. Credi tors of Bald estato will tako ' notice that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said es tato is April 20, 1917, and for se tlomenit of said estate is September 16, 1917, that I will sit at tho county court room In said county on Octdber 20, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m and on Marcli 20, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, alloKv, or ad Just all claims and cibJecMons duly filed. GEO. E. FRENCH, sl9-ol7 County Judgo. , SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale Issued from tho district dourt of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure ifondered in said court whoroln Zara I. Mitchell Is plaintiff and John Rlchnrd-Noary Is dofondant, and to rao directed, I will on tho 30th day of September, 1910, at a o'clock p. m., at tho oast front door of tho court houso in North Platto, Lincoln county, jeurasKa, sen at puuuc auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy saiu uecreo, interest anu costs, tho following doscrlbod property, towit: Tho undivided one-half () into'-cst or Lot oignt, is), uiock ono hundred and five, (105) In North Platto No braska. Dated North Platto, Nob., August 26th, 1910. A, J. SALISBURY,.. a29s29. ' Sheriff. Notlco of Final Report. Estato of Sarah Jane Meyers, de ceased, In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said Estato tako no tico that tho Administrator has field n final account and report of his ad ministration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, and praying for his discharge and a decrco of descont and distribution, which has been sot for hearing beforo said court on Octobor 6th, 1916, at 9 o'clock a, m., whop you may appear and contest tho eamo. Dated September 11, 1916. GEO. E. FRENCH, 81203 County Judgo.