The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 15, 1916, Image 10

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    JNew and rracticai r astuons in w omens Appare
Women's and Misses' Suits, Coats, Dresses and Skirts
All cleverly designed in Pleasing Fabrics, Excellently Tailored. t
The Suit Jackets are- lined With silks that harmonize with the outer cloth. The Dresses are beautifully draped and
entirely out of the ordinary in everj respect. Scores of New Models that are' in the Lead of Fashion, from the sim-1
pier tailored ideas to the Stunning Fur Trimme4 Effects. Beautiful Materials in qualities that emphasize our determination p
. ,
to offer supreme values. . - 1
Don't Fail to See the Garments we offer at $16.50, $18, $20, $22.50, $25
Other Smart Suits, Coats and Dresses $27.50 up to $50.
Furs purchased now
nt a Big Saving will be
stored FREE, until
December 1st without
i 1 .
Hats of every Fash- It
ionable coloring- and
with every favored l
trimming feature now 1:1
on display
ISemi-Weekly Tribune
pUj&i BARE, Editor and Publ(sker.
Subscription hates;
$ity$car by Mall In Adranco....$1.25
6bp' Ttar for Carrier lu Advnuco. JlJiO
jijfrfld at North Platto, Nobraaka.
I :tofllco uo Becond Class Matter.
Ly,,.:..,- ,
II)(t, SKl'THMIJKIt 45th, 1010
ivmjH'Xime to tan ir Jinn.
fpria Doing circulated tnrougn
out thmajtfto a campaign sheet named
"Tho NobTAska Ibbuo," tho chief ob-
Mrflhia?11 a.. appears by tho
last sovoral Ibbuos, Is not to boost
Jhojmihjbltory amendment, as Is,
claimed,); but really to malign, misrep
resent and slander Kolth Novlllo. Tho
ilrpcUxjosponslblo tor these un
irrantou and untruthful nttucks on
ir. Novlllo Is ono II. P. Carson, who
trough' his unfair methods, hl at-
bmptfi to placo Mr. Novlllo in tho rolo
a common thug, is doing more to
ufcat prohibition in Nebraska than
ly othor ono thing. Ono of tho char-
city for immoral purposes, a charge
dlsprovon, and which Carson knows
was dlsprovon, in tho county court of
Lincoln coifnty. ' ,
Our personal acquaintance with this
man II. F . Carson covors 'a period of
Von or moro years. We flrstljocamb-ac-
qualntod with him When ho camo to
Notjth Platto as tho manager of a
business college, which through hla
apparont mismanagement survived
but a short time. Ho 'was then engag
ed ns secretary t tho local Y M, C. A.
which at that time was in reason
able prosperous condition and enjoy
ing tho esteem and respect of tho
pooplo of tho city. Aftor a fov brief
months of his mismanagement the
Institution became virtually bank
rupt and was degenerated into a placo
of reported questionable repute,
whonco It rapidly descended tc u deep
oblivion out of which It haa never
Tho Quarters occupied by tho Y. M
C. A. arid rented by Kolth Novlllo wero
idontical with thoso now occupied by
the LaMar rooming house.
All persons familiar -with tho repu
tation of tho Y. M. C. A. In Its last
days and that of tho LaMar rooms of
today must rosolvo all comparison for
eMtufo jkalnat Mr. Novlllo la tha't good repute and moral lnlluencos in
dfi. v. t- i t lt . ' I M .it. . I.ii
i.oi ins ouiuungs in tne lavor 01 mo tatter.
m -
Yet It Is this samo Carson who Is at
the prosent time, through tho column
c f a weekly sheot at tho head of which
his name appears as editor, assailing
tho character and standing of Keith
Novlllo by charges that Mr. Novlllo is
an unfit man for governor because
ho Is renting this property for Im
moral purposes.
Mr. Carson is in possession of the
court records of tho county court of
Lincoln County, Nobraska, in, which
aftor a careful Investigation," Judge
French makes Judicial findings that
there are no grounds for rumors id
vorso to tho moral character of tho
placo. v
This sort of politics Is familiar to
the people of North Platto, because
Just-, such methods quickly lost, Mr.
Carson whatever standing ho hod in
tho city, and doubtless led to hla, early
Wo .hope to make Nobraska. dry , t,hls
fall, but such politics as, la! b?ing
played by tho Carson end of the lry
movement will too seriously hadir
cap all other efforts unless tho samo
bo stopped. There arc thousands of
dry democrats as well aB tdry repub
licans who nro supporting Neville on
his morHts. We bavo oxplained at
L. L. St. John and W. M. Watklns.
under gradunltos of tho University of
Southern California, stopped in North
Platto Tuesday night while enorute
frcm New York to tholr homo in Los
Angeles. Tho two young men, sons of
well-to-do parents, concoivod' the "idea
of becoming auto tramps and loft Los
Angeles in a Chrevrolot roadster fcr
tfew York June 10th wl'thcut a ponny
in their pocket. They .followed the
Santo Fo route, earning traveling ex
penses In 'whatovor manner possible,
even to pitching hay and in duo Beason
reached New York. There thoy remain
ed two or three weeks, and on Aug.
10th started on tho -return trip, and
when they reached here had sufficient
funds to pay for their night's lodging
and purchase gasoline. Ono methoJ
of obtaining money on the return trip
Is distributing advertising matter
or hotels along the Lincoln highway.
As automobile hoboes they have
been a success, and have enjoyed tho
trip Immensely.
For Sale.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug
Store. '
W. J. Hendy returned Wednesday
evening from a business trip to Oma
ha. '
H. Q. Knowles returned Wednesday
evening from a trip (to Lincoln cn his
Mrs. B. S. Mackay, of Arkansas
City, is plaiting her daughter Mrs
C. E. Miller, 15 SoulUi Oak street.
Arrangement are being made for a
general meeting of tho Lincoln County
Dry Federation in thl3 city next Tues
day evening. The plan is to have sup
per served in the basement of tho
Presbyterian church at 0:30, followed
by Italks by local xlen and perhaps by
an out-of-town speaker. This supper
"will be Berved by the ladles of tho
Presbyterian, Baptist and Christian
chuirches and will be free to th030
Mrs. C. P. Carson, of Gothenburg, ' who attend. Whllo 300 -Invitations
camo Wednesday to visit for several have been issued to those who aro
weeks with her son Perry Carson and known to be lntereslted in prohibition
Mrs. A. L. Slothard, of Phlladel-
A National
"Why, sir, the Union may be preserved
tvw dismemberment by this Proposed rail'
d," Joseph M, Underwood in Me United
lies Senate, February 19, 1853.
HTff road hat Item httill ihrnuoh ntt
$fcff&i country with all the tribes banded
kWmQer and hcstile." General G, M.
SyH vrtresft 1000,
liR half a century
P" 'more ever since, the
JiiMSlliver-i-this railroad has worked
contmSptfafy for the development of the
,,frijfefhich it serves, and for the im-
' - vr.. . . i r . 1
rwOTcnc oj cue property.
ol thousands
iiiirSftia'ikWtyyettrs of
in tAf mqn8uW!ier.rQii.
A UtljniibciltibtRnOartl:
ui WWefth"brWiWh!i'iBBood
mt- w
links the East with tho
nplimM ppaoUeallyi'tiVery
oqgo ortrmjrimlpA''nTT7Tr! SVST17M
travelers nnd for safety
and expedition In the
passage of freight.
Success has justified this
policy of efficiency, but
tho full measure of sue
cess has been attained
only by tho confidence
andsupportof the people
who live In tho Union
Pacific country, and to
them this advertisement
Is directed in a spirit of
grateful appreciation.
Tho Union Pacific Sys
tem Is proud of Its terri
tory and of tho people
who Hvo in its territory,
and in turn Is worthy of
tho prido with which It
Is regarded by tho peo
ple it serves as a great
national Institution.
ifonna tmUaoo Wyl Hn'BASINGER
jnger Agi
The corner lot adjoining rAy resi-
longth why wo are supporting ,hlm (lonco nt 415 East Third street. Address
and we dosiro to have a clean cam.- Joim Kellh'or, 4314 Franklin St, Om
palgn purely on merit. t .. ! nha, Nobr.
Wo aro on tho othor hand supporting , : .o: ;
tho eritlro republican tlcHot aside from Farm and Itanch loans nt lowest
governor, and wo consider It one. of. rules nnd best terms. Money on hand
tho most Injurious things that ,f)uld to closo lonns promptly.
Happen to air. wenneuy b canuiuacy
to have his campaign made common
cauao with the wot and dry Issue',
and wo predict that unless an oarly
stop ho called, tho antlro republican
ticket in tills state is going to be
dragged doiivn becnuso this solf-s-Uyled
leader of a great moral fight Is resort
ing to immcral and offensive support
of men nnd Issues that nro entirely
dotached. -
Tho peoplo of North Platto rosout
attacks on Mr, Neville's character.
They will nojt tolerate attacks of char
acter ussasslus, and as a community
thoy; wllltako, -caro that' the truo
measure of csteom and confltlenco In
which ho Is hold will bo known tq tho
voters when thoy shull record tholr
choice on election day.
work In the county, others Interested
In having Lincoln county glvo the
phia, came Tuesday evening to visit cmdment a big majority are cor-
fcr soveral 'weeks with her daughter
Mrs. C. W. McGraw.
dially invited to attend.
Tho object of the meeting is Co
rentf! inldltlnnnl pnHinslnsm In nrn-
The little Chovrolet 490 Is a modern ihlMt!on work ln r OOIinfv and
and complete car, very powerful and attaln the deared 500 lo m majnrlty.
speeuy. ueiicr gei yours oruereu 10
day from J. V. KOMIGH. 76-2
Mrs. Frank Elliott Is conitempln-
, Reports from the.outslde precincts
arc very encouraging; In some pre
cincts it Is said there will not be a
ting a trip to uaurornia m tno ncar'wet" volte cast. In all parts of the
future to make an extended visit, county moro or less campaign work is
with her mother Mrs. W. T. Banks. , being done, and the workers find corn
Mrs. Anna Kock, of Hughsvale, Pa., vParatively few who are working
who has been tho guest of her sister against the amendment.
Mrs. C. M. Basklns for a year past ::o::
will leave Sunday for an extended! For RontFivo'room modern house
visit In cities of Kansas. at G14 Lincoln Ave. Inquire of J. H.
Miss Olga Sandall of tho Sebastian Fonda.
Insurance office, Is taking a two1 "William Adair returned Wednes
weeks vacation. Her duties are being aW from a visit in Kansas City, Om
, , , . ,. . , aha and Kearney where he combined
performed by Miss Florence Stamp i i)U8lnea8 aml pleasure.
I'urMdi Will Gho Kccipe.
A son was born Wednesday morning
to Mr, and Mrs. Perry Carson, the lat
est being a counterpart of tho first
boy, who Is gonorally acclaimed a
darling. Tho mother and son nro get
ting nlong nicely. Porry will glvo tho
precipe to any inquiring friends.
They All Come Duck.
Jud Austin, who for six years past
has boon living ln Donvor, resumed to
North Platto this week to make his
homo. Jud Bays tho day ho loft Tho
Tr'buno man told him that It was only
a question bf tlmo relative to lus re
turningthat no good man could for
ovor stay .away from such a jjood
town ns North Platlte.
Doebko Ahks for Dhoree.
William Doebko hnB filed his pott
tlon in tho district court praying for a
divorce from IiIb wlfo Dora Doebko
on tho grounds of abandonment. The
couplo wero jnarrlod December .?3d,
1005. Two children wero born, ono of
whom died ln April, 1915. Tho plain
tiff asks for tho custody of tho othor
thlld jvho Is now with ho mother.
f. j. niENien & co.
KeM stat0 mid iBsaraace
Come and see as for town lota 1b
dlKereat parts of the city. Qood la
YMtmeata oa easy terma. House tor
ale and rent. We have alao good bar
gains la farms and raactaee.
Cor. Front aspflwey St,H, upstairn
f" 1 1 V
in V;
i .;
low the Boll Telephone System
Spends Each Dollar Reoeived
We believe that every telephone user has a right to know what is
done with the money he spends for telephone service.
The following figures are taken from the annual report of the
American Telephone and Telegraph Company and Associated Com
panies, showing how the Bell Telephone System spends each dollar
it receives for telephone service:
462 cents of each dollar are paid In wages to employees. r
332 cents of each dollar are spent In keeping the plant In con
stant good repair by rebuilding or replacing parts of It as tney -wear
out, become out-of-date or are destroyed by fines or devas
tating storms. Out of this amount also comes the money spent
for supplies, taxes, rents, employee's welfare work and for adver- ,
tlslng. S
(3) 20 cents are paid for the use of every $4 Invested In the property,
There are approximately $4 Invested for every $1 of gross reve.
nue received annually, and this payment of 20 cents In Interest
and dividends represents an annual return of about 5 per cent
' on the Investment
There is no "water" in Bell Telephone stock. A dollar has been
invested for every dollar's worth of stock, bonds or other securi
ties issued.
There are about 100,000 stockholders In the Bell Sytte'm, more
than 48,000 of whom are employees who have Invested their savings
in telephone stock.