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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1916)
THE 6EM1-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ON RECRUITING DUTY NEBRASKA BOYS TO 8EARCH STATE FOR SOLDIERS. PROTEST THEIR ASSESSMENT Item of Genera Interest Gathered From Reliable Sources Around the State House. Western Newspaper Union News Hervlee. Sixteen Nebraska Boldlor boyB now on the border, havo boon detailed for recruit duty In their homo stuto. Thoao sixteen will lenvo for tho north within a few days. Thoy will be stationed over nil parts of Nebraska In tho hopo of filling tho ranks of the two No braska roglmonts to war strength. Fol lowing Is a list of tho men: Fourth, regiment: Lloutonant Oscar L, Koatlng of Omaha and William Norrls of Stanton; Sorgoant Guy F. Rail, Osceola; Sorgoant Fred C. 81o, York; CorporalB Alvnn Tremain, Wayne, and .Toaoph Byorly, Onmha; Privates Robort Modhon, Omaha, and Roland S. Hill, Madison. Fifth regi ment: Captain Robert McAllister, Grand Inland; nontenant William Hall. Omaha; Sorgcnntu Edwin P. Clements, Ord nnd Emory H. Wolfe, Auburn; Corporals Joseph McMInn, Hastings, nnd Duller Miltonborgor, No'rtU Platto; Privates Frederick Stoffrogcn, Blue Hill, nnd Robert Clow, Lincoln, It Is reported that General Pnrkor, at present In commnnd of tho entlro Brownsville forces, will bo transferred to Llano Grnndo to toko charge Offi cials of tho medical corps of tho Ne braska regiments deny rumors of a threatened typhoid epidemic. It is de clared that no evidence of tho dlscnso has showed up in either of tho Ne braska camps, Protest Their Assessment. Tlw state board of assessment spont several .hours listening to an explana tion from flvo counties whoso land valuations for assessment purposes tho, board proposes to increase J. II. Dean, county clerk, and Chairman George Conroy of tho county board of Buffalo county, object to nu lncroaso of 5 uor cent. Sherman county, which, objects to an lncroaso of 10 por cent, was represented by Dan Mc Donald of Ldup City and J. H. Wolty, both members of tho county board, and by John Long, Dawson county had Jlttlo complaint when it corrected its returns. It returnod land nt an nvor ag of $5.53 an acre, but this was cor rected to road. $G.18. Tho stato board proposed to Incroarfb tho first returns to $5,58 an acre. It probably will ruako no chango in tho corroct'od fig ures, Gosper county objocts to nn in crenso of C por cent. Brigaded with North Dakota Tho two Nebraska roglmonts havo boon brigaded with tho North Dakota regiments, as predicted, and Colonel Blocksom, of tho Third U. S. cavalry, 1b octlng brlgadlor general. Lieuten ant Jpo Lowls of tho regular army, assigned to tho Fourth roglmcnt as military instructor, is acting oh udju tool to Colonol Blocksom, Tho selec tion of Colonol Blocksom as acting commander over tho two Nebraska regiments was gratifying to tho of ficers and men. of those two organiza tions. On moro than ono occasion Colonel Blocksom has shown his friendship and admiration for tho No branka boys. Officers Ordered to Fort Crook. Lieut. R. P. Palmor of tho United States infantry, who has boon asslm. Ing at Nebraska national guard head quarters since tho moblllzaton of tho state troops began, Is in receipt of or ders from central army headquarters at Chicago to establish an army ro- crultlng depot at Fort Crook, near Omnhn. Cnpt. T. W. Jay cox of tho national guard quartermaster corps will accompany him. Recruits sccurod In Nobraska and South Dakota will bo sont thoro for trnlulng before thoy Co south to join tho troops on tho border. Complete Field Hospital. Comploto equipment for tho field hospital at Camp Llano linB boon ro- coJvotl. This consists of medicines bandages and tontage. Requisitions havo boon mndo for twenty-night mules and fifteen riding homos and ns soon ns thoso como tho dotnehmnnt wilt bo ready to go Into tho flold. "It is a distinct rogrot to mo that after my olghtoon years In tho No braska National guards that now, when thoro Is a ehnnco for doing something again, I am loft behind," wioto B. II. Phelps, former adjutant general of Nebraska, In a commnnlca tlcn rocolvod by Major John F. 8peal man of th flold hospital, Fifth No- broska rcglmcrt. Mr. Phelps Is now in Loh Angeles, Cal. Mr. Pholps worn a tho boyB to bo careful of what thoy cat and drink nnd gives them porno "pointers" on warding off chigoes (jlggors). Nebraska fruit jobbers hnvo pro tested to tho Nobraska railway com mission against tho rates uuthorlicd by tho commission for rofrlgoratlng carload lots of barrios and vegetables, which until tho order wont Into effect was dono by tho shippers themsolvcs. The commission hna refused to sus pend the ratos but has pot tho hear ing for August 14. Thu rates nro tho on me us those on interstate Ira file, $SS a car for icing fruit or vegetables for 250 mllos or less, and $5 moro for tho distance over 250 miles, with a $40 rato for melons. j CL08E GUARD ARM0RIE8 Result of Calling 8tato Troops Into the Federal Service. Ten national guard armories In Ne braska havo been surrendered to tho owners nnd paymont of rentals for tho use of them has boon stopped, as a ro suit of tho calling of the stnto troops into tho federal service. Tho remain ing nrmorlos aro to be given up at onco as soon as tho property remaining In thorn can be moved out. This work Id bolng looked nftor by Copt. C. C. Tot on of the national guard quartormaster corps and Sergeant R. 8. Uhl of tho Lincoln arsenal. During tho past two weeks, thoso two officers havo visited Omaha, Ne braska City, Auburn, Beatrice, Wy moro, Blue Hill, Friend, Hastings, Kearney and Gothenburg. Tho armor ies at all thoso places have boon va cated and expense of rental stopped, In somo cases on July , J and In other casos August 1. All oqulpmont belonging to tho war department has bean shipped buck to Llnooln to be stored In tho arsenal, whllo tho lockerH and company furni ture havo been placod In storage at tho homo stations, In quarters rented for that purpose. Plan to Equalise Farm Valuations. Tho stato board of equalization has determined tho basis for farm land valuations, and has a list of counties, tho olllcluls of which will bo sum moned to appear to show causa why certain lucroneos should not bo made, Tho original plan of increasing tho assessor's valuations a total of $7,000,000 in farm lands $35,000 ac tual valuo, has been given up by the board. This last action comos as a result of tho showing of n general ln croaso in farm lands of about $11,000, 000, or an nctual increased valuation of flvo times that. It Is tho plan now to equallzo with small general Increase with many countlos to be reduced nnd many in creased a small percentage, in mdat instances about 5 per cent. In this manner tho board feels that it can striko a general average of Increase over the stato which Is oquttablo to all. Had Long Dlstnnco Telephone Talk. Colonol Horhert J. Paul of tho Fifth Nobraska infantry at Camp Llano, has reported by lolcphono to Governor John II. Morchead, commandor-ln- chief of tho. Nebraska trgops, that the health of tho gunrdsmcn In camp at Llano Qramlo, Tox., was oxcollont and that everything was in good shupo. Althouph tho roport is not a dully niattur, Governor Morehond was desir ous of knowing the oxnet condition ot affairs and Colonel Paul was anxious to reassure him that tho food, equip ment and sanitary conditions of tho Nobraska contingent of bordor patrolB need occasion Nobraska fathers and mothers "no worry. Many Autos in Nebraska. Thoro nro now tn Nebraska 8C.C90 nutomobllos and ,509 motbrcyclos. During tho month of July Nobras- kans bought 5,841 now autos and 2G0 new motorcycles. This to according to tho automobile plates issued from tho olllco of Secretary of Stato Pool. Tho oxponao of taking caro of tho nutomobllo dopartment during July wub $074.03, Mr. Pool says. Tho oHlco of Secretary of Stato Pool mado a not profit to the stato during July of $40,400.69, says, tho monthly Btntomont just Issued. Tho total collections woro $50,117.52. which was $3,121.12 moro than was collected during tho snmo month In 1914. Tho total expenses of operat ing tho gouoral department was $010.83. Letters Aro More Optimistic. Rocont letters recolvod from No. bruBka guardsmen at tho bordor now uonr an optlmlstlo tone. Whllo at first thoro woro numoroiiB complaints ro gnrdlng tho heat and tho accommoda tions furnlshod by tho government, many of tho soldiers nro now writing nomo to mo onoct tnnt tho stories havo boon oxacKoratod and that thov aro enlovhiK nearlv "all tho comforts of homo." Either thoy nro growing more accustomed or moro resigned to uioir surroundings. A turnovor of $2,100 has boon mado to tho Btnto treasury by Hotel Com missioner Phil Acknrmnn. hnlnir Mm prococds of collections made by 'his department during tho month of July. Hotels, roBtnurantB, rooming nnd lodg ing houses nro now nnvlnc their nn. nuai roo of $1, oaoh, as roqulrnd by tun stato law. Expects Price to Fall. Tho prlco of gasoltno Is duo to, drop at loaBt 2 cento por gallon within tho noxt ton days, according to tho way Food Commissioner Hnrmnn hna It figured out. Tho Htundnrd retail prlc In Lincoln for several months has beet 20 conts por gallon. Tho food com mlsalonor bollovcs that his present, crusadn will result In a bettor grndo of oil bolng Bold in this stato, whllo market conditions will force tho prlco down, and thus consumers will benefit at both ends. Colonol B. D. Hay ward Dead. Colonel B. D. Hnyward, founder ot tho Nobraska military academy, at Lincoln, Bucoumbcd to a week's til noaa at a local hospital Monday. Ho was taken HI whllo returning Irom, nn ORstorn trip mid last "Wednesday night was tuken to tho hospital. An opera tlon was purformed In tho hope ot lui7lng Ib Hfo. Colonel Hnyward wns superintendent of tho state Industrial school nt Koruoy. Eight years ago ho founded tho military academy In Lui coin. VIENNA UBS RUS8IAN8 CAPTURE 8TANISLAU TOWN 18 IMPORTANT RAIL WAY CENTER. SLAVS TAKE 14,268 TEUTONS Austro-Hungarlan Base In Gallcla Taken After Defenses Are Swept Away Petrograd Reports Other Gains Russ Defeated by Turks. Petrograd, Aug. 14. StnnlBlnu, thu J AUHtro-Hungarlnu base tn Uullcln, wuh captured by tho Russians Thursday, it was officially announced by thu war of fice ' The inuln defenses of tho city hud been under heavy bombardment by tho Russians, hut despite strong Teutonic. rcHlHtnucc the Russians swept on nnd took tho town. Two hundred and sixty-eight Aus-tro-Germun officers nnd 13,000 un wounded men were captured by thu Hussions In battlo on the Sereth river (Gallcla) , between August -I and Au gust 10, .tho war olllco announced. In addition 1.000 wounded Austro-Gormnn prisoners were taken. Tho ofllclnl statement snys: "As a result of our success on 'tho Sereth the enemy evneunted tho forti fied positions of Gladku and Voro blcvsk. "Wo repulsed tho offonslvo north pf Monnstcrzyskn. After assaulting and capturing the position wo reached tho middle Koroplec nnd driving out tho enemy from his fortified works, definitely occupied Monnstcrzyskn. "Our mounted machine gun detach ment repaired the brigade nt Monns terzyska and pursued tho retreating third German reserve regiment; which, resisting, was annihilated. "At the confluence of the Zlota Llpa and the Dniester our cavalry occupied tho villages of Usclezlclono and Mia dlgorlo. "General Lotchlsky's troops, contln- Lulng their stubborn fight In tho region of Stanlslnu, captured the town and pursued the enemy In tho direction of llnllecz. Explosions were heard prior to tho town's evacuation. "Tho enemy evacuated tho left bank of tho Zlotn Bystritzn. Wo crossed tho river nnd poured rifle and machine gun fire Into tho rctrcntlng enemy. "In tho Caucasus, owing to Turkish pressure, wo withdrew from Uumn- unn." Vienna, via London, Aug. 14. "We hnvo evacuated Stanlslnu without fighting," says tho ofllclnl statement issued on Friday from general head quarters. The statement also admits .tho withdrawal of Austrian troops to, 'new positions tn Stnolslau and Mon nstcrzyskn regions. APPOINTS MEXICAN ARBITERS Secretary Lane and Justice Brandels Named by the President Pro 1 cedure la Agreed Upon. Washington, Aug. 11. Formnl an nouncement was mado on Wednesday by Acting Sccretnry Polk of tho ac ceptance ot General Carrnnza's pro posal for a Joint International com' mission to ,scck tn solution of border disputes and to discuss othor matters which mny help clarify relations be tween tho, United States nnd Mexico Only the tlmo and place for tho con ference remain to bo decided. Sccretury Lnno of tho Interior de partment will head tho American com mission, sunnortcd by Justice Louis D. Brnndols of the Supremo court nnd n third commissioner whose namo will be announced later. Tho Mexican commissioners wero named several days ago. Tho first subject will bo withdrawal if American troops from Mexico, to bo followed by negotiation on a protocol covering future military operations along tho bordor. It is regarded ns probable tltnt tho meetings will bo held nt somo resort on tho New Jersey const DEMAND EMBARGO ON WHEAT Master Bakers of U. 8. Issue Appeal as Grain and Flour Advance. Salt Lnko City. Utah. Auc. 12. Tho National Association of Master Bakers at Its session on Thursday adopted a resolution asking that nn embargo bo placed on tho present .wheat crop to provent any further ad vnuco In tho market nrlce of wheat Tho resolution was sent to President Wilson nnd to congress. Tho association elected F. S. Mc Donald of Memphis, president; Paul J. Stern of Milwaukee, v co-nresldent Fred S. Freund, St. Louis, trcuBiirer, nnd E. J. Arnold of Providence, It. I., nnd E. B. Strain. Bnttlo Creek. Mich., members of tho executive committee Tho noxt convention will bo In Chi cngo. Russ Flee From Town. Petrograd. Ang. 14. Following tho evacuation of Mush and Bltles, Turk Ish Armenia, Russian troops, under Turkish pressure, hnvo withdrawn from Ilnmnilnn, Persia, says nn ofllclnl stntcment. Forty Perish In Greek 8hlp. Athens, Aug. 14. Tho Greek Btenm cr ElethcNn, with 1,200 passengers nnd a enrgo of oil owned by Amerl cntis, cnught fire In tho Acgenn sen. Forty were killed. Most of th nn.. sengers were troops. PREPARING FOR AVERT RAIL STRIKE EMPLOYEE8 AND MANAGERS MAY ACCEPT MEDIATION. Conferences Start at Once Workers' Leaders Declare That Move Does Not Mean Arbitration. Now York, Aug. 11. Acceptnnco by tho railroad brotherhoods on Wednes day of tho proposal for mediation by tho federal bonr dof mediation nnd conciliation averted a striko of 400,000 railway employees. Afrter -first refusing to listen to tho offer to nccept mediation made by tho rnllroad presidents, tho employees' lenders reconsidered,, and announced that they, too, would consent to me diation, but not to arbitration. Announcement of the acceptance of tho offer was made by A. B. Garret son, bend of the conductors' brother hood, after It had been delivered by G. W. Hanger, a member of tho board, following nn appeal to that body to In tervene, mndo by tho rnllroad man agers. Mr. Garretson snld ho had In formed tho board that the offer was accepted on condition that "Its good offices nro promptly exercised." Tho federal board, which Is com posed of Mr. Hanger, Martin A. Knnpp and Judge W. L. Chambers, was pro purcd to begin conferences with tho respective sides to tho controversy at once. Tho procedure of tho federal board Is to meet each side separately, leara Its attitude and attempt to obtain con cessions from ench as a basis on which a settlement can be renched when they nro again brought together. Tho stop followed rejection by tho mnnngers of tho demands mado by tho men. 150 DROWNED IN FLOOD Two Passenger Trains, One a Sunday School Excursion, Missing In West Virginia. Huntington, W. Vn., Aug. 11. Go"- crnor Hatfield, who arrived hero on Wednesday to attend tho stnto Repub lican convention, ordered special re llof trains to tho Coal river and Cabin creek districts, whore, according to re ports, moro than 150 havo been drowned und 5,000 made homeless. So serious Is tho situation that Governor Hatfield left tho city to go to tho sccno of tho devastation. Tho governor was Informed that nt Cabin creek the loss of llfo would ex ceed 100 nnd thnt moro than 5,000 there nro homeless. Lnter reports esti mated tho diunngo at $1,000,000. Tho cloudburst occurred nt tho head waters of Pnlnt nnd Oabtn creeks and Conl river, nnd tho torrent which surged down Conl river swept its banks almost clean of villages, whllo the Konnwhn river rose several feet Near St. Albans aro marooned two pnsscnger trains, ono of which Is a Sunday school excursion train. WILSON TO CROSS CONTINENT President Decides to Make Speaking Trip Across tho County Com pletes Speech of Acceptance. Washington, Aug. 14. President Wilson practically has decided to inako n speaking trip across the con tinent. No details of tho tour havo been arranged, but It la understood thnt his Itinerary will bo worked out within tho next few weeks. Tho presl dent will go to tho Pacific const Senator Phclan Invited tho president to speak in California some tlmo dur ing tho campaign. Tbo president has completed his speech of acceptance, which Is 4,000 words In length. Tho speech of acceptnnco will bo de livered nt Shadow Lawn, N. J., Imme diately lifter tho adjournment of con grcss, which the president expects to tako place about September L New Giant Warships. Washington, Aug. 12. Tho giant Zeppelin transcontinental air liners promised by Germany to help her mer chant submarines defeat tho purposes of tho British blockado aro nearing completion near Lnko Constance. Gives U. 8. Fryatt Protest London, Aug. 12. Tho foreign ofllco requested Ambassador Gerard to con voy to tho German government tho British government's desire to enter n most formal protest ngahnut the exe cution of Captain Fryntt. THE FUTURE G0RITZ IS CAPTURED ITALIAN ARMY TAKES AUSTRIA HUNGARIAN STRONGHOLD. Road to Trieste Is Opened and Naval Base to Pola Menaced Latins Advance at San Bartlno. Home, Aug. 11. Tho Italians hnvo captured Gorltz. Official announce ment of this victory, the greatest won by tho Italians ulnce tho wnr ngnlnst Austria-Hungary wns begun, wns an nounced by tho war office on Wednes day. The Italians captured 20,000 pris oners. Tho fall of Gorltz, which was tho keystono of tho Austro-Hungarlnn frout along tho Isonzo river, means tho opening of the road to Trlesto for Lieu tenant General Cnrdorna's victorious Italian army. Not only will the defenso of tbo great Austrian seaport be practically Impossible, hereafter, according to mllltnry experts, but the naval strong hold of Pola will bo menaced. Tho capture of the fortress Is tho most severo blow the Austrlons have sustained from tho Italians since tho two countries went to war. CHILD LABOR BILL PASSED Measure Approved by Senate Even Prohibits Shipment of Chil dren's Products. Wnshlnctnn. Anr 10 H'lic .ihlll In. - . v . . . . . . . . bor bill was passed In tho senate' on Tuesdny, 32 to 12. Prior to this every nmenument wns voted down. Two Republicans nnd ten Democrats voted against the administration bill. Tho bill prohibits the sh nmnnt In Interstate and foreign commerce of tho product of the proscribed child labor. Children under sixteen are prohibited from working In quarries nnd mines. Children under fourteen are not per mitted to work In tanneries, factories or mills of nny kind. Children between fourteen nnd sixteen mny work only eight hours n day, and only six days a week. CONFESSES TO SAVE ANOTHER Stellow Near to Death for Murder Man Admits Committing Two Years Ago. Buffalo, N. 1".. auk. 12. Sheriff Nichols of Cntaraugas county an nounced at Little Valley that a pris oner, Earl King, had confessed to tho murder of Chnrles Phelps, nnd his housekeeper, Mary Wolcott, at West Shelby on March 22, 1915, for which Charles Stellow is under sentence of doath. Stellow recently was renrleved on tho day set for his execution after efforts wero mado in his behalf by ad vocates of tho abolition of tho death penalty. King, who Is fifty yoars old, Is un der arrest for alleged complicity In a hold-up two years ago. TELEGRAPHIC NOTES Paris, Aug. 12. The French hnvo captured German trenehes near Mau repas and a fortified quarry south of Hem wood, tho war office announced. Ten muchlno guns and ISO prisoners wero taken. Washington. Aug. 12. The Demo cratic members of tho senate flnnnco committee voted to recommend amend ment of tho emergency revenuo bill to provldo a 10 per cent tax on profits ot all wur munitions. Washington, Aug. Hi. Turkey has refused to grant tho request of tho United States that a neutral commit too bo permitted to undertake relief work In Syria, where thousands of na tive Christians aro reported to bo starving. Shoot Eight Mexican Bandits. El Paso, Tex., Aug. 14. Threo ban dits havo been put to denth at Clilhun hua City. They are believed to bo members of tho band which clashed with United States troops near Fort Hancock last week. Bavarian Loss Heavy. Geneva, Aug. 14. A dispatch from Munich snys that tho Bavarian losses on tho Sommo front during July were 115,000 men, of whom 14,500 wero killed, 57.000 were wounded, Including two generals, nnd 4,000 nro missing. R E A T Y WITH DANES DENMARK TO CONVEY HER WE8T INDIE8 TO UNITED STATES. . WILL MAINTAIN CONCESSIONS America to Relinquish All Objection to Scandinavian Domination of Greenland Can Extend Political and Economic Interests. Wnshlngtoni Aug. 12. President Wilson has sent to tho senate for rati fication tho treaty with Dontnnrk for tho sale of the Danish West indies to tho United States. Although tho treaty has been carefully guarded from publicity, the International Nows serv ice correspondent is now ablo to fur nish the full list of Its exacts terms. The convention Is, preceded by a declnrntlon by Secretnry Lunslng thnt the government of tho United States "will not object lo tho Danish govern ment extending their political and eco nomic Interests to tho whole of Green land." This treaty consists of 12 articles, ns compnred with seven In thnt of 1002. In many respects they aro simi lar. Tho most Important changes aro found In Article HI, In which aro enumerated the grants and concessions tho United Stntes will maintain In ac cordance -with the terms of tho grants when mado by the Danish government. Article I describes tho territory ceded as tho "Islands of Saint Thom as, Saint John nnd Snlnt Croix, to gether with the adjacent islands and rocks," nnd Including "tho right of property In all public, government or crown lands, public buildings, wharves, ports, harbors, fortlflcntlons, barracks, public funds, rights, franchises nnd privileges and all other public prop erty of every kind or description now belonging to Denmark, together with all the appurtenances thereto." It In cludes also all public archives. In Artlclo II Denmark guarantees that the cession Is freo and unincum bered "by any reservations, privi leges, franchises, grants or posses sions held by any governments, cor porations, syndicates or individuals except as herein mentioned." Artlclo ni contains many special agreements. The urms and military Btores of the Danish government nro to remntn its property, to bo removed as soon as practicable. Tne United States agrees to main tain certain grants, concessions nnd licenses given by the Danish govern ment In accordance with their terms. Artlclo IV provides for the appoint ment of proper ugents for tho pur pose of formally delivering and ac cepting tho territory ceded. Those who remain In tho Islands may preservo their-Danish citizenship by making within one year from tho date of exchange of ratifications a dec laration of their decision to preservo such citizenship. In default of such declaration they shnll be held to havo renounced It nnd ucceptcd citizenship in tho United States. DR. .JOHN B. MURPHY DIES World-Famous Surgeon Succumbs at Mackinac Island Heart Disease Caused Death. Chicago, Aug. 14. Dr. John B. Mur phy of Chicago, world-famous sur geon, died on Friday at Mackinac Island, Mich. Heart disease wns tho cause. Doctor Murphy had been ailing since early in- April. Doctor Murphy wob a native of Ap pleton, Wis., nnd was born December I, 1857. After receiving n primary education at tho public schools ho was graduated from the high school of Appleton on Juno 20, 1870. Ho began the study of medicine, un der tho direction and tutclngo of Dr. J. II. Rellly, a practicing surgeon of Ap pleton. In 1882 he went abroad and until 1884 wns engaged In study In the hos pitals of Vlenna,i Munich, Berlin, Hei delberg and London. ARMY BILL WINS IN SENATE Conference Report Is Accepted With out Debate by the Upper House of Congress. Washington, Aug. 10. Without de bate tho sennte on Tuesday agreed to tho conference report on tho army ap propriation bill carrying ?207,507,000 for mnlntennuco of the reorganized regular army and Nntlonal Guard. The bill provides for organization of a council for national defenso to co ordinate transportation, Industrial nnd agricultural facilities In time of stress nnd for relief of dependent families of soldiers In service on tho Mexican border nnd appropriates a special sum of moro than $13,000,000 for tho devel opment of nviatlon In the nrniy. American Shippers Protest London, Aug. 14. American ship pers to Holland nro bombnrdlng tho British government with protests as a result of detentions of cargoes con signed to tho Netherlands overseas trust. Plunges to Death. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 14. George A. Owen, Detroit's oldest nldcrmnn, plunged eight stories to his denth from the J. Henry Smith building In the dontown district. It Is not known whether ho fell or jumped.