The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 19, 1916, Image 5

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Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGovern were
guests of friCnds- In Hershey Su-rirtny.
Mrs. J B Redfleld will ontortain the
M. M. M. club Wednesday afternoon.
Dr. Morrill, Dentil.
George Ell spent Saturday in Sid
ney visiting frlonda and Attending the
auto rnoff .
George Wolr left tlio latter part of
last wk for Chicago to attend a
denal college.
100S woat Fourth street. Homeopatlc
MUs Reglna Nolan roturnod Friday
aftornoon from iVood Kvhoro she
spent a fortnight. '
Clmrlos H. "Vflson, who spont the
past two' months In Kearney, returned
homo Sunday evening.
Soft IVtttor Shampoo, Electric Jlns
sngc, Contos' Beauty Pnvlor,
Dewey, rb'ono Red 055. 6$-S
Percy Orvlllo Loudon and Miss
Hazel Morrltt wore married Friday
by County Judge French.
Mrs. W. W. Hogator of Bladen, left
Friday after visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Koons .for a week.
Mrs. M. C. Hoppos loft a few days
ago for Gdthenburg to make her homo
with her son James Hoppes.
Miss Minnie Murphy, of Gothenburg,
(who visited her brother John Mur
phy for a week, has gono home.
Soft IVnterJ Shanipoo, Electric Jlas
Knge, Coatcf Hcnuty Parlor, B05J
Dewey, Phono Red C55. 08-3
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Crane, of Osh-
kosh, visited wi'tli Mr. and Mrs. E. R
Plummer, tho later part ot last week.
Bert Culton returned to his home-1
stead at Mclroso yesterday morning
after visiting relatives hero for some
Mrs. H. G Adcock of Davenport,
Nebr,, who has been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. George Monks, left Saturday af
ternoon Have you solved the Franklin Rebug?
Everybody Is trying. Why don't you?
Call for one It's free. CLINTON, tho
Jeweler. ,
Miss Violet Pearce, of Omaha, who
had been visiting with Dr. and Mrs.
Charles Adams returned home Satur
day afternoon.
MIrs Cora Souser will entertain a
number of friends at a pro-nuptial
shower for Miss Lucy McMichael this
. I hnvei buyers for tjirco small fnrms.
What have you for salol
71tf . 0, II. TIIOELECKE.
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Hosier left
.Friday afternoon for Omahavto visit
friends. The formor will also attend
a shoot at Fremont.
Attorney Myron L. -Learned, of Om
aha, president of tho Rosedale Land
& Cattlo Co., visited O. H. Thoelecko
the latter part of last week. "
Mrs. Graham Duder, of Chicago, nee
Nellie Blrklnskaw of this city, came
Friday evening to visit with Mrs. Jas.
Snyder and Mrs. Fred" Elliott. t
Mrs. Justine McCarthy, of Aurora,
111., nee Miss Nina Mason, of this city,
Is expected hero this week ito visit her
Barents Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason
Mrs. Charles Tuornburg, who has
beon visiting relatives in eastern
points for a month past, is expected
to return hom6 tho latter part of this
Marshall Jackson Hazelrjgg, of Lin
coln, and Rhqa G. Baldwin, of Big
Springs, were' granted a marrlago' li
cense at tho county Judge's office Sat
urday morning.
Saturday morning O. H. Thoeleike
purchased the west half of section 19-12-29
known as tho Guy W. Hdls farm
on tho Jack Morraw flats for a consid
eration of $10,500."
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
' Rev. Jamos. Knollen, of West
Plains and Mis Mabel C. Howard
postoffloe clerk at Flatta were granted
a marriage license by County Judge
French Saturday aftornoom
Mrs., 'Erirl Orandall nnd baby, loft
for Lincoln Saturday afternoon ttftor
visiting her aunt Mrs. A. P. Kolly for
several days. Mrs Crondell wae for
merly Miss Ida Waldnian of this city.
For Salo Pure Bred Duroc-Jersoy
Hogs, male and fomale. All eligible
to registry. Inquire of or address
Blankenburg Bros., PhOne Rod 851,
1305 North' Locust street. North PJatto,
Nebraska. 69-4
The local base ball team wae de
feated at Staploton Friday nftornoon
by a scor'o of G to 4k Koefo and Sandall
Mero bnttorlos for North Platto and
and Todenhoft and Davis for Staple
ton. Mrs. Laura Shaoffor who had beon
living on hor homostond near Dickons
for a year past, visited Mrs. J. J. Hor
rlgan this week "and left yesterday
morning for Portland to reside In
Charles Tlglujetumod Sunday
morning from a visit in Denver and
Kansas City. Mrs. Tlgho has gono to
Chicago to spend a week with her
father Herbert Gleason, formerly of
this city.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug
The Nevlta club member's were
guests of Mrs. Ada Ldrtis at a kensing-
ton Friday afternoon. Out of town
guests were Mesdames Georgo Schatz
of Ogdon and Horace Barraclough of
Los Angeles.
Bargains In rcnl estate. Best ever
offered, we Iiavo buyers for farms,
ranches, liny nnd other lands. If you
want to sell, come nnd tell us, -we can
sell If priced right.
Miss Marjory Llddell returned Sat
urday evening from an extended visit
with relatives in Dowaglc, Mich. Mrs.
Llddell who visited In Columbus whllo
onrouto home was taken 111 thero and
returned Sunday evening.
Many peoplo fall to find relief from
headache in .tho uso of tho favorito
remedies which help others. The cause
is not tho ono supposed. Eyestrain
jfroducos moro headaches than all
other irregularities of tho human sy
stem combined. HARRY DIXON, Jew
eler and Optometrist.
"Still "Waters" 'with Marguerite
Clark will make up the program at tho
Keith tonight. This is said to bo one
of the prettiest pictures now showing
on tho screen. The report that comes
from other places where It has been
shawm is that people have waited in
lino to bo admitted to tho theatre
where it was being shown.
I -will soon have a carload of the
now Chrovrolet 490s In very soon
and am now taking orders In accor
dance with Khe time of filing same, for
early deliveries. An improved car., with
starter, real electric lights, three
speeds and mohair top. Price $540 at
North Platto. Order early.
70-2 J. V. ROMIGH
Contractor Stack has been up
against tho labor proposition tho past
few days, quito a number of the men
employed on paving work having quit
work, and ho is experiencing consider
able difficulty In securing others
Many of tho men 'who accept work re
main a week, secufo a "grub s'tako
and then movo on to other points
there to ropeat.
Contractor Stack line gone to Denve
to look up laborers for paving work.
Solve the Franklin Robus and git
tho prise. CLINTON, the Jowolor.
F. N. and James Babbitt left Sundpy
morning, for Kearney to spend a waek.
J. II. Hegarty transactor bustnoM
In Poxton and othor western town yoa
Miss Grace Ogier, who has been ser
iously 111 fcr several woeks, is greatly
Mr. and Mrs. Percy O'Brien began
housekeeping on west Second street
Inst week.
Wanted A
Our lumber yard, but good lumber. Any
defective piece of lumber is sent to tbe discard
in; this- yard.
We have always considered, this the best
policy, in fact, consider it the foundation of
our success in seUing
Coatcs Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platto, Nebr.
Phono 88,
woman for
Mrs. J. S.
Your Boy or Girl
C Inn
Your boy or" girl niusl have durable school
shoes shoes of solid substantial leather yet
comfortable. This store has those kind of
shoes in a complete line of sizes and Widths
for growing active feet. Our fitting service
always satisfies as do our values.
Miss Marie Dornti left a 'few, days
ago for Chicago to resume hor must
cnl studies.
Mr. and Mrs. Chat. Thomas, of
Dickens, are spondliig a few days with
local friends.
Miss Tholma Thompson has nccopted
position as. saloslady at In tho
O'Connor store.
WantedA compotont girl for gen
eral housework, Mrs. W. V. Hoagland,
Phono Black G41.
Keith Novllle spont Sunday at homo
and loft yesterday morning for the
eastorn part of tho, state. "
A baby boy was born Sunday after
noon to Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Boyd. All
concerned are doing well.
Highest market price paid for hides.
Wo buy dry bones, iron and, othor
unk. North Platte Junk House. 27tf
Mrs. Frnnk Doran and daughter
Margaret left a few days ago for Om
aha and other eastern points.
Lost Pair of spectacles attached to
guard. Liberal roward will be paid if
same are left at Ideal bakery.
Georgo Scott, of Cuba, 111.; 'Who has
been the guest of his son M. E. Scott
for several weoks, will return homo
Mrs. Lloyd Powers and Mrs. Anna
Kock loft Sunday morning for Okla
homa to visit relatives for several
Misses Ru'th Wlnget and Marian
Lawson returned Sunday ovenlng
from a short visit In the eastern part
of the state.
For Sale Good hard coal stove, 115
Good grade. Mrs. J. L. Louden, 1010
East" 4th. Cheap If taken at once. G9-2
Mrs. Roy Mehlmann and her guest
Mrs. Henry Mchlman, of Denver, left
a fow days agoeor Wallace to visit
relatives for a jvook.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Matson, of Lin
coln, formor rosldcn'ts who have boon
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green,
will leavo this week.
Can you solve tho Franklin Robus?
A. set of Sterling Silver Spoons for tho
first correct answer. CLINTON, tho
Mfs. James Dorram and Mrs. John
McDonald returned Sunday evening
from Maywood where they visited at
tho Harry McGrlm -s homo.
Tho Proebytorlan lodios will hold
an exchange at Derryborry & Forbes
Saturday, .September 23d. All kinds of
bakery and good things to cat.
For 'Farm Loans Bee or write Gene
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platte. 41tf
Emory Elmor Heath ago 25, and
Miss May Porter ago 18, of Maxwell,
woro granted a marrlago license by
County Judgo French Snturday after
Mrs. John Pearson, who had boon a
patient at 'the Nurso Brown hospital
vlsitod Mrs. A .J .Frazior for a fdw
days, and loft yesterday for her homo
In Gothenburg.
Word rocolved In town yesterday
announcod the birth of a girl Saturday
to Dr. nnd Mrs., J. Rhoades, Longley,
of Fon du Leo, WJu., former residents
of North Platte.
John Griffith age 07 of Pennsyl
vanla died of-nephltle at Sutherland
while visiting the Beverage family,
Tho remains woro taken to his home
Saturday ovoning.
Tho Great Northern Railway
put into effect a system of pensions
planned by the late Jamos J. Hill and
elaborated by his successor. A fund
of a million dollars has beon sot nsldo
from which pensions of from $20 to
?75 Svlll be paid to rotlrcd oniployes
who havo had twenty years of service
The plan Is now to allow rotlromont
at slxty-flvo and to requlro ft at tho
ago of seventy. Tho connection ot tho
lato head of tho road iwth tho now
system is Indicated by 'tho fact that
it was inaugurated on his birthday
Mr. Hill was born In Canada on Sop
tombor 10, 1838. ,
Gertrude Rebhausen,
Teacher af Piano
$1.2?59 $13S9 $2oSS
ilcox Department Store
Gus Huntor, colored, was arrested
at Chappoll early Sunday morning by
Special Agents North and Waynian of
tho Union Pacific secret sorvlco on
tho chargo of having killed John
Thomas, also colored, In a bunk house
at Sunol at 8:45 Saturday evening.
Huntor was placed in Jail at Chappell
and will havo a preliminary hearing
this week. It is understood that tho
two men became Involved in a quar
rel over a crop game, and tho shoot
lng and death followed.
This Is tho second Instance whore
colored mon employed as trackmen on
tho Union Pacific havo killed follow
laborers, tho othor killing having oc
ctfrred at Blrdwood several months
:o: :-
102 South Locust
l?hono Black 34
When you ro In Omaha come wlitro all Stockmen tup.
frlomli ana aaiualnUinccaat the
You v!U lAwny And your
Omaha's new nbtolutcly fire proof hotel. Wo welcome tho Stockmen. We'll mako
you comfortable and our ntenro moit reasonable In tho city, ltooma with private toilet
$1.00. Good car icrvlco to tho Stock YorUi and Depot. Have your commlulon firm
telephone for room reservation. FRED A. CASTLE, Prop.
Tho Art Store.
carrlos a comploto lino of Art Needle
Work Materials, Novelties, -etc. Over
Star Clothing Sfcro. V. Warrington.
Draw .Tall Sentences.
William Hunt was arrested Sunday
for being Intoxicated and tried In tho
police court yesterday morning. Ho
was given a thirty day Jail sentenco
and costs and will also lmvo to servo
a, previous fine ot $C80 which has not
boon paid. Ed Long nrrcstod on a
similar chargo was given, a fifty-day
sontonco and a Mexican .was sont to
Jail for prowling around residences in
tho 300 block on cast Fifth street.
25 CcntH
Business men, School Teachers and
others whoso time Is limited during
tho noon hour should tako advantago
of our Noon Day Plate Lmnch which
will bo sorvod for 25 cents.
Wo will also gorvo lunches to par
ties at ariy tlmo of tho dey or ovoning.
Mrs. L. It. Phillips and Cora Way,
of Los Angeles, who visited tholr
c6usln Mrs. W. C. MoDormo'tt for sov
oral days loft yostorday afternoon for
an oxtonded visit in eastorn cities.
. C. Barton, of Wellficet, who wnsi
In town yostordny, says ho had 525
acres In corn this yonr, and ho es
timates his yl'old at ton bushols por
acre which whllo very small, la
somowhat bettor than nothing.
Wanted Girl for gonornl houao-
work. Mrs. J. 8. Twlnom, 404 west
Sixth street.
Tho picnic which wae to b'o hold at
the city park Saturday' by tho travel
ing' Salomon who headtiuartor hore,
was postponed on account 'of tho
death of the late Mrs. Murray, and tho
date will be announced later.
Tho single men of "he travoling
men's club of tills city defeated tho
married men at a ball gamo at the
south aide paTk Sunday nfternoon by
a srtoro of 11 to 12. Tle batteries for
th eformer were Atchison and Wood
ring and Kdwnrds and Johnston for
tho lattor.
Mssdnmot) Charlos Yost, Wm. Hud
dart, Charles Bogue, W.- II. LoDIoyt,
Arthur McMullon, C. It. Cool, Will
Hawloy, W. C. Roeo, Earl Lambort, W.
S. Loon,. I. L. Bailor, Carf Illtcnour
and Harry Guthorloes will go to Qrand
Island Thursday morning to attend
tho convention of the lndlos auxiliary
of tho B. of B. T.
F. .1. DIENEIi & CO.
Ileal Eslnto nnd Insurance
Come and sec us for town lots In
different parts of the city, Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rent. Wo havo also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewev Bts.. upstairs"
Telephone Your
fGrocery orders to 32
They will given prompt and
careful attention.
Lierk-Saiidall Co.
Are easy to get, But liard to
keep. You can have moro of
them by spending your money on
our line of Furniture, Ruga,
Tables, Chairs, Cabinets,Dressers
Sewing Machines. We have
some used Furniture that looks
like new will sell for less than
half of its original cost. Bargains
in Show Cases, Tables and Stools.
Look at our Guns and Shells.
Guns lor Rent.
We pay top price for Iron
and Junk.
By vlrtuo of an ordor of salo iasuod
from tho district Court of Lincoln
cotlnty, Nobrnska, upon a decrco ot
foreclosuiro tendered in said court
-whorclh Znrn I. Mitchell la plalntll
anil John ulchnrd Neary la tlofondant,
and to mo dlr'octcd, I will on tho 30th
day of Septsnibor, 1010, at 2 o'clock p.
m., at tho east front door of tho court
houso in North Platto, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to
tho highest bidder for cash, to aat'sfy
said decree, Interest and costs, tho
following doscrlbed proporty, towit:
Tho undlvldod ono-half (Mi) interest
of Lot eight, (8), Block ono hundred
nnd ilvo, (105) In North Platto Ne
braska. Da'tod North Platte, Nob., August
20th, 1010. A, J. SALIST3UIIY,. .
a20s20. Shorlff.
" ' I" - i i in r 1 i i - i i
Notlco of l'liial ItcporL
Estato of Sarah Jnna Moyors, de
ceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, to nil per
sons interested in said Estate tako no
tlco that tho Administrator ha's flold
a Ilnal account and report of hia ad
ministration and a ipotltlon for final
flottlemont and discharge as bucii, ana
praying for his dlsohargo ana a aocroo
of doscont and distribution, which has
boon set for hearing boforo saJd court
on Octobor Gth, 1910, nt 0 o'clock a.
ni., when you mux npponr ana contest
the same.
Datod September-11, 1910.
81203 ' County Judgo.
Notlco to Creditors.
Etrtnto . of John N. Bonner, Dc-
conod. -i.
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
The f-iato of Nobrnskai Credi
tors of said ostato will- tako notlco
that tho time limited for presentation
and filing of claims ngalnBtjsnid es
tate In April 20, 1017, and fpr set
tloinonl of said ostnto Is September
15, 1017, that I will sit at tho county
court room In said county on Octobor
20, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on
March 20, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m to
receive, oxamlne, hoar, ttlloKv, or ad
just all claims and objoctlons duly
filed. GEO. E. FRENCH,
sl9-ol7 County judge.
Hospital Phono Black 033.
Houso Phono Black 033.
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian, Hospital 218-south Locust St.,
one-halt block southwest or the
Court Iloust).
Florence MacKay
Teacher of Piano
lowest Fifth St.
Phono Blk. 521
To Ina Fiehbaugh, non-roBideut de-fondant.
You nrp hereby notified that on tho
10th day of May, 1918, George Flsh-
lmugh mod n potitlon ngulust you in
tho District Court of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which Is to obtain a divorce from
you upon tho grounds of oxtrome
oru'olty and adultery. You ar re
quired to auswor suld petition on or
iioiidro Monuay tno iiutii any or ucto
bor, 1910.
By Georgo N. Glbbs, Ills attornoy.
Notlco lo Creditors.
Estato No. 1430 of Silas A. Hill, do
ceased, In tho County Ceurt of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, bh: Credl
tors of said ostato will tako notlco that
tho tlmo limited for prosontatlon and
filing of claims against said estate la
March 22, 1917, and for settlement
of said ostato 1b August 18, 1917 that
I will sit at tho county court room In
said county, on Sept. 22, 1910, nt
o'clock a. in., und on March 22, 1917,
at 9 o'clock a. m to roccivo, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
n22sl9 County Judge
To Herman Einstein, Matilda Ein
stein, Leopold Hlnstoin, Max Einstein,
Helen Einstein, Danlol Tliooiioro iMn
fitoln, and .Gratphen Clara. Elnntoiu.
and the unknown owners and itnlmuwn.
claimants to tbe North one-half of 1 b'
North one-half of Soction Tyonty-nIx,
Townslilp Slxteon, North of Rungf
Twenty-nine, Wont undjbaing tho heir,
devisees, legatees ami personal rc-prt-sonKatlvea
of Louis' Joseph Einstein,
Herman Einstein", Matilda ElimMn,
Leypohl Einstein, Max Elnseln, Helen
Elnseln, Danlol Theodore Einstein,
and Qretchen Clara Elnstoln, Defen
dants. You will tako notlco that on Uio 13tlt
day of Septombor, 1910, Wosloy T. Wil cox
and John J. Halllgnn, plaintiffs
herein Hind their amendment petit I n
in tho district count of Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska against snld, defendants,
the object and prayer of which Is for
a partition of tho North half of tho
North half of soction twenty-six, town
ship sixteen, North of Runge twenty
nlno, west of tho Gh P. M. In Lincoln
Comity, Nebraska equally botiweon tho
plaintiffs nnd tho defendants; one-half
(o tho plaintiffs and Jlio othor half to
tho dofondantii; and It said land can
not bo cqnltalUy divided that tho samo
bo Hold and out of tho proceeds, tho
coat cf theso prqcccdlugs bo paid, that
tho plaintiffs bo paid ono-half ot the
monoy which they havo paid out for
taxes on said land with lntorert, nnd
thnt tho balanco ot tho monoy bo
divided one-half to tho plaintiffs and
ono-half to tho defendants.
You aro required to answor said
amonded petition on or boforo tho 30th
day of Octobor, 1010.
Dated Sept. 14th, 1910.
Wesloy T. Wilcox ,ihd John J. HalH
gan, Plaintiffs. al7-ol3