The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 19, 1916, Image 4

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    Pid you ever see n novice try to hold a watchmaker's glass
In his eye?
He mokes bad out of it, which only serves to exemplify the
old adage, "Every man to his own trade."
Our trade is optical work.
Wc make a specialty of it and do it well because we do.
Wc charge more for our work than some we charge less
than others. We charge what first-class optical work is worth
you can't afford to poy more or less.
We do skillful practical, darcful work.
We supply Toric lenses.
We fit all kinds of Bifocals (double glasses).
We strive to gain your confidence andkcep it.
We want you to depend, absolutely, upon "what we tell you
and then hold us responsible .
We should get acquainted.
Tho "not much on talk and no great looker," we can do your
optical work and do it right just RIGHT. '
.After further Investigation of the
Carnival company which had boon ten
tatively engaged for the county fair,
'the fair management concluded to'
pass It up, an tho later roporta re
ceived iwore advorse. Instoad nine
vd. Ilf reports recofved wt. .foAGfllord.
other attractions have been secured,
part of thosn new exhibiting in Kear
ney this week, in connection with tin
Duffnlo county fair.
Next Thursday in addition to (he
horsQB ruceB thoro will bo wild horse
riding and wild mule races. .Twenty
flvo dollars for the farmer or stock
man bringing in the wildest-horse .r
mule, and $25.00 to the boat rider.
These raoes will be undor the manage
ment of Case and Stebbins.
In addition to the rogular program
Friday thero had been added a game of daughter, Mrs. W. Stuart. f
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bunk.
P. H, Lonergan spent Saturday ' in
Grand Island on business
Miss "Willtt Haugh returned Sat
urday from a short vlBit with friends
In Sidney.
John Hahler loft Sunday evening
fo'f Shine nfter visiting his parents
for' a 'week.
Flvo room houso for rent .. at 321
Chestnut. Inqulrp of Thos. Simants,
303 South Chestnut.
For Rent After January 1st, tho
doublo Btoro room of Ottonstcln's.
(leorgo Hayes returned yestorday
morning from Grand Island whore ho
visited for a few days.
Miss Essie Wcseburg has accepted
thoi position of clerk in tho office of
County Judgo Fronch.
Tho Knights of Columbus will hojd
a social dance at tho Yeomen hall
Monday evening, Sopt. 25th. .
B. L. llurko, of Omaha, prosldant
ol tho Kcnt-Uurko.. Cattle Co.-, spont
Sunday with 0. II. Thoolecke.
Mrs. II. F Honcklo loft Friday even
ing for 'Hastings whero bIio will visit
relatives ' for u week or longor.
For nontModorn rooms, lncludln'
heA. r jyi5 ooBt. Eighth strcot. Phdno
ilea 188
II. 0, Knoftlon loaves noxt wcolt for
Harvard,' Nobr,, where ho will conduct
revival bCVvIccb for four wcoks.
-;Mrs! llnlph Garman returned Friday
oyonlng from Malvern, la., -whoro she
vJfiltod'rlativos for two wooks.
P. A. Whlto-mul J. J. Crnfwrord re
turned JSatunliiyfrom an auto trip to
Bcotts llluff , Kimball and -Sidney.
Mips Nliln VnnDornn returned home
Sunday ivttornoon ' from Maywood
whero she spdnt a wook with Mrs.
Hobort Artloy, . .
'835 fvlll buy ypn trjfidgq icar for
tho nk'miito of all' your family.
SJ J ;702 ivY HQMIGH
IMrs. Votaw, of Donyor, enmo a fow
dys ago" to visit with her sister Mrs.
John BurltO' and local friends for a
Week, or longer. -
.Leonard Dlok WPlt to Omaha. Sun
diy, Tuocompanylng Mrs. Ulok thai far?
on her trty to Dcfcrolt, whore alto will
Tlslt , her; Ulster. k
MIbss Alice Uakor, of Omaha, who
lmeQou Visiting Dr. and Mrs. G. it.
Dent fi)8QWB tlmo will loavo tho lftt
tor part tit this wook.
Economical on 'gfot and ot and
tiros, yet well lmhuiooil and wonduN
fully onny riding, a Ddgo car is a
sensible nurcbaso. Curlond. in", ioon,
70 J. V. HOM1GII
Uuv. Q. D. Harmsn ueiK thrlRttfr
Druco Hrown left tho latter part
of last week for Omaha on business.
Solve tho Franklin Rebus and get
tho prize. CLlNTdN, tho Jewolor.
Rov Uarton, who spent tho ,week
end hero loft Saturday for Stroms
burg. For Sale White Leghorn. Itooators.
east Eight street. Phono Rod 18S.
B. B. Baker yont to Gcrlng yesterday
morning' to spend-this week on busi
ness. Barney Guyman left Friday nf tor
noon for Fremont to spend sovoral
dayD."' "
For Sale A goted second hand mo
torcycle. Price $50. Inquire at 203
wost'&e'cond. C9-4
Mrs. John Solbort left yestorday
morning for Chappoll to visit fop u fow
foot ball between the first and sec
ond teams of tho high school, a nun
dred yard dash and a pole, vault. Frl
day Is children's day and special
amusements have been provided for
the younsters.
Added features for Saturday are tho
auto novelty races, which Is certain
to provide high class amusement.
Tnursday lias boon designated as
Logan, McPherson, Kolth Arthur and
Perkins counties day; Friday Custor,
Dalwson and Frontier counties day,
and Saturday Lincoln county day.
Secrotary Fisher says entrlog for the
horse races aro coming In dally and
this fcaturo promises to bo good
Tho noV buildings will bo completed
this week, as will also the big bleach
ers. In fact by tho date of tho open- tjlslt her mother, Mrs. Sarah Finney,
ing everything will bo in readiness
for what promlqes to be tho best fair
Jncoln county has ever held.
I Mlso Janet White loft
morning for Mobprly, Mo.,
to attend
Miss Josephlno McKoown who spent
two weoko in Denver returned homo
;Mrs. M. K. Movlllo will on'tertaln
the Pan Hollanlc Girls Wednesday af
tcrnoon. f .
part ofJflBj week In Hastings attend
ing thiyfftulu synod of the Engllih and
aorinftH'Ltahorrui churohos. .
Mo nd Mrs. Bon MoNool, of Oduesu,
whowuro guosts of Mr and Mrs. W.
1a. Richards have returned homo. Mrs
Nenle Is ft Blstor 15t Mr. Richards.
Ilavo you solved the Franklin Robua?
Everybody la trying.. Why, do,n't you?
Call for onolfB froe. CLINTON, the
Hugo Todoohoft of Clumbus, for
morly of tho Ideal base bull team spont
Saturday visiting friends In town
wbllo onrouto homo from Staploton
Mrs. Lorn Graves of Grand Island
catno Friday evening to visit frlonds
while 'enrouto to Donvor to visit her
parents, Mr. rjnd Mrp. Joseph Moonoy,
Equity Jh good 13 room bouo for
aktewoblle. Section of land for North
Wanted Girl for general house
work. Good wogob. 'Mrs. Clarence
Tollosen, Sutherland, .Neb. 70tf
Mr. and Mrs. Loy Eyorloy an
noninco tho birth of a baby boy at tholr
homo Friday.
Josso Rector has returned from
vjstt with relatives In tho enstern part
jot this Btato. .
, P. II. McEvoy and daughtor left Sun
dayovonlng for . Omaha to spend a
wcolpr longor.
Mrs. Wood White loft Friday aftor
nooi for a short visit with relatiV03
in Grand Island. . i
Perry SltAon urrlved hero from Don
vor Saturday morning to spond n fow
days with frIonds;
For RoutIl6Uao at 20G west Sixth
street. Inquire of Mrs. It. D. Thomp
son, C14 W. Fifth.
Tito Indian Curd, club will moot this
afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Charlo
Roynolds In Muxwoll.
Mrs. Frank Qardnor and children
left 'tit noon Friday for Cozad to visit
..'l . II-.' 4 ... 4 .
IUIUUVU3 ipr n iow uuys.
Mr, -and Mrs. Lc-R. Duke have as
tholr ?iiost this -week Mrs. M. A. Ce-
mar of Los Vegas, N. M.
Mrs. II. A. Donnldson and children
who visited In Farnam and Gothen
burg havo roturncif homo.
Mr. and Mrs, J. JC. Knattor, cf Weet
Ji'lRtiiH who woro marrlod hero last
wook loft Sundny ovonlng. .
L,ot Laudgraf & Hoga do your paint
ing, paper hanging and decorating
Phono Black C92 or Black G70. IStf
Rov. Jordan, of Grand Island, spent
Sunday In llowji and occupied -the
pulpit at the Baptist oburoh.-
Mrs. R. 1J. Holiart vlsltofl Attorney
and Mrs. W. V. Hoagland Sunday w!U
onoruto from Goring to Omfma.
Mi's. Jr II. Fedorhoot -loft Sunday
morning for Pennsylvania . to spend
several wooks with her daughtor.
Mrs. H. A, MUlor and S. B Ogle, of
Mlnonk, 111., camo Friday ovonlng to
visit tthojr slator Mrs, Mary Moonoy.
J. Q. Wilcox who" spent sovoral
weeks In oastorn cities transacting
buslnoss roturnod homo Friday oven
'ing. Farm and Ranch loans at lowest
rates, and best terms. Money on hand
to closo Joans promptly,
Miss Ella Stogmnun and mothor loft
yoatorday morning for SU Louis and
Ecolslor Springs to spbnd sovoral
weeks, w
The ladies guild will hold a social
Thursday afternoon In the church
Mrs. Eugeno Holcdmbo loft -this
morning for Omaha to spond a :.rcok
with Telatlvos.
Roaooe Zlmmor, of Sidney, who for
merly lived hero, spent yesterday vis
iting local frlonds.
Dr. J. S. Twlnem has returned from
Chicago where he attended a medical
convention for a wook.
Mrs. M. H. Douglass .left last even
ing for Choyonne and dther western
points to romaln a week,
Mrs. Miko Cohagon,- of .Bralnard,
camo, last evoniug to visit , for a wcok
with the Cohagon family,
John Tlgho ' loft last avonlng for
Lexington where he will visit his
Miss Ethel Baker .f Columbus, camp
Friday evening to visit with Mrs. Levi
Duke wihle
Mrs. Edward Elsatser and son loft
this morning for Omaha to visit hor
.mother for sevoral weeks.
Mrs. Wilson Tout returned a fow
days ago from an extended visit with
rolatlvee in Colorado Springs. .
Tlw ladles' auxiliary ot the B. of L.
F. & E. will hold a social at ho home
qf Mrs. Ernest Mills this aftornoon.
Mrs. Charles Perkins nnd Mrs. J. T;
Murphy went to Omaha this morning
to attetid the W. C. T. U. convention.
Have you solved the Franklin Robus?
Everybody Is trying. Why, don't you?
Call for one It's free. CLINTON, the
Mrs. Luther Glnther, of Lincoln, for
merly of this city, came last evening
for sovoral wooks,
Bert Naporstlck will leave Friday
evening for Salt Lake City to spend
several weeks. Mrs. Napestick has
been thore for three months.
Mr. and Mrs. John Singleton came
home last evening from California
m I -k
Ajwe no ri). t
Last Sundny marked tho thirty fifth
anniversary of The Tribune man's ar
rival in North Pla'tte. His coming wash10 thy spont sovoral. months.
unhoralded, his reception was not en- Misses Mario VonGootz, Edith Pat
thufllastlc from the man who opened terson and Allcen and Edith Gantt,
the side donr nt tlm old nnnl intu. nnil wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilber
bis first act was to trado grocer Jim Winquest of Brady at dinner Sunday.
Mlnshall a Dlucced dime for a hand- Th Drv Federation, which will hold
ful of wormy soda crackers. Llfo In a general county meeting at tho Pres
North Platte has always been so pleas- nytormn cnurcn this evening, lias so
ant that those thlrtv-flvo vears havo cured Rev. Knapp as the principal
regret Is that wo cannot stay tho ad- Frank Dunn lias "cen suffering for
vanco of old ago, for -with every day a week Past with facJal paralysis, which
full of sunshine wo would, llko "to live has been extremely painful and has
forever. extended Into his neck. He left
t ;:o:: yesterday for Excelsior Springs to
Car (Iocs In Ditch. Itake treatment.
Chns. Eddy, Albort Richardson and Miss Edith Gantt will leave tcday
two men named Guy, all residents of for New York whoro she hnsrecelved
Guide Rock, Neb., woro considerably an appointment to tauo a course
bruised Friday night when the 1 car liirthe Now York City library. To enter
In which thoy were riding went to a this school of Instruction It Is heceg
ditch a few miles west of town sary to have an A. B. dogreo, pass a
and overturned. Two of. the men rigid examination and bo recomniend-
woro pinned under tho car, but fortu- cd by a largo number of reliable per
natoly woro ndt seriously Injured. A sons;
nearby farmer was aroused, who with Tho Kendall Auto Garage at Brady
a team hnuled tho car out of tho ditch, hati been 'purchased) by Trfctter &
It was brought to town for minor re? Bowon, and will be conducted as
pairs, and itho party continued yielr branch of tho Trotter agency lh this
homownrd Journey Saturday. city. Mr. Trotter has placed a Max
::o:: well sub-agency with tho Tollcfsen
Return from'Elk Hunt. garage at Sutherland and went to the
C. C. HupfoV nnd Cliarloy Herrod ro- a0uth part of tho county today to place
turned Saturday from Northwestern Maxwoll cars in tho hands of doalors
Wyoming, whero they spent ten days at Wollileot and "Wallace,
bunting oik. Tioy woro accompanied
Mrs. Ira LoMastor and children, of
Donvor, formerly ot this city, camo a
fow days ago to visit Mr and Mrs
John LoMadtor.
by Ilonry Robhauson, ot Laramie, nnd COMING TO NORTH PLATTE, NER.,
each succeeded In killing one of the I'liHcd Doctors' Specialists
animals, wiillo thoy rounu: elk plontl- will ho nt
nil, it was ilifilcuU to got within rnilgo TI30IER3IAN HOTEL
of thorn. Thoy also- saw a number of THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1010,
mountain shoop, but could get near One Day Only Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p
nnoiiili tn if in t.hom. Thov wni'n in thai m. Renlarkablo Success of these
,,.,,., ?. T,. Talented Physicians in tho Treat
...uu..v.-a Du..uuu.te wiu uunow., ment,of Chronic Diseases
Hole, a country that is exceedingly offer Their Services Free of Chnrirc.
rough. Tho United Doctors, licensed by the
State of Nebraska, for the treatment
Honrs ttw Snln. or deformities and all nervous and
Wo aro offering for a, limited tlmo Lhinirnn. nffor to mi wim mil n., tw
at $25.00 oaoh a splendid lot of Duroc- Lvi
Jorsoy bonro. Ordors aro bolngbookcd vice freo, making no charge whatever
now. Phone 409, Exporimontnl Sub- oxcopt the actual cost of treatment for
AnHmi Mn.t, 1lnfn Mnh 71 -O "4U pu.puao Ol IJlUVIIIj; UiUk UlUy UUVU
V t ' I . - 4 A It 11.
Hon T llvlni nnrftvn.i u" ul uvauuuma uuu mo itmaoimuiy
biunormnu, wno nas ono or tno uost TilOB0 Doctors aro among Amerlca'i
appla qrchnrds In tho county, says tho leading stomach and nervo specialists
orP this year will bo light. Ho estl- uml nro exports in the treatmont of
i.i. i curoiuc uimeuHos 01 me uioou, uvor,
.... ... Uu... i..UUMlUu 8tomuch( jntostinos, sk!n, norvos
ti.o Tai,ni.i,.TWr.wi ,..mi ,BllMi rhoiwiatlsm, lolatlca. dlabotes, bad
wv.... vu ..... v,U.U,,.,,v-, f ,,,,,, 14 ,,,1,
the Blxty-ilfth anlversary of the order lunK8i RWiicted wi0, lone
t ho Odd Follows! hall tomorrow ov- standing, deep soatod, chronic disertsoB
onlmr. to which mombors of that ordur that have buff lod the skill of ether phy-
and "Odd Felloe nnd tholr fam.llo "b'af XbUfJur'in K
According Xo their system no more
nnttitlnn fn nnnati m 1 nit la im 1 1 atnn net
illUmUIi - I tiiinrtra pnltnr nllitf tin no nil nnartf
Tho remains of R. E. Dalzoll who accepted will bo.troated without opor
Xnat ftVnt Mnwntl wnrn i, ailOIl Or UypOUOnillC lnpjOCllOU, BS
. n , , ,, ,. ,,.,, ,, . hfliey wero among tho first. In Amori
to Codar Rapid, for burial. Tho do- ea to earn Urn name of "Bloodless Sur
ceased was elghty-olght years of ago. geons." by doing away with tho knlfo,
He was tho Grandfather of Mrs. Jos. with blood and with all pain in tno
Leach and Mrs. JWrv Shollv. Successful treatment of those dangor
I uuo uiouuaus,
Protect tho naturally dofectlvo oyol If you havo kidney or bladder trou
of youth and you aro repaid with tho M" ujlng a tyo ouuco bottlo of your
v.u..N ... ... scppic examination.
immaiuro oyo nnu u wm nucessuaie Worn-out and run-down men or
glassesnot for a fow months only, womon, no matter what your ailment
but for a llfo tlmo. HARRY DIXON.
Jowolor and Optomotrlst,
In n le'ttor to this oftlco, our old
frlond Frnnklln Peale, of Donvor,
says: "Mrs. Poalo who had a paralytic
stroko April Gth remains powerless
For Salew-Hampahiro- "Rama. 11. P
mny bo. no matter what you havo boon
told, or tho oxporlence you havo naa
wjth othor physicians, sottlo It forovor
in your miuu. lr your case is mciir
ablo thoy will toll you m. Consult
them upon tholr visit. It costs you
Romcmbor this freo ofror Is for this
and speechless." Tho frlonds of the visit only.
j ... ---rf -O" -1 1,. .l.H.l.. ...11. tliAfK nnt.
.. ., . , , ... , I uuBuuiiua uuu luiuuig ... i..w. j....
mm in ino sunsei ui iwr uiu lrH'ent8
Pealo should bo so afflicted. Laboratories, Mlhrnukcc, Visconsln.
enfouto homo from the
Mrs. Henry Wacker, of Wllbor, Neb.r
camo a few days ago to visit with
Mm. Wm. Landgraf, Sr., for a weok or
Show Her You Mean Business
Take It from us, young man, few girls of the riglit sort
have the heart to turn down a man who Is thoughtful
enough to give her in the beginning her heart's desire a
home of her own. It's the one thing that every woman
wants for there her dreams of past years become realities.
Build a Home Now
and start life in the right way full of happiness and con
tentment. We have several books of the, latest designed
houses and bungalovjs. Come in and select the one you
like best and let us figure the cost for you complete, foun
dation and all. We have everything in building material
you'll need. Come in any day and we'll show you a plan
she'll like.
Mutual Building & Loan Assn.
ASSETS $840,000.00
To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers;
Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adver
tising the fact that tlrcy havo reduced the monthly payments
of borrowers to $1.10 per month on each $100.00 borrowed,
making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build
ing & Loan Association of Narlh Platte. They fail to state
that of the $1.10 paid to the non-resident company"; there is
only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment,' the
balance seventy-five ceri being taken for interest. Of the
$1.10 monthly payment "to this association on each $100.00
borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited
as a principal payment. , .
This difference in the amount credited the borrower
will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be
ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each
$100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they
would if they were.doing the business with this Associatton.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
Tonight and every other night you can
call attention from far and near to your
business with an electric sign. Up and
, down the street as far as you can "see,
it will flash your rnessage.
The 5 and 10 watt EDISON MAZDA Sign Lamps
give from 40 to 65 per cent more light than the old
style carbon lamps nnd cost only one-half as much
to operate.
Our sign expert will gladly tell you more about
this new economy, and explain how you can get the
best results from electric slgnr for your business.
Ed .54
North Platte Light & Power Co.