The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 22, 1916, Image 5

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Mrs. Mlko Hayes and daughter vis
ited In Grand Island this week.
Miss Eftlo Durbln visited In Chap
pell tho foro part of this woek.
Adolph Hansen has nccopted a posi
tion in the McDonald, clothing storo.
For . Rent Aftor January 1st, tho
doublo storo room of Ottcnstcln's.
Mrs. John Frodoriol returned Wed
nesday from Novlns whore she visited
for a week. '
Mr. and Mrs. H. P.. Ilusband will
leavo shortly '.for Ctallfornla to speild
several weeks. ;
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Mr. and Mrs. James. Eeechon, of
Horshoy, visited their daughter Miss
Lillian Bechon this week.
Mrs. Fred Wofngnnd, of Omaha, who
visited tho Wcndt and Stamp families
for several days has gone, homo.
Jacob Amen of Hastings, arrived
hero Wednesday morning to accept a
position in tho uettnian cigar siorc.
Wanted A competent woman for
housokceper. Phono 38, Mrs. J. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Doles, of Have
land have boon visiting tho Wcnde
born and Wcndt families for some
Paul Harrington left for his' home
in Denver Tuesday after visiting for
ten days with his aunt Mrs. John
Miss Mario LeDioyt visited. her
grand mother in Paxton the first of
this week.
Miss PanBy Davis, of Kansas City,
arrived horo a few days ago to visit
hor brother Hugh Davis and may de(
cido to locate in this city.
TV w. Tinker left vesterdav mornlnc
for Rochester, Minn., to take medical
treatment from tho Mayo Bros. Ho waB
accompanied by C. F. Tracy.
Highest market price paid Cor hides.
Wo buy . dry bones, iron and othor
Junkv North Platto Junk Houso. 27tf
Miss Elsie Rolschko, of Omaha, who
spent several weeks as tho guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Meadows re
turned homo Tuesday afternoon.
A 'baby girl came to brighten tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Florin Much
llnskl Tuesday ovenlng. The mother
and daughter are doing nicely. .
Miss Hazel McGulre, of Cheyenne,
who has been visiting tho Rlncker
and Mungor families for ten days will
return homo tho first of next week.
" Mrs. Chris Paulson and mothor Mrs.
Jane Applegate, who spent sovoral
weeks In eastern cities wjth relatives,
returned homo. tho first of this week.
For Rent Modern rooms, including
heat 115 east Eighth street. Phono
Red 188.
Mrs. Horaco Baraclough and , two
children, of Los Angeles, who spent a
month with her 'parents Mr. and Mrs.
Andy Sluder, returned home yesterday.
Joo G. Cole who had been employed
In the Gottman- cigarWro for several
months resigned Wednesday morning
and left for his former home In Hast
ings. tfound On the road eight miles
Bouth and. west of town, a man's coat.
Owner can have same by calling at tho
Trotter garage and "paying for this
Mrs. Charles Mesmer and Mfs. Goo.
Hormer of Burlington, la.,, who spent
sevoral woks Vith. tho latter's brother
Otto Mesmor and family left a few
days ago. .
Miss Stella Ellsworth and mothor,
of Maxwell, havo boon spending sovor
al days hero with friends.
Mort Thayro, of Vale, Oro., who Is
spondlug sovoral months with tho
LeDioyt family, returned tho first of
this weok from a visit with rnlntlvos
In Paxton.
Swan Andor Mcnson and Flora Gor
trudo Terry, of Paxton wore married
Wednesday afternoon by County Judgo
French. W'tnos3 wero Mr. and Mrs.
P. Granborg.
Charles Dlxon who has boon taking
a courso In optomotry In tho North
orn Illinois School of .Chicago aluco
Juno 1, Is 'oxpected to return homo In
a short tlmo.
Johnnie Amen for several years a
member cf tho local base ball team
and an omployo of the Gcttmnn cigar
storo left for Hastings a few days ago
to reside In future
M18B03 Charlotte Koop, of West
Point, Marian Pottis, of Lincoln, and
Mary Rathke, of Glonwood, will nr
rivo this ovenlng to attend tho Von-Goetz-Knoll
Mrs. Ralph Saum, cf Salt Lako City,
and Mrs. Green of Grand Island,
mothor and sister of Thomas Grcon,
who visited hero for threo weeks, left
today for uranu lsianu.
For Sale Or will trado for stock,
doublo seated carrlago, good as now,
Enqulro of Mrs. Anna F. Hansen,
TM.nnn 70nV9- 71-2
Mr nn,i Aim. A. L. Knoll and son
George Knoll of Crete, parents and
brother of Lou J. Knoll who will be
married to Miss Mario vonuocta to
morrow arrived hero today.
Mrs. W. C. Patterson of Mlnnca
Ip'olls, Mrs. 0. R.. Handloy, of Omalia,
Mrs. Charles Wlnegar ci Lebanon,
Kan., and Mrs. Clydo Drow of Omaha,
camo a few days ago to attend the
wedding of their sister Miss Mario
Economical on gas and oil, and
tiros, yet woll balanced and wonder
fully easy riding, a Dodgo car is a
Bensiblo purchase. Carloau in soon.
70-2 J. V. ROMIGH
Mr .and Mrs. W. N. Cormany of Ft,
Scott, Kan., camo here a few days ago
to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clabnugh
and make arangement to havo tho body
of Miss Letha Powell daughter of Mrs.
Cormany. exhumed and taken to Ft,
Scott. Mrs. Cormany rosideded hero
for a number of yoars.
Tho literary department of the
Twentieth Century 'club will havo Its
Initial meeting of tho year with Mrs.
T. G. Thompson, 1011 East Fourth St.,
Tuesday afterno'on. Sept. 2Gth. It is uo
sired that all members and prospective
membors bo present. Let us start tho
year with a boost and keep boosting.
I will soon havo a carload of the
now Chrcvrolet 490s , In very soon,
and am now taking orders In accor-
early deliveries. An improved car, with
starter, real electric lights, three
speeds and mohair top. Prlco $540 at
North Platte, order early.
70-2 . J. V. ROMIGH
rrl.n nvnpfiffo niitmrinTiUrt lonlor
1 1 11 ...1. .. . . l. t,1
zuaiuusiy wuiuu wiiuu iuuj uo ouu
for or against the car ho sells, or
auickly notes if Uio reporter Bays
Jones buys an Eat-em-up when ho in
fact bought a Swiftest-of-All, was
emphasized Tuesday. It Was stated
that Otto Weil had driven his Chal
mers through to Los Angoles without
a bobblo, and the ink on Tho Tribune
was still molsfwhon the reporter was
Informed by telephone that Weil own
cd and drcvo a Mitchell and not a
Chalmers. However, wo admire tho
man who honestly believes in tho
virtu of his wares.
Tho county dry federation hold an,
enthusiastic meeting In tho basement
of tho Presbyterian church Tubsday
ovenlng, which was attended by ovor
ono hundred quite a few of whom woro
from tho cauntry precincts, ho la
dles of the Prosbytorlan, Methodist and
Baptist churchos Borvcd a nlco supper,
and following this a numbor of talks
woro made, Rov. Carl Knapp, ono of
tho stato dry federation spcakors mak
ing tho principal addresB. Ho was fol
lowed by VanCloavo, Wilcox, Macoy,
Knowlos, Payne,' Buchanan, Harhian,
Bare, and othors, who riiado short
talks dealing largely on local condi
tions. Wm. E. Shuman acted as chairman.
Tho enthusiasm of tho- attendants
was attested by donations reaching
about ?500, which will bo used In con
ducting tho county campaign. Tho
county campaign will bo conducted
with vigor and every effort made to
havo Lincoln county roll up a heavy
majority for tho dry amondmont. Rov.
Harman suggested that tho campaign
bp mado from a moral and economic
standpoint rather than political and
his suggestion was loudly applauded,
evidenco that It was tho sense of the
mooting that tho campaign bo non-
i ::o::
One Naturally Feels Chagrined
to see his neighbors making improvements,
which arc just as badly needed on his own
premises. The thing to do is,to follow suit.
You'll feel better and your property will be
benefitted. Keep pace with the improvement
of the day and see us for
Coates Lumber fic Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
300 &
Rooms I &J?
When you aro In Omaha come where ll Stockmen stop. You will alwayi find your
friends ami acquaintances at the
' . , .,.ni,.flv fire, nroof hotel. We welcoroo the Stockmen. We'll make
Omaha s new JSS, nt reasonable In the city. Itoom. with private toilet
yoUMmforUbloandourraiw aro Depots. Have your commltston firm
$t.00 Good car service U tho Stocu J arus v FRED A. CASTLE, Prop,
telephone for room reservation. r.WPi n r i n xmp
Plumcr HoldH Kccord.
A. W. Plumor holds tho record
among local players on tho golf links,
scoring fifty-eight la-st week and
oquallng the scoro this week. C. T.
Wholan closely follows Plumer with
a scoro of sixty, while Goorgo Freed,
Arthur Hush and sevoral 6thers aro
reasonably close competitors. Messrs.
Seobergor, Woodhurst, Halllgan and
a dozon or nioro who but lately be
gan playing aro Improving In their
work,, but are still distanced by tho
iirsi cioss men.
Jacks uiul .TcuiipIh for Sale.
T linvn n rnrlnnrl nt Aflaalmirt Tnnlru
and Jennets for salo. at Bowon Llv
ory barn. Thoso Interested aro invitod
to call. Thev will lin ltont horn nnMl
sold. They rango in age from six
wcoks to six years.
, 71-2 Salisbury,' Mo.
Wntcr Trco of Contain hint ton.
SamnleR of P.ltv wntnr rnonntlv an1.
I ...... UWW..V.(J Ull U
mitted to the stato chemist aro 'pro
nounced freo of contamination. Tho
latest tests wero mado ithls week and
tho report of tho findings woro rocelv-
. if . i . . .
eu uy vvaier tjommissionor welch Wed
Tills last examination will nn ilrmlif
vanish all fears that North . Platto
residents may havo entertained as to
tno purity or the city water.
Hotter liable! Contest.
Secretnrv Fisher, nf tlin ennntv fntr
has rccolved more than flftv nntrlna
lor tno better babies contest to bo
neiu in connection with tho fair noxt
week. Fully one-half of thoso entries
are from tho coutny precincts, Uiub
showlne that furmnrn' wl
much interested In this contest as
aro thoso who livo In town. Tho inter
est displayed in hotter bablos contests
Is natlon-Avido and such contests form
part or every county and stato fair.
I'llhllf Slllo nf .Citnolr.
Sanderson nnd Fear will li
salo Wednosday, Oct. 4th, boglnning at
iu o ciock a. m. at tno Sanderson placo
innu miiea soutn o authoriand, at
which will bo sold 77 head of cattlo of
all ages, 17 head of horses ranging
from two to ton years and wolghtlng
iioui juu io i2uu. Terms: six months
time, ton nor runt Internet i,,-
cent discount for cash. All mi
casn. Freo lunch at noon.
For Itmir.
Modern houso oxcopt furqaco, eloso
in uu woai acconu street.
Presbyterian riinrcli.
Tho paronts of tho Sunday school
chlldron aro urged to encourago tlio
children nnd tho Sunday school teach
ers by coming with tholr children to
Sunday school Sundav tnornlnn-
Noxt Sunday is "Church Day." At
tho morning hour an Interesting topic
wm uo consiuerou: Tho Church's
Job, is It being Done?" All interested
in eincioncy are mvltpd.
In tho evcnlnir niiothor vltnl fnnln
"What is tho Matter with tho Modern
Church?" All critics of tho Modern
Church are cordially Invited.
Those sorvices are roasonnbly briof-.
wo try to mauo thorn Interesting
; :o b
25 Cents
DusineDs mon, School Toachors and
othors whoso timo i3 limited during
tho noon-hour should tako advantage
of our Noon Day Plato Ltanch which
will bo served for 25 conts.
Wo will-also sorvo lunches to par
ties at any tlmo of tho day or ovenlng
L. Johnston lins hnnn nnnmllnn. Hir
.pane tew uays m l'axton on buslnoss
John C. Don. who hml bonn viHiUnw
his family' for Boveral days, 'roturnod
to Huinoy itnis morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Loudon find
flirs. fliorritt were viBitors in atapl
ton tho oarly part of- tho woek.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Knailli have
launiuu u jviuBun uuy aner n vunt a
the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joubpl
Mr .and Mra. Nlok Adnmv nml hnliw
formorly of this oltv. camo vaAtnnim!
morning to spend a few days with
Architect Bort'lleynqlds was takon
ill last weok and has gono to Omaha
ro tauo treatments at a hospital
mat city.
Mrs. Arthur Rovunlilw nml ilnin.l
tor who havo boen visiting Ui Color
,auo ror some time, aro oxpected
return in a fow days.
Gertrude Rebhausen,
Teacher of Piano
102 South Locust Phono Black 34
The First Showing of
Fashionable Fall
Exclusive Models for Women and
Every woman and miss will smuggle
into these wonderful coats, with a feeling of '
immense satisfaction. They are so full, so
flowing and yet so very smart and attractive
with their deep large collars and cuffs. We are fortunate to be
able to ofter such remarkable values. Mixtures, velours, novelties
and pile fabrics- they are all hereto choose from. A coat for
every occasion and every days' needs. ' .
$18 to $60. .
Charming models are offered on rich cloth . fabrics in 'all
colors.. . . : , .
$10 to $35.
Wilcox Department Store
Mrs. Harry Lawson Is visiting hor
parents in Weeping Water.
Miss Glndys Stogall has accepted a
position In the offico of Dr. Rcdllold.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Dr. Mario Ames left Wednesday
ovenlng for Omaha to spond Boveral
days. f
Mrs. Martrarot Hall who visited for
a weok in Kansas City has roturnod
Dr. Foot, of Omaha. was tho guest of
Dr. J S. Twlncm for atday,or two this
1008 west Fourth street, Homeo'patlo
Miss Thoa Schwalgor has returned
from, a short visit with her siBtor in
L. B. Dick has roturncd from Omaha
whoro ho transacted business t for a
day or two.
Minn ninnnlin Fonda has. returned
from Golden and Denver where she
visited friends.
Miss Fayo Eldor has accoptod tho
position of clork' in tho offico of Coun
ty Supt. Gantt. .
Comnotont stenogrnphor would liko
position in city. Can furnish rororenco.
Phono Black 1C2. 72-1
llav C. Lannford wont to Paxton
yesterday' morning to act as, clork at
a Bale near tnore.
Mrs. Mills of Lexington, arrived
horo a fow days ago to visit hor son
uco. Alius tor a wock.
tinpplinri'v jP- liTirtins liavn donated
sovoral oak rocklnfe chnlrs to tho la
dies' -rest room at Tron. 4
Mr nml Mrs. W. A. Forward., of Don-
vor, former North Platto residents
havo been visiting rironus in town.
Honrs for Sale. '
Wo aro offering for a limited timo
at $25,0Q each a splendid lot of Duroc
Jcrsoy boars. Orders are bolng booked
now. Phono 499, Experimental Sub
station, North Platto, Nob. 71-8
Miss Laura McEvoy returned Wed
nosday ovenlng from Omaha whoro
sho visited slnco Sunday.
Georgo Vosolpka was called hero
from Kearney Wednesday by tho doath
of tho Into Mrs. Itoso McWUlIams.
MrB. Thomas, Green and v daughter
Katherlno will leavo today for Grand
Island to visit relativoa. for a week.
Mrs. F. B. Williams, of Gothenburg,
camo yestorday morning to visit hor
sister Mrs. L. E. Moyor for a weok.
I linvo buyers for threo small farms.
What hnvo you Tor snlo?
71tf 0. H. THOELECKE.
Mrs. J. E. Corflold roturnoil tn l.ntrnn
yestorday morning aftor visiting hor
daughter Mrs. Goorgo Arnold fo some
.TnniGR Flvim rntuMinil Wnilnnoilnv
morning frpm Excolslor Springs whoro
ho visited for somo tlmo with rela
Miss Mabol McVlckor, of Loxlhgton,
is sponumg a, fow flays hero on bus!
ness at hor millinery parlors In Tho
Havo fifty acres I want plowed this
fall. Flvb miles north, of town. Phono
790F2, or n'ddross J. T. Lister, North
Plotto, N,obr. 72-2
Gus Andreson wont to Omaha Wed
noBday with a car of cattlo ho had boon
pasturing on tho Gunderson ranch
south of town.
Carl Stcnvall was takon ill with 'ty
phoid fovor a fow days ngo and remov
ed from his homo in tho first ward to
u local hospital.
$835 will buy' you a Dodgo enr for
tho ploasuro of nil your family,
70-2 J. V. ItOMIGH.
Lost On road near Marshall Lako
Sopt. 19th, Eastman, Vest Pocket Ko
dak. Takes plcturo VAxiY. Flvo dol
lars roward for return to this offico.
Florence MacKay
Teacher of Piano
804 west Fifth St.
Phono Blk, 524
Closing Out
On account of our small
amount of room, wo are closing
out our entire stock of Grocer
ies and Canned Goods
You will appreciate this sale
by coming in amr pricing the
Show Cases and Fixtures all
go in.
Pint Jars 515 cents por riwan.
Quart Jars 15 conts per dozen
2"Quart Jars 55 conts per 3)oz
These at above price while
(hey last.
Announcement of the
s mew re
The Policy iliat is Different
Thero has beon a growing demand for a plan of insurance which
will comblno us far ai ponalblo tho features of. thoso most popular of
lnsurnnco policies
The Life and Endowment Plans;
Tho llfo plan makes protection during Ufo tho chlof objoot of lnsur
nnco and tho most Important psrlod that wo ncod this pcotootlon Is
during our nctlvo period of llfo, say from 20 to CO yoars of ago '
.Tho Endowment plan combines protection with nn investment feature,
frqm which tho Insured will roap tho bonoflt of living nt too ond of
tho ondowmont porlod Undel: tho usual endowment forms, saso 10,
15, 20 or 25 yoars ondowmont policies, the premium is high fol tho
protection afforded (abovo tho avorago man's ability to pay) and
whoro tho saorWloo Is rundo and thpy aro arrlod, tho endowment porlod
comos oarly In llfo and you uso tho monoy, ioso tho protection early
In llfo and when you corn to old ago you aro not much betUr off.
Tho Fidolity now issues n policy, to n groat extent, combining tho
llfo and ondowmont foaturos and ovoroomlng all thoso objections.
The Installment Endowment at Age 60
This 'policy gives pro-.ecilon during tho aotlvo porlod of your llfo,
viz: From tho tlmo you tako It odt until you aro CO yoara of age.
You' mako your last premium puymont whon you aro CO years, of
ago, nd commonco drawing tho fivco of tho policy in ton qual .in
stallments. Tho premium on this policy is Just a llttlo moro than for
a wholo llfo policy. Phono tho officio for an ap'polntmont for fur
ther particulars nnd advuntagos of this policy. '
Fidelity Reserve Company '