The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 22, 1916, Image 1

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No. 72
ill d I I 1 11
Nino prisoners confined In tho
county Jail niado tholr oscapo Wed
nesday night by picking a hole
through tho north side ot itho Jail
Avail. Tho point they selected was
about throo feet from tho floor and
linn!, n -wlnilnw. nnil tlin Instrument
used was a casting wrenched from one
or tho iron oeus m tno room avmcii
ntinlilwl them tn nlnk thrniurh tho thin
fyntlnc nf rnmnnt nnvnrd tho
intcrlCT walls. After getting through
this cemont covering, it waB easy worK
to removo tho soft, brick.
Nnnn of tho nrlsnnern who esca'ned
wore serving tlmo far very Bcrlous
OIIOI1BU3. i WO WBrU iUUAlUtllltt Willi 11UU
been clvon thlrtv dav sentences for
carrvlnc concealed weapons, throe
ivnrn hnvn who hnil heon sentenced
to thirty days for stealing from a
residence near Maxwell, two woro
nion who had hcon Incarcorated on
inn p1inrio nf trnannsnlnir on itho
Union Pacific property and Daggett
and LK)ng serving senconces ior
fnr flrnntronnsa anil parrvlne AVCanonS.
Serving short sentences for these
minor offenses tho men were not
confined In tho cells but given tho
frominm nf thn hlir lail room. They
Avero a rathor noisy outfit and spent
considerable tlmo singing, and it is
presumed that Avhllo ipart of thom
inTif th ntlinrn nlnltoil tllQ Avail. tllO
voices drowning tho nolso of 'those
iitirrncriKl tn thn wnrk.
If those who took their flight avIII
remain aAvay from Nortn none, n
may bo said that their absence will
1m nil thn hnttnr for (tllQ town, as
nono. Avero such as could bo classed
doslrablo citizens. However, Sheriff
Salisbury has been cut on the hunt
for tho men.
Band Concert Close.
Duo to tho cool evenings principally
and somewhat to the torn up con
dition of Dewey s'treet It has been
thought best to discontinue tho weekly
concerts by tho Municipal Band.
Citizens generally will miss these
concerts for they proved an enjoyable
weekly featuro during tho sunimor
months. Tho programs Avcre alwayfl
avoII rendored and itho members 01 tne
organization avoto frequently com
mended for their efficiency. The band
Avas poorly financially recompensed
this year, the .money received coming
fcom the park fund, Avhlch has been
at a low stage this year and will be
equally lew next year.
::o:: i
tm.n Trith thpntrn will nresentt
Charles Cherry in the "Mummy arid
tho Humming Bird" saturuay nigiu.
This Is a Parmount featuro and deals
mitii an nntiinr -who flcueht material
for a new novel, lntlflrst hand infor
mation, or tno experiences auu v-iuu-tlons
of which ho Avrltes.
To the Voters of Lincoln County.
Camp Llano Orande
' Morcodos, Texas,
Sept. 18 191G.
T hnvn lionn flntnlimil nn thn hnnlnr
mucli longor than I expected to bo,
aim my uutios noro navo lmeriorcu
with my campaign ror tho oiuco or
County Attorney, for Avhlch I avus
nominated by tho republicans of Lin
coln, county at tho primaries.'
Ave expect to oo oruorou uacK to
Nebraska about Octobor 1st. 191G, at-
Iak wlilnh tlin rnclniniit will lift mua-
tnrml nut anil T linnn tn hnvn noma
time to mako a campaign before elec
tion, and to personally seo many of
you. However If my duties detain mo
longor than anticipated, and keep mo
nnirfitroi nn tr nipptinn iinv. l nRK
Liny friends not to forget mo at tho
i .,11..
I can now Bfty positively ithat unloss
there is moro troume in Mexico or on
,1 . .'. 1 T ...111 1. 'In
mo uuruur x win mu uuua iu juuiuvwi
couutw In my opinion, not later than
November 1st, 1910.
Hogs Still l'rontablo. .
With corn Avorth 80 cents and Avheat
$1.20 per bushel the hog grower won
ders If the hogs pay for the grain. Wo
put 12 sows on a full feed of corn July
11 and on about August 1 changed the
feed to a 'poor fluallty of ground wheat,
saved over from last year. The sows
Avero marketed August 29. Tho gain In
weight was at the Tate of 2 pounds nor
head dally or 1175 pounds. The sows
ate 2B79 pounds xtt corn and 2045 lbs.
of cround Avheat. A nart of tho time
they had alfalfa pasture. They ate
R fin nmmrlH nf irraln nor head dall' or
2.C2 pounds daily per 100 pounds of
their Aveight. At the cost given above
for grain, the gram eaten oy tno soavs
noflt $79.1 K. Thn hoes sold at $10.01
homo weights. 'The 1175 pounds of
gain brought $117.61 or S38.4G above
tho cost of tho feed.
September 21, 191G.
nfflnnrn fnr thn two eomnantoa Of
tho nigh school cauets woro. seicciou
liv nnmmnni ntil Hnilnnlifillf'li mid rt I
W. Shilling yesterday aftornoon. In
tli r nnlpntlnriR. ntniuilmr m HtUUies a 11 (II
efficiency and oxorlonco In military
arm AVorK Avoro consiuoreu.
The soloptfon of commission offlc-
cors Avero ns follows: Major, Adolph
TInnnnn! hntnlllnn nilhltant. Clins.l
Rlncker; captains, SIdnoy McFarland
and Jollno Antonldes; first lieutenants,
.Tnhn minor nml Russell Lancford:
second lieutenants, Ward LaRuo-and
Paul wartl Non-commlssloneu or-
flpnrn-wlll hn nnnhnnrnd later.
Snppliil InntrnpHnnn wll lin clven thel
officers by the commandant and others
vorsod In military tactics and tho
first drill exorplso avIU be hold today.
Elevator Is Uusr. '
Although tho nsw Loypoldt-Ponn-
Inrrtnti nlnvator la not wholly COIU-
ploted ik. opened fop tho storngo of
gram Monuay noon, ana up to noon
yesterday had purchased slxty-olght
wnirnn lnadn averaclne RlxtV bushols
to tho load. Yosterday-B prlco atos
Almiit irne-half tho elevator bins
hnvn hnnn potnnloted. and the othora
avIII bo ready for service In a few days.
Tho capacity or tno oioA-ator is six
thousand bushols.
What ails the
Modern Church?
Presbyterian Church
Sutherland Freo Lnnco Items.
Col Dave Love and family leave
Sunday indefinite s,tay In south
ern PniifnrnJn E. n. McConnel has
finished threshing 4,000 bushels of
wheat on his ranch s&uth of Hershoy.
Ono ninety aero field yielded thirty
bushels to tho acre J. D. Goodent,
living cmiihwpflt. nf Sutherland, raised
C,opo bushels of Avheat and ryo this
year Will Cokor and gang
pleted harvesting 700 tons of hay along
tho north vauoyt .
::o:: i
A Correction
Tn T.irpsdnv's Issue tho statement
iin .thnt. a liabv had been born
to Mr. and Mrs. Loy Eyerly, Avhen It
should have read Mr. anu iirs. ijioyu
Eberly, Wo very much regret tho er
ror in names. Mr. and Mrs. Eyerly
live at Horshey, Avhlle Mr. and Mrs.
Eberly livo in this city. Though care
to inii-on nnmpo thnt urn similar are
frequently confounded Avhen taken over
tho pheno.
Thn Riimmnr Girl" at tho Crystal
tliontrn Rntiirilav nlnllt AVlll take YOU
on a sumen vacation If you haven't
already had one and If you havo you
can spend an hour or moro seolng
how Arthur Ashley enjoyed his and
how ho met tho summer uiri xmoiiis
King. 10 and 15 cents.
Dr. T. . Kerr left Wednesday ov
,ening for Choyenno to met Mrs. Korr
who is enrouto home from an extended
ed visit Avlth friends In Montana.
Tho "Best" Laundry oponed this
wonif nminr vnrv favorablo circum
stances and with an excellent run of
work. ehT machinery Is of tho latest
modols, tho omploj-wj experienced In
tho work, and tho Interior of tho room
arranged In q sanitary and convenient
mnnnnr. W. A. Sltliinor. who Is an ox-
nnrionppii lmindrvman. cleaner and
dyer, has tho direct supervision of the
work, Avlillo his partner, unas. iicL.ane,
will look after the uusiness onu.
Tlin nnw prnnd stand at the city
park, -which has a Beating capacity of
1,000 avIII bo coinpioteu mis weoK, an
will also the bleachers, Avnicn nas a
similar seating capacity. Tho new
flKTlcuStuilM' hall hnd the roi-bulltj
llvn atnnlf luillillncr 1r holtie ronalntcd.
the grounds havo beon cleaned of tho
old shacks, tho rubbish removed, and
general appearances aro now very re
spectable. I WEAVE
Rugs and Carpets
F. A. Sturtveant,
520 South Sllbor Ave.
Mrs. C. E. Miller entertained thirty
guests yesterday aftornoon compli
mentary to her mother,' Mrs. E. S.
Lackey, Tho aftornoon was devoted to
names and music ana passeu very
Thn NnrHo Brown Memorial Hos
pital reports tho birth of a son yester
day to Mrs. J. Wesley JHoit, biu vino
ntrnnt. and a dauchter to. Mrs. Carl
Thompson, 521 west Twelfth stroet
tho same day.
Wnntnii Girl for ceneral house
work, small family, 109 west 2d. 72-3
Autumn breezes can't penetrate these
New Fall Sweaters
This first showing of new fall Bradley Sweaters is
notable for quality, stylo and moderate pricings.
Made ol the finest zephyr yarns or wprstcd, closely
woven in gay, bright colors that harmonize with autmnn clays,
they arc shown in a variety of styles, plain or belted; models
youthful and vastly becoming to every woman and miss are
shown. Specially priced.
Cotton Sweaters, 50c up to finest qualities of wool
at $12.00.
Smart styles that will please every man and boy
who wants a practical garment for out doors
C. R. Souser, cf Overton, camo last
ovonlng to visit his mdther and sisters
for a fow days.
jDr, and Mrs. Hooper, of Lo'wollon,
visited with Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Wur
tolo this wcok.
Judge Sutton, candidate for govern
or, and Mr. RoynoldB, candldato for
treasurer, Avere dinner guesis 01 air.
and Mrs. W. E. Shuman last ovonlng.
Weath'or Observer Shilling reports a
light frost last night, not heavy onough
t& cause any particular damage to vegetation.
Lost A ladles black leathor hand
bag. lined with green plaid silk. Re
turn to Mrs. F. J. Wurtelo and receive
reward. 72-1
Fall Clothes That
Save You Money
COLLEGIAN Clothes have a great following
among our young men and young old men.
They are sure or the fabric, the linings and
trimmings they are sure fhat the style is
smart and of the latest. They know that
here they get full clothesvalue at a big
saving. In our new Fall and Winter models
this saving is greater than ever.
You owe it to yourself, to your pocketbook, to your friends
and to your family to come in and try on your size -stylish for
'all requirements, correct to the smallest detail, giving vou that
individual appearance that goes only with properly made
Harcourt Clothing Co.
p mmm
n5to35 'm
W. C, Cralglo, formerly of tills city,
camo from Chndron to visit his mothor
and sisters for a Aveek. 0
Tlr. W. T. Prlt.chard rntiirnml Inof nv.
onlng from a business visit in tho
western part of tho stato.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Rlggs and chil
dren loft Wednesday evening for Oma
tha (to visit for a Avock or l'ongor.
ATra T T flllmnn nnil IVTIau A ti n I n
Itramph returned last ovonlng from
.iiasmngs wnoro moy visueu mis avcok.
Trovlvn nntinnt. of Denver, camo
loAit nvnnini? to Mslt Mm. Dnup.ot "who
Is the guest of nor mothor, Mrs. Potor
Lloyd. x
Wanted Girl for general house
wrlr. flhnil Avaces. Twn In fnmllv.
Apply to Mrs. John Dratt, 412 Avost
Fourth street.
Mrs. Allen P. Woods loft yostorday
nllfornntnn fnr Storllnir to visit her hus
band avIio has been employed thoro for
somo time.
Mrs. William Dorram loft Wcdnos
day evening for Birmingham, Iowa, to
remain for soverni wcoks ror tno uono
fit of her health.
Tim Tlltnnr nafo was nurchascd vos-
torday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. E.
M. Smith, who formerly managed tho
Apperson garago.
Doctors Latham and Fonncr have
mnted office rooms In tho now BolCon
building and will move thoro ns soon
as thoy aro ready for occupancy.
Frank Dunn, avIio recently loft for
nnntnrn rmlnts to tnko treatment for
facial paralysis, writes that ho Is a
patient in itho Mayo Bros, hospital at
Rochester, Minn.
Tn mm MattliAw C. Brush was an an
prentls In tho Union Pacific shops at
Omaha; this Aveok ho waB elected pres
ident of tho Boston Electric Hallway
at a salary of $3G,0Q0 a yoar.,
Thirtnon members of tho ladles' aux
lllary of tho B. of R. T. Avero tho guests
of tho Grand Island lodgo Wednesday.
Amnnir nthnr nntorf nliimont nrovlded
for thom was a banquet and ball Wed
npBilnv nvonlnc.
A. L. Sutton, republican candldato
I fnt. irnvnninr. Hnoko to a CrOAVd Of 200
nr nnn nt thn court house nark last ev
ening. He mado a rathor severe ar
raignment of tho democratic national
nnn nniinrta. of tho store dopart-
mont, has been ill for a woek past.
John Clark began Avork at tho Bark
alow news stand tho first of this wcok.
it m Ttnrrv. rtt Grand Island, spont
Wod'nosday horo on business for tho
Union Pacific.
Roscoe Zlmmor roturnod to SIdnoy
Wednesday aftor visiting local menus
for sovoral days.
Frank Lowell loft Tuosday ovonlng
for Ft. Dodge, Kan., to visit rolatlvos
. r a couple of woeits,
t.i1ni. IfnnAn nmtilnvnd an an ODOF
pior at Kommordr, Wyo., has been vis
l ing hla paronis uws wcok,
rovnnlil TTanaon has roslKond his
p!co at the BarkaloAv nows stand and
accepted a position as callor for tho
Union l'acinc.
6. W. Brandt formorly of this city
nannrn Kontmovor and trans-
npti.,1 hiiHlnostf horo tho first of ithls
Avo"k while enrouto to uneyonno,
1 Q
F. J. DIEtfBE & CO.
Real Estate and Insurance
Como and Beo ua tor town lots in
dlfforont parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on easy tonns. Houses for
sale and rent. Wo navo aioo gooa o&r
I I nwMM nn1 Mll.nn(l
Cor, Frost and Dewey Bt upftalra,
Alfnnmv W. V. Tlnnclnml lAft von.l
torday afternoon for Lincoln on legal
Mm. S Tl. f!nmnv Inft. voHitnrilnv
afternoon for Omaha and Lincoln to
visit rolatlves.
Attnrnnv .T fit llonlor ntt. nt nrinn
yesterday for Lincoln to nrguo a case
in mo supromo court
AUnti TTHiloiffiriln flllnlnn wbn linn
linnn vlnlMncr frlnnrtn In Lincoln for
two Aveoks, Is cxpoctcd to roturn homo
Wm. House, who lins been 111 Avlth
fvnlmlil nt nnn nf tlin lnnnl linnnltnlM
for sovoral Avooka, returned homo yes-
Mrs. Frank Doran and daughters
havo returned from Omaha ,Avhoro
thoy isltod for. sovoral days last
Miss Myrtlo Boolcr avIio is attend
ing tho stato unlvorstty will Bubmtt
to an operation in Omaha tomorrow
for ndnoolds..
Dr. FoWor and Mrs. Fottor, of
Maxwoll, havo rented tho MoWIUiams
apartmonts on Avost Sixth street and
wlllfrosldo horo in fnture.
Tho cntortalntnont commlttoo ' ot
tho B. P. O. E. Is making arrange
ments for a scries of bi-monthly
dances to bo hold during tho Avjntor
months ...
Every man knows
that Insurance 4s a Valuable thing almost a
necessity, In fact. Everyone who. does not now
have Life Insurance protection realizes that he
should have at least ono policy, and many others
are Wishing that they could afford to carry moro.
Mini, who carries LIfo Insurance, Is
FINDING THE MONEY to pay tho mi
nimi poiiiium on tho policy.
If you are an "Average Man" whether you
havo some insurance now or would like to have
moje, or whether you have nono, hut realize the
neeU of It you will bo glad to hear that a plan
is offered for solving this troublesome financial
-It is to you that we want" , 1
to tell the story of the
Lot us suppose that you should take a $5,000.00
policy calling for a yearly .premium of about
ti9r: no vm if vmi nrmifl divide this annual ex
pense by GO, and pay for it at the fata ot $2.50
each jweck, it wouldn't look like such .a big
amount. 1
But, no responsible Old Line Insurance Com-
pany could afford to lot you pay your premium
by weekly installments, without advancing the
rates they ask, in order to cover tho cost of fre
quent collections. t ,
That is why thiB bank is offering you the
"Thrift" Insurance Paying Plans to enable you
to make wookly deposits and accumulate-a fund
for your premiums. Wo will phy interest on each
weekly deposit which will save you some money,
to provide for any insurance premium
largo or small whether it is an old one
due in a few months, or ono you have
just contracted for.x
Ask Any Insurance Man in
r - . , ' ' this city what he thinks of
"Thrift" Premium Paying
7()State Bank.