LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Frank Parks isbulldlng a new house . on norflh Vina street. ' " Wanted T6 trade a Chnlmors'"Slx for a house In town. Phone 07. 70-1 Mrs. C. W. McGrow Is enjoying a visit 'from her motlii who rosldo In Philadelphia. , ' E. H. Slvlts, of the north part of the county, movod hid family to North Platfte Monday. Harry Fleishman iovedi . Tuesday into the new bungalow just completed ,hy W. S. Dolson. Morlo "Wilcox,' a former North Platte boy, was in (town yesterday visiting relatives and frionds. For- Sale AVhlto Leghorn Roosters. Good grade. Mrs. J. L. Loudon, 1015 Hast -4th. Cheap if taken at once. 09-2 Mrs. Leonard Dick expects to leave Sunday for an extended visit with her sister- in Tolodo, Ohio. Messrs. Muhloon, Oborst, Harcourt, and LeMastor spont yostarday at Sta pleton attonding the fair. Mrs. T. V. Busklrk and sons, Ernest and Royal, loft Thursday by otito for Knox county to visit friends. Let Landgraf & Hoga do your paint ing, papor hanging and decorating. Phono Black 92 or Black 570. 33tf Will Waltemath returned the early part of this week from a business trip to Omaha and a visit in ,Blair. Get your Sunday decorations of cut flowers at Howe Moloney's -Satur-day- bn 'saloMly. Tilllkum Girls. Wanted Girl for general house work Good wages. Mr. Clarence Tollesen, Sutherland, Neb. 70tf For Sale Good hard coal stove, 115 east Eight slreet. Phone Red 188.' The many North Platte friends or Miss Margaret Ware, of Blair, will bo glad. (to learn that she has fully re covered from typhoid fever. For two weeks during her Illness her condition was .extremely critical. Mr. and Mrs. John Pile. Mrs. Joseph Rlcheson and Mrs. John LoMaster were visitors at the Stnpleton fair yes terday. John Styskal and father, of Wahoo; who waro guaats of Mr. and Mrs Ju lius Hfllilor for a week, have gone homo. Mrs. OUIo Tucker and ohlldron rp lurried tho first of the weok from a two week's .visit with her paronts in Sta ploton. Mrs. Shoup and daughltar Fe'fn, of Sutherland, visited at tho PnuUtth homo Wednoaday while onrouto homo from Omaha. , For Farm Loans see orwrlto Oono Crook, room 3, Waltemath building, North Platte. 41tt Ray Murray and Mrs. Roso Bartlott, of Lincoln, ivero called here yostorday morning by tho death of tholr mother, the lato Mrs! John- Murray, i Mrs. Hattio Record, of Nichols sid ing, is in a local hospital taking treat ment for blood poisoning caused by running a needle In her hand. Bring your old materials and old hats to tho "Wilcox Department Storo to he made ovor. We will guarantee good workmanship at moderate pricos. Miss Madge: Flynn loft last evening foT Qulncy, Illinois, to attend school. John Don returned to Sidney Wed nesday evening after visiting hia, fam ily for soveral days. Freeman Hansen, .of Council Bluffs who had been visiting his grand moth er, Mrs. Emma Pulver far some timo, lefr yesterday morning, for tho Kear ney military academy. Economical Noji gas and oil, and tires, yet well balanced and wonder fully easy riding, a Dodge car is a genslblo purchase. Carload in soon. 70-2 J. V. ROMIGH The Anheuser-Busch beer vault has been moved to tho premises recently purchased by tho Waltemath Lumher & Coal Co., and will bo used as a ce ment and lime warehouse. AN N0UNCEMENT D I now have the, agency for. J3odgQ Brothers' Motor Cars for "western Dawson' County, Lincoln, Keith, Arthur, McPherson and Logan Counties. I have already estab lished a salesroom and service station in both Gothenburg and North Platte and will carry a full, line of Dodge paits at both places at all times. I believe in the pride of the manufacturers oT Dodge Brothers' cars, and in their ability and their resources, all of which, with an absolute disregard of the cost of quality, has resulted in the Dodge Car of today. I believe in the Dodge Brothers' car, for I have sold thorn from No. 946 to the car of today which numbers over 90,000. I have driven them thousands of miles, I have tested them in every sensible way with most agreeable results. I have tested their economy and ound them cheaper in operation than many lighter and lower priced cars. I have tested their durability and found that they stood up against the most severe abuse, and to be more freo from mechanical troubles than any .car I have sold, regardless of price. I have found in it, the ideal all-purpose car for the ordinary family. , . I -believe in selling good cars and in giving good ser vice to my buyers. I will sell no car for which I am not able to supply those parts. at a reasonable price. Maybe you did not know that Dodge repair parts are so reason- ii i n j ji t-i a auie in price mat you can uuy an uie parts anu assomme U them at the iirice of the car. And not only am I carrying ft! thrRR narts for vou. but'everv aeent has his stock of narts i at your servio when 'you make a little trip, which all means that'Dodgp. Service is now nation-wide. I desii'e to meet every owner of a Dodge oar in my territory, also to have them meet my mechanic who has been with mo since we sold our first Dodge car, and who can probably give you his best advice as to the use and care of your car. We want you to havetho benefit of Dodge service, which we expect to make the vbest service to owners available to car owners of this territory. ... .Come in and meet up with us, all of you, owners, pros pects and visitors .and let us get acquainted with you and you with the Dodge Brothers' Motor Car. NOW LOCATED AT THE SMITH GARAGE OX WEST SIXTH STREET. J V. ROMIGH, AGENCY AND SERVICE FOR DODGE CARS, North Platte Nebraska FORMER KKSIDKNT HELD OX WHITE SLAVERY CHARGE U. Q. Smith, a former resident of North Platte, and who a yonr ago wae arrested on tho chargo of arecn- but was discharged, is now under arrt at Enid, Oklahoma, on a charge of white slavery. At tlio time Smith vtr arrested on tho arson ohargo ho had living with him a somowhat reckless girl about otghtcon years of age who posed o his hcusokooper. Following his -arrest tho gtrl went to Biokcn Bow, and when Smith was discharged ho migrated to Oklahoma. Shortly after arriving thoro ho soht for 'ho girl and tho two continued their llai- son and Smith's nrrost followed. A fcdoral officer was hero some time, ago looking up evidenco, and nfter r-j turning homo subpoonaod Sheriff Sal isbury as a witness. The sheriff will, go to Enid tho latter part of this month, tho caso having boen sot for hoarlng Septombor 29th. ::o:: Presents Pupil In Rccltnl. Mrs. Elizabeth Bonner Cramor prosontod Tholma Gladys Starr in a fcianoforto recitnl at tho I. O. O. F. hall Wednesday evening to invited guosils of Mr. and MrB. W. E. Starr. One hundred and fifty wero prosont and wero greatly surprised and pleas ed nt tho talent and ability of tho young nrtist who at eight yoars of ago, IroncUered' an enjoyablo prtogram of ten numbers frcm memory, with out the use of tho pedal and Is unable to reach an octave. Her technique was shown in tho selection "When All Is Fair" and tho number "Alice" was exceptionally good. Sbo has been a pupil of Mrs. Cramer for' two years. After tho program Mr. and Mrs. Starr assisted by Mr. and Mrs.ramor re ceived the congratulations of their friends and refreshments w.ero served. Misses Janet McDonald and Harriet Dixon presided nt tho punch bowl and Harriet Fleishman, Dorothy Cum mings, Catherine Green and Nancy Mitchell wero ushers. For this oc casion tho hall was decorated with garden flowers. ::o:: "Woman Declared Insane Mrs. Grace Jordan, whose homo Is south of Brady, had a hearing before tho board of Insanity Wednesday and was adjudged insane. Mrs. Jordan, who is past fifty years of age, was divorced from hor husband' two years ago. She had grieved, too much over .this, and this, togother with religious matters so unbalanced her mind that i became so affected that a constant watch over her was neces sary, although she was not viciously inclined. Sinco hor divorce Bho had made her homo with hor daughter, Mrs. Sam Norlander. Tho family con sidered that Bhe would bo better off at the state institution and asked that tho hearing before tho board ba made, Mrs. Jordan wns taken to Hastings Wednesday. , ::o:.: No Rand Concert This Evening Owing to tho absence of several members of tho Municipal band, the weekly concert thi3 evening will bt omitted. Thereforo tho plensuro nf hearing the band this evening will not bo yours. - , ::o:: Notice. There will bo work in the Follow craft degree at tho Masonic toinplo this (Friday) evening. Mombors are re quested to bo present. C. C. WILIAMS, MasKor. ::o:: For Snlo Good' Hay Land 6 miles from-Dick ens, Lincoln Cc.'Tob. Address Mrs. M. E. Nolson, Chula Vista, Calif. G7-4 , ::o:: Mrs. C. F Jonnings, nee JennlqAd amson, formerly of this city, writes Tho Tribuno that they aro now living In Detroit whoro Mr. Jennings 1b in terested in tho Commorco Auto Truck Co., and vice-president of tho com pany. For thirty years Mr. Jonnings had heon with, tho Simmons Hardware Co., or St. Louis. In her latter Mr? Jennings Bays: "This Is cortalnly a busy city hustling, would he a bettor word. Alitor living in the qttlet; easy going and dignified atmoiimbre of St. Louis for fifteen yoars, I am fdrcod to think that Detroit' slogan must be Hurry! Hurry! For two weoks we have boon hunting for a place to live, only to learn as wo go from real es tate offlco to roal outage offlco that they are short thousands of housafl and apartments to moot tho demand." For Sale Puro Urod Duroc-Jerscy Hogs, male and female. All oliglblo to registry. Inquire of or addross Dlankonbur'g Bros., Phono Red 851, 130C North Locust stroot, North Platte, Nobraska. ' G9-4 Mrs. U. S. Gummero of Sutherland, who was takon to Omaha last week by her mother, Mrs. Goo. Shoup, was operated upon for appondlcltla and Is making satisfactoy rcoovory. Mrs. Shoup and daughter Fern returned yesterday. Miss Alma Shoup will re main with her slater until she has fully recovered. The social whioh was to have been held at tho Seebergor resldonco last evening by tho Catholic ladled, was postponed on account of tho death of Mrs. John Murray and the date will A Beautiful Collection of Suits Coats an Now On Display. They are The Printzess Garments iherefore they are well tailored Coats xand Suits of the finest. quality accurately portraying Fashions most favored by licriininatirig taste. " ' . ' ' ' ; " ;v;'" , The fame of (he, Priiitzess Garments have not been built in a day, nor. a week. 1 It has been built up through years of untiring efforts on the part of the maker to produce the best styles, the best tailoring and the best values for the money. in' The Suits and Coats are just the thing for the woman who is constantly seeking something "just a little different" in the way- of outer wearing apparel. Right now, when the first Gojd snap tells of colder ones to follow is s iiie time to choose your Fall and Winter Garments. L t. TRAMP & SONS. FOMIElt JfOIlTH PLATTE RESIDENTS AltE JIAH1UED 'Hugh Scoonovor, a formor North Platte cloithlor, now located at Wap peen, N. D and Miss Ruby Rise Man uel, formorly employed as, a teacher In the North Platto schools, wero mar ried at Ivearney Wednesday. Rev. Geo. A. Ray, of Council Bluffs, an old friond of tho Manuel family, porformod tho corempny at tho homo of tho bride's parents. 'In speaking of tho wedding, tho Kearney Hub Bays: J.TI10 beautiful and quiet' homo wed ding took place at eight o'clock. There wore present all members of the im mediate families and a fow friends, Mlrlnm Anderson sang, "O Porfoc Love," aftor which to Mio strains of tho wedding march played by Mildred Rarnoy,tho bridal party entered tho parlor whero tho ceremony was per formed under a canopy of asparagus ferns and golden rod. Tho daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barney acted as (tower girl. Miss Bessie Manuel at tended hor sister as maid of honor and Ml Josse Scoonovor, of Chicago, brotlior of tho groom, wna host man. Mtv'nnd Mrs. Scoonovor loft for Min neapolis, whoro thoy will spond tholr honeymoon. Thoy will make their home at Wahpcon N. D. i : :o: : HHdu Anderson Dies Suddenly Miss Hilda Anderson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Androw Anderson of 204 West Firnt. atreet died Wednesday morning at 3:20. Her death camo us a shock to rohu:lvos and friends al though Uiobo near to hof had known for' Homo timo that she was. affected witlf 'heart trouble ( ' Miss Andorson was born April 3Q, 1800, and grow to young womanhood In North Plaitte, wns educated in our nubile schools, graduating with the class of lOMr'Sfia was an active anom hor of trio Baptist church anfl for the past two yoar she had been clork of county court, which position he filled faithfully and efficiently. . Surviving relative are hor mathr and fntlior nnd one brothor, Victor. Hilda was ono whoso presence on earth made us all 'bettor; a true chrittlan and a staunch friend. V , The funeral will be held nt held n't 3 o'clock this aftornoon from tl.o Bap tlst church. Rev. Barton now lf Stromaburg arrived ithia morning to conduct tho gorvlcee. Pall hearers will bo Ralph Hanson, Erneet Caeey, Noel Donogan, Paul Ottenstoln, Charles Strauss and Abnor Weflsburg. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank or- V it it V U :t :.: it J. it if :.: tx :.t t.t i.t i.t i.t t,t if it it i.t i.t :.: it t.t it it it it i.t it A Oli Til r LtA TTJS, IS Ji 13 Jt A SKA . Member Federal Reserve Bank System. ' CA.1ITA1 AJSV SURl'LU&t One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE' HAVE BEEN THE FACTORS IN (THE OIIOWTR OF THIS HANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION 18 VI5N TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE HALANURS? INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. bo announced later. to: ; Spocial Blankot Salo for ono weok, beginning Saturday, tho ICth, to, Sat urday, Soptembor 28d. Now Is your opportunity to lay in your fall sup ply. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Ell Hansen, formorly chief tlhio kcopor In Foreman McGraw's offlco, was transferred to Trainmaster Adams' offlco in Sldnoy Tuesday. Jack Carroll will fill the vacancy in tho McGraw offlco and John Baker, Jr. will tako the nosWIon formerly held by Mr. Carroll. Mombors of tho Et-a-Vlrp club wore entertained by Mrs. Leonard Dlok Tuosday aftornoon and spent tho timo In kenslnjiton work. . ; W Id Wl V A ii Lye Catcher Tonight and every other night you can call attention from far and near to your business with an electric sign. Up and down the street as far as you can see, it will flash your message. EDIS MAZDA LA MPS Tho 5 and 10 watt EDISON MAZDA Sign Lamps Rivo from 40 to 65 per cent more light than the old style carbon lamps and cost only one-half ,as much to operate. Our sign expert will gladly tell you more about this new economy, and explain how you can get the best results from electric signr for your business. Ed .24 North Platte Light & Power Co.