The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 15, 1916, Image 1

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    Site o ith
No. 61
1 1
The data of Billy Sunday's talk In
North Platto has been changed from
Friday to Thursday of this week. This
Information was received by J. H.
Van Cleave by phone message early
this morning. The hour at which he
will begin speaking is named as two
o'clock and he will talk about an hour
and a half.
All arrangements for the big meet
ing have been completed. The tent,
which wlli have- a seating capacity of
3,500 will be located at the corner of
First and Dewey, and from reports
received, it is "probable that the tent
accommodations will not be sufficient
to accommodate the crowd.
A big choir accompanied by an or
chestra and" two pianos will furnish
music for the meeting, and will render
a number of selections in advance of
the address. This musical program
wil start at 1:00.
Remember the date, Thursday,
August 17th. '
A badger was captured in the Mc
Cabe building Sunday evening where
it had been chased by "boys. This Is
supposed to have been the animal that
Harry Porter brought to town a year
ago, and which escaped from captivi
ty the following night. Porter was
out in the country and attacked the
fcabger and had., presumably, killed
it. Ho' tied it on the side of the car
and upon arrival home was surprised
to And it very much alive. Ho tied ft
up with a piece of wire, but it man
aged to escape during the night and
has since been prowling around town
getting its living as best it could.
Wo nro nnxlous to know, If that corn
crop Is Insured?
Whether you destre a new loan?
If you ivant to sell your farm or
buy another one!
Or exchange it for a nice home?
We enn exchange equity In good
eight room Jtonso jn Ji'orth 'JPlatc for.
a good automobile.
Conio and tell us your wnuts.
0. H. Thoelecke reports the sale of
section 3 and 400 acres in section 4,
township 11, pnge 29, ,to Peter Kron
quest, of Holdrege. This tract of land
is- known as the "VV. H. Melton ranch.
Wr. Thoelecke also s)ld to a North
Platte resident 1200 acres of grazing
land near the head of the Dismal riv
er. s Both sales were made within the
past week. ,
The W. C. T. U. will meet this after
noon at three o'clock at the home of
Mrs. J. T. Murphy, 403 south VMow.
An election of officers will be held.-
We are now showing over 2000 pairs, of ladies
new fall boots. Our stock includes all the popular
two-tone effects in grey, ivory, havana brown,
russian white, black and White, and scores of good
high grade black boots in patent and plain kid.
Prices range from
$2.45 to $7.50
We carry all
widths from A A
to EE
Harry's Shoe
Wheat declined five cents a bushel
In the Chicago market yesterlay.
For Rent After January 1st, the
doublo store room of Ottenstelu's.
Bruce Brown left this morning for
Big Springs to spend a day or two on
Mrs. J. T. Stuart and daughter Irene
went to Sterling this morning to visit
friends for several days.
Miss Marie Von Opetz returned last
evening from a visit of ten days In
Mr. and Mrs. Fred "Elliott left this
morning, tho former for Omaha and
the latter for Oshkosh, Wis.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wlese were
guests of Mrs. M. V. Mitchell yestorday
while enroute to Colorado points.
Mrs. J. W. McGraw and Mrs. John
Dick were called to Omaha this morn
ing by the critical condition of Nels
Mis Ruby Griggs, of Kearney, oper
ating Inspector for the Nebraska Tel
ephone Co., who spent the past two
weeks here, left Monday.
O. H. Thoelecke and Henry Clark
will leavo next week on an auto trip
to the Pino Ridge Indian agency, whore
they will visit Mr. Clark's uncle.
Mrs. Clyde GIddeon was tendered a
surprise party Wednesday by twenty
of her friends and neighbors who pre
sented hor with a beautiful remem
bra ace.
Ralph and Bert Chamberlain left
last evening for Brownlee, Neb., in
answer to a mesago stating that their
brother Henry had died yestorday
morning. The deceased formerly
lived here.
Telephone linemen have been busy
for several days tast putting up two
thousand feet of cable on North Lo
cust street andia:the, Taylor addition.
These- cables v,il replace the aerial
wires formerly used and give .more
Word reached this city today that
Nels Hammer, a former resident, was
hi a critical condition at his homo
In Omaha and it is thought that' he
will not recover. Mr. Hammer had
been suffering with cancer of the stom
ach for several years.
Bargain Sale.
Improved 160 acre farm, six miles
north of town, price $7.50 per acre.
Also house and two lots $1200. Terms
If wanted. Write John Brose, or
phono Black 161.
Deputy Sheriff Wilson left last night
for Mason City, Neb., to tako In cus
tody Bob Canady, who Is wanted on the
chargo of wife desertion. Re has a
wife and three Voung children in town,
whom he left nbout six 'weeks ago,
when lie became infatuated with an
other woman and Is said to have fol
lowed her off.
Slnco his loaving Mrs. Canady and
the three children have been In desti
tute circumstances and supported
largely by the county.
Prior to leaving Canady had been
employed as cook at the Hotel McCabo
at a salary of one hundred "per month.
The deputy sheriff is expected to re
turn tonight with the deserter.
Reception to Teachers.
A reception was hold last ovenlng at
the I. O. O. F. hall ty County Super
intendent Gantt for the teachers of
Lincoln county who nro attending the
Institute this week. One hundred and
fifty wore 'present and enjoyed a mu
sical program by the Stamp orchestra.
Prof. Hunter, of Lincoln, Dr. Wlnshlp,
of Boston, and Miss Alice Hennigan.
of Lincoln, who are locturers or In
structors in various branches of the
work, entertained tho guests with story
telling. The hall was prettily decor
ated with palms and flowers. The
guests wore served with refreshments
after the 'program.
::o:: :
Teachers' Institute in Session.
The Annual Lincoln County Teach
ers' .Institute opened yesterday fore
noon with an attendance of over one
hundred, and this was further In
creased by arrivals last ovoulng and
this morning. Practically every
teacher In tho county Is in attendance.
A very efflclont corps of Instructors
have charge of the work.
Church Supper.
'The ladles of tho Ghrlstlan church
will serve a supper in tho basement of
the church next Thursday ovonlng,
beginnlng at 5:30. The menu will bo:
Fried chicken with cream gravy;
mashed potatoes, corn on cob, cream
ed turnips, sliced cucumbers, bread
and butter, apple pie and coffeo. Price
35 cents. Tlio public generally Is In
vited. -::o:: : -
Mr. McCormlck and Miss Orr, of
Lowellen, were married at four o'clock
yesterday afternoon In tho parlor of
the Peterson house. Dean Bowker
performed the ceremony. Mr. McCor
mlck Is a wealthy ranchman or Gar
den county and Mrs. McCormlck hatV
been teaching music. ' They returned
to Lowellen this morning.
"Union Made"
Shoes for the
whole family.
Ice Cream, 25c a quart at Wilcox
Department Store.
Joe Pellstlcker, of Dickons, visited
F, C. lMolstlckor yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Bocy, of Grand
Island, aro spending today In town.
Chatlos Gunning and family, of Mul
len, are visiting with local friends
this week.
C. M. Trottor received covoral Oak
land, cars yesterday, all of which had
been, sold before arrival.
John States returned last ovenlng
from Denver Avhero he spent a 'week
with his son.
Mrs.. Charles Thornlurg has gone to
Waterloo,. Iowa, and other eastorn cit
ies to apoud a month with relatives.
Mrj.'p, L. Harper, of Wallaco, wqs
in town last week enroute to Missoula,
Montana, to visit hor daughter.
Mrs. John LeMastor went to Denver
this morning to visit her son Ira who
is an'.employo of th Ford factory.
Miss Nora Joffors will bo tendered
a miscellaneous showor Friday oven
lng at tho homo of Mrs. Russell Wy-
ThO county commissioners aro In
session this week making semt-an-ual
settlement with tho county, offi
Mrk Margaret McGlnley, of Lincoln,
earner last ovenlng to visit with her
daughtor, Mrs. S. A. Carney, for a
fortnight or longer.
Mrs. Frank Bowen, of Grand Island,
who was theguest of Mr. and Mrs.
Will Yost for several "days, left yes
terday afternoon.
Mrs. A. P. Kellv will entertain a
coterie of young ladles tomorrow ov
enlng- at a pronufrtlal shower In honor
of Mies Nora Joffors.
Miss. Edith Holcombe has .returned
fromfjin . extended visit In Laranile.
Mrs; Eachol Thomas is visiting this
week with her sons In Maywood.
Lost Setter pup, lemon and whlto
in color, about seven months old. Suit
able roward for return of animal or
for Information leading to Its recov
ery. Phone Red 660. 61-2
Mrs. C, F. Iddlngs, daughtor Nanlne,
sons Charles and Henry and Miss Ruth
Streltz leavo on an auto trip Thurs
day to Estea Park and other Colorado
Tho,'publlc library board met last ev
ening and elected the following of
ficers: President, T, C. Patterson;
vice president, E. S. Davis; secretary,
Miss Annie Kramph. j
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McGeo, of Oma
ha, who woro residents of North
Platto a nunvter of a century ago, will
bo guests of Judge and Mrs. H. M
Grlmea noxt Sunday.
Chas. Hendy, Jr., of Denver, ar
rived from Detroit this morning and
will make a visit with relatives and
accompany homo his family who have
been hero for a "week,
A dozen or more men employed with
the cement mixer crow wont on a
strike last ovenlng and declined to
resume work this morning. They wore
receiving threo dollars for a nine hour
day but demand tho samo pay for eight
Final Reductions on all
Summer Dresses
Values from $3.50 to $12 at
$2.48 $3.98 $7.48
our Days, Aug. 16, 17, 18, 19
We offer every beautiful summer wash dress made of Voiles
and fancy materials in a final clean-up. It will pay every -woman
to select several to wear now and to wear later,
for afternoons in the house. All sizes.
Wilcox Department Store
Will Otten, Charley Boeder and
Goorge Vosclpka wero arrested Sunday
twolvo miles south of town on tho
chargo of killing twenty-ono pralrlo
chickens out of season. The warrant
was Issued upon complaint of Owen
Jones, local game wardon, who was
assisted In treklng tho men by another
gamo wardon from tho east part of
tho state.
According to' tho story told by tho
gamo wardens, tho threo men wero
hunting aoino distance from the Otten
cah As tho wardens were seen ap
proaching, tho hunters walked rapid
ly toward the car, and as they passed
behind a Httlo knoll each dropped a
hunting coat. Tho hunters readied tho
car ahead of tho warden and wero seen
to throw something from the car. "You
aro under arrest" said one of tho war
dons, as they camo to tho car. "All
right," said Otten. Tho visiting war
don said ho would rldo in with tho
huntors, but on second thought said
"but I guess I will got thoso chickens
you throw from tho car," and whilo ho
was hunting for them Otten and his
companions drovo away. Two chick
ens woro found near whoro tho car
had stood and nineteen whoro tho
hunting coats had been dropped.
Tho threo men had a hearing beforo
Judgo French lat'o last ovenlng and
woro fined Jointly flvo dollars for each
bird, or a total of ono hundred and five
dollars. Tho chickens and tho hunt
ing coats woro produced In evidence.
No Settlement of Threntoucd Strike.
Tho threatened strike of railroad
employes, which last week -was avert
ed by an agreement to submit tho mat
ter to tho federal board of arbitra
tion, Is still up in tho air. Tho federal
board found that both the employes
and tho railroad managers woro un
willing to make any concessions and
tho efforts of tho board to arbitrate
wero fruitless, . The sltuatlpn was then
'put'up'tb tho president by'tlio federal
board. Tho president has mot both
tho representatives of tho employes
and tho managors of tho roads, and
after mooting with tho latter yesterday
ho Issuod tho following statement:
"I havo mot both sides and huvo
gono ovor the caso with utmost frank
ness. I shall not bo able to judgo un
til tomorrow whother wo havo a feas
ible basis of settlement."
Tho committee of managers re
mained In conference with thb presi
dent an hour, and as they loft Ellsha
Leo, their spokesman, rofused to moke
any statement.
Tho managors left tho Whlto House
to hold a meeting to tako up the sug
gestions laid beforo them by the pres
ident. It was Indicated that tho employes
had made a suggestion which the man
agors want to discuss among them
selves. Tho suggestion -was bolloved to
bo that tho president appoint neutral
arbitrators to servo with representa
tives of each sldo.
Tho Seoborger, Waltetnath, "vyur
tolo and Douglas families picnicked
at the old country club last evening,
and enjoyed a steak fry, with Bob
Douglas a chef.
Miss Isabeilo Doran has gone to
Broken Bow to visit friends for a
week or more.
Whitney Crab Apples, nlco ones, get
your order In today at Wilcox -Department
Miss Emma Rudat returned to Oma
ha yestorday morning after visiting
hor mother, Mrs. Albort Haspell, for
two weeks.
Miss Mabol Martin, of Omaha, who
had been, vlsltlnjt th Misses Fttznat-
rlck for a we'ok,-leftthJs, morning for
ueMoj-na x visit momis.
A packago sale will bo held In con
nection 'with .tho, social by tho Cath
olic ladlos society at tho W. R. Ma
lonoy, homo Thursday evening.
Mrs. Phillip Fent and children, of.
Council Bluffs, came Saturday even
ing to .ylslt hor mother Mxs.Mary
Baker and other relatives for iten days
or more; ,
Sarah Berhardt tho incomparable
ojueon of tragedy will appear at tho
Keith Thursday . night. vln ."Jcanno
Doro." Thl3 Is tho dlvlno Sarah's last
"and greatest achievement. . -
Frank Distol, who had boon cinnlov-
cd .with tho Huffman Cigar Co. for six
yonrs, realgnod Saturday ovenlnar ami
accopted a position yestorday morning
in tuo achwalgor cigar store.
ThO RoWOna Clrrtn will ImM n arin-
clal business meetlnc at tho LIcA-d
opera house tomorrow afternoon at
three o'clock. All members are re
quested to bo "present.
Mtsso3 Allco and Mildred Fltzpatrlelc
loft at noon yesterday, tho former to
visit friends at Columbus and Genoa
and tho latter to resume her duties as
nurso In St. Catherine's hospital la
. Misses Helen and Beryl Jeter left
Saturday morning for California. Miss.
Holen will complete hor course in tho
university nt Berkeley and Miss Beryl
will tako chargq of hor music class in
tho Los Angola j high school. Mrs.
Jeter accompanied them as far as
McDonald State Bank.
of North Platte, Charter No. 647 In .tho
State of Nebraska at the close of bus
nous August 10, 1910.
Loans anil discounts...... $369,920,47
Overdrafts T 492v45
Bonds, securities, Judgments v
claims, etc 10,860.00
Banking houso, furniture
Other Ileal Estate.,...,., 7,509.22
Duo from nat'l and
state banks. .. .09,367.29
Checks and ltotns
of exchange... . 248. (SB
Currency 9.7S3.00
OoM coin... .... 6,000.00
Sliver, niokles and
cents .3,792.05 89.l4l.49
Capital stock paid In $100,000.00
Surplus tund 17.GOO.00
Undivided profits, net,.,..,. 10,819.92
Individual depos
its subject to'
. cheek $198,877.90
Demand certifi
cates of depos
it 1,653.66 '
Time certificated
of deposit 145,496.12
Due to national
. and state banks 2S.02S.75 307,606,43
Depositors guaranty fund 4,21.95
State of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, na
i, w. n. aiauonaia, casnior or tun
above ' mirnuiS bank do hereby awear
that the above statement Is a correct
and true copy of tho report made to
the State Hanking Board.
W. II. McDONALD, Cashier.
chas Mcdonald, Director
J. H. MCDONALD, Director.
Subscribed and oworn to before me
thlH 15th day of Auirust, 1910. '
C. F. STRAUSS, Notary Public.
My commission expires May 11, 1921.