The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 08, 1916, Image 4

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    A Faultless Fountain Pen
You often Hear People Complain About Their Pens Leaking
or Failing to Write, or Causing Sonic other Annoyance.
These things do not happen with the
Conklin Self -Filling Fountain Pen
This Pen desorves all the good things that can be said about
it. Which explains why we sell this Pen. And which
also explains why we sell so many of them.
If you are having trouble with your Fountain Pen, get a
Conklin Pen and get perfect satisfaction.
Prices from $2 to $12 and every pen guaranteed. Start
the children in the coming School Year with a Conklin
N. B. Spurrier, well known farmer
living nlno inllos west of town war
among the 150 Injured whon a grand
stand at tho prize light at Colorado
Springs collapsed last Monday after
noon. Mr. Spurrier had a log broUen
In four places, sustained serious In
juries to his back, and a kiduOy was
torn loose. t
His brother-in-law who was wonted
along side of him had a foor brokpn
and crushed,
Mr. and Mrs. Spurrior wont to Idahn
SDrlnue several weeks ago to
visit Mrs. Spurrier's brother, and wvrc
having a delightful visit. The two
men had gno to coiorauo srnngs
to see the fight and tho collapse cfiuio
boforo tho light began. That tins
sortous accident should bom 11 Mr.
Spurrier Is greatly regretted by his
North Platto frlonds. His Injuries nre
of such naturo that it will be several
months boforo he will fully recover;
In fact It is probable that tli frac
tured leg Will never ireach Us normal
Graduate Dentist
Office over tho McDonald
State Bunk.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Miss Helen Sandall, who has boon
visiting In Lincoln for nottio time, will
TCturn tomorrow.
Mrs, Emma Poor will resumo work
nt Tho Leader Monday after eujoying
a two weeks' vacation.
Mrs. Oils Stcgmann and daughter
Ella havo gcao to Excolslor Springs
to spond a couple of wookb.
Tho Catholic ladlcEl v.(lll Hold a
social at the homo f Mrs. Sooburgor
Thursday ovenlng Soptcmbor 14th.
Henry CWotttcnfold resigned his po
sition at tho (iroon pool hall this week.
Ho Is succeeded by Ezra Dowhowor.
Let Landgraf & Hoga do your paint
ing, paper hanging and decorating.
Phono Black 092 or Black G70. !23tf
Bund Concert Program.
Following Is the program of concert
by the North Platto Municipal Hand,
Earl Stamp, director, nt Court House
Park Friday evening, Sopt. Sth.
March Bunker Hill," t Pryor
Ovorture "Morning, Noon and Night
In Vienna" Suppo
MH. and Mrs. John Spies and chtl- a)l"i ""V vt.Y.i" p
mi. nf Kfiarnnv. whh hn,l I.mii visit- Intormezzo 'Shades of Night ....
dren, of Koarnoy. wh'ot hod boon visit
Ing tho former's paronts for sevoral
weeks, left yesterday morning.
"M on1 TVTra lfntinrf Tlnnti ntirl 'i
Dance "Hungarian Danco No. 5. . . .
Ovurturo "Tho Betrothal" . . . .Bagley.
ily aro expected to return this week Valso Romanthiue "Alpine Sunset '
from ail oxtonded visit with relatives King.
In Des Moines and other cities. March "The Gladiator" Sousu
Mlso Anna Erlcson, of Denver, who n J.''S,.-
was the guost of her slstor Mrs. John un y oepunnuur io, uw ivuim
Burke while onrouto homo from Now rnoairo win snow? ror uio nrsc umo
York left Wednesday afternoon. the Opening installment of tho most
, , , w , . costly, most oiaDorato anu niuai au-
xarm nnu jiancii loans ui iuttcsm aortiintrlv Interesting motion Dicturo
rates anu best terms. JUoncjr on hand novel ever screened beautiful Billy
to closo loans nromntlr. Burko in Gloria s Romance. In lien had been visiting in Salt Lake and
4Xtt llllfllf ATVATV Ss I'ATTFIlSON role of Gloria Stafford, daughter of a other western p'olnts, roturncd a few
I jmiiiuiiiui u, niny uurnc uaijbi iuiuxb uuys ugu
IMrn. Iiuy DII111I1. Ol WU1I11UC.. CUIJ1UIJVJ, euiiuni uu iuuraoi iwi mm jvui-i n. -.ri m i.i
the first tof tho week io attend the ousy. Mystery, suspicion and Intrigue' ,v TV;7 extended v sit in Wood
,ii- . I ..f, uii niinnf im Thn wav ween ior an exienueu visit in wooa
George Vroman loft yesterday morn
ing for Lincoln to attend tho state
Miss AlUen Gantt loft yettorday
morning for Lincoln Vb visit for a
Mrs. J. N. Fristo of Dickens, spent
, . .,., .
a uay or two tins wuuk whii ner son
Clyde Fristo.
For Farm Loans see or write Gone
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platte. ' 41tf
Paul Harrington, of Donvir, tamo
yesterday to look after hay shipments
and visit relatives and friends.
Mrs. Gertrude Hamilton and chil
dren returned Tuesday evening ftfom
a visit with rolatlvos in eastern points.
Miss Virginia Dullard, who has boon
visiting Mrs. L. 11. Jackson In Lincoln
for several weeks, will return Sunday.
Tomatoes by tho bushel and cu
cumbers for pickling. Mrs. T. H.
Dootlittlo, Phono 782F022. CC-4
Miss Ethel Grady, of Grand Island,
formerly of this city, wne married re
confcly to Mr. A. F. Valentino, of Omaha.
Mrs. Wcrthman, of Loulsvlllo, who
has neon tho guest of Mrs. George
Frater and daughter, will leave Mon
Albert Able, who has been 111 tor
some time, will loavo shortly for the
Mayo linos. Hospital at itochoster,
Minn. '
Goorgo Scoft and daughter, of Cuba,
Illinois, came from Sutherland a few
days ago to visit with Mr. and Mrs. M
E. Scott.
Paul' Marti loft recently for Chey
enne, ItaWlins; and Rock Springs
whore he will visit relatives for a
week or longer.
Mrs. E1 Rebhnusen has returned
frm Laramie where she visited her
husband for a weok
Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Brock and son
loft Wednesday morning for Donvor
to spond two weoks.
A baby girl was born Wednesday to
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sawyer. All con-
corned are doing woll. , y
Miss Margaret Gorham, of Grand Is
land, Ib visiting hor sistar Mrs. W. A.
Buchfinck this weok.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Goodman and
son loft yesterday morning for Color
ado to spond two weeks.
Jake Gcltman will assist tho St?,P'
lcton team In a game against the
Oconto nine on Sopt. 11th.
Miss Cathcrlno Johnson loft yestoH
day morning for Lincoln whero she
ill attond tho university.
Miss Eunice Babbitt, who spent tho
summer with hor parents, 'returned 'to
L,incoin yesieruay msirning.
Claude Curry, of Grand Island, is as
sisting In special work 'at tho tele
phone exchange this weok.
"Sally In our Alloy" with Carlylo
Blackwoll and Murlol Ostrlcho nt the
Keith Saturday night.
Willard Mack and Enid Markov will
appear at tho Keith tonight In a pow
erful drama of love and finance "Tho
Conqueror'- For itho comedy there
will be Fred Maco dnd Polly .Moran In
Love Will Conquer."
Miss Esther Sandall and father, who
family dinner at tho homo of hor par- are all about hor. Tho clever way
onts, Mr. and Mrs. Josoph McMIchaol. which she Bolvcd hor problems make;
. ,n . , i the story more fascinating week by
Tho ton weeks old son of Mr. and Mk jurl tho production Miss
Mrs. Austin Traub died Wednesday Burko wJU vear Bm0 of tho m08t
morning nftor a short illness. Tho claborate and magnificent gowns ever
funeral was hold yesterday morning 8oen on scren Man of these
from tho (residence. gowns woro tjeagneii by Lady Duff
Mrs. Jtohn Gorham, of Grand Island, Gordon. A nctablo cast suppoita Miss
who was tho gtiest of hor daughter, Burko Including Henry Kolker. Here
Mrs. W. A. Buchfinck loft Wednesday, is ono photoplay that yon cannot nf-
havlng boon called homo by tho sorl- ford to miss as everywhere you go
ous illness of a relative pdoplo will ho talking about it so
t n ,tni- if. Tir.i i.. you too, must see it. Get In on the
,.;.7" " opening- Installment, on the- ground
rfiin- B nrtli, r M r , n flor s t were. Rcmenraer tho open
" 01" ""J as'"B Jnr,P f,"rrVn "8 Installment at tho Keith theatre
..,? u?in in lt Al ,Vif ; Sopt 16th. Cross this date off on your
C?, a"a Jyi11"'1 a C0Upl f duyS 'calondor and como early enough to
l"u " "" got a scat
mibb iiosauno wnson, oi lvcarnoy, That cantaloupe excelling in Blzvj
who iiau neon e npioycu in mo anora- an(l ,avor tho famous Rocky Fqrd can
ton dopartmont of the Donver Dry b0 ,raj8e,i In Lincoln county was denv
Gwds Co. for sovoral years, camo a nniirntmi ilia wnir iini
fow days ago tb nccopt a position in Brown by E E- Jl00dy ,Jn llls KaraPn
tho Block ladlos' outfitting store. woro I)rcsonted 1)5 Tho Tribune. Some
"Nono bo lillnd as thoSo who won't Pno possessing an acre of good irrlgat-
HAn M nnl.l Qii..nnu ....... n .. I Errniin ll prvill il on bI 1 v nl onri 11 n Hfivnrn 1
.v. v...u .w. UUc..v..,.u.b ,jon.t B00 aml wont so tho HrBt bo- ""'"iron uouara eacn year y grow-
tcacli school, - taU8Q lhoy D0N-T jnoWl and tho oth- ln8 cantaloupe. In foot a good truck
Mrs. Kirkpatrlok and children, of, ors becauso they WON'T knaw-Op- fttriu nf Ntrth Platto, conduOted by
Omahh, lefb for homo Wednesday after! tomotry. HARRY DIXON, Registered experienced gardener, wUuld cam
-visiting her mother Mrs. Finney for Optometrist, t'lo owner more than a good living
throo wcoks, I wlln out olght months' labor a year.
Ray McCaun, who has beon visiting1 ""1 " H " nnr VAr thn , ,".ar,leB fI1uPiop W1H leuvc 8uni,fty
In Colorado for two wcoks, will ro-:KLnrioy Jl'vo, mu cards for tho nlpht for AtehJoson, Kan., to resume
Jhr ZZK ,,i ZInV a hm mtlL"lK? of tholr daughter Ruby Rose h 6tudlcg lu Midland Colleee.
Mr. and Mrs. Clydo McMIchaol", of
Wollileot, visited tho formor'B parcrts
Mr, and Mrs. Josoph McMlchncl this
Vorno Powoll returned to Ft Scott,
Kansas, Wednesday morning after vis
iting his father W. R. -Po we'll for a
Miss Gortrudo Clark, of Omahu, who
visited Jior slstoV, Mrs. Charles McNa-
tUrn today and rcnumd work tit the
O Connor store.
A party of young folks hold a picnic
on tho river banks Tuosday ovenlng
after which they enjoyod a dinner at
tho Country Club.
MIrs Clam Kntio, booltkkcopor In tho
Dr. TwSncm office, has returnod from
a alx weeks visit with rolatlvcH In
Illinois and Now York.
JuIIub Plzor and daughter Maymo
returned Wednesday from Now York,
Chicago and othor eastern oltlos whtro
thoy spent several wooua.
' Josonh Jeusun has returned from
&t. Paul, Minn,, whoro ho ntonded tho
cAnvontlon of tho Minnesota Life. In
iumnco ngontu litst .week.
RoV. Robort Whlto and family havo
returned homo; the formor from a
Xialt of sovoral wooka In Ohlcagnj and
iho otiibrs irom Kan&as city.
Juan DoLury, a Mexican employed
isi the Boctlon at Sutherland, was ar-
rostcu Saturday on tho chargo of soli
lng liquor to another Mexican, Joe
Mohlca by name, Do Lury was nr-i notwithstanding tho Bulck factoiy Is
ralglHHl bolvnt jmigo Fronch Tuesduy turning out COO carjr each twenty-four
and plead ou not guilty. hoiira. r
Star Clothing Store V. Warrlntjton.
U H..l. C.. ,..!. . .1.1.. I 7 v..v(,v,
city. The wodulng will lauo t)laco tiia Arf siorv
Tuesday evening, Sept. X'Mu Miss Man- carries a comnloto lino of Art xwnio
uol taught in tho local schools for Work Materials, Novoltles, etc. Over
Tho U. S. Civil Sorvlco Commission
will hold an examination for malo
stenographers and typowrltora Sept.
lth and sopt, 30th to till approximate
ly 200 positions In tho War Doparl
mont at $000 and $1,000 per ypar. For
application blankB and Information ap
ply at tho pofuofflco,
Mr. and Mra. Walter O'Connor ttnd
W., T. Wllcbx .loft, WednoBdjayl for
Rochester, Minn., whoro Mrs. O'Contior
win uo oxammcti ny anu tnito treat
mont of tho Mayo brothers. Her con
dltlou 1ms not improved of lato and has
boon such as to uoprtvo lipr of many
of tho enjoyments of mo,
Tho Davis garage received a car load
of Bulcltfl this wook, jtho first ahlpmont
recoivcii ro r some timo. Mr. urawtoru
stated Tuosday that they aro 10 cara
behind on their ordors, This Inability
to got cars oxlsla all ovor itho country,
River and other eastern points with
Cards woro received yesterday in
this city anounclng tho birth of a non
to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Atchinson, of
Ko nrncy, who formerly resided here.
v Word was received hero Wednes
day of tho death of Mrs. Pollard, of
Denver, mothor of Mrs. W. P. Snyder
of this city. The remains werp. taken
east for burial
Miss Ruth Streltz left Wednesday
for Lincoln to resumo her duties as
teacher In the public schools.. Enroute
sho stopped bver in Grand Island to at
tend two social functions.
Mr. and Mrs. George Schatz and s-an
Robort of Ogden came afew days ago
to visit rolatlvos for a week or long
or. Mr. Schatz will also take advant
age of tho chicken hunting,
A. E. Tlmmcrman returned tills week
from nn nuto trip to Denver and Colo
rado Springs, Ho drove Ills car to
tho summltt of Pike's Peak. He was
accompanied On tho trip by his family,
' Misses Mary and Adeline Winn, of
Koarnoyi former residents here, visit
ed frlonds In town whllo onrouto t
Denver, wlliero tho latter will talte a
courso In nursing at tho St. Joseph
From tho Kearney Hub it Is learned
that tho seedling mile of the Lincoln
Highway near that chty, made of con
crete at a cost of $8,000 or 510,000,
somowhat of a failure. The road, loss
than a year old, already needs repair
, That Boy or Girl pi Yours
Thrift in tho homo is a splendid heritage for cither a
hoy or a girl. ' . ;
Do yoU , realize that your son ill hea hotter business
man and enjoy greater opportunities if jio learns the valuo
ol money and saves some of it while. Jio is growing up?
Do you know that your daughter will ho a more
sensible and attractive young lady, and in tinlo a belter
" wife and mothor, if early in life she acquires tho right
attitude toward money and learns that spending it is hot
the only way to use it?
We want to help you and your children in this matter.
Send them to the bank with their pennies and we will
assist them in opening a Thrift Savings account.
McDonald State Bank.
North Platte, Nebraska.
This announcement is of important interest to every lady in
Tho condition of tho Skin and Hair glvo you that FIRST impression of
anyone's character. First Impressions aro ofton LASTINa Impres
sions. Tho person with a clear, smooth skin, soft, fluffy hair and well
kept hands INSTANTLY attracts admiration and attention.
MRS. MARY 'DROUTH is nn Export Cosmetician and Beauty Special
ist, Yoars of oxporlonco lmvo nught her the essentials of Beauty
Culture Her advice and instructions, given to you along with an
ACTUAL DEMONSTRATION, will unquestionably bo of VALUE to
you. This cost you NOTHIXO. Hor Sotvicos nro FREE to you for
the asking.
Appointments May Be Made
by Telephone .
Wo will bo pleased to book appointments In advance either by tele
phono or In person. Wo will then havo Mrs. Mary Drouth arranga,
at your convenience, a doflni'c appointment at your HOME as soon as
sho arrives.
"Where Service and Quality is Paramount."
Dr. Terry, of Omaha, who visited,
with Mr. and Mrs. Cy RusBeli left
yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. H. A. Donelson and children
loft at noon yestorday for Farnam to
visit rolatlves for two weeks. .
Miss Onctfnk Krauso, of West Point,
came a fow days ago to spend two
weeks at tho Tranrp home.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hartwig lira
happy ovor tho arrival of a son at tholr
homo Tuesday of this week.
Miss Elslo Smith, of Mltcholl.who
had been visiting Miss Sylvia Watts
for sovoral days, has returned home.
Soft Wnlcrj Shampoo, .Electric 3Is
sngt', Coated Ucaufcy Parlor, M)TYt
Doivey, Phono Red (jrr.
Mrs. A. S. Chamberlain returned
last weok" from Colorado cltlos whoro
sho 'spent several months with ral.i
tlves. Mrs. Frank Frcderlcl and daughter
Esther loft Tuosday ovenlng for Don
ver and Greeley to visit relatives for
two weeks. .
Mr. and Mrs. Homor Rector and chil
dron roturned yesterday morning from
Sutherland whero they spont a week
with friends.
Qcorgo Brophy, Jr., of Omaha, visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. Newton Buckley this
week. Mr. Brophy is a son of Supt.
Brophy of the Union Pacific.
Charles Johnson', George Schatz and
Will Otton left a few days ago for
tho Huntington ranch northwest of.
Paxbon to spend several days hunting.
Mutual Building & Loan Assn.
ASSETS $840,000.00
To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers;
Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adver
tising the fact that they have reduced the monthly payments
of borrowers to SI. 10 per month pn each $100.00 borrowed,
making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build
ing & Loan Association of North Platte. They fail to state
that of the $1.10 paid to the nori-resident company, there is
only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment, the
balance seventy-five cents teing taken for interest. Of the
$1.10 monthly payment to this association on each $100.00
borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited
as a principal payment.
This difference in the amount credited the borrower
will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be
ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each
$100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they
would if they were doing the business with this Association.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Our lumber yard, but good lumber. . Any
defective piece of lumber is sent to the discard
in-this yard.
We have always considered this tlie best -policy,
in fact, consider it the foundation of
our success in selling
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nbr.