Semi-Weekly Tribune IllA L. BARE, Editor and PnbUglier. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Olio Year by ?ilntl in Advance.... One Ycnr by Carrier lu Adrnuco..$l.$0 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, , Postofllcc as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, AUGUST 85, 1910. LOCAJi AND TERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Harbor came down' from thoir ranoli near Lowejlcn "Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Lnwson-'Vlsitcd friends In the western Ipart of the stato for Eovcrnl days past. Mrs. TV J. Doylo, Lincoln, camo a fow days ago to vlsty with Attorney nnd Mrs. J. J. Halllgan, Dean Bowkor loft this morning for Goring, Mitchell nnd other towns to remain for Bovoral days. Mrs. Qcorgo "Weinburg, of Goring, who had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frcdoricl, has gone tqGrecley to visit relatives. Misa Catherine Johnson has resigned her position as teacher of tho Baker school and will take up cadetlng In tho Lincoln schools and attend the university. BIG DAMAGE SUIT AGAINST UNION rACIFIC .Municipal Tree Protection. At Kearney a special committee has been appointed, by tho Commercial Three suits for damagos, totaling c,ub t0 look after th prcservaton of $27,000, wore filed against the Union trce8 1'acMc railroad Tuesday aftornoon. Th',a dom not ,mply Umt gen. Frederick Schick, Henry Schick and tplomon wlU ,mvo t0 keop Ul0 tr0C3 Martha Ollvo are the plaintiffs in the prullwIi BW out now on08 or wator action. Three separate suits were filed, lMm ,mth U)0y aro t() (o a ,ot f Frederick Schick sueing for $7,000. ml8Blonary work nlonB tlint iine. Martha Olive for $10,000 and Henry couraglng others t0 look after tlie,r Schick for $10,000. Tho suits aro based troef) p . on Injuries which resulted tb tho plain- Somc tUo Umo ag0 tho commercial tics when an auto In which they were c(b W(JlH on rccor(, ng favorlnB a driving was struck by U. P. train. p0,cy Uat wouW oncourage ,trcc Engineer John Slcuter was driving the pInntlng and the ,ooklng aftor trew engine nnd ho was mado party to tho nlroa(ly tfantcL Tho report waH Inade BU'k . at a meeting that many trees died Tho accident In which the three ,CcaUB0 of neg,cct and Umt olherg plaintiffs wore injured took place nt wcrJ thrcatcnedi elthor through, lack Shelton on May 20. Frederick Schlek was driving his Mctz car. Ho proceed ed to cross tho U. P. tracks Just east of water or some curable tree dis ease. It was then that ho club do-1 clilml tn liavn n. litt In iron nnrn tnklncr oi mo Bnoiron ucpoi. m c umo cIoaB( tho ownor8 of trce8 throughout smug oi curs were uw u.nB the entire city being pupils. twenty ieut irum me crunsiiiK, uuuru Ing to tho pqtitions filed. Schick start ed across tho track when without any warning tho cars moved west and his machine was caught in the path of tho train. Tho auto waBfltruck at tho front nnd all occupants of tho car thrown out. Tho machlno wns nlso badly dam aged. Kearney Hub. W " " , 0 . ORDINANCE NO. Being the generni levy of tuxes on the property of tho City of North Platte, N'ebrnsku, for Revenue Purposes During' tho Fiscal Year, Commenc ing the second Monday In August, !!)!(!. Be particular. Ex amine the seemingly little things about the car you buy. IT'S the "little" things that make motoring a pleasure or a constant source of annoyance. . Miss Irono Cross has gono to Over ton to spend two weeks with relatives, County NewH. The deposits In tho two banks at Brady on August 10th, when state ments wero called, wuro $305,748.21. Pretty good sliowins for a town of Brady's slzo. Marshal Ellott, of Brady, arrested another auto speedor this week. Ho had to go to Farnam to mako tho ar rest, and tho follow, knowing ha was guilty, forked ovor $25, Jako Qchufur, living near Brady, threshed 1,750 bushels of wheat from his fifty ftcre field, an nvorngo of thir-ty-flvo bUBhols per acre. - John Mnpes is now throshing his crop of 400 acres of wheat grown south of town. So far, ho tolls ub, tho grain Is running between 20 and 25 bushols per acre, and ho Is of tho opln Ion that tho nverago will bo close to 25. 1,500 bushols aro bolng dollvorcd nt $1.30 per bUBhol. Suthorlnnd Frco Lanco, 1 Tho Sutherland Freo. Lanco snyst It Is generally conceded that about ev ery available aero in the wheat grow Ing neighborhood will bo dovoted to winter wheat nnd ryo anotlwr year, making a groat Incronso In acres planted ovor this sonson, While driving to North Platte yes terday morning tn their auto Mrs Frank England in passing another car drovo rather closo to tho edge of nj culvert across tho road when, a plank Tiroko, Tho sudden lurch glvon by Uio car when tho accident occurred precipitated ono of tho young6r chil dren through the Vlnd shlold cVttlng tho llttlo ono's faco and body quite severely, No other serious damage vna 'reported. Horalioy Times. Ford HolUngsworth had tha mlsfor tuno of having his leg broken Just nbovo. the ankle last evening. Ho was faedthg his mulos, which wero rather irritable, . having had un encounter With u bumble boo nqst during the day. Thoy woro crowding him when no struck ono with feed can. It pulled back nnd then lurched forward striking, his foot and breaking tho - bono. Tho break was set Immediately nnd Ford In resting ub easily us can be expected.- Horshoy Tlnidtn Bo It ordnincd by tho Mayor- and Council of said City of North Plntte, C. T, Wholan and Dick Bakor return- Nebraska: v od this morning from a brief visit in Section I. Taxes arc hereby levied Omaha. on nil of tho property within tho limits Wnntml-Koeond hand tvnewrltcr. Pf tho CltV of North Plntte- Lincoln clicnp for cash. Echclbory's Second P""""1' " Hand Store mills on tho dollar of tho assessed valuation thereof, for tho Duroose of Miss Cora Souser wll lenvo soon forklnc Interest and nrlnclnal on the Loxlngton'and Kearney to visit friends 0no Hundred Thousand Dollar water for a week or longer. bonds heretofore Issued hv sulri Htv Teddy Payne returned yesterday Section II. Taxes are hereby levied from Omaha where ho had been visit- on nil of tho property within tho limits Ing relatives for two weeks. I of said city at tho rate of two mills-on ,...t" ti.. ... t- t, , th dollar of tho assessed valuation for niuuL'i juiiuuiuii, ui ri, jjuukc, ini nvviAntrtfl tint. (nilnv tn vfutf )in u,.uv,v.. U - .....v ..v.. D.n- ,,,. !... mi I i mm jjuutu ouwui uuiiua in- Loypolut & Ponalngton purchased sued by said city. auout a UlouHana Jiusiieia of wheat Section III. Taxes are hereby levica yesterday nnd a similar amount the on all of tho property within tho limits day before. Tho prlco this .week for of tho suid city at the rnto of one-half good No. 2 wheat has avoraged $1.32 mills on tho dollar of tho assessed val- por bushol. I f.O:U. DETROIT 1 , f The car you've been thinking about does it have electric starter and lights, demountable rims,rain-vis"i6n windshield, speedometer, one-man mohair top? Does,, it have an irreversible steering gear, linoleum running boards and floor boards? Does it have, as the Maxwell has, all these refine ments, good appearance, an enviable reputation and an unequaled record for endurance and economy? This is a vital matter to you-. Make sure. S-poaenger Touring Car, $595 2-paaoonger CmbrioM, 9165 2'pat.ongor Rodator' - 580 6-paaaenger Town Car, 915 ' S-paaenger Sedan, $iUO v. M. TROTTER, AGENT. North Platte and Brady. DON'T JKXPKMMluYr. Yon Wll Make No Mlstnko if You Follow Tills North Platte (JlllzeiiH Advice. i Novor neglect your kidneys. H you have puln in tho back, urin nry disorders, 'dlzzlnoBS nnd nervous DOLLARS Are easy to get, But hard to untlon thoreof, for tho purpose of pay ing tho Interest on' Twelve Thousand Dollar Bridge ponds heretofore issued by said city. Section IV. Taxes aro hereby levied on nil of tho property wlthinUhe limits I keen. You can have more of oi mo sam cuy at mo rate or ononau them by snendine your money on ...111 n til- .11l"- - .1. .. .. 1. ..1 I V P ' . our line of -"usniture,, Kugs, Tables, Chairs, Cabinels,Dressers uess, It's time to' nc and no time f. Thousand Dollar Park Bonds hereto-pewing Aiacmnes. we nave oxporlmen. Tlieso nru . frequently Tor0 ,SSUC1 u' sa,d cIt1 some used furniture tnat looP symntomB of kidney trouble nnd Section V. Taxes arc hereby levied Mike new will sell for less than a remedy which Ib recommended for on al1 of the PrPrt w,thln tl,e ,,mIts half of its oricinal cost. Bargains .i. i.i.i . . . . . . . . . Inf thn onlil rllir n( )lin ntn nf nnn-h-i If I D .. . c inu Kiunuys Biiouui do laxen m umo. - w ' n Shnwrjisw.' 'ah Stnn ??. mill on tho dollar or tho assessed val uation thereof, for the purpose of J paying tho interest on the Twelve Phones Office 333 Res. Black 513 DIl. HAKOLI) A. FANNER Osteopath. G Reynold Building Office hours 9 a. m. to o p.'m. 7 p. m. to 8 p.m. MINNESOTA MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Founded 18S0. LIFE Doan's KIdnoy Pills 1b a good rcmo- m,U on ho (lo,lar of the assC88e(1 val dy to use. No need to experiment. u,ltIon thereof, for the purpose of pay- L00k at OUrGlinS and Shells. It hn nnted rffno.Mv-lv In mnnv -. K mo iniereai on me sixteen nious- In North Plntte. Follow tho advlco of nml Do,,ar 1rivne Bonds heretofore Gun8 for Rent. vtii. .. I IhriioiI hir uii1,l nltt I it iurin 1'iniio ciuzen. . . r K. C. Erlckson. 114 S. Dowov St.. Section VI. Taxes aro hereby lev- We pay top price tor Iron North Phtttto. naya "Doan.'a Kidnov ,od on a11 of tho Property within he Pills aro a very lino medicine and i limits of tho snld city at-tho rate of have recommended them to a irood slx nml one-half mills on the dollar muny peoplo. I used to have attacks of tlie n8se88C(1 valuation thereof, for of kidney trouble. I had backacho BnornI revonuo purposca of.sald city and was bothered by the too frfcquont tor tno ,l8cnl ycar ginning the Sec- uctlon of my kldnoya. Whenever "I onu fllonuy August, iuib. feel nny hIkhs of thnt trouble. I cor Section VII. Taxes are hereby lov Poan'H KIdnoy Pills from the noxalt.l,cd on n11 of tho property within tho Drmt Storo liud thev nut mv kldriovH limits of tho said city at tho rate of r l and Junk. ECHELBERY 600 LOCUST. - It's the household word In Western Nebraska. It's Old Line, the best iron ey can buy. It's what you need, for a savings bank and Insurance that In sures. They all buy It. "There is a Reason" For further information Phone, call or address J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent, Tho Old Lino Has NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA. In good condition lr(co 50c, ut all dealers. Don't ono and one-halt mills on the dollar I I of tho assessed valuation thereof, for almply ask for .a kidnoy remedygot ttho 1uuUc library fund to ber ox Doan's Kidney Pills tho same -that Mr. ErlckBon had. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Propa., Buffalo, N. Y. NOW FOR A LITTLE FISHING TRIP Colorado Is noted for Its splendid trout Ashing thousands of mIUsh of mountain streams Invite you. But there Is morn to Buch a vacation than, just fishing tho scenery Ib beyond description, the air la coot and vitalizing, every thing Booms anxious to mak6 your visit plenuant Enjoy, your trip from tho atnrt by choosing UNION PACIFIC Tha Cool, Cftfflfortabla Routs to Colorado For inleri'i-'ing lltoraturo about Colorado, nnd In formation about low summer vacation furof, routes, Pullman reservation, etc., upply to Local TUUct Agent or address W. S. ASINQER General FniMnger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. ponded In tho malntcuanco of the frco public library of said city for said llscal ycar. Section VIII. Taxes are hereby .lov ledon all of tho property within , tho limits of snld city nt tho rate of, ono mill on tho dollar of tho assessed val nation to bo expended for tlio main tonanco of- public parks In snld city for ald fiscal year, "i Section IX. Taxes aro hereby 'Iav led on nil of tho property within the limits of said city at tho rate of four nnd ono-half mills Sn tho dollnr of tho assessed valuation for tho liny for Iho Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. DR. JOHN S. TWINEM Spoclal Attention to Surgery, Gynecology nnd Obstetrics. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Nurso Bnown Memorial Hospital. Hospital Phone Black. 633. House Phone Black 633. W. T. PRITCHARD, Graduate Veterinarian Bight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218- south Locust St.. one-half block southwest of the Court Housh. UERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers and Foneral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phone Black 688. Telephone Your Grocery orders to 32 They will given prompt and careful attention. Lierk-Sandall Co. ftu DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLBT. Practice Limited to Surirory and Radium Therapy lighting of Btroets und alleys of Bald 728 City National Bank Bulldlngr. -I... 1., n 1 . " ouciiun .v. luxes nro norouv iovicu on nil of tho proporty within tho limits of Bald city at the rate of three mills on tho dollar of tho assessed valua tion thoroof, to bo expended In tho maintenance nnd (lushing of sowers'; Section XI. Taxes nro hereby levied on all of tho proporty within tho Umjta of said city at tho rato of six millB on tho dollar of tho assessed valua- J. B. REDFIELD, Wiring W. J. HOLDERNESS Eectrlcal Supplies Storage Batteries Mprsch BIdg Phono 175. tlon for tho fire department and tho paying for ilro protection for said, fis cal year, Section XII. Taxes aro hereby Iov led on nil of, Urn property within .the limits of snld city at tho rate of threo mills on tho dollar of tho ussosscd val uation thoreof, tp bo oxpendpd in pay ment of tho Emergoncy Certificate of Indebtedness. Section XIII. This ordlnnnco shall tako effect and bo In'lbrce from nnd after its passage, approval and publl-! cntlon, according to law. , .. Passed and approved the 22nd day of August, 101G. E. II. EVANS, Attest: Mayor. O. E. ELDRn City CUork. MIYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to PHYSICIAN &SURQEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & lledflold Offlce Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. O flics: Building and Loan Building Phn. 1 Office ISO Phonas hRo8iden 115 vmmm f Bought and highist market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 , v Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Nothing Would Flenfjo Ilushaud or rather More Than a Box of Our Cigars. JOnif S; SIMMS, M. Vhj&lclm ad SarseeH Office B. L. TRiUdln Foond Floor Phone, Office, 83; Residence 38 Ndtlcb q Creditors. Estate No. 1430 Of Silas A. Hill, de ceased, In the County Cqjirt, of Lin coln Countyi Nebraskal y - The State f Nebraska, ss; Credi tors of will, tace notice that the time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate is March 22, 1917, and for settlement of said estato. is August 18, 1917 that I will sit atfthe county court room In said county, on Sept. ,22, 19l6', at 0 o'clock a. in. and tin March 22, 1917, at 9 o'clocka. 'mr to'jetipive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. ' , GEO. E. FRENCH, a228l9 County Judge. Notice of Petition Estate No. 1432 of John: N. Bonner. deceased, in tho County 'Oojirt of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of NebraskU, to all per sons Interested in said estate, taAio no tice that a petition has -"been, .filed for the sotting out to the wld.qw pi exempt property, two hundred :'dpllars" from the cash on hand and an allowance of seventy tfollars per morith for sup port, pending administration, appoint ment of EttaS. Bonor v,a administra trix, of said .state, which has, been set i t l .. 'tJ.l ll t c . 1 r 1(111! at 9 o'clock a. m, j Dated August 19. 1910. ' ' GEO. E. FRENCH, a22all Cjounty Judge. NoUco.,o Crc4ttpr?i Estate No. 1426 Of Carrfe ' Marti, de ceased in the county .court of Lin coln county, Nebraska:' The Stato of NcbraskaBS Creditors of said ostato will tako notlco that the time limited for presentation nnd filing of claims against eaid estate is March 8, 1917, and for settlomont. of said estate Is Augusts, 1917; thai' I will sit at tho county court room! 'in said county, on September 8,' 19J.6, at 9 o'clock a. n)., and on Mnrch) 8, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. in. to received examine, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEO,E. FRENCH, a!5-al2 County Judge. Plcnso him because thoy nro good Cigars mado frow good tobacco made well by hand mado fresh. Ask the men who kavo been smoking our cifrars for 25 years as to- their qaality. Wo carry n full line of smokers' articles. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. Notice of Fluid Report. Estate of Alof B. Swanson, doceas ed, ln the County Court bt Lincoln County, Nebraska. , Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said estate tako no tlco thnt tho admisistrntor has filed a final account and report of his admin istration and a petition for final set tlement and dlscha'rgo as such, a de cree of distribution and decree of de scent, which havo been s$t for hear ing before said court -on September 16, 191C, nt 9 o'clock a. m when you. may appear nnd contest tho same. Dated August 21, 1916. GO, E. FREN.TT a22sll County Judge.