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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1916)
1 u Semi-Weekly Tribune IBA- L. BAI1E, Editor ftfld Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year by Mall In AdTnnce....$1.25 One Year by Carrier In Adrnnco. Bntcred at North Platte, Nebraska, PostofBco as Becond Class Matter, FRIDAY, SEPTEMJIKU 1, 1010. TOTAL LEVY EOR CITY PROPERTY IS mi MILLS Tho North, Platto taxpayer will pay nearly ten cents per dollar on tho as sessed valuation of his property thin year, tho combined levies aggregating 97 mills. Tho state levy Is CIO mills, county 14.00 mills, city 34 mills apd school district 42.50 mills. This Is equivalent to a fnactlon less than two per cent on tho supposed real vnluo of property. For Instance, If you have, Bay $2,000 on tlmo doposlt In a hank which draws four per cent, and you have been honeBt onough to list tho full $2,000 to tho assessor for taxa tion, one-half tho Intorcst you re celvo must bo paid as a ilax on yout deposit, bo your not Interest shrluki to two por cent which seems, and Is, very small. Tlmo was when ono month's rent of a house or store building In North LOCAL AJfl) PERSONAL.' John MoMlohaol, or Wollflect, spent yesterday with local friends. William Adair has returned from Donvor whore ho vlsttad for a week. Claude Potcrs will loavo in n fow days for Midland College to resume his studies. Oeorgo Young, of Hastings, is visit ing thlo week at tho homo of his sister Mrs. Carl Simon. Holcn Mclnfyre, of -Milwaukee, re turned homo yesterday after visiting nt tho Rltnor home. Mrs. Myrtle Stewart and Miss Bor- nlco Stowart, of Wolllleot, aro visiting with local frlonds this vcek. T. C. Pattorson and family returned Wednesday evening from their auto trip to Estcs Park and Denver, Mrs. Abblo McVicker, of Lexington, camo yos'orday morning to open tho McVicker millinery at Tho Leader. Tomatoes by the bushel and cu cumbers for pickling. Mrs. T. L Dootllttlo, Phono 782F022. CG-4 Cabo Wednesday afternoon by County Miss Jean Foley, of Omaha, who judge French. Tho ceremony was wit- had been tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. nessed by the bride's parents, , B. Oharst, loft for her homo Monday, i , , " . I A nnrfv nnmnnM rf AffnrtlfiV .mil Mrs. Carl Lintz who haB been visit- jirfl A Muidoon, Mr .and Mrs. Byron lng the Wolborn family In Dlnango, oberst, Mrs. J. C. Hollman, Miss" Jean Colo., is expected td return next week. Koloy, of Omaha, and Dr. Fonner, mo- Mrs, lloryl llahn-Day is now ready tored to Lamplugh's lake Sunday, Mrs. J. L. Packard, of Mllwdukeo, who upent six Weeks with her sister Mrs. William Rttner, left yesterday morning, Miss Hazel Clark, of Omaha, fs visit ing hor sister Mrs. Charles McNamnra boforo leaving for Gothenburg, to teach school. Mrs. John Abart and children, of O'Nolll, who camo to attend the Smlth Uaker wedding returned home yester day afternoon. Mrs. Arthur Allen and children left yesterday afternoon for Farnam to vis it for a week or longor. Mr. Allen will leave tomorow. Miss NolHo Holleran, of Hastings, who wns tho guest of tho Hanlfln fam lly for ten days, returned heme yes tcrday afternoon. Wakofleld Sheridan, of Gothenburg, visited local frlonds yesterday whllo enroute from Wellfleet where ho visit ed Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor. ' Nowton Jasper Davidson age 26, and Lillian Fern McCllntock ago. 18 of Elsie were married at tho Ho'tel Mc- Platto paid the yearly tax against tho building, buit not' so now; as a gen eral rule It takes nearly tho rent of two months. Tho gradual Increase In taxes Is not duo to extravagance on tho part of officials; it comes from our doslro to have tho comforts and ndvuntages of this modorn and fnst-gaKed ago. Wo wanted to own our city water plant and that costs us $5,000 a yoar for interest chargo; wo roqulrod now and larger school buildings and wo pay about $8,000 a yoar Intorcst; on .tliom; our library costs us $1500 a year, our Btreet lights $4,500, our lire depart ment (thfs year) $0,000; wo nooded a city park and that costs us $1,500 a year, a sewer system -was a necessity and Its malntonnncfl costs $2,000 or moro n year, 'and tho Interest charges amount to $2,000 moro; wo needed paved streets, and tho Interest on thoao bonds Is about $500; wo wanted bridge cant of town nnd wo aro paying $500 Interest thereon. Years ago we didn't have thoso things, and wo didn't havo to pay for them. Wo lived Jut nH hnpplly porliapa, but not ns com v fortnbly and you cnu't get away from 'the fact that If you deslro to live comfortably yorhap3 Homl-lux-urlously -you must pay th bill. ThorofcTO, whon you pay your 1910 taxes, don't grumble or cuss, you aro simply paying for tho modem con veniences and comforts that you en joy. o ) Hand Concert Labor Day. 13ho wookly band concort nfthocourt houso park hns boon postponed from Friday to Monday, Sopt. 4th. Following Is tho program glvon by tho Municipal brthdj unddr the dlre.Ion )f Eo,rl Stamp, ' March "Under tho Double Eagle,". Wagnor, Serenade "A Night ifi' Juno" Kliu? Selection "Murthaf FlVJfiw . "La Paloma," Vrndl'or. Waltz "TroB Jollo," Waldtonrol, Maruh "Amorlca First," Losoy. Sio:: Episcopal Church Sunday SopL.Bd. Sorvlcca at tho Episcopal church Sunday, Sopl 3d will bo ns follows: Holy Communion 8 a. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. , . Morning Prayer and Sormon 11 a. m ,!JO!! . Kor Snlo Furnfturo cheap. Call at 415 coot Sixth or phono Red 738, Mr, and-Mrs, Goorgo Taylor, of . Wollfloot, aro visiting local fonds Buy your school shoos at Wilcox Department Btoro. Miss Efflo Christ will rot'urn Wod- nesday from an extended visit in Lox Ington. j Mrs. Burt Chamberlain lofti yestr , day afternoon for Denvor to visit for Havoral, dya. F. E, llullard Is rocovorlng from' an Illness whlcli bus confined' him to tho houso for ten days. ' Mrs. M. N. Johns-ten ami daughter loft yestordny afternoon for Donvor to "visit until Monday. Dr. Muruock, of Ogalaua, was n professional visitor at tho North Platto General Hospital Wednesday. , Charloa Ilupfor, Jr., will loavo next wook for AtchliiBon, Knhs., to rosumo his studies. In Midland College Mrs.,M. V. Mltcholt will loavo tomor row .ovoulng for Lexington to visit tho Mltcholl and Navoraux families. May Robs(-u In tho Bplondld photo play, "A Nlgh't Out" at tho Crystal Saturday night. Prices 10 and lGc Mra. Edwin Barraclough loft yoater day morning for Donvor to visit rolu- tlvcu and frionils for tt weok or moro. Fred Gilbert, of O'ttumwa, In,, nation al RudMor of tho Yoomon lodge spout yes'terday afternoon wltli W. J. Tlloy to roBume hor piano Instruction. Ad-j whore they were guests of the boy dross 021 East Fifth, or phone Black scouts at n fish dinner 03L I Fifty-flvo ono hundredths of an Inch Miss Irene O'Donnoll telephone toper- of rain foil Tuesday evening and twen- ator In tho Western Union Offlco was,ty-two one hundredths Wednesday callod back from Rawlins yesterday ovenlng. Farmers say that In somo afternoon on account of tho rush of 1 Instances tho rain may benefit" late work at tho offlco caused by atrlko corn. It will certainly put tho grpuud conditions, Miss O'Donnoll was taking ' In good shape for fall plowing and hor summer vacation. seeding. Mrs. Charles Boguo and daughter Hmma left Tuosday afternoon for Om aha' to met Mr. Boguo who is enroute h3tne from Now York. Misses Laura and Elsie. Hnrseuateln, of Chicago, came yestorday morning to visit Ruth Stroitz whllo enroute homo from Bstes Park. Mrs. M. K. Neville and daughtors, roturnod Wednesday morning from Charlostown, W. Va., whore they spent sevoral weeks with the former's parents. Mrs. M. N. Holcombo, of Laramlo, who had boon visiting hor daughter Mrs. James Louden for several weeks went to Silver Crek yesterday nfter- noon to mako hor home. H. N. Getty, was displaying on the streets yesterday samples of peaches from his ten-acro orchard at Grand Junction, Colo. Thoy wore of very fine flavor nnd good size. He will have sov eral carloads to market through the fruit growers' association. The report which came over tho wlro at noon yes'terday stating that congress had decided on action that would result In the threatened rail road strlko being called off, brought relief to many who were In suspense. At this terminal quite a number of engineers nnd conductors had pub licity announced their intention of dis regarding strike orders and remaining in service, and expected thereby to bo subjected to moro or less Indignity front thoso who would go out; many dthors wero undecided as to what course they would pursue, thoso who decided to go out wero not In a happy framo of mind, whllo citizens gener ally wero fearful of the many un pleasant conditions which a strike would bring. Tho report, thoroforo, that there would bo no strike, was hailed with pleasure. . SDi Show Her You Mean Business Take it from us, young man, few girls of the right sort have the heart to turn down a man who is thoughtful enough to give her in the beginning her heart's desire a home of her own. It's the one thing that every woman wants for there her dreams of past years become realities. Build a Home Now and start life in the right way full of happiness and con tentment. We have several books of the latest designed houses and bungalows. Come in and select the one you like best and let us figure the cost for you complete, foun dation and all. We have everything in building material you'll need. Come in any day and we'll show you a plan she'll like. W.W.BIRGECO. I PHONE 9. Mr. and MrB. F. Perkins, of Omahn, visited tho latter's brother Dr. L. C. Drost and family this week whllo en route home from Colorado. Thoy left Wednesday afternoon. Tho school term In districts No. 11 and 54 will open Mo'nday morning. Miss Bornlce StuJart will have charge of tho former and Miss Myrtle Jackson will teach the latter. r Iktfseiiwier iP Fro irt TPlx i s " y :r? fui 1 Almost 34 horse-power from this reg ular stock Maxwell engine! 34 actual, brake horse-power! Proved by an accurate dynamometer test, made in the Maxwell laboratories August 10, 1916. There has been a lot of talk about horse-power, and we just want to let Maxwell' owners and prospective owners know that in respect to horse-power, as in most other respects, the Maxwell leads by a comfortable margin. Not that we attach such great importance to horse-power. We don't We never have. Horse-power abundant horse-power is only one of many superior features of the Maxwell. We are selling motor cars complete motor cars not engines or horse-power. Horse-power is a matter that is second ary to motor efficiency and economy. A giant has no advantage if he does not apply, or wrongly applies, his strength Maxwell cars have horse-power all you want or need probably more per pound of car weight than any other automobile in the world. But we don't make any loud cry about it. ' ... Because we have more than horse power to sell you. Because you are, and should be, inter ested in results, the net effectiveness of power. We challenge competitive tests. We invite comparison. Ebcause we absolutely know that no car of its class or weight can surpass the Maxwell on speedways, on rough roads, through sand or mud, anywhere. And because we know, and you will know, that, everything considered, the Maxwell is the World's Greatest Motor Car Value! i -v. C. M. TROTTER, Agent. NORTH PLATTE AND BRADY. ii 1 A ttt.1W"f