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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1916)
THE 8EMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. W. L. DOUGLAS "THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE" $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4,50 & $5.00 AwSft'S Save Monev bv Wearing W. L. shoos. For sale by over 9000 shoo dealers. The Best Known Shoes in the World. w- r. L Douglas mme and the retail price k tumped on the bot tom of all shoe at the factory. The value u guaranteed and the wearer protected against high pries for inferior ihoc. The retail price are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San Francisco than rhey do in New York. Thsy are alvays worth the price paid for them. ' I lie quality of W. L. Douglas product k guaranteed by more than 40 years ezpecience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fashion Geotrea of America. They are made in a weU-ectuipped factory at by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under supervision of experienced men, all wot king determination to make the best shoe roc the can buy. Ask yoar shoa dealer for W. I Douglas) shoes. It he etua. not supply yon with the kind yon want, take no other mane, writa ret shoe of tli for Interesttnr booklet xnlalnlnr haw to t shoe of the highest standard of quality by return mall, poituf o free, LOOK FOR W. L. Dougk asms and iho retail price stamped on the bottom. "When Hoaan Telephoned. Hogan, the elder, was doing useful work In the stables, since most of tho younger mon In the nearby llttlo mar ket town had enlisted. Ono day ho was sent by his employer to telephone to a dealer for various loads of hay, straw and oats. After many struggles with that tcrrlblo In strument which Is supposed to savo time, ho got Into communication with tho dealers at last. "I say, we'ro wnltin' fer that last order fer hay, straw and oats. Wo want it at once. Hay, straw and oats." Back came tho answer : "Very good. But who's it for?" "ArV, now. Would ye try to bo funny with an ould man what's doing his bit? It's fer tho horses av coorse." London Mall; If bnly. President Wilson said ono day, dur his Princeton pr6sldency, to' an athlete who had flunked: "My, . boy, It's too bad you do so wretchedly in tho lecture room and so well on tho gridiron I Ah, my boy, my boy, If people only hopped up and cheered us when wo quote Greek tho samo as they do when we score touch downs, eh I" King George's Collection. King George of England Is making a collection which may some day prove very valuable. It Is a comploto set of the trench periodicals that aro being issued for private circulation by tho men at tho various fronts. Many of them aro extremely curious. TO hold "its place in the sun," is the avowed purpose of a great nation's conflict. To hold "its place in the 6un," is the object of every business in the great, fight for industrial and commercial supremacy. To be ableto hold "its place in the sun," is the supreme test of an asphalt roof. It is the sun, not rain or snow, that plays havoc with a roof. If it can resist the drying out process of the sun beating down upon it, day after day, the rain or snow will not affect it except to wash it clean and keep it sanitary. 1 Certain-teed MManVMBaaaMMaVnaaVem M Roofing takes "its place in the sun" and holds it lonecr than other similar roofing, because it is made of the very best quality roofing felt, th'orourhIy saturated with the correct blend of soft asphalts, and coated with a blend of harder asphalts. This outer coating keeps the inner saturation soft,-and prevents the drying out process so . destructive to the ordinary roof. The blend of asphalts used by "The General" is the result of Ions; experience. It produces a roofing more pliable than those which have less saturation, and which are, therefore, harder and drier. 'At each of the General's big mills, expert chemists are constantly employed to refine, test and blend the asphalts used; also to experi ment for possible improvements. Their constant endeavor is to make the best roofing still better. The quality of CERTAIN-TEEb is such that it is guaranteed for 5, 10 or 15 years, according to thickness (1, 2 or 3 ply). Experience proves that it lasts longer. Behind this guarantee is the responsibility of the world's largest manufac turer of roofings and building papers'. General Roofing Manufacturing Company World's Largett Manufacturer of Roofing and Building Paptr New York Cltr .PblUdsIpbta St. Lout Bo.Ua CU-.Und Pltl.Wih Detroit SanFrancLcc LcaAoiaWa Mllwauk Cincinnati NwOrUn MJna.apolif Saattla KaniatCltr ladUnapolla Atlanta Richmond DaaMoinaa Hourion Dulutb Lnncon Srdnav Copyrighted 1910, Ueneral Hoping Manufacturing- Co. We are wholesale distributors of Certain. teed Products. ua for prices and information. Carpenter Paper Company, Omaha, Neb. Douglas Brockton, Ma., the direction ana with an honest price that money for the prise, Boys' Shoes a m . Btit In i World TI7 BBBBBSJ rlr V $3.00 $2.60 & SZOO YT. Donylaa Shoe Co., ftrockton, Mt. Gratitude. "I say," tho visitor told tho polico sergeant, "my neighbor had all his chickens stolen last night." "How many?" "Oh, I don't know I" "You want to mnko a report of these chickens being stolen?" "No; I'll let him do that" "Well" (impatiently) "what do you want?" "Why, I just wanted to ask you, if the polico catch that chicken-thief, to give him my thanks I" Important te Mother Examine carefully every bottle ol CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that It Bears the . ' yr'.'mn Signature of Ctf7cji$4 In Use for Over 30 Tears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Oattoria Effective. '1 was awakened last night by a peculiar 'rapping sound, and when I went downstairs I found a burglar about to walk off with my silver." "What was tho rapping sound that aroused you?" "My watchdog was lying under tho dining room table, wagging his tall at the burglar." Thp government of India will ex tend Its wireless system until every army post has a station In tho charge of a trained officer. A stand to hold ice creum cuncs erect, made of stiff paper, Is the In vention of a Tow York man. The General makes one third of Ameri ca's supply of as phalt roll roofing. His facilities are unequal ed, and he is able to produce the highest quality roofing at the lowest manufactur ing cost. CERTAIN -TEED is made in rolls; also in slate covered shin gles.There isa type of CERTAIN-TEED for every kind of building, with flat or pitched roofs, from the largest sky-scraper to the smallest residence or out building. 0ERTAIN-TKED Is old by responsible dealers all oyer the seasonable prices. Investigate It before Tou decide on any type ot root. Dealers should write FIGHT AGAINST WEEDS Constant Losses Gall for Vigor ous Crusade by Farmers.' , To Rid Country of Noxious Plants Would Put Agriculture Forward Almost Incalculably Simple Methods Effective. Tho fact thut formers nrc crying for relict from tho weed pent, nnd that tho government is trying to aid them, Is ono of tho encouruglug signs of tho dny. To rid tho country of weeds would put ngriculturo forward nlmost incalculably. An enormous amount of labor is In volved every year in tho extermination of weeds. Not only arc theso weeds trouhlesomo to cultivated agricultural crops, but they are troublcsomo In meadows and pastures. Tho comllelds and cultivated crops generally must bo kept clean if n crop Is to bo pro duced. Of course, tho farmer would want tt till his soil whether weeds occurred or not. A soil that is not cul tlvatcd would not produco a remuncr- atlvo crop. But tho weeds 'havo come to stay, and tho farmer must till tho soil to hoop tho weeds in subjection. Persistence by simple methods will bo more cffectlvo than spasmodic of' forts nnd oftentimes moro expensive Black Mustard. processes. While direct methods niuy often bo effective, tho most successful will be those having to do with tho conditions of agriculture and tho meth oris of tillage nnd increase tho pro ductlveness of the soil. Weeds grow whero they can. find room to grow. Some crops then per mit certain yecds to grow with them whllo another weed may find contreu lal conditions with another crop. TIiuh cocklo and cheat havo grown with wheat perhaps as long us wheat has been cultivated. Purslane hnd pigweeds aro always found In gardens, thistles and mulleins In pastures, whltetop In meadows. If tho pea vine, horse nettle, crab grass, foxtoll, ragweed, etc., becoino serious in the corntleld, sow it down to grass, ono crop in tho rotation do stroylug theso weeds gaining n foot hold with tho preceding crop. Thor ough cropping of tho land and Judl clous systematic rotation of tho crops, aro conditions against which no weeds can stand ; nnd, Inasmuch as theso aro all vital conditions of successful agrl culture, It muy bo said that weeds uro never serious when tho land Is well farmed. Purslane was cultivated for greens In Massachusetts and later taken to Michigan, whero It was grown for the samo purpose. Wild' carrot, morning glory, poppy and others, liavo escaped Horse Nettle Apple of Sodom. rrom tho old vegetable md flower gar dens and in many cases have become serious pests. Black mustard Is n tall, coarse, much-branched annual, two to live feet high ; lenves variously divided, or only deeply cut the terminal lobo tho largest, sharplj toothed. The upper leaves small, simple, as n rule linear. Leaves generally not smooth, but somewhat bristly, at 'east on the veins. Flowers yellow, smaller than In charlock. Pods smooth, about one half inch long, four-cornered, tipped with slender beak. Seeds black or reddish-brown, siuuller than charlock. MUCH CATTLE FEED WASTED FallUre to Utilize Full Value of Mate. rial Increases Cost of. Meat Production. A vast quantity of feed ntallublo for cattlo is now cither wastcdabso lutcly or put to some less profitable use, according to n recent report of the deportment of agriculture. Fail ure to utlllzo tho full value of their material has Increased unnecessarily the cost of producing meat, has di minished the profits from cattlo feed ing, nnd has discouraged 'many farm ers from engaging In an industry es sential to their permanent prosperity, According to this report, tho loss in grain, straw and .corn stover amounts to moro than $100,000,000 annually. Doth of these products aro disposed of most economically wljcn fed to cattle in connection with some form of concentrated feed. Straw is especial ly valuablo In carrying tho breeding herd through tho winter, in .wintering stackers and no n supplementary roughugo for fattening cnttle. Stover, too, Is an excellent feed for wintering cattle, especially mature breeding cows. Nevertheless, in many section of tho country whero theso products arc abundant, llttlo attempt Is made to tnko advantage ol their value fos theso purposes. CLOVER AND ALFALFA BL0A1 Trouble Is Due to Fermentation of Sugar Contained In Blossoms Formalin Is Favored. (Dy DK, C. C. TAPP.) According to circular 0 of tho Ken tucky experiment station, it has been found that tho causo of bloat in cat tlo following tho eating of elthci clover or alfalfa pasture is duo to the fermentation of- tho sugar contained in tho blossoms. Bed clover blossoms contain about 8.0 per cent sugar, al falfa blossoms 2.8 per cent. Soon aft er being eaten, fermentation begins, resulting in tho production of a consid erable quantity of carbon dioxide. This distends tho first stomach or rumen and produces the condition known at bloat. Tho authors of tho Kentucky bulle tin strongly recommeud tho uso ol formalin for this condition. Ono quarl of a per cent solution Is given ns n drench. This 1 per cent solution It modo by adding three tablcspoonfuls ol formalin to ono quart of water. Gcntl exercises should bo given tho animal if posslblo after tho medicine has beer given. This treatment Is simple, snfe, anu inexpensive, and should bo kepi on hand so that it may bo used on a moment's notice should licccssity re quire. AMPLE SHADE FOR HOGHOUSE Easy to Arrange Attachment to Afford Shelter for Animals Running In Treeless Lot. On any of the portable shed-rooi hoghouses that nro now in common usi It is easy to arrango an attachment t givo outdoor shade for tho hogs thai may bo running In a treeless lot ol pasture. By arranging tho supportlnj Shade for, Hoqs. timber along tho ends of the housa ns shown in tho illustration, tho slindt may bo easily put In place. Thli shade attachment is separate from the houso itself and may bo easily moved REMEDIES FOR LICE ON HOGS Nebraska College of Agriculture 8ayi Crude Oil Probably Cheapest and Most Effective. Of the remedies commonly used foi llco on hogs, tho Nebraska college oi agriculture says that crudo oil la prols ably tho cheapest and tho most effec tive as It kills not only tho lice, buf the nits us well at one. application Tho most convenient method of apply ing is by means of u hog oiler, ol which thcro aro several good typcfi These havo the advantage of being alwuys ready und need little attention except keeping oil supplied. Tho best. type of oiler is one that enables the pig to got tho oil to all parts of tl body. If thero Is any Indication of skin disease, the part should be scrubbed with a broom or brush so at to get tho oil well Into tho sklu. Whore crudo oil is used, it will bo noticed that tho skin and hair are improved in ap pearance. Whero the1 floors of tho pens or sheds arc of dirt, a liberal appli cation of oil will keep down the dust us well as aid ih killing llco. CARE OF CPEAM IN SUMMER Cleanliness Is First Rule to Observe--. Dirty Surroundings Result In Poor Milk. During the hot days of summer the farmer who Is selling cream to the creamery finds It a problem to keep his cream in tho proper condition, However, thero aro but u few simple rules which should bo followed that would result lu bettor cream, First of all these Is clcnnlluei. Dirt, re member, carries had flavors. if tin barn or Its surrounding nnd nro dirty It will result In j,..or mill: : poor milk ivsuIIh In pj.,r cr-tini; .ixf cream result H lt poor butler. WHEN FOES MEET IN AIR German Lieutenant 'fella of Engage ment In Which French Aviators Lest Their Lives. "Ono afternoon n French flyer ap peared," says a German lieutenant "It circled over Douaumont and then ros.o high abovo tho clouds. For a long tlmo It seemed to bo Just hanging In tho air. And then fro ni our sldo thcro aroso a busting, a flcrco sharp buz dug, nnd It mado straight llko n bco lino for tho llttlo French flyer, It went through tho clquds and disap peared. Nothing could bo seen. Tho clouds covered all, Flvo minutes of suspenso passed, and then a shot, nnd after that a roaring. Wo waited breathlessly, and then two llttlo black spots wcro seen breaking through tho clouds. Tiny llttlo spots, and theso spots wcro tho two French aviators. They grow bigger ns they fell. A mo ment after tho men como tho flaming machine. It camo down roaring and crashing. Its wings wero yet on Arc, nnd tho red, whlto nnd bluo of tho trl-colors looked liko a revolving American barber pole. Everything crushed to' tho earth, a hopeless man gled mass. Again n spot broko through tho clouds. It camo- swift and straight, without any spectacular showing. It was Boclko returning homo." His Regimen. "Regimens 1 Itcglmcnsl" said Prof, nilnry McMautors before tho Harvard rMcdlcal school. "Thero aro too many nonscnslcnl regimens, young gentlemen. I prefer tho regimen of Mark Twain to all such rubbish. "Mark had a very strict regimen, you know. Ho never smoked but one clgnr at n time, and never 6mokod whllo sleeping. "Ho never nto meat except with his meals, and ho never drank except at meals and between meals. "His father took n drug storo for a bad debt In Mark's boyhood, and among tho stores wero nlno barrels of cod liver oil. Theso lasted Mark coven years. Tho rest of tho family hnd to get along with tho Ipecac nnd nux vomica, Mark being tho pet. He was, In fact, the first oil trust. Ho got It all." BABY'S' ITCHING SKIN Quickly Soothed and Healed by Cutlcura. Trial Free. Bathe with hot water and Cutlcura Soap. If thoro is any irritation anoint gontly Avlth Cutlcura Ointment on ond of flngor. Refreshing elumbor for rest less, fretful babies usually follows tho use of thoso supor-croamy emollionts. Thoy aro a boon to tired mothers. Froo s&mplo each by mall with Boole Address postcard, Cutlcura, DopL jL, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. , A Cautious Girl. "There's a mouso in tills corner." "Poke him out, Vanessa. Hero's a foot rule." "Not for mo. I want n yardstick when I poko at a mouse." Woman' ffrcbkm How to Feel Well During Middle Life told by Three Women Who Learned from Experience. ) The Change of Life ist a post critical perfodofa woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time invite disease and pain. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that wilE so successfully carry women through this trying period a Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs. Read these letters: going through tho Change of havo always spoken of it to other women who suffer as I did jand nave nau mom iry ic ana tnoy aiso navo recoiveu good results from it." Mrs. Qkohqb A. Double, 17 Roundy St., Beverly, Mass. Erie, Pa. "I was in jioor health when the Chango of Lifo started with me and I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound, or I think I should not havo got over it as easy as I did. Even now if I do not feol good I tako tho Compound and it restores mo in a Bhort time. I will praiso your romcclios to every woman for it may help them as it has mo." Mrs. E. Kiaauua, 031 East; S-llh t., Erie, V&. No other medlolno has been so successful in relieving vroniaV Buffering as has Lydia E. pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women may receive I reo and helpful atlvico by writing the Lydia JE.Pinklmm Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Such lotters are received and answered by women only and held In strict confidence It's Foolish to Suffer You may ho bravo enough to stand bnckach, or headache, or dizziness. But If, In addition, ur ination is disordered, look out I If you don't try to flx your sick kidneys, you may fall into tho clutches of kjdnoy troublo before you know It. But If you llvo moro carefully nnd help your kldnoys with Doan's Kidney Pills, you call stop tho pains you havo and avoid futuro danger ns well. A Nebraska Case Samuel Blxler, dor doti, Neb., says: "Four years' service In the army left me with a chronic case of kidney complaint. I had to got up at night to pass the kidney secre tions nnd my whole body nchod. My joints swelled and I had fainting spells. Doan's Kidney Pills have corrected these ali ments and I can't be too grateful." Cat DoeVe at Any Stare, BOe a Best DOAN'S KPDJLT FOSTER-MKJBURN CO BUFFALO. H. T. The Wretchedncsi of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE . LIVER FILLS. Purely vegetable -act surely an gently on the liver, cure Biliousness, iicaa ache, Dlzzl. ncss, and Indigestion. They do their dutjt SMALL riU SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must bear Signature WHY NOT THY pOPHARtfSH ASTHMA MEDICINE lrea Prompt aad VeaUtva Xettef In Bret? Case. Sold by SniRSlaw. Price 110. Trial Faekasa by Mall 10a. WILLIAMS MFI. CO., Free. OmM, G. W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 38-1918. ' Promoters of Vigilance. "Aren't you afraid your course wlU mnko you somo cuemtcsi" "I'll hayo to tako a chance," replied Senator Sorghum "Sometimes 1V befc ter to havo a few enemies so ns to keep you from getting too good-natured nnd cnreless." One of Life's Mysteries, "Singular thing, Isn't It?" "What?" "That pcoplo who nro different froee us seem to bo satisfied wltli them solves." Boston Evening Transcript SHHlllllV 1 .JggMwiTTLC .dBBBBBeBr l fBB e ft n i'y,1. Phlladolphia, Pa. "I started tho Change of life llvo years ago. I always had a headache aud back ache with, bearlnr down pains and I would have heat flashes very bad at times with dizzy spoils and norvous feelings. After taking Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegotablo Compound I feol llko a now person and. am in bettor health and no moro troubled witH tho aches and pains I had before I took your won derful remedy. I recommend it to my friends for I cannot praiso it enough." Mrs. Maroaiikt Gum man, 760 If. Ringgold Qt7 Philadelphia, Pa. Bovorlv. Mass. "I took Lvdin. IS. PlnMinmV Life. I found it very hebful and I mm