The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 18, 1916, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
ISA L. BAKE, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mali In Adranco....$L2t
One Tear by Carrier In Adrnnco..$lJ0
Entered at Nortu Platte, Nebraska,
Postofllco as Second Class Matter.
FBI 1AY, AUGUST 18, 11)10.
(Lincoln Journal.)
Regardless of any and all Impres
sions to tho contrary Keith Neville,
democratic nomlneo Tor gcovcrnor, Is
satisfied with tho democratic outlook
and with tho party organization back
of his candidacy. If the demcratlo
nominee has a grlevancb,fsuc'h' griev
ance Is directed at the anti-saloon
league of Nebraska. Such satisfaction
and such grlovance weY3 aired' by Mr.
Neville in his room at tho Lincoln ho
tel Friday afternoon.
Keith Neville Is doing tho picnics.
Ho atended a gathering at Eagle
Thursday night and is booked for a
celebration at Dorchester Saturday.
His timo in Lincoln was spent on a
get-acquainted itour with democrats.
Ho spent much of tho afternoon at
tho city hall.
Regardless of rumor that Candidate
NovJllo did not pay a visit to Mayor
Bryan at, tho city hall and that the
mayor did not call at tho'candldate's
quarters at tho hatol, It was assured
by the candlduto himself that all is
harmonious within tho ranks and that
lines of ens to and discrimination liavo
been washed away. If tlioro Is a rlfflo
on it lie democratic sea, such rlfflo Is
without and boyond tho knowledge of
Mr. Novlllo.
Tho head of tho democratic ticket
is outspoken In denunciation of tho
campaign methods of tho anti-saloon
league. Tho latter organization Is ac
cused of alleging that a candidate Is
unsafe unless ho stands firmly In fa
vor of the adoption of tho proposed
dry amendmont, Mr. Novlllo Is op
posed to tho amendmont as a political
jlicasuro. "A man's porsonal vlowa
should not ontor Into a stafo political
Issue," says tho candidate. Mr. Nev
ille argues that tho fundamental prin
ciple of tho Initiative and referendum
is that all issues submlbtod to po'pu-.
lav voto shall bo non-partisan,
The head of tho democratic stato
ticket bolloves ho Is a safo man. Ho
argues that 'since ho carried his homo
city, 420 to 04, at tho rocont primary,
such tribute should carry somo wolgty
ns to his ability and qualification to
vcarry out tho will of tho people. Ho
Insists (lint both .himself and tho re
publican nominee are pledged by tho
eamo bond. To enforce tho amend
ment if It carries and becomes a law.
Slnco both democratic and republican
uro bound by the samo 'plodgo ties,
Candldnto Novlllo cannot appreciate
tho stand taken by tho anti-saloon
Although opposed to tho amendment
ns a political issue, Mr. Neville said
that tlmo for a discussion of tnorit of
the mcasuro must bo reserved for
election day. Ho would not venture an
opinion as to the likelihood of pas
sage of tho amendment. "It's too early
to venture a prediction." Although
Friday was a comparatively cool) day
In Lincoln tho democratic candidate
was found in his room collarlass and
in shirt sleeve. Atmospheric condi
tions had small effect on a political
battlo In which tho heat was nlrealy
Mr. Neville expressed satisfaction
over progress already made. He was
pleased with tho personnel of cam
paign managers. He Is of tho opinion
that tho democrats will win this fall.
Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Perkins have re
turned from a visit in Mineral Point,
For Sale Now house at 1212 west
Third Btrcet. Phono Black 859. 60-6
Mrs, Everott York and child return
ed a few days ago from a visit with
friends in Choycnnc.
For Farm Loans see or write Oene
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platte. 41tf
Tho frame work or tho Leypoldt &
Pennington grain elevator Is almost
completed and work Is being hurried
in order thnt It may bo used by Sep
tember ICth.
Let Landgraf & Hoga do your paint
ing, paper hanging and decorating.
Phono Black 092 or Black. 570. 33 tf
Twenty-thrco ono hundredths of an
Inch of ruin fell Wednesday night
which freshoncd up vegetation. The
rain was apparently much heavlor
south and' cast.
Mrs. "W. II. Munger, who has beon
spondlng several weeks at Estcs Park,
will nrrlvo tomorrow for a visit with
her son Horton nnd family while en
route to Omaha.
Lost Sotter pup, lemon nnd whlto
in color, about seven months old. Suit
able roward for return of animal or
for Information leading to Kb recov
ery. Phone Red GC0. 61-2
Mrs. Owen O'Neill returned Wed
nesday aftomoon from Green River
and Laramlo whore she spent several
weeks. Mr. OWolll remained there
taking medical treatment.
Ur. and Mra. H. J. Randall and
daughter, of Beatrlco, who had beon
Visiting tho John Fowler and George
Fowler families south of town, loft
for Bridgeport yestordny morning.
A demonstration of tho Koro Water
Burner is bolng held In the rooms re
cently vacated by tho American ex
press company. Tho bumor In which
oil and water are used lsn now sub
stitute for conl and wood.
Harold Boll Wright's New Book,
$1.35 on Bnlo now at C. M.
Newton's. . 60-4
Mrs. Sarah A. Buchanan, mother of
Butlor Buchanan, Mrs, Miltonbergor
and Mrs, Davidson, of this city, and
for more tlin'ii thirty years a resident
of this county, died Tuesday night at
the homo of her daughter, Mrs. W. M.
Baskin at Stapleton. The remains
wore brought to this city Wednesday,
and the funeral held last- evening at
tho Davidson home, Rev. Cram con
ducting the service. Interment was
made In the North Platte cemetery
along olio of the 'husband, who died
oleven years ago .
Sarah Waugh Buchanan' was born
In Washington county, Pa., October
1, 1832, and was ono of a family of
eight children. In 1840 her mother
died, and the care of the other chil
dren rested largely on Sarah and the
older sister until March 19, 1850, when
Sarah was united in marriage to O.
H. P. Buchanan, at her father's home
In Pennsylvania. Hero they lived un
til tho spring of 1858, when they came
west to Henry county, Iowa. They
lived on the Iowa farm until the fall
of 1884, when thoy came to Lincoln
county and located in what Is now
Buchanan precinct, and which was
named for Mr. Buchanan.
Following tho death of her husband
on May 7th, 1905, Mrs. Buchanan had
made her homo with her daughter Mrs.
Calllo B. Davidson in this cify. At
tho tlmo of her death slio was visiting
her daughter In Stapleton.
Of the eight children born to Mr. and
Mrs. Buchanan five are living. They
aro Mrs. Ira Miltonberger, Mrs. Callle
B. Davidson and Butler Buchanan of
this city, Mrs. W. M. Baskin, of
Stapleton, and Thomas D. Buchanan,
of KanBah City.
This dovoted mother, loved anil cher
ished by her children and honored and
respected by neighbors and friends,
lived a long nnd usoful life. She was
a consistent christian from childhood,
uniting with tho Presbytorlan church
early in life, nnd remaining a loyal
member to tho end. Trusting In tho
promlso that "whosoover llvci and
bollevcth In mo shall never die," sho
has passed to hor roward tho life
::o:: ,
Bund Concert Program
This evening at 8 o'clock, tho Mu
nicipal Band, under direction of Earl
Stamp, will play tho following:
March "Tho Battloshlp Rhode Is
land" Allen.
Ovorturo "Golden Sceptre" Schlop
ogrol Humorcske Dvorak.
Waltz "Vienna Bon Bons" Strauss
Novolty "The Brownie Balldl1'
Cosby. it,,
Characteristic "Tromhonlum"
Wlthrow, '
Medloy "Sunny South'' Lamke.
Murch "Invercargoll" Llthgow.
Tom Joslln, a Rock Island conduc
tor at Falrbury, who was dlschargd
'ton years ago; was ro-lnstntcd this
week. At tho tlmo of his reinstate
ment ho was yard-master ut Iowa City
for tho same road.
We could claim 41 1-2
Horsepower and prob
ably you wouldn't
know the difference
TJTORSEPOWER" is a misleading phrase. It is
sometimes wrongly used to carry the idea of
something unusual, exceptionalsome startling
We don't claim anything we can't prove. We
dori't mislead by reference to a technical subject you
don't understand.
We've got something reato talk about Rxnmi'n a
the Maxwell car its complete equipment Note
the attractive appearance. Consider its reputation
and its unequaled record for performance.
The price includes all the horsepower you need
to take you anywhere and as fast as you want
to' go.
B-ptaaenfier Touring Cur, 8595 Cabriolet, $865
, 3-utstontl!r Koacfier . 580 tf.psonrfr Town Cr, 915
S-paaiengor Sodtp, $985
North Platte and Brady.
Mrs. C. J. Cox, who was recently op
erated upon for appendicitis at the
North Platte General Hospital, has
gone home.
Mr. and Mra. Lemuel Toolo return
ed Wednesday evonlng. from Stroms
burg whore they visited relatives for
three weeks.
Mrs, D, T. Qulgley, of Omaha, for
merly of this city, came last evonlng
to visit her mother Mrs. Anna 'Sey-
ferth for two weeks. ,.
Wheat dropped two cents In the Chi
cago market yesterday, the cash price
for No. 2 ranging from $1.42 to $1.43.
September wheat in Omaha opened at
$1.35 and closed at $1.36 V4.
aold at Hershoy the early part of this
weak ono hundibd and thirtyf-four
hogs averaging two hundred pounds
each at $9.00 feer hundred. That's a
nice bunch of money.
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight;
probable showers Saturday; cooler
Saturday afternoon. Highest tempera
ture yesterday, 92, a year ago 81; low
est Inst night 68, a year ago 64.
"Billy" Sunday and officers of the
Nobraska Dry Federation left for
Grand Island on a special train at four
o'clock yesterday afternoon. This
special Is said to have cost a dollar a
mile plus the faro of the pasen,;ers.
Kit BjcJbone Is n 8pring,
Tho Bimi.pJtK bug litis a spring In hl
back, like a knife. When not In usp
as. a spring it serves him as a back
bono, so you see he Is u believer In
scientific clllelency and makes one part
of his machinery do tho work of two.
His spring backbone, or backbone
spring If you prefer, gives him powcr
to jump, -wnwu in turn gives him his
name. Nature probably gavp htm tho
spring to help him get on his feet when
he's on his back. You've noticed how
helpless some insects aro when you
lay them on their backs. Not this one,
However, no slips his backbone out
of Its groove and then slips it back
again suddenly. The spring pops him
up in the nlr. ho turns a somersault
and drops right side up. Spring back
bones nro conimon in several other
beetles. Tllo beetle of the pestiferous
wire worm, which destroys tho farm
er's crops, has ri fairing in his back,
Other members ot the family mako
their homes in trees or decayed wood.
Philadelphia North Amerlcau.
Rosourceful Burglar.
A constable golnj; the rounds of his
beat In London a' fe.w nights ago no
ticed a light In ri house- from which tho
family and servants had gone out of
town. -After tho officer had pnlled the
bell several times a man put his head
out of the bedroom window to say that
ho would bo down In a few minutes.
He camo down In a dressing gown und
carrying a candle In his hand.
Tho constable explained his suspj
clon, whereupon tho man stated that
ho had just run up to town to see that
all was right. After chnttlng for a Ut
tlo lie invited the constnblo to havo a
glass of wine. He lit tho dining room
gas nnd produced, a bottle of . port.
After they had drunk each other's
health ho let the constable out and
bolted tho door after him.
Tho man lost no tlmo In getting the
"swag" together and left tho house by
another exit.
Miss Maud Rcos, who is spending
the summer with the homo folks at El
sie, will give a house party this week.
Among the guests from this city aro
Mlssos Elalno Bundy. Margaret Cralglo,
Maud Owens. Esther Hummell and
Helen Mlnshnll.
Deputy Sheriff noy Wilson returned
yesterday morning from Mason City
where he went this week to arrest Bob
Canndy for wlfo desertion. Canndy
waB placed in tho county jail and will
be given a hearing in the county court.
Tho family which ho left In destitute
circumstances reside on east Sixth
Givlna a Horse Its Name.
Tho shire horse owes Its name to Ar
thur Young's remarks, In tho descrip
tion of his agricultural tours durlji;
tho closing years of the eighteen cen
tury, concerning tho largo old English
black horse, "tho produce principally
of tho shiro counties In the heart of
England." But long previous to thip
tho wonl "shire" In connection with
horses was used In statutes of nenry
VIII. Tinder tho various names of the
war horse, the great horse, thcold'
English black horse and tlioshtrc horse
tho breed has for centuries been cgltl-
vntcd In tho rich fen IiiihIh of Llncolu
shlro and Cambridgeshire nnd In many
counties of the west Curiously
enough, the Shlro Ilorso society, which
has done so much to promoto tho
breed, was known for tho first bIx
years of Its existence, which began In
1878, as tho English Cart Horse socie
ty. London Chronicle.
Are easy to get, But hard to
keep. You can have more of
them by spending your money on
our line of 'Furniture, Rugs,
Tables, Chairs, Cabinets,Dressers
Sewing Machines. We .have
some used Furniture that looks
like new will sell for less than
half of its original cost. Bargains
in ShowCascs, Tables and Stools.
Look at our Guns and Shells.
Guns for Rent.
We pay top price for Iron
and Junk.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician'.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Special Attention to
Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Nurse Bncrwn Memorial Hospital.
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Radium Therapy
728 City National Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Ecctrlcnl Supplies
Wiring Storage Batteries
Morsch Bldg
Phone 175.
Successor to
Drs. Redfleld & Redfield
Office Phone 642
Res. Phone 076
Geo. Bi Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
Ptinn.. I Office 130
Phones UeBidence 115
Physician and Surgeon ,
Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor
Phone, Office, S'J; Residence .38.
Tho Flret War.
Tho first writing known' to scholars
was the account of a war waged bo
twoen hostile nations in Mesopotamia,
perhaps UWX) It. O. The llrst battle
was that between Cain und Abcir Ap
parently men havo always been quick
to settle their differences by lighting.
The llrst warlike king Is said to havo
been O.symiuidyun of Egypt, who pass,
etl Into AMu iijiil conquered Bnctrla in
2100 11. C. I'ulaniedes Hacgos la
mythically reported to havo been tlie
first who ranged an army in a regular
lino of battle, placed sentinels round a
camp and excited the soldier's vlgl
lance by giving htm n password, This
occurred during tho siege ot Troy, tho
duto of which la Variously estimated at
about 2,500 years before tho Christian
era. Pittsburgh Press.
Hlppocratlo Face.
The hlppocratlc face Is a condition
of tho human face produced by death,
long UlncfSSttxcosslvo hunger nnd tho
. like. Tho poso Is pinched, tho temples
hollow, tho eyes sunkon, tho cars cold
and retracted, the skin of tho forehead
dry, tho complcxtou livid and tho lips
relaxed with cold. This appearance Is
so named from having been accurately
describe by THppocmten. th ftthcr of
Office 333 Res. Black 613
G Reynold Building
Office .hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phone Black 633.
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Vetorlnar
Ian. Hospital 218-south LocuBt St.,
one-half block southwest of the
Court Housti,
Licensed Eaibalmors
Undertakers and FHaersl Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Rhone Black 688.
Jogs an d uatt
Bought and highest market
prices psid
Residence Red C36 Office 459
Telephone) Your
Grocery orders to 32
They will given prompt and
careful attention.
Lierk-Sandall Co.
0. E Thoelecke.
Founded 1880. ,
It's the household word In Western
Nebraska. It's Old Line, the best mon-
oy can buy. It's what you need, for a
savings bank and Insurance that In
sures. They all buy it
"There is a Reason"
For further Information
Phone, .call or address
J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent,
Tho Old Lino 3Iaiu
Nothing IVould FleaseHushand
or.Father More. Than a Box
of Our Cigars.
Please liliu because thoy are good
Cigars made from good tobacco
nindo well' by handmade fresh. , i
Ask the men who have been smoking
our cigars for 25 years as, to their
quality. A
Wo carry a full line of .snlokcrs'
Notice .of 1'inaMlcport.
Estate of Margmha1Surko, deceas
ed, in the Countvi CourtSUiN.Innnln
county, Nebraska. ' v, 5
Tho Stato of Nebraska, -to all per
sons Interested In said estate take i -tico
thattho &cecutora have , tiled a
final aJccbuht and report 6f,tUolr ad
ministration and a petitloDifor final
settlement and discharge as such and
for a decree of distribution which
havo been set for hnnrlner lipfnm until
court on August 25, 1916, at 9 o'clock
a. m when ybtr'nray' a'pp'ear and- con
test mo same,,..
Dated July 28, 1916.
ala22 , , County Judge.
Notice to Creditors. '
Estdto No. 1423 of Geojge.T.rexler, de
ceased. In the County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate . wil. (ake notice that
tho time limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said Estate Is
February 25, 1917, and for settlement
of said estate Is July 21, 1917, Uiat I
will sit at the county court room In
said county, on August 25, 1916, at 9
o'clock a, in., and on Fobruary 25, 1917,
at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine,
hear, allow or adjust all claims and; ob
jections duly filed, and the potltlon of
Florence Trexler for a widow's al
lowance and the , petUng.", aside ot
exempt propertywill bo heard.'
J25-a22 County Judge.
Notice to Creditors " 1
Estate No. 1424 of Mollie E. Shoup,
deceased, In the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
The State of Nebraska ss: Creditors
of said estate will tako notico that the
time limited for presentation and fil
ing of claims against said estate is
Fobruary 25, 1917. and for settlement
of said estate Is July 18, 1917; that I
will sit at the county court room In
said county on August 25, 1916, at 9
o'clock a. m., and on Fobruary 25, 1917,
at 9 o'clock a. m., to recolvo, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
J2ga18. County Judge.
Notico to Creditors.
Estato No. 1426 of Carrie Marti, de
ceased in tho county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
The Stato of Nobraska, ss; Creditors
of Bald estate will itako notico that tho
tlmo limited for presentation and filing
of claims against eaid estato Is March
8, 1917, and for settlement of said
estate is August 4, 1917; that I will sit
at the county court room In said
county, on September 8, 1916, at 9
o'clock a. m., and on March 8, 1917,
at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive, examine,
hoar, allow or adjust all clatms and
objections duly filed.
I al5-12 County Judge.