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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1916)
A Faultless Fountain Pen You often Hear People Complain About Their Pens Leaking or Failing to Write, or Causing Some other Annoyance. These things do not happen with the Conklin Self -Filling Fountain Pen NON-LEAKABLE This Pen deserves all the good things that can he said about it. Which explains why we sell this Pen. And which also explains why we Sell so many of them. If you arc having trouble with your Fountain Pen, get a Conklin Pen and get perfect satisfaction. Prices from $2 to $12 and every pen guaranteed. Start the children in the coming School Year with a Conklin Sclf-Fillcr. CLINTON, THE JEWELER, THE SIGN WITH THE IJIG RING. ID DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, -! Graduate Dentist Ofllce over the McDonald Stato Bank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. Brock, Dentist, ovor Stone Drug 8toro. 0. P. Kceny is transacting business in Donvor. N. J. Davidson nnd tin auto party of Elsio spent Wednesday in town. Good hard coal stove for sale; In quire at 115 oast Eighth street, or call Bed 188. " " Miss Emma Loan has gotfo to Hor shoy, for a two weoks' visit with friends. '' Prank Elliott left Wednesday after noon for Cozad to spond a row days on "business. Mr1, and Mrs. C. M. . MadBon, of Boolus, Neb., aro visiting local friends this weok. llss Holon Mooro has returned fcpm Staploton, whoro sho had boon visit ing for a weok. Wanted Good girl for gonoral housework. 'Inqulro at 523 wost Fifth. I'liono Black 855. 05-3 Misses Myrtlo Kcnworthy and Helen Mooro have gono to Horsheyto Visit friends for a wook. Mrs. Lowls Tamoy has returned to; hor homo after an extended visit with the JMcGowun fumlly. For SaloFivo bushels homo grown alfalfa seed at $12 por bushel. Inqulro of U. Barber, 803 west Fourth. frMosdames Lowls and Woodward, of Buthorlnnd, woro liero to tako medi cal treatment this wook. For Ront--Furnlahod rooms, all modorn, Including boat. Call at, 115 cast 8th street or phono Red 188. Mr., and Mrs. W. T. Aldon will ro turn tomorrow from nnfTuto trip to Denver and other Colorado points. S, R. McKolvlo otlltpr of tho Nebras ka Fanner, and Harry Doronback, of lilncoln, spent Wodnosday in Mils city. I Jay. Pnrk, of Chicago, who was a guoat at tho homo or Mr, nnd Mrs, W. H. McDomild, loft Tuesduy ovonlng. j Missus Iva and Elleon I'oorc, at Grand Island, who visited thoir aunt Mrs. Harry Kolso, loft for homo Wed nesday aftornoon. Miss Bollo Harper, of tho Wilcox store, has resumed hor dutlos after n two weeks' vacation which she spent at Mooroflold with rolativos. Mrs. O. A. Kelso-, of Grand Island, returned homo Wednesday afternoon nftor visiting hor son Harry Kolso and family. For Sale A gontio pony for chil dren to rido or drive to school, also wagon box good as now. Call at GOO oast Eighth street. 06-1 Mrs. Mary Thornburg was operated upon at tho Nurso Brown Memorial hospital Wednesday and is getting along nicely. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. R. . Goodman and son John leavo Monday on a two weeks' auto trip to Donvor and Colo rado Springs. John White, of Sutherland, visited relatives hero this week and left Wednesday for Golden, Col., to nttoml tho scltool of mines. Miss Nolllo McEvoy and brothor Ar thur rotumcd Tuesday ovonlng from Donvor whore thoy spent a couplo of weoks with rolativos. AVanted Roomers and bourdors at tho Woodblno rooming houso, 309 east Sixth ctreot. Good Wals and modorn rooms. G7tt., Mrs. C. A. Butts, of Grand Island. returned homo Wednesday afternoon, after visiting her mother Mrs. C. J. Hradloy for sovural weeks, F. II. Davis, prosidont of tho First National bunk, of Omaha, nnd owner of tho local electric light plant, epont a day hero this week on business. Mrs. E. H. Worthmnn and daugh ters Mlnervn and Elenoro, of Louis- vlllo, Nob., urrivod horo yostorday to visit at tho Georgo Frator homo. Arvllla Whlttakor has Just returned from eastorn cities whero she scoured a comploto line of all tho latoat trim- mod and untrlmmetl huts, also tho lat est novoltlos in foathors, llowors, au tumn fruits nnd foliage. Tho trndo invited. Mrs. Bruco Dyo, of Los Angolos, formerly MIhb Poarl Gilbert of thiB city, who spent several months visit ing Mrs. Sarah Duggan and family, loft yostorday afternoon. SITT TOUT ANNOUNCES OPENING OF SCHOOLS ITALIAN PRUNES FOR CANNING $1.60 Per Box. We have a car of Italian Prunes bought direct from the growers, due to arrive the last of this week or the first of next. This car will only last three or four days get your share of them at: Lierk-Sandall Co. Tramp & Sons Rush Merc. Co. F. D. Westenfeld Wilcox Dept. Store. James Louden John Herrod or R. N. Lamb. PHONE 67. School will opon In nil buildings on Monday Sept. 11, at 0 a. m. central time. Registration in the Sonlbr High School will bogln at 10 a. m. Friday Sopt. 8 and continue all dny Friday and all Saturday. Registration in tho Junior high school will commence at 8:30 A. M. Monday, Sopt 11th. All pupils' of Seventh, Eighth and Ninth grados will report at tho north entrance on Mon day morning. Registration of new pupils in the Sixth grado and under will be hold In tho ward schools on Saturday Sopt. 9th, from 4 to G p. m. This is for pupils who have never gone to tho North Platto schools bofore or who have changed wards since school clos ed last spring. Most of tho teachers will reach the city on Thursday xr Friday of next weok. A number of them will need rooming places. I have notified them that I lvavs a list of rooiiilng places ut my office-. Anyone wishing tj list rooms will call mo by phono before that time Wo always huyo a number of. culls from boys nnd girls who wanti places Vfi stay and work for their board-and rjom while they go to school. Anyone who can take one of theso boys or girls for tho win'tor will please let mo know. Wo have two boys now who aro de serving and wh want places. Tho superintendent will be in his Office in tho high school building on Friday and Saturday afternoons before school opens and will be pleased tb confer with nnyono at that time. A list of tho teachers will bo pub lished tho first of the week with their home address nnd thoir assignment In tho schobl. Misa Catherine Johnson who taught the Baker school last year has resign ed to a'ttond tho state university and the board of educatlin Is looking around for someono tia take her place. No applicants have yet presented themselves. WILSON TOUT, City Supt ::o:: Exhibits Sent to Lincoln. The car of Lincoln county product? for exhibition at. tho stato fair was shipped out Wednesday aftornoon in charge of John W. Fowler, who with tho assistance of Mr. Gllman. will ar rango the exhibits in tho fair building tomorrow. Tho Lincoln county exhibit is con siderably bettor than was at first ex pectcd, thanks to tho assistance given by tho farmers who displayed greater Interest than usual in contrilinfhur to the- collection. In some -respect! tho exhibit Is better than last year. In others not uulto so good,, but on tho. whole President I'iolsticker, of tho fuir association, considers it a little above tho display of Inst year. ::o:: the tang of autumn breez es is expressed in every line of these Newest Suits and Coats To those women who are planning a fall trip and to the young miss preparing for school, these charming suits and coats will make a direct appeal. A large selection of models in many new fabrics and staples are here, others arriving daily. The prices are unusually low and many extreme val ues are noted at these prices. Wilcox Department Store EVENTS Iff SOCIETY (.renter Interest In Politics. Keith Neville returned homo Wed nesday night from a camnalKn trin through tho southwest part of tho stato and will romain until next Monday night!, when he will go .to tho east-Dart of tho state. Mr. Novlllo states that tho voters aro ovincing considerable more Interest in rlltlcs than tlioy did a month ngo, and this intorcst will undoubtedly grow stronger as olectlon day approaches. Ho is woll satisfied with his- prospects for olectlon, find ing in many localities conditions, much moro favorable to him than he ex pected. ::o:: Secure Men for Preliminaries Tho entrnnts for tho second pre liminary ovont nt tho Stochor-Davl3 wrestling contest next Monday will bo Thomas Hume, of Silver Springs, .N. V, and Young Luttbeg, of Omaha. Theso two nro lightwolghts, but fast as lightning. The last tlmo thoy mot on tho mat they wrestled one hour and nlno minutes without a fall. Tho othor projlmlnnry will bo be tween Trabort and Manavor, of Alll onco, who will try conclusions for tho championship of wostorn Nobrasku, " ::o:: Start on Elk Hunt. C. C. Hupfor, Charloy Horrod and Henry Robhauson left last ovonlng for Rock Springs, Wvo.. and then 1SO miles into tho Jackson Hole country in search of oik, which nro known to bo qulto plentiful In that section. Mr, Hupfer has had considerable ox porlenco in big gnmo bunting, but tho hunting of tho othor raon has bfm confined to smnllor gnmo. For Rent. 7 room houso. 102 wost Sixth strnnt. modorn oxcopt boat. Phono Rod 588. Slielton Comes for Two. Onmes. Tho Sholton ball team will nlnv nn tho local fioldSundny and Monday nr tornoon. Tho game Monday will pro code tho Stechor-Davis wrostllng contest. Tho Sholton team la ani.i tn bO Composed Of irooil nlnvnrn ,ml interesting games may be expected. F01t SALE. 360 acres pasturo land, twelve miles southwest of North Platto to exchango i or city lots. Address O. L. wat. KINS, North Platto. FG2-3 Miss Laura Murray will entertain tho Saturday afternoon bridge club today. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith entertain ed at dinner Sunday evening in favor of Miss Jean Foley, of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Oberst enter tained at dinner Thursday evening in favor of Miss Foley of Omaha. Mrs W. R. Malonoy will entertain at receptions on Tuesday and Thurs day of next week at her homo on east Third street. The meeting of the M. M. M; club which was to be held at tha.home of Mrs. F. J. Wurtele last evening, has been postponed Indefinitely. Miss Laura' Murray entertained at a seven o'clock dinner Tuesday, com plimentary to Miss Anna Ericsson,, of Denver. Covers were laid for twelve. Tho entertainment committee of tho Knights of Columbus, aro making ar rangements to hold a social danco in tho Lloyd opera houso next week. t " a it - if $ OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH Mrs. A. F. Streltz and jdautrhter Ruth entertained a tarty of friends vat a picnic a'ti tho Curtis lako Tuesday m uuuur Koi miss Josopninc Murphy, of Plattsmouth. A number of young ladies and cen- tlemen wore entertained last eveninc at a dancing party at the homo of Mrs. M. V. Mitchell. Miss Jennie Mitchell, of Lexington, was tho guest of honor. Tho Entro Nous club met Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. A. W. Shil ling. Prizes were awnrded. to Mes- dames James Dorram and Giiy Cover. Mosdames M. H. Douglass and Frod Huxoll rocoived tho guest prizes. Mrs. H. A. Donaldson and Mrs. W. C. Rose entertained a number of friends and noighbors in honor of their mother Mrs. L. A. McDonald, tho day beltig hor soventy-thlrd birth anni versary. A vory enoyable aftornoon was snout and a nice lunch . was sorvod. Tho Mothers Club and their daugh ters twenty-five In numbor were en tertained Wednesday aftornoon by Mrs. Jamos Payne nt tho homo, of her daughter Mrs. Allison Wilcox, near Rignell. Tho ladles wore entertained with social conversation and kenslng ton work and a dlnnor was served In cafeteria stylo. Out of town guests woro Mosdamos Lathron of Chicago and lilxler of Donvor. Miss Janot McDonald entertained soveutcon couples of younc nctonlo Wednesday ovonlng at a barn danco In tho hay barn on tho Cbns. -McDon ald farm Just wost of town. Tho gowns of tho ladios and suits of tho men woro largely rural In mnko-un. and In somo Instances wero such us to orento muoh amusemont, as did also tho ac tions of somo of tho moro spirited attendants. Tho barn floor had bon put In good condition nnd a viotrola stipppllad tho music. Patronesses woro Meadnmos W. II. McDonald, Harry Dixon, F. AV. RIncker, A. F. Streltz and C. M. Roynolds. A Rnrgnln A good proporty for salo with two houses, in good condition; close in on oast Fifth street. Good term. -Will consider ono tor two vacant lots on payment. Inquire of F. W. Dlxpn, 709 west Seventh street. Phono Red 329. GG-2 if t.t it i.t i.t i.i t.t if t.t t.t t.i t.t t.t 2! 18 if i.t t.t if t.t if if if it :.: if t.t t.t t.t The First National Bank -oi- 2XORTI1 PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAPITAL AiVD SURPLUS 1 One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HATE BEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWH OF THIS BANE, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. ' '.W.V.M.' -;:o::- Misses Com "nnd Holon Sou Sdr rn. turned last ovonlng from Central City and Lexington whero thoy visited their brothor and othor relatives. Mlssos Agnes and Elizabeth Hanlon. who have been visiting friends iu-Dqn-vor, Salt Lako nnd Ogdon for two wooks, -will roturn home Sunday. REASON NO. 1. THE FIDELITY RESERVE COMPANY- OFFICERS: x Dr. Barton B. Baker, President! Frank C Piolsticker, Vice-President M. Keith Nevillo, Vice-President William H. McDonald, Vice-President. Charlos F. Templo, Secretary. Charles F. Sponcor, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: Dr. Barton B. Baker. John J. Halligan. Walter V. Hoagland. Frederick L. Temple. Charles F. Spencer. An Old Line, Mutal, Legal Reserve Company Writ ing Life Health and Accident Insurance. Y, THREE POLICIES IN ONE , The rates of many Eastern Life Insurance Companies and .some Western Companies, at the age 35, for a Twenty Payment Life-policy are $38.34 per thousand of insurance, making the rate on $3,000.00 policy with them at age 35, $ II 5.02. Our $3,000.00 combination Twenty Payment Life rate at this same age, 35, is $ I 19.04. . . What does each give you for the money you invest in these estates? THE Companies First Referred to Toller. RATE $115.02 Pays $3,000.00 at any tlmo that death may occur nftor tho first payment is mado, or a "paid-up policy for $3,000.00 at tho end of 20 years, plus dividends. In case of Accidental pays $3,000.00. NOTHING- Death, Fidelity RcserTe Combination Policy, Three Policies in One. Pays $3,000.00 at any tlmo that death may occur after tho first payment Is made, or a paid-up for $3,000.00 at tho end of twen ty years, plus dividends. In addition to the above, a Fi- 1 uemy policy uouuies in case of accidental death and wo pay $6,000.00 Instead of $3,000.00. For total disability from sick ness or accident, tho Fidelity pays $25.00 per -week or equi valent to practically $110.00 por month. For partial disability, $12.50 por week' or practically $(J5.00 per month. Physician's or Surgeon's fees whero' there Is no disability, whatovor, tho Fldollty'pays such expense not to exceed $15.00 for any ono case. For loss of any two members oyes, hands or feet, $1,500 Bpot cash; for loss of ono member, $750, and no matter haw much you may navo arawn from week ly indemnity or for loss of members, tho Fidelity must dtill, at tho maturity of tho contract, . pay $3,000.00, Itemcmber alo that your health and accident imuranca In this noil-, i. i M ii but any aavinet orcarnlnitaon this ,Z,t, .?lthout. medical examination Policy Ldern the wdTvS " " Call At Office For the other 89 tta.on. why you ehould Invert In a Fidelity eve TolLy. FIDELITY RESERVE CO., Itooms 1 & 2. 1, 0. 0. F. Bid. 7. ... i NOTHING , V Xi NOTHING , .' - if It