Semi-Weekly Tribune IBA 1. BARE, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION HATES: One Year by Mall In Adrnnce. . . .912 One Year by Carrier in Advance.. $1J0 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, PoBtofflco as Second Clasa Matter. TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1010. Mis? Blanoho Wright has returned from a two weeks' visit with frlonds In Ogden and Salt Lako City and will leavo In a abort time for the latter city to accept a position In a ten cent store. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Miss Sarah Reynolds has gono to Denver to spend two weeks with friends. Miss Dorothy Hubbard has returned from a month'a visit with relatives In Cheyenne. Harry Hanor left yesterday ror Low ollen to Bpend two weeks with his grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Walsh and fam ily will loavo this wcok for Denver and other Colorado cities to spend three weeks. W. J. O'Connor returned Saturday from New York City, where he spent a couple of weeks purchasing goods for his store. Miss Ruoy Shatter hns returned from a two weeks' visit with tho-homo folks at Maxwell and resumed her du-! ties at The Lcador. Mrs. nay Murray and three children, of Lincoln, will nrrlvo this'week for a visit with Mrs. John Murray and Miss Laura Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Alox Fenwlck roturned Saturday evening from an extended Visit with tholr daughter Mrs. HUlard Rldgolcy In Cheyenne. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Ambrose, or To poka, Kansas, aro oxpectcd hero this week to bo tho guostB of tho former's aunt, Mrs. A. A. Schatz. Tho Catholic ladles' society will hold an Ice cream social at tho homo of Mrs. W. R. Malonoy Thursday even ing to which tho public Is Invited. For Rontr-2 nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 403 oast 3d. tf Miss Eileen Kollher, of Omaha, Is visiting her undo A. A. Schatz and family while onrouto homo from a mtath's visit with friends In Chey enne. Miss Mabel MoVIcker loft Saturday evening for Lexington nftor spending aovcral days hero making preparations for tho fall opening of millinery at Tho Leader. Mr. nnd Mrs. Syl. Friond, formerly of this city, who havo made their home at Shorldan for sevoral years, camo Sunday morning 4o visit tholr son "William Friend for a week or longer. Mrs. Jack Walworth, who resldod horo for two months, left for her for mer home In Norfolk the latter part of last wcok. Mr. Walworth will play ball In Sterling for the remainder or the season. Dr. John B. Murphy, world renown ed Burgeon, or Chicago, who had bed emsufyed by sovefrnl local people, died at Mackinac Island, Mich., Fri day afternoon, of heart disease and effects of poisoned soup at a banquet last wlntor. Ho was tho first Bur geon to operate for appendicitis. Tho plans and specifications, for Lock's now building on Locust street nro now In tho hands of contractors and tho contract will Boon bo let. It Ib probable that Derryborry & Forbes will occupy tho north forty-four feet as an Implement salesroom, and tho Davis Oarago tho south twenty-two root. ' "Tell your pcoin," said retiring Prcsldortt Davis, or the stato editor ial association as he stopped aboard the editors' special last Friday, "that wo thoroughly enjoyed tholr hospital ity. Especially pleasing was the breakfast served us by tho ladles. We aro all looming back to North Platto 8omo day.' Ogalalla will hold a round-up colo bratlon in tho nature ot a rounlon of cattlemen and others who figured In tho history of ithat town when It was tho end of tho Texas drive Rid lng, races, roping and othor frontier sports will bo pulled off each day in numbors to satisfy tho most exacting 6xcltomont-hunlter. Grand Army national encampment will bo hold in Kansas City, Mo., August 28 to Soptontber 2. Tho faro J for round trip Is $21.94, cither through umaua or over mo uranu istanu route. Comrades or others going, ploaso notify J. F. Schmnlzrlcd, post commnndor ot J. E. Evans, Adjt. Fqr Sale Second hand thrco burn er New Perfection Oil stove. Phone Red 342. Mrs. Ralph Blxler and son, formerly of this city, who havo resided in San Francisco ror several years, aro visit ing Mrs. Oeorge Finn and other friends whllo onroute west from a two months' visit In Indiana. Mr. Blxler will remain in the east for two weeks purchasing stock for a new clothing store in Denver, of which he will have charge. Mrs, Earl Hamilton entertained half a dozen bablos and their mothers at an afternoon party Sunday In honor of tho first birth anniversary of her daughter Zora. The house was decor ated in yellow and whtto and the fa vors wero individual cakes contain ing one candle. A fish pond furnlahed amusement for tho young guests, each of which received a toy. Miss Myrtle Bcoler assisted Mrs. Hamilton in serv, lug. Tho Catholic Girls' club held a pleasant meeting at tho homo of Mrs. Will Friend tho latter part of last week. Tho hostess was aslsted In entertaining by Misses Irene O'Don nell, Irene Hubbard, Marie Stack and Mrs. John HUlebrandt. First prize in tho card games was won by Miss Ethel Fryo and second prize by MIsb Ethel McWUIIams. Out of town guests were Misses Agnes and Mary O'Neill, of Lincoln, Miss Hazel Young of Hast ings and Mrs. Will Allen of Omaha. They are reviving an old fight in Custer county. County division is to bo voted upon again at the gonoral olection this fall. This time a scheme for county division has been devised which some think will carry. The county, It is. proposed, shall bo cut Into thrco parts with Broken Bow the county seat of a long and Irregular strip tp bo known as Custer county, oxtendlng along both sides ot tho Bur lington mnfn lino from the southeast cornor to the northwest corner of the county. A county mndo up of the trl angle In the norteast cornor of the presont Custer would bo know as Abo county, and Arbor county would be the triangular traction of tho southwest, Callaway and Sargent would bo tho tWo LOCAL AND PERSONAL county scats. In this division each county gets a railroad and a railroad town for a county seat. Columbia Double Disc Records will glvo tho llvllest of Hlmes. Joy filled" nvenlngs, Impromptu partles-i-tio end of ways In which tho Columbia may bo used. The delights of 'com manding "all the music of the world,' Into your own home today. DIXON, Tho Jowelor. 64 BILLY" SUNDAY The World's Renowned Evangelist and Lecturer, Wm. A. Sunday, will speak at North Platte, Neb. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17. A J, I A Great Chorus pf 500 Voices sup ported by two Pianos and an Or- A. chestra starts program at 1:00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Wllber Wlnquost, of Brady, aro spending a few days with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Askwlg left Sun day for a visit In Boulder and other Colorado points. Presiding Elder Ishatn, of Kearney, Is expected this week to visit Rev and Mrs. B. A. Cram. Miss Merle Brunton, of Blair, is vis iting this weok with her cousin Sam Soudor and family. Logan Marcott, of Brady, formerly of this city, spent the week end In town 1th local friends. Miss Katherlno Seyferth, ot Omaha, formerly of this city, came Sunday to spend a month with Iter mother. John Singleton, who has been visit ing In California for several months, is expected to return home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knadjl are vis iting friends In. eastern Nebraska, hav- ng left tho latter part of last week. Fresh butttermllk dally from ex perimental station at the Stone Drug store. 52-tf Mr. and Mrs. B, H. Haddock, ot San Diego, Cal., who spent tho past three weeks here, will leave Friday for Chl- m cago. Miss Arvllla Whlttaker left a few days ago for St. Joseph, Kansas City and Chicago to buy fall and winter millinery. Miss Nell O'Reilly, of Grand. Island who acted as chief operator In the lo cal telephone office for two weeks past will leave today. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Maurlco Gunlllaume and Mrs. Anna Guilllaumo visited friends in Garfield Sunday. Miss Sadie Toots, of Omaha, visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Maloney whllo enrouto home from a visit In Colorado. Misses Mao Rolneke, ot Davenport, and Ella Gcrtencach, of Muscatine, are guests of Mesdames Jas. W. Payne and Allison Wilcox. Misses Llllle Rhoda, of Ohiowa, and Maude Stoll, of Beatrice, came yester day to attend tho Lincoln county In stltuto and visit friends. Miss Dolly Kldwell, of Wallace, who underwent a serious operation at tho City Hospital three weeks ago, was ablo to leavo tor her home yesterday, Bert Boyer, who had peen workln In the east part of tho state and sus tained a badly fractured leg sevoral weeks ago, returned to town Saturday Miss Julia Connelly, lof Rawlins left for a visit In eastern Nebraska yesterday aftornoon after visiting tho Fltzpatrlck family for several weeks. Hundreds of people carrying good watches havo them repaired by our repair men. You, will be satisfied If you do likewise. DIXON, . The Jeweler. Twenty-five rolativos wore enter tained at a family dinner Sunday by. Mr. and Mrs James Payno it honor of the christening of their grandson, James Allison Wilcox, son of Mr.' and Mrs. Allison Wilcox :o::- To the Public. Coming to North Platte Sunday August 13th, about two-thirty, the most marvelous motor car ever put on wheels THE CHANDLER. To ex amino 1t come to the new garage on tho north side. Wo will open the doors to the pub 11c Monday morning, Aug. 14th, for goneral repairing and storage of au tomoblles or anything In that line You will always bo treated right. Glvo us a trial, MOGENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO.r .Mrs. R. E. Anderson roturned Sun day evening from Gothenburg where aha limt hfipn vlsittntr relatives for two weeks. Arrangements are being made for No. 18 to pick up passengers at Ogalalla, Paton, Sutherland and Hershey, and No. 19 will bring in the people from Cozad, Gothenburg, Brady Island and Maxwell. Make your plans now to attend. A Great Tent Seating 3,500 People is being sent here from Kansas City and .the day promises to be one of the most interesting and stirring that has been felt here in these parts for years. Will you be one of the 5000 who will hear him that day? An urgent invitation is extended you. Do not miss this opportunity of hearing Mr. Sunday pay his respects to the liquor interests, and logically state his reasons for working for a dry Nebraska this fall. Tent Located on First and Dewey Streets DOLLARS Are easy to cel. But hard to kfipn. You can nave more 01 them by spending your money on! our line oi 1'urniture, nugs, 'ables. Chairs, Cabinets.Dressers Sewing Machines. We have some used rurmture that looks ike new will sell for less than half of its oricinal cost. Bargains in Showcases, 1 ables and btools. ookatourGuna and Shells. Guns for Rent. We pay top price for Iron and Junk. ECHELBERY 600 LOCUST. 1 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Telephone Your Grocery orders to 32 They will given prompt and careful attention. Li erk-Sand all Co. MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Founded 1830. It's the household word In Western Nebraska. It's Old Line, the best mon ey can buy. It's what you need, for a savings bank and Insurance that In sures. They all buy It "There Is a Reason" For further Information Phone, call or address J. E. SEBASTIAN. State Agent, Tho Old Line Man NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA. Nothing Would Please Husband or Father More Than a Box of Our Cigars. DR. JOHN S. TWINEM Special Attention to Surgery, Gynecology nnd Obstetrics. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Nurse Bnctwn Memorial Hospital. DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLET.. .. Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 729 City National Bank Building. Omaha Nebraska. TV. J. HOLBERNESS Eectrical Supplies Wiring . Storage Batteries Morsch Bid? Phone 175. Please hint becnuso Uiey are Rood Cigars-inudo from good tobacco made well by liund made fresh. Ask tho men who hate' been smoking our cigars for 25 ye&rs ' as to their quality. "Wo carry a full lino of smokers' nrticlcs. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. J. B. REDFEELD. - PHYSICIAN & SURGEOK Successor to PHYSICIAN&SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. RedOeld &.Redfleld T - li imwm 4-4 Office Phona 642 Res. Phone 676 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention giien to Surgery and Obstetrics Office: Building and Loan Building Pf,nn. L Glnce 130 Phone. Residence 115 JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Office B, & L. Building, Second Floor Phone, Office, 83: Residence 33. Phones Office 333 Res. Black 513 DR. HAROLD A. FENNER Osteopath. G Reynold Building Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Notice to Hunters. No hunting will bo allowed on lands owned by the undersigned living in tho north halt of Well precinct Charlie- MUlor R. DoPow E. F. Conkllu John Romua II. L. Damond II. C. Kustcr A. J. Howard Alma Slmm W. E. Falrchlld L. Smith John Howard F. R. Waltemalu G6-6 J. L. Zlesler NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Oae Hall Block Herth ot Postsftice. Phone 58 A modern institution for tha scientific treatment of medical, urgical and confinement casei. Completely quipped X-Ray and diagnostic UboratorUs. Gee. B. Dot, H. B. T. Lucas, M. D. Miss M. Sola, S?l FIRE, TORNADO, HAIL INSURANCE 0. BL Thoelecke. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmors Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black 688. Hospital Phono Black 633. House Phone Black 633. Tf. T. PRITCHARD, Graduate Veterinarian Bight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218t south Locust St, one-half block southwest of the Court Houso. Notion in VrpiUtora. Estato Vlo. 1426 of Carrie Marti, de ceased in the county court of Lin coln county, Nebraska. Tho State ot Nebraska, bb: Creditors ot said eatato will tako notlco that tho ttmo limited for presentation and filing ot claims against eaid estato Is March 8, 1917. and for settlement ot said estate Is August 4, 1917; that I will sit at the county court room In said countyr on September 8, 1016, at 9 o'clock a, m., and on March 8, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. to recolvo, examine,' hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEO, E. FRENCH, al5sl2 County Jii'lge. Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Rciidence Red 636 Ofilqe 453 C. H. WALTERS: Notice of Final Report. . , Estate of Margratha Burko, deceas ed, In tho County Court ot .Lincoln county, Nebraska. - ' The Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested Jn said .estate take rv - tice that tho executors, have.-filed a final account and "report of their ad ministration and' a petition for final settlement and discharge as such and for a decree of distribution which have been Bet for hearing .'before said court on August '25, 191(3, at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may appear and con test tho same. Dated July 28, 1916. . , GEORGE E. FRENCH, ala22 County Judge. -Notice to Creators. ' Estalte.No. 1423 of George Trexler, de ceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. n The Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will cake notice that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Estato is February 25, 1917 and for sottloment of said estato Is July 21, 1917, that I will sit at tho county court room in said county, on August 25, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on February 25, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow or adjust all claims and ob- i Jootlons duly illed, nnd tho petition ot Florence Trexler for a widows al- lawanco and tho setting aside of exempt property will bo heard. GEO. B. FRENCH, J25-a22 County Judge. Notice of Petition Estato No. 1430 of Silas A. Hill, de ceased In the County Cqutft of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per sons lntorested In said Estato take notice that a petition has been filed for tho Probaito of tho Foreign Will ot Silas A. Hill and tho appointment ot J. E. Evans as administrator with will annexod of said Estate In Nebraska, which has been set for hearing on Aug. 18th, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated July 24, 1910. GEO. E. FRENCH, J25all County Judge. Notice to Creditors Estate No." 1424 of Molllo E. Shoup, deceased, In tho County Court ot Lin coln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nobraska ss: Creditors of said estato will take notice that the time limited for presentation and fil ing of claims against said estato Is February 25, 1917, nnd for settlement ot said estate is July 18, 1917; that I will sit at tho county court room in said county on August 25, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m and on February 25, 1917, at 9 o'clock &. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEO E. FRENCH J25al8 County Judge.