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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1916)
Semi-Weekly Tribune IKA L. BARE, Editor and FaMliker. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Oh Icar by Mall In Alliance.... $1.25 0e?car"fey Carrier In AdTanco..$L50 Entered at North Platto, Nebraska, Pontofflce as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1010. CIT AND COUNTY NEWS. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. George Hatfield, ot Paxton, visited horo the InMor part of last week. Wanted Girl or general house work. Mrs. E. N. Ogler, phono 224 John Lincoln left Frldny ovcnlng for Kearney to attend the state nor mal. 0. R. Robinson of the post office force, Is itaklng his two Wecka' va cation. Dr. L. C. Drost was called to Roscoo Saturday evening on professional business. Mlaa Bertha English, of Overton, Is visiting with her cousin Miss Grace Wlnslow. ' Mrs. C. II. Wilson loft. Saturday mjdrnlng for Grand Island to vibli for a weok or longer John Stmhorn is expected home to day from Chorokoe Park, whoro he spont several wooks. Miss Ailocn Qantt returned Satur day morning from Lincoln whoro sho attended tho stato fair. Soft Water! Shampoo, Electric Miih. nago, Coated Beauty Parlor, Dowoy, l'hono Red (155. GS3 Miss Nina Van Doran left Sunday afternoon for Maywood to visit Mrs. Robert Artloy this, weok, r 4 Prof. Lconhardt announces that he will able to tune all of the pianos on tho list as he has some lm portant wbrk promised cast but will return very soon to finish. His office is at Mr. Auotins's Jowelry store who will take care of all orders. 60-1 Tho Trlanglo program at the Keith I will bo shown on Thursday night here-1 after and this week will be tho 5( pnrt drama "Acquitted" with Wilfred, Lucas nnd Dcssle Love and tho Key stone comedy, "His Hereafter" with Clias. Murray and Louise Pazcnda. Formal negotiations havo boon ro sumcd between tho southwestern rail roads and the representatives of 25,000 shop employes for increased wag03 and tho eight hour day. The demunds woro prcsonted first last May, itho con ferences being called off, however, be causo of itholmoro pressing domands of the four train sorvico brotherhoods. Tho Eldoon club were tho guests of Mrs. Robert Arnold the lattor part of last week. An election of officers was hold and resulted as follows: Presi dent Mrs. George Garrard, vice-president Eva Raker, secretary Mrs. E. W. Cross and treasurer Mrs. George Richards, Mrs. Horace Barraclough, of Los Angeles nnd Mesdamcs Loo Keith and John Ayre of this city were gue&ta of the day. Highest market price paid for hides. Wo buy dry bonos, Iron and other Junk. North Platto Junk House. 27tf In speaking of J. V. Rotnlgh, whtl recently purchased the E. M. Smith garage in this city, tho Gothenburg Independent say: "Our eomunlty will greatly miss tho business-like, suc cessful autdhiobile man. Mr. Homlgh lint, mado his energy felt along, all lines for tho upbuilding of Gotllen burg; always a booster, never a ' knocker' ::o:: RIG TENT SHOW ('0311X0. IJurk'H Rig "Undo Tom's Cabin Co. Will Exhibit at North Plntfo Mm- day Night Sep.' 18th. . This is itho first tlmo that the pub-t lie havo had an opportunity of see-i w n. wnririnn. Una rnnrnn,i rnm 1 lng the "Now Version" of Uncle Tom's; uosouuu, a. u., wnero no v s toa the vw "- i i. of this cl.nular nlnv over written. I Mrs. Stowo s Historical play has'ovor Miss Sarah Monlclo roturnod Friday .been a favorite with -the women and ovaning from Donvor where sho spent children, and they always go to boo hor vacation with her parents. It Whoriovor nn opportunity presents Atiua Mnritf Tin,n o,i t ini-in itsolf. Rurk's Big "Undo Tom's Cabin Eaton loft - Saturday morning for ?" Has tho f ,"tinot,? "f b? thc Arthur to visit for several days. ) argostrganlzatton of Its kind- on I f hn rnnil. Minv rtnrrv n annclnl fmln Miss Ethel Doncgnn who spenj. tho of their own cars to transport their Bivmmor with hor sister In' California, people, horses, donkeys, dogs, chnr roturned hcmo Saturday afternoon. ; lets and paratmomnlla necessary to PInno for Sale Inqulro4 809 east Prent " ony Grand Spectacular f OUrtll. Mrs. SOyfOntll. OS-2 bhi ui nun, iuu uiuai nucvuaa- ' fill drama nvflr wrlttnn. Thei frhnis. George Vmmnn roturnod Saturday actors of Uncle Tom, Liza, Little Eva uvuning irom mcoin wnero neivisiteu and Marks are all ably 'presented by n friends and attended tho stnto fair. , . compotont cast, and the largo contln- Martin Krab returned to Pnxton Sat- Pnt ,of "Singers and dancers, blood unlay ovoning after visiting his sister give u ruiujHuu una sun. mm. .TnSn nnvmon o anvnfi i Rational naturalism tt tha porform Innrn. TIia noAiitn ntiil mn1innrtn1 f. Mr. and Mrs.' S; R: Derrybcrry and, foots aro good, and the- picturesque daughter returned Friday from Lin- translfrrmallon eceno f6rms a 'fitting win miur h yiuit m mo .siaio isir. i finish to tha wliQle. J. S. Davis returned Saturday oven- s: - - lag from a business visit in Omaha and a few days vblt at the stnto fair. Tomatoos by tho bdshol and cu-( cumbers for pickling. , Mrs. T. D. Dootlittlo, Phono 782F022. 06-4 I Mleia Tnilnltn fl I An f trnn... n.. I who .visited hor nunt-Mrs, Wm. Mann for sovcral woeka? loft Saturday ovcn lng. Miss Doa Hardin, a former North Platto young lady, was niarrlod at Utlca, Nobr,, August 31st to RoV. C. C. Weir. Mies AVlnnio Murphy, of Gothen burg, camo Saturday morning to visit her bnotBers" Rov rind John MurnhV for a jvook. ' - i Miss Kathorlno Downln.g of tho. Brock dental offlco loft SatUrda)', itiut tuns iw Yinii in iuu uuuiurn pari of this week. Mrs. Lacy Lott arrived horo from Kansas City- tho. lattor part of lust week to-tako charge of the Hub milli nery department. Dr, Stevenson,' of Gothenburg, vja itod at the North Platto Gonornl lios pltal tho lattor tpart of lnfet wooii on "professional buslnoss. Mrs. ElUaboth Karr Lnngston has returnejj horo to tako charge of her music clasBoa after cjijoylng a va cat:n of several wooks. Mr .and Mrs. Roy Mchlmanu tiro on Joying a visit fro.m tho former's moth er Mrs. Henry Mohlmnnn who enmo from Denver Saturday evening, A largo number of loch Yeomen will go to Sutherland on Sept. 21qt to mitond a special meeting at which grand niastor Stallop will dollvor an address. Tako modlclno for eve-strain head aches ami you do yji'inrsrilt Injury. Ro movo tho cause and offect with' propor glasflos. Harry Dixon, ' Jewolor & Optometrist. Mr. nnd Mrs.' J. D. MCNeft left Sat urday morning for GlUnor to make their homo in futuroi While hero tho former was employed with tho Dorry horry & Forbes Co. r ) Mrs. Thomas Jtyun and daughter Jauls ciufiu down from GurnBoy Sat urdUy, Tho latter will Bponrf tho win tor with hor grandparents Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Joffors nnd attend school. Mrs. Ellzaboth Bonnor Cramer" will iti;ovtiw jiiviuiu kjvut nh m planoforto recital tolnvltod guests of Mr. nnu mth. tv, iy. oiurr uu nvuutw lay evening at 8:30 o'clock at tho I. O. O. J hall. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Wilcox alid Dr. F. J. Wurtolo returned Saturday night from -DnnVtniani Minn . Mm. n'OQnnor Wild taken there for an examination by tha Mayo Bros.. who pronounced, an opera tion unnecessary at present, but later might prove boneflclal. ' Ralph Allison, formerly clerk Jn tU n . U I . ... - 1 X ... 4.1. '.M u. o. iaa wtico out iio bnm"ij'o' In the federal surveyor's oKice at Clieywme, has 1en In town far few Jays while, en romle to Illinois, He ha Men trajMierreq to mo jvciaatunw service and, after October lit will bo . ptotonea at. ixuion, Nevada, DEIiRJ'lJEItRY & FOUBES, LIcoHseil Enbalners Undertakers mi Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black 588. NO OILS OR SALTS NEEDED. Tho only discovery In years for Hionincii. Lirer, constipation, uizzl ncsfl and Headache. T. WB. ABLETS. At Stone's Drag Store. FIRE, TORNADO, t HAIL INSURANCE 0. H. Thoelecke, MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Founded 1880. It's tho household word In Wcstorn Nebraska. It's Old Line, the best iron oy can buy. It's what you need, for a savings bank' and iHsarance that In sures. They all buy It. "Tlioro Js ii lte8onM For further Information Phono, calt or address J. B. SEBASTIAN, Stato Agent, The Old Line Mas NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA. Nothing WoHia IMchso Husband or Father More 'Than a Box of Our Cigars. I'leaee him bMiuse tkev are read Cigars made from ged tebaeee MHtt wen y fcaau mm irMk. Ask thawii wh hate hmn. SHHekiag ear elewra fw i$ years m te tMc qaalky. W wukj a fall Uh f Hmekers' arui. J. F. .SCHHALZR1ED. WIILIT P. ADK N OUTH OMAHA JOHN ALaiHTON MIRSHAHT. PINOM Oft. C C, ALLISON unaioN aconac antil imvistmint. bLaih X. m.'baIbo MAHTINOTOM J. L. BAKIR HANurACruKi J. W. BINDER I FAKMtlt, NUMPMHIV ALPRKO BR ATT ! INVItTMffNTS. OINOA CH AS. H. BROWN RIAL l.TT INVfSTHfNTS W. J. BUROSSS . , INVITM(MT HARRY V. BURKLtY .. I PNINTIS W. M. BUSHMAN rexAai ALBERT CAHN - MAHUPASTVRII LOUIS S, OfSTS STOCKMAN. KSARNir I, M. PAIRPIlLO M NEBRASKA m PROSPERITY LEA6UE , ItB'i A Stattwlde. Nonpartisan ' Ijn OrganUallono Tax- S IB . vicr-rRC9iDENTS i m 7&l JOHN N. rRKNZIfl RIAL ISTATt INVISTMINTS DR. R. OILMORS rMT.IOlAN AHO SURSSON T. V. OOLOIN C-.PITALHT. a'HttLL PRRDINANO HAARMANN MAMUrASTUmH t. J. HANIOHIN CONTRAOTOS rnto p. HUNKSR ATTOBN.y, POINT PRANK B. JOHNSON OMAHA PHINTINO CO. C. J. KARIACH INVISTMINTS HON. J. T. KISLIT VALtNTINS P. J, KILLY MtKSMAMT, NIOBRARA PRANK B. KCNNARO CAPITALIST JACOB KLCIN MSRCHANT. SIATRICI BUO LATTA RANCH OWNIH. TCKAMAM K. M. F. LSPLANO V" " CAPITALIST a, w. McaiATH . COAL OPERATOR JOHN A. MOHRBACHER INVESTMENTS, WVMORS SOPHUB P. NEBLE PUBLISHER PRANK A. NIMB'' PAISIi. f ALLS CUT J. J, NOVAK BANKER. WILBSN J. J, O'CONNOR ' ATTORNEY aSOROf PARR " ' ' ' MERCHANT. NEBRASKA CITY HON. WATSON L. PURDY LAND OWNER. MAOISON THRODORK REIMERO STOCKMAN, PULLERTON CARL ROHDE ITI.IS PUKtl. CSLUBEUE JOHN O. ROSICKY PUBLISHER . C. ROTH INVESTOR. PREMONT JOHN BCHINDLRR STANTON W H. SCHMOLLER JOBBER THEODORE H. BRRK SToeXMAH HELIOH, a. E. SHUKIRT. - MANUPACTIUIB HARBY . BIMAN i - WIHSIOf PAUL P, SKINNER MANUPACTURER. A. P, SMITH. ,t JOBBER, N, A. SPIESBEROER WHOLESALER, HON. P. t. BTAPPORO NORFOLK WILLIAM BTORK INVESTMENTS. ARLINSTOI ROBERT C. STREHLOW CONTRACTOR OIOROK B, TYLIR INVESTMENT! 'tAETINOS A. J. VIIRLINO PRlS, PAKTON VIERLINO. " ' IRON VORKS ', THC030RK WIOAMAN . SrOCK'BtlYER, AURORA O. O. WlLLSY ' ATTORNEY; RANOOLPH B. N. WOLBACH ' rr. MERCHANT, GRAND ISLAND R. M WOLCOTT MERCHANT, CENTRAL CITY' HON. OTTO ZURLOW MAYOR. SCHUYLER m its Does Prohibition Solvo the Crime Problem? Prohibition has not solved the crime problem in Kansas. The best evidence on this point is found in the First Biennial Report of the State Board of Corrections of Kansas. (The Latest available . printed official report.) . We reproduce herewith from page 25 of the Kansas report the list of new prisoners (605) received at the Kansas State Penitentiary during the two-year period ending June 30, 1914i and the character of crimes committed. Table 8. For Biennial Period, Ending June 30, 1914! Cries No. Commit!. d Chsract.r ol Crlms If o. Comealttsd Arson '. 1 Arson, fourth degree 4 Arson, third degree 3 Abduction 2 Attempt, false pretense. .. .".T.T.r. X Adultery 1 Assault with intent to kill 13 Assault with intent to commit manslaughter 4 Assault with intent to commit rape 1 Assault with intent to rob 1 Assault with deadly weapon 4 Attempt to commit burglary, first degree : '.. 2 Attempt to commit robbery, first degree 3 Attempt to commit robbery, third degree 1 Attempt to commit burglary,' ' third degree 1 Attempt to commitfrape.j.;.f... ..10 Attempt to commit " robbery, first degree , 4 Bigamy 3 Bkckmail ( .. .2 Burglary, first degree 1 Burglary, second degree 42 Burglary, third degree 38 Burglary, second degree and larceny . . ,--. . .Ui Burglary, second degree and jail breaking 1 Burglary, first degree and larceny 2 Burglary, third degree and lar ceny 6 Concubinage 5 Crime against nature , , 3 Concealing mortgaged property. 2 Enticing child 1 Embezzlement 7 Escaping custody 1 False pretense 15 Felonious assault 9 Forgery, first degree 4 Forgery, second degree 35 Forgery, third degree 8 Forgery, fourth degree 3 Gaming house ". 2 Gambling l Grand larceny v 123 Great bodily harm 14 Incest 5 Jiail breaking 7 - Larceny from dwelling v 8 Larceny from person 4 Larceny from railroad 24 Larceny of domestic animals 1 Manslaughter, first degree 11 Manslaughter, second degree 1 Manslaughter, third degree 3 Manslaughter, fourth degree 3 Misuse.of mails 2 Murder, first degree ; ; 14 Murder, second degree 15 Nonsupport 5 Perjury ,1 Bape 19 Receiving stolen property -. . 4 Robbery, first degree ,26 Robbery, second degree 1 Robbery, thir degree. . ; . 3 t Selling liquor . . . .f v . 17 'Selling mortgaged property 3 Wife desertion 8 White 'slavery 17 Total 605 F Local Option and High License Mean Regulation. Pro hibition breeds the unregulated alley joint. Thealley joint breeds criminals. The Nebraska Prosperity League OPPOSED TO STATE PROHIBITION. IN FAVOR. OF LOCAL OPTION, HIGH LICENSE President, L. F. CROFOOT " Treasurer, V. fcudOAD Secretary, J. D. HAINES Send for our literature. OMAHA, NEBRASKA Has m mi llpll J. R. REDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to PHYSICIAN SURGEONS HOSPITAL Dre. Redfleld & Retinoid Office -Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 jj'URSE SHOWN MEMORIAL HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL For tho Troa'tmont at MEDICAL, SURGICAL and OBSTETRICAL PATIENTS Phono 110. John S. TttIkcih, M. P. DOCTOR D. T. QUIQLEY . . Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 729 City National Bank Itelldlnr. Omaha, Nebraska. W. J. IIOLDERNESS Ecck-lcal Supplies Wiring Storage Batteries Morsch Bldg . Phono 176. Florence MacKay Teacher of Piano 804 west Fifth St. Phono Bile. C24 Bought ami hlghMt marktt prlcai paid PHONES Res4dnc Rd Office 4 C. H. WALTERS. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. Nrth Platte, - - Nebraska. ' McDonnld Bank Building. TAlanfiKnk VaHv TGrocery orders to 32 Thy will given prompt &nd careful attentionf Lierk-Sandall Co. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Sped Attea&B given to Swscry aid Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building pu.. I Offlca 130 Phon8 J RMidenc, 115 Phonea Oftlco 333 Res. Black 513 im. HAROLD A. FENNER Osteopath. G Reynold Building Office hpura 9 a. m. to G p. m. 7 p, ni. to 8 p. m. MoflUl Pheae Black 888. Heuie Phoae Black. 633. W. T. PRITCHARD, aMi!at Vetsrlaarian Mgkt TX OorarBaaeat TatwlMiv taa. oaytlal SlStwatk Lownt t, oaeJtaU block aoathwent at th Court tloua DR. JOHN S. TWINEM ' Special AtJntlou tQ Surgery Gynecology and Obstetrics. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Nurse Bivwn Memorial Hodpltal. JOHN 8. SIMMS, M. D Pbyslcl&a and Surgeon OfQce B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phone, Office, 83; Residence 33. Notice. To Ina Fishbaugh, non-resident de fondant. You nro hereto' notified that on the 10th day of May, 1916, George FJsh- baugli llleu a petition against you In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, the object and prayer at which is to obtain a aivorcre from you upon tho grounds of extreme oruolty and adultery. You aio re quired, to nnswor said petition on or .- . r i L nnu m . . . uunoro Aionuay ma win uay oi uqio- Uer, 191G. OEORQE FISIIBAUQH, By George N. Glbbs, His attorney. Notice to Creditors. Estate No. 1430 of Stlaa A. Hill, do- ceased, In tho County Court of Lin coin County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska, sa: Credi tors of said estate will take notlco that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate la March 22, 1017, and for sottlemoat of said estate Is August 18, -1917 that I will sit at tho county court room In said county, on, Sept. S2, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on MaVch 22, 1917, at 9 o'clock a, m., to receive, examine, hear,, allow, or adjust all claims and objacttoBB duly filed. tt GJ3Q, . FRBNOII, a2fel9 , County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE. . By virtue of an order of salo 'issued from the district dourt of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a deqcee' ot foreclosure ifcndered In said 'fcaurt wherein Zara I. Mitchell is plaintiff and John Richard Neary Is defendant, and to me directed, I will on the 30th day of Septembor, 191G, at 2 fl'cjock p. m., at the east frttnt-door of the court houso In North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, soli at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to 'satisfy said decreo, interest and costsy'the following described, 'property, to'wlt: Tho undivided one-half la&t'est of Lot eight, .(8), Block one liuhdred braaka. ' mted North Platto, Neb., Aust 2Cth, 191G. . A, J. SALISB0RY... n29s"29. Sheriff, " y. NotIceof Petition . ' Estate No 132 of John N. Conner, deceased, in the" County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska, to ill per Bona interested in eald estate, take no tlco that a petition has been filed for tho aettlng out, to tho widow of exempt property, two hundred dollars ' 'from tho cash, on hand and an allowance of soventy dollars peV month for' .sup port, pendlhg- administration, appoint ment of Etta S. Boner as a'dmlttlstra trix of said estjitjO, which has been set for hearlngjlioreln on Sept 15, 1916, at 9 o'clockfottm. i Dated August-19, 1Q16. GEO; E. FRENCH, a22sll County Judge. Notlco of Final Report. E3tato ot Alot B. Swanson, deceas ed, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. . Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested in Bald estate take no tlco that the admislstrator has jlled a final account and report of his a"amtn iBtratlon and a petition for flnalset t lemon t and discharge as such, atfe cree of distribution and decreo 6f 'do scent, which have baea,.ratJtor 'bear ing before said court on September 1&. 1910, at 9 o'clock a. nr when you may appear and contest the same. Dated August 21, 1916. OHO. B. FRaKCjr, alkali County Judge. II -