The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 05, 1916, Image 1

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No. 67
The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Elssisser litis been quite 111 fcr
sevornl days past.
F. C. Hoxle returned to Ogalalla yos
terday morning after visiting hlg fam
ily for soveral days.
James Redmond has returned from
Peoria, Illinois, whoro he accompanied
his mother last week.
Ralph Allison, who had been spend
ing several days in town, returned to
Choyenno this morning.
The marriage of Miss Lucy McMl
chael and Maurice Phillips will take
place Sunday, September 24th.
Tho Womean's Home Missionary so
ciety will hold an exchange at Hov?o
& Maloney's Saturday, September 9th.
Will Beatty and Warren Soulea, who
had been stopping at Lincoln since
last November, returned to Brady Sat
urday morning.
"Mrs. Frank McDonough and son, of
Omaha, w4io have been visiting rela
tives hero for ton days, will return
home tomorrow.
George and Tom Griffiths, of Dick
ens, transacted business in town yes
terday. Tom, who was so badly bu-j-ed
in the prairie fire last March, is
gradually recovering, and is nqw able
to walk short distances with the aid
of crutches.' There are still soveral
spots as big as one's hand that havo
not yet healed.
Quito n crowd of peoplo were enter
tained at a bucking broncho contest
At tlio Stebbins grove Sunday after
noon. There Wro several horses that
wore real outlaws and several of the
nuers were thrown. Rulers wore
present from Cheyenne and other
John Crawley, who was in from
Wellfleet yesterday, says' the prohi
bition element In'tho south part of the
county is vory strong "If it Is as
strong in other section of thetate as
It is around Wellfleet and Maywood,"
said Mr. Crawley, "the proprositlon
will carry by from thirty to fifty thousand."
Kiln Swnnsmi l'uMstt Aivnv. '
.Miss1 Ella Swahson died at six-thirty
o'clock yesterday morning after an ni
nes of (wo weeks. Death was due to
typhoid fever and appendicitis and her
condition has been critical for sovoral
days. Miss Swanson came hero from
Gothonburg six months ago and en
tered' the training school of nurses at
the North Platto General hospital. She
was an unusually apt pupil and was
a gonoral favorite among the surgeonq
and nursing staff with whom sho work
ed. Her death, which came whllo sho
was in the early twenties, is dcoply
regretted by the friends she had made
during hor rosldence here. Tho re
mains will be taken to Gothenburg for
In. the first
installment of
Gloria' Romance,
lost iii the Everglades"
Keith Theatre,
Friday, Sept. IS.
Herman Erb DIch Suddenly
Horman Brb an employe of the local
U. P. machine shops died very sud
denly Sunday aftornoon at his rooms
in tho Huxoll home in the Fourth ward.
Mr. Erb had been affected with kidney
troublo for some time but his condition
was not considered serious and Sun
day morning ho was in his usual
healUi. spent an hour or more In sev
eral of tho buslnes houses, and at noon
was reading on tho porch. Becoming
suddenly 111 a physician was called,
who stated that the end was near, and
shortly after Mr. Erb tiled. Ho wa3
about forty-five years of ago and had
been, employed here for several yearn.
Pending word from relatives no funer
al arrangements have been made. Ho
waa'a member of the Masonic fratern
ity and, the L. 0. 0. M. lodge.
Modern office mid other rooms, sin.
glo or en guite.Souie furnished. Stores.
houses, storage room and safe "eposlt
Mrs. Larson, of St. Paul, Neb., is vis
iting her son, Joe Larscn, of this city
Lost, last evening on streets between
Keith theatre and Lloyd opera house,
silver mesh bag. Finder return to this
office and receive reward.
Found on road easU-of Baker school
hoUae, ft few days ago, man's dark
blue coat. Owner can have same by
calling a,t this offlco and paying for
this notice.
Tho Lutheran ladles will hold an ox
change at Derryberry & Forbes' Sat
urday. Rye bread, coffee cake, .chick
en, cookies, and numoraus other things
to eat .win oe-on sale.
George - Broilsoh- Howard's well
known story "An Enemy to Society,"
with Lois Moredith and the .eminent
English actor," Hamilton Rovolle por
traying "the principal characters will
form the photo play story in the Metro
at the Keith tonight.
A merry bunch of young ladles from
North Platte who have been attending
week end parties at the homes of Mrs.
Deo Raney and Mrs. Harry Rees re
turned to Nclrth Platto Monday. They
attended the opening dance at tho
Schiller building, took In the "movies"
at the onera house, and autocd all ove
the country ahd claim they, had tho
time of thoir lives generally. Wrtllaco
This announcement is of important interest to every lady in
;Tlie condition of the Skin and Hair give you that FIRST impression of
anyone's character. First impressions are often LASTING impres
sions. Tho person with a clear, smooth skin, soft, fluffy hair and well
kept hands INSTANTLY attracts admiration and attention.
MRS. MARY DROUTH Is .an-Expert Cosmetician and Beauty Special
ist. Years of experionco hayo taught her the essentials of Beauty
Culture. Her advice and Instructions, given to you along with an
ACTUAL DEMONSTRATION, will unquestionably bo of VALUE to
you. This cost you NOTHING. Her Sorvtces are FREE to you for
the asking.
Appointments May Be Made
by Telephone
We will bo pleased to bcok appointments in advance, either by tele
phono or In person. Wo will then havo Mrs. Mary Drouth arrange,
at your convenience, a deflnPc appointment at your HOME as soon as
sho arrives. ,fef&tfififcJC
"Where Service and Quality is Paramount'
Joo Stechcr, champion wrestler of
tho world, made, his Initial bow be
fore a Nortli Platto audience at the
ball park yesterday afternoon and ex
hibited his prowoss on the mat by tak
ing two falls out of Ed Davis, of In
dianapolis. Both falls were by tho
scissor and half Nelson holds, tho first
occurring in Boven minutes, the second
in four and a half minutes. Dnvls put
up a stiff fight in tho first encounter,
but in tho second his efforts were pure
ly on tho defensive, and ho was almost
holplcss in the hands of tho powerful
As the men woro Introduced by Ref
eree J. T. Iveofe, they were given a
hearty applause, Stcchor, as a Nebras
ka boy, receiving tho most generous
welcome Davis is two pounds heavier
than Stecher, but Is an Inch shorter.
Hq really looked the stronger of the
two, but Stecher had tho muscle,
strongth and 'wind that counts. Davis
failed to show up as strong as was ex
pected, for he has an enviable mat
Tho two preliminaries wore good, in
fact :to somcthoy were more enjoyable
than the main event for tno reason that
tho .contestants! mt:u more evenly
matched and thoy lasted longer.
Luttberg, of Omaha, toor: two falls "but
of Tom Hume of Now York, the first'
In ten minutes, the second in fourteen
and one-half minutes, Hume was tho
quicker actor but his opponent had
strength and weight In nis favor.
The bout between Ray Trnbert and
"Dutch" Munaver of Alliance, was full
of vinegar and tho men Worked faith'
fully and well for thirty minutes with
out securing a fall. v
The crowd attending was a dlsap
polntment to the promoter of tho
exhibition, Carl Kramor, of Fremont,
and to tho local committee who as
sisted in tho arrangements. Tho at
tendance of out-of-town peoplo WU3
fairly good, but the number of North
Platto residents Was small.
i so.
Cash Subscribers to Fair Work.
Slnco It was decided to close to help
construct tho buildings at the fair
grounds a good many merchants hdvo
expressed a willingness to give? cash
instead of sending their forco.out while
others would rather give labor.
The following have subscribed cash
Tho committee will not ho able to see
overy one by Thursday, so please
phone 63 what you will subscribe In
order that tho 'the committee will
know Just "what they have to work with,
Tolegraph. $10; Davis Auto Co., ?10,
Hendj-nQgier, Sift: C. 0, Weingand
$10; Platte Valley Bank. $10; Derry
berry &,Fprbos( $10; Wilcox Depart
ment Store, $10; E. T Tramp, $10;
Tribune, $10; Rexall-Nyal, $10; North
Platte Light Co., $10; Howe & Malonov
$10; Miner Hinman, $10; McMlchael
Bro3.. $10: Simon Bros., $10: Palace
Cafo, $10; C. H. Walters, $10; Llork
Sandall Co., $10; Harry Lawson, $4;
J. B. McDonald, $G; Guy Swopo. $2;
Bratt, Goodman & Buckloy, $6; C. M.
Austin, $2; Cairson & Landgraf, $4;
Geo. Razes, $4; Wm. Harcourt, $5; W.
J. O'Connor, $5; ChaB. McDonald, $G;
Owl Cafe, $5; Arthur Rush, $5; Wm
Otton, $2; J. H. Stone, $5.
' ::o::-t I
Tho Lutheran Sunday school will'
hold their annual picnic at the Thonnw
grovo Thursday. All thoso attending
are asked 'to meet at the church at
8:30 In the morning, I
James Martin, of Scotts Bluff, form
orly connected with the Meston laun
dry In this city, has been In town for
a couple'of days vlBltlng frlonds.
Miss Daisy Marr, of Stapleton, camo
a few days ago to attend the Junior
Normal School and spend 'the winter
with Mrs. I. L. Mlltonbcrger.
Miss Ruth Hubbard wlli resign hor
position as cashier at Tho Loader this
M'eok and enter tho training school of
nurses at tho City hospital. .
Mrs. Anna Wood, of Salt Lake City,
who formerly resided hore, was in tho
city Saturday evening while onrouto
homo 'from eastern cities.
Tho ladles of tho Christian church
will serve a commorclal dinner next
Monday in tho church basement.
Joseph B. Obcrfelder, of SIdnov,
spent yesterday hore while onrouto
Money to loan on real estate to help
you buy or build, or pay off jour old
loan. Come and tell us your minis.
Becoming Dresses
for school girls
and little tots
2 to 6 years and 6 to 14 years
50 Cents to $5.00
A vailed assortmont of children's dresses like these make it a
pleasure for mothers to come here nnd provide liberally for thoir
little girls' school wants and Sunday dresses too.
We feature many new Btyles in ginghams and dainty light or
dark colored wash fabrics and plaids and checks and Woolens.
The best values for the money nre offered in styles that appeal
Wilcox Department Store.
Bruce Brown, for sovoral yoars man
ager of tho local telephone exchange
has purchased tho. Maxwell exchange
etc George Swancutt, tho sale having
been made tho latter part of last week.
Mr. Bown has asked for six mouths
furlough from tho Nebraska companj
and during tills time will furthor de
velop ami Improve his recently ac
quired plant. For some time past
there has boon an opposition line at
Maxwell, but this has been taken ovor
bjr Mr. Dtfcwn. Tho Maxwell exchange
has at present 154 phones on its linos,
with considerable territory jto forthc
develop the business.
Mr, Brown knows what's what in the
telophono business and will give tho
subscribers of tho Maxwell oxchan
a, service that Will bo of the best.
- Mr. Brown's successor as managoi
of the local (office has not been an
Can wrlto Insurance clienpor thun we
can and put you in a coiupuny that will
pay your !vs, If yon linrc one, lie
member this, mid, I hat our property
and homos are hero mid wo pay liem y
tuxes. '
Miss Dorothy Hubbard will leave
Monday for Kearney to attend the Nor
mal. N
Archlo Hood will leave this week
for a two weeks' visit in Lincoln and
, Bishop McGovern, of Cheyenne, If
spondlng a few' luys nvlth Rev. Patrick
Miss Bessie Graham has returned
.from an extended visit w;tn relatives
In eastern points.
Miss Irene Hubbard will leave short
ly for San Antonio, Texas, to visit tel
atiVcs for a month.
Tho Et-a-Vlrn club will meet Tues
day aftorncion, September 12th", wlii
Mrs. Leonard Dick.
Mr. and Mrs. Tllgnor, of Lewollcn,
are visiting with .thoir daughtor, Mrs.
Charles Haner, this week.
Mrs. Twltcholl, of Chicago, who re
sided hero four years ago, is visiting
with hor parents,-Mr. and Mrs. Hunt.
For Sale Cheap Two beds, cook
stovo, dresser, extension table, rug,
etc. Call 415 east Sixth, or phono Red
Mrs. Cal Lowell, of Chicago, who
spont several woeks with her mother,
Mrs. I. L. Mlltonbcrger, loft a few
days ago.
Gerald Stack, who Is In charge of
tho city paving, wont to Denver several
days ago to visit Ills family and trans
act business.
Judge Grimes and MrB. Grimes went
to Loxington Tuesday, tho formof to
transact bustneBs and tho Jatter to
visit friends.
Tho members of tho Rcbokah fodge
and I. O. O. F. are invited to uttond
the) fifty-fifth anniversary of tho former
which will bo held at thoir hall on
September 20th.
Miss Jennlo Mltcholl, of Loxington,
who visited hero for two Weeks, loft
Saturday and will attend tho Kearney
Misses Agnes and Elizabeth Hnnlon
returned last evening from Denver,
Salt Lako City and Ogden, where they
spent three weeks.
For tho Trootment of
Phono 110. John S. Twlnom, M. I).
aaflBaaaH ft"Bv S mm $1
aaaaaHi VQiiR wKfm ByaaaaaaaH
How many grains of Corn the Rooster in our window
will eat on hi last feed, 3:30 p. m.,
Saturday, September 9th.
The Lady guessing correct or nearest correct will re
ceiveFirst Prize, 1 Five piece set .Aluminum Wear Value
The next nearest will receive a beautiful Three-piece
Carving Set, value $4.00. Each married lady entitled to one
guess. Register ypur guess at the store any day during
Ask the Majestic Man
Our lumber yard, but good lumber. Any
defective piece of lumber is sent to the discard
in this yard.
We have always considered this the best
policy, in fact, consider it the foundation of
our success in selling
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nabr.