The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 08, 1916, Image 5

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Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Rev. McDald has returned from a
Bhort visit in Denver.
J. IJ." Watorbury of Brady spent
,thle week hero on buslnoss.
Mrs. Georgo Finn will return today
from a short visit in Donvor.
'Miss Molba KelBo has gone to Coun-
oil Bluffs to take a course in nursing.
' Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug
The carpenter work on the now
Beltton building Will begin In a few
days. '
Miss Essie "Wossburg has accepted a
positon in the county superintendent's
Miss Marie McCabe has returned t'o
Notro Dame college to finish hor
Miss Elsie Hotschke, of Omaha, is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks
Miss Erma Barraclough, who has
been ill with appendicitis, is very much
Mrs. Claudo Welngand and son vis
ited Miss Bertha Thoelecke at Melrt30
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Baruor and baby
havo gone to Lowollon to remain sev
eral weeks.
Dr. F. J. Wurtelo left the first of
tho week for Rochester, Minn., on pro
feslonal business.
Miss Hazel MInshall loft Tuesday
evening for Lincoln where sho is em
ployed as teachor.
Mrs. Charles Trovillo and daughtor
Miss Sadie, left Wednesday for Grand
Island to visit friends.
Miss Sybil Gantt lefit yesterday morn
ing for Lincoln to attend tho univer
sity and to teach school.
Mrs. Bruce Brown and child returned
Tuesday ovenlng from a visit in tho
eastern part of the stato.
Mrs. Jos. Shoup ' and daughter, ot
Maxwell, came Wednesday morning to
visit Miss Laura Murray.
H. P. Smith of Broken, Bow, has
resigned his position in, the Tramp
grocery and returned home.
Miss Ethel Donegan, who Bpent sev
eral months with her sister in Cali
fornia, will return tomorrow.
Mrs. Anna Seyferth will lcavo the
first of next wqek for Omaha to make
her home with her daughter.
Cyril Donegan will leave Sunday
for Lincoln to resume his studies at
the state agricultural college.
For Rent House at 206 west Sixth
street Inquire of Mrs. R. D. Thomp
son, 514 W. Fifth. .
Corporal Butler Mlltonberger, of Co.
E, who had been stationed at Ft. Crcok,
has been transferred to Alliance.
Miss Hazel Young, of Hastings, who
spent several weeks with her sister,
Mrs. Carl Simon, will leave today.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Grady and-chili?
left Tuesday evening for Grand Is
land and Fremont to visit relatives.
Mrs. Henry Stearloy, of Gibbon, re
turned homo Tuesday afternoon aftei
visiting with Mrs. T. C. Chrlstianson.
Miss Ellon McCarthy is expected
tome this, week from Spauldiug where
Bhe visited relatives for three weeks.
The electric lighit company has re
moved Its pole line on Front street
between Pino and Locust whlch-gives
a much neater nppearance to tho
south side of that street.
Mrs. S. F. Green, of Pittsburfr. Pa.,
arrived a fow days ago to visit hr
daughtor Mrs. Ml M. Rodenbaugh for
some (time.
Miss Nnnlno Iddiugs, who Bpent her
vacation with hor mother will return
this week to Bryn Mawr collogo noar
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yost and daughtor
Lydla loft tho first of this weok for
Lincoln to attend the state Jatr and
visit frionds.
Gdorgq and John Solioll and John
Murphy have accepted positions with
tho new Best Laundry which will open
In a few days.
Miss Emily Portorflold, of Charlos
Town, W. Va., is the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. M. K. Neville, having arrived hero
a fow days ago. -
Mrs. Wilfred Stuart and baby, of
Lexington, who had been visiting hor
parents Mr. and Mrs. John TIgho for
a week, loft today.
Prof, and Mrs. M. M. Rcdenbniigh
relumed a few days ago from Chicago,
Pittsburg and Baltimore, whero ihoy
spent the summer.
Mrs. Charles Wilson and daughtor,
of Cheyenne, who wore called horc by
tho illness of her nvother, Mrs. Pout,
left Tuesday ovenlng.
Mrs. Howard Graham, of Council
Bluffs, nee1 Miss Ida Nolr, of this city,
visited her sister Mrs. Earl Stamp thin
week while enrouto west.
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Healoy, who had
been visiting in Donvor and other Col
orado points for several weeks, re
turned home Wednesday.
Mrs. Carpenitor and daughter and
Miss O'Dean, of Horshey, who spent
a week with Mr. and Mrs. James Mc
Evoy, havo returned homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Evans, and daughter,
of Zanesvllle, Ohio, who had beon vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Echelbery
for twb m'onths, left-a fow days ago.
Frooman Hansen of Council Bluffs,
is vlsiitlng his grand mother 'Emma
Pulver this week and wil leave short
ly for the Kearney military academy.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Henderson and
son John, former residents here, who
visited tho Dickey and Frazler fami
lies this' week, havo returned to Omaha.-
Mrs. Margaret Mahan, of Now Cits
tle, who had been the guest of Airs. J.
A. Banta, was called homo Tuesday
afternoon by tho Illness of her hus
band. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wilcox and Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. O'Connor went to
Rochester, Minn., Tuesday ovenlng.
Tho latter will take medical troatment
Headache Is. one of" tho great ene
mies of mankind. Flfity per cent, of
all headaches come from eye-strain.
HARRY. DIXON, Jeweler and Opto
metrist. Ralph Adamsi returned tho early
part of the week from Kansas City,
where he submitted to an oporatioi.
which confined him to the hospital for
ten dayh.
Qarl Kramer, of Columbus, who pro
moted the Stechor-Davls wrestling
match lost'?280 on his venture. Tho
attendance Was less than half the
.number expected
; The local baso ball team has ar
ranged to play at Maywood September
14th and at Sta'pleton on the follow
ing day. Both games will bo during
fair week in these towns.
Hazel R. Oleston and Arthur N. Nel
son, of Gothenburg, wero granted a
marriage license by Counjty J idgc
French tho first of tho week and mar
ried by Rev. Tiraolthy Maloney, of
i ,
s An Eye Catcher
. -Tonight and every other night you can
' call attention from far and near to your
business with, an electric sign. Up and
doivn the street as far as you can see,
' it will flash your message.
The 5 and 10 watt EDISON MAZDA Sign Lamps
give from 4o to 65 per cent more light than the old
style carbon lamps and cost only one-half as much
. to operate.
Our sign expert will gladly tell you more about
this new economy, and explain how you can get the
best results from electric signr for your business.
Tho Tilllkmn Girls will meet In the!
church basement Monday evening.
Tho Indian card club will meet at
tho homo ot Mrs. Charles Horrod Wed
nesday aftornoony
Mrs. Chester Mecombor entertained
tho' Ha"ppy Hours club at a kenHlngton
Wodnoaday afternoon.
Tho Mothers' Club Bpent a plowaut
afternoon with Mrs. P. M. Soronson
Wednosdny. Tho ladles spent the at
tornoon in konslngton work.
Tho lady members ot tho BOO club
will meet at tho Stroltz homo this ev-
onlng to make arrangements for thel
paruos mai win no noiu uurmg uio
coming season.
Mrs. F. W. Rincker ontortalncd a
number of ladies Wednesday evonlng,
complimentary to Mrs. Worthley, of
Louisville. Several hours wove spant
In playing bridge.
Mrs. Georgo Yeoman entertained at
n ono o'clock luncheon Wednesday nf
tornoon In favor of Miss Elsie
Rotschko. 1)f Omaha. Covors woro laid
for ton. Tho tnblo was decoratod with
fall llowors.
Mrs. Arthu r Artz and Mrs. Robert
Arnold entertained a number of young
tn.1lA 1 .... 1 t 1 . - . . . f V ... .
iuuiuh iu iv uumuu niiowur lur miss
Lucy McMlchael last evonlnir at thtf
Artz homo. A number of useful
housohold articles wreo presented to
tho guest of honor.
Mrs. John McDonald entertained
tho J. F. F club Tuesday afternoon at
cards. Mesdames Edwin Barraclough
Edward Rebhausen and Miss Effle
Durbin wore awarded prizes. Tho hos
tess was assisted in serving bv Mcs
damos Ray Dorram, Tim O'Kcefo and
Zella Dorram.
Tho Catholic Girls' club was ontor-
talned at tho Flynn homo last ovenlng
by Misses Madgo Flynn, Bess Cham
berlain, Ellen McGovern, Desaio Smith
and Sadlo Shecdy, Prizes wore award
ed to Misses Irene O'Donnoll ami Ruth
Hubbard. Out of town guo3t3 wero
Mesdames Georgo Schatz, of Ogdcn
and Wilfred Stuart, of Lexington.
Mrs. W. R. Maloney was hostess cn
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons to
ono hundred and twenty ladles at re
ceptions at hor homo on oagt Third
street. Tho receiving hours wore from
2:30 to 5:30 p. m. and fnll llowers
wore used In decorating Mo rooms.
Refreshments woro served on small
tables. A largo number of out of town
guests who aro visiting hero were In
cluded among the guests.
North Platte Light & Power Co.
Return from Pleasant Oiitinur,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E; Shuman and
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. M. E.
Crosby and children returned Tuesday
evening from tho head of West Pird
wood creek where, In company with
Elmer Crosby and family of Suther
land, they spent a wook camping out.
Tho party found chickens and grouse
plentiful and tho diet of those was ol
altomated with frog legs, the spring
where thoy- camped abounding with
frogs. Complete camp cqulpago and
conveniences made tho the week's stay
one 'cif comfort and enjoyment.
Anna IC.itherlno Green's novol "The
Millionaire Baby" will bo presented
In a photoplay at the Crystal Satur
day night. 10 nnd lGc.
Monday night's . program at tho
Keith, Itho . Western drama,
'Hell's Hinges" with Wm. S. Hart
and Clara Williams and the comedy
"Cinders of Lovo" with Chester Coiik-
Un. V
Misses Maud Owens and Margaret
Craiglo assisted by Mrs. Bowkcr en
tertained thirty members of their
Sunday school classes at a picnic at
tho city park Wednesday aftoriVoon.
A numbor of outdoor games wero
played and a basket dinner served.
The llttlo folks wore convoyed to tho
grounds In automobiles.
Tho city council mot In regular 3es
slon Tuesday ovenlng and devoted tho
timo to allowing claims, anrcmsr which
was an cproved estimate for ?7,47l.05
In favor of Gerald Stack, tho paving
contractor. Tho traffic ordinance drat
ted several weeks ago was not intro
duced, probably duo fcoj tho unavold-
aoio aosenco oi uorporanon v.ounsei
Marleit Williams was given a homo
the first of the week by Dr. and Mrs. T.
J. Kerr, whose application was ono of
eighteen received by shorlff Salisbury
and H. G. Knowlcs. Tho boy Is thir
teen years of ago and was found In the
railroad yards recently by tho city of
ficials. Ho stated that ho had made his
living by selling papers since ho was a
small child and never knew tho corn
forts of a home.
::o: :
Ileal Estate and Insurance
Como and seo ua for town lots in
different parts of the city, Good In
vestments on easy tonus. Houses for
sale and rent. We have also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowqv Bts.. upstairs.
Becoming Dresses
for school girls
and little tots
2 to 6 years and 6 to 14 years
50 Cents to $5.00
A varied assortment of children's dresses like thesoonake it h
pleasure for mothers to come lioro and provide liberally for their
little girls' school wants and Sunday dresses too.
We feature many new styles In ginghams and dainty light or,
dark colored wash fabrics and plaids and checks and woolens.
Tho best values for tho money aro offered in styles that appeal
Wilcox Department Store,
Supt. Brophoy, of tho UnFon Pacific,
spent Tuepday hero on buslnoss.
Conductior P. J. O'Brien has returned
from a visit with the homo folks in
Omaha and resumed his run.
Passongor Ilrakomnn Frank Lowell
has gone to Excelsior Springs, Mo.,
to rccuporato for a weok or ten dnys.
J. H. McKalo of tho Western Union
office, loft Wednesday ovonlug for
Colorado to spend a weok or. longer.
Qowgo Zentmoyor who has been
trainmaster at Grand iBland for sov
oral months will return here In n fow
days and take his former position as
chlof dispatcher.
Engineer E. E. Moody will roturn
tonight from Chicago whore ho has
been attending tho national convention
at the Spanish War Votorans as a Ne
braska delegate.
Chas. W. Kouns gonoral manager
of the Santa Fto system, died nt his
homo In Topska, Kansas, Sunday. Mr.
Kouns was loeajted In North Platto In
1887 as assistant superintendent of
tho Union Pacific. '
Press dispatches stato that employ
es of tho irnllroads other than mem
bers of tho four brotherhoods aro to
make a determined fight upon tho Ad
ninson eight hour law. It Is claimed
that tho now law only nffectB 400,000
men and ignores 1,500,000 other rail
road employes. s
Trains from the west woro dolayod
several hours Wednosday by
tho derailmontr flf fourteen cars
at Herndon, west of Sidney.
Tllo derailment was duo to the
sinking of tho embankment which had
been softened nnd uhdermiuod by a
flood "from tho -hills following a heavy
rain about ton o'clock Tuesday even
ln. ::o::
Following Is the menu for tho com
mercial dinner which will bo served
at the Christian church Monday from
11:30 to 1:30: Fried chicken, t gravy,
mashed potntocs, green oeann, car
rots creamed with peas, diced cu
cumbers", beet pickles, cdmlrinn.tlo.
"Balod, lomdn pic, Iced tea and cofleo.
For Salo
Good liay. Land 5 miles from Dick
ons, Lincoln Co., Neb. Address Mrs.
M. E. Nelson. Chula Vista. Cnllf. 07-4
Gcjrald Stack has rotuVned from
Denver, whero ho visited last week.
Hugh Davis left Tuosday for Don
vor whero ho will spend soveral wo?Us.
For Rent Flvo room modorn houso
at 014 Lincoln Ave. Inquiro of J. H.
Miss Elfrcda Mcttln resigned hor
position in tho ton cent store tho flrnt
Of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bakor, of Per
ry, Iowa, who visited tholr daughter,
Mrs. Arthur McMuUoii this week,' 'have
returned homo by uut6.
i008 west Fourth street, Homcoimtlc
A carload of marblo wnB rocolvod
Wednesday by Abornnthy & Woodgato,
who roccnitly dporiod' monumental
works on Iwust street.
Show Her You 'MeanQBusmess
Take it from us, young man, fow girls of tho right sort
havo the heart to turn down a man who is thoughtful
onough to give her in tho beginning hor heart's desire a
homo of lier own. It's tho one thing that every woman
wants for there her dreams of past years become realities.
Build a Home Now
and start life .in tlio right way full of happiness and con
tentment. Wo Havo several books of tho latest designed
houses and bungalows. Como in and select tho ono you
like best and let us figure tho cost for you completo, foun
dation and all. Wo have evorythingin building material
you'll need. Como in any day and we'll show you a plan
she'll like.
Arc ensy to get, But hard to
keep. You can have more of
them by spending your money on
our line of Furniture, Rugs,
Tables, Chairs, Cabinets,Drcssers
Sewing Machines. Wc have
some used Furniture that looks
like new will sell for less than
half of its original cost. Bargains
in Show Cases, Tables and Stools.
Look at our Guns and Shells.
' Guns for Rent.
We pay top price for Iron
and Junk.
ir.ora. Detroit
Yotz will not see a long
list of necessary acces
sories advertised for Max
well cars.
ELECTRIC starter and lights, one-man mohair
top, demountable rims, rain-vision windshield,
speedometer, linoleum covered floor boards and run
ning boards all these features, which are found on
much more expensive cars, are part of the regular
Maxwell equipment They are included in the list price.
When you buy a Maxwell, your investment is com
pleted There are no extras to buy.
Inaddition youget a car of proved endurance, of
unusual economy. And behind these qualities there
is the record and reputation of the Maxwell, which is
second to none.
We insist and will "prove to. you that the Maxwell is
the world s greatest motor car value.
5-paaaenger Touring Car, $595 y3-paaeitgor CabrioM, $865
S-paaaenger Roadator - 580 'tf-paaaeirfor Town Car, 915
5-paaaongor Sedan, $91)5 ' '
North Platte and Brady.